HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-29, Page 1VOL, 57 NO, 50 02.00 j5er 0117i2011 in advance 5R.USSELS. ONTARIO, FVEDNESD4 Y, ,11 1 Y 29, 1929 Ctsµ" ~. f40: ie* 1H.»41,1, t. f« +1. 1»f11•i1»t`S 1tgse?ftaf 1 s.W :'?»R 8ti' i t egla The Surrounding District it ii 4 �k :f 344. . «.;k t 4 y 4«.`, ,+444.4.3«.4' e'j«.>f. leetaaaelesS d « «wj iti BLUEVALE Thos, .Bird continues in a poor John L. and Mrs, 'Geddes, of Bel- state of health. grave spent the holiday with Robert , Ashton Morrison, 'St. Catharines, and Mrs. Shaw, spent Saturday in the village, Mrs, Thomas Barett, of Waterloo,; James Sanderson was a recent was a holiday visitor with her semi visitor to London and Detroit. Roy and Mrs, Bazett, I E. Rann and family, London were P. B. and Mrs. Scott and R. F. and week -end Visitors 'With *elatives here, Mrs.'Gaieties spent the 24th with Elgin Hoffman ties -gone to Har - friends at Seaforth• lriston where he has secured a poli• Mrs. S. I3lachford, of Toronto, is tion. epeiiding the week end at the home The young son. of Thos. Abram, of John and Mrs. Mundell. I of Tornberry mot with 'a painful ac• Wm. and Mrs. Lockridge and fam- cident on Monday when he fractured ply, Mr, and Mn. McDonald, of Ham- i his arm. Ilton, also Mr. Hoggartt, of Detroit, • Mrs. Selby Dobbs, Becton and .pent a few days' with John and 'Miss E. Sanderson of Markham Mrs. Lockrldge. 'D, and Mrs. Sanderson. A. H. Musgrove, W. J. and M. 1 Green, of Wingliam, George Mus- - '-9 grove, of Niagara Falls, also Miss i WALTON Edna Musgrove, of Galt, were boli -1 George Ferguson, of Toronto, calf- day visitors with Mrs. Robert Mus- ed on friends in the village recently. „rove, t Miss Jean Ferguson of Seaforth, is spending a few days with Mrs. W. WROXETER • Nt•al, .firs. H. Henning is seriously ill at Bert Young, of Port Huron, is wis- her home here. icing his daughter Mrs. Joseph Miss Rowes; Brigden, called on ol 1 Campbell. Pres - friend:, in the village on Saturday, Ritchie and Mia, ,Drager; of Pres - Rev. H. and Mks. Bolingbroke ars ton, spent the holiday with Mr. Drag - attending the London conference, ger'•, mother, Ed and Mrs. Jackman, Toronto, Miss Viela Carter,. of Hamilton, is were ui s s of Time. and'z . Brown at present eat v isi ine Ilea r par nt, J os - eph and Mr,. Cartr.this week. Geo. and Mrs. Fralick, Toronto, Miss Mildred Sellers, of the 17th visited over the holiday with the for- concession of Grey is visiting her grandparents Mt'. and Mrs. -Seller's mer's parents in Turnberry. of Morris. talar wetat:.0 5tot t61.,'•4:> -ta Charles and Mrs. Sellers and son Ks.la m Clayton spent the week -end with Sire. Seller's mother, Mrs. Hoerlo of spent two days 'with their parents, D. anc d2 Heidleberg. 1i' TO THE LI BLUE WATER BOYS di te EVERY ti THURSDAY EVENING a VP IN A 9 ti Wingham Arena i.. 1 jitney Dancing J' P CAR OF Cernent JUST TO HAND �a H. FEAR New Ativertfnteweats -7- Oil. of ootaent--J. e, rear a ate of coats and z'resson-Ring )iron, Nor en)e--rr. 1'. Plum Reiter for sale-Lesne bake Piss for sale-)gdger•oa 10e (ow nod pigs for eel.-Cinlre bong }llld'e arlp fsale-Phone r este Nlaon.Aa711 Hag for solo -Jima Wilber George Underwood of South Wat- e'rdown spent at few days renewing acquaintances in this vicinity. Dr, David M. Hack,}veil, of Hol- land, N. Y,, is at present visiting his mother•, -Mrs, William Backwell, William G. Clark left on Thursday for Toronto, Mrs. Clark is in the Lockwood clinic there and under- went an operation for goitre, Her many friends wish her a speedy re- covery. CRANBROOK Mrs. E. Radditz, is visiting with John • and Mrs. Fisher for a few days. Cranbrook garden party will he held an the school grounds on Thurs- day June 20. A splendid program is being arranged. Watch for further particular;. The Cranbrook ball team met with its first defeat of the season last Monday night, that's a good sign. Defeated last year in the first game by the Boy Scouts, the -team won practically' all the other games of. the Season. 'So, lets go Boys. .A Precommunion Service will be held eld on Friday night t at 8 o'clock.ek. Communion service at 11 a. m. Sun- ( day morning. Evening service will Icommence 'at Cranbrook next Sun- day at 7.30 o'clock. A hearty inv.'- : tation is extended to all The Listowel Banner had the fol- ; lowing obituary of a former resident 1of this place : We are sorry to chron- I isle the death of a long and well re - 1 sported resident of this town, Mrs. W. A. Pollard. About three months ago, while sitting in the United 1 Church on. Sunday morning she was seized with a stroke of paralysis- and since then, although being well at- tended by skilled nurses and medical aid she passed peacefully away at, I the Memorial Hospital 'last Sunday !morning. Her maiden name was Martha Switzer and she was the only surviving member of a family of { Listowel. She was a life-long mem- stroke and following an Dimas of her of the Methodist church, In her three weeks passed away on April former days she was an active 28th ;bringing to a close a life de - 1 church worker being superintendent voted to helpful service to those a - of the Sunday School for years, also bout her, The funeral was held on a member of the chair. Site reached Wednesday, May lst from Hainstocic out a helping hand in every branch and eon's pallor. Edmonton. Pall• of church work where she constantly •bearers., were three sons, Messrs. attended. She was married to her John, William arid Earnc•et Camp - now ,bereft partner thirty-eight year, - bell ; twee sena in -low, \isms I'ovev ago and although her constitution and Foster Southerland and rt was not strong she bore life patient- neighbor, John Neilans. Interment ly and cheerfully at au times till the was in Mount Pleasant cemetery, end •came. In her recent limes', Edmonton. A large circle of friends though never able to put her thou- i who respected the dccees ed as a ghts into words, she would repeat kindly, Christian woman, greatly re - 'her favorite verses, one of the lase i greted her death, and extend to those being : that are bereaved, their heartfelt 0 land of rest, for thee I sigh, syrnnathy. When shall the moment. come Mise Margaret Sellers 3rd, con., And 1 shall lay my armour down "vets operated on for appendicitis in And rest with Theo at home. the Wingham General Hospital on We tidnesday of last week. The pa- ert'pu- erto'.which she turned to her ear- ' .. rowing friend and said : "As the ent is doing nicely anti is expected days go by take everything to God in 1 ,\ r. a e i 's e • • Prayed' She was one of those • I n 1 .fr., An k.rso n and on:, beautiful characters "who will be Jim and Donald and Miss Lovkhart missed when she is Leone." She lea• from Peteroro motored ep TIIure 3'es to mourn her loss her devoted stay evening to spend the 24th re - Switzer and seven nephews, of Weet- Mrs. R. Wilson, Stilt con, They re_ ern Canada. The funeral was held turned Sunday afternoon.The for - from her late residence, Queen sties mer is a brother of Mrs. Wilson and et, Listowel, to the family plot at rs C. P. R. station agent at Peter. Lruss.ds cemetery on. Tuesday after- "oro' noon. The funeral was conducted by 1S. R Rev. Armstrong of the United M 0 R church, Rev, Wagner of the Evangel- Members of the Township Council ical church and Miss Pcard of the made a business trip to Haml,to:; City Mission. Mi. and Mrs. Bailey Iast'Thursday. sang an appropriate duet `The home Friend:: re glad see F a g a to .e that Albert Iand," and :lir. F. S. Hudson sane Crooks, 4th line is now able to gat that beautiful solo, "Shadows," out for car rides. which was sung by Dr. Oaten eigh- Wm. d. and Mrs. McCall and dau- teen years ago at Mrs. Pollard's bio- ghter, of Chatham, accompanied by titer's funeral. The floral contribu- some friends visited at the home tions were many and beautiful. The of Simpson McCall, 7th line this friends who attended the funeral week. from a distance were : Air. and Mrs. Friends of, David -and Mrs. Laid G. W. Pollard, Mr, and Mrs. George law, 8th concession, Morris, will be Pollard, Jr,, Mr. and Mrs. Cole, sorry to learn of his -illness which Stratford ; Mr. and Mrs, George Mee necc sitated him being removed to Fordwich ; Mr. Hooper and daugh- , London hospital, ter, Wroxeter ; Mr. and Mrs. Dickey I The funeral of the late Richard Harriston; bars. Newton McCauley, B. Alcock was held last Thursday Brussels ; Miss Switzer, Grand• afternoon, and the service at the Bend ; Miss Allis Switzer, Sarnia. home and graveside was conducted by Rev. F. L. Lewin. The pall hear- s GREY urs were his three sons; two sons- in-law and deceaseds nephew; Mrs. Smith, of Deloraine, Man., is John Alcock. Among those from ,a visiting Mrs. Alcock, 14th con, distance were Mrs. W. Pollard, S. Miss Jean Turnbull from Khmer- - and Mrs. Askin, Fred and Mrs. Cole dine enjoyed her holidays with her ' and Loise, all of Stratford. parents 0. and Mrs. Turnbull, School Report :-The following is Miss• Blanche Patterson, of Gow- .the report of test examination: in anstown was the guest of Mrs. Al- Geog., I'list., Spell., Arith., Grata. tome the end of this week. • ;434-atvatvoo rs n• D; --n- <awa tm-r. sera a Phone z s l} ET H E L' n• three daughters who have prede- ceased her. She was well and favor- ably known around Cranbrook i where she lived before doming to cock 11th conc•esinon last week 1 Comp React Lit • nd Hit Total t 1 rt F. A. on S.ring Lines ere aaalltak3aM ;'self eels»+ 'aletEtatelte atte taleette Weather and too heavy a stock as e ria season is w ll onitsth S e a, and 'inUNSEASONABLE order to Spring way, stimulate buying we offer Very Special Prices on many Spring Lines. PRINTS Special Patterns 30" width; 15 pieces to choose from. Regular 35 c per yard. Special 29c Peter Pan Prints As fine as finest Broadcloths, Guar- anteed fast colors, • Regular 75c per yard. Special 55c Ladies' Cotton Hose Good serviceable for everyday wear, Colors in Sand, Black, White, Moon- light, 25c pair or 5. for 81.00 Linen Hand Towel'g Pure Linen, wide width, Regular 35c for 29c Pare Linen, Heavy Quality, Regular 25c for 20e Curtains and Yardage Material too heavy. a stock as season is ad- vancing, 20% discount on all lines will be given. Get your selection be- fore lines get broken. Men's. Suits A complete range to choose from and during sale 20% discount on all lines to. Blear. Beads for Making Flowers a new assortment in nice bright shades,.. 