The Brussels Post, 1929-6-5, Page 5Dominion Donirulon Dominion Tominiou Dominion TIRES ' es Siir At Your• Service Plan your gas and oil needs so you can drive in when near. You will get gasoline with quicker pick-up — greater power and more " mileage plus service that is quick and satisfactory, When you buy accessories you can always be assured of of quality plus servIse. 80x3 tufa! Cnrde..,•$n.025 30 x $ Endurance ((ads .,...,.,. 8 50 80 x 3 Caeings $5.00 ; 7 tan each 1 25 Boyal (cord 29 x 440 (eeinps ...............• 10 60 Royal Cord 29 x 440 Tubes 2 60 Batteries 6 Volt 11 Plate Batteries 6 Volt 11 Plate Heavy Batteries 6 Volt 13 Plate Batteries Phone ox $ 8 50 ,,.., 10 50 12 CO O. H. SPROULE BRUSSELS I Interesting News of the District BELGRAVE i Geo. Thompson has purchased a Rev. James Scobie is attending new coach, conference in London. Miss June Walden is on the sick Mrs. John Smith, is improving af- List at present. ter her recent illness. I William Duff unloaded two cars of Mrs. Joe. Miller was a visitor with Gaal last week. relatives in Toronto, the first of the W. R. and Mrs. Gallaher visited week. with James and Mrs. Masters. F. M. and Mrs. McCallum and Howard Stewart received and de- children were Sunday visitors with livered a car of asphalt shingles. friends at Seaforth. Miss Susie Collie is suffering from Mrs, R. MoCrae, of Londesboro,' a stroke and is quite ill at present. was a vititor with her sister, Mrs. Mr's. M. Robertson spent a couple M. A. Wheeler in Belgrave. of days with friends in the village. The Young People's Society of Robbie Masters caught a ten -inch Knox United Church held a social speckled trout at the dam on Mon - evening on Wednesday evening. daMrs, Gordon Hall had the misfort- J. 0. and Mrs. Habkirk, •Isobel and one to lose 60 nice chickens by suI'• Mac of Winnipeg, were Wednesday location. visitors at the home of F. B. and Miss 1Thynne, of Palmerston spent Mrs. Scott. a few days last week with Mrs. J. Anniversary services will be held Brandon: in Knox Presbyterian church on M. and fibs, Lake, of Fergus, were Sunday, June when Rev. G. M. week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, of Toronto, will preach both Brandon. morning and evening. Jaynes Kerney has moved into the The Ladfes'd of Knox Presbye Aitchieson house, which he recently terian Church held a meeting in the purchased. school room of the church on Thurs- Joe and Mrs. Brandon were recent day afternoon, the object being to visitors with S. and Mrs. Marshall of make arrangements for the annual Genannan, garden party. Mrs. T. Coultess was in Toronto The regular meeting of the Bel - grave Branch of the women's med.attending the funeral of her brother, John Diment, tute was held on Tuesday afternoon Norman and Mrs. Stonehouse, of at the home of 11'1rs. Jas. Grigg. The London were week -end visitors with President, Mrs. F. McCallum had R. and Mrs. Stonehouse. charge of the meeting which was Friends of Mrs. Bert Vincent are opened by all singing the Institute pleased to know she is doing nicely Ode and repeating the Lord's pray- after a serious operation in Toronto. er. Several items of business were dealt with. Mrs. W. Van Camp had + Quite a number from here attend- ed the Liberal convention held at charge of the topic, "Character Wingham last Thursday afternoon. Building" gave a splendid paper on Harold and •14Irs. Buffett and dau- this very important suhjeet which ghter, Barbara Jean were visitors was mneh enjoyed and appreciated. with C. R. and Mrs. Coultes and fam- Roll Cali was answered by payment fly of foes. A summary of last years ac- • Mr. Leaver, who has the contract tivitios was given by Miss Cela Cout- for cement work on as R. Hamil- contract ter' Delegates were appointed toat- ton's new barn, is ready to commen- tend the District Annual meeting COoperations. which will be held in Londesboro in The many friends of John Ailment June. As this was the annual greet will be sorry to learn he passed a- fng of the Institute the .election of way ,at his home in Toronto on Sun - had s