HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-6-26, Page 1VOL, 58 N O. 2 —^" 2.0Q Per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26. 1929 J. E.RR. Proptietar BLUEVALE4,4'0 MONCRIEFF 4 uNizo cHuRo. 'ori fi;, Garden Party 1 Garden Party . . ,,- ., Will be held fi ii Tuesday EV'g July'2nd !I ,-. Will be held on friday ev'g/ July 5th pa • __L i.7 A r g § Teserved from p Supper Served from 6 to 8 1 i'• a r. V THE tiOADLEY CONCERT CO. Pit OF LISTOWEL V, will provide an A 1 Program iv Speeches by Rev, S. Davison, Wing. A F.4 ham ; Rev. Mr, Bolingbroke, Vitas. ij eta, and Rev. Mr, &tibia. Bel. id grave. 02 ts EVERYBODY WELCOME E, Admission 50e and 25c ss, 11, • Mkt M. Collie, Rev, A V Walden tntl Secretary, Pastor. .....Z.21;i4;420=t2tWatdi'PAiDairaDiDtVatVira ••••••01. §if A splendid entertainment will be given by "The favorite Four" of LONDON 4 This will be the Treat of the Season ti Bale or Blue Everybody Come 11 Admission 50e and 25c t7,1 Mrs, Geu, Robertson, Mrs. L. Speirnn 111 Secretary, President, 0 Rev, W. J. Wines, Pastor 11 8 A • • The Surrounding Distvict WROXETER Miss Dorothy Brown is holidaying In Toronto. J. R. Wendt ..was a s'isitor at Osh- awathis week. Dr. A. McLeod and family visited st Niagara last week. Laura Van Wilson, Oshawa, is visiting at his home here. Miss Eva McMichael is home from Manitoba f0r. the summer. Kenneth .Gibson, Hamilton, was Sunday visitor at his hone here. Ed. and, Mrs. Jackmdn visited this wok at the home of Thos. Brown. Rev, Craik, Gorrie, conducted a reparatory service in the United church Thursday evening. D. and Mrs. McTavish and daugh- ters, Brussels were guests at the home of A. McMichael on Sunday. Rev, A. W. Barker, BrusselS, and Rev. H. Bolingbroke exchanged pul- pits in the United ,Church Sunday evening. A union picnic of the members of the Wroxeter, Gerrie and Fordwich Anglican churches was held in For• mesa Saturday afternoon. Bert Martin and family spent the week -end in London. We are sorry to report that Len :Brown is not as well as his friends could wish. H. Smith, flourmiller, is hauling gravel in preparation for cement work on the new dam. • The District meeting of the Wo- ' men's Institute held at Fordwich was attended by some of the members sif ' the Wroxeter Institute. Students of the Wroxeter Contin- uation Class are at present writing ' the annual examinations, which ars this year presided over by Miss Docherty of Fordwich. Wroxeter business life took a !step a head the other day when it was announced that A. Munro had ' joined forces with Superior Stores I Ltd. I Miss Janet Allan who recently graduated front Queen's University leaves soon to take up her duties as Soda] Hostess at Camp Franklin, Inear Parry Sound. Miss Allan has i filled this office for the camp very acceptively for two seasons. This Week for— ...Nil DRESSES liftwn,fi At N. i Paris Prints in Chiffon or Geor- y‘e 41 „,„ , gette— Tricotines and Celanese- , ..0,,wits are the new Fabrics in demand lk . Fresh styles are to be had each week riftri . and for the approaching holiday (July 1st) we are. prepared with the finest • selection yet. ' Sizes for Misses 14 to 20 Matrons numbers 36 to 44 Popular prices prevail— . . ' . 4.75, 6.95, 8.50 to 25.00 macalm-ovvogocoatatetoc-tatatztvememetzvatetcamomortallver,, g iv ,rw Now for Bathing Suits '4 u These fine Wool Worsteds come in a wide pattern 4 1 rspgeeaannddAr. cigirceect• Priced Ill $2,85, $3 25 and 1 . , 4 Vd `',''A'117Gt&IP/l,i;PrP=4117DGUIVAt'AlMiDintDi`AMODiDtMtViDAIWIDhlrgONDIMOMMilltDt. New Dress Fabrics For those who prefer to have their Dresses individually made we show a fine display of all new Summer materials. Come in and see the clever designs in these lovely Wash Fabrics— PIQUE TRICOCH ENE BATISTE DIMITY VOILES BROADCLOTH FUGI and many other desiaable Prints , Prices : 23c 39c 75c to 91.90 per yard Knitted Suits These Utility Garments make the smartest Sports wear. Pullover and Coat style Jackets with skirts to match. Prices: 56.75 sio.00 to 519.00 KING BROS.. WINGHAM ' ONTARIO I New Ativertimensentes Garden Party—Bluevale i.Teited Chnreh Garden Party -010110,1,4f United church Garden