The Brussels Post, 1929-6-5, Page 3Cre rn
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Cream. 1 cent per ib. Butter Eat
extra paid for all Cream delivered
at our Creamery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Brussels Creamery Co.
Phone 22 Limited
4„fi ,Itt aatw?r ,i••ess , ?SX tea,:
Weevers!, of fake 'Louise Lives to •
See Monument to 'Himself,
Not long ago a side -ninth bir.klda,Y
was celebrated by an old -diner who
knew Canada in the days w11 fl It wigs
klrnost a differentworld from the
World of to -day --•and partly, an un^
Recovered one,
Tom Wilson, earliest white guide:
In the Canadian Rockies, whose re-
!tee -portrait hn bronze adorns a huge•
boulder at yoho Camp, B.C., is the
alsooverar of lot sly Lake Louise, Pix-.
pplorer, railwayman and "lionorary
Indian" (he is honorary chief of two
Indian tribes), he was Present when
the last spike was driven into the
l P.It, transcontinental line ---a spike
et gold, driven by Donald A. Smith,
afterwards Lord',Str•atheoua,
"After IVir. Smith had hit the splits
this last tap," • Tom Wilson tells,
"there was a moment of impressive
and. emb.u'raesing silence, but this
strain was broken whoa the conduc-
tor of the westbound train sbou'ed,
'AU aboard for the Pacific!' This
broke the 'tension and cbeers 1nl-
lowed "
His own account of the discovery
of Lake Louise is engroseIug, e
"It happened 1n August, 1882," he
tells, "I was prospecting alone with
three cayuses to carry my stuff in .he
. British Columbian Rockies,, picking
eses"... "e• ' my trail as 1 went. Late one after-
noon I happened on an encampment
'T'he Car Owner's Scrap -Book Indians whore lingo I spoke, They
were friendly a.nd I decided to pitch
(By the Left Hand Monkey Wrench) my tent near their tepee nveruigitt,
After supper as I as with the In-
ofdhane before the camp fire talking, 1
WATCH WHEEL. BEARINGS ' , the main road into the grass. Bad heard a distant rumbling which I
loose sand and dirt will
or took to be a snow -seise, and spoke.
Wheel bearings must not be per- culvertsabout it to th, chicf. He told me it
ntitted to run dry, and neglect in this cause an accident. ' was from a me uniain above a little
respect will give the automobile own- Stop when in doubt—at railroad lake. (nee during the•nigh.: I was
err much trouble. There comes the dressings, behind street cars taking awakened by , morning. taking the
time when the old and stale grease on or disehanging passengers. Bet -
rail, I told the rhiaf T would like to
should be removed from the bearings ter to cause a delay than an asci- see that lake, and he volunteered to
checked fox sleet• go with me. The distance was only
weaned in gasoline, with Excess speed means serious and about five miles from the encamp -
cant., and repacked fresh )obit men;,
crank, lural accidents, increased tire and re- I „I will never forget that morning
pair expense, nervous prostration, whc,n. at'tr:r diary souring and climbing
AN IMPORTANT ACCESSORY loss of appetite, loss of money, time to the rimrock, I stood looking down
Among the necessaries when tour- and pleasant disposition, on this beautiful body of water, rip-
ing should be a supply of tire caps. In case of accidents get the name morningth an sunehlnmerald sheen in Then and theretI
A' slight leak in a valve will cause as of every witness and immediately christened tt 'Emerald Lake,' Alter -
much delay as a blowout when on the draw a diagram of the position of wards, however, 1: was renamed in
road, and considerable annoyance the car, with reference to all sur- honor of Princess I,ouise, wife of the
can be avoided by carrying these rounding objects as well as curb Marquis of Lorne, who was then
Governor-General of Canada,"
accessories, A valve cap and die lines. This information migh save
should also be added. annoyance, time, and money later' TO BOOST PItiE-PLANTING.
Rusty rims should be cleaned -with Ontario Plans to Plant 20,000,000
Wet and therefore inefficient a wire brush and then painted with Trees Annually.
brakes can be dried by a simple pro- Undeveloped and neten tial forest
Bess. Set the hand throttle for a car
speed 'of from 25 to 30 miles an
hour, After setting it, apply the bra-
kes gently and intermittently for a-
bout half a minute. No more effect-
ive way for drying brakes has yet
been developed.
A. successful tour is not complete
if trouble is experienced with the en-
gine and car. To overcome any dif-
fleulty a motorist should have the
gasoline can, oil chambers, and radi-
i ator well supplied with fuel, lubri-
cant, and water. See that the strain-
er in the fuel line and carburetor
are cleaned, the manifold free 'from
leaks, good compression, all spark
plugs functioning, battery well
charged, clean timer, no loose wire,
spark plugs cleaned, interrupter
points cleaned and adjusted, brush-
es making good cleaning contact
and distributor cleaned.
Drive moderately on strange
Freshly 1Y oiled d roe
ds aredan
drive slowly.
Never attempt to turn out of ruts
while under speed.
Never under any circumstances
drive fast approaching or passing a
Go slow -passing schools, children
vehicles around corners, approaching.
another automobile at night, coming
from the opposite direction.
Upon signal from another driver
approaching from the rear, pull over
to the extreme right and allow him to
Use caution when driving off to
red lead. wealth of the Province of Ontario is
The clutch will be damaged by officially placed at $000,000,000, ac -
quick stops as well as too sudden ace cording to a statement made by Hon,
William Finlayson, Minister of Lands
celeratton. I and Forests, during the ceurse of a
Annoying squeaks in the common- lecture delivered before the Royal
fester can be removed by cleaning Canadian Institute, Toronto,
the brushes with fine sand paper. I Mr. Finlayson gave some other
The battery should be kept at its figures which indicate that the forest
industry in Ontario is easily in se-
ver maximumercharge at all times and ne- coed place, agriculture only provid-
er permitted to stand in a discharg- ing in the aggreate a• greater asset
ed state. I and producing a greater annual out -
The tread of rear wheels should 13e nut.
The average return to industry
similar, otherwise there is danger of ' Pram pll kinds,
a skid. It is wise, when putting on a manufactured androducts soldof , saidaair, Fin -
new rear tire, to have the other rear Jayson, is $125,000,000 per annum.
renewed, too. , In addition the industry: