HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-29, Page 5T.IIIE RRRU3$EIr$ ?O$ Plan your gas and oil needs sq you can delve in when near. You will get gasoline with quicker piekaup -- greater power and more mileage plus service that is quick and satisfactory, When you , buy accessories you can always be assured of of quality plus service. TIRES Dominion 80 x 8; Boia'1 Cords,. $10 26 Dominion 8U a l3, Endurance t ords , ... ,,. 8 50 Dominion 60 x 811 Casings $5.00 1'iubcs each 1 25 lioruinion Royal Cord 29 x 440 (aeings ,• •• ",10 6060 Dominion Royal Cord 29 x 440 Tubes ■ 6Volt 11 Plate Batteries „ . ,.,. 8 50 Batteries 6 Volt 11 Plate Heavy Batteries 10 60 6 Volt 18 Plate Batteries 12 00 Phone 9x 0. H. SPROULE BRUSSELS Chick Feed A FTER a thorough teat of the Chick Feeds formulated -I- by our Mr. Pierson with wonderful success, we are this year offering them to the poultry pubiig. You can feed these Feeds with every oonfidenoe that you are going to raise all your chicks, Every ingredient in these Feeds is the very best we could buy, A supply on hand at all times, Also kept by W. J, McCracken, Davison's Hard- ware and Farmers' Club Store, Also expeot to haves. supply at Walton and Ethel, WALTER ROSE Interesting News of the Distr GODERICH Thomas Mathers is on Favorably known ]tare by a large Rev, M. C. Parr, Goderich, has ac- at present. circle of friends as he resided here Robert Hutchinson of Togonto, ]s , Wtl?NIfS11: , MA? 89th, 1 l Fleming Black received a -carload 01 screenings recently, r Stewart and Mrs. Proctor, of Bel - grave visite with relatives here, 1 Miss Ethel Mathers, of Brussels, watt home to see her father W110 le Quite a number from here went to Wingham to attend the nurses grad- uation service. William Wipers, of Miehigun is at present visiting with his sister, Mrs. 1Jiiliam hiclelichael, There was a district meeting in the interests of the soi'tbnli Associ- ' anon held here recently, Charly' Johnston is supervixor for the east- ern district. Belgrave, 131uevale, Wingham„ Salem and Gorrie will be in the league and all ,expect the lat- ter two will have both boys and girls teams, the first game to be played on May 31, Tuesday and Friday will be weekly nights for the games this : season. David. Patton received word • years ago. He is survived by one ict Friday morning that his brother, William. Paton, passed away at his home in Richmond Hill. Deceased the sick list was in his 90th year and well and opted a unanimous invi a ion coins pastor of Hyatt United Church, London, succeeding Rev. G. K. Brad- shaw, evho has accepted a call at Simone. His acceptance is subject to the approval of the stat. inning committee of the Presbytery. if this committee agrees to his cornMiss Barbara Thynne returns to few days ago. Mr. Patton was a ing herehe will conunenee his duties Palmerston after spending the Liberal and a Presbyterian. The first Sunday in July. Rev. Mr, Parr past couple weeks with her sister, funeral was held from the home of • tato Delve who for several years inion Canners as foreman. Mr Bar - is widly known in the district. He Mrs. Thomas Stewart, David PPatton on Sunday afternoon has been employed at the Exeter 1 tow of Amherstburg has ,been ape has been located at Goderieh for the The anany friends of Mrs. Morri to the Bluevale cemetery, the service Canning factory has been transfer- ( pointed as manager for the Exeter past two years and isi prominent in son who has been quite ill, hope she being held at 2 p. m. red to the Forest branch of the Dom- branch, arriving in town on Monday. i the church and social life of that will soon take a turn for the better. a holiday visitor at the home ofMrs. before moving to Toronto about 10 Mary Sanderson. and one son, David, at home, The There was a good turn out to the brother at Peterboro and David here monthly meeting' of the W. M. S. also -by one daughter Ruth at home held in the United Church on Tues an done son, David at hams. The • day afternoon, latter at the present time is laid up •d David Patton on Sunday afternoon After At trivial expense Gyproc will convert space now wasted into one or moire extra rooms, Fireproof