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Robt. Patrick
Sunday School Lesson l
(Editor of The Sunday School Tim ell)
Sunday, June 16,-11 Kings 25
Golden Text.
Ri;;hteoune exalte�th
but sin is a repro:tell to
(Prov. 14 :34.1
within the city and military forces
finally tied by - night w,eiie Judith's
King thought to make hie es-
,rn also >
I Judah',s rout was co nmplete, 7..ede-
kialr's army wee scattered, and the
a nation : young Kin_ himself' wee taken and
any people brought, for judgement before Ne-
bucha lnezzar. Zcldeki eh's sons were The Enemy's Final Attack (vs. 1,
slain before hiseye:, and that was 2)•
A few weeks ago (May til we thea la, -t thin„ he. saw ; for hi own I Famine Helps the Dereat (3).
studied the r:•ign of a young King. eyes were then put out, he was I, Ignominious Rout (4-6).
who liana to the throne at 8 year:s of hound with fetters of bra...,, and car- The King's shame (7).
age and ,tied :at 39. Hi; was one of reel captive to Babylon. The Royal City Destroyed (8-12).
the most rust:i••uou rigllteone They de-truction of proud J -run- The Lord's Blease Sacked (13•
reign.; Judah ever had (11 Citron. alien followed. Two mighty and i 17).
3.1,3•.,). II,' ch.d tiro U. s. 1 beautiful buildings were: burned, the 1 Priests and Capt: na Slain (18
About tern y a,,, later turother house of the Lord, and the palace of 21).
the King ; and with these all •the not -1
young King earn., to tit,. throne. Zed
ekiah, at '2t years of age, real reign• able buildings in Jtr-u �abnn w,nt i
ed until he was 33. H, was different dawn by fire. The city'-. walla wore ,
from Josiah as night from day ; his razed ; then the Lara s temple was f
was one of the worst rs'igns in ,Tn- sacked and dishonored, for WV read I
dah's history and the list -•-o far. a long list of article of brass. and of .
For four hundred year. [tree! and silver and of gold that were carried 1
Judah had been on the tragic down- away after the beautiful pillar: were 1
grade of their national life. The hrnk n down. SUNDAY,
peak of their glory was when, as one It is tragic reading, this chapter. Now if we be dead with Christ, we
people Solomon was their King. In it : eem? almost incredible. This was I believe that we shall also live with
1005 13. C. he had finisireri building God's nation, and God's city, and ' eine—Rom. 0 :8.
his own magnificent palace. a 13 God's temple. They all belonged to >___
year task ; and also the .glorious tem- Him as no other nation, no other MONDAY. ,
n Knowing that Christ being raised
from the dead dieth no more.—Rom.
6 :9.
I am he that liveth and was dead,
and, behold, I am alive for Ever-
more, Amen.—Rev. 1 : 18.
Be thou faithful unto death, and 1
will give thee the crown of life.—
Rev. 2 :10,
For we axe. saved by hope ; but
hope that is seen, is not hope.—Rom.
8 : 24.
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both thou and thy seed -may live."
taut they would not. They turned
:away from God, and the very judg-
ments He had forewarned them of in
detail fell upon them.
Wretched King Zedekiah before
Nebuchadnezzar is a type of the
Jewish nation to -day. They "put out
the oyes of Zedekiah and' bound him
with fetter: of brass, and carried
him to Babylon." God's people, Israel
ordained of Him, to reign over the
earth, -rejected their God in Old
Testament times and their Messiah in
New Testament times ; and thus
"blindness in part is happened to Is-
rael (Rom. 11 :25). She is in bond-
age and captivity, spiritually and lit-
erally, cast out of her own land and
an alien in foreign lands, even as
Zedekiah was carried to Babylon.
But God's covenant stands unbro-
ken and unbreakable i and the time
ie coming when the Jew will recog•
nize and return to their leIessiah, be
reseetablished in their land, and re-
joiee in blessings greater than any
they have ever known in the past.
