HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-6-26, Page 4WT1YNESDAT1 JUN.. 20th, 3029,
TOrorto flout
Wr1"IYNF,SI)AY, JUNE 26th, 1029.
1,929 JUNE 1929
$ M. T W ,T F
2. 3 4
9 10 11
10 17 18
23 24 25
Coming to
Morris &g Grey
Farmers' Club
About June 25th
Phone your order to 46
Right Hon. William Steveens Field-
ing, former YIinister of Finance in
the Laurer and Mackenzie 1Lin
Cabinets. who died lass Sunday Malar
at Ottawa, in his 81st year.
Logan Township Man Crushed
Undeer Load of Gravel -Child
Passenger Unhurt -Blowout of
Front Tire Causes Vehicle to
Leave Roadway,
Mitchel!, .1 tine 24. --Dennis Coi.
te11o, of 1{e:nnieot. Le cin Township.
was killed on to • Logan 'ri''l1t:•':;l•.
about ins miles north of hat. thi.; Z';.,: ,7„„n,1 :•, ti.
afternoon. wile!: _ . gruvel r „'•a '.n. HA lit cooed t Jun. , ,•.„ 1.,.-'i.
was driving welit into the ditch anti , 111 .trandiers 11t.s,nt The minutes
overturned. A blowout. or the front ';1 tne 1i..t meeting and special meet -
:ng were read and approved, .
Miss Bertha Hoggart Receives
Trophy at Banquet in
The combined Household Sciemt•e•
and Live Stork Judging Cnmrieti-
tii ns were held at Clinton, Friday,
June 21st. The attendance was very
good, forty-eight conte -tants comet
ed in the competitions. The results
of the girl's competition was as fol-
lows . Highest Score was macre by
'Hiss Bertha Hoggart, Blyth. Firs
Prize, Nutrition, Miss Addie Procter,
Wingham. First Prize, House Furn-
ishing, Miss Dorothy Bryant, Blyth.
First Prize, Clothing. Miss V. Mil-
dred. Hainstock,Fordwirh, The res-
ults of the competition in Live Stark
Judging are as follow : High Score,
Root. Connell, Palmerston. Second,
Walter Wood, Wingham; Third, Jas,
Ms1ntosh, ,Seaforth. The trophies
for the two highest scores went to
Walter Wood and -;Jame MO:ntnslt
ince R. Connell w•as not eligible to
win the trophy. The bleb men in
each class of live :-tack were : )forg-
es, . Iiobt. roc li r s, V4 it 'ham ; Beef
nettle, Relit, Connell, Palmerton ;
Dairy Cattle, Orr •.1. McGnwa'l,
Meth , Sheep, Dar,. 114•lntneh, Sea -
Vieth : Swine. fnrden Reynolds, Sea
forth, Jetitehee from the result: of
she, bmmeetit.inn there is rend Tl von: -
Is. of mit;. anelin2' iud,inir teams''hat
will genre .'.lit Huron ('n;tnty in tee'
Inter ('nettty entwr,•tit!n,i he'd al
Toronto and Guelph.
Morris Twp. Council
tire caused the f l.::i'ity. The young
man was crushed under the truck
and was dead when found.
His: little nephew, who was riding
with him at the time, escaped unuurt
Coroner Dr. Armstrong was railed,
and an inquest will probably he held.
A large number of trucks are draw-
ing crushed stone for the highway
and this is the first accident to any
of them this season.
Howick Twp. Council
Council met in Fordwich on June
19th, 1929 in Beswitherick's Rooms
pursuant to adjournment. Members
all present and the reeve in the chair
Minutes of Last regular meeting and
Court. of Revision were read on mo.
tion of Taylor and Gamble were ad-
opted. It was moved by Hubbard and
Leonard that by- law No. 5 for the
year 1029 be read the third time car-
ried. A deputation waited on the
rouncil from School Section No. 6,
1iowick, consisting of Sebastin 7,ur-
hrigg, Reuben Harding and Thomas
Pritchard asking the Council to pass
a By -Law to raise money to rebuild.
and improve the school buildings for
School Section No. 11, flowielt. It was
moved by Taylor and Gamble that by
Law No 10 be read the third time
and passed. Carried. It was moved
by Leonard and Hubbard that the 2y 43; Wm
following accounts be paid :-.1.C. 'And,„„), :310
Thompson, refund of Dog tax. 82.00; 5219.1)1,
rt,., monthly report of the School
Truant Offieer was received and ac-
At the resumed Court of Revision
on the Assessment hall, the assess-
ment on lot 28 ;n Con. 3, was reduc-
eeed 8400„ as W. C. Laidlaw had
killed his dog. it was strucle off;
part lot St.i 1 in Con. 5, formerly
menet} by Alex, McDonald, was as-
se.sed to William Dunbar; a dog was
struck off for Wm. Kellington. The
Court of Recision was then closed.
