HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-6-5, Page 4Wael3a/ES1)Ay, ;RINE 6thi. 1920
(Itro Itbrurawfai
'WEDNESDAY; 444I'll14 504 100
1920 JUNE 1,92f1
M 11,1! T s
4 t 7 8
lo 11 :1 11 11 1
141 17 la 1,1 2t1 al 23
31 3,1 iti a.' 3/ 26 2`1
William Mate alleeod to tlave
Ault briosele Maa - le iaken
to twdirkh V it tint '1 e • ady
(lathed About. the Hud.
'114tIC0•5•44 VC: ;-; NA itbacr,
iP, tod p. :hit., .4i frAt
4.: 1,14 41 i iti !ti ...14
it•-stiuti With .4143ias 1 -Willi
Ctiu)1, i5 t1 tu4
4 • t414 t Ova:
by pelice in.lt i.orN LI
to or.1.41,..;‘•4 a
4,/ High.ti A. hit, •
zh 1,4 in on th. toaatest
_teal, 14, t,,Ii; 14..iih: ioni eta,
tn. a
1444444 . ,••••• "44.4- b..... •
41...I.', •
‘1 44)1i NA •,-.• • .
t •
Drive Straight to y
Best in the Long Run
oils Tires Accessories
See our Radios
Robt. Patrick
FREE .1 1 N
4." c.o.
-Cam Sir lobo Morrison Cit,
:run, .olArfer :And former
• , •A•1'. Ontario.
• ...
14.11,ki:Atil Monday evAnt-
. • . . 4 n,r.
, ".4, .,a.
. t • e:..4.4.1. -,e, : ts
4 )..,.4.,
"..., A• 1... . 7cow.
444aha.• J.: '• 4 4. -eatiaNT peva:awe TERN-,
1.4,4.I4:11-- :{I 6.\440.41111IN.
FOR :32.4o ANN". TIES
11 7.A,1••,
y. 14,
Tit • + -4 +.4 +.1. ••• '4114
4.1:, -44. 4.14 ,r • 14 14, '1' .• W. r-Ix4r.10.4.
7 , .i0.441;41.;:r ".104 11,. ,t.
t , R.,;. Ai 14'.
4-` +1 • :OA 4:0 41.. 74.,
C, .( 11 . 1 •
. ;,)
..tr. :4,•';
; it
4,• .4.•144, 1‘.4,11 to'
rigti.......71 %4
•.r4 1'
144 C•.••••
! 4.;
',9jjt ;Li! ; 1 t ;
bt,trt ...it .1 tt tlit
:lit 111,i
/Ivo 4:414 -
lg.: '(441.0)4':.,Aittl'itt,..
thiSit't“. itttt 40
'11.` 'Zir itt,i 1 Ai '0 -1'41 44/1"4t.i.
o. 4,4 1;•• Alt: 4.11,4V 4n4t.2.1 tt
14, Ia.
.444z ;11 :111L1 '7'
,41204 •:, II .,4
14,444'!r '(*."'l',.(.2. '4
1440, 4 :11 iitif:t
7t ':. • ..x.,;(4,t, ••••1
Pion, 'atana,444.5 of sit', IOU '4
..ro( lit 4.
toneily.44,iJ4l11 apiort
111., e good ),,irea,„-, !or Tomal '1 ree-
l-4Iva tatugh, li .40111i41;
44trril, limit! C.:old:. and Sun: Throat:,
hunoliik: or eit,h retereed,
Vier eale by 14'. R. Smith, Deuggitt,
1 ;ea:: a5.4 ea "esea
W. 1-4, :•;.
S. V. R.
Vi•iol: VA•;,...1 liana 714:L14.
W '4.14.4')', Pale- it''.
4 ntheielie,..
itaa Tze.ama.
47; Rs v. Hurl.). ittP,,,itt.
W. II. llurtms.
'uit,„,,anon It..., W. 44. CIA.
11g•,II01,41v.4111% • 1tUv. A. Malcolm.
Ite-.. is. F.. iot .
