HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-22, Page 511.11! Is 1-1 SE PONT
YesSir !
At Your
Plan ,your gas and oil
needs so you can drive 111
when near. You will got
gasoline with gel eke r
picleep = greater power
And more mileage plus
service that is quick and
satisfactory. When you
buy, accessories you can.
always be assured. . of
of quality plus service.
80 s 1?o3a) (c•lcis,.. .... ,.,$10 25
80 x 8i 1i,'udurahco t ends 8 50
30 x S eakinge $15,(.0 ; 'J itl,ts taLL 1 25
Royal (lord 29 x 440 Casings ., . 10 50
Royal Cord 29 x 440 Tubes .,. 2-50
Phone 9x
6 Volt 11 Plate Batteries .......... ...$ 8 50
6 Volt 11 Plate Heavy Batteries ..,,,, 10 50
6 Volt 18 Plate Batteries 12 ,CO
'New Teller.
C. M. Card, of Vancroft, is the
new teller at the Bank of Nova
Scotia, who is taking the place of F.
L. McLaughlin, who returns to Tor -
Attended Graduation Exercises.
On Tuesday evening among those
from Brussels to attend the gradua-
tion Of Miss Ina Cunningham at
Winghatm Hospital were :—D. and
Mrs. Cunningham • Jas. and Mrs.
MaFadzean ; D. and Mrs. Denman ;
Miss C. Hingston; Mrs. E. Cunning-
ham and Mrs. G. Wheeler, of Brus-
Bishop McConnell at the United
Church Conference.
The Rev. F. J. McConnell, of New
York, Bishop of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, Pres;dent of the Feder.
al Council of the Churches of Christ
in America, will address the morning
sessions of the London Conference of
the United Church of Canada in
Centennial Church, London, on
Thursday, May 30th, Friday, May
31st, and Saturday, June 1st, and the
Conference Lay Association has ar-
ranged to have these addresses broad
'cast over CJGC (312 metres) begiittt
ing at 8.55 on the mornings named.
Pictures Coming t'o the Grand.
Following are a few of the pict-
ures billed at the Grand Theatre for
the coming month:
24-25—Land of the Silver Fox
27-28—Caught in the Fog
31—June 1—Carnation Kid
Liberals of North Huron
Call Nominating Meeting.
The North Huron Liberal Associa••
Friday & Saturday May 24 & 25
The Only Dog Star--- Rin -Tin -T in
in "Land of the Silver fox"
"Land of the Silver Pox" testas with vigorous action, while
the setting of the frozen wlitlet nes9 of upper Hodson Bay
Rif md4 a back genetic] of rare beauty.
The story gives tiro✓I'm•'l'in splendid opportunity to display
hid skill daringand a ilii c 111T -TS nIn
Ic »
g yL and InOtiot
Lana for the human case mi. L iht H amS and Carroll�
Hy NyeN aea
pair of ]burrs brill a,rt by tie+.ahety arouse sytuprtthy,
while John wiiej .n and Thom*, Sunt,uhi are formidable and
prevnkisive vilinins,
The story of "band of the Silver Pox" has to do with the
silver fox trapping Indust, y, concerning itself especially
with the elf n•ts of the manager of a trading post to thwart
the ln,,a•drlayed i0 .mage of lila ward to a younger trapper.
The schooling p ivt-m to.get emotive.; with a nototimis kill.
er to do away with the hay and steal a st'. irk of pelts, but
through 1 ho watchfuinrs of Bony the vi keine is frustrated
and the uh.racha in the Invete' path cleared away. This
film, adapted by 11nrvseri ytuilh flora i. Chu fes Condon
etoty was directed by Ray g itiuht.
EXTR AA 2 -Reel Star Feature
• ``Charlie Chaplin in "Easy Street"`
Monday & Tuesday - May 27 28
How Crooked Can Crooks Be ?
WARNER. BROS. present
May McAvoy and Conrad Nagel
in"Caught in the Fog"
Stolen Pearls Juggled by Lovers, Crooks and Cops
in Fogbound House-boat—
Hurricane of Fun and Fury 1
Friday & Saturday - May 31 - June 1
"Tie Carnation Kid"
If vnu were a noaefful TYPEWRITER salr,ontnii 1 And a
bniu•h of fROOi{S h -.11e 1 you as th" GREA'I'IIWP gen-mall
„ y o
' t i r t hey. Ravi, you a l n l 1
of v 1 8 1 1 GUN' rS t told •mtl
51100'1 ToRILLI And'111e13\Vl1111'ESTGIRLinthe
world" got in the way 1 And you couldn't see ANYTHING
1-0 chart anyway I Rat von had to shoot or 13ii SHOT l
Onulrl VrOU laugh it off ? Doug. does,
'"Rin -Tin -Tin" "WINGS"
1 "Able's Irish Rose" "Chapile Chaplin Specials"
Chick Feeds
A FTE a thorough test of the Chick Feeds formulated
�t by our Mr, Pierson with wonderful success, we are
this year offering them to the poultry public, You oan
feed these Feeds with every confidence that you are going
to raise all your chloks, Every ingredient in these Feeds
is the very best we could buy, A supply on hand at all
times, Also kept by W. J. McCracken, Davison's Hard-
ware and Farmers' Club Store, Also expect to have a
supply at Walton and Ethel.