A petition was received from Jos.
Yuili and others asking for a muni-
cipal drain. 'ffhe petition was a-
At a special meeting, the contract
of furnishing power for the crusher
was given to John Rintoul at 45 cts.
e yard for gravel delivered in the
bins. The contractor furnishes oil
fuel, teams and men to crush the
gravel, and after the first settings
moves and set, the crusher.
The following accounts were
paid: -Russell Richmond, for work
on the Well's Drain 552.50; Wallace
Agar, balance contract on Turvey-
Agar Drain 510.00; T. McLean work
on the Blackhall Drain, 5200; James
Peacock, equalizing School sections
No. 8, 3, 17, 11, 4, 12,1 $24.00; Earl
Anderson, painting bridge and mat-
erial, $7.25, iamb killed by dogs $13;
Thos. Miller, making tile, 511; Ingot
Iron Co., culvert 5174.41_1 W. Som-
ers, a sc'rape'r $10; Sam. ilton, iron
sheets, 75e; W. Smith, painting signs
$2,00; Patrolmen - Lewis Jewitt,
$121.25; Janne, Noble. 68.75; it. I).
Galley, $252.30; Gro. Kelly $12; W.
D. Henderson $)825; Frank Beirnes
Craig, $37.25; James
.00; Chas, Workman,
Gordon Gibson, part pay an culvert,
lot 26 con. 2, 8500.00 ; Municipal 1
World Collectors nooks, $10.55;1
E. L. McInnis, Medicines and attend-
fntce for J. King, 80.00 ; Jas. Hub.'
bard, extra travel caused by road ;
closed, $8.00; A. E. Corbett, equal- ;
izieg four schools, $16.00 ; Geo. Mus•
urn, repairs to Public Shed, Forst
with, $6.50 • J. Beswithericks for
rent of Roorn 81,50 ; G. W. Walker,
part salary as clerk, $100.00 ; J. Deis
tinan, supplies for Mrs. Haberlee,
$40.55 ; T', A. Roberts, plmting• not-
ices 811.00 ; W. Cl. Drury for tile. on
Branch C. Man. Drain Noo, 10, 8501;
G. S. Smith, work on ,books in Wrax
eter, $3.00 ; Andersen Inglis, worn
on books in Wroxeter, 56.00; R. F.
Edgar, Salary Os road Sunt. 8175.00;
H. Rogers, for license for T.
Hall, $3.00 ; W. C. Drury, for wotic
and -material Branch I•I. Mun, Drain
No. 10, $500.00. It twos moved by
Gamble and Hubbard that this coun-
cil do now adjourn to meet again on
the third Wednesday in .tuly in the
Tp. Hall, Gerrie, Carried,
G. W. Walker, Clerk.
Council will meet at the Ball on
idonday, July 15th, 1920.
A. MacEwen, Clerk•
The supplementary estimates pas Cela Coultes an Tuesday afternoon,
pas -
;A by the House of Commons Mon- June 18th. The President, Mrs, Carl held its annual Decoration service on
chi r night included tin item of $5 000 Proctor had charge of the, meeting Sunday: The members and visiting
3 br'thrcen ase red at the lodge
room at 2.30 o'clock and marched to
Prayer'. 1 he business of the. moot ng the Memorial lot whey a
ose who
was dealt with and Mrs. J. Clegg was least their lives in in o the gratof hwar. Af
appointed Secretary in place of Miss ter leaving the Memorial plot they
Edith Proctor, who did not accept marched to the cemetery, accompan-
Friday and Saturday « June 28 - 29
The VanishingPioneers
Another Zane Grey
WATER. water, watet 1 The itnpnrt:ance of water to the
pioneers of the de'et1 wastes Of the Went, woven inle a
mitater.sltry by that genius or romance, Z rue Grey', and
interpreted for the screen by the evt'r.pltpular Jack )dolt.