4' '7: :r1 '4',2 .4444.11.,
W. 14'al,
a-man:inn-4a 10,0.... . 4,',
4' 444
Ili son. leo. Iirtqt.
1i4 ;0-,, 111,v. N. (.:7.1111101.11.
1.0 IdYatt: Aatil,',.;
NV. 1.. la 11.
allealen Rey, lesttareatt.
84. John'', Nitro..: Alia ifyile
P:,1' Rae. A .4,
Were:tile, fte,... H. 11:4144174.-.
Vet Illeure. 11. A. Striielnien,
Wta-intini'ler, Waa. iaseireas 10-",
43, 1., Ilariterd.
'Mt. engin Inetitima .11r,a,, 0, 11.
Sl7 444141 46141141:1 rre,%:ittitlit ((4.7(4' 11.1.81.
101(1 Ifteeitiglons ION. .1.
la me-nu:era.
ltee. II, NV. flatalsOlit.
• -1t,:v. t.'. C.
-14.4v. 2. B. Townsend.
71.7.14'4nas. 5y7n-
‘l4,JUi.ih.ir-16.;IT. I„4tl'I(14.`.
Han. J. C. Elliott
Defends Outlay on
Goderich Harbor
*462,070 E'wended Since 1022 and
Justified ity Rosolts Replies. to '
Mr. Spotton's Criticisms and Show.% •
Work Progressing,
QLtawo, May 30. .-There was
oi'•-J-,xchange elf;
this, afternoon between Hun. John
10110t, ur.11leter of Rabin; Wnlity, ;Arid ;
George .8putturi, North 1-1.4.U0n, w'ntin
/94 itater 1...rie411'4d r:rit1i.J4,4:
Ia141the altnairtinient la
to Lilo WOlit on the eanaur at
Goderiee. 'Pile item Of $204,1100 fox •
5,. work there to faeilitate rain
(ling, undertaken by -.'1•.; now ..1. •
,,iator. was :tft.•N' 614;
0' 1,' ,tiV44/ 4.42
74144,2114 U134 (4444'
1'.12:4. .ti1)01,1.,,14ti •
1;41t4 •411 7344,14.4 4444 •.in,
maeoter hal 4.411 .11,141
4444 11144.51 r17Apt.:114i4:41 year. :non
apoo th,, amount '21 money provost:a
to ne exp.:load.
the milastur
,444i :
"4 am roiying, on tho judgment of
lee people . Cluderich and oi the
lnatii:e '11 treti au:nary a., to ainatiar
el‘n; 1.4144. :4111 bt.itig '44442(4 2241144.
T414;,/ 4414: deportment Ain't
tillit, ;low, etaonipanied by illy hen,
4'.) (441;um they ex41reeet,0 0140 4/1-
nbriation of What Wilt' Ueditt. '144174,
4.5E14C.1'001ellt 4.01- GOtiCliCil
414') 14(44: they Ii hrdh,/
kHOWli ill that particular
than t41i44, (1 4' ilown ili-'s:,(77,4 4 4117
414(.1414 to "mama .71174 :not in :vie
'lo not miow 4'747:4474 1' my hoe,
rs4i,n11 •;10.t4 ,11‘01114 7j 144(4(44
h Ghat re 2; to knave 714411 he
dretiging oroviaaling 44 tilt; e.144-..
ami that nolifinti4; 47,1t;
41 :ffiwuriting to a:4014,000,
and "et .4400, diffiCulty WhiCh 414,
t1444441as "0 :hie work' living
Mid !11101 tuaititalfa. ail. 042.
ribte 4.01 41444t11/4 4 11(1 41' !nano 4417,
441 40 010I.4eStanil by 41C04(IC Of
The Baby Chick Season
WIII 00I1' 110 over. Bettor got yours before it is too late,
May 1101,li lu1sc14 BlIered Leeks are 17e ;4.1, 0, White Leg.
borne Vie, Alla Juno Oth Burial Itoolie are VW and 8. 0
White foghorns '4 Ile.
