HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-6-12, Page 411PFDNESDA.Y, JUNE 12th, 1929
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WI.DNE'SDAY, JUNE 1.2ttlr 1929
JU NE 1929
M `!' W 1' 1~ S
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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;Rev, David K. Perrie Becomes Pastor
of St, Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, North Battleford
North Battleford, May 20.—The
ordination and induction service of
•3)avid K. Perrie, M. A., recent grad-
uate of Knox College, Toronto, who
las accepted the call to St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, North Battle -
ford took place this evening and was
presided over by Rev. Gardiner Dick-
ie, M. A„ 13. D., of Rosetown, mocha --
Mor of the presbytery of Prince Al.
bert and Saskatoon.
Rev. W. G. Brown, M. A., B. D., of
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
Maitland Presbytery Honored
Saskatoon preached the ordination At Ottawa last Wednesday, Rev.
service, choosing for has text an ex- Dr,. David Perrie, of Wingham, and
cerpt from the 5th chapter of St.an old Grey Township boy, 'waselect-
-Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians. e11 to succeed Rev. Dr, John Buch-
His theme, "An Ambassador of Jesus anon, a. Moderator of the General
Christ," tended to show that the nein- Aseen1111y of the Presbyterian Church
istry of the gospel was the highest of Canada.
order of service, they proniotior. of Rev. David Perrie, D. D. was born
spiritual r"alities being of the 'utmost inrat• "t o 1 atn i, and ealP tt'th his par-
tr , 1.a is and :n rat his
importance in this service.He stre1 110;,,1 bo
.i ie Grey Tu ship, ^rady
sed the mutual responsibility- resting tet: -1 p .' lis healing he attended
with the lires'uytehy and the- people !Seca:, Cellega end(11 during one sum
of the enilgr'an1iot in thearelina- was on a el, tin field in Nis -puri
tion and nn his graduation accepted a
call fhum the congregation where he
Air. Brown recalled the coincl- t.• " , i „i,1 1 s,, to 1:100. Following
dcnee in the fact that it was the for that period he was minister at Gen-
ty first aneivereary of the ordination '
eva Church, Chesley, for four years
and accepted a call to Wingham
church in the spring of 1894 and is
now on his 35th year.
The Dr. took a strong stand on
the church Union question and by
his zealous work a Presbyterian
church remains in every charge in
his Presbytery, that he has so long
been identified with.
He was Moderator of the Synod
of Hamilton and London last year
and his -promotion to the office o1'
Mod r]tor of the General Assembly
is well de erved.
The Dr. is not given to the mod.
ern sensationalism, but preaches the
old gospel, solidly based on scriptural
tru the.
of Mr. r , father, the Rev. D..
1. 0. F. hell resat :*±0.00, The
Perrie D D.. for 35 years minister
ll+ ✓;; Pa =•+'.'+•rtIa's chord] of Wing.-
yer me.sey Co. blade.. for ;wader
$171.011, J. Leach drawing euiv+erc
Slam, Uel:a1n, ' a i'ar t of w+.1i„h t 1•
$2fi.U..y , L. `,ei•in>i;r0ur nu.t _t ..is
1.01) J. :11. n•tem reeving +stone
et•u ter s10.09, .Ab Mowbray re-
playing ,tone e rush, r .80.O1, Wm.
Robinson i-qualizinz school section
were all art::war., when we n.'de the
arrangements for thin ,e.. Ice•,” he
st•+.t•d. The .,repo 1.•(.+Iino; up to tin
call wet • natrl ted by P...v. D. Mun-
ro. int l.im ioele•rator of the session.
The Scripture reading was given by
Rev. }' er Fisher, the retiring min-
ister, P,ev. A. Leggatt -adding the
congregation in prayer.
At the conclusion of the service
the members of the presbytery and
the eon 'rogation ad,tohlrned to the
baseman: of the eaurch, where sup-
per was eerved by the St. Andrew's
Wooten :s League, of which Mrs R.
R. M, Clinton - is president, ate: isted
by the ladies of the congregation.
