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Uberal •Bemanstration
and Pic-nic
�t Grand Bend, Huron Co.
for all the Liberals and citizens generally of Huron, Middle-
sex, Perth, Oxford, Lambton and the City of London
The Federal o
Ontario Federal CabinetoMinisters will be prtern esent nd also the
The Pie.nie will be honored with the presence of
Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Justice
who, with.
Hon(. J. C. Elliott, Minister of Public Works
Hon. W. D. Euler, Minister of National Revenue
Hon. Jas. Malcolm, Minister,of Trade & Commerce
Senator Rankin, Wellington Hay, M. P.
Ross Gray, M. P., and Miss Gertrude Rankin,
Pres. Ontario Liberal Women's Association
The Public Meeting will be opened at 2 D. m. by Mr. Thomas
McMillan, M the Liberal WhHip for the Provinnd Mr. ce.
G. Sanderson,
Come with your baskets and bring your families and spend a
pleasant day in the interests of Liberalism in Canada.
Interesting News of
THE lit
Place Your Insurance.
S. Scot
Automobile - lire - lire
Phone No. I. Brussels.
rthI Chopping
Will run
Monday Tuesday
Friday & Saturday
of each week, beginning
the 17th of .June, until
further notice.
ua$$.5 ro$T
information Asked For
Municipal clerks have been ask-
ed for a list of burying grounds in
their municipalities. The agitation to
have neglected cemetries cleaned
up and put into proper shape is be-
ginning to enlist the sympathy of
the public and also
the department of the government
which has this work under its con-
Every Hunter Must Have
License to Carry Gun.
Although it may not be generally
known every person carrying a gun
for hunting purposes must have a
license, states Col. R. Emmerbon,
Ontario Fish and Game Warden,
with offices in London. Fanners and
their sons are the only.,persons ex -
ss ---"""•..a empted from this regulation, accord-
ing to the warden, and, in their case
the District the exemption holds good only when
on their own property." "We are
always endeavoring to impress upon
DROP t Mrs. Harry Scott and sons, JLnt the public," Col, Enmterton related,
The home team. defeated Stratford Donald and Harry, of Seaforth,
on Monday evening by a score of 2-1 anent Sunday with F. B. and Mrs.
at Winthrop. A good crowd was pre- Scott. is an easy matter to obtain one."
sent and there was lots of thrills. C. H. and Mrs. Garniss accolnpan- Contrary to a belief entertained 'by
Stratsord ace to first and Winthrop. bid enaI- ! Scotteir son daughter; NlalcolmlrstoJaw t maoy sportsmen, the open season for
had a chance to even up on a p fishing bass is not in effect at the
sp but Wright missedcame the fight bide ack . en *Lorne
pJno. aR. spent
occupied a few atheys .pulpit Present time, the warden points out.
pace. Winthrop rig The legal season for catching base
and ,corral and before half time in Andrew's Church, ce of m on ; opens on July 1, closing on October
Winthrop1Csecond again. in the sec- Sunday during the absence 12ev, ; 15, With both days inclusive.
end Stratford scored on a Welty Dr. !erne who is attending the Gen -
piece of combination, but Referee oral Assembly. Anniversary ser Gen-115,
Meeting Women's Institute
Stevenson •called it off side. The vices swill be held in Knox Presby -
next game will be Friday night when tartan Church on Sunday, June 16th, 1the 27th annual meeting of the East
Stratford scored first and Winthrop services
Drum,lof Toronto, will ha . Huron Women's Institute to be held
Brussels plays hereGin the Community Hall, Fordwich,
_ I charge of both services. The annual on Tuesday, June 1Sth:—
I gardon party will be' held on the MORNING SESSION am xo.ac
BLUEVALE church grounds on Monday evening,
A. Holmes spent Sunday at Har- June 17th. opening ode
Prayer • Lord's Prayer in Unison
"the risk persons are taking by hav-
ing guns for which thew hold no per-
mit." The license fee is small and it
Wit DNESDAY, JTJN.K 12th, .929
1- lou.