was held. Mrs. J. Van Conip ot- ,day evening. He was about 84 years had charge of the part of the meet - of age and formerlylived here,be- ing. The following officers were el - fore moving to Toronto about ten- ected :—Hon. President, Mrs, M. A. ty years ago. Deceased is survived Wheeler, Mrs. John Van Camp, Mrs. by his widow, also three sons and F. McCallum. President, Mrs. !Carl three daughters. He was a Prebyter- Procter ; 1st Vice -Pres„ Mrs. C,.R. R, g' Coultas ; 2nd Vive-Pres., Mrs. Jas. ban and a Liberal in politics. The Taylor ;Secretary, Miss Edith Proc- ter funeral was held in Toronto last ter ; Tress, Mrs, J. M. Coultas ; Wednesday afternoon. Pianist, Miss Cele Coultes ; Asst, ee Miss Sara Cole ; Branch Directors, Close Garage Door Mrs. Jas. Michie, Mrs. Geo. Procter, Mrs. M. A. Wheeler, Mrs. 7. T. Bell ; After Car is Stolen District Director, Mrs. F. McCallum ; Press Reporter, Mrs. C. R. Coultes ; But Catch Thieves Flower Cammittee, Mrs. Jas. Taylor, i Mrs. J. Wheeler, i1rs. J. Rintoul : Program Coin., Mrs. N. Walsh, illra. Blyth, May 31. — D. Macdonald, W. Van Camp, Mrs. J. Clegg, Mrs. who lives in Morris, has had his car B. Bradburn, Mrs. F. McCallum, in a garage in town and for some Miss Nora Van Camp ; Outlook Com. time has thought that the car was Mrs. H. Wheeler, Mrs, R. McCrae, being driven by others than himself. Mrs. R. Yule ; Auditors, Mrs, W, Van. Camp, Mrs. C. R. Coultes. On Tuesday he got word that the Some plans were discussed for the car had been taken out and got Con - work of the coming year. The next stable Ferguson to keep watch. meeting will be in charge of the girls When it was returned he arrested and will be held at the hoarse of Miss two young bo oultes in Jute. The meeting s who had taken it to y was closed by singing the National Anthem after which lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Grigg assisted by Mrs. H. Wheeler and a social time was enjoy- ed. njoyed. Mrs. W. Van. Camp gave an in- strumental number on the piano which was much enjoyedby all. BLUEVALE Mrs. J. Bone is spending a few days in Detroit, Joe. Ruddy visited with friends near Goderich recently. Mr. and Mrs. Yule visited with friends in Seaforth on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Walden and Arthur show attended London conference, Miss Laura Bone, R. N., of Detroit visited with her mother over the week -end. W, J. and Mrs. Geddes visited on Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. 3. Little, near ISeaforth. Mr, and Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. Clarke and daughter !and Mr. Thomp- son of London spent Victoria Day With Mr. and Mrs. Yule. THE ERUE$EL5 POET TORONTO MAN LAST IN LABOR LAN SLIP& • Sigmund Samuel, Toronto, indus- trialist, was defeated in Lichfield rid- ing .by. J. A. Fraser, Labor, who polled 14,995 against Mr. Samuel's 11,611. It was a Labor gain. HURON; DERTH; BRUCE HURON COUNTY Rev. W, T. Bunt, formerly of Wel- land has accepted a call to the Bap- tist church at Goderich, Rev. A, A. Trumper of St. Paul's Church Windsor, and formerly of. Exeter, celebrated his 16th annivers- ary of hiis ordination last Sunday. The post office at Holmesville has been closed and patrons of that post - office will hereafter be served by rural mail route from Clinton or Goderich. Under the Division Court Act, On- tario Gazette announces the appoint- ment of W. Clare Adams, of Wing - ham as clerk of the eighth division court, Huron County. The Dominion Shorthorn Breed- ers' Association has selected Sea - forth fall fair to represent it in Hur- on county this year and is giving sev- eral valuable special prizes for re- gistered stock, Rev. John Angnew of Kingsville, and a former pastor at Clinton was chosen President of' London confer- ence. Mr. Agnew is an old Huron boy, being born up in Lucknow dia- triet. The Turnberry Agricultural So- ciety is conducting Field Crop Com- petitions this year in two classes and are asking for entries in same. Com- bined Field Crop and Cleaned Seed Competition will be in0ats and Field Crop in