HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-6-12, Page 3TIM SRUSSELS POST '"":7"."""'"'""*"... esemeseseseemeesuesarreaseaseassemeessemmementesers The Car Owner's Scrap -Book 1 (Dy the Left Hand Monkey Wrench) 0114001111M2161Si LUBRICANTS LOST BY LEAKei AGE, Cheek ups phew that when lighter lubricants are used in the transrais.1 slot and differential they are more prone to be lost through leakage. HYDROMETER TEST FOR BAT. TERY. The only safe way of determining whether the battery is in proper core clition is by a hydrometer. This test should be made at regular intervals ; once a week is not too often. WORTH REMEMBERING An engine with its cylinders loud - 0(1 with carbon will keep running for some thne even whon tlie power shut off. This condition is due to car- bon becoming white hot, which keeps firing the gas even when the ignition Is turned off. • ATTENTION TO VALVES WATCH LEAKS IN WATER 1 A car should net be operated Imre; SYSTEM than 1,500 miles without having the • Repair all water connection lealta valves inspected. When the valve:: immediately. A email leak in the ear are negiected for a long .,..,..,ithey will in time develop into ouch a large ' become so badly pitted that, the laone that all of the Water will be lost ,borious job' of regrinding them Wises niter a short run. Qv eating will many times as long as it should. I then result very quickly, Burnt-out MYSTERIOUS FLAT TIRE.' bearing, scored cylinder, melting or soldered connection, burnt gaskets 1 It is wise not to drive the car at a end water hose, any or ail of these high rate of speed if the inner tube is things may happen if that little water •patched. Wheels zigzag on the reed • leak is neglected. tensive speed, and this action causes a good 1 THE STEERING IVIECHANISM • when lave ing deal of friction. Heat is then devel- The lives of a motorist and the edvet •Mr. the iber of the advisory commitwtba'tee, spoke aped, and this causes Inc patches to passengers of a car depend upon tnelt, and then the tire to go flat, stability of the steering mechanism. I of the great benefit to the county T reat stress cannot .be laid upon council of these diseussions. He also WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1291, 1920 Huron Co. Council (Continued from Page 2) treatment of hogs and sheep for in- ternal parasites. Mesers. eientlerson and Baelter also epoke upprovinglY of the more general work and thou- ght more use might be made of -de-1 monstration put on for the benefit of Ina growers and stock breeders and thought they should be better o g • 1 k in a reclaim: of Mr Pattei- Ithe necessity for a careful inspection spo e pp . . — 1 i a these parts at frequent intrvals. "les work. • 13,etween the steering control and the Moved by Messrs. Hill and Hellen- 1wheele there are numerous connec- tYne, that, whereas, the Provincial • tions, any one of which if defeetive and County Road Systems are being Imight prove disasterous. It is not un- extended from time to time farther i necessary hardship te inspect front- icnotuottyhe atinrooir.edinregmbottatiteerectli.00ands oefontdbie_ 1 wheel bearings also at times when n Bons, which are an inducement for the more extensive use of autos and trucks in gathering of farm produce and the delivery of commodities, and remedy for the danger to school chil- es the majority of to hip roads croee are not suitable for heavy truck tra- dren ing the narrow bridgeffic, ffi s c, and as the owners of north of Belgrave.—Sent to Good these ma- Roads Commission. suateeneriessereaserReni .V4ses' Ziht zer that W. 13, Olives' be appointed conetable ..at Grand Bend -for a poi•iod of two months beglumng July 1st next at his previous ealary.—Car- ried, Moved by Messrs. 13111 and McKen- zie that the C. N. R. be requested to place the side walls en the overhead bridge on the 'Saltford hill on the outside of the structure, as its being ' on the inside makes the bridge too :narrow for safety at present day traffic.—Carried. ! Moved by Messrs. Turner and Me - Ribbon that the clerk get into com- munication with one or more firms of chartered accountants as to the cost of an annual, semi-annual and gaarterlY audit, so Hurt whet this or , some future council is appointing lauditors, they will have this infonna- 1 tion.—Carried. Moved by Messrs. Henderson and , Stalker that the Good Roads Commis- osce of al extr .411111.4 "L ......... rF, '7.1747,„ the general inspection is being made. CLEANING THE CAR. The appearance of a car usually shows its condition. No matter how the car is finished it can be ruined .by earelesss or improper washing. Methods of cleaning painted and sae- chines are required to pay 3e tents a nished carsmMoved by Messrs. Baelter and Tr - differ from those finished gallon!tax on gas and are de anding_ with enamel or lacquers. Soap for better road conditions, and Whereas wartha that the county commit as a instance, should never be used on a the gas tax is collected by the Gov- whole take a one day trip to Guelph 1 f • painted surface, -while on lacquer a ernment, he it resolvJune 8th, under the direction it ed that this 1 good soap occassionally used is neces- county council petition the Govern - our will notthecounty 'agricultural representa- sary, and harm finish. ment to increase the grant on town- tive, he to make all err:Inger:tents.