A presentation of a purse of 'o11
was Made to the Rev. Peter Fisher
by Rev. D. Memo. and was accom-
panied by expressions of the esteem
and love with which the retiring min-
ister is held by a large number of
people in this city and district" Ap-
preciation of his ministry was also
expressed by members of the Minist-
erial Association and greetings ex-
tended to the newly inducted minis-
ter of the church.— Star -Phoenix.
The young minister, is son of Rev.
Dr. Perrie Moderator of the General
Assembly, and Mrs. Perrie of Wing -
ham, and a nephew of J. and Mrs.
Grant, of .Brussels.
Council met on May 31st as a
Court of Revision on the Assesemses
roll with all the members present.
The following appeals were then dis-
posed of as renews :—The W. F.
Vanstone estate, Lot 30, Con. 11 z
seesml nt reduced e l 030x0 00. E. Pitt-
- man, S. H. N. Lot 9 reduced ;;100.00
Robt McGee S. P, Lot 42 Con 2 re-
duced $300.00. 0. G. ,r-ndcrson W.
Pt. Lot 40 Con. 9 Assessment Con -
and police villag.e 835.00, D. Chem-
ne,y grading S:5815, J. Gll:ispie road
superintendent, 50.22 ; w. McGill,
patrolman, 20.+10 ; S. Hallghan pat-
rolman, :,15.00 ; C. Carter patrol-
man, 8103.10; 8. lalcDurney, $35.00.
Next meeting of council will be held
on July 5th. A. Porterfield, Clerk.
Huron Old Boys' Association
of Toronto
The annual picnic of the Huroh
Old Boy.' Association of Toronto
was held in Area No. 1, Exhibition
Park, on Saturday last, and was the. ;
most successful in the history of tate:
The weather was all that could be
desired, with bright .sunshine and
balmy air, and a moat unique loca-
tion for operations.
The attendance ran away up in
the hundreds, and the well filled
baskets of good Huron eats were in
great abundance.
The attractive feature in the early
part of the program, was the dili-
gent search by the ladies, of tit!
"Mysterious Mr. Huron" who was
early reported to be on the grounds,
and enjoying h'tmeelf. He turned
out to be none other than Ab, Grigg
a. former well known Clinton jew-
eller, who has been a citizen of Tor-
onto, ,luring the last three months. 1
He was discovered by :Mas Margaret
Barry Burgess, who located him as Mr. E. Floody, who was appointed
he quietly walked along the sward Secretary when the Aesociation was
talking politics with Lack Kennedy. formed in 1900, and still retains the
The games were all well contested, same office.
with unusually large entries for each
cent. The time: made b some. of
• i 3' .,
e y
the ladies. Would have made .some of
the professional runners sit up and
take particular notices
In the base ball matches some high
clans playing wa., developed, several
fo,n+• rens being made by iBert Mc -
1 . r ,.
C0th and Frank 11
il: , du 1. and
1, �►
the pitching was of a hash order.
The broom foot ball match be-
tween the married and single ladies.
brought a number of the profession-
als into the game, and the spirit of
firmed Nath Johnston S. H. Lot 30
the game (not the brooms) was mats
Heated, making it exceedinglyin-
Con. 1 and Carl Bennett owner of Wresting to the spectators.
the N. E. Pt. Lot. 41 Con. 8. Thera no shades of dark were falling
being no other changes or additions when the proceedings came to a
asked for it was moved by VIr doer- and everybody went home sat:
Thompson seal. by Mr. Campbell istissd with the day's enjoyment.
The follow rap is the list of the
that the Court of Revision he closed games and wieners:—
and that the roll as now revised with Boys, 5 years and under—Ii.
these changes be the assessment roll O'Halloran; Eric Robertson.
for the present year. Girls, 5 and under—Joyce Cucl•
Council remumed and ordinary bus- more; D. Robertson.
Boys, 7 years and under — I1.
!nese proceeded with minutes of pre-; Hart; J. Johnston.
vious meeting were read and approv- I Girls, 7 and under—Ruth Prid-
ed, ham; Mary Cralnpson.
' Communisations from F. A. Ed Gill 10 yearsand under --f, an
gar also Jones and Monteith Petrolia 1 Bushlen; Barjorie Riley"
Engineers in reference to drainage I toys, 1.0 and under ---R, Mc•
Creath; Cecil Williams.
matters and C. A. McGregor regard- Girls, 13 and under -- Margaret
ing a meeting of weed inspection re- ,Elliott; Pearl Price"
,ceived and read. Movers by Mr. Kerr Boys. 1;.3 and under—Jack Moon;
sec'd by Mr. Thompson that the A. Anderson.