Party—wait on United t' hutch J0)111'.Ch Young Men's Club Baby ('hita—a Pat vey limns Notice tot7.otlitars—Mra Wright estate 'Poacher wattted—S..S. No. 0, Grey Dresses—King Bros. Tire lost—P. Atrent • Pigs for ritIe—Chester Boma nod hulls for sale—nos. Kerr Plano for snla—Mrs. Then Gibson Pinna for onlo- PlinZIP 14 Sow for sale—,GervIn ',erode Pigs for KIN—Andrew Sloan Pigs for Polo—nano 40.4 Cream separator for sale—A. Tames rortsale—a. Carter Mrs, John Morriosn is somewhat better from her recent illness. Patriotic Service. — The annual 13,1 Patriotic service will be held in Wro01 - xeter Perk on Sunday afternoon, June 30th at 2.45. Let us remember our patriotic duty and meet for wor- ship at the open-air service.- Pro- grams will be provided, It is expect- ed that the Indian Quartette from Sarnia Reserve will render selections. Rev. Sidney Davison of Wingham, ' will address the gathering. If wea- ther conditions do not, favour an out. door service, the meeting will be held in Wroxeter United Church. - 800 people attended the service last year. A QRA N D • Will be held at R. Davidson's Grove 12th Con. Grey 00 • Thursday 41 Afternoon July 4 We invite you with all your ehildren. Come early Bring Your Basket 1 Bad have a jolly time 1 Soft Ball Horseshoe Pitching g ETI-1EL T. R. and. Mrs. Munroe, have re- turned to their home in Toronto ar! ter spending a few days with Geo. and Mr8. Eckmier. Mrs. Munroe is a sister of the latter. E. L. and Mrs. Desjardine and Les- lie accompanied by Geo. and...Mrs. Addy spent a few days the guests of Geo. .and Mrs. Hall and J. A. and Mrs. Cole, at Flint, Mich. A large number from here attend- eed the Roe's Garden Party on Fri- day last and every one enjoyed the play "East Lynne." and the good • supper. Over $175 was received at the gate and every one felt that the Roe's congregation had the best gar- den party they ever held. Thy are . to be congratulated. On Sunday next the service a in the United Church will be held at 3 p.m. !instead of the usual hour at 7.30 on account of the special services in the Presbyterian church, The pastor, Rev. D. M. Guest will preach his farewell ,sermon before leaving for their new field at Arkona, There will be special preaching . services in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 30th, morning and !evening. On Tuesday evening, July 2nd, the garden party will be held on the church grOunds. Supper will e served from (i to 8. The Bluevale i Concert Co. will render an up-to- date program. Rev. W. J. West, of Atwood, will be the special preacher at the Sunday services. St. Marys Journal—Mr. and Mrs. C. Raynard, of Ethel (Grey Town- ship) their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dobson, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Raynard's sister, Mrs. Alex. Ross. Mr. adn Airs. Raynard 86 and RI years To spectively, walked to the top of the hill leading to the gement plant with- out the aid of even a stiek. It is ten years since Mr. Raynard lasted visit- ed Blanshard. He was sure a wel- come visitor, On Sunday afternoon the funeral of the late Wm. Cole who passed a- way in Listowel on Thursday last, was held from his late home in Lis- towel .and to the Ethel United church where a memorial service was con- ducted at 3 p.m. The service was conducted by Rev. E, F. Armstrong, of the Listowel United church assist- ed by Rev. D. M. Guest, of Ethel. The church was filled to capacity by old friends and former neighbors of the deceased who was so well and favorably known here end in other communities where the family had made their home. A large number of the members of the Orange Or- der were present to pay their re- spects to the memory of a brother member and they also conducted a very impressive service at the grave of the deceased. On Monday evening a pleasant social time was spent by the members of the Wortian's Institute at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) McMaster with a large number present when the mem hers took the opportunity of bidding farewell to one of their members, Mm (Rev.) Guest, who is leaving next week. After a short business session conducted by the President, Mrs. th1.5. Pearson, an address and a presentation of fancy china cups and saucers was made to Mrs, Guest on behalf of the Woman's Institute, Mrs. Guest replied thanking the ladies for their. knid remembrance. The fellowingsis the address: Dear Mrs. Guest:—We, your friends and members of the Ethel Woman's In- stitute, with whom you have worked CAR OF SALT TO ARRIVE AT ETHEL ON JULY 6 45c per cwt. N. Hayden & Sons ETHEL Races and Swings t Prises awarded sinners el Booth on Grounds Ss 4.s.: Under auspices Men's Club St. John's Church, Brussels fi 1 H. Bryan% H. Champion, St President. Sec.