HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-6-12, Page 1e.
VOL, 57 NO, $z
$.00 per annum in advance
�. L. KERR, Proprietor
Field Day
Tuesday; June 15th
Base Ball Tournament
8 Mens Teams 4 Ladies Team
Races for Everybody
The McGregor Old -Tyne
Concert Company
Will supply an A 1 Program
Admission 50 and 25 cents
Dance will follow Concert
Music by High-class Orchestra
Church Parade
and Service
L. O. L, 631-
L. T. B. A. 406
Sunday, June 16th
At 3 o'clock p. m:
a. . 4. r,. •
Rev. Bro. F. W. Craik
of Gorrle, will take
charge of' the service
Members will meet at the
Lodge room at 2.30 p. m,
Visiting brothers and
sisters welcome.
�'».: w«::»`+ .««Mr::',«,,:«:«:«:':«:«:«+;N.•r�C«.....::«»,«:«w,«wwww;«y,«, �'-:i
The Surrounding Distt-itct ;
44 .g �.441.4«:«:«:«:e'r-Y««'r: 44r2 1•+p•: i frdt.4r.:«t+:-4.4 t :-d »:44t b,; 44'+4 R
WROXErERW. E. VanVelsor was a visitor to
Clarence White made a business I Oshawa last week, returning with a
trip to Toronto on Thursday. I new Pontiac car,
Mrs. ltobt. Black had a sale of James Rae left for Saskatoon on
her household effects on Saturday Thursday after spending a month
afternoon. with his parents here,
Lawrence Moffatt and family, of Wm. and kIrs, Sanderson, Toronto
London, spent the week end with re- visited last week with the fortner's
natives here.. father, Wm. H. Sanderson. i
Irwin and Mrs. Durst attended I Barry Hupfor, Detroit, is spend-'
the funeral of a relative in Elmira , ing a week with his parents, Robt.
so Friday. (' and Mrs. Hup£er, Turnberry. I
Mrs. Geo. Lorimer and brother, 1 Members of the Mission Band of
Fred Vogt, Detroit, visited last week I the United Church enjoyed a picnic
with their mother, Mrs. J. Vogt. ,in the park on Saturday afternoon.
rlr.t "SM
That Make the Dollar
Last Longer
At Sharply
Reduced Prices
Regular 300
! special 250,
Regular 25c
special 190
Splendid assortment
of patterns to choose
1 from.
Pure Linen
with every pur-
chase print an'
Agatha Percale
Pattern show-
ing how t o
make a new up-
to-date apron
from only one
yard of mater-
ial. Limited
number of pat-
terns so get
yours first.
Dark and 'Light
Pr nnts
The Famous Eng-
lish quality.
!lark Reg. 30c
,special 26c
Light Reg. 28c
special 24c
lunch Cloths
Regular 1.15
Special 98
We still have a few
Lades Coats
clear -at a Big to a g Re-
duction in Price
Splendid as-
sortment nt of
Magog and
Fast colors
25c to 39c
Special Quality
ladies' Silk
All shades at
special price
Clearing line of
Ladies' ' Pure
Silk Hose
All sizes and colors. Soma
have .faney embroidered
Cloaks, Regular to $1.50
Special .59
Ladies' Plain
With fancy
stamped border
BEE, 43c for 39c I
In order to reduce our stock of Men's Shirts we are offering
three special lines. Some Shirts have collars attached, oth-
ers with separate collars, andall exceptionally splendid value
at prices listed below --
Lot No. 1 Lot No. 2 Lot No. 3
59c $1.19 $1.49
Splendid assortment of patterns to ehoose from and all sizes
in the lot. Be sure to see these special lines at these greatly
reduced prices.
3. Fergusonc�► Co.
One Price Only Phone 24 - Bruseels
et Always the lowest
Few Adverttaements
Tnanraaee W 17, Scott
relaid nav Monerleff Park
Garden Parti Unlort United Church
Plano tvnton J q nlaNratene
Orange (elebratiou at Pnbneraton
Notice to Creditors Ii e. Aleook estate
G arden Party -Hoe's Church
N ottoe to oradltars*71argaret1raidlaw eat,
Mill will run -BEIM Chopping 81111.
Anniversary-linoxMoroi), Btuevele
duns °tearaway -171"g Brom.