F, Black spent the week -end at
Mrs Stamper is under the doc-
tor's care at present.
Thos. Barett and sons Harold
spent Sunday in Waterloo.
Mrs, John Smith is improving a-
gain after her recent illness.
Neil and Mrs. Robb, of Stratford,
visited with old friends here.
Howard Milligan Left for Calgary
where he will spend the summer.
Charles and Mrs.Coultess, .of List-
owel spent Sunday with Mrs. G.
Sunday with Wm. and Mrs. Thorn- and Mrs. Bennett. Community Singing
George and Mrs. Thornton spent
Present visiting her parents, Joseph
ton.John and Mrs. Buchanan anr;.,,�iau- CollectionMatt. Elliott, of Toronto, is spend- ghter, Miss Mary, spent Sunday with Branch Reports.—
in a few days with his cousin, W. George and Mrs. Pryee at Winthrop. Bluevale Inst.
Mrs. Joseph Dennis is confined to Brussels Inst
J. Duff.
Wm, and bins. Thornton and Jas. her bed through illness. Her many Fordwieh
and il'Irs. Masters visited friends at friends wish for her speedy recov- Rutnam Girls
Gorrie, ery. Gorrie Inst.
David Hall and daughter, Tilly. Edward and Mrs. Bougar of De- Wroxeter Inst.
Molesworth Inst.
Ethel Inst.
Auditors' Report
Address Mrs. Wardlaw, Ethel
Instrumental Fordwieh Itutnam Girls
Arrangements for next Annual Meeting
Weed Inspectors Meet at Clinton.
the tiee W Ispectors
Weed Is rectors
Ian McDonald
Automobile Insurance
Phone lax
45c per cwt.
N. Hayden & Sons
., i Roll Call
WALTON i Community Sinelne
Peter B. Gardiner spent Monday ( Led by Miss E. Stephens
in Toronto on business, : Paper Gorrie W. I.
A large crowd attended Thomas Election of Officers
Clark's sale in Walton on Monday. i Adjournment until afternoon Session,
Miss Muriel Farquharson, of Win- AFTERNOON SESSION 1.30throp spent the week end at home.
Miss Gertrude Miller spent the 'opening ode
week end with Miss Rankin in Sea- Prayer Mrs. Stocks, Wroxeter
forth. iAddress of 'Welcome
Misses Jean and Maud Ferguson Otrs. S. I{night, Fordwieh
of Seaforth visited friends in Wal- Reply Mrs. Simpson, Molesworth
ton, recently. Solo Mrs. Barker, Brussels
Mrs. ,W. Watson, of London is at Paper Bluevale W. I.
Wroxeter W. 1.
of Hamilton, spent the week -end with troit, spent the tveek end with Mrs.
relatives here. Dougar's parents, John and Mrs. Mc -
Mrs. Chas. Enright and daughter, Donald.
of Toronto, are spending a few days Mrs. William Clark and Miss Jean
with Mrs. A. Holmes. Clark returned home on Saturday
Miss Viola McLeod received a tel- evening after spending several weeks
egram stating that her mother was in Toronto.
seriously ill at Detroit.
Johnston and Black shipped three HURON COUNTY
cars of cattle and one car of hogs to for all the municipalities of Huron
Toronto on Saturday. The whole stall of Seaforth Col- }
James and Mrs. Kearney, and Ito- lcgiate have been fired. County was held in the Agricultural
ger and Mrs. Oke spent Sunday with Clinton has hadan application for Office, Clinton, Tuesday afternoon.
