HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-6-26, Page 2WT NESD.t .Y, JUNE 26th, 1923,
SALAD?* has the finely flavour
In the world and it casts only
one-quarter of a cent a cop
'Fresh from the garde s
Huron Go. Council
COMMITTEE REPORTS well fed and looked after. Two more
were recently added ;from the Ontario
The Legislature committee report- Hospital. All these have been taken
ed recommending that the motion of care of and have proved no detri-
neent and easy to control. At present
Mr. McKibben and Dr. Milne that the by the instruction of the committee a
amount of Fines for Crafts( violations cement foundation is being placed
on county roads within a town or vil- under the driving shed, and when
gage be refused by the county to said tits; is completed it will be a good
town or village when the information and needed improvement. The work
is laid by a constable or official of is being done mostly by inmates. At
such municipality, be adopted ; that our June visit we visited all parts of
the motion of :Messrs Hill anti Henan- the Home and feel that the prospect
type asking the township roads to 50 for profitable crops look well also.
per cent. be adopted ; that the re- It has been decided not to go into the
quest of the Township of Hay for a tobacco raising again until the pro•
by-law empowering them to deal specte seem better. Your committee
with the scale of lands for taxes, be is of the opinion that the county
granted ; that the road commission be home is an honor to the county in
appointed to deal with the question every way,
of the instruction of motor traffic in Property Committee
the spring when the frost is coming The property committee reported
out of the ground. having visited the jail, registry office
The committee recorded itself as treasurer's office and magistrate's
in sympathy with the shove of Peter- office and found everything in good
borough in this regard. The road ord�.r. The committee re,•ommen:kd
commission also in dealing with thy that e filing cabinet be ;uphlied for
matter of the appointment of a speed treaeurera,tar native in aecorrenee with
traffic officer. the auditors report eetimated co:t
House of Refuge $40. also that a rebuilt typewriter be
The Howe of Refuge committee ore+g
reported having had two meetingt • Chldren's Shelter
since the January session, one on the The Chihlren's Shelter committee
5th of March and one June 3rd. The reported having visited the Shelter
quarterly areounte were audited on and finding everything in first-class
each occasion a; follows : March condition. Necessary repairs had
$2,457.1: ; June. $2,730.07. On each been attended to int•Incline- 'leeora
occasion the committee made an in- ting the dinning rnont and kitchen.
e:pection of the Hous and premises At present there are seven children in
P. D. Ross, publisher of the
ba n onamed by thepOntariooGov-
ernment as the Chairman of the
Royal gomntissien which will
make an exhaustive investigation
into the general "welfare" situa-
tion in Ontario.
63; Harriston, 3205.05; St. Marys,
$378.12, for attendance of Huron
county pupils, we recommend that
these be paid when verified. We fur-
ther recommend .that all school gr-
ants and those also to continuation
schools be paid when verified as us-
ual on or before Dec. lst to enable
the school boards to complete their
business early in December. Re the
matter of grant to the Western Un-
iversity, we recommend that, owing
to the condition of our finances at
Present we feel that we are unable
to give a grant but that the matter
may be given favorable considera-
tion in the future. We also suggest
that as a natter of relief some ad-
justment be made in the fees pay-
able by students in certain depart-
The finance committee reported on
a number of accounts. Re motion of way of LG feet, more or lrss,
Messrs. Beattie and Adams for the will be avoided, if possible, and also
road contntle toners to prepare a re- i that he must extenu his spillway are a hazard to modern traffic, and
port and budget at the December ses- downstream past the bridge site so which should be widened.
cion of work they thin}( should be that the bridge abutments will be Furthermore, we have. been plac-
done the following year, that this protected from the wash from the
Mg gravel on many miles of road,
he concurred in; that the auditor's b di d of drainage and which
report be accepted and printed in the
minutes; that Miss Tye be paid $10
and found every thing in splendid or- the Shelter ranging in age from ten for services rendered to the auditors
heumatism nu
Part of Nature s
She offers her healing herbs
to stop suffering
When America was whderness, Indians
were using herbs seeeessfully. from
tiro Redeem, 60 rears ago, James
unded learned lla Gallagher's Ilesew
bal House -
held Res:wal . Ills famous I4idnay
Remedy bus helped many a sufferer•.
front Rheumatism.
This line, tithe -proved remedy, drawn
from the heart of Nature, nettle and
cleanses kidneys. Quickly stops back-
, echo, dizziness and other nagging kidneyY
and bladder ailments. Try tri For
sale by 3t
H. B. Alien - Brussels
5, Tiaad No, *2, &Cay, at
i St Joseph:
0. Road No. 7, Hay .and
Stephen, new culvert 450.00
There .are woo nunt001' .of small
improvements that will . have to be
made, and -in addition to the work re.
commended above, there is urgent
need for the following items of grml•
ing, and other construction,
1.. Road .No. 8, Exeter,
wcsIerly from the Lon-
don Road, grading,
draining etc, $ 1,800.00
2. Road No. 23, Ash
field, southerly from.
Lochalsh, 4 miles.
grading and gvale... ,. 9,000,00
3. Road No. 27, Ashfield
and West Wawanosh,
north from con. 5, and
that period of this year, The new 0, .1V1 miles ... , . , ,
legislation cllreets that fines be paid 4. Road No. 21, Morris,
to the county so that in future, the and Turnberry, West -
officer should be partly self -sustain. erly from Bluevale...
fog. We recommend that an officer 1 5, Road No, 21, Kinloss
be engaged again for the summer ( and West Wawanosh
months. at Dickie's Hill.....
A carload of calcium chloride has 6. Road No. '14, McICil-
been bought and among others, the lop and Logan, south -
road from ,Saltford to Dunlop has, erly front north town
'n and
been treated. The use of this ma- limit grading
terinl well effect considerable savings 7. Road No. 25, Colbor-
in resurfacing and dragging, in addi- i ne, complet'n of const -
tion to the benefit of dust proven -I ruction
tion. It is proposed to use more of S. Road No. 2, Hay,
this material, but it is expected that ; ' northerly front south
some oil will also be used. i town litre --completion
Owing to the heavy loads now be- 10. Road No. 9, Hay, ex-
ing operated over the highway, and tention of bridges....
ou account of the fact that our steel 11. Road No. 8, Usher -
bridges were erected at a time that ne, frhames Road
much Lighter loads were to be car. bridge
Tied, ewe recommend that a bylaw be .12. Road No, 12, 5±cKil-
passed limiting the loads that may lop, at Cron, 5 and 0,
be carried on our steel bridges to ten improvement at jog . .
f 13 Road No 1 Hallett,
he taken we reootumend that thi
natter be decided by the council as a,
Ile motion of 1dessrs. Beattie and
Wright that an insurance fund be
established, sante recommendation.'
Romotion Qi 'Messrs Mader and
Baker that efforts be increased . lit
the destruction of weeds on (1111 conn•
ty roads, it has been the policy of
the county to keep down the weeds 08
far as practicable, but, if anyone
sees any location demanding atten•
tion, if. notice is received, such action
will be taken as needed.
Tie motion. of Messrs. Adams and
Stalker that three thousand feet of
511010. fence be placed on certain
roads, we recommend that this lie
provided if this amount is found net.
Be motion of Messrs. Dodds and
Adams that the south town line of
Morris be'designated as a county
toad, true recommend that no action
be taken at present, but at the time
that the road easterly from Walton
is completed, it is felt that this road
should be a county road, as it is a
portion of the direct route.
Re communication from the clerk
of the township of Goderich, deman-
ding` an accounting of, and payment
on, gravel taken from piton the- Ben
miller road 'Commission is not entire-
ly satisfied that the gravel in quest-
ion belongs to the township, and this
matter has been submitted to the De-
partment of Highways for an opin-
ion, and we recommend that action
be deferred till such opinion is re-
Be request from the Town of Clin-
ton for paving of the Main street,
which is a county road, we have con-
sidered the situation, and in view of
the present condition of the road, the
expenditures formerly made in Olin-
' re uirements of other
ton, and q
tons for any vehicle, or or any com- county roads, we recommend no ae-
bination of vehicles. � continuation of con -
Regarding the Wroxeter bridge elrtwtion along con. 8 1,000.00 tion.
notice has been given to the owner of The foregoing are only examples Goderich; June 6, 1929.
the milldam that in rebuilding, he of work that should be done, as in ad- Second Report of the County Roads_
clition, there are on the county rbads Commission
must build in n substantial manner,
so that a recurrence of the trouble many small bridges, having a road- To the Warden and Council:
which County of Huron.
Gentlemen :
We, your Road 'Commission beg to
report further, as follows:
Re motion of Messrs. Henderson
and eve recommence a 'and Stalker regarding the Prairie
could be maintained with, possibly, road at Wingham, we recommend
t be seen the Commission to
der and a real credit to lir. and Mrs. months to nine years. Four are go- f 1928 i -----1 that a committee
Jacob, who they reported are doing ing to :,•hoof at the (resent time. The
a splendid work and keening the necessary help to art as an assistant
Home and farm in excellent shape. to the matron who ronrmended in the
The committe further reported : report as deserving great credit for
Many repairs and improvements are the way in which she looks after the
needed from time to time and thio children.