5c bunch teeteeolaaaatetaXategaleteleaaagate Silk Gloves to Clear $1.50 quality $1.19 1.25 to $1,35 for ...98c CHAMOISETTE Gloves. Regular to $5c for ..59c Overalls and Smocks Heavy quality in Blacks, Red Back Blue and Stripped: Regular $2,50 for $2.15 ,Regular $2.25 for $1.95 Men's Work Shirts Carrying, too heavy a stock consist- ing of plain shades and plaids: Regular 81.35 for 81.00 Regular $1.60 for $1.20 Men's Hats Still a • good assortment to choose front: • Regular 84.50 and $5,00 for..$3.50 *.o.,:±:„.8.44.44-4,44,44.:4•0 MoD's merino Underwear Silk Hosiery A number of odd lines of our 81.85 and $2.00 lines full fashioned for ..$1.50 Mew t.;«.,,04. 1« aletelea-.; ,a Broadcloths for Slips and Underwear 40" width, regular 45c sale pace . , ......36c t€S1 s�+trittiftelifa+41ASAlli64 Seperate garments in Penman's and Mercury. Regular to $1.15; garment for 89c Ladies' Rain Coats Heavy quality plaid and. moleskin lining. Regular $9.50 and $10.00 for $8,75 Ladies' Coats and Dresses Balance of our Spring stock to clear Regardless of cost. . A number of large sizes to clear front .. , .$12.50 up. These are a few of the many values given. Give us a call and look them over PHONE 6r F. A. HUNTER Miassommirosomftwoolorioorime BRUSSELS Mr, and Mrs. Monkhouse, of De.- 100 per cent., Honors 75 per cent... Detroit are visiting at the home of :Pass 60 per cent. Those. marked (*1 l T. and Mrs. Alcock, 14th concession. !Missed cone examination. Sr.' I\ Mrs. Geo. E. Speiran has gone to Dave Miller 81 ; Harriet Sniitl) 75. • Toronto where she will take special Jr. IV, --Howard Snaith 7* ; Gordon treatment for her nerves. Her Nihol 76 • Jack Pipe 55 ; "Mac friends hope for beneficial results Scott 28. Jr. ill-.Aduh C 'cabs 70 Mrs. Oliver Turnbull we are soiry Sr, Ill Ctar:z Smith 83 Glenn Nie - to say is laid up at present with a se- i llol 82 ; "Janie Bernard 71 , 11111 were attack of sciatica. Her many Harman 07. Jr. II A. --Jim Davie friends hope she will soon enjoy her sit; Eleanor Nichol teal. Jr. I1 Dee. usual health. yrautk MrCutcbeon G5 'Tom Bea The workmen are busy this week Hard 35. Sr. I -Kenneth Cl sir 1` preparing the foundation for the 'truce Smith 80. Jr Pr, --Jack new re idenee on the farm of John Speir 89; John Harman 72; 3lona R. and Mrs. Oliver, 16th con. A good ' Alillor 01 ; George MtC.utcheon 60. ly portion of the material is on the 1 Winona A. Frain, Teacher. ground. 1 i • n Announcement :-Mr. and Mrs.ETHEL Hugh Dunlop announce the engage I • Carl Ames of Oshawa is spending stent of their daughter Vera A., to . a. week at his ]come here. Leslie J. Oliver, only son of J. R. 1 Mrs. Andrew McKee, of Atwood and Mrs. Oliver of Grey Townshio spent a couple of days in Ethel. The marriage to take place t'arly ,n 1 Mrs.P. N. Currie and Helen and Jeno, 9 '3 Bob spent a few days in Guelph. The farmers are getting finished j Mt.. Ella Hansuld, of Birch Cliff, seeding an account of so much wet i spending a while at her home here. weather it has deiayed seeding a 1 Jos Ames has been busy putturr great deal latter than usual. The the village gardens in good shape foe country is