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Robt. Patrick
Presbytery of Huron
ter he may continue to enjoy every
divine blessing and support."
Presbytery adjourned to meet in
The Presbytery of Huron, The the early autumn in Centralia.
United Church of Canada met last 6
Thursday in Knox United Church,
Auburn. Rev. R. H. Barnby, s. T. 'Winger' Recovers
D., Blyth, chairman of Presbytery,
presided at the opening. Rev. J. W. From Shock
Down, a superanuated minister liv- w
ing in Exeter and tranferring from; "Winger" recovered the shock or
the Bay of Quinte Conference was the Brussels—Stratford game in
welcomed as a member of Presbytery' Brussels and in Fridays' Beacon Her -
The following officers weree elected ald gave the following notes :—
for the ensuing year :—Chairman I Now thttit 1 have a few notes on
Rev. James Scobie, Belgrave ; Sec-. hand about Wednesday's game, 1
retarv,, Rev. W. R. Alp, Auburn ;+ will give you some idea of how Strat-
Treasurer•, Mr, W. G. Medd, M. P. P. for went clown to their second de -
Exeter. Various standing committees
were appointed for the year. Rev.I The first bad break against the
W. A. Bremner, Brucefield was re locals was when Flood in the very
appointed chairman of the Mission-; first minute play got away down the
ary and maintenance Fund Commit-, ruing and when tackled by two of the
tee. An interesting discussion oath! Brussels defencemen slipped the ball
held regarding the disposal of the +'through to Wilson but the force of
former Methodist Church at Day -I the collision put Flood out of the
field. It was decided to accede to , game with a v017 had ankle injury.
the request of the Bayfield congr•e- It was found later when he received
gation and sell the church to the Bay 1 medical attention that` he had torn
field Community Club subject to COr- the ligaments and the injury will
tarn provisions. Rev. C. J. Moor- keep him out of game for some time
house, Exeter, convenor of the For- i to come. As he is off work and can
eign Missions Committee, brought to only get around on crutcnes the Dan-
a very interesting an increasing agement of the team plans a benefit
knowledge of the church's mission- game for hint. Woodstock is going to
ary work to the membership of the be approached for the opposition ag-
church. The draft of the new hymn- ainst the W. F. A. Stratford team.
ary came in for some discussion and
The first goal against the boys
certain recommendations were for• ; was a beauty but the second was a
warded to the committee in Toronto.
very soft one. Stones hail lots of
The desire of the Presbytery is for a
book that will contain familiar hy.• time to clear a slow a ound shot but
mus and tunes sufficiently large to it appears the ball hit a bump just as
meet the varied tastes of the church.
Farewell was said to the following
ministers who are leaving the Pres-
bytery for other Presbyteries:—Rev. make mistakes, but a slip by a goal
M. C. Parr, Goderich, who is moving
to London ;Rev. Duncan Guest who keeper is always more glaring than
be -
is leaving Ethel for tstona; and one by any other player, simply Rev. R. H. Barnby, Myth, who is
cause the goalie is the last line of de-
moving to London. In connection fence and a slip by !tint means a
with the retirement of Dr. Barnby goal.
the following resolution was brought At half time Brussels ted, 2 too,
in and adopted unanimously and but in the second half Stratford
ltearti]t' :---
woke up and after a very poor dis-
"Tt was with deep regret that we, play in the first half settled down to
as a Presbytery received the re- a good hard game but found the lead
quest of our chairman, Rev. R. H. held by the hmnesters too big to
Barnby, S. T. D., to be relieved of his overcame. Willson reduced the ad -
charge and placed on the Pension vantage held by Brussels to one goal,
Fund of the church. ale -neede to but Brussels packed their goal and
his request with the greatest telae- kicked out whenever the Stratford
Lance and in doing so we desire to team got too near their goal,
place on record our appliction of After last night's defeat Stratford
the life and service of Dr. Barnby. want at least 5 points from their
As a Christian gentleman he has met next three games to get into the play
the tests of life in the spirit of the offs, so a big crowd should be at the
Master and we would pay thankful flats next Thursday to see the return
tribute of the fines influence of his game with Brussels.
