HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-6-12, Page 81 WI DNI SDAY, JUNE 12th, 1020 The tOrillfaitelleaff119101310490414latagaiVeilialltilVolgitgttoi June the Beauty Month Dusky The New Toilet Goods Line Foundation Cream Cleansing Cream Perfume Face Powder Talcum Powder Bath Powder Bath Crystals Soap Toilet Water Compacts, &c, A complete line of Modern Toilet Preparations in the new beautiful red packages -rare pleasant perfume, Banding Caps New styles New colorings Prices 19c to $1.00 Bobber Gloves In colors Mauve, Rose and Jade Green 60c per pair no Dards Bird Guides for land Birds east of the Rockies, with clear colored illustrations $L25 Ilutoroohile Road Maps 5p -to -date and publish- ed by the Ontario De- partment of Hlerh t aNs Price 5''c RED CEDAR FLAKES PREVENT'MIcTIIS 15c This Store Lal Brussels United Church REV, A. W. BARKER. E. MINISTER Sunday, June 16th 10 a.nl,-Sunday School Session, 11 a,m.-Public Worship, Subject : "If Christ had not Come" 7 p.m Public Worship. Rev. F. W. Craik, GorrIe Wednesday -Prayer Service Friday -,Choir Rehearsal n' • GOOD BABY CARRIAGE For Sale. • Price reasonable. Phone 71, '52-1 ca + RAYMOND SEWING Machine for I sale, in good condition. Phone 18, 52-tf. BARRED ROCK BABY CHICKS, redly June 12th, 19th and 28th, 140, each. Ed. Fulton, Phone • 285. 52-1 R HOUSE and Lot For Sale,... Apply to Mrs. M. Fraser, Brussels, Ont. 52-2. 4 A Good Light Wagon for Sale.... Ap- ply to W. II. Bell, Phone 705. 52-1 i. the pian• to get a Kodak (*>• eP> o• fill any Photogen- g phis n.'4, Kodak Film, Photo °;e Finishing 2 bhp e ?� S'tor'y Druggist and Stationer mBtatar .a ersxx301.1*2tBr2romrarargr�fatiY�t�;6.1 o R. SMITH Local News Items Held a Bee Member:; of the United 'Claire have been holding a "bee" when th horse :shed had a clean up and new gravel on the ground. New Agricultural Assistant Mr. Ian 'McLeod, recent graduat of the 0. .A. C., Gueipa , the new assistant representative for Huron County and began work last week. After a Swarm Last week Eenie Hunter, all "masked" was in the thick of a bee swarm r e - swarm at the home of .1. IL Ballan- tyne, and succeeded in taking the wanderr+rs home, 1 Foot Ball To -night h 'Mil 'rton plays Isere to -night, e (WVdn,'sday i at Victoria Park. This will be a real foot ball match. Away to th Walter and M ' r., pose left this cwe,,k fur to ..pend a few weeks at their cottage on Lake Huron. Replaced Broken Window. I The bis: )date glass window at the ithisasy lianas show room winch was broken by the big wind storm some . months ago was replaced last Thurs- day morning. I A Quick Job. i The big Inotor driven oil sprayer ' or the Dant. of Public Highways was in town last Wednesday and soon oil- ed the vat'ous stniets. A carload of oil raid not let long with this modern less OF of applying t he oil. The work- men left fur Grand Bend. IFoot Ball Results. , Last Thursday night Stratford de- ' feat,'t1 Winthrop in the Classic City 1 by a score of 0-0 ; Milverton and f Monkton played a tie game ; on i Monday evening Winthrop outscored iStratford and won 2-1 on their home grounds, , Departmental Examinations, Writs are Issued. Writs for. by-election in Prescott and Lanark, OM., are being issued. Nomination day for by-election in both con,tatuan„t .shas h er n set July 22 and election day for July 29. Will Meet in Auburn The Presbytery of Huron, The United Church of Canada, will meet in regular session in Knox United Church Auburn on Thursday, June 13th next, at 9.30 a. m. The ladies of the church will serve dinner. Attending Tournament, This Wednesday Brussels Bowling Club is represented at the annual bowling tournament at Goderich ' by R. Bowman, N. F. Gerry, W. S. , Scott and the old reliable R. Down- ing. Maybe he trophy will come back with them. Well Known Here. Rev. H. W. Snell, B. A. L. Th., rector of St. Paul's Angi tan Church, Stratford, and former rectorr Wingham, who i' well 1 novm In Brussels, having been a timelier at the Short Co ars held herr., 'rdebs•at- ed the 25th anniversary of his ordin- ation rd n.ation into the ministry of the An„ - Evan Church, on Sunday. I. O. 0. F. Decoration Service. The annual decoration serviee of Western Star Ledge, I, 0. 