Wallboard For Sale By Wilton & Gillespie - - Brussels, Ont. S. F. Davison 4 - Brussels, Ont. Chas. F. Hansuld Ethel, Ont. community. Prior to his going to the lake town he resided at Putnam. LOCAL NEWSW H and Mrs Haney of Wing- He is a son-in-law of Rev. G. J. Jew - ham visited old friends here Sunday ett, who preached here for several Annual Meeting Women's Instituto There will be a meeting of the, years and who now is superannuated. Stewards in the United Church on 4, Following is the programme of 1 the 27th annual meeting of the East Tuesday evening to arrange for t to BLYTH I Huron Women's Institute to be Mild annual garden party. R. D. Philip spent last Sunday at in the Community Hall, Fordwich, Miss 111.tbel Johnston of Mount the home of his parents in Listowel. on Tuesday, June 18th:— Forest was home over the week end. Mrs, B, Herrington was called to tioltNrNc SESSION AN 10.45 Mrs. A. Fox, of Whitechurch, and Kingston on Wednesday owing to Opening Ode Roy and Mrs. Patten of Lucan were the illness of her sister. RolPrayer Lord's Prayer in theism, Sunday visitors at the home of Jas. H.A. and Mrs. Thomas, of Guelph and Mrs. R. R. Sloan, of Bayfield, Iron tan Masters. Harry and Mrs. Toms, of Hamilton were visitors in town last week. Community Singing Led by Miss cStephens spent a few days with Arthur and lilt and Mrs. Henderson and fam- ily, of Sarnia, ,were recent visitors Paper Gorrla W. I. Mrs. Shaw. ,wwith Rev. and Mrs. Barnby at the nitection of Officers There will be no services in the Adjournment until afternoon session. United church next Sunday as the parsonage. pastor Will a away attending. t ll b tt din Con- Mrs. E. Bender and son, Edwin, A{,•CrIINOnv as'sgTON 1.30 ferenee. also Miss Lillie 'Carr visited at the opening Ode Mr. and Mrk. McKee of Wolver- home of their brother, A. F. Carr at Praye- - ),Irs. Stocks, Wroxeter ton spent Sunday with Andrew and Ingersoll, over the holiday. Address al Welcome . Mrs. Holmes. 1 Mrs, A, Elder, who has spent the Mrs. S. ICnIght, Fordwich 0. winter with her daughter, Mrs. Reply airs. Simpson, Molesworth ; BELGRAVE (Rev.) McLean, of Mt, Hamilton, re - Solo Mrs. Barker, BrusselsS coat Whaley, of Godexcih was a turned to town this week. Paper Bluevale W. 1. p Dr. and Mrs. Stackhouse. and child - week -end ,visitor at Belgrave. roll, of Ridgeway, visited at the home Community Singing Mrs. R. McCrae, of Londosboro, Debate Wroxeter W. 1. wits g s a visitor in the village this of the former's mother, Mrs. W. Stackhouse, during the week. Collection Branch Itepnrts— gluevale Inst. Brussels lust. Fordwich Rutnam Girls Gerrie Inst. Wroxeter 1nst. Molesw girth Inst. %reek. I A most interesting meeting of the Mrs. Altabeson Charles and Mrs. Campbell were Wanton's 'Institute was held in Mem- visitors in Stratford during the miss Dawninic oriel Hall,Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. McEuwain week. with the new. president, Mrs. R. Rich airs, Strots Mors. Brandon of Bayfield is mond, presiding. After the minutes DTPs. s. Ashton spending a few weeks with her sister, had been read and approved, aper - miss mars Pane des. T. Shoebottam. iod of community singing was erT- John and Mrs. Campbell and child- joyed. Miss Gladys Fawcett gave a Mrs. Siml'e•..' ren of Alymer were week -end vim- Ethel readingentitled "M Little white Ethel Inst. Mrs. Bremner Y Auditors' Report tors with relatives here. Rose;' Miss M. McDermid, a speak - Address Mrs. Wardtaw F;thet Miss Lorretta McBurney, of Strat- er sent by the department, was pre - Instrumental spent the holiday with sent, and gavea splendid Instrumental Ferdw•ieh Itutnant Girls T'address, That her mother in Wawanosh• takingfor her subject, "Things That Arrangement„ far east Ann•,al aleecn,tr Harr and Mrs, Babcock, of Tor- 1 g "GOD SAN'S 'euro KONG" y mentioned, Cannot Buy,"four being onto were holiday visitors with her mentioned, viz Health, Love, Char- t+ , mother, Mrs. W. Corbett. acter and a True Friend. The ad- WiNGHAMRoy Armstrong, of Windsor spent dress was much appreciated by those a few days with his parents, W. H. present. A piano duet was given by During the heavy rainstorm and and