-Treas. 4 Llit'aiXiDiZiDt2iiZMfirsZtWa'airaa,u-ZiOaiDt11 so faithfully during your fOur years of residence here, have met together to spend one more evening with you before your departure from our midst. We regret very much that you are leaving this community but ! we are glad that we have had the • privilege of your friendship and co- operation for even this brief period of time. You have always been will- ing to do your share for the better- ment of the community and we know • that you will have the same interest • in your new sphere of service. Our I best wishes go with you and we trust I that the heavenly Father whom you love and serve will watch over you and bless you in the years to come. As a slight token of our esteem 1911 ask you to accept these liptle gifts, hoping that as you use them. you may be reminded of your old friends et Ethel. Signed on behalf of the Ethel Woman's Institute, Mrs. Jas. Pearson President, Mrs, L. Lake, ist Vice President. William Henry Cole, well-known resident of Listowel and formerly of Ethel passed away at his Listowel home on Friday after an illness cif six years duration. Death came after a serious illness of eight weeks and the cause was a stroke of apo- plexy. The late Mr. Cole was born in the township of Hullett, Huron county in the year 18135 and had been a resident of Listowel for the past three years being foreman of a sawmill and had been connected with the lumber business during his business career. Prior to moving to Listowel the deceased man had resi- ded in Ethel, Brussels, Stratford and Lost Channel in the Parry Sound district. He .was a beloved member of the United •church and was a member of the Orange Lodge, being past 'master of L.O.L. 2819, Lost Channel, Parry Sound district. He was also a member of the Canadian Order of Foresters and in his Orange career had received all the degrees of the Royal Black Knights of Ire- land. In politics the late Mr. Cole was a staunch follower of the Con- servative party. There are surviv- ing, besides his wife, tormerly Miss Jane Prudence Stephenson, four sons, Lewis Alfred and Howard Wil- bert, of Listowel, and Ernest Wesley and Frederick Earl. of Stratford; two daughters, Lilian Pearl, of .Lis- towel and Mrs: D. 3. Hutchinson, of Stratford; three brothers, S. S. Cole, of Stratford; J. A. Cole, of Flint, Mich.; and L. A. Cole, Peace River district, and three sisters, Mrs. Wm. Stephenson, of Brussels; Mrs. Adam Glazier, Clinton and Mr. Thomas Pollard, of Kinburn. There are also surviving nineteen grandchildren. The funeral took place on Sunday from his late residence, Listowel, to the United Church at Ethel where a short service was held after whir.It interment was made in Mount Plea- sant cemetery, Ethel, with the Orange Lodge in charge of the service. The funeral service at the home was con- ducted by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, assisted by Ensign Mr, Morrison. During the service at the residence a fitting solo was rendered by Miss Lein weber. The service at the church was also conducted by Mr Arm- strong, assisted by Rev. Mr. Guest, of the Ethel United church. The funeral was largely attended with friends and relatives present from Niagara Falls, Clinton, Kinburn, Brussels, ,Stratford, Ethel and the surrounding district. The pallbear- ers were nephews of the deceased win. Ed. Stephenson, Percy Stephen- son, Herbert Glazier, Wesley Steph- en so n, William Stephenson and FredStephenson, Among the beautiful floral tributes received were offerings from : the family, Ethel L. 0. L. No. 