HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-29, Page 2TiEDNE$DAY, MAY 29th, 1929.
Try this flavouryblend
when next you ordertea
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131.E*ND A
'Fresh front the gardens'
Sunday School Lesson
(editor of The. Su School Mhos)
Sunday, June- 2.-jeremiab, 20
1-6 ; 7 : 1-38 : 28 ; 43 :1-7.
Golden Text.
Bleed are ye, when men shall re-
vile you, and persecute you and shall
say all manner of evil against 'you
falsely, for My eake. (Matt. 5;11.)
They were stern and terrible days
in which Jeremiah was now called
mien to give God'e message. They
were the last days of national life of
God's chosen nation. That national
fife came to an end in tragic catast-
rophe, just as Jeremian predicted
and it has not been resumed from
at day to this, a period of 2,500
years. But Israel'e national life is
going to be restored, and in the very
land in which Jeremiah prophesied
God has given His word for this, and
Nis word cannot be broken. The
phenomonott of Zionism. unfoldima.
before on .yes, is andoubtodly thy
beginning of the restoration of Is-
rael, to be ronsumated when God's
Son, Israel's Messiah, returns,
No weinc-kneed, bactchoneless pro.
;Met could have played the role thst
God entrusted to Jeeinnigh. He was
a. rugged and f soul, ono of
the heroes of history. Ile was um
esv‘srving true to God and to the na-
tion he IOWA, esti though ho had to
denounce his nathm for her inc.
Nis religious fAtlifulnass meant re-
iigioue persecution ; the ,on of a
priest chief governor in the house of
the Lord, because of Jeremiah's pre -
s.ss, For This Week
Thou hast also given me the shield
of thy salvation; and thy gentleness
hath made me great. -2. Sam. 22:36.
I am not ashamed of the gospel of
Chriet.-Rom. 1:16.
Let every soul he in subjection to
the higher ower. -Rom. 13:1.
Even as Cnriet forgave you, so
also do v. -Cal. 313.
And let the peeve of God rule in
your hearte.-Col. 3:15.
• c=
He. knoweth ihe way that I take.
-Job 23:10.
Tho fear of the Lerd is to hate I
e il.-Prov. t‘:13.
_ .
.t el'; id te,o..mt follows of how an Saskatchewan ed the new process. Yorkshires at
Ethiopian iesnuch pleaded with the „• Coal for the new plant is brought Cap Rouge
King WM received permission lei Lignite Becomes in thirty -ton cars from the cote -
TIM 'IRUS$1,..
'IN these gripping non•slcid edges -.in the ,
scientifically designed rows of wedges
at the shoulders, --here is the safety tread
of the tire world --the tire you- PIM trust
to safely carry you over slippery peve-
ments and muddy highways.
UNDER the safety treed ailie Firestone
safety 'cureass--butit of cords dipped
in a rubber solution which saturates tad
insulates every fibre of every cord with
rubber, adding the greatest strength and
durability. . gee:nixie
REPLACE worn tires NOV wTse
safer Gum•Dipped tires; and specify
Firestones for your new ear. There's
Firestone Dealer near you -he serves k
you better and saves you money.
Tuna in
“The Voice of Firestone
Eccey_Monelny A ight
8 P.M. Ea,terra Time
NBC Piritterk
• •••
`, e se
• 0'7.
Build c the Only
++++41:frunvial+++. 44:1 ALMOST FRANTIC
A. red tweed sent, With tuck -in
blouse of egg -shell colored crepe,
has all-roemd boit pleats that altern-
ate the length they ere stitched down
giving a novel, stepeup and step-
down skirt yoke,
0 0 0 0
This luxury ago now prodecee &hoe
luggage the size of suit cases, with
covered partitiens for shoes. Open-
ed, it looks like a regular case for a.
dozen pairs.
A crimson velvet frock has two
over -lapping front panels falling
from the belt, each slanting to a
point to give a longer left -side ef-
The girl with a handy needle can
greatly add to the beauty of her war-
drobe this winter. Especially if she
chooses to make hereelf a white silk
blouse, witli a strieking modernistic
iniotif worked out in gaudy, very nar-
row braids. Some beautiful combin-
ations are used.
0 0 0 0
Stuffed apricot salad is as pretty
as it is good. Fill the holes of halved
canned apricots with cream cheese,
nuts and pimento. Serve with 0
green cherry on top.
te 0 0 0
Many children are discouraged
from eating because they are given
too large portions. Cereal is twice
as appealing to a child if served in a
cute porridge dish.
0 0 0
Many plants die indoors because
they have not enough fresh air.