Mrs. Armstrong, Morris. Mrs. Dr. Wilford and her sister, Mrs. wind Thursday, evening, the livery . Whiter and Mrs. Messer and child- R. Britnell, of Oakland, Cal., which stable occupied by J. A. Currie was ren Lois and Vernon, spent Sunday was much enjoyed. Refreshments partially wrecked. Robt. Spotton, with Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, fifth were served at the close. who has the marble works adjacent line. I Armitage Lau tidy :—St. Paul's to the building and parks his car be- Carl Bennett and family are moo- Church, Wingham, was the scene of a tween the buildings, had just back- ing into the house just west of the pretty wedding, when Ada Irene, ed his car out as the accident bap- village which he purchased recently daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. pend. A minute later and no doubt from Mfrs. Cole. I.,aundy, Blyth, Ontario, was united he would have been killed. The On Friday evening a few friends in marriage to Roy Elwood Axmit- weight of the wall falling partially of Mrs. Harry Babcock gathered at ttge,'son of E. Armitage, and the late wiecked hi crane which he used in the home of her mother and present- Mrs. Armitage, of Teeswatev, Ontar- moving the monuments. ed her with a shower in honor of her io. Rev. F. W. Schaifter performed —0 marriage which - took ,place some the ceremony in the prescence of the WALTON time ago. immediate relatives. The bride was Hiss Helen Steles of Broadhagen, Concert.—Blacks vs. Whites Con- Becomingly attired in a dress of spent Sunday at her home here. cert and contest in the Foresters' moth colored georgette and aleneon Philip and MTPs. Anent, of Brus- Hall, Belgrave, on Friday evening, lace with hat, shoes and hose tb tele, called on friends in the village May ,31st.A splendid program is match and wore a corsage of Ophelia on Sunday. a sured, which will be in the form roses and valley lilies. The bride' was Ivy and Mrs. Henderson and Earn- of a Contest, in which Morris Town- attended by her sister, Miss Louise ily of Seafors. spent Sunday with ship Talent will represent the Whites t.aundy, who was prettily gowned in Mrs. Henderson's parents, Joseph and and Wawanosh the Blacks. Proceeds adress• of turgoois blue georgette MrsLovein aid of the School Fair Fund .Pro- and lace, with hat and shoes and Thomas and Mrs. Backwell and gram starts at 8 o'clock sharp. hose in contrasting shades, and car• son, Elliott, spent the 24th with Mrs. A very pleasant time was spent on lied Sunburst roses. Clarence Awn- Ilacltwell's sister, Mrs. Joseph Moore Friday evening when members of the Rage, iurother of the bridegroom, of Dublin. I,. T. B. lodge met at the home oY was best man The Bridal party left David, and hire. Bolton's father, Mr, a social hour with the family before ding march from Lohengrin, played Duggan visited with Mr. Bolton's they depart for their new home in by Miss Bessie Abell, church organ - grandmother, Mrs. William Hack- Stratford where Mr. Shoe bottom has ist. Mr. and Mrs. Armitage left im•• well recently, alreatl•; gone During the evening mediately on a' motor trip througn Alex. Clark of Monkton spent the Mrs. Shoebottoni was made the re - Now York State, the bride wearing :t cipient of a pyrex pie plate with week end at his home here. coat of black kitten's ear broadcloth Rev, Mr. Maines is attending Con stand, as a rementbcrance from-- with satin moleskin trimmings and Terence in London and Mrs. Maines friends in Belgrave lodge. The and frock of black georgette and rose 1:; visiting with friends at Corbett. dress was read by Mrs. Watson and beige whieh formed a smart ensom- Miss Vera Altree, nurse -in -training Mrs. Wade made the presentation. bin Cn their return they will reside in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, who After lunch had been served all de- is Winghain. spent the week end visiting her aunt parted for their homes after giving se Mrs. Joseph Carter and grandparents Mrs. IShoebottont best wishes for fu- BLUEV E Hugh and Mrs. Fulton returned to tore success in days to come. A special meeting of the Belgrave John Gr.ieg spent Victoria Day London. Peter B. Gardener and Duncan Women's Institute was held Tuesday with friends et Toronto. Johnston motored to St. George on afternoon in the Forester's Hall al Mrs. Brattan, of St. Johns, Kan. business. which there was a good attendance, is visiting relatives here. Robert Ashton of Gorrie, visited The president, Mrs. F. McCallum, Rev. anti •Mrs. Walden and family with his daughter, Mrs. W. E. Rad- lead change of the meeting which was silent the 24th at. Kincardine. forth opened by all singing the opening Tames Kerney, who recently pur- Mrs. Thomas Hackwel1 and little II ode. 