• Harrill Hooka arttptwo O. A, 0, atrit411 1 00ekere113 diroet from
0, A. Oollego nro mated to Helvetia' broodoro. All. Leghorn
(Adults aro from yearling and 43-4,'o4t41•ol11 bone.
hatching Eggs 00 0(4014,
Ash to eon otir lino of lioyal Voodoo; add Water Vonute.
nice() Myth 10-2.1 AtIBUHN, ONT,
Has a large and complete
stook of Family Memorials
In newest designs at very
reasonable prices,
Call and see 110 before pleaing year order.
Phone. Of/3001213
Slone° 2513 Wingham
Adam Espien, a native of arnee
°entity, who (Mont nearly a helf-0011-
Wry on the preirie, died 11 few days
goet Penn Sesta He had farmed
there 47 years, Esplen came from
the shores of Lake Huron In 180
And subsequently experieneed the
troublesome days of the Reit rebel-
lion, H narrowly missed capture by
the Indinns and his brother-in-law,
Dan McLean, did fall Int the bands
or a war party. Esplen's death ea-
eurred only n tofu days after
MeClennel was a boyhood friend of
Mr. Espial in Brice 40ounty.
Elephants are not regarded as
talro until they reach the age ef 30
Enrollment NO. 220. Feral 1
Clydeedale Stallion
Royal J3uchlyvie
will stand at his own stablo, Lot 1.8,
Oon" 40, Grey Tewnelup, tor eervice
for the season of 1929.
Will make appointments with part-
ies a distance awey,
Royal Buchlyvie, registered in the
Canadian Clydesdale Stud Beek as
No. 26240, awned by Robert L, Mc-
Donald, of Brussels, 13. 11,3; foaled
in 1924, has been enrolled under the
Ontario Stallion Act, Inspected on
the 14th day of July 1927 end pais -
TERMS—To insure mare in foal
$12.00 payable Feb. 1st, 1980.
Mares must 'be vegularly returned to
stud, or owners will be charged
AUCTION ,ALE t whether inare is In foal or not,
Effeets — the property Of the
hae Moody Hollund, there will be of-
fered for stile by nubile mietion at
the home of the late Robert Holland,
McKillop (half enile Ilo.et of Walton)
the renewing household effecte:— 1
on SaeturdaY, June 151h, at 2 °Mock,
.ecree Range; 1 coal oil heater; 1
Quebec heater; 1 kitchen table; 1
1kitchen cupbourd; 4 kitchen chairs;
.1$ dining room eheirs; 1 extension
liable; 1 sideboard; 1 writing desk;
'1 Singer sewing machine; bedroom
sults with mattress and spring's; 1
organ; 3 centre tahles; 1 parlor suit;
1 parlor rug; 1 large piece o linol-
4.11111; 2 small pieces of linoleum; 1
parlor lamp; 1 hanging lamp; 8 lamps
1 oc , quantity 01 ilis es, 100 senl-
,ers; pictures; emantity of bedclothes;
4 1 Internatienal Creinu Separator; 2,
liederieh that the work Is proeeetang 5"gal. oil cans; 1 washing machine; 1
Ttsrms— Sums of $10 and
satisfe.etorily to them, under caeh, over that amount 10
"The hon. member is quite within mouths credit given on approved
his rights in making any statement joint notes. 5 per cent otf for caeh
or offering any criticisms with regard ,osnts'ee jdoitmou
tasntiountans. at
Js: y
to the manner in which the work is iitt
proetieding et Goderich. 'nut I meant
t"' sGlY 40 hiiu that the' 1.4 twthl" ACC;TION S -ALE OF BLACKSMITH
tsalt eaY that will aivert this •
Government fro nithe reed policy JanatIOekth,11at 1\Voicrorel.c)Illheff):,111oattY.-,
whieh it has amtouneed of doing int:Au:unity of herse-shoee, horse -
what it 40111441(,r„ to at, Iowa, J„,atee shoe nails and horseshoe chalks, as-
sort! tl; bolts,, asserted; round iron and.
te the port of Gederich. I would dir-
ect his Attention to a fart whieh he ,t)41''': „ahtsast:g(14.,4;,att iron bars 4148044'
omitted to tell the House, that sinee ileteee hook all '''retnIstess°5,rtea(INrtvell;
the year 4922, the amount of aege„. fork handles. shoteel handlas and
070 hue been expended by this Gee- gade 3-114111e41 ''1A"kt.Vd; whtrIcietrbetes
eminent upon the harbor at Goite- t
rich. havt• a report of 4see engineer brL, y 111.111t4P.i.o,f,2I1 and lin wood. °otinlz,e:;
of that distrait, dated December 17, aesorted; f)unnnfersals; 441 14.4).