Allot hat Pat ttuotint elttertaihi»ent Of uneurpaseed excel-
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
July 1, 2 & 3
A Paramount Picture with
TORN i:y jealousy and suspicion, Gail plunged into that
Hying rgm midi on of scarred souls. Gay, with a broken heart,
fighting fiercely for a chance to ,lie.
A daring mystery melodrama of a squadron of flyers who
court death to laud spies ht•hind euta,y lilies. With the
screen's New Stat Pair of Lovers.
EiX T R A. 1 A 2 -Reel Star Feature
° Charlie Chaplin in 'The Floorwalker"
Friday & Saturday
- July 5&6
in Pickford
Best Girl', with gens
The hear) throbs o1 swee1heart da}'s-you r80 recall each
tingling thrill as yen wet rh Maggie and Joe. When he
1i ids ilei It,ed ; vrhen he crushes hey fervently to his
lnet-r, 1,• t:it's old ve•,t snug will he t Totting in vette ears.
Here, indwell, is 11 try at her lovable, I,wuh provoking hest,
A ,Trait lilt;,, girl in the at.nok room of a five.and-tun• 11,d by love into the sort. of woman pf whielt every matt
()1... 1.
i�Y.grqyy�psy npy7� , "Steamboat Bill" "WINGS"
L9WIIQ t "Abie's Irish Rose" "Charlie hapiln Specials"
for Bronchitis, Cough, Whooping
Cough, Quinsy, r1'onsllltls, $ore
Throat and Tonsil sufferers. Use
Mrs, Sybli11a Spahr's 'l'onsilitis, It
works wonders, and is guaranteed.
Sold by F. R. Smith, Brussels.
Catgut' is, really gut of sheep, •
Every hour of the day and night
seven children throughout England
Attuned. Wales under one year of age,
Frederick G, Sanderson, M. P, for
South Perth, and Ontario Liberal
Whip in the House of Commons, ;will
devote 'most of his time aftel'.the
House prorogues to organthatleli
W01 k in Ontario.
At the request of the Prime Minis-
ter, Ontario Ministers, 11Tenibers of.
Parliament, and ofliecrs of the On -
of the District
BELGRAVE assisting
Ales. Bryans was in Toronto over and Mrs.
the week end.
C. R. Coultes spent the week end
in Toronto.
Orval Taylor and Albert Coultes
spent the week end at Rockwood.
J. L. and Mrs. Stewart spent a
few days in London during the week,
C. R. Coultes and A. Bryans each
shipped a car of cattle on Saturday
lire. Wm. Bennett of Blyth visit-
ed her son, Carl and her daughter,
Mrs. Bradburn last week.
A number from here attended the
meeting in Wingham on Thursday
and heard Mr. Bennett sneak.
Miss Robina Young is in Wing -
ham hospital where she was operat-
ed on for appendicitis on Saturday
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Tinted
church held their meeting in the base
meat of the church on Wednesday
Mrs. Powers and six little daugh- O
ters of Rockwood are visiting with WINGHAM
her sister, Mrs. Orval Taylor and The death occurred Monday at her
other friends. home here on Leopold street of Han -
The softball teams went to Bluevale na C. Lever, wife of Issae Walker
to play the return games with the in her 51st year. She had been a
teams there on Friday evening. The resident of this locality all her life.
results of the games were a victory Mrs. Walker had been in poor
for the Belgrave girls and the Blue- health for several years and
vale boys. for the past six months she had been
Mrs. William Nethery is spend- confined to her bed. Surviving are
ing a few days at the home of her her husband, three daughters and
daughter, Mrs. James McGill in one son, Mrs. S. McLaughlin, Mrs.
Wawanosh. Little Glenn McGill is H. Saunders and Russell' of Toronto
at present. in Clinton Hospital where and Alberta at home. Funeral rer-
an operation was held for mastoids, vices will be t:onducted at her late
The L'elgrave branch of the Wo- residence. at 2 o'clock on Wednesday
men's Institute held its regular afternoon. Interment will be made
monthly meeting at the home of Miss 'n -the Wingham cemetery.
The L. O. L. 794. of Wingham
time was
hostesses, Airs. G.
F. McCallum and
a social
Haying is ou the program now.