life in our midst, As a minister of The Stratford line-up mill be chmi-
the church his thorough scholarsip ged considerably. Manager Brier has
and true devotion in the service of a new left back ready in Mayne
our Lord have produced a ministry of Klein and a new outside right in
the highest order and of uninterrup- place of Flood in Henry Eckstein,
ted success. As an officer of the both of Tavistock. Another player
Presbytery he has served scith fidel• will be 'Gray who played for the Cres
ity and distinction. Ws are glad to cents in the T. D, L. (T'oronto)
know that his gifts and experience Thomas and Pugh will also be bast
are still to be made use of by the on the team, so Brussels will be u'
Church. Our prayer is that in the against it all right next week. j
new relation upon which ne is to en- Clark will, again be the official 1e
DAY, JtJNE 20th, 1929.
ford ; East Wawanash, S. Morton
and Mrs. Oliver Anderson ; Turbi z'y,
i John McEwen and: Mrs, Joseph Bre-
i ekenbridgo ; Myrick, S. Zurbr•igg and
;L. McIlwaine; Morris, A, Procter
and Mrs. W. J. Henderson; Grey,
William Turnbull and Mn, Wheeler;
Blyth, William Pollock and Mrs.
R. Wightlnan; 13russeis, Elston
Cardiff and Mrs. Goo Spading.
he was about to pick it up and rolled
away from the goal line for the sec-
ond Brussels goal. 'Stones can hard-
ly be blamed, as the best of players
Cabinet Ministers and M. P.'S
Address Kincardine Beach
Dungannon, June 2L --(To celeb-
rate the golden jubilee of the organiz
ation of the West Wawanosh Mutual
Fire Insurance Company, the direct-
ors,•officials and policy holders of the
company, with their families, held a
picnic at Kincardine Beach on Wed-
nesday, when a very enjoyable time
was spent. There was an interesting
program of sports, consisting of rac-
es, horseshoe pitching and softball.
The Kincardine Pipe Band was pre
sent and played at intervals during
the afternoon.
William Watson, president of the
company this year, performed the
duties of chairman in a capable man-
ner. Mr. Watson outlined the hist-
ory of the company in the chairman's
address, which was followed by the
address of welcome by the mayor, W.
J. Morrison.
Addresses were given by George
Spottton, M. P., Wingham ; Malcolm
McLean, M. P., North Saskatchewan;
Alexander McWhinney, M. L. A.,
North Bruce ; J. J. Hunter, editor of
the Itincardine Reporter Review, and
the lion. James Malcolm.
The Port Elgin team of girls were
the winners in the soft ball game,
with the Kincardine team, the score
being 15-7. Boating and dancing in
the pavilion completed the day's pro-
The archives of the company re
veal an interesting history. On De•
cember 30, 1878, a meeting was held
in the West Wawanosh council hall to
discuss the advisability of organiz-
ing such a company. Upon motion of
John Baillie and Edwin °aunt, it was
carried by a vote of 70-12 that a fire
insurance company lie organized up-
on the mutual principal.
The following committee was ap-
pointed with power to add to its nmu,•
ber, to take subscriptions from own-
ers of property as to the amounts for
which they would insure : James
Johnston, John Baillie, Charles Dur•••
nin, Edward Smith McLean, Robert
Murray and Archibald Anderson.
Later the following men were added
to the committee, John Glen, Robert
Harrison and Charles Given, Sr., and
on February 14 the committee re-
ported having received subscriptions
to the amount of $51,700.
Celebrated Their
Golden Wedding
Tan McDonald
�I Insurance
Automobile u le sura.
Phone 13x
Toronto- Brusselites
Association Picnic
The eleventh annual picnic of the
Toronto-Brusselite Association wail
held in High Park, Toronto, on Sat.
urday, June 15th,
The weather was fine and arouun
100 took advantage of the occasslon
to spend an enjoyable afternoon in
the beautiful Park and to meet many
old friends.