102e, in whieh seas that when linti engine; 1 emery, mantel and
1444 114.4144011 officielly closed fQx the a6tntrtablyeraePoinit1;letteri;71;e.2purili,ePystIls
season on the Great Lakes, Coderieti Jn,, ehafts• 1 new Fleury No. 21,
h,,, a winter fleet of 22 stearaerta ,W41lk4ng plow; 1 eeeond hand No.
greatest in tennage andvalue ever as- 24 Fleury walking plow; a quantity
of plow points assorted, huniside and
44410141:4 there. I' do not need to of-
, sole plates; 1, 4s wagon; 1 wheel
fer any argument to convince tne barrow; quantity of lumber inch and
People of Goderich that they are re- 2 inch rock elm; quantity 0.1 wagon
eeiving fair treatment mem at the tongues, some dressed; quantity of
of this Goverment." maple wagon axles., net 4.4018:4.; 1 en&
MeLauchlin-Buiek coach, in good
eha.pe; 1 building 24x32 suitable for
About 500 children are annually driving shed, easy to move; black -
Injured in the United Suttee, playing srnith shop 26x41. TERMS— Cash
with blasting caps. About 30 per with a reserved bid on building and
emit. of these accidents actor in ru- giving
car. No reserve as Proprietor is
up business. Geo. Elliott,
red or semi -rural dietrIcts. G Auetioneer; Thos, Clark, Prop.
Friday & Saturday - June 7 &
1.01"1.1, .11.11111/Ic.roef 31,11(rItlf;
nse niumente
-.44,tat 'ler() of 4114tie -Ustnpr.ties: .4.4141
ttair-rniring :(11112::4-4{ 211150741
'ores) oursta 'fame..: Zane •111-y*,
:reeniditioue drama of tne Wear_
lioit ,n liertec role. lea'ree conflict
inn -ender 11210141140.
Monday & Tuesday - June 10 - 11
Maybe they do» but come and
see this Paramount Picture
Friday & Saturday - June 14 & 15
"Under -onto
A Western Picture send Story by Zane Grey
4 ' 'Legion 04. 4144. Condemned!' "WI NGS"
U11119 "Abie's Irish Rose" "Chadie ghapilo Spahr
Rairolment No, 854 Form .4 1
Enrolment Certificate of the Clydes-
dale Stallion
Bonnie Glengyre
registered in the Canadian :Clydes-
dale Stud Book at No, 23920, owned
by Ii`red Colquhoun of Bothwell; foal-
ed in 1918 has been enrolled under
the Ontario Stallion Act. Inspected
on the 20th day of October 1928 and
found to be sound , of good con-
If‘ohiemation and an animal typical of
the breed. -
Ontario Stallion Enrollment Board
Robt. aleEwen R. W. Wade,
Chairman. Secretary.
1 MONDAY -- Will leave his own
stable, lot 21, 3rd Line, Morris, and
go East to gravel road, then South
to Ethel line, Grey Townsbip, to
' Abrabam Bishop's, for noon; then
nEiagshtt.to Quest Dabeon's, Ethel, for
TL'ESDAY — Proceed North 3lNi.
1 miles, then East to Edgar McDonald's
for noon; then West to Alex. Me -
Donald's for night.
WEDNESDAY — Go South 113.
Indies, then West to Charle8 Forest's
2nd line, Morris, for noon; then 24
mires to Centre eideroad, then North
to Fred Churchill's for night .
THURSDAY — South to his own
stable for noon; then West Ila miles
afel South 31% milas to James Mult-
i or5. lith lints Morri'
s for 1714141'.