Joseph and Mrs. .Smith, in Morris. building permits, totalling. $1.1,285,- There were forty present tit this
J. Wesley Beattie and Misses Fior- 00. meeting which included a number of
once and Ethel Beattie were Sunday Fredrick Ross, for 17 years teach- fanners who were interested in' weed
visitors at the home or R. F. Garniss. er in Dungannon school, has resigned control. The weed Campaign for
M. and Mrs. Gregory, of St. Marys on account of ill health. season was outlined and control meas -
and George and Mrs. Townsend, of Clinton is willing to allow its ures were discussed. The situation is
Gorrie visited with Wm. and Mrs. chemical Fire Truck to go into the serious and the success met with will
Thornton. nearby townships in case of fire. largely depend upon the co-operation
'Tire local softball teams were at A, union picnic, under the auspices of everyone concerned. This is a
ick will be county project, it is practically hope -
which are cut green and 'used for
hay might give greater returns than
if allowed to ripen, in which case
the grain yield is very often poor.
The most encouraging observation
from the experience of last year is
the evident demand for information
of the nature and paritcularly on the
control of weeds. All will agree that
this is a healthy sig nand should be
encouraged" in every way possible.
The Weed Inspectors therefore should
continue to study and for this pur-
Mrs. Aitchesoa
Miss Downing
Mrs. McEllwain
Mrs. Strong
Mrs. S. Ashton
Miss Mary Pope
Mrs. Simpson
?sirs. Bremner
Gorrie Tuesday night. The
won by about 20 runs and the girls
lost by about the same number of
Thor will be a bee at the cemetery
at 1 p. ten, Saturday,, June 15, to
clean up and improve the property.
All those interested will kindly come
along and bring necessary tools.
Has a large and complete
stook of Family Memorials
in newest designs at very
reasonable prices.
Call and see us before plac-
ing your order,
Phono Offlao t20 Wit1o•11am
Houoo 2Se t,
held inyGeorge Ott's bush on Satur- less for one man to attempt to clean
day June 22nd. up if his neighbor's farm is badly in -
By the death on May 28th of Mrs. fasted, It is a matter which concerns
Samuel Johnston, in her 88th yetis, the county as a whole, Those in
another of Howick's sturdy pioneers charge of administering the act ane
had passed to her reward, at education rather than legislation in
J. H. Rogers, township treasurer, *co/Strolling the weeds. It is some -
has just received a cheque for : thing which cannot be accomplished
84691.88, being the amount due i in a year or even two years, but the
Howick under the Highways sin- aim should be to have clean farms,
provoment Act for expenditures on ' free from weeds, as an objective. it
roads in the township for 1928. The is the duty of everyone to get behind
total amount expended by the town- ; this project and supbort it. We have;
ship on roads in 1924 was only in the county, active and enthusiastic
$6824.09 with the road work system, weed inspectors who with the co-
on which the township did not re- operation of the public can accomplish
ceive any grant. i much. This year the campaign will
A quirt wedding was solemnized ;be directed particularly to the control
at the manse Saturday last, dune 1st, , of weeds on roadisdes, pasture fields
by the Rev Jas. Abery .when Miss Al- l and waste lands, Smother crops such
• ice Alberta Nott became the bride of 1 as bucicwhoat, sweet clover and rape
Earnest L. Stevens of Hhrlock, The , are strongly recommended. In a leen-
bride was dressed in peach georgette sus taken of the weed condition last
over lace end wore the gift of the year, it was found that sow -thistle,
' groom a string of, pearls. After the � wild carrot, couch grass and ox -eye
ceremony the happy couple left Inc a daisy were the most troublesome,
honeymoon trip to Hespeler, %Tamil- These weeds are prevalent through -
ton, and other points, the bride's out the entire county. It would cer•
costume 'being of old rose with hat tainly be considered a hardship if a
and shoes to match and navy tailored !farmer were requested to cut a field
coat. We extend hearty congratula-,of grain seriously infested with these
tions to this young couple. They will 'weeds before they developed seed.
s 1 reside in Seaforth, I However, it was thought that crops
pose it was suggested that a copy of f
"'•farm Weeds of. Canada" be sup
plied, The book contains illustra-
tions of all the common weeds, giv-
ing detailed information as to their
manner of growth and suggestions
for then control This book may be
obtained from the Publication De-
ptu'lonent, Parliament Building, Ot-
tawa, at a cost of $2,00. In addition
bulletins may be secured from the
Dept of Agriculture dealing with
the weeds and their control.—Clinton
News Record.