We were pleased to see so many
of the younger generation and : in
fact, the picnickers ranged in ages
from wee babes in arms to some who
had passed the four score years.
We were delighted to again meet
the retiring President's mother and
aunt in the persons of Mrs. Geo.
Thomson, of Los Angeles, and Mrs.
Harry Coutts, of Chicago, who wore
in Toronto for the week end en
route to Brussels. There were also
present former Brusselites now res -
The Toronto Globe on Tuesday
published the following item which
refers to a former junior pastor of
the. Brussels Methodist church circuit
and well-known to many in Brussels
and in Huron Co. :
Fofty years ago the Christian Guar
dian of Toronto carried the follow-
ing notice : "On June 18, by the Rev.
William Bryers, at the residence of
the bride's father, Rev. David Ro-
gers, of Erin to Miss Elsie E., only
daughter of Hugh Lowry, Esq., of
Belmore, Huron Co.,"
During the years that have passed
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers have labored
with much acceptance on various cir-
i cults and stations, including Ailsa
Craig, Thorndale, Seaforth, St.
Thomas and. London. Mr. Rogers is
an ex -President of the London Con-
, ference of the former Methodist
church. Ten years ago they retired,
although Mr. Rogers renders fre•
. quent service as pulpit supply on
various charges and in his home city
of St. Thomas, The work of the min.
,istry was a great joy to them, and in
these restful years of superanuation
have brought many evidences of
, kindness and appreciation.
To avoid tine strain incident to a
public reception they nave come
down to Toronto to spend a few
quiet days at the homes of their sons
W. R. Rogers, of 36 Wilfrid Avenue,
and F. C. Rogers, o:f 108 High Park
.1"1"' W ORKS
Has a large and complete
stook of Fancily Memorials
in newest designs at very
reasonable prices,
Call and see us before plao-
ing your order.
phone ffic 2120 66 Wingbam
charge, so this should be a real game.
North Huron U. F. O.
Wingham, June '28.—The North
Huron U. F. 0, meeting was held in
the town hall and after regular husi
ness was transacted the following ot'-
ficers were elected : President, Thos.
Wilson ;,vice -Pres., W. J. Henderson;
second vice -Pres„ Mrs.• ,1, McRae ;
secretary -treasurer, R. 3. Currie
auditors, R. Wightman and W. Reid;
township chairman, Ashfield, Mrs.
Geo. Lane ; :Colborne, T. A. Camer-
on, James Chisholm° and Mrs. R.
Lawson ; West Wawawnosh; John
Webster and Mrs. William Ruther-
Place Your Insurance
TT. 5. ,Scott
Automobile -_ Fire - Life
Phone No, 1. Brussels.
ident in Brantford and 1Cleveland.
The Sports Committee under Dr,
Harold Hoag gave a varied program
of amusements consisting ;of nail-dri
ving contest, hoop and balloon races,
as also all the other tacos which
nralee a picnic interesting, all of
which were enthusiastically entered
into and suitable prizes were award-
ed the winners. Later en a baseball
game was enjoyed.
,Miss Tillie Zimmer and her valiant
assistants arranged a bountiful sup-
per, which was much enjoyed wheth-+
er you had a place at the table or on.
the green.
After supper the retiring Presi- 1
dent, Mr. George Thomson read the
list of officers for the ensuing year,!
as nominated by the eummlttee and
same were duly elected as fol
lows :—
President, John Cousley,
1st Vice -Pres. Mr. R. Zimmer
2nd. Vice -Pres. Mr. E. A. Pryne
3rd Vice -Pres. Mrs. R. Worx
Secretary, Miss Edith McLaughlhn,
Treas., Mrs. M. Scarlet -E.
Finance Committee, Misses Carrie
McCracken, Margaret McArthur,
Mrs, A. Zapfe, Messrs. R. Pryne, Roy
Ainley and iRuss Moffatt.
Executive 'Committee, Mrs. Geo. j
Thomson, Mrs. R. Pryne, Mrs, Woes
ley Stark, Misses Florence McIntosh,
Margaret McDonald, Hattie Down- 1
ing, Messrs. S. R. Crearar, Archie
Stewart and Dr. Hoag.