John and Mrs. Hockeridge and
Earl and Mrs. Underwood motored
to Guelph on Tuesday .and enjoyed a
day at the Experimental Farm.
A large -lumber from here went to
Wingham Thursday afternoon to
hear Hon. R. 13. Bennett.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the Liberal picnic at Grand Bend
on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Sanderson and Miss Sander-
son and George and Mrs. Donaldson
motored to Toronto on Wednesday
and will spend the summer here.
Mrs. Alex Mowbray, Mrs. Robert
Aitcheson, Mrs. Robert Shaw and
Miss Beatrice Thornton were in
Fordavich on Tuesday attending the
district annual meeting of the Wont -
ens Institute.
Atkrrio\ SAL..-^•Ut 1'w..,; ztoek, Im-
pluttents, 'Household Furniture, eta.
Thos. Brown, Auctioneer, has received
instructions to sell by public .unction
at the Walton Saw Mills, on Friday,
June SS, at 1 o'clock, the following: -
Live Stoalt-I Hereford cats, 3 years,
calf at foot; 1 Holstein cow, 4 years,
fresh; r cow 5 years, fresh; 1 Holstein.
cow, due In Aug.; 1 Jersey cow, fresh
;i mantles; 1 y0ting" saw; '9 pigs 9
weeps old; 20 Leghorn (1 ye.) )tens.
Implements -1, '0 ft binder (Interne.
tlonal); 1 -5 foot mower; 1 horse ralte;
1 Baby Grand ear; 1 manure Spreader;
1 2 -furrow plow; 2 walking plows; 1
turnip sower; 1 high wagon; 2 trunk
wagons 2 medium light wagons; 1
top buggy; 1 cutter; a setts sleighs; 1
large galvanized water trough; 1 kitty
rape; 1. hay fork and ropes; 1 wheel
scraper.; 1 rind stone: 3 hay rooks;
several pat pine rack sills; 2 setts
harrows: 1 coal box; 1 gravel box; 1
• i s !to d Effects
burr >,n u i ilk, t o 1
1 bedroom suite 2 Iron beds it ith new
springs; 1 iron cot with springs; 1
chiffonier; 1 wash stand s toilet setts
1 davenport; 1 leather chair 0 parlor
tables; 2 rockers; 3 ruga J X 22; 2 non-
golian rugs; 1 couch bed; 1 stretcher;
�"•••�.�' s 1 grnmpltune with records; 1 type-
writer; 1 Peninsular Runge; 1 Sov-
vvnir tangs; 9 burner goal Oil dove
tario Liberal Association the Ontar•- will, oven; 1 lcitclten cuphottrtO a klt-
NQil0r3 TP Oltiepi'gOifs
Iu the Mutter of Oho 10etnta of *Whited
n, A.leot'k, lute or (Se 'i'Olype ffe er
:florets, In 18e County of heron,
Partner) Deceased,
1401010)3 is 1rorebY liven, puraeant to
f tt rl a e
the R.ovisod Makatea -et 0 to o, C1h p
ter 110, that all arMlters and others
having oletms against the estate et
the said Mallard B. Alcock, who died
on or about the 01st day M. 1 ay, A, 1).
1120, are required on or before the 2011
day of June, 1020' to solid by postpaid,
or deliver to Richard 13. Alcock or
Samuel O. Aleoek the 71X0cutors of the
hist will and testament of the
deceased, • their Christian and
Surnames, addresses and their
victims , the statement Of their
aao0unta and the nature of the scour•.
Ides, if any, held by them,
such lasttlmentionedtdate the
t xatter
,tors will proceed to dlstributu the as-
sets of the deceased, amongst the par.
ties entitled thereto, having regard
only to. the claims of which they shall
then have notice and the said EXecu-
tors will not be liable far the said as-
sets, or any part thereof to any per-
son or persons, ofwhaso claim notioe
shall not have been received by them
at the time of such distribution,
]fated at Brussels this 9th day of
June, A. JJ„ 1919.