Keep the window near plants open
slight, by inserting one of the stan-
dard ventilators.
* 0 0
muy's mine half a mile from the.
save tee crothet's lire by hoisting Dotnestic Fuel i‘
him out of the awful pit. fac A h d ng- Five years ago half a dozen or
I The weak and frightened KiTaI dory. e Sear ofig -gra e
Saskatchewan's cit li it nite,•frOrn 12 to 1.8 inches thick,' is Yorkshire sows that were received
ditetions of Go!' e :sere Judgment, I
persecuted him by imprisonment
Whereupon Jeremiah predicted his
persecutor's death as a captive
seight the prophet's counsel agein,
end learlitesly and faithfully it was
given. There was no hope for the
city and the people who would not
lieten to the voice of God and obey
g lignite ' fiillv moden ment from the Central Experimental
Half a dozen years relied by Zed- I him. i ting plant at Taylorton, fourteen . per Cont. o , a
tkiah seas on the throne of Judah ; i
Jeremiah continued giving God's patient and pleading effort; because
It is all a dramatic story of God'e I nines east of Estevan has' been put
into operation and is now produc' T. U.'s. The consequent reduction of I3ut every bree ter of experience
ue is increased from about 7,000 B. Quebec Provinc.al Exhibition.
message ; neither king nor
paid any attention to een. As so ef- back to righteousness and safety ;
people I of His great love, to bring Hiepeop'e i
ateproximatel 200 tons of briquet --
d yt reportsfrom costs,
about 33 per cent. in its carriage knows that to nave good individuals
making an allowance for the is only part of the work, too often
ten happens impending judgment I and of the terrible grip that sin gets the a accordingWaeys1ternDominoionCoilieri e' Cohesite binder added to the reduced indeed is the easiest thing in the
on people with the tragic and inevit- Collieries' weight of 'the coal, and the substan- great game Id live stock improve -
headquarters. 1 ti 1 ain in its heat value together ment. The first important question is
did not change impenitent hearts. I
coal resources appear to be at least rn'
In the process of briquetting at
(wining into their own ae domestic
fuel.the Western Dominion Collieries Station. A couple of seasons tater, 0
After siximonths of intense build- plant, the moisture content of the very good imported sire was procur-
Souris lignite coal is reenced from 35 ed, and in 1928 another herd bead-
ing activity, the $750,000 briquet -
t niland the calorific val. on at the head )f their claims ,m, ha
Farm, and a boar Iron'.
Strange to say, it did so in the case
of the great heathen city Nineveh
lint not nvith God's own people.
Then something happened that 10
eked like good fortune f or Jereusis
lent. The Chaldean; had been besieg.
Ing the 'city, Pharaod's army came up
out of Egypt, and the Claideans fled.
Now what would Jeremiah say?
The prophet of God was not de•
valved by current eveete, as those
who are really studying and believ-
ing God's Word are not tosday.
Quietly and truthfully he foretold
what would happen : that Pharaoh's
army would return to Egypt the
Chaldeans would come again, fight
against Jereu:salem, take it burn it
with fire. And this would certainly
happen, declared the prophet, even
though the whole army of the Chal-
deans were apparently defeated.
Then Jereiniah withdrew from Zig-
eusalem to another part of the land.
Hie latest utterance was too mueh
for the Jaws who were hoping for
the best, and they indignantly repti-
dieted the prophecies. They broupht
o political charge ageing God's
spolcesman, aceusine. him of falling
away to the Chalileane. It is an old
use, and a Common one to -day
Christians in IlusAtt have heen excit-
ed or killed in recent years or thee.
ges of. political sedition. So juremian
was imprisoned again.
The King ;tomes to him secretly to
inquire, 'Is there any word from the
Lord?" Some men in JereinialnA
position would have curried favet
with the King by a favorite answer.
Not so Jeremiah. Quietly he replied;
"There is for, said Ile, Thou shalt
lie delivered into the hand of the
King of Babylon." But Jeremiah
pleaded for justice, mid the King re
leased 'him.
Finally the prophet told the .people
how they might :save their lives bY
yielding to the Chaldeans and not
attempting to resist, this judgment
upon the city which was from God.
Still worse imprisonment was the re -
stilt for the prophet ; he was seiveul
and lowered into a dungeon of mire ;
ready to look to God today, as HisI with its reasonable selling price, are "will these individuals transmit as
able consequence of sin. Are we So great was the demand for the
own people were not in that day? day was doubled in an attemptte- 1 said to • make the new product a dir- good or better offspring than they
initial production of 100 tons per
I set competitor of imported anthra- are themselves?" and only the pro -
A Lesson Outline.