very beautiful at present sowing. trees and fields all decked out in so Miss D. Stevens and Miss C. Evane many beautiful colors, .with pros -'spent the holidays at their homes in Poets for a beautiful crop food for Clinton. man and beast.Ali•. sable McKee and little Son, hir. Brewer and Agister Bird are l'of Toronto, 1311 spending at couple of busy now for sometime hauling gra- weeks at the home of her father Jae. vel with trucks from the James .IIs•- McLelland. Hay pit,putting it on the Cranbrook 3, M. and Mr•_s. Lake Dorothy and sideroad from R. 1.. Taylor's corner Fettle of Hamilton, and Mis. Ma) south of Clark'. bridge. This was Fet;guson of Toronto, severe week -end one of the worst road: in the town- visitors with John and Mrs. King. Soft ball seems to be a dead issue in Ethel. There are a lot of young people - lint little interest is being .hewn in this real sport. It is to be hoped that a team can be put in the league that is being planned. • The Garden Party season will be here soon. Mark down the follow- ing dates and look for Posters, and further advertiseutente in the Biu. - sell Post Ethel, Tuesday, June 11, ' Union, Tuesday, June 18 and Roes Friday. June 21. Rev. F. A. C rnik, of Corrie, took charge of the service in the United Church on Sunday. It was flower Sunday and Rev Mr, Craik preached a splendid sermon on the subject, ship, The good road will be continued one mile west from the :rune manor as that road is the second worst in the township. Each conecssion pro- vides the man working in the pit giv- ing the farmers a chance to earn something against their taxes. • Word has been received of the death of a greatly respected former resident of this neighborhood in tlm person of Agnes Douglas, the wife of Ralph 'Connor, of Edmonton, Alta. She seri borne in Grey Township 60 Years ago, where she resided until her marriage to the late John Camp- bell in 1887, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell spent most of the following years 011 lot 28, Con. 14 McKillop, where their son Joseph Campbell now routes, A A'Iessage on the Trees of the Mr. Campbell died in 1921. -Eight Bible." Folks sometimes show a marked lack of interest in the important question of Prohibition as it is seen so greatly abused in our province to• day. More than that the plea is made that 'we arc ignorant of tine farts and conditions or more often blind to those facts. On Sunday next on the Ethel Circuit of the United Chura•b every one who is really interested in this vital problem is urged to attend and hear Rev, Gatnhan of Toronto who will give a sermon and ,present the work and claims of the •Prohibi- tion Ltnion, If you are not interest' ed of course you will stay at home and show it, be sure to be at church Sunday. Roes at 10.80, Union at 3 p. 111. and Ethel at 7.30. children survive ; John Campbell, Edmonton ; \Icilliarn Campbell, Nan- ton Alta. ; Ernest Campbell, Edmon- ton ; Mr., Wm. Povey, Edmonton ; Mr;. Foster Sutherland, Breton, Alta. ; Joseph Campbell, Walton ; MIs. Chas. Mann, Clinton ; Santos Campbell, London ; also two step- claughtere, Mrs Dave Raid and Mr',. Alex, Mcl`wing, both of Harloelt. Iteeeased was a member of the Pres- byterian Churelt and during her res- idencr et \Velton wait a faithful member of Duff's Church, Six years ago site married Mrs R. W, Connor, anti wont West to live in Melfort, Sesit., and later