Girls, under 16• --Jean Robertson;
clerk be instructed to have by-law Jean Ferguson.
prepared for next meeting of council Boys under 16 •-- H. McArthur;
authorizing the issuing the issuing of Roy Tuffo•d.
the entries to the amount of $3,500.- 'Young i,adies' Rae(1--•-Grltee Stlri•
00 payable in five usual payments '00`; Margaret Burgess"
Boot race --A. Bonnett; J. Tuf-
and bearing interest at 5'k per cent. ford.
for payment of road machinery. The 100 yard race — Earl Stark; I).
following owing accounts were paid : V,iJison,
Married Ladiee+, under 30—Mrs,
Stalk 1Nrs O'Halloran.
Married laches, over 30— Mrs.
Hart; 12rs. Henry.
Marled Ladies, Special — Mrs.
llanry; Mrs. O'Halloran; Moa. Quig•
Married Men, over 35—I1 FI Mo-
Creath; Clarence Rhynas.
Peanut race — Isabella Griffin;
Ruth Stark.
Broom Football, married ladies vs
Single Ladies, 12 on each side and
the married ladies won 2 to 0.
Ladies Base ball, South Huron vs.
North Huron. North won.
Men's Base Ball—North Huron vs.
South Huron. South won 6 to 4.
The T. J. Lipton Co,=donated oe
packages of their celerated Tea for
the oecasinn, while our good old
standby, J. A. McLaren donated six
pairs of shoes and five pounds of
Robt. E. Gauley, Clinton Old Boy
visited the picnic being his initial
visit to any of the events of the asso-
ciation, and he says he will not miss
anything in the future.
Harry Stowe, Chairman of the
Sports Committee, along with Mrs.
Stowe, handled the program to the
'fling's taste, and there was never a
Bert McCreath, Honorary Presi-
dent, gave the chairman very val-
uable assistance in running off the
games, while Mrs, Stowe handed out
the prizes in quick rotation.
Much real genuine sympathy was
expressed for Mrs, R. C. Xing, who
is confined to her home with a very
serious illness.
Mrs. J. A. McLaren was confined to
her home from the effects of a
fractured ankle, and she was very
much missed.
P . .
ublic Meeting!
HONir R. Br
K. C,, M P.
will address a public meeting in thewa
Wingham Arena
ThLlrsdy Afternoon, June 20
ti H...:4 ++i 4 8., �/H�µ1�; 8�.4„,, 0., x.8+4 .4 44 4..,8 I.AiW . H K.4a
Tb's«may` be your only opportunity for many years of hearing
"The Man from Calgary," to great Parliamentarian and ad-
mitted by all, Canada's Greatest Orator. He will be assisted
by Hon. E. B. liyckman, JL C., M. P., Senator Donnelly,
Duncan Sinclair, M. P., Geurge Spotton, M. P., anti Miss A.
Clayton, B. A.
Meeting begins at 2 o'clock
Loud Speakers arranged so that all may hear perfectly.
Seating accommodation for all.
Public Reception on lawn. of George Spotton from 1 to 2 o'clock
alis meeting will be Broadcast through
Station 10 BP (250 Metres) Wingham.
W. \Yaghort came all the way 1
from Sudbury to attend the picnic
and he enjoyed it very much. -
Mrs. D. Thompson had charge of
the refreshments, and suffice it to say
that everybody appreciated her ser-
vices, because the "eats" were A No.
A large number of -membership •
tickets were sold on the grounds and -
Secretary Floody states that the
present paid up membership is the
highest in the history of the Assocfa-
Ex -School. Inspector Powell,, for- I
lnerly of Wingham, was on hand and
naw that he has lots of time on his
hands, promised to give more attent-
tion to the association in the future.
Itev. J. Hanna, a native of Morris
Township, was a very much interest-
ed visitor.
Zurich's hydro rate has been low-
ered 43.00 per horse power the new
rate being $63.00.
The other day a fine deer was
noticed feeding in the. fields along
the boundary road between Hay
and Stanley, north of Zurich.
An event of interest took place in
Exeter on Thursday, June 5th, Miss
Nellie Medd, daughter of John and
Mrs. Medd, Exeter and former resi-
dent of Hullett Township, who was
quietly married to George Layton,
formerly of Tuckersmith. They were
married at the Parsonage by Rev.
llr. Moorehouse.
f 000 coast to coast that Mrs. Syhilla
Spahr's ITonsilitis is the most success-
ful remedy to treat Cough, Bronch-
itis, Whooping Cough, Colds, Catarrh
Sore Throats and Tonsil ills. Absol-
utely guaranteed. For sale at F. R.
Smith's Drug Store, Brussels.
NOTICE '1.0 CltuarrOItS
L, the linnet. of the Estate of it 'char,]
It. Aleo,•Ic, Irate of lite Township or
Morris, In he r'e Inst y of lindens
Vernier, Deceased.
NQTICE Is hereby elven, pursuant to
the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chap-
ter Die, that all creditors and others
having claims against the estate of
the said nu hard B. ,1leoelt. who died
on or about the 11st day of 1ta3., A. I).
11.11', lure requited on or before the u'th
day 0 ,lane, f1_' to :earl by postpaid.
ar detic,•r to Richard B. .t le neat er
Sanm,•1 12. Alred: the I:xneutot•s of the
last will and testament of the
dee.-es•ed;, t)etr .C'hristinn and
surnames, addresses and their
r1:tlnls , the statement of their
accounts and the nature of the secur-
ities, if any, held by them.
And further take notice that after
such last mentioned date the Execu-
tors will proceed to distribute the as-
sets of the deceased, amongst the par-
ties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims of Which they shall
then have notice and the said Execu-
tors will not be liable for the said as-
sets, or any part thereof to any per-
son or persons, of whose claim notice
shall not have been received by them
at the time of such distribution.
Dated at Brussels this lith day of
aunt, A, 1..f tons.
W. M. SINCLA.IR, Brussels, Ont.
, Solicitor for the Executors,
Friday & Saturday - June 14 & 15
"Under Tont,
HE 9
A Western Picture and Story by Zane Grey
With Richard Arlen and Mary Brean
Monday & Tuesday - June 16 - 17
"After the Storm"
A Melodrama that you have been waiting for
Friday & Saturday - June 21 & 22
Tillie's Punctured Romance
See Tillie and her many Romances
Cit in t "Legion of the Condemned" "WINGS"
o g r "Abie's Irish Rose" "t'hnrlle Chaplin Specials]"
Notice to Creditors
In the Mintier of the Estate of
Margaret LaldiaW, late of the
tewnell)p of Crag, Oountyof Huron,
Married Woman, Doeoaeed.
All creditors and persons beanie claims
neatest llarearet Laldlnw, above maned, or
her ratite must send or deliver on or be.
tote the tweet -alma (ley or,lane,1020, full
eartloulare or their canine to 0. $, Murphy,
se 0, l.dstowel,Ontario, 'Selicitor for the Bs.
And once notice that atter tate Wald riven•
theistteentoth cloy or,Tuns 090, tthe t➢xeouter may
diet,/bale the preieede of the estate anal;•
at themala entitled thereto, having regard
only to the chilies of which• he has then notfte
and he shall not be liable for the prreeeda so
distributed to hay person whore elntm be had'
not aotloe at the time of the dfetribatlon.
Dated atldetowel, tale tenth des of ,lune,
lots, R.13. MORPHS, ESQ , It. O., Motown],
Or tarifa, Solicitor for the Extender, ; 0, Af.
LAIDLAW, Egeoutor,
Enrolment No, 854 Form A 1
Enrolment Certificate of the Clydes-
dale Stallion
Bonnie Glengyre
registered in the Canadian iClydes-
dale Stud Book at No. 23920, owned
by Fred Colquhoun of Bothwell; foal-
ed 'in 1918 has been enrolled under
the Ontario Stallion Act. Inspected
on the 20th day of October 1028 and
found to be sound , of good con-
formation and an animal typical of
the breed.
Ontario Stallion Enrollment Board
Robt. McEwen R. W. Wade,
Chairman. Secretary.
MONDAY — Will leave his own
stable, lot 21, 3rd ,Line, Morris, and
go East to grave] road, then South
to Ethel line, Grey Township, to
Abraham Bishop's, for noon; then
East to Quest Dobson's, Ethel, for
TUESDAY — Proceed North 31/4,
miles, then East to Edgar McDonald's
for noon; then West to Alex. Mc-
Donald's for night.
WEDNESDAY — Go South 11h
miles, then West to Charles Forest's
2nd line, Mohxis, for noon; then 214
miles to Centre sideroad, then. North.
to Fred Churchill's for night ,
THURSDAY — South to his own
stable for.noon; then West 11,1, miles
and South 334 miles to James Nich-
ol's, 6th line Morris, for night.
FRIDAY — East to Frances Nich-
ol's for noon; then East to Brussels
gravel, and East 114 miles in Grey
Township, then north to Hugh La-
mont's for night.
SATURDAY — North to 9th
Con. of Grey; then West to Brus-
sels gravel and North to George
McFarlanc's for noon; then North
17f1 miles, then West to his own
stable where Ise will remain till Mon-
day morning,
Andrew F. Enbuly, Manager.
Fred Colquhoun, Proprietor.
Enrolment No. 850. Form A. 1
The Imported Clydesdale Stallion
N utberry
No. 23218. Premium No. 44
MONDAY—Will leave his own
stable, Lot 10, Con. 11, Hullett, and
proceed North by Brigham's sideroad
to Thomas Laidlaw's, Morris, for
noon; thence East on 8111 con. to Wm
Sholdice's, Grey, for night.
TUESDAY—Will proceed West on
9th con, and thence South to his own
stable for night.
WEDNESDAY --Will he at home
and meet mares by appointment.
This route will be continued
throughout the season, health and
weather permitting,
The stock of this horse has won
many prizes at the Winter Fair,
Guelph in 1927 and 1928, including
the champion gelding, owned by Neil
McIntosh, of Embro in 1928.
Terms—$10,00 payable Feb, 1st,
1980, all accidents at the risk of the
owners of mares.
Piper Hanging
The undersigned wishes to an-
nounce that he is prepared to
handle all kinds of jobs in the
above lines, and will endeavor
to give the best of satisfaction,
Prices Reasonable
work promptly attended to
Alex. Coleman
Phone 6411 Brussels
• For Sale
d+ '
1 2 Bull Calves
▪ One Red and one Roan,
Browndale breeding.
Extra choice.
Phone 166
Enrollment No. 2205, li'or'in .1
Clydoadaiv Stallion
Royal Buchlyvie
will stand at his own stable, Lot 18,
Gong 1Q, 'Grey Township, for service
far the season of 1929.
Will make appointments with part-
ies a distance away.
Royal Buchlyvie, registered in the
Canadian Clydesdale Stud ]look as
No. 25246, owned by Robert L, Mc-
Donald, of Brussels, R. 11, ,3; foaled
in 1924, has been enrolled under the
Ontario Stallion Act, Inspected on
the 14th day of July 1927 and pass-
TERMS—To insure mare in foal
$12,00 payable Feb. 1st, 1930,
Mares must be regularly returned to
stud, or owners will be charged
whether mare is in font or ,not.
Robt, L. McDonald,
Enrollment No. 1954. Form I
Knight Music
Registered in the Canadian Stan-
dard Bred Stud Book as No. 3593.
Owned by Thomas T. McRae, of
Brussels, Foaled in 1920, has been
enrolled under the Ontario Stallion
Act. Inspected on the 28th day
of October, 1926 and passed. ,
The Ontario Stallion Enrollment
Robt. McEwen, R. W. Wade,
Chairman. Secretary.
• This handsome Stallion is jet black
in color. He is a direct descendent
of Electioneer, Binger and Peter the
Great, three of the best producers
ever lived. Knight Music will stand
for service for the season 1929 on
the farm . of Chester Rintoul, one
anile west of Brussels.
All mares must be returned to the
horse regularly, otherwise they will
be charged whether the mare is in
foal or not. Accounts collectable
March lst.