0. F, will be held on Sunday after ea m. d ++ itlth, when the brethren • re asked to assemble at the Lodge room at 2.30 o'clock sharp, to march to Brussels: Cemetery. All members .are cordial- ly invited. Flowers will he furnish- ed by the Lodge. + Charged With Brussels Assault. William Allan was arrested at Lcaseion last week and brought to •Goderich to answer a charge of as- sault upon John McCosh of Bri. sets, who was terribly insured in a row at Brussels on the night of 19>1. urday, May 25th, Mr, McCosh from the first refused to tell the police Who his assailant was but swore he would have vengeance upon him. Al- IJ len a notion peddler of about 130 ,years of age, had been with McCosh and suddenly dtsappeaared, and the. suspicions 'of the police centred upon 1 him. McCosh is still in the hospital at Wingham )n a serious condition, t and' is now sina'ble to speak, In the a zncantime Magistrate Reidhas q h e post- g posed. the hearing of the eharge, t McCosh was -an umbrella mender a- C bout sixty-five years of age. Godes a .rich Signal. B The Middle end Upper 'School ex- aminations will open on Monday, June 17th;1 the Lower School on Thursday, June 20th; the Model En- trance on Monday, Jane '2 ith, and the High School Ent1 a1 •e• on Wed- nesday, June 2Gth. Attended Meeting. St. Johns Lodge A. F. & A. M. waw til rope en .rJ at he District Lull„ meeting. held at Blyth last Frt- d were given by Rt. Wor. Bea ,. 1.. 11, 17argavr•1, Deputy Grand Master; Rt, Wor- W.N. Logan Grand h er tary, and others. Teacher Resigned Mi. 1ntold, Principle of Brus- sels 1 o :nua+ion Schol, and Mr, E. Dobie r dist n1, have placed their r leu it ons wire the; school Board. 111.= Penfulel return:: to Gut.] l)h and Mr. Debit: has accepted epted the I'rinciple- ship of the Verde:te h (Continuation School. The Board rrgrr•ts that these two teachers are rr:digning, Bi Liberal Big a Gathering g at Grand Bend. Ir The South Huron Liberal Assoc- , 110 taboo. is holding a picnic at Grancl. Ji Bend, on June. 19. The chief spe- 'It alter will he Hon. Erneet Laponte, ' C Minister of Justice, the; ,ib•er ton- th gued orator of 'Quebec'. Associated with him will be Hon. J. C. Elliot, , Minister of Public Works, Hon, E. . Euler, minister of National Rev - onus, lion. Jae, Malcolm, minister of Trade and Commerce, together with the local members, Thos. Mc- Tillian, M. P. and all the other Ontario Ministers and many of On ario's outstanding M. I'.'s, ) All re cordially invited to attend and ear National interests discussed es seed d b hose able exponents of Liberalism ome and bring your lunch baskets nd enjoy a half holiday at Grand J end on June 19th. FOR SALE -3 and 4 week old 5. C. White Leghorn Cockerels. Ready row, Ten cents each. Phone 204 Fred McCutclreun. 52-1 FOR SALE -Master Six McLaughlin Car for ale, Cheap. This car in best of repair. Alf. Backer, Brits sets. 52-tf FOR SALE-.. Two, four years of cows due to freshen this month, Both quiet, good stock cows and also good milkers. Also a good wagon and hayloader cheap. Ap• ply to Norman Sanderson, Blyth, Ont. 52-1 BUCKWHEAT for Sale. Apply to John McNair, Phone 43-7.. 51-11 TWQ Young Brood Sows, coming in in about a month. Dan McKinnon, d Phone 23-16. 51-t£. BABY CHUCKS -Barred Plymouth Rock, 0. A. C. strain, June 14c each. Single Comb White Leg- horn, Barron strain, June 12e each; also dry summer wood for sale. Dan. McKinnon, Brussels, I'hone 23-16. 43-tf of Firsts QUANTITY Class Timothy Y and Alfalfa Hay for sale. Jesse Wilbee, Phone 40-14. 50-tf FOR SALE -Barred Rock Baby Chicks from Johnston strain, Mea ford, eight year's winners in the Laying Contest at Ottawa. J. Harvey Bryans, Phone 12-8. 