Conservative Publto Alerting at Wingham
Liberal Demonstrat1an at Grand Br nd
1Coonemy Pricer -.1 Ferguson & Co,
Sewing machine for •.ale -Phone 1e
Baby oltiolrs-ltd. Fnnon`
Annual Hervtoe-Wthel L, 0. L.
Oar of snit -N. Hoyden & Sons
For sale Herman Sanderson
r 1 d.
Oar for lata -sal e 1 n
Cookerals for sale -Prod. MoOuEahoon
Wagon for rale -W.11. 13(41
Houmefor sale-Mra. M. Fraser
Garden .Party.-Prowbrldre United Choral'
Baby carriage for sale -Phone 71
Anderson and Mrs, Black, Toron
to, spent Saturday in the village.
Mrs. Geo, Leckie, London and
and Mrs. E. Cardiff, Brussels, visit.'
ed at the home of their mother, Mrs.
Jno. Morrison, who has been serious-
ly ilh
Mr. Blake Howlett, has been
spending a few days with his father.
Misses Elsie and A1n}a Querenges-
ser, of Detroit are spending a few
holidays at their hotfte Con. 10.
Mrs, Rev. D. M. Guest and Jimmy
returned home on Friday last after
spending a week in Kincardine.
Dr. McMaster spent a couple of
days last week in Toronto •attending
a meeting of the Ontario medical As-
Rev, D. M. Guest and John P. Mac
Intosh spent last week in London at-
tending the annual meeting of the
United Church, of London :Confer-
Every one is planning on attend-
ing the Roe's Garden Party on Fri-
day, June 21. The play "East Lynn"
will be presented by the Kinlough
Dramatic Society. •
The Bert Lloyd Concert Party will
be on the job next Tuesday at the
Union United Church Garden Party.
The Party consists of four excellent
artists and is sure to please. See the
ash=ertisment in this paper and conte
early. •
On Sunday, June 2nd Rev. W.
H. Garnham of Toronto, spoke to a
large and appreciative audience in
the United church on the Prohibi-
t tion Issue in Ontario. A liberal
offering was given for the work of
the Prohibion Union.
iy1 aitland L. T. B. A., No. 458,
Belgrave, visited Eastern Star L. T.
B A. No, 406, Ethel, on Monday
night last and exemplified the White
Degree. Visitors were also present
from Harmony L. T. B. A., Blyth.
The degree was put on in a very
efficient manner. The visitors arca
always welcome to Ethel.
The annual church parade and ser-
vice of the L. 0. L. and L. T. 13. A.
will be held on Sunday afternoon,
June 16th at 3 p.m. to the United
Church when Rev. Bro. F. A. Craik,
of Gorrie, will take charge of the
service. Members will meet at the
Lodgeroom at 2.30 p.m. Visiting
jnothers and sisters welcome.
Will be held at
Ebenezer Church
friday Ev'g, June 14
Cold Meat Supper served
from 6 to 8 in Church shed
Program will include a popu-
lar 3-aet Play
"The Patch Across the Hill'1
Given by the Young People of Holmes.
vine. Readings and Music between Acts
A good time promised.
Rev. A. V. Walden, Pastor
Admission 50 and 25 cents
aCtatf1fft5tC'q'7SfSrL75 E{MSK'>vt?'Sl9'L'W'4y"�7' � lEt» it$I£ ef' t +»
Gran b rook 1,
Garden Party1
Will be held on a3
Thursday ev'g,Junel6
tiA splendid entertainment y
g will be given by the it
Colonia! Crchestra
15 er
Tea served from 6 to 8 g
2 This will be the Treat of the Season z4
; Rain or Shine Everybody Came I 1
a7`uuEa Mrs. Mac. Engel, Mts. Dam 8
•-' - a°, Secretary. President. A
Geo. Dunbar is ready for the sum-
mer rush for ice cream as he has in-
stalled an up-to-date Frigidaire sys-
tem in his stare.
Knox Presbyterian
Holds its anniversary services
on Sunday June 16th,
when Rev. G. M. Dunn, of
Toronto will preach at 11 a. m.
and 7.30 p. m.
On the following • Monday
evening a garden party will be
held on the Church grounds.
Supper being served from 5
to 8 o'clock.
Admission 50 and 25 cents.