681 v•C% N. R. power house staff, Stratford ; neigh- bors, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Cole and Mr. and Mrs, A. 3. Colby. George andiVirs1 Pollard and Leslie arid Mrs. Pollard ; Adam and Mrs. Glazier and Thomas and 'Mrs. Pollard, Alfred and Will anti Harold Glazier .; 11. Voyt. ' J. and Mrs. Stephenson and Percy ; Special Service& AND Garden Party Presbyterian Church Ethel Sunday, June 30 Rey. W. J. West, Atwood, will preach at 11 and 7.30 Special music in the morning by the choir and in the et ening by a mixed Quartette Frain Knox Presbyterian Church. Wees.ele Tuesday, July 2nd Cold Meat Supper served from 6 to 8 Garden Party on the Church Lawn BLUEVALE CONCERT CO'Y will render an updddate program consisting of Duets. Solos, IZeodings, Violin and Saxophone Selections, &c. Admission 50 and 25 cents Rev. W. A Witiiams!Minister. Presbyterian Ladies' Aid, Mrs. Wm. Stephenson, Margaret and Fred and family ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacklin ; L. J. Burrows ; Blackmore and Hamilton Furniture Company ; Leslie Askins ; C. 13. and Airs. Deit- rich and Buick Millwright dept, Flint, Mich. MORRIS Haying is on the program stow. Roadwork is being done on the 6th ling,. Norman 'Shaw of New Liskeard is here for a short vacation at the par. ental home. Many from the Township were at the Conservative meeting in Wing - ham last Thursday afternoon. Harry Cook, of Paris, and Mrs. S. J. Taylor of Calgary, Alta., were week -end visitors with their brother, Albert Crooks 4th line, and other friends in this locality. The Late Mary H. Laidlaw—There passed away in Clinton Hospital On Monday afternoon, another of the old and much esteemed residents of the community, in the person of Mary H. Laidlaw. She had been suffering with cancel for some ,time but it was only recently that it took an acute form and she returned to the home of her brother, Finlay Laidlaw, 9th line, Morris, from Kin- cardine where she had made her hone for the past three years, on June 6th. A week later she went to Clinton Hospital to undergo an X- ray examination when it was found that the disease had made such pro- gress that an operation would be of no avail and she gradually passed a- way. Deceased was born on theteld Laidlaw homestead, south hall of lot 14, con. 9, Morris, in June 1874, and with the exception of the past three years her entire life was spent there. She was a woman of agree- able disposition, of a kind and con siderate nature and much respected by all who knew her. She is SUlTiV- eed by five brothers, namely: Messrs. Finlay, Duncan, John, of Morris; An- drew, of Belgrave, and James of Vancouver; and three sister: Misses Susan and Annie at home, and Mrs. Donald McCallum, Morris, The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon from the old homestead, service being held at two o'clock by Rev. T. W. Goodwill, pastor of Old St Andrew's Presbyterian church, followed by interment in the Union Cemetery. WALTON Clarence and Mrs. Bennett and son were in London recently. Mrs. John Watt is spending a few days with relatives in Toronto. Fred and Mrs. Miller spent Sun- day with friends at Milverton. Charles and Mrs. Sellers and C. and Airs. Bennett spent Sunday in Goderiel Mis,. Muriel Farquharson . and Miss lsabell Eaton, of Winthrop, spent the week end with relatives 115 Walton. John and Mrs. McDonald have pur chased a house in Windsor and in- tend moving there about the middle of July. Nelson Reid, Miss Edna Reid and Mrs. Elmer Rackwell and children spent the week end with relatives in Stanley Township. Geo. and Mrs. Watt and little son, of Toronto, were recent ,visitors at the home of Mr, Watt's uncle, John Watt, of Walton, Geo, and Mrs. MeTaggart. and Miss Annie AL:Taggart have return- ed home after spending a few dap with Mrs. AleTaggart's sister, Mrs. Moon, at Stevensville, Ont. The'annual,garden party of Duff's United Church will be held on Fri- I day, July 50. Supper will be served i from 6 to 8. The program will be supplieed by Ye Olde Tyme Village. Quartette, of Toronto, assisted by j Tom Hamilton, Scotch •comedian The ' Blyth Citizen's Band will be in at- tendance. See