Turnips. Entries will be re- ceived by the secretary, for one or both of the above classes, up to June 10th. Results of the examinations at the School of Practical Science, Toronto, give Murray Kernighan, son of J. N. and Mrs. Kernighan, formerly of Colborne township, now of Toronto, a very high standing in his class in second year chemical engineering. Murray is the only one of the class of nine students who passed with honors. Of eighteen subjects he took first class honors in fourteen. At a congregational meeting held in the Egmonville United Church for the purpose of moderating in a call to a minister. Rev. A. C. Malcolm, M. A., of Port Stanley, was the un- animous choice of the congregation. • Cecil Gardiner, M. A., of Blyth, who since his graduation from Que- en's University in 1927, has been tak- ing post graduate work in electro- chemical research at Princeton Uni- versity N. J., has been successful in passing his final examinations there, and is now entiled to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. This year being the fiftieth an- niversary of the inauguration of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insur- ance •Company, it is the intention of the Company to celebrate its golden jubilee by holding a monster picni.i for the officers and policy holders of the company with their families. As the policy holders number up- wards of seven thousand, a very large gathering is expected to be present. The event will be held at Kincardine on Wednesday, June 19- th. The committee in charge of the arrangements for the • celebration, consisting of Messrs. William Wat- son, William Thompson, G. C. Tre- leaven, Tim Griffin and Robert Dav- idson motored on Saturday to Kin- cardine where they met with Charles Hewitt, another member of the com- mittee, to complete the arrange- ments for the event. CAR OF Cement JUST TO HAND J. H. FAR Phone 2214 ETHEL Milverton has a population of 1,- 122 an increase of 06 over the pre- vious year, S. A, Hodge has sold oat his drug business to William Walther, drug- gist of 15tratford, and he will take possession June 3, Mr. Hodge was in usiness in Mitchell for 51 years. • Business depression and lack of capital are the reasons given by Ed- ward Carl Goettier, wholesale con foctioner, 43 Erie street, Stratford, for the failure of his business, with liabilities totalling $3,035, and a net defieney of $2,090. He has made a voluntary assignment in bankruptcy. Humphrey Colquhoun has been ap- pointed trustee of the estate. Robert Campbell one of Mitchell's best-known citizens,died on Tuesday afternoon in his 78th year. His wife died several months ago. He had not enjoyed good health for years, but he had been able to be around town PERTH COUNTY Mendes is on the program at At - Wood. Monkton is holding a big field Fergusonot I day on June 19th. Goderich and return. g County Treasurer, Robt Hoggarth, ill touch with High Constable Gundry .on Saturday received from the On- 1 of Goderich, who came down and i tario Department of Provincial High. took the boys to Goderich, where on 1ways a check for $59,020.76, which Thursdaythey had their preliminary lu Perth.nual grant for county roads hearing, when Police Magistrate Reid I A petition is in circulation at Mil - remanded them for a week, so they 1verton for the erection of a rest are in jail awaiting their trial next room and band stand on the Bauman week. lot recently purchased by the village. 0 It is estimated that the cost will be '.Che Amazon river is 3400 miles $l,500. long and is 150 miles wide at its A track -laying gang is at present busily engaged in laying 100 -pound mouth. 