Our softball team lost to Brussels
last week in the game played here by
a score of 17 to 9.
C. E. and Mrs. Raddatz, o
troit were visitors in and around
Cranbrook last week. They only re-
cently returned from spending the
winter in Florida.
• There will be special preaching
services in the Presbyterian Mural
• on Sunday June 30th morning and
evening. On Tuesday evening July
2nd the garden party will be held on
'the church grounds. Keep the date
1 in mind and watch for further par-
Report of Cranbrook School for
month of May. Test Examination.
1ST. IV. -Maldwyn Williams 84 ;
Geo, Fischer 74. Examined in Art,
Read„ Writ., Agr., Hist., Lit. and
Comp. Jr. IV. -Mary McDonald
80 ; Gertie Pride 80Dorothy Hue-
ther 78. Sr. III -Alice Locking '75.
Jr.•IIL-afarY Huether
Huether 83 ; Muriel McDonald 79 ;
:Malcolm McIntosh 77 Willie Zeig-
ler 73 ; Jim Cameron 02 ; Maurice
Cameron 61. II Class. -Mao Fisch-
er 81 ; Doris Long 78 ; Edith Osborn
75 ; Stanley Campbell 74 ; Vida
79 ; Harold Huether 76 ; Kenneth
McMcDonald 75. Sr. Primer -Ex-
cellent -Jack Gordon, Ivor Wil-
liams, Good-Verla Fischer, Edna
Cameron. Alice J. Forrest,
Milt. Lowe is on a motor trip to
Kirkland Lakes,
Morris Township Council meets on
Monday et the Township Hall.
Miss Winona Frain had her tonsils
removed on May 24th in Wingham
Miss Laura .McCutcheon has re-
turned after spending the winter in
jos Shaw left this week to visit
with his son and daughter, at New
Miss Verna McCutcheon, of Tor-
onto, spent the week end with her
parents 0th line.
There passed away on Saturday,
in the Township of Morris, Jane
Twamley in her 85thyear, She was
a native of Ireland and came to Can-
ada with her parents when a child.
Coining to this locality she had re-
sided here all her life. She was the
widow of late Isaac Cole, who pre-
deceased her about three years ago.
For a number of years they had re-
sided in the town of Wingham, until
the death of her husband, when site
went to live with her daughter, Mrs.
Geo. Day, Morris township, nenr
Wingham. Surviving are two son:
and ,three daughters,,Frank, Gorrie ;
George, Two Greeks, Sask. ; Mrs.
Robert Day and Mrs Jas. Gibson,
Wingham, and Mrs. George Day, of
Morris ; also one sister, Mrs. Wm.
Giles, Grand Forks, N. D. The fun-
eral took place Monday front nt the res
of her son-in-law, George
tatet@ vat•;v.-,+.5;,voct,rcamgzoktguJtvctrS.
• Church
g bushy ' usday Eu1g
l June 18
Supper served from 6 - 8
Good Program
Burt Lloyd's
in Clean Comedy
SWeet Singing
Mirthful Music
Catchy Choruses
Burt Lloyd, Comedian
R.10, Cartoonist& E
Gordon,n, 5 Elocutionist
Mabel Cottrill, Dancer and Singer 0
Florence Bennett, Pianist
Admission 50 and 25 cents
- pal
, ST Pastor alto
United Church
Garden Party
W11.1 be hel 1 on
Thursday, June Nth
Supper In Church Sheds from S to 8
Will supply the program
Admission 350 and 20c
0 -as Knox Chutd+ Ladies' Aid
:OW daga""
of And enjoy a jolly
evening with
"'Colonel's Maida
ge A Play In 3 Acts presented p8
gby the Dramatic Club of P
4 Knox United Church, Bel- n
grave, in the A
g FORESTER'S HALL Served from to 8
Kinlough Young P eople will i
. present the 5-aet play
.1,tvl+ mtc4.c Cs,c,m. ,,,,„mlGtCt�ttfcoc
Rae's Church
Garda rarty 2I'j" sYge
Under auspices of ladles' Aid
friday Eu g, June 21st
Day.,Interment is being made in the
Wingham cemetery.
Edwin and Mrs. Kirton, of Loring
have been visitors with the Michie
Rev. W. L. Hood, of Rapid City, S.