— Mud and duet should not be- allowed ship roads to 50 per cent.—Sent to narried• to remain ion it any longer than it Legislative committee. ed by Messrs. HIggene and •. IP 1 hard end H 1 Adlli°n‘s. that the old age pensions •• sion be instructed to provide some ee.14111.-3:Astgetesgeretereee --eezetton"raj„Te ye gr. See our special display 111 newest motor car color designs At no extra cost—a Choice of Colors on any raodel, from a variety so wide you have almost individual distinction. Come to our special color show and see for yourself the great number of color combinations from which you may choose. And, remember, this is only an additional feature to the great array of values with which Essex the Challenger has swept the field. 84Oo AND UP All prices I. o. b. Windsor, taxes extra Your present car will probably cover the en- tire first payment. The 11. M. C. Purchase Plan offers the lowest terms available an am balance. THE W. A. LOVVRY CHALLENGER Brussels Dealer eV) can be helped. It should be flus le( off with a gentle stream from .a hose as soon as possible. Mud allowed to • dry and cake will spot varnish. Cold lwater only should be used, and an occassional rub with a good furniture I polish, will help preserve it. Light dust San be removed with a soft cloth, but it is better to wash off a heavy dust because it is composed of tiny abrasive particles that scratch ' the surface. Do not use a polish that • has an oily base, because, while this will make the car look well for e ! short time, it soon gathers a thick coat of dust, and this will make the ; job worse thau beforethe car was polished. Never use an abrasive pol- ish on lacquer over the metal is very thin and damage will result. "HELPED ME WONDERFULLY" Wornan Strengthened by Taking Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound Bort Colborne, Ont.—"After having an operation, I was very intserable, weak, nervous and very near unfit to work. I saw Lydia Pinkhana's 'Veg- etable Compound advertised and tried it and believe it helped me won- derfully. I have no weak spells aster more, the pains have left me and mynerves are much better, I feel safe in saying Lydia E. Pinklunn's medi- cines have helped me wonderfully."--. Man. WM. 11, BRECIITELLE11, Tat= 143, Port Colborne, Ont, ease is seen as spots on tee leaves in 'early summer. The best known rem- edy for this is a mixture of flowers. I sulphur, nine partt,arsenate of :lead, Ione part. The sulphur should be fine. This mixture should be dusted on the plants as soon as they are: in full foliage and before the black Spot is noticed, repeating again sev- oral times at intervals of about ten days. This is effective against powd- ery- mildew also If spraying is be- gun early in the season there should be good foliage and aboundant s%LOVCOA, Keye at the county take out lia-iesimmission be composed of members bloom. • • • t rue mine 1 of this county council as follows 1 bility insuiance o • ty against all accidents that may i Messrs. N. W. Trewartlia, Neeb, happen on the county roads and that !Kennedy, Henderson ane t •the insurance be placed with the ; Le1.1 on the table. Globe Indemnity Co.—Sent to Good (Continued to Next Week) Roads Commission. lantyne that the annual picnic be .. rotection of ! A negro was brought before a jus - Moved by Messrs. Beattie and Bal- NARROW TSCAPE. ! p held at Hayfield this year, and that I Rose Foliage lice of the peace, he was suspeeted of lors Turner, Hill and Middleton be al '1 stealing. There were no witnesses the warden, the clerk and Council- — ", - • - ntial to • theut appearances were against him. " The following dialogue took place: TOO 'MANY It is stated that " the average cit - loon" does not have sufficient respect for laws. Naturally, when the supply is oo much in excess of the demand. committee to arrange ;or rne same. ° —Carried. !production of good roses and more- , 1 Moved by Messrs. Rader and Bae- i over, good foliage is desirable in a ker that more restriction be urged lose garden because of its appear. by the county council in regard to I ance. Leaves which are mildewed, weeds along county road -sides, that : spotted or partly eaten by inseCiS in the season.—Sen to Good much of the attract - they be destroyed as early as poesihle , take away very • . lest insect to control is the Rose Slug, I A spare lamp bulb should be in- cluded in with equipment of every car. t Roads iveness of a rose garden. The easi Pr RULY, this is the age of colour. Brilliant harmonies of home de- coration are the vogue, Inside and out. Daring yet artistic colour schemes, un - thought of before, are being' intro- duced everywhere. This widespread colour trend is par- cularly marked in roofs. No, longer c people content with the drab, dull eness of former years. They want that satisfy their colour hunger t give a rich, dashing personality their homes. Hugh people turn inevitably to liford Multi -Coloured Asphalt 19, Their charm, tbeir vivid itty, their almost unlimited range of colour harmonies make them the logical choice of those who want their homes to be strikingly picturesque. Decide NOW to roof or