advt, and bills. "ALTON Duff's United Church Garden Party friday ev'g, July 5th Supper served from B to 8 o'clock Program supplied by YE OLDE TYNE VILLAGE QUARTETTE • TORONTO Including Tom Hamilton Well known Seoteh Comedian Blyth Citizens' Band admission 500 and 25c Mrs. H. Kirkby Pres. Ludic' Aid W. J. Wines - Pastor ^ • • Miss Winnifred Drager is at pres- ent spending a few days in London with rclatives, Melvin Steiss of Detroit, was •1 receat visitor att he home of Daniel and Mrs. Steiss, Walton. Thos, Clark, a well known black- smith of Walton is seriously ill. His many friends hope for a speedy re- covery. The Bake sale held in the A. 0. U. ' W W d the. of the Ladies Guild of St. George's Anglican Church was a great sue. cess. John McDonald has announced a clearing auction sale of farm stock and implements, also household ef- fects, etc., to be held at- Walton on 'June 2Fth. Full list in this issue. The Young People of the United Church bring to a close their evening • services for the summer months. TheY are planning to make a meet- ing on the evening of June 30th a very interesting one. An outside speaker is expected and a full choir • of the young ladies will provide spec- ial music. This meeting will be held in the auditorium of the church. GREY' ! W. 110(0 Road work was done on the 14th nt • .k. Many took in the Field Day at Monktbn on Thursday of this week. The Circus at Stratford drew many from the- township on Mon- day. Miss Pearl 3acklin, of Toronto, is spending her vacation at the psyental home. • Wm. Sholdice, of the south gravel, took in the circus at Stratford on Monday. .lames R. and Mrs. McDonald and family took in the circus in Stratford on Monday. Wm. and Mrs. Engel And little son Billy, ,of Stratford, visited friends in , Grey on Sunday. Miss Gladys McPhee, B. A. of Sea - forth, was home for the Cleaver-- - Steiss wedding last week. I On Sunday next the service in the Union United Church vill be held at 7.30 instead of the usual hour 3 P. M. The pastor will preach his fare- well sermon. Everbody welcome. I Steiss—Cleaver :—A pretty June ' wedding ,was solemnized on Wednes- day, June 19th, at the home of Char- les and Mrs. Cleaver, Ethel, Ont., ! when their daughter Roxy Rubella was united in marriage to John Alex- ander Steiss only son of Louis and Mrs. Steiss• of Brusseels, Ont, The ceremony was performed at high noon by Rev. D. M. Guest of the Um iti'd Church, The bride who \yea giv- en in marriage by her father took her place beneath a prettily devorat eel arch on a spacious lawn while the wedding march was played by Mrs. Stanley Mahan. Th1. bride looked charming in a gown of ivory crepe satin -and lace with tulle von (Md or- ange and sweet heart roses with Maiden hair fern. She was attended by Miss Lydia Steiss a sister of the groom while little Miss Iola Nicholl a niece of the groom made a pretty flower girl. The groom wits attended by Mr. Calvin Camersm, ot Brussels, During the signing of the register, Mrs. Erwin Chase sang "011, promise me". After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served on the lawn with six eirl friends of the bride serving. Amid showers of NM. fetti and good wisho from the guests asserribleed the bride and groom left by motor for a honeyrnoon ni f fain, Hamilton and Niagara ,Falls. Guest) nurnering about 50 wore pre- sent including seine front Hamilton, Buffalo, Dundalk, Lorton, Kitehener and Conestoga On their return bit. and Mrs. ,Steiss will reside on Con. 14, Grey Twp. 15 BLUEVALE Miss Beth Barnard is home from London Normal, for the summer va- cation. Mrs. Hugh Berry, of Brucefield, is spending a few days with her mother Mrs. S. H. Smith who has been on the sick list. r BABY 1 CHICKS Barred Rock, from Johnston strain, Meaford, for eight • years winner in Laying Con- test, Ottawa. June Chicks now on hand at 121c each. J. Harvey Bryans Phone 12-8 1 Personal Paragraphs 1 Miss Mee Wilkinson spent Friday if last week jo1../M1C10/1, bulise Norene Ohin chill is visiting in Steal Inc d for the holidays. Bart. Lavis of Clinton, paid 13i us- sela a short visiton Monday. Not unto Shaw, of New Liekeard, is O mewing old