tion will hold its annual meeting
Wingharn on Tuesday, May 28. The
business. of the clay will inclu4e the
eeleetion of a candidate to contest
the riding at the next Provincial
election. W, E. N. Sinclair, E. C.,
M. P P., Leader of the Liberals in
the Provincial House, and Miss Ger-
trude Rankin, Presideent of the On-
tario Women's Liberal Association,
will address the meeting.
District Lodge Meeting,
The district I. 0. 0. F. meeting
was held last Wednesday evening in
the Western Star Lodge room and
every lodge in the district was re-
presented. Reports of the year were
presented and the work of the earn-
ing Grand Lodge discussed. Mr.
Thos. Fortune of Wroxeter, was
elected D. D. G. M. for the coming
year and Mr. Wm. Heeney, of Wing -
ham, Signior Warden. W A. William
son, the retiring D. D. G. M., Was
presented with the jewel of his of
Minor Locals.
Empire Day—Thursday.
Cadet Inspection on Monday, 27th
Usual holiday hours at the Post
A, new wire fence has been erected
at the school,
Friday is the 24th of May and •
public holiday.
The tulips and narcissus are mak-
ing a beautiful show just now.
Foot Ball will be seen in brussels
this summer. See schedule in anoth
er column,
1 Friday is a holiday. All older
people remember "Queen's Birthday"
with happy memories.
Forty Years Ago.
The Forest Free Press says: W. C.
Cunning, traveller for Buntin, Gil-
lies & Co., wholesale paper dealers,
Hamilton, was here on Wednesday
of last week, and stated that forty
years ago that day he did his first
work for that firm. He also remind-
ed us that he took his first order
from the Free Press 44 years ago
this month being, then traveller for
the Barber -Ellis Co., of Toronto.—
Mr. Cunningham was a former tra-
veller on the Brussels territory, and
called on the present editor at, Clin-
ton during his stay there.
Some weeks ago The Post record-
ed the death of Duncan F. McKay, a
former resident of Grey Township,
and a brother of Mrs. McKinnon, of
Brussels, who died in South Dakota,
and we take the following from the
Henry Independent, published at
Henry, S. D., on April lith:—Dun-
can F. McKay died Sunday afternoon
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C.
E. Graham, where he has made his
home for several months. A pioneer
of Dakota Territory since 1882, when
filed on land south of Raymond, he
has led a useful life and help build a
great state. In 1889, the year of our
statehood, he
o moved to the vicinity
of Henrynd
spent seventeenrs
Y P yea
of his life here, going to Garden City
where the last twenty-three years
were spent as a public servant in
various business enterprises he con•
ducted. Duncan F. McKay was born
January 24, 1855, in the Township
of Tuckersmith, County of Huron,
Ontario, Canada and Shortly there-
after his parents removed to Grey
in the same county, where he spent
his boyhood and young manhood.
He received a public school education
and later entered upon a course of
study for the Methodist ministry un.
der the, tutelage of resident minis-
ters of that faith and was ordained
in 1880. His first pastorate was Seb-
ringville, Ontario. On February 27,
1884, he was united it, marriage to
Mise Anna Jones who preceded bins
in death en November 16, 1925, To
them were born ft1'e children: Mrs
H. A. Hansen, R. J. McKay and Mrs,
C. E. Graham, of Henry; W. A, Me
Kay of Willow Lakes and Eva Mc-
Kay of Watertown. Other relatives
surviving are three brothers; W, M•
14IcKay, St. Joseph, Mo.; J. P. Me
Kay, Brantford, Ontario and A. E.
McKay, Estaven, Sask., Canada; and
two sisters: Mrs. Jessie Fairbairn,
Sacramento, Cal., and Mrs. Isabella
ItfcKinnon, Brussels, Ontario, and
seven grandchildren. Funeral servic-
es were held Tuesday afternoon at
the Graham home and in the M. E.
church at Garden City, where Rev.
J. H. Dirks spoke words of comfort
and praise of a useful man to the
>.'clatives and the numerous Mende
that had gathered to pay their last
respects and homage to a departed
comrade. The cemetery riles were
conducted by the Gamlen City Qdil.
lodge of which ch the
deco sell
was a member. The sympathy of the
entire community is extended to the
bereaved relatives in their hour of
Has a large and complete
stock of Family Memorials
in newest designs at very
reasonable prices.