they moved to nd- }Holton, 'Alta. During the first week in April of this year she suffel'ed a Mrs. Iiev. D. Ili, Guest and Jimm are spending ing a week ec.lt in Kincardine. Mrs. Weir, of Walkerton, is spends iMngcMasta feer.w days at the home of Dr, Howard and Mrs, McRae, of Brantford spent the week end with L. L. and Mrs. Ds•sjardine, Rev. 11. M. (guest and John P. Me - "mush are in London this week at- tending the annual conference of the United Church which is being held in Centennial Church, Many folks are beginning to think that it is about time the novelty had worn off in the owning of those ling' Fiai•ds and that the young men would do well to me a little caution not to speak of courtesy in driving through Mur viliagr streets. If complaints are Inade, to an officer, every one can gueos what will happen. 'The Women's Institute purpose hating a ten days mums(' in domes tie eieenee in July. Would all women and girls who wish to join the c1a-:: t,:ea' e• leave their names with Mrs, G Kreuter or 'Miss Ella Pearson at es eerie- a date as possible. The fee is e. for member- of the institute and t,0 lents for those wile are not nl rnhr rs. C)n Tl[w s il ng of t11 -'k at cluck av patreviceiotn nt,:•'t n„w.will rise ise.s1 .r tee• United Church under •.aspire: o; the Young. 1'eopl,•'. Society. A good program of muse: ed 110cul, r,, readings etc. will b.' pr.. no -'i, There will also he a ,short a,l drcss by Jnl'n Peae•sor,. 'i1 la et 1. -ked to supply sandwiches and ei le.', There was a fairly good crowd is :1. e ad urs„ on Monday night at the township hall when the Play "Take My Advice" was pres.•ntest by the Young People of Parkview United Church of Stratford. This ;3 -act play is a very pleasing one and the s''v- ,<ral parts were exceptionally veli chosen and acted. Roe Williams on behalf of the Public Library web routed the Young People to Ethel • and introduced Rev. C. W. Cosens, who is vert effeeient director of the • Play. A social half hour was spent after the .play. The: annuel meethar of the Ethel Brandi of the Women's Institute was held on May Kith at the - home of Mrs. J. Bremner. The meeting. open- ed by singing the opening od" and the Lord's prayer was repeated in unison after the rearing of th.' min - Mee of the last meeting and reports of last years' work which showed the Inst:tote had a very succesetul year and some very interesting: meetings. The eleetion of 011ivere was a fol- iows. President, Mfrs Jas. Pearson ; 1st Vice, Mrs. L. Lehi, and lice, Ea Parson ; See. i h .a • , Mrs. G. Kreuter e r . Direc'tnrs, Mre. Jas, Anes , Mre, Doh on. Mrs. McMuster, Mee. P Bremner ; Diet. Director, hire. Quest Poisson ; Auditors. Mrs. Carr ; ;firs, Werdiaw ; Pianist Miss 1S . I't:,1.o11. Al the epose if tb me -tine the host ss firs. J. Bremner aseieted by firs. Ames and _Mr,. R. Ill -1nn. e served Junin. The next meeting. June 20th will be held at the home e of Mrs. Rev, Guest. McDonald Hay -One of the smartest weddings of the season was o .. 