148-13 HOUSE and Property for sale. Ap- ply to Miss Ella Woods, Brussels, Phone 22x. 47-tf, Co. Council Picnic. The Huron Co, Council annual picnic will be held at Bayfield, on Friday, Juno 21st. Pictures Comnig to the Grand. Following aro a few of the pic- tures billed at the Grand Theatre for the coming month: 14 -15 -Under Tonto Rim 17 -18 -After the Storm 21-22-Tillie's Punctured Ro- mance 24 -25 ---The Wreck 28 -29 -Vanishing Pioneer. July 1, 2, 3 -Legion of the Con- demner}. Foot Ball. For the benefit of foot ball fol- lowers the Brussels dates in Group No. 2 of the W. F. A. are listed as follows: At Home - June 12 -Milverton June 19 ---Stratford July 10--Monkton. Away-- Jnne 14 -Winthrop Jnne 27 -Stratford July 5... -Milverton July 19-Monkton. Departmental Exams. The Schedule of dates is es fol- lows: Entrance Exams -June 26 to 28. Lower School -June 20 to 20. Middle School -June 17 to 24. The various dates for the Middle Sr•hoe' subjects are: June 17-Com- tsition and Physics; June 18-Al- ebra and Canadian History; June --Literature and Ancient History; ane 20 -Geometry and Chemistry; inc 21 -Latin Authors and Latin omposition; June 24 -French Au. ors and French Composition. Foot Ball Schedule June 13 ---Winthrop vs. Brussels. June 15-Monkton vs. Milverton June 19-Monkton vs. Winthrop June 19 ---•Brussels vs, Stratford June 27 --Stratford vs. Brussels. Juiy 3 ---Winthrop vs. Monkton July 3 -Stratford vs. Milverton th July 5 -Milverton vs. Brussels b Tilly 8 --Milverton vs. Stratford K July 10 -Brussels vs. Monkton. my 11 -Winthrop vs. Milveta'on Ll uiy 10-Monkton vs. Brussels. bo 11 2 ' it Q ft ft II it ll ft J it .� R II An Essential of Modern Life rli BANKENG .Service is one .of the essentials of modern life. Itit in the production of every article and in. 01 every commodity. Wiill, distribution would be impossible. Yet functions so smoothly that we are aware of our dependence upon it. 13y Banking Service for granted we pay our tribute to its eflieicncy, Buell year an number of depositors and clients.of- of the ebar'aetrr of Service offer - Canadian Bank of Commerce. CANJ D BANK COMMERCE rui th which is a,na(�a,r+arcd n STANDARD BANK OF CANADA P It 4, ft 8 I ,g II it li 5.1 n n , ` (�, ..." assists the transportation out it, Banking scarcely taking r greatest increasing fords evidence e(lby the THE OF ('/FIE Players, Pianos Organs Tuned and Repaired Satisfaction Assured J., C. Blackstone Orders taken by Walker & Black f. Celebrate it IN Palmerston ._ t _ North Huron Orange County es ! i« and visiting Lodges are hold - .t ing a Monster Celebration in 4. Pahnerston, on July 12th. i • Speakers that are Leaders in va Oran a Order will be t g. present a i" and other entertainments will I� t .he. provided for 'ail, f J t All roads lead ...to Palmerston. 4i Jo • • on the Glorious Twelfth, 1929. Jac•04+4,44-4.44,«.-4,0:1.1. Interior Painted. The interior of the Bank of No Scotia, has been brightened up by coat of paint. Going Up North. On Tuesday Milt. Lowe, J Shaw, N. Hamilton, and son Ja left by motor for Kirkland Lakes. New Junior, Mr. Marshall, of Arthur, is the ne Junior at the Bank of Commerce. I commenced work this morning. Going to Blyth. Lorne Turvey has accepted a pos tion in a garage at Blyth, and now on the job. Mrs. Turvoy as Billy will move shortly. 3 c.t k, Glorious Twelfth Church Notes rr is Melville Church Remember the Anniversary ser- vices in Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, on Sunday July 14th at Ila. m. and 7 p. m. to be conducted by Rev. W. F. McConnell, of Paris. Also the Garden Party on the manse Lawn on Tuesday evening July 10th. In Melville e 111 e Church last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Jackson ,of Ethel, spoke on the Doctrine of Justification by faith. Justification is to prove that you are right. (1). Sin is a fact, Paul accepted sin as a fact, (2) Hell is a fact. Uuless we sit aside Christ we must accept Hell as a fact. Christ taught the existences of Hell. We are all sinners and subject to the punish- ments of sin but we maybe justified by faith in Christ. Paul teaches