A Lesson Outline.
om For This Week
Biala :f!gl. ka memorized, x111 pro . n
Dreads beritnae rn after scan
7140 *KU$$tL$ POST
Huron Co. Gounci
The June session of the County use of the county from a township r
(launcil of Huron opened on Tuesday gravel pit , was sent to the Geed
Afternoon with all the members in Roads Commission.
attendance. Warden 'melee addressed Mr. 1?. C. Dot'ranco,eClinton, ap•
the oeuncil on the work of the sitt- plied for the .position of a member of
ing, referring to matters pertaining the Pension Board Committee. .
to county finances, the state of the : A return showing the amount paid'
roads; the damage done by recent by each insurance company in tiie
hoods, the speeding evil and the lasssustained by recent fire at the
damage done by ht:avey truck traffic house of refuge was filed. . The to.
particularly early in the spring, lie tat was $112.
.slid that satisfactory • arrangements i The jailer's report was filed.
had been made regarding the pay- i ..MT. R, M. GsSaham; inspected foe
:tent of the expenditure on Provin- the Mothers' Allowance was present
dial Highways in the county, for and addressed the council, speaking
which the county is responsible for very interestingly of the work cif the
the payment of 20 percent. The office.
main drainage done by the floods High 'Constable Gundry reported
was to the Wroxeter bridge. The that he had collected $215, in Ehnen
Warden said something should be under the liquor Control Act since
done to curb unnecessary speeding Feb. 18th.
which not only damaged the roads Moved by Messrs. Beattie and hill
but was a great source of danger et` that the county council visit the
life and property, a very large a- county home Wednesday afternoon,
mount of which was cue to this the council to adjourn at 8.30.—
cause. Great damage also was 'done Carried.
to the roads by too heavy and too The House of Refuge committee
early traffic in the spring and he was appointed a transportation com- i
thought some action should be taken mittee. •
to check both of these practices, moved by Messrs. Mclfilbben and
plc of the Lord, which took 7 years city, no other temple has ever been
in building. The visible glory of Je• particularly sanctified and set apart
hovah in the cloud or ahekinah "fil• by Himself Himself. Yet they were
led the house of the :sora" so that helpless before the hosts of a hea-
the priests - could not even stand then King. The leading military of -
there. And the fame of Solomon's ficers, the chief priests and other
Kingdom went throughout the world. priests, were then brought before
Then began his downfall, through his Nebuchadnezzar and slain. And this
taking wives front foreign and idol- part of the chapter ends with the re-
atrous nations and the downfall of cord of utter collapse : "So Judah
his people (bagged on through four was carried away out of their land."
weary centuries. Just turn back, by contrast, to
Young King Zedekiah, barely past Genesis 12 : 7, and read how "the
his majority, dared to rebel against Lord appeared unto Abrams, and said
the King of P,abylon after living lit 'Unto thy seed will 1 give this
open rebellion againet God. Judg- land.'" Then turn on in the Old
ment was bound to come, both from Testament to 1 King 6-10 and read
his earthly King and from Heavenly. of the glories of the temple, and of
The King of Babylon just then Solomon's palace, and of earthly
was Nebuchadnezzar, the miehtest Kinetic= of this. people of God.,
human monarch this earth has ever Why the tragic 'breakdown, the
known --that is God'.; verdict, not ruin, the destruction of suer a people
man's (Dan 37,38). It was a and such a city" They had had full
rash thing to reedit him, and Zecle- and unmistakable warning against
kiah paid for it with his throne, hie very thing. Turn hack and read the
nation, and his liberty. final warning of Moses, in neuter -
The wailed defenses of lereusalem onomy 30 ;11-20. God plainly said
were tremendous, and they with- to them at that time. and the nation
stood even Nebuchadneez:War's siege had ihe.se words in the law right
for a year and a half. But that siege through their history : See, T have
meant famine of the most awful sort eat before thee this daily life, that
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The following correspondence was Dr. Milne, that the amount of fines — - -dealt with : i for traffic violation on county roads speaking of the splendid work that
A copy of a resolution of the within a town or village be refunded will no doubt result from the ap=