1•uz, et h1 Knox P1'esbyt_r• can church. Listowel. on Saturday, May 'o, when Rev. J. A1. Nichol, II. A. P,. D,, united u1 marriage Miss Henan 11 H ry, only .daughter Of 2Mre. Jame-- Nelson Bay, to Archibald Me - Donald of Listowel, and former resi- dent of Ethel, The Church eras •heti t tally decorated with spring b1oe Mms, tulips, roses. and ferns while the guest pews were marked with satin ribbon and ,blossoins. The g,neets numbering; about seven- ty-five were ushered to their pews by William Pinch, Gordon Bart, Wal- lace. Collie and Ralph McDonald. Promptly at high noon the bridal party entered the church to the .trams of wedding march from Lo• hengrin played by 3liss M. Suthrr- land, who was smartly gowned in lemon georgette with ermine far and Lar to match. The bride, who wits 110,bend, two nieces, the Misses given in marriage by her uncle, E. W. Hay, M. 1'. looked very beauti- ful in 0 gown of white chiffon with satin train and tub' veil cc:.t1''t wil'1 orange blossoms. Site catrrtecl an ex- quisite bouquet Of sweetheart rose, lily -of -the -t'all'y and ilia, with 1311,' silk. streamers. rs. The ,patron of honest Mrs. E. E. Hay, and the'. bridesnutids Misses E. Hancock and Al. 3lcDon- aid were attractively gowned in per, iod frocks of yellow,'blue, and nwu- vetaff,'to with pieture pictureLets to match, and tarried 11dfa.hinn.d nosegays of roses and lily-of-the-ynll.'y. E. E. Hay, brother of the bride was gro- omsman. During the sig"ink of the r sister, Mrs. Jerausnn of Chicago, gowned in purple lore and prctut•e hat sang "Because i love you." Im- mediately following the ceremony a reception was held at the bride': home, Penelope street.. t. The bride's mother gowned in grey 9 crepe and carrying Premier r0 e,, 'received tit'' guestsgliests assisted by the bridegroom's mother, wearing grey and tarrying Ophelia roses, and the bride's aunt, :Hiss I. Brooks, very smart in purple lace and pansies. Rev. J. M. Nichol proposed the toast to the bride and F. W.Hay, ht. I'., to the 'bridesmaid= Following the wedding hmcheM» M,'. and Mrs. McDonald left by motor for the Maritime provinces, the bride travelling in an ensemble of slate grey moire silk with squirrel collar nod matching hat, shoes and hose, f. L, KERR, Fro/irietor Personal Paragraphs Jaek Oliver, of Termite was her for the 224th, ' B Alis. John Dark spent the week•enil• iu `lteatforci, Miss Peal 23aeket, of Toronto, wt.*, botue fur the' 24th. Mrs.. J. H Galbraith was a vieilos In '.l.'tonlo thek, :N usee chicle 3islcwe(iraeken, of',1'oranLai - wits home for the holiday, 1). M. end Mr's. Scott, of Louden, were in ti,wu for the'2,4(h, Miss Muriel Spading of Niagara, spent the weelt.e(d at home, Jas. Pserisle b, unto„ working in. Stratford at the baking trade. Jno. anti 3tu(die Nagar spentthr 24,2 at their bonze in Wroxeter, Mist: Hesaie t3. P.nfi,id spent tire• tveek.end at her hntue in Guelph. Miss Millie (5 (' (5 14.11'7ii. Was a visitor in Toronto on Rlnndey and Tuesday. W.13. Strachan of'i`oronta,isspend- ing a steak A1' th, nal entaf haute, Aliss Olga)Dlc$ay, of rnronto agent. ,he holid,ly9 with )('Ealy,.. in town. 71(1. Yoilnrk and family motored ' up 1'u it Totontr• ', 1 the neek•erta. Nesbit anti Mrs. liantilten Wert' 'Via-- iinrs it, 1,-r„ It„ eat the fiat cf the: - Sirs. Ras Fear 3II-s Mildred and 1111 - re of Clinton vete bete for the holt.. � day. Jen, Sehoeohals and daughter, Wise. mit. of C.'iinlol, vele in town on nt tbe l'ue.day, "e 1 r 1. 1 1{ s , of (,brae week -end with retativeK andcallingo aid friends, U. H. t1 alk et. ha,: anent the Ming slew' 11 oto Nesbit•t l i nen. t 1.1+, '1'ttrieht>2- 1l Kt, Cnft lt. Ben. 1)ae k. '.f (471t, spent the 24111 with his lrtethet., Wm., Jeb( and - Rnbt. G. Dark. stet•. I{. A and MMrs. Lundy, of Nile'ev1330113t T. C.! and Airs, DMr'Caer"ll la03st week., F. and Mrs. Sintey and daughter, el Tot onto spent the week -end with 3. T. said Arcs 14111(1. Ms.