FRIDAY— East to Frances sieh-
or$ for noon; then East to Bruesele
gravel, and East 114 mites in Grey
nev:nshin, th'4n north to Hugh La-
mont's for night.
SATURDAY — North to 9th
Con. of Grey; then West to Brus
gravel and North to Georg.:
571cFarlan..71 for noon; then North
4. L.;t 1/111e2, then We.it to his own
stable where la•- will remain till Mon-
'.4.17Asy4tirznew0rnFin.g.Ezeibuey, Mame:an
Fred Coheahoun. Proprietor.
Enrolment No. 8550. Form A. 1
The Imported Clydesdale Stallion
N utberry
No. 23218. Premhun No. 44
MONDAY—Will leave his own
stable, Lot 10, Con. 11. Hallett, and
proceed North by Brigham's eideroad
to ThaMaS LakilaW'S, Morris, for
noon; thence East on 8th eon. to Wm
Sholdice's, Grey, for night.
TUESDAY—Will preceed West en
9th eon, and thence South to his own
stable for night.
WEDNESDAY—Will be at home
and. meet mares by appointment.
This route will be continued
throughout the aeaeon, health and
weather permitting.
The stock of this horse hus won
many prizes at the Waiter Fein
Guelph in 4927 and 1928, ;ncluding
the eimilinion gelding, owned hY Neil
MeIntoeh, of Em'bre in 1928.
• rer.me--.7141.00 payable Feb. lt.
a20. al] 'accidents at the risk of the
nvners li; mares,
-a- AND
Paper Hanging
The midersigned wishes to an-
nounce that he is prepared to
handle all kinds of jobs in the
above lines, and will endeavor
to give the best of eatialaction,
Prices Reasonable
work promptly attended to
Alex. Coleman
Phone 6411 Brussels ,
For Sale
12 3ull Calvev.
.1. 4,
+4 One Red and one Roan, 3:
Broi,vriciale breeding:
• +
Extra clinic.
Phone 166 "l
Robt, L, McDonald,
Enrollment No. 1954, Form I
Knight Music
Registered in the Canadian Stan-.
dard Bred Stud Book as No, 3593.
Owned by Thomas T. McRae, of
Brussels. Foaled in 1920, has been
enrolled under the Ontario Stallion
Act. Inspected on the 28th day
of October, 1926 and passed.
The Ontario Stallion Enrollment
Robt. McEwen, R. W. Wade,
Chairman. Secretary.
This handsome Stallion is jet black
in color, He is a direct descendent
of Electioneer, Binger and Peter the
Great, three ofthe best producers
ever lived. Knight Music will stand
for service for the season 1929 on
the farm of Chester Rintoul, one
mile- west of Brussels.
All mares must be returned to the
horse regularly, otherwise they will
be charged whether the mare is in
foal or not. Accounts collectable
March 1st.
Chester Rintoul, Manager.
Notice to Creditors
It1 the matter of the Estate
Elijah Jacklin, late of the Village, of
Srussels, In the County of Huron,
Retired Former, Deceased.
Nottos 44hereby td 450, 71=r4earo 1-••••cti4-z
19, Chapter 441, of the 11e414.0. ,rrattrve• 41
Oi nisei, that allperseris ha inn g. cianno irgamex
mho estate of Elio Auld El 14,h scrim do.
ceased, who lil5l 111 or ,.e..=
day ut .441)', 5. 1) 1303, are rogsdrod n as
botoro tits /7111. any of Jane, 'A ry
to gond 47 Fest 910naid or dully..,r to ft.
Vanstone. unchain Ontario, Saliettus for
the Executor of ,he -gate 'hoe +-stain and
i713eu04444,0 an,1 addrussvo, wi,h rart:c-
niers 151 writing at thats ,:;1411.1nr• and the astute
of their securities ;if fie7, 4E14 44, tholu•
4rd:further Mks tio.Ice teat arter•Strit Isat
re•UtiOned 'Rite tlus sea Ex4ett• o • on 1 Tra-
cery/ to dxstrabuto the assets of 003 slutionued
aniongut alle uttrIons 041 7214441 1114,rytn, 11,14.1,9
r7447114421 doly CO the Cilttlett9 ef Irrb be 411.011
)1):o hays nooks and the fitid ExeCilter 4011
noted lieble 70 044)' nevem or peones for
"h., sled aysoto or imp unrt shuraof -1
whose chum notice shall not novo boon :0040','.