W. 01. SINCLAln, Brussels, Ont.
Solicitor for the llaeoutors•
Whip has been induced to give etten eablnet;. 8 kucban Moire; a >oft
ellen table; 1 en nn cn na ; 0a
much of his time between the end of 'dining eluairs; 1 desk; 1 step ladder;
of the next to attending conventions large dri.utl; sto5eplpas; 2 cloternpamps
flower stand; clothes hare,'; reflgera-
this session, and the commencement tor; 2 taw,, mowers; 1arerun separator;
and visiting the Federal Riding As-
sociation, to aid them in strengthen-
ing their organization throughout the
One of the, most popular members double harness; 3 set single harness;
in the House, and one of its most el- 1 barrel mola:tses; seas sling ropes;
3 sett 1{00 lh. settles; lots e1 1^ and "'
Oquent speakers, he has his own Rid. lumber; (Amines, whipplelrees; neck-
ing knowledge of parliamentary aG. 1"opts too mumu nis t0 mention xo 1
g Res,.rVe as 1 roprielor. sin
glvIl'g no
fairs and organization will be of great business. Teems•-:LJI runts of )1u and
under cash; over that am0.f.1 s ales.
credit will be i;t,eh on approved Joint
nates: 1 per cunt. straight Off fur nosh
on amoutils over 5,1" . Thus. Brown,
Auctioneer, John McDonald, Prop.
1 Daisy churn; 1 ice errant freezer; 1
garden swing; 1 Maxwell washer with
electric motor; 2 clothes wringers;
wash tubs and boilers; kitchen uten-
sils; a number of hooks and pictures;
crokinole board; lamps, palls, dishes;
gents. and other articles. setts
Enrollment No. 2205. Form 1
Clydesdale Stallion
Royal Buchlyvie
Lot 1
his ownstable, $
will stand at
Con, 10, Grey Township, fr service
for the season of 1929.
Will make appointments with part-
ies a distance away.
Royal Buchlyvie, registered in the
Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book as
No. 25246, owned by Robert L. Mc-
Donald, of Brussels, R. I't. 3; foaled
in 1924, has been enrolled under the
Ontario Stallion Act, Inspected on
the 14th day of July 1927 and pass-
TERMS To insure mare in foal
512,00 payable Feb. lst, 1930.
Mares must be regularly returned to
stud, or owners will be charged.
whether mare is in foal or not.
Robt• L. McDonald,
for repairs to the St. Marys Post Of- which was opened with the singing t s g
'lice and Customs of the Opening Ode and the Lord's
Office building, t u, p e wreath
The repairs will include the fixing of
the outer stone wall:., back and front
which have been Split by frust,
Assistance to the Liberal bodies of
the Province.
Mr. Sanderson will have his bead
quarters in the Record Dunning Tor.
onto, with Harry H. Johnson. In then
office he will meet party committees
and officer's and plan his itineries.
Born in St. Marys, Mr. Sanderson
was educated in St. Mary's Collegi-
ate. Institute and the Ontario College:
of Pharmacy. He is a flax grower
and manufacturer. Ile has been a
member of St. Mary's Town Council,
was Mayor 1911-1912, member of
the Public Utility Commission 1914.
1910, and President of the St. Marys
Board of Trade 1920.
He has had a distinguished milit-
ary career, going overseas with the
rank of captain, as paymaster of the
10th Battalion. After being wih the
8th Reserve in England, he served in
France with the 87th Battalion. El-
ected a member of Parliament in 19-
25 and re-elected in 1926, he was ap
pointed Ontario Liberal Whip in 19-
26. In religion he is a Presbyterian.
s-- _.
Perth County Council, at its con- the position. This meeting was in Teed bye the Wingham Band, to decor -
charge of the girls of the Branch ate the raves of their de al ted bre-
eluding 5e 4ion structs the tax rate with ASiss Martha Armstrong acting three. graves
names of the deceased
Inc the ensuing year at 5.35 mills, as Convenor. The program, which
brethren were read by Bro. C. R.
the same as last year. This rata is 1 w•as mucic enjoyed consisied of a Copeland. After their duties had
calculated to raise $187,824.50 nee- I vocal solo by Miss Cola Coultes; an been. completed, they reassembled
essary for carrying on the business ; int:ttrumc:ntal on the piano by Miss and Bro. Rev Davison, pastor of the
of the, county for the next 12 velms Wheeler; the topic was taken United Church, Wingham, gave a
months. 1 by Miss Martha Armstrong who gave very fmprtiasfve address, on the high
a very insteresting and instructive g
H. H. Martyn, son of Ii, G. and talk on "Our Flag"; Miss Nora Van fdcals of the Order. 0 ver se is the
Mrs. Martyn, Stratford. was the win. : Camp also favoured' with a vocal bretre•�+ took part in the service.