- Rev ThMell had her tonsils re- tnaved in S ai'ertth hospital on Mon. day of last meek, :tit s. J S Hendl'tson aced Miss Klin- o• of Seafnti1, 1(510 visitot31 on 131l.u7.- dav with sirs 8. Carter. Mts. T. 11 Walker and blaster Jack L..wry spent the wepk•etrd with the fnriaer'i son at %Valkeiviiip. rir. Jntnieantl is itttendi"g the meet- ing of the Ontarin 1{fedicat Associa- tion in Hamilton this week. C. H. and Mrs, Pugh, of Sarnia, spent ,a couple of he uta With 3. I, and 1120, Kezr nn Sunday afternoon. (leo. 1'.. and Airs. Fergo,,on and children. Tot•nntn, wet), reset+ re with J. 1,- and Dins. Keir nn Sal Ili day. Mrs. Cline Scott a,ul Master Jim of iie€,uua, ate 11.1i31LN4,g with the ler. ns 1 s p,:rt''1 , A, and Mts. 3ttachan. Itr. \tr, .1 and Mrs. Cameron, PaI- tui'tt:tiin, Were bei.day vieitnis with the former's fall:- r •teal brother in Iii.s ()sLive D,,wr.ee, "f '1" 1(1)33,1, i•' et'din her Var(1t(Iln Sri 0111 armlet`s [3,n1,+pla. She is (a reu.in niche Spelt - am families. Prot. C03331tahle \Vhitesid0s, Goat,. rich, Was in town nn Tnpsday get 1;N% further evidence en the recent stab- bing fracas. Hee. eu:d Mr,.. B,nnedy, and child- , en of Mount 131 ydges were visit0l'1 with the tatter's pat etas 3. 13. ntid Mrs. Ballantyne. Gen, and Mrs. Colvin motored on '1('111 Stratf'id Sunday to take the - f11, rnlpt's Pc1'»elsr,eo. acid Mrs. ColviP.' hack h,•tn" wuh them, Alla, ('1neh has been roar/led to her bottle with a disabled knee and \lies Fannie Begg is waiting no het. ice hope she sote will be alright a- gain, George and Mrs. Israel and daugh- ter, -hiss Henrietta. and Sylvester and Mts. tscaet, all of Kit rheller, end A. and Mlrs. Srh01303, of Stratford, 11151P 91sitnra with •1031 and Mrs Q,ueriu. Dr. J. E. and 211x. Alaundpra, of Bti 113111gln11n, Mich , veers 90(1(01(1 v 111 town for several days recently. \311i(1*' (n thea Useably the fnruler 1(3111 1V, 13. Alannd,e7•s 3!1(1,11' a hnani cue! trill. rip tel Alnskaka, 'Mrs. E smith leaves next Wed- „eadayN5"tle(3ed, w1103'e she will visit fiiendv at Is'dinbuglt eel other places. She will sail from 17nntrtal. on June 70 00 the "rift-- "11ese of Alholl." We wish her a ('leet4(1)17 '111 leg stmt a safe tidal 5. CHURCH NEWS St. Johns Church, Von. AIch•1lenenn Jones-Saleavo'y,. of tied/girl', will conduit 01(91'x::• z11. u -tial nn `uttday. Ru(iday Sehunl (11 10 a, 111., tiel9ices al 11 za. 19. and 711. ate. At Sr, t3 peel;,", ('heu(41, \D'altnu, 51131087 Sellout will Inset at 2 o'clock end set 1:1•" at 3 p rn. The gifts to the matron of honor and bridesmaids were crystal necklaces, to the soloist and organist beaded bac', and to the groomsman and us- hers whlie itoid 'teen knives, white the bridegroom's gift to the bride was an fqu.u•ioe ring. Mr. and Mrs. Mel/one aid will bo away about six weeks re- turning to spend the sutmner at the lake, and leaving in the f(tll to reside hi the Maritime provinces, Guests at that wedding included Mr. anh Mrs. G. Darroch, Mr. and. Mrs. E, 1:.. Ray Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Jennison, Chic- ago, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, Mr. ante Mrs, Terry, Miss E. Kidd, William Dinah and W. Collie, Toronto, a11e11 Mr. and Mrs. Hancock of Washing,-. ton. •