.74by hlta at the time of -.nth tiotehutlen
Dates) at Windham, this got day of May.
A . 1) 1579
12.77A41ST01111. Winsibnin P 11.
Solialtor for the 11x0onter
Notice to Creditors
Ire the seat -tee of the Estate of
getineeaa.eitito, iota of the Illitaire
crfnettonele, le the County of Hi..'.
0404 Widow, Deceased.
Notice 19 hereby' given. pursnent to Seathin
60. 4111,,p 191. of the Melted Statutes or On-
tario. that all porstinii hernia 0i1441no agenest
the extent of the mild Rather Jauttli.. who
died all or Montt 010 211t4 (ley 01 July.
/028, are roqatrod to 501441 111' oust. prepaid..
or dolivor to 12 Vonntene Winghain P. 0..
.Ontarith Sunniter for the Executers 'eel:newt
will and taionntent f the soil. doaftaa.
; od an 044 714,104.41 4444,. T uunty-faurth clay of
.41100, A. D, 1001. their minion arid
,addriumes with fall iturticiliera in writ.
ing uf their Wuhan and the mitten of 74444OW
ouritiesr(ifanyl,huld bY them 11n1y vol./tied
by a statutory dealaretinn
And further tuba entire thitt rifts r the said
reli day et aline. i020 the 0444(1 14:10044.40(5
will pewee/ to distribute the masers of
4110said tt.STStUt 01(40171) 0111 DttrtiMi entitled
thereto. booing regard only to the olidine
Mita (buy them hero hod notia0, and
the Reid amen/ore .1001 0044 4,44 liable for the
said asset -tee any part theism? to any person
of whose olefin they shell not 4.(1,'n herein,.
oni vet notioe
Dated at WInobenn, the 9101 dny or Slily,
A. D. 1029.
41. PANSTONV Winithein P 0.
Solloltor for the Breoutors.
Court of Revision
The ilourt of Dusteion on the Alitlflattint911t
113,3 'if the TaWes11111 of arm-, wit1 ho hied
to ho TowtiAltip 11411. rin 51011141(4,7,441444' 414,,
at lb a in. All parties IntitroMod will
shittP 44110 ,101(01, and govern iloonsulves na,
401111,4as .T PEAL Clerk,
41414, 1141' 30714,1920
Farm for Sale
SO aerosol Mod. helot tromitoine of a IPA at
1a0t4113. on tlis nth Clan, er Morris townellip,
the ififuniSon 147 it good frame house 4144
teens Well end ostler 5alse barn dealilii hoard.
ei one buttoned. (lired enttlo and lierse
staillo; also abont tomes gaud butili. If nut
oula tod tor onstreti
48.1r easet LA3112
Ethel Delco Lighting
System for Sale
1131)Wartts ; 111) Volts, Altruist now, with
Feiss, wire and all oatiltniurot Per further
PRI'llerOntu MIPIY to 101. A. S. IlinthiAwrga,
Seasetttry 1711101.10Tstedue Board., 110101.
Farm for Sale
Porto known sis the Dilworth Pnrni, nem
nristitgleinorns ionstly elnarod 444,17 rt
seed 01(41, 04 etiniwititm, tat, 0r yvattir and
aothin 11111414)1 47471140(114100, IA mita to itthol
41(l11140. W(1I lia.prined emounilbly for gawk
sale. Por reeteeei pertiriibtro, nnpply nn
1444400 1400417 gt 110'8441441,
Fermi for sale
A very illwartiblti ',tool, limn or 160 earns. te
11141(1 14,41111 04.411.14010, Geed Irtilldinnii and
mmonionts, nosy 10N174i 411.111intrehithOr
fmthornart !milers tondo to
11.14. 411101404447141,,