Former X,O.F, officer. I' Vetera+.
Passes Away Newspaper Man
The daily press carried the news
of the death of a former high Chief
Banger and a former resident of this
section :---Palmerston, June 21.—
Word has been received with deep re•
gret that a former Palmerston boy,
C. H. Merryfield, passed away sud-
denly at the home of urs daughter,
Mrs. (Dr,) MeLean, in Gibbon, .New-
braska. Mr. Merrylield was a brother
of Mrs. Neil Wilford, well known res
ident of Palmerston. The funeral
will be held in London, Ont., on Sat-
urday, June 22, from the Logan fun.
sial home.
Mr. Merryfield resided in Palmer-
ston over 50 years, and, was for
some time high Chief Ranger of the
Canadian Independent Order of For-
esters for Ontario, lie was also con-
troller in the City Council of London
Ont. He was married to Miss Dobbs
of Monkton, Ont. Besides his widow
he leaves to mourn his loss his daugh-
ter, Mrs. McLean, of Gibbon, Neb.,
two brothers, John D. Merryfield of
Rosetown, Sask., and William Merry -
land, of West Monkton ; three sisters
Mrs. J. C. Barrett, of Vancouver, B.
C., Mrs. Neil Wilford, of Palmerston,
and Mrs, J. H. Gerry of Heward,
Sas. He is also survived by three
Ran GQrri'e Vidette at One Time
, .cPaid Brussels Many Visits«
Galt, June 2L --James Wheeler
Green, for more than sixty years in
newspaper work in 'Ontario as
printer, editor and publisher, cele-
hrated his 80th birthday, when he
was host to a gathering of children,
grandchildren and other relatives,
at his home in Doon, Mr, Green
is well known throughout the' prov-
ince as ar pioneer newspaper roan,
having purchased th'e Parkhill
Gazette and later establishing
weekly :papers in Miitbnayt Tevis-
tock and Wellesley. In 1008 be be-
came connevted with the Toronto
Mail and Empire, and for 17 years
served in its circulation depar•t-
utent, in this capacity visiting every
part of the province. In later years
he was a particularly familiar fig-
ure in Northern Ontario, having en-
tire charge of this district.
Three years ago he retired from
active work, spending the summer
months at his home in Doon, and the
winters in the southern states. Mr.
Green was born in Waterloo county
close to his present home and both
his parents were of the United Em-
pire Loyalist stock.
r v`rrv;"a17
Expense no object in Achieving Perfection
ripHE rear axle of the Ford car is of the three-quarter
floating type with spiral bevel gear. The pinion
hub is exceptionally heavy, and, as the pinion is carried
on double taper roller bearings, perfect alignment of
the gear is always assured. The rear axle has a total of
four roller bearings which add considerably to the cost
of manufacture but are a protection for the owner
against wear.
Special care is taken to insure silence in the pinior and
ring gears. These are made up in sets and carefully
matched, each set being run in to eliminate all possi-
ossibility of noise in operation.
The differential side gears are forged integral on the
rear axle shafts and the teeth then cut This permits
of lighter and more simple construction, The shafts are
unusually strong, and, as the centre line of the wheel
comes over the bearings, there is no overhang of the
axle shaft, and it has no weight to support.
The use of malleable castings is eliminated in this new
axle housing which is made entirely of steel. Bell
forgings welded to steel tubing make up the shaft
housing which is bolted to an all steel differential
housing. The care and skill devoted to the manufacture
and assembly of rear axle parts is typical of the high
standards of Ford engineering.
Drive it
there is no
Better Test
Ford Car
Choice of colours
53 to su' miles an hour
40 -torso power engine
Full balloon tires
Putty enclosed six-brakc system
4 Houdailte hydraulic shock
50 to 00 miles per gallon
of gasoline
Shatterproof glass windshield
Theft proof ignition loch
P.eliabttily and low upkeep
Arrange for your demonstration ride with time
nearest Ford dealer
G. B. McIntyre