us Justification by faith and its results. (1). Peace, We have peace with God. (2). Standing in God's unni- verse. (3) ]triumph over troubles. Even in our troubles we triumph. (4) God's love in Christ satifies us, (5) We get a worth while religion. (0) We shall be saved from the wrath of God, (7) We joy in God. At the evening service Rev, Mr. Williams of Cranbrook, occupied the pulpit and took as his text Jonah 1 13 "But Jonah ruse up to flee unto Tarshlsh from the presence of the Lord and went down to Jonah ;and he found a ship going to Tarshish ; so he paid the fare thereof and he went down in it, to go with them unto Tarshisls from the presence of the Lord," The book of Jonah is sec- ond to none in the Bible. It teaches us great truths among these the truth that man cannot get away from God do what he will. There is no place on land or sea or sky where a man can geawayt from love of God, Jonah heardthevoice of God. calling him to go to Nineveh and purposed to go to some far off place where God could not find hila and so he sailed for Tarshisls. hien to -day are trying to quiet the voice of God calling to them and engage in plena - uses to take drink but they learn that it is impossible to' escape front the love of God and that it is con- tinually seeking them, Minor Locals, Exams will soon be here. Half of June gone o.-1 Saturday. The local showers are helping the garden sass. Only a little more then two weeks till Dominion Day, Gardening is the evening past time for many householders. Foot ball match this Wednesday evening, Milverton vs Brussels, Next Thursday, June 20th Hon. 11. D. Bennett will speak in: Wing - ham. The la overtime th a the grass. District Institute v next Tuesday. will hold i vice on Sun -Have y came in the ing in on th Many from will attend tion and picnic Presentation lawn mowers are working these days to keep up with meeting of the Women' 'ill be held in Fordtvirh ay Star Lodge T. 0. 0. I', is annual decoration ser - day, June lstis, you noticed since the radio re is not so ]ouch listen e ruga} telephones? m Brussels and vicinity the Liberal Demonetra• rnic at Grand Bend on of. next week, A short time after the removal of Mrs. Wesley Speiran and daughters to their new home in Brussels, the members of Union United Church, land neighbors presented Mrs. Speiran with an electric lamp and the :Sabbath school class presented sradalon with a bedroom clock and Jean with a sugar and cream set. The following address accompanied the gifts which were greatly appre- ciated byth •recipients:- c To i4Irs. Speiran and Girls. -It is with feel- ings of sadness that we, your friends in church and community have come to realize, that owing to un- foreseen circumstances you have been compelled to leave our midst. These changes come to every com- munity but when they come to us, they leave a pang of sorrow which is often hard to find consolation for. As we look back now, we realize how much your friendship meant to us and how rich a fellowship we en- joyed as we associated together with your family. We trust that in the time of trial through which you are passing you mast be very con- scious of the abiding presence of the Comforter and that your memory of the life partner taken from you may cantinue to be for you a bright spot in life. As you leave our midst, we realize that you will be greatly missed by every one but we trust that in your new surroundings you may find it easier to carry on in your new estate and it is our prayer that to you may be given added strength to carry the increased re- sponsibilities which you are called upon to bear, As a slight token of tare love and respect we have for you, Mrs. Speiran and girls, we ask you to accept this electric lamp in e hopes that as its light is shed In ur home, so may your pathway be ri "Lead and nd your prayer be indly Light amid the encircling oom." Signed on behalf of the nion United Church and neigh - re, Rural Schools. Rural schools will close for the long vacation on