'Tire first part of the program chased the Aitchinson property is son, Elliott, are visiting friends in (consisted of vocal solos by Miss Clete erecting a poultry house. Fort Erie, motoring- chat far with Coultes, and Mrs. J. Clegg, a reading Leonard and Mrs. Gates and family Dr. David Backwell of Holland N. I by Miss Edith Procter, a duet by of Cherrywood are visiting with the Y., who returned to his home there t Mrs. Wade and Miss Belle Ferguson, ltttter's parents, Robert and Mrs. on Monday, after spending the week , orchestra numbers by Miss Nora Van Shaw. end -with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Hack , Camp, Miss Sara Cole, Miss Ruth Alex MacHwen and the other well.i Cole and Miss L. Taylor and also members of the Morris Council made u In. Flank and ML's. Shoebottorn to spent] Leonard and Mrs. Bolton and son' e the church to the strains of the wed- - ti, gismo numbers by Miss ora Cole. MS C 1 a business trip to Hamilton on Thntwday. A. 11. and Mrs. Coombs spent Sun ' speaker was present at tins' meeting Allan Garniss was one of the par -1 day at Kincardine. , and gave a most delightful talk on ty from Wingham who motored to Miss Barbara Thynne left Tuesday Institute •,work before taking up' her Niagara Falls on the holiday to en- , for a couple of months vacation with subject on "Things we can't buy with joy the blossoms. relatives in Manitoba and ,Saskat• . Money." Her talk was most inspire Miss 'Margaret Garniss, who has ehewan, lug' and interesting. The meeting accepted a position in Stephenson's Jas. and Mrs. Kerney spent the was closed with the National An- jewelry store, spent the holidays week end With their daughter, Mrs, them, Lunch was served by the with her parents C. 14. and Mrs. Gar- 1 Joseph Smith in Morris. 1l;ndies and a social time enjoyed. Bios. 1 BLUEVALE Miss MoDiatenid, the government 1 FO 11\ D CAR FUEL SYSTEM -7111111111Pr> a-- A—Filler Cap, B—Filter spout screen filters gas and prevents splashing through filler opening. C --Gas guage. D—Fuel line main shut off valve. E—Gas filter. F—Carburetor Connection. 10,0614fir • Simple- Safe and Dependable HE Ford car fuel system is simple because it is direct. Gravity flow does away with forced feed. A short feed line with a mini- mum i .i mum of elbows and connections is easy to service and eliminates approximately 100 parts required by the vacuum tank or fuel pump system. The nine gallon tank is so placed that itis well protected from front or rear end collision. Any overflow runs off on. the ground with no serious results, since the only point of possible spark contact is the rear end of the exhaust. Three screens instead of one, as in most fuel systems, prevent foreign matter reaching the tank. A solid steel dash sep- arates the Ford gas tank from the engine. The gas guage on. the dash of the Ford car is controlled by a simple float as shown in diagram, being more direct, simple and accurate than any other type. Another point of driving convenience made possible by the gravity flow system is the ease with which the tank may be filled, while the driver supervises the operation without moving from behind the wheel. Arrange far your demonstration ride with the r" nearest Ford dealer BRUSSELS Drive it Yourself— there is no Better Test Ford Car Features Choirs. o} colours 55 to 05 miles an 1,010• 40 -horse power resins F,,iL balloon tiers FlinIn enclosed sin -brake system 4 Hendeilte hudraalie shock absorbers 10 to 8D miles err gallon of ,gasoline Shatterproof plass windshield Theft proof ignition talk ReiiaUility dad 10,0 upkeep G. B. McIntyre ONTARIO i la ,4t