Chester Rintoul, Manager.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of 'rhe Estate of
Elijah Jacklin, tato of tho Village of
Druesele, in tho County of Huron,
Retired Farmer, Deceased.
Notice 1 hereby given, purem,nt to Seation
58, Chapter 141, of the Revised tetetntes of
Ot taHo. that e Bensons having 0155110'.against
the estate •d lite sem 115 3 a, ,I.,ea in, de.
oraeed, who diel on or nuout the Fleet
day of drily, A. D.1028, are required n or
before me 27th day of ,Tani, A 1), 1520,
to send by tpoat prepaid or dbllv.r o R.
Va,1.tmle. '+Ingham oniiorin, Solicitor for
the Executor ofbe estate their t'l,rstlaa and
enrnalnes and eddreseeo, with full p Hilda.
alar. in writing of their ohne. and the nature
of their securities (15 nay) hold by theta.
At d farther 411{01100e9 that after such Inst
mentioned bate the mud Executor hill Fro•
ored to distribute the n -sets of .he der eased
amongst the persons emittedthereto, bovine
regard only to the chums 01 x blah he shall
thin hive nonce and the mild Exernlor will
not be liable to any person or persona Por
the std nasty or 1151' tart thereof of
u•bnae cls hu notice shall not have been reao)v
ed by hie rat the time of ,;whdletrihution.
Dated at Wtnghant, MS Slat day of May,
A, D.102i'.
R, vs NSTONE, 1.e P 0.,
or for for the Executor
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the Estate of
Esther Jacklln, late of tho Vtlingo
of Brussels, in the County of Hur-
on, Widow, Deceased.
Notice is beret., given. comma to Section
50, Chirp 111, of the Revised Stlltutss of On-
tario. that all portions having olefins against
the estate of the geld Esther Jsoklt, , who
died ah or about the 24th day of ,Inly,
1028, aro riqutred to send by pout, p -paid,
or deliver to R Panatone. Wingheni P O..
Ontario, Soltaltor for the lxesn tore of the lest
will and tenement ef the nail deoeas•
edon or before the Twouty•ruorth day of
.inno. A. D. 1010. their names and
addresses with full parttcnlnrs in writ-
ing of their olaime and the nature of the NO.
°nettles, (1f 0555), held by them duly verlfled
syn statutory eclsrotion.
And further take entire that after the said
24th day of .lune, 1010, the said Exeoutore
will proceed to distribute the mem of
the said estate among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the ahl(m of
Whloh they shall then have had notice, end
the sale Executors shell not, he liable for the
Hall amine er any pert thereof to Any person
of whose elehn they shell not then havelre.
(seised notion
Dated rat Wingham, the Slat day of May,
A. 0. Mt.. VANSTONE Mechem P O ,
Solicitor for the Executors.
Property in Ethel for Sale
Consisting of 118,3 acres ofLuna, good frame
house, and barn 50580 feet. Hydro power has
been Metalled in house and cement sidewalk
Mill past property. For further pnrtionla re
apply to 'A WILSON. •
1,1-tf Phone 854 Ethel P" 0
Farm for Sale
Nacres of land, being composed of 5 Ey, of
Lot 2B, on the 0th Cmt, of Morris township.
On the ermines Is a good frame house on
Moue wall end cellar; Moo burn double board•
od end battened. Good cattle and horse
stable; else about 17 aerie; gond bash, If not
aold will be rented for 'mature
Ethel Delco Lighting
System for Sale
1250 watts :.110 Volts. Alinoat now, with
poles, wire and ell equipment. For further
pertionlars apply to DR. A. E. OlnhMA,STER,
Soaretnry Village Traatee Board, Ethel,
Farm for Sale
Farm known no the Dilworth Perin, own
prising 108mires mostly all cleared and 1n n
goad state of enitivation, lots of Witter end
within )mile of Ethelstatton,,,4 nine 10 Ethel
Villogn. Will be priced rensanhbty for quick
sale. Nor further psrtleulars, apppty on
preinloes to 3. E. ROWLAND,
I Farm for Sale
A very deetreble Moak farm of 160 hares, 54
8 mile tram Brussels. Gond buildings end
oqulnlnnnte, Easy terms to suit purchaser
For farther pa Montero apply to