June 28, the usual offi- cial date of closing falling on a Sat- urday this year. At the present time reviews are being made for promo- tions, .and examinations will follow. The last term has been fairly success- ful, with the attendance ,well up to the average. Farm Swept by Flames, From iVloosomin, Sask., comes the word that. W. Henderson, brother of Ed. Henderson, of town had his barns, stock, etc destroyed in -a fire, Mr. Henderson is an old Grey Township boy and went West after he return- ed from overseas, The press report says: -Word has just been recelved here of a disastrous fire which oc- curred at the farm of W. Bender - son, of the Martin district, south of Moosomin, Thursday night, when 8 barns, a sheep pen antra granary were burned to the ground, The fire was first noticed by Mrs, Henderson at G p.ni, The flames quickly spread awing to a strong wind Th 1 I t�- i jramiliki, csanisossesiiimmuccamommiliniammicitemesziamomm IAL • Disinfectant / For stable and Poul- try uses, Invaluable as an antiseptic dyes • sing among live stock. Izal Powder For dusting poultry, etc. Excellent re- sults are obtained. Garden and Orchard Sprays Sprayiae Com osed of Arsenate of Lime and Bordeaux Mix - erre, Arsenate of #eadl Arsenate of lime ' Fresh supply on hand CYANOGAS Kills Groundhogs and other Destructive Pests •t, ; w;,a>f ;'~: ;»: ' 3» r»t : »;»: -; b :»;«;»;,:»;«'rw »; y ,»;«, ,, ,•«w;»;,q»;«; i t teae fiJrns Here! . s ` UNIOUE BORDER PRINTS Will Not Fade Better Snapshots . . , Fox • Allen's Drug Store Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James 1 estimated at $5,000 amounting to $1,500 son was able to save three calves and the horse, four head of of harness, five loads ten loads of hay and chop which had just the barn, were destroyed. with insurance BORN Mr. Render- 61CLAUGHLIN.-ir Brownlee,5ank„ to Mr one horse, penri6Dnrhj• D. hloLaughlln, a son.fNer pigs, but one cattle, a quantity i of sheeves, ; ARMSTRONG. two loads of I been placed in i reAllgON..1a ! DIED - -In Betgrsve, on Sunday, Juni sth. George Armstrong; aged Li yenra and Macrsem(n, Sask. on n1e nth 8smnel Feruueon. Aged , 78 years, (brother o1 Dirs. Geo. Edwards, Brussels), IN MEMORIAM REID.-In loving memory and cousin, Mrs, Allan Hone) who passed away June brings hack sad Of a loved one gone Who will always be By the ones who loved. Hayti sadness CAB still Tears in snence often Memory keeps yon Though It is one year Sadly missed AUNT sedKART.by AND Cocees 11 ' of our dear niece I Auction Salo. Reld (nee Pearl Jone II th, jl(5 ) SATURDAY, JUNE 16th -Household ef- fects, the property memories ' p pe to of the cote Moody Holland, home of the Mate Robert /. Salo t 2 to rest, • Hilton remembered + o'a(os (hn lfmsls t on Walton). Sam oa, her bent. I p'aloc)c Silos Johnstonhand L. Wnllamsoa, t Ezr¢utore some O'er aA. a THURSDAY, JUNE lora-tlareseryed s,le flow; E of Farm Stook, ]9nplembntn andWood at hot ever near ns 2,Om Dowd, Aug Lorne Robertson, Prop,; W. ago, J, Dowd, Auu. by t 1 FRIDAY, n15 o 2811,-Rnrm, Stook, Imple• Orme. Wtr,L r moons, Furniture ,C¢ , at the Walton Saw EOD18 01t.b, ( BIM. Sale unreserved: at 1 o'clock sharp. -John McDonald, Prop, ;Thos, Brown, Amt. • ( June i Sale i of i Summer Coats I Eight M=ull Days of Selling • June 14th to 22nd Inclusive I EVERY COAT IN THE STORE MUST MOVE AT SOME PRICE 1 { 4 1 to 1 off 2 kti F sal * ;,; Mat.,,:,.� °' 1 Dress Coats Travel Coats Ensembles and Tweedy Models All on the 13argain Coulter, FOR' 8 FULL DAYS Be sure to read h the copy of your June B}iy- ing Budget sent you. It tells of scores of other remarkable values throughout the store Shipments of New Summer presses are coming to hand daily, EXTRA EXTRA 20 WOMEN'S Oarbicord, to match and will out to the bone, values, each SUITS of the finest French Triootine or All are three-quarter coats with skirts make the smartest Ensemble. prices are Regular $30,00 to $45,00 75 Make this your buying centre for all summer requirements. KING BR OS. WINGHAM ONTARIO