re -roof with beautiful Brantford Multi -Col- oured Asphalt Slates. They will safe- guard your home from Weather's most devastating assaults. And you will have a roof that is fire -safe, ciurable, trouble-free and a source of pride and satisfaction through the years. Write for copy of free booklet "Beauty With Fire Protection" —a comprehensive treatise on the proper. type, design, finish and colour for your' roof. 133, rev tratttford Roofing CO., pelted, Head Office and Factoiy, Brantford, Ont. :151anth Med end Wittehouscr at Toronto, Whither, Wiredpeto Montreal. Walla sed Sahe joins, N.B. FOR SALE BY --- Wilton & Gillespie - Brussels Charles F. Hansuld - Ethel 1 Commission. Moved by Messrs. Beattie and Ad- I a green caterpillar, which does tun ams that, as, the Good Roads Com- : usuallly appear in great numbers mission at the end •of the year are :but Which works on the underside of thoroughly conversant with the re- :the leaves and, eate out pieres. These quirements of the road, they bring in may be picked off by hand when a report at the December meeting bushes are few but the surest way 19 • . lead in th. and a budget of the work they think ,to splay Witilas should he carried out the following proportion of four ounces. to ten gal- year.—Sent to finance committee. Ions of water. The Aphis, or green Moved by Messrs. Beattie and fly, is often troubleeome, as is also Wright that the county form an in- the Leaf Hopper. These suck the surance fund and place in the fund juke from the foliage and must be each year the amount of money they killed by contact. Nicotine sulphate would have topayfor liability insur- • is a good remedy for these and the ance and in that way carry its own addition of half a pound of an ally insuranee.—Sent to Good Roads :soap to each ten, gallons of solution Commiesion. will make it more effective. Red Moved by Messrs. Dodds and Ad- spiders may be removed by a etrotta anis that the boundary lino between ; force of water against the underside • ' of the leavee. The 'Black Spot causes the towne tpe of Justice —You've stolen no chick- ens? Negro—No, suh. Have you stole nany geese? No, stilt Any turkeys? No, suh. The man was discharged. As he stepped out of the dock he stopped before the justice and stud, with a broad grin: Squire, if you'd said ducks. you'd had me. ELUSIVE. A "gall" was worked with much success by London street hawkers in the South African War sevien that elusive Boer general, De Wet, 'was always being reported captured and was always escaping from the Brit- ish. There was offered what was called the "De Wet puzzle" some- thing in an envelope. The puzzle was to find De Wet. There VMS nothing in the envelope. "Here," the ptivehaeor would com- plain, "tide envelope is empty." "Why," is tomes -of aetonishment, "en it is. The bliebter's got away u t lopand the township of Morris be.Imuch defoliation of roses. This dee again!" put on the Good Roads system, con -1 ....esesseees—, .011.••••••131MINV.1.19411(00.115VOIMMEMILMEMMOrtet0Mienre** netting the road east of Walton with 1 the road west of Blyth, making it a • straight road through.—Sent to Good roads Commission. Moved by Mesers. McKibben and Henderson that this council consider I the question of date and number of meetings of the council, as a great ! many counties have found it ne.•es- sary to make a change w meet exist- ing eonditions.--Laiti on the table. Moved by Messrs. Adams and Stalker that 2,000 feet of snow fence ' be purchased to be placed where needed on the county road from Clinton' to Blyth and 1.000 feet on the county road from Auburn to Illyth.—Sent to Good Roads Com- 1 mission. The county treastirer, Mr, Young,• than gave an account •of the fintin- cial standing of the county. The ; statement was referred to the fin- 1 - awe committee. The council then met into commit- 1 - tee of the whole to consider the Nine! alization. In committee it was !moved by Mr. Ballantyne, seconded by Mr. Kenne- dy, that the equalization of the as -1 ts of the severe/ mbeleipel-1 SO5SMOn • ities in the county tor 1929 be the same as for 1928. Mr. Wright enter -1 ed mi protest against the equalization ' of Turnherry, which he clamed was too high, but no ;lotion was token 00 this and Mr. 13allantyne'e motion was adopted: At the Wednesday attention ses- sion some discussion took place as to the increase in the cost of adertinis-; tration of justice in the county in which Messrs. Tretvertha, Dr. Milne, Beattie and others took part. Moved by Messrs. Wright and Col-, line, that a committee be appointed to confer with the county solicitor re criminal justice accounts,—Ca. ried- Moved by Messrs- Neeb and Swit-; 7,4 e N EW DOMINION A tire built to stand the strains of 1929 motor- ing— sudden braising, quick pick-up, higher speeds. Its super -strong carcass combines new engi- neering principles, new construction. Side-walls are strongly buttressed to resist rut and curb wear, Tread is thicker, with deep -cut blocks to give greater non-skid mileage. The New Royal Cord is the tire you must have to get the best from your car. DOMINION TI BRUSSELS ...... ........... . . ... ......... H• 51".°06' ETHEL .... . — . .. L. Desjardine WALTON-. .. .... . J. S. L. Catemingg „re POT