I keep step with its growing popularity
cite. 4 geny test can answer it satisfacton
For religious faithfulness, relig- nn the market.
lolls persecution. 20 :1,2. I When the $1,000,000 experiment'
For religious persecution, God's ,
i of the Lignite Utilisation Board was
judgement. 20 : 3-6. ' taken over by the English interests
Impeding judgment rloee not .
i as the nuculeus for the present 'nod -
Vapors from the carbonisation ily.
process contain many by-products of Every one of the above mention -
potential commercial value such as ed six sows was bred to the Neva
tar, tax-oilsglight spirits and ammon- Scotia boar, and it was soon evident
la However the recovery of that only three would throw better
change impenitnet hearts 39: 1-4. ern establishment, the Saskatchewan
the by-products is at present regard -
God's. prophet not deceived by env- Government guaranteed to keep
the ed as incidental to the production ot
rent events37 : 5-10.
plant at peak production for one
'briquettes. It is not intended. to de -
A false political charge against re- I year by using the fuel in Govern- i
. velop the by-products at this stage.
lieious faithfulness. 37 : 11-15. i
wet buildings ' in order to give the
The tar may ultimately be disposed
Merry from a weak and frightened company time to standardise the new
gilts than they t emse yew were,
that by 1026, half of the original
dams went to the butchers. During
1928, two others followed, leaving
only out of six to continue the breed -
I product and introduce it to the pub' of to a prominent oil ecnnpany, which ing work. There in now only one
King. 37 : 15-21. eafety routed. • , I will work out its possibilities. The Young now left from which were dis-
God's eouncil of process of extracting ammonia,arded, m
onia, carded, it is probable at she will
05 : That this precaution was not neie
essary is (borne out by reports from which could be used for refrigerat- not be kept ns she certaney is not of
Politieal perseeution again and .
114-n. ino purposes, will be expanded at the as good type as the others.
A new little bit of georgette neek-
the other shoulder slanted off obli- ANOTHER TRIAL If the junket has ot set, try put -
wear is like one shoulder cape, with
quely, The col<1.aio• ios eodged with lace. ling the dish into a bowl of hot wa-
ANTIBES TAN ter and letting it stand a while. The
The newest hosiery shade is An- milk may not have been hot enough
tibes tan, winch is the correct tone to fatielduittyh.is method will remedy the dif-
wear with all the off whites. It also 0
is good for evening colorful shoes 0 0
matching Milady's gown. Winter sports promise bright anis-
0 0 0
MATCH MARKS. . . . les. For there is a genuine vogue a-
' mong the younger folks now for
If careless members of the family oeange, scarlet, buntens green and
have left match marks on woodwork bright blue angora socks, worn over
rub the marks carfully with the stockings. t..) .:. t
lemon and then cleanse with warm ;
been boiled.
0 • on
water_ in which your onions have I If your family enjoys an open fire
LEFTOVER HAM every day of winter and the ashes
problem is a knotty one, measure
Slice the leftover end of ham the base of your fireplace, take it to
about an inch thick. Cover with slic- a foundry or hardware store and or -
ed raw potatoes. Cover with milk, der a pan made to fit with front side
season and bake adding milk enough open. This pan will cost little, is not
to keep moist. This is an excellent noticeable and can be removed with
cold -weather dish, the ashes intact.
P imprieonment. 35 : the field, which indeate that the
Deliverance through n lowly err -I market. This applies also to the mo- In 1929, seven sows farrowed, aucl
earn. 08 : 7-13. , tor spirit which could be oetained by every one of them was entered in the
'j company is being swamped WWI or -A Kinene secret interview with a a separate and more painstaking me- R. 0. P. test. Four pigs of each of
Hers from a consuming public Whieli
eenehet. 35 : 14-16.these litters, when weighing about
has teeted the new briquette awl thd
'Unavoidable judgment, but par- ported coals.
found it to be one or zee best hn- 1 ° '
The proceSs of manufacture is 200 pounds, will be shipped to a
till safety if God 1:4 ObflyPd. 35 :17- briefly as follow : The 'ignite from slaughter house where they will he
22. the mines is first cracked into pieces graded. It is obvious that cuenm pro -
The problem of utilisation of the
lignite resources of the Province for i
The »rennet keeps the King'e see. ranging from four inches square ducing bogs which will uniformly
!down to dust and then fed into the grade high will be more valuable
domestic purposes bats apparently '
eui carbonisers in which the ',meter is re- than others giving pigs which will be
vet. 35 :21-2R, been solved. It is felt that the new i
development ie only in its infancy. I.
moved and the vapors and perman- placed low for poor quality of zneat.
ATTENTION A similar industry established at .
I t gases driven off, After the va- A careful record is kept of the
- Lehigh, N. D., is already slated for . '
. . pore are washed out, anct the per- quality, composition, aim value of
Delegates to General Assembly Pros manent gas is returnee to the car- feed eaten byeach lot so that the
an expansion to five times its press I
byterian Church in Canada at Ot.bonisen to the briquetting plant, sows will befound out whose off-
ent rapacity. The British internam
tawa, June 5th. where it is cooled, mixed with the spring make the best use of feed eat,
which financed tbe Taylorton plent
Cohesite binder and then Passed en. With the slaughter test this will
are said to have intimated that they
Canadian National Railways, Spec through the presses, from which the show the dams which produce the
ure prepared to carry out greater ile•
in) Train will leave Toronto Uniou velopments if the initial venture is kl " ,
finished briquette emerges in its most money per year. the real impor-
Rtittion at 11.58 a.mstandard time, pillow-thaped form. tent point for the owner.
June lith, and arrive in Ottawa in - The Advanced Registry work will
ood timto permit of delegates he.
THOSE POCKETS I enable farmers to pick up boars from
ing present et the opening of the
Aeeemblv. Plan to join the "Delo- I3efore putting the suits or rem- money making sows, as the inspector
metes' einieeial" at Toronto, Full in- pars of the small son into the litun tatoos an pigssfeorn each litter enter -
formation from nearest Ticket Agent dry the geed plan is to empty out ed for IL 0. P. who will deny that
er Canadian National Railways, such boars are much more valuable
-----0 ' the pocnete and then broee out the
camera with a :stilt whisk. One never than the common run having only re -
Kidney lirouble
and Weakness Relieved
"I watt very weak because of Kidney
Trouble and suffered with terrible
Headachee," says Mine. Roraultis
Tessier, St. Jean de Matha, P.Q.
aI win' treated for long time and was
just about diecouraged when 1 learned
Of 'Fruit-a-tives.' Improvement came
with the first few doses, and in six
months the kidney trouble, weakness
and headacheit were gone."
"Fruitea-tives" regulates the bowels,
kidneys and skin -purifies the blood -
and trings sound, vigourous health.
Try this wonderful medicine made of
fruit juicee combined with the finest
medicinal ingredients. 25e, and 60e,
a box -at dealers everywhere. *
Heavy cardboard tubes, covered
with chintz, gingham or any white
material, make useful rolls for table
0 0 0 0
. Fine linens, used frequently
should be kept folded between blue
tissue paper to keep it from turning
0 0 *
Photographs can be cleaned by
wiping lightly with a piece of linen
dipped in warm amnia water.
0 0 0 0
When soot is tracked into the
room and forms an apparently hone -
less spot on the rug, sprinkle the
spots liberally with salt and then
sweep up. The soot will come away
with the salt.
0 0 0
Use Lurgi Process
Tho apparent allatr:38 of the TOW
project is said to be nue mainly to
the use of the Lurgi carbonieer,
which was manufactured by the Lute.
gi people of Frankfurt, Germany.
The old Lignite Utilisation Board
plant came to grief because, all at-
tempts to carbonise the Lignite veal
property failed. it is an interesting
coincidence that the Lurgi eprocess
came as a direct result of the repara-
tion i settlements of tin Versailles
Treaty by which Germany was obli-
ged to eupply France and 13elgium
with coal resources, Germany inveete
knows just what has been in those gistration papers to their credit?
Purse:: are growing individual. pockets and it is better to make a
F.I1C41 costume ealls for its own. thorough search before putting the ----e, ;
Therefore the vogue of having one suit ie with the other clothes. -ARE HORSE SHOWS STILL HELD?
made of a suit's .fabric is new. A .. 0 0 0
navy blue kaska one is bound with REMOVING GUM.
Whit at the horse show?"
"What is your wife going to ex.
matching blue leather, lined and has To remove chewing gum, rub the
A stunning gold gold monagram on spot with alcohol until it an comes "A string of fourteest Imported
off, Rub dry with a clean towel. ROUT'S."
"So Jeremiah sunk into the mire." it.
New Things
Are "News',
EVERY member of every family in this com-
munity is interested in the news of the
day. And no items are read with keener relish
than announcements of new things to eat, to
wear or o enjoy in the home.
You have the goods /and the desire to sell
them. Tbe readers Of TUR RYST have the
, money and the desire to bay. The connecting
Give the people the good news of new things
at advantageous prices. They look to you.fur
this "store news" and will respond to your
messages. Let us show you that
"An Advertisement is an Invitation"