year has been no teeeeutrorl. Fur Educational Committee
have had the old ice house, not nerd- The education committee reported
ed since the installing of the Frig!. as follows : Re the several high
claire, and badly decayed, repaired school levies submitted as follows :
and put in proper order to be used as Clinton, 310,956.35 ; Goderich, 37,-
a sort of store house. It was also 047.15; Seaforth, 38,925.25; Wing -
necessary to do some repairs badly ham. 36,584.42: Exeter, 37,932.40,
needed in the Women's department we recommended that these he paid
new flooring, repairs to bath tub, and when verified by the clerk, together,
repairing two rooms. These have with the additional grant or refund
been done and add much to the cant- per sec. 35, c. 326, R. S. 0. 1927. Re
fort and convenience of the comport- the adjoining county Riga school leu.
meat. We found 86 inmates in the fes as follows : Listowel, $1,11'7.84;
Dome and all seem contented and Parkhill, 3225.92 ; Stratford, 3103.-
Does it pay to
wear tires OUT?
It does not pay to run tires till
they go to pieces---because-
-It's dangerous. A blowout may easily lead to a crash,
-It's false economy. You can't afford the time, the
trouble and the inconvenience that blowouts bring.
-It's not worth the worry. You can't ride in comfort
if you know a blowout is due any minute,
It will pay you to let us pull off those old tires and
R Royal
Cords or
a et of brand
put on sY
Royal Masters. They will free you from worry. Royal
Cords will cost you less in the long run than any other
tire in their class -Royal Masters are in a class by them-
BRUSSELS .- - - 0. H. Sproule,
ETHEL........„..............._... ....._...................•,,, .....................-..I . L, Desjardine
spillway,recommended that a Y In nee
authors y g
take any necessary legal action to half the material if the water -vas
enforce these requirements. taken away. For instance, the road -
.,he County fc faced with the sec- bed of the Blue Water Highway from
or . of and Goderich south, and many portions
be appointed to confer with the scan• essay of providing machinery for the of the Lake Shore Road are saturate 1 surplus on Cambria Road, we recom-
ty solicitor as to the high cost of production of fine road gravel, and
criminal justice accounts and that the to date, we have remodelled three of ed with water for many weeks in the mend that this be done, but it is not
our crushing plants for this purpose. spring and fall, permitting the neavy expected that there will be any sur-
plus available.
Re motion of Messrs. Middleton
and Rader regarding payment for
gravel, this matter is covered by a
recommendation in our first report
that action be deferred until the
opinion of the Department of High-
ways has been received.
Goderich, fun 7, 1929.
that this work be (lone, if there are
any funds available.
Re motion of Messrs. Turner and
Craigie regarding expenditure of
report of this committee be sent to
the attorney general ; that this com-
mittee consider ways and means to
take care of our indebtness, and we
recommend that the matter of carne
be left to the whole council; that this
committee recommend the curtail-
ment of expenditure by all officials
and committees as far as possible.
County Roads Commisi*on
To the Warden and council,
County of Huron.
Gentlemen. --We, your Road Com.
mission, beg to report as follows :
Since the January session of the
cduncil the work on the county ronde
has been proceeding as usual, and the
roads in much the same condition
as last year. The severe freshets
during the spring caused much minor
washouts on the roads, and the fail-
ure of the dam at Wroxeter caused
the bridge in that village to be wash-
ed out. During the winter, the Com-
mission held meeting in Toronto
and attended the sessions of the On-
tario Good roads Association, and
Chairman Hill of the Commission was
one of the speakers at the Conven-
tion. Mr. Hill spoke on the Conven-
tion. ;VIr. Hill spoke on the suhjeet,
'The Township Road, Superintend-
ent from the Viewpoint of the Coun-
cil;" pointing out that the function of
the council was excutive, and that
the superintendent's duty was to car-
ry out the instructions of the council,
but also that it was necessary for the
council to get the best results, to
give support to the superintendent
and not to interfere with nor over-
rule him, in carrying out the work.
Many other papers of interest
Were presented, and the old problem
of "who should pay for the roads"
was discussed fully, the rural dele-
gates contending that the cities
should pay more, and vice versa.
While in Toronto, the Commission
examined equipment that it was pro-
posed to purchase.
Early in May the most of the.
County Roads were looked over, and
the construction work which was pro-
posed. A trip ,was made to Hamilton
to examine dragline and other equip -
,,lent. ' :-`•
Tartly in the year the 2 -ton Ileo
After extentsive consideration is loads to crush the gr
reached that a large portable plant to the mud below, and causing a
having an output of 400 yards per great deal of extra work in maintata-
day, more or less, will reduce the ing smooth road. Moreover, most of
cost of this operation materially. these roads are too narrow for the
Such plants are on the market, and traffic, and vehicles are frequently
have been in 'use for a considerable being ditched on that account. It
period, and we recommend that such would be the port of economy to
plants be purchased. drain and grade these roads at the
For dragging operations, we find earliest possible time.
that the power machinery is much The estimated cost of the work for
more economical than horse-drawn 1929 is as follows :
machines, and we have accordingly' The estimated cost of the work for
purchased four heavy used trucks, 11929 is as follows :
and have equipped two of them with
grader attachments, and we propose
to purchase another attachment for
Tse on another unit. With another
povier grader, nearly all of the coulee!
ty roads could be patrolled with pow-
er machines, excepting in the early
spring, and the Commission is of the '
opinion that money can be saved by 1
purchase of an additional machine. I
However, in view of other i
requirements, it is being left oval..