'steel from Newton to Listowel on the The people of the United States C. N. R. and are now employed in the Spend approximately $50,000,000 a the vicinity of Peficrs. The 100- day for food. pound rails are substituting the 60- The Amazon river is so loaded pound o Strati weight. From Newton with 8o with sediments with its waters can be pound stee), detected by their desolation 300 The Stratford Ministerial Assoeia- miles out at sea. tion has vigorously protested ,against Wireless telephone calls in Eng - the Sunday activities of the London land have increased by, nearly 400 Aar Transport aeroplanes, used to carry passengers from the new tram- per cent. during the last year. ieipal airport on the Stratford Road. each day. IIe was born in the Town- ship of Fullerton, was a Liberal in politics, and highly respected by all who were acquainted with him. !Frank Riddle, of Mornington, who lived six miles north of Milverton, shot himself in the head with a 22 calibre rifle Friday, while the others of the family were out milking. He died this evening. Riddle, who re- t mained conscious several hours, ex- ' plained that this act was attribut- I able to the fact that he recently pur. chased a new car, which be later he- lieved that he could do without. He was the father of a family of five or six children, and was in comfortable circumstances. A soft ball league composed of teams from the villages of Pinkerton, Formosa, Chepstow and Cargill was organized at a meting of represent- atives of these places. The South Bruce Softball League was the name adopted and a silver trophy has been donated by Silverwood Cargill Creamery to be completed to be com- peted for annually. Rules and regu- lations were drawn up and league committees appointed, consisting of Rev. Fr. Brick, Formosa ; 7. H. Cass, of Cargill ; Arthur Donnelly, Pinkerton, and Bert Zettel, Chop - stow. BRUCE COUNTY In Building Your Horne it Costs No More to Stop Fire By .specifying Gyproc Wallboard you assure walls and ceilings that are efficient fire barriers— yet the cost is no more, and often less than with materials that give no fire protection whatever. F re,P to Walib_oard' For Sale By Wilton & Gillespie - - Brussels, Ont. S. F. Davison - Brussels, Ont. 216 Chas. F. Hansuld - - Ethel, Ont. The average adult has 28. pounds The Chinese wall is 1250 mi1ew of blood.I long. '�. far?•. ,v -�+�tlz?�t ^;x�'a'� FORD CAR HOUAIiLLE HYDRAULIC SHOCK I:; 41-1 ry.i' Y iti% Y' e- fl N oot — ouble Acting OUDAILLE Hydraulic Shock Absorbers, four to every Ford car, are entirely defensive in their action since they remain inactive and in neutral position on smooth roads. Let a wheel encounter the slightest depression or bump, however, and they respond with the velvet precision of a cat's paw. Houdaille Shock Absorbers were not adapted to the Ford car afar it was built, but were part of the speci- fications laid down by the Ford engineers as they planned the car. Therefore, Houdailles, their power- ful operation coordinated, became integral parts of the complete chassis- It is for this reason that they function with such perfect efficiency on the Ford car. Houdailles absorb both the upward and downward thrust of the shock through slowing the spring action by means of a heavy glycerine solution, which is forced through a small valve from one compartment to another. They check the rebound of the car softly, exert no tension on the springs and are always ready to offer resistance to the blow whz.n. and as required. In fact, the more severe the shock, the more effectively Houdailles operate. Different from any other shock absorber, the Houdaille connecting link between the frame and the axle of the car is a steel arm, not just a fabric strip to wear out and be replaced. Adjustable to suit differing road conditions and various loads, the Houdaille is more than a shock absorber and more than. a snubber,. Inspect the Ford car carefully part by part. Then know the thrill of driving it. By its performance you will realize the easy riding comfort of an Houdaille equipped Ford. Drive it Yourself— there is no Better Test Ford Car Features iChax of oalearc 35 to 0,7 Tait= c,, icoar 4P-ItPrac power c,ct ircc F::.'! harlaoa thea Puha crrolosad as-bratr srcrtr,n 4 licrdaifc bodrac•1ic shock. C;ra.,rac0r ea to :to herr par Danns of paaaliat nossarpraol plus wdndrlaicLl Th.c.`tp:•ar! i;•;:::fan tomb cliat,ililp oluf lora upkeep Arrange for your demonstration ride with the nearest Ford dealer G. B. McIntyre