Full ,Sheets
of Foundation
And Why
Foundation is used for four reas-
ons, namely, for the production of
strong combs well attached to their
frames, to save the bees energy and
tine in building the combs, to ensure
a maximum number of worker cells,
and to encourage the bees in build...,
ing straight combs. Only by using
full sheets of foundation can, all
these arms be attained.
There are a few beekeepers who
still adhere to the old practice of
supplying the bees with "starters",
because it seems to cost less and is
fairly satielaotory. The slight saving
on initial cost is poor business, fox
by so doing, •the most important aims
for giving foundation are defeated.
In the first place the bees are not
The . 3aby Chick Season
Will soon be over. Better get +youl's before it is too late.
White May 80th hatch Barred Rods are 17o ; 8, 0, W hite Leg-
horns 1So Alter June 1$th Barred Rooks are 16o and>$, 0.
While Leghorns 180.
Barred Rocks are pure 0. A. 0. strain ; Cockerels dirt -et from
O. A. College ore mated to selected breeders, All Leghorn
Cliieks. are from yearling anti 4.vear.old liens,
Hatching Eggs Se each.
Ask to see our lice of Royal feeders a:,d Water Founts.
Fhone Blyth W-24 AUBURN, ONT.
saved the time and energy that they
would be had full sheets -of founda-
tion been given. It is commonly un-
derstood that the production of wax
and building of comb takes
more eneergy from the bees
than the production of
honey ; if full sheets Of foundation
be given, then the energy of the bees
is being conserved. While the bees
aro building that part .of the comb
that comprises the foundation they
are using time that might otherwise
be used in the storing of honey. Fur-
thermore , it requires about ten or
twelve pounds of honey to manufact-
ure a pound of wax. At ten cents per
pound of honey, the cost of making'
a pound of wax is one dollar, Foun-
dation can be purchased for about
seventy-two cents per pound.
A second important argument in
favour of supplying the bees with.
full sheets of foundation is that they
will then build the entire cells. • A
great many combs from starters con-
tain a considerable proportion of
cells for the rearing of unproductive
There is no doubt whatever that
beekeepers are well advised to use
' full sheets of foundation.
A 4'Y.iy CYeFtnh1d•n $'i."d•
a rn,r,saM� aK.,gxa a s
rips i Silent
HE greatest safety feature on any auto-
mobile—the braking system—has been
developed on the Ford car to a degree that
insures absolute driving confidence. Being
fully enclosed, the internal expanding
brakes on all four wheels are free from any
danger of impaired performance from mud,
sand, road dirt, grease or other foreign
matter entering the mechanism or between
the bands and drum.
The four wheel systena is operated by a foot
pedal, white the emergency or parking
system of two brakes, one on each rear wheel,
is distinct and separate, operated by a hand
lever. This added security is made possible
through the unique design of the Ford steel
spoke wheels to which drums are fitted to
accommodate two sets of internal brakes on
the rear wheels.
The smooth, even braking of the Ford car
yields more advantages than maximum
safety at all times, since it makes tires last
longer and adds immeasurably to riding ease
and driving comfort.
Arrange for your demonstration ride with
nearest Ford dealer
Drive it
there is no
Better Test
Ford Car
Choice of colours
65 to 05 miles an hour
40 -horse power engine
Full balloon tiros
Fully enclosed six -brake system
{ Mondale hydraulic shock
30 to 50 miles pm gallon
of semolina
Shatterproof plass windshield
Theft proof ignition !Dale
liatiabttito and low upkeep
G. B. McIntyre