sera; community singing was also en- 51
nor of three sahalarships at Toronto toyed. A committee was aiso 119-
Marys United Church propose
University. The scholarships are the pointed to got the rectifpts for rho improvements estimated to cost a -
Hamilton Fisk Biggar (Philosophy) r'oolt Bonk ready for the hunters• round $14,004,
Lincoln Hutton, for all the: years ; The roll rail for the next meeting
and one of the resents echelarehipe. will he answered by receipts for Neptune's statellite is supposed to
North Perth Canservativnv m.et la. puddings and pudding sauces, tarts, he about as large as our moon and i
»road and biscuits. The meeting moves around the planet in a little
Milverton and re-elected all old of- Was closed. by singing the National
fivers, Anthem. Lunch was served by the less than six days.
Following are the dates of the vat.
rious school fairs to be held in ilur
on County this year:
Sept. lith-Hensail.
Sept 12th -Zurich.
Sept. 13th -Grand Bend.
Sept. 16th -Colborne (Township.
Sept. 17th Ashfield Township.
Sept. 18th- .St. Helens.
Sept. 10th -Wroxeter.
Sept. 201,h-Howick Township.
Sept. 23rd -Ethel.
Sept. 24th-Belgrave.
Sept. 25th-Goderieh Township.
Sept 27th -Blyth.
Oct, 3rd --Clinton Rural.
Oct. 4th --Clinton Town,
One Car for Every
9 Persons in Canada
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the Estate ot
Mary Jane Wright, late of the Town-
ship of Grey, in the County ,of
Huron, Widow, Deceased.
Nonce Is hnrel,y gtvnn ptlra,ta,it to.euctloti,
50, Chxptor 1:i, oP she l3evfaed atatuteg at
O,.tario, that all person- havmtg ob,ltus n Aarltst
the cetntet of 1be said Ot.ry da¢0 W right, da-
who du J to er a4„¢t the Nineteenth
day of lrebr¢ try, A.. P. 1931, T: eregnreed otng r4,
before the 151, day of . uly, A.
to send by p let prepaid or deliver to 1t.
yraMton e, , fngt'e n. Ontario, Solicitor for
the Executor of the estate their Chrtettnn end
eurnantes, and addre*see, with full earths -
tilers In
writing of their claims and the nature
of thelreecurities (If any) held by thein.
And further take notice that after such last
mentioned date the 40(11 Executor will pro-
ceed to distribute the ,,.seta of the deoea'ed
amongst the ner0053 ennued thereto, townie
regard only to the 0)0)1r of 5 Mch he shal5
then have notice and 148 Held Exeonter wilt
not be liable to any person or persons for
the said assets or any part thereof of
1511 ore elnint notioe ahnit not have been Timely -
Datedhim at toe thus, 1110 2411 day o run.
Dated Al Winghnln, G4is 2tth day of June,
A. 12.1920.
R. VANSTONE, or to rt he P ec
Solicitor for the Executor
Ottawa, Ont., June 23, -There is.
now one motor vehicle for every nine
persons in Canada. For every time
registrations reached the million mark
in 1928 with an aggregate of 1,076,-
819. This •.vas an increase of 131,-
147 vehicles or 14 per cent over
Only three ether countries exhibit
a heavier density as follows : United
States, one for every 6.1 persons ;
Hawaiian Islands, 7.9 persons ; New
Zealand, 8.0 persons.
Figures compiled by the Dominion
bureau of statistics include 921,305
passenger automobiles and 155,424
trucks, buses and motorcycles.
Registrations by the provinces
with proportion per population in
brackets are as follows : Ontario,
491,140 (6.6); 'Quebec 148,473
(17.8) ; Saskatchewan 121,616
ish Columbia 86,244 (0.8) ; Mani -
(7.0) ' Alberta 89,249 (7.1) Brit-
toba 71,163 (9,2) ; Nova Scotia 35,-
256 (16.5) ; Prince )Edward Island
6,430 (15,0).
The Althing, Iceland legislative as-
sembly recently celebrated its thou-
sandth birthday.
Enrollment No. 1954. Form I
Knight Music
Registered in the Canadian Stan-
dard Bred Stud Book as No. 3593.