iteinniwtacees in town, Hitiold Pickett, of Clinton, was 0 visitor in town on Ss tut de y evening. :). biepoet or. Min rav, of London, O idled at 13ruesels Post Office on Tues. dty Mrs, Jas. Rutherford, c.f Boissevain. Man., is visitilig her sister, Mts. 0..M.. iltni.t. • Mrs. Fred POVIPI field, of Mitchell, willed on friends ill WWII Oil Thursday last. Sliss Elizabeth Downing leaves on Thursday to spend the slimmer at • Medicine Hat. • Dr. and Mrs. Lackner and Alister • Laekner, Kiichensr, were visitors in Brussels on Sunday. • NIT, F. Spatling has been renewing old twilit finances in St. Marys and j also attended a wedding. i Jas. and Mrs. Dogge, of Ohntlittni, are in towo, 'Mrs. is a sister of Prank Si 102 tow Jeweller. Miss B. Penfold left this week for ner home in Guelph She crudes the beRt•w iE•beu of the nnit v. Dave slid Mts. Hume. of 'Vomit°, have spent the past creek with the lat. ' ter's aunt, Mts. Jennie Long, Flora S2. Lestet Grnekopf, Detroit., is spend. , log his vacation at the ;tome of G. G. and Mrs. Manners, the latter being • his mother. Miss Peat I Baeksr, of Toronto, and Bentge Baeker, if Hamilton. are visiting with their pat etas, Wm. and ' Alis Biker. GODPRICii SIGNAL :— Airs. L. It. Creighton, of liandli,m, is the guest of Mrs, Clarke at the North street Un- • ited chin eh parsonege. Prank and NirN. Jeechke of Detroit, • who spent the past week with the tat - tee's fathet, SVM, Durk, returned to • their borne last Sunday. Mrs. Pens and daughter, Miss Kate Fallis. of Toronto, were the guests of • Mrs Prank Stretton. "Vergewont," S!tetl001 Hill, last week. Tem. Dark, of Edmonton, who has been 110114 visiting WO fmher, W171. Dark, dm ing :the past week stet ted on his 'return trip how e. • Mrs, A. Strachan, Mts, C. Scott and Jim, Mee. R, F. Dnvenitig, Mies B. Downing and Mies 13. Penfold spent. Sal urdey at the lakeside at Godeeich, M1.8 Mint Ficicvnwis who illtS been in Toronto the past two or three months is spending a eonple of weeks with het grandparents, (deo. and Mrs. Edwards,'4101 St. Last Sunday evening Bert Lott as. eisted in the seeviee in Wellington St. United (Thumb. Bo ail t fot (I, Phis week he is attending a school reunion in the "Telephone City". Mrs, T. Whitfield has returned to B!000010 after visiting with her son 1(1 Toronto for the past Few months. 'Phe visitor is staying with her daugh- ter, Airs. 11. 0, Walker. 3, Dawson and Mrs. Manners and 1.t50 000)015, of Edmonton, Alta., are here on a trip. cowing by motor.• The former is a son of our tow iistnan, 1', Manners. NV. J. and Mrs. Procter and daugh- ter, Miss Ltiln, attended the A.. P, A. 51. serviees at Goderich. North St, C111111111, StlIldity evening, Miss Pine- tei assisting the choir' and also rend- elieg ile algt'ghl;u1 to hear that. Airs. Alex. Anderson is so umeh improve. ed after her operation, that she may be home this week. Dr. Hai old Armstrong, an old Brussels boy, pet, foi flied the operation, Miss Harnett Gerry. of Indian Head, has been visiting at I he home nf her uncle, N. P. Gerry, in town and Albert Crooke in Morris twp. This is the first Min East the young lady has made. The visitor 15 a daughtee of Albert Gerry, a femme Hi nsselite, Herbei. t 130 id LOU 1001 id from De. troit, Saturday afternoon and had 02 shertvisit t his home, ''5 ergetn ma" Stretton Hill, 10.1.11'11i:1g Sunday morning. Mut. Fronk S' r 4ton and NitsPt ingle accompanied him. 'rho), ted in Detroit for a week. Rev. NV Hanna, B. A., rif Toron- to, and itti old Morris Totimship boy wet l'ellOtVillg old I2l'ill10O111111.10`05 10 l.OWl) co: M,,Ittlfty. Mr Hanna was in WillallO11) 011 Sunday, and oIcppdll to see the old sights in and 01011ml Bilis- spiv. Ile woos a %veteran*, visitor. flophlttleti SIGNAL ;—Dour. 'Clarke • took first.elass hotline in his u.c coral 50120' in forestry engineering, and MOS Mary ()twice was succeasfull in the Uuiversity'e social se: vice eonrse. Miss Mary Clarke, who EtillOP fi Wishing her term at the University of Torino. tn, Ilea 110011 holidaying at her bottle here, left this week for Lake Sevrna, where she will he on the staff bit eherge of St. Chrietopher Camp for t he summer.