Call and see us before plac-
ing your order.
Phone ofticetfo-Wingham
Houeo 286
Wintrop Goes to Brussels and Strat-
ford Eleven Visits Monkton
What did mama's little baby learn
et school today?
I learned two kids not to call me
'mama's little baby,'
Group number two of the Western
football association will open its
1929 season on Wednesday, May 29
th with two games, Stratford at
114onkton and Winthrop at Brussels.
This was decided at the schedule
meeting held under the convenership
of Gnome Sugden, of Stratford, at
the, Y. M. C. A. last Thursday night
, with the following representatives
and W. F. A. officials present ; Pres-
ident A. Fisher sr., G. F. Redmond
end Albert Smith of Stratford, T.
Harris, of Woodstock ; W. N. Govan -
lock of Winthrop, L. L. Hickneli, of
Monkton, W. S. Scott of Brussels, G.
E. Tanner, of Milverton, and J.
Blake of Kitchener, secretary of the
After a good deal of discussion it
as moved by A. Smith of Stratford,
and seconded by W. S. Scott of
Brussels that Woodstock be granted
' n bye in the group owing to the fact
that the wagon City is so far away
from other centres. The motion
carried to Woodstock's satisfaction
and the schedule was drawn up as
follows with the home team named
May 29—Monkton vs. Stratford.
May 29—Brussels vs. Winthrop
'June 3—Milverton vs. Winthrop
June 5—Stratford vs. Winthrop
June '7 Milverton vs. Monkton
.Tune 10—Winthrop vs. Stratford
June 12 --Stratford vs. Monkton
June 12—Brussels vs. Milverton
June 13—WinthropBrussels.
u 1
June 15—Monkton vs. Milverton
June 19—Monkton vs. Winthrop
June 19—Brussels vs. Stratford
June 27—Stratford vs. Brussels.
July 3—Winthrop vs, Monkton
July 3 --Stratford vs. Milverton
Juiy 5—Milverton vs. Brussels
July 8—Milverton vs. Stratford
July 10—Brussels vs. Monkton
July 1l—Winthrop vs. Milvetron
July 19-•—Monkton vs. Brussels.
Delbert Philip, Phu.., D. D., Lis-
towel has purchased the Drug and
jewelry business from R. M. McKay,
at Blyth and is now in possession
He has had considerable exper-
ience, having successfully conducted
a drug store at Parry , Sound for
some time.
The death occurred in the Toron-
to General Hospital on Thursday,
May 16 of Robert George Taylor,
husband of Mary McCintton, of Au-
burn in his 55 year. The funeral
was held , from his late residence
in Auburn on Saturday afternoon,
with interment in Maitland ceme-
tery, Goderich, &Ir. Tayar was well
known in Huron county where the
news of his death was received
with great regret.
The townships of Rolnick and
Turnberry are, wresting with t -
an ort
J g
break of .smallpox, which Lias centred
in the district south of Delmore. The
epidemic had gained considerable
headway, before it was definitely
diagnosed and it was impossible to
determine at present how far the
contagion has spread. There is one
case 'at Belmere and at 13luevale and
others as far south as Gerrie.
Dungannon community was much
AYE 11fAY 22nd, 1929
our tised Car
r'ttha 'r a eu wantto pay
Because Hudson -Essex are 1929's first choice Cars,we
have been able to choose the best used car trade-ins,
and have not been compelled to make absurdly long
trade-in allowances.
Now, in this "All -Bargain Used Car" Sale you get the
benefit of these conditions, Come early ---every car
is a bargain ---but first comers will get first choices.
20 Used Cars 20
r5 FORD TOURING 1918- 1927
Agent for Hudson and Essex Cars
► I
W. Am L t! r P Y
grieved as well as shocked upon
learning of the death of Mrs, James
Medd, which occurred. at her home at
Auburn, She had been feeling as
wellas usual until Friday, aid was
summoned. About five o'clock, she
suddenly expired. The late Mrs.
Medd was the elder daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Dior of Dun-
gannon, and had spent all her early
life in this vicinity. She was married
to her now bereft husband some 26
years ago.
Walkerton has hired John Craw-
ford, a resident of the county town,
as night watchman at $2.75 per
night, the hours of duty are from 9
The bricklayers have commenced
work on C. J. Koenig's new block on
Absolni street at Mildmay and will
rush the work to completion as rap-
idly as the weather wifl penmit. The
building is to be,85 x 45 and will be
one storey high.