D., and his daughter, Miss Marion. of
Chicago, are visiting in and around
Blyth, Morris and JJruesels, with re-
latives and old friends,
Passes 'Suddenly Away: -The torn-
munity was shocked to hear of the
sudden death of George Armstrong of
the village on Sunday afternoon.
Deceased who was in his 75th year,
had been to church in the morning,
and after dinner, he had been talk
ing to some visitors, when he decid-
ed to lie down, and after doing so,
suddenly passed away. He was born
in Morris Township and resided in
the Township until 10 years ago
when with his wife, they retired from
farm labors and movers into the
v^illa'*e. Besides his widow, ov v, he is
survived by five sons, Herbert and
Fred in the West; and Edwin. Alvin
and Henry living in Morris Town-
ship. He is also survived hy two
brothers, William, of the 5th line.
Morris, and Robert J., in Saskatoon;
and one sister Mrs. Neft, of the West.
The funeral will be held on Wednes-
day afternoon and services will be
conducted by the deceased's d's paster,
Rev. Mr. Seobie. Burial will be
made in Brussels Cemetery. The
'sympathy of all is extended to the
fancily in their sorrow.
The regular meeting of the W. M.1
8, of Knox United Church was heic]
in the school room Thursday, June
lith. The meeting opened by sing-
in!;-ing hymn "Stand up for Jesus" fol-
lowed by all repeating The Lord's
Prayer. It was moved that the Soc-
iety adopt Miss Horne, formerly of
Belgrave, as the Missionary to be
remembered by special prayer. Sera
pturc lesson, Malachi 3 chapter and
Veri1eS 1 to 10 were read by Mrs. J.
Wheeler. The Devotional Lt afh t,
"Is Tithing Practical" by Mrs Jas.
Anderson; who also lett in prayer.
Roll Call was responded by repeat-
ing' a verse of a favorite hymn. Mrs.
Carl Proctor gave a report on
"Christian Stewardship," Two heralds
on "Conquest of China" was re-
sponded by Mrs. H. Wheeler. M's.
Jos. Clegg Mrs. Jas. Michie Mrs.
Jos. hiller, Mrs. A. Proctor were
appointed vi iting committee. airs,
A. Proctor kindly inivted the Society
to her borne for the July meeting.
Mrs. Wellwood, of Winghein is to
give her report at this meeting.
Hvi sir 153 was then sung. -Mrs. Jas.
Michie closing the meeting with
Edgar Hollinger, of Detroit.spent
the wee -end at Ins hoose in Grey.
Keep in mind alone.( ieff Field Day,
on Tuesday June :loth. See Posters.
Don't forget the Garden Party at
• Roe's United Church, an Friday,
June 21st.
Miss Annie McLaughlin spent 'the
week end with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce,
17th con.
Mrs. Jack Walker, of Seaforth,
spent Sunday with ler sister, Mrs.
V1'in. Rands
Somebody said Jack Work WS
trying to have his windmill moved to
any spot on Tuesday morning.
Harold and Mrs. Cardiff, Will Smith
and Miss Burnett spent the week
end at the latter's home in Elora.
Mrs, Cloakley, -of Toronto, pt visit-
ing her cousin Mrs, Wni, Rand; and
other old friends in Morris 'town-
Reuben and Mrs. Mclnnis and
Miss Nora, of Exeter, spent Sunday
at the home of Percy and Mrs. Tyer-
Angus and Mas, Brown, Miss Roth
and Herman Whitfield were visiting
with W. H. and Mrs. McCuteltcon on
Harold Sanderson, wife and son,.
Frances William, of Toronto, client
the week -end eith Mrs. Sanderson'e
Mother, Mrs, Wln, Rands,
friday Ev'g, June 14 A
At 8 O'clock.
Musical selections is
��..e-9mir,�,n,a}✓,a.di�tdtr•.s.......... .-. ,...,.i°.1,'1
between Acts.
Admission 35c and 15e
'1d e' Fleie and Almm Qeteien
-er left for Detroit on Sunday
after spend ng the wick at iron,
hems in Grey Township. They
ni Lde the trip by motor.
Clifford and Andrew Jacklin, of
the 3rd con left on Wednesday for
Detroit where they will spend a cou-
ple of weeke with Melvin and Mrs.
Shiels, the latter being their sister.