Attention has been green, too, to
the erection of, and replacement of,
Weeds ... 3 3,800.00
Grading .. 2,000.00
Dragging .. 25,000.00
Culverts .. 3,000.00
Culverts .. 3,000.00
I3ridgcs .. 3,000.00
Resurfacing 75,00000
Oil and Calcium
Chloride .. 10,000.00
2110w .... 6,000.00
Tilt: Drains .... 1.000.00
Guard Fence.. 3,000.00
Signs 300.00
guard fences, and it is proposed to Gravel Pits... 2,000,00
undertake considerable of thio work. 2, Construction
The snow fences alreauy in use (its per list).. • 22,421.00
have served a useful purpose, and a Trucks $ 3,200.00
demand has arisen for a large addi-'4. Machinery
tional amount. We recommend that Used trucks
this be supplied where it is advisable f and attach -
to do so, ! m'ts. .... 2,000.00
Your Commission recommend that Car 1,165.00
the following items of construction . Small machines
work be undertaken: 1 and impl'nts 1,000.00
1. At the Village of Bel- 1 Gravel plant 18,000.00
grave, improvements to i
approach -of bridge. .$ 200.00 Repairs to ma -
Since it is probable that the pro -1 chinery .
vineo will assume this road, itis 5, Superint'd'ce
not considered advisable to re- 6. Legal costs,
build the bridge at this time. 1 damage claims,
2. Pond No. 31. Turn- I Road Commis -
berry, along con. 11, sion, P. L. etc.
grading and gravel- 7. Int, charges
ling. 3 3,000,00 and exchange 4,000.00
3. Road No. 25, Mn1Ci1-j 3220,836.00
lop, and Grey to Vilna ' The estimated receipts are as fol-
h'd'y 9,000.00 lows ;
4, Road No. 19, Grey, Government sub -
southerly from Mc- ' silly on above
T7aught 400.00 program $107,418.00
5. Annual grants to Rebates and sun-
Wingham and Hartsell... 9,821.00 dry receipts 6,000.00
$22,421.00 Balance to he
Bridge Construction I raised by levy 107,418.00
1. Wroxeter bridge .... 320,000.00 $220,886.00
2. Rond No. 2, Ashfield, i This will require a levy of 2
extortion and impre- mills which we recommend be made.
vement of arch bridge 500,00 Re motion of Messrs. Hubbard and
3. Road No. 2, Colborne, Rays that liability insurance, to pro -
'T ribin's .bridge . 550.00 test the county against all accidents
t. Repairs of Gerrie that may happen on the county roads,
Truteks, purchased last year, were ex-
changed for new 8 -ton trunks, the
County paying 31,000 exon In addi-
tion. These new trucks appear to be
e ineient.
inuring the Spring, a traffic officer
teas employed for a short time, who
was particularly instructed to act in
e-nees of over loaded trucks Welt
rause groat damage to the roads at
Mr.NaataGiven of Dellsle, who has
been elected as Conservative mem-
ber for Rosetowa constituency.
Professor D. C. Macintosh, well
known Canadian, who has been
Dwight Professor of Theology at
Yale University since 1909, Is said
to have objected to swearing de-
fense of the United States in the
oath of allegiance required of all
those seeking to become citizens of
that couatry.
...For This Week -
Bible Thoughts memorixod, will prove a
priceless heritage in utter yenta.
0 Lord of hosts, blessed is the
ratan that trusteth in thee. Psa. 84:
And he saith unto them. Follow
me, and 1 will make you fishers of
men. -Matt. 4:19.
My covenant will I not break, nor
alter the thing that is gone out of my
lips--Psa. 89:34.
Rather seek ye the kingdom of
Cod; and all these things shall be
added unto you -.Luke 12:31.
If we hope for that we see' not,
then do we ,with patience wait for it.
--Romans 8:25.
C -J
For the Son of Man is Lord of the
Sabbath. -Matt. 12:S.
Jesus Christ the same, yesterday
and today, and for ever. -Heb. 13:8.
� 4
Sir William Joynson Flicks, Horne
Secretary in the last Cabinet in
England, was re-elected for Twick-
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