W. A. Kramer, supervisor of the
water works system at Mildmay, was
successful in locating the two mis-
sing hydraulic engines that were
washed away by the noes. They
were both buried in the mud under
five feet of water.
The total assessment of, Carrick
twp. as completed by assessor Grub
to b
PP e3 000 lower than
$ , in
1928. 8 The assessment this year to•
tats $2,534,130. The number of as•
eessed acres is 586,9(37, and the pop•
illation is given as 2,833, just two
more than in 1928.
The Jr, Institute and Jr. Farmers
of Teeswater,have been very patrio-
tic and on more than one occassion
have turned over funds to the Mem-
orial during the past, year. At their
Iasi meeting in May they made a
further donation of $100 towards
the Memorial fund.
On Friday evening last while pas-
sing the McKenzie Building at Tees -
water occupied by R. Trench, the
the editor of Teeswater News had, a
narrow escape from bemg flatened
out with tumbling bricks. When just
opposite ,the building he noticed a
rumbling and sensed what was com-
ing and had presence of mind on the
instant to jump toward tate boule-
vard. Several bricks had loosened
over an upstair window and they
came tumbling down. The large key-
atone,did not fall but remained at a
dangerous angle until removed the
first of the week.
At the supreme court sitting at
Walkerton on Monday last, the will
of the late Charles Baeehler, be-
queathing the estate of ,about $70,-
000 to the widow and three sons, Was
declared valid. Three daughters at-
tempted to show that their late fath-
er was not of fit testamentary cap-
acity at the time of making the will,
six days (before his death.
Edwin King, second year student,
at 0.A,'C. was successful in winn-
ing the class'24 gold medal for goner
al proficiency in animal husbandry,`
during the first two years of the
Association's course. Frank sting
first , year student at the 0. A. C.,
was successful in winning a scholar•
ship for proficiency in a group of
The 16 -year-old youth of Toronto
who leased a car at Walkerton under
false pretences was caugot and ar-
rested and brought to the county
town. His mother appeared in
Court and agreed to reimburse the
owner of the car, and also settle for
an unpaid hotel bill. Magistrate
Walker gave hien suspended sen-
"There has been a statement
broadcast that the Hydro have par-
ticularly closed the deal purchasing
the property of the Walkerton Elect-
ric Light & Power Company, Limit-
ed and the Saugeen Electric Light &
Power Company Limited. There is
absolutely no truth in this statement
as the private 'Company intends to
hold and to operate their property
for the benefit of their customers
present and future.
Charles Burrows, aged 22, of Clif-
ford, was brought to Walkerton Gen-
eral Hospital Friday night in a ser-
ious condition as a result of being
struck by a freight train at the Mild-
may station. Burrows is employed by
a construction company which is lay-
ing new pavement in Mildmay, and
to -night after supper started to drive
from the station. An elevator ob-
structed his view of the tracks and
he did not see the freight train ap-1
preaching, His coupe -vas carried
150 feet e down the tracks and demol-
ished. A y examination at the
hospital revealed that he had suffer-
ed a fractured hip and serious inter-
nal injuries.
The death occurred of Rev, James
Webster, D. D,,, one of the oldest
clergymen in Canada, age 91 years. 1
The deceased man had been a criple
for some years and death took place
at the home of his son-in-law and
daughter, R. C. and Mrs. Halliday.
J. Zoeger, who hasbeen post -
{master of Newton for the ast
thirty-four years and for p
years be -
.business, has resigned the position
! and intends shortly moving to Tor-
onto where the most of his family
is now dwelling. The Newton Post
Office has been in the hands,of the
Zoeger family since it was first,.
opened in 1879. Hisfather, the
late John Zoeger was the first ap-
pointee and after his death, his son,
the late Peter Zoeger, was appoint-
ppointed. On his removal from Newton
W. J. Zoeger was appointed and he
was regarded by the public as a
most , competent and obliging offi-
cial and regret is expressed at his
determination to Leave the locallity
in which he bas, spent the major
portion of his life. He has for a,
number of years been clerk of the
township of Mornington which of-
fice he at present still holds.
Would U Like 2 Kno
how to rid of Cough, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Catarrh, Head
Colds, Sore Throats and Tonsil ills_
Use Mhs. Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis-
Absolutely guaranteed. For sale at
F. R. Smith's Drug Store, Brussels.
Car of Cement
Just arrived at
Walton Saw Mill
Get our Price
Phone 1913 Walton.
Old Homes Young
By nailing the smooth, rigid, fireproof Gyproc
sheets tight over the faded walls and ceilings and
then decorating, you can snake the oldest home
look new and handsome.
Fireproof WallboOrd
For Salo 13y
Wilton & Gillespie -
S. F, Davison
Chas. F. Hansuld
Brussels) Ont.
Brussels) Ont,
Ethel, Ont.