Last w', k Oswald Hemingway of
the Detroit Trust Co., was appointed
delegute to attend the American In-
titute -of Banking Convention at
Tulsa, Oklahoma. Last year he at-
tended the Convention in Philadel-
Engagement Announced - Mr.
and Mrs. 'Thos. Mills announce the
engagement of their eldest daughter
Reta Mae, to William Melvyn Marks
only son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Marks, Mum Twp., the mar-
riageto take place this month.
There will le. special preaching
services in Ethel Presbyterian church
on Sunday. June 30th, morning and
evening. On Tuesday evening July
and nd the Garden Party t will be held
on the church ground. Keep the
date in mind and catch for further
part alders. .
Blyth Standard :-Last Monday
evening :1 number of young people
journeyed out to the house of lir.
and Mts. Perris. and Miss Rebecca
McNair. in Grey Township, where an
enjoyable time was epent. The even-
ing was spent in games, contests, etc.
Mr. Parris delighted the gathering
with several humorous readings.
During the evening a mock wedding
took place which was very humorous
• and entertaining. A bnunteott -
Ilunch was then served. Dr. Tull
moved a hearty vote of thanks be
tendered to lir. and Mrs. Perrie and
Miss McNair fur the splendid time,
which carried un.nrnroas'y. After
singing "For they tire Jolly Gond Fa -
low ." and "God save the King" they
all returned home.
WALTON 1. been in Ottawa during the past week
Duff's Unite ai et lin = the General s.
e` W. Maines of D t tP ( n Lal euthiv as a
Ry. J.As
United 1.
clutch and Rev. A. W. Barker, et of del. -Tale from Maitland P, esb lei' .
y y
Brussels, exchanged pulpit., o., Sur Mrs lied Longfoot and Mrs. Char -
•day morning. +•hill, r 1 1u,1, ford, spent Sunday with
John R. teeming, of the 1 tth Son- their nstents Geo. and airs. Edwards.
cession, \ieliillnp underwent an op. fir• Ifelwaids returned with them to
eration for appends its: on Saturday S01,11('ord fora week or two.
night in Seaforth Memorial Ho pita], ats. eo. Thompson is on her way
IIs is doing a, well tie can be expect. 'wt 'retu urnnia and expects to
LP in '1'ne freta I Iiia week to take in lila
ed. 1',unnto Old Boyd and Girisptauio
.4 sale of home-made baking will there du Saturday. Old friends will
• th'• A U. N . ll •oil of
b- hili in the 0, b. glad In see her.
Saturday, June 'enc]. slider' the 1),..('itis 31eNnughtnn and Mrs. Mo-
aulite •s of the 1 td e' G +1,d of St. Naughton, of Pen Yan, N. i', are
George's Angiican Church Watch hnlid,ry irt}; with the form Pt's sisters
for further pa+'tic til trs next wee]:. • Mrs. Parker trend Miss Mary Mo.
John bicLonald ha, a:aloe: e•d r N ue„•ht :n, They expect to leave on
clearing aurt]on 11 • of farm incl 1 ,(111y on the return Trip.
implements, hos l h d effects, etc., to ; Gtttlt ntc'1 STAn :--Douglas Clarke,
be held tit the Walton Saw Mill on "a,of Rev. C. F. Chu ke., who won
Friday, June 2Sth, with Tho • Brown first clash honors to hfs'seeontd year in
as auctioneer. The f't4I tat will ap forestry at Tntnnty. He
away t t West on Government
Sister Married The following
work iuconntection with forestry.
wedding account, the bride is a sig- i mtsh,, ae0rampnnted- hy his two Hans,
Mrs. 'n t t aur ter of It.. �4'. E. ].:xti t l t f o . I,tnhn, of Stanton, Mich„ (and son
village:- 1 quiet but pretty Wedding: I Lloyd), and (leorg,N of M1+1 v. Miclt.,
wa solnuured at the hone. of Mr.. wet visitnis with Jos. and Mrs, goer -
and Mrs. Robert, Ashton, Gerrie, at in tinting the past week, the former
high noon on I m :day, June -nth, ie a brother of hitst l3,o•t iii.
when their daughter, Margaret Evel-
yn was united in the holy bonds of
matrimony to Wm. Strntgway, of.
Sarnia. The bride looked particular.