Owned by Thomas T. McRae, of
Brussels. Foaled in 1920, has been
enrolle0 under the Ontario Stallion
Act. Inspected on the 2811i day
of October, 1920 and passed.
The Ontario Stallion Enrollment
Ilobt. McEwen, R. W. Wade,
Chairman, Secretary.
This handsome Stallion is jet black
in color. He is a direct descendent
of Electioneer, IBinger and Peter the
Great, three of the best producers
ever lived. Knight Music will stand
for service for the season 1929 on
the farm of Chester Rintoul, one
mile west of Brussels.
All mares must be returned to the
ho -se regularly, otherwise they will
be charged whether the mare is in
foal or not. Accounts collectable
March 1st.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the Estate of f
Margaret Laidlaw, tato of tho ,
township of Gray, County of Huron,
Married Woman, Deceased.
All oredltors and persons having elating
against' Margaret Laldiaw, nhove named, or
her catan0, mast send or deliver nn or he.
tore the twenty •ninth day or June, 1929, full
partculars; ofhr clams to 11.5. hi orphy,
K. C. Listowel, Ontarto i 8011oltor for the Ex.
And take notice that atter the Haid Ewen•
ty-Ohlthday of June, 1929,:the Executor may
distribute the proceed• of the estate among'
at the persons entitled thereto,hevt rig regard
only to the elx)ms of which;. he has theft notate
and he shall not be liable for the proceeds 50
distribwted to any perann wbo.e claim he had
not notice at the time of the dlatrfbtttion.
Dated at Lt,towel, this tenth day ot June,
1929. H. n »mares, ESQ K (n , I,istowel,
Ontario, Solicitor tar the Executor, ; 0. 01.
LAIOLAW, 'Executor.
Paper pian in
The undersigned wishes to an-
nounce that he is prepared to
handle all kinds of jobs in the
above lines, and will endeavor
to give the best of satisfaction.
Prices Reasonable
work promptly attended to
Alex. Coleman
Phone 6411 Brussels
Chester Rintoul, Manager.
Enrolment No. 850. Form m A. 1
The Imported Clydesdale Stallion
IN utberry
No. 23218. Premium No. 44
MONDAY -Will leave his own
stable, Lot 10, Con. 11, Hullett, and
proceed North by Brighaln's sideroad
to Thomas Laidlaw's, Morris, for
noon; thence East on 8th con. to Wm
Sholdice's, Grey, for night.
TUESDAY -Will proceed West on
9th eon, and thence South to his own
stable for night,
WEDNESDAY -Will be at home
and meet mares by appointment.
This route will be continued
throughout the season, health and
weather permitting.
The stock of this horse has won
many prizes at the Winter Fair,
Guelph in 1927.and 1928, including
the champion gelding, owned by Neil
McIntosh, of Embro in 1028.
Terms -$16.00 payable Feb. 1st,
1930, all accidents at the risk of the
owners of mares.
Ethel Delco Lighting
System for Sale
1)50 Watts ; 110 Volta. Almost now, with
poles, wire and tin etItllomerit For further
partloutars apply to Ali. A, E. MoMASTIit,
;secretary 'Village 'Pr ustee Board, label,
Property in Ether for Sale
Consisting of 11)1 acres of land, good frame
home, and barn 50x90 tont. Hydro power has
++++000444+++++ +++++++++++ keen installed in house and commit sidewnllc
rano oast property. For further pnrttoulars
For SA apply to a WILSON,
+ ale
r✓ OMOMPhona945.i Ethel P.0
Farm for Sale
2hull Calves
• One Red and one Roan,
• 13rawndaIe breeding.
4. Extra choice,
c* Phoma 166
Form known no the Dilworth Farm, coot
pricing Moores -mostly an cleared and in a
good tante of eoltivntiml, lots of Ovate( and
within Mille of Ethel station� mile to Ethel
Viiinge. Will bo priced reasoit;4nhly for quick
sale, iter further path-ulnre. nppply on
pro,atses to J 12 ROWI.AtaD,
Farm for Sale
A very doairr,blo stook farm et 110 aorex,
mile trent Brussels. Good buildings and
equlp,nente. Emig terms t0 suit purchaser
For further p)irt)eulsrat Aptll)bNAl.l),