'East Lynne'
Musical Selections between Acts
5 Admission 50e and 250
Mr...) ra P ties„n. Rev. D. M. Guest, t'
d' ht idol Pastor.
i[ Personal Paragraphs
G. A Deal -Imam is back flour Merlin
for n few weeks.
Mt. and Mts Hnrtl, of Mitchell were
is Brussels on Sunday.
Postmaster John Scott, of Listowel
was in tnivu on Thniodey.
Reuben Frost, of SenfnriIt, was cal-
ling on old friends on Monday fact,
SEAFonTr3 l+fxnohi'roa 1 -111tH. Man-
ners, of litttesels is the guest of Mrs.
Burton McDonald rants down from
Kincardine and spent Sunday at his
home here.
Dan. and Mrs. McDonald. of Galt,
and their friends were Sunday visit-
ors in town.
MVP. S. F. Davison and Miss Louise
Bose spent Satin clay with friends at
Por( Elgin.
Harry Isdwned., Oltildren's Aid a-
gent for Huron County, was in town
Inst Wred,•pe,1 t'
H. and Mts. Gale, and Mr. and Mee.
.utwderr, Strafford, spear Sunday
wills M Robinson.
Mts. Henry Hone, of Mitchell, was
a vioitnr with 11Pr fatber, Wm Dark
['tet• the week -end.
51ts.1 Spading anent the week
et:d with her .,n,, Wyman !incl Mrs.
Starling, in London.
Fred and MPS. Jeschke, of Detroit,
t+ ere weekend vixit els with the let -
i. is ballet, Wm. Intik.
G. N Edwards B. A„ wife and two
00110, of Lm,don, spent the week -end
with his mother, Mis, Gen. 1:dwardc,
Mill St.
Mas, W. M. Flatity, of Pontiac,
'inch., spent a few days with persis-
ter -in-law. hits. A. 14, McDonald,
Tttrn11811y Street.
a t
.f. and '11t.. lit• • t
11 to
-duet art children
' of .Meat ,l nl, 'petit a few hours last
`Vedtiesii iv at the home of Reeve and
Mrs. A.0. Basher.
Mts. Faster of Kiucatdine spent the
weeli-Pnd'wit11 hertsistel's and brother
Airs. Pail,,',-, alis al [try 7teNaughton
I anti 0r. M"Naughtm,.
Jas. S. Atmstrn,g, 9th gnu. lies
to w o he lC
ne,t wee]
11enry OtteiGein of 13 on
Miss Ruth Strangway, of Corunna ;
Mr. Wm. Shensen, of ']bronto ; Ma-
ly churning in n gown or white goo. bel -Ross, Rey. end efe Craik, Gor-
I rgette and lace trimmed with pearls. rig ; Mr. C. P. 8di., Postmaster, Sem-
i She wore white .hoes to match, forth, and Mr. and Mrse Radford,
Walton The ,rtemony was perform -
rd by Rev. Mt. Craik , of Gorrie,
while durh s. the signing of the re -
]tower bouquet of 1)ph in' roses. etieter. airs, Recife/el rendered sem-
Miss Beryl Ashton assisted the imide eta} piano sekt,tron,. Tho bride's
going away gown was 7, figured blue
georgette with a coat of silver grey
1t0ir with hat, shoes and purse to
ntatrh The many and valuable gifts
testified to the bride'a popularity
both in Gorrie. and Seafot'th where
site had spent about five years as
assistant Postmaster. After the Wed-
ding luncheon the bridal party left
for a week's honey -moon trip to Tor-
onto, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and De-
troit, The best wishes of their many
iricnde go with the bride and groom
to their hone in Sarnia.
1 while an exquisite bandeau of pearls
- was wonderfully $(.4 off by the bride's
jet black hair. The bride carried a
gowned in sunburst celaneae and ear -
i '
Pied it sltnwen• hnaq.t••t of yellow
roses. Wm. Shcnsen, of Toronto,
supported the groom Meedtl sodut's
wedding march was h, tu(.if Illy rend-
ered by the bride's sieter, hiss Paul-
ine, After the ceremony the guests
sat down to a stimptuius repast
which was daintily served by friends
of the bride, Miss 1hb]t. Seip, and
Jean `Smith, of Se:do:1h. The wed-
ding though quiet entertained the
following out-of-town guests : sits
Porter, soother of the groom, and