HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-22, Page 4'WEDNESDAY, MAY 22nd, 1929 Cfft Ilrusi els Post WEDNESDAY, MAY 221d, 1929. MAY 1929 $ M T W '1' S i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 '12 13 14 15 16+ 17 18 19 20 21 .22 23 :24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ANNUAL The Baby Chick Season Will soon be over. Better get yours before it is too late. Nay 30th hatch Barred Boosts are 17o ; u, 0. White Leg., hares 15o. Ater June 5th Burred Boeke are 15o and Vii, ll. White Leghorns 130; • Barred Rocks are pure 0. A. C. strain; Cockerels f1ixlctfc•om . . 0. A. College are mated, ec to selauted:breodei•s, Al: Leghorn n Chicks are iron/ y'earliug and 2.year-old bens, J -b telling Eggs 5c each. Ask to eee our lice of Royal Feeders a, ,d Water Founts. 0. 0, QAMPSELL 1 bone l3lytb 10.24 AUI;UP(N, Olen. • AGRICULTURAL on motion of Thompson and Kerr. 28.00; Jas. Ballantyne dragging 17.20 Communication from Dom. of Can- D. McKinnon, haul graven 2.50; El - STATISTICS ance Co, in reference to the taking Patterson, haul gravel 20.00; Isaac Canada Guarantee & Accident insure don Wilson, dragging 2.50; Wm. l of an insurance policy protecting Rathwell, haul gravel 14.00; Wilfred Ottawa, May14,1929, 4 p. m. township employees against death or Whitfield, haul gravel 14.00; Albert ttdieabilityresulting from injuries re- Whitfield, spreading 7.00; John The Dominion Bureau of Statistics Pat - has • made the customary arrange- ceived while engaged in work for the terson, shovelling 6.00; Blighton Ferg township, received and filed. Petr• shovelling 2,00; Henry Ward, haul rents for the collection and publica- tion of the annual agricultural stat- istics of Canada for the year 1929. These statistics will be based upon returns to be collected next June tion was accepted and the clerk in- 47.70; Dan Savage, Close drain 4.50 .form individual farmers upon card- structed to notify the engineers re- Wm. Scott, Coates Drain 4.00; H. A. board schedules issued to them garding the sane. It wap considered Keyes, serve bylaws NorthWest Dr. though the teachers and children in advisable to purchase three addition- 2,00; Fred Tuck, drag Elma Bdy 8.50 the rural schools, as well as farmers al slush scrappers, also a scarifier for Chester Baker, drag, 19.00; Wm. 'direct, which will be circulated on an use on the township roads. The fol- Baker, haul gravel 8,00; Job King, increased scale this year. The sched- lowing accounts were passed and culvert 5.00; John Alcock drag 36.25 very simple one,callingonly paid i The "Advanre Times" oface James McCutcheon, haul gravel forfe is a v y P advertising $2.70 ; Wm. Robinson 12.50; Ed. Jacklin, haul gravel 15; hthe areasrsown to field cats and the numbers of farm animals alive salary as assessor, $100 ; C. Carter, Ezra Welsh, drag 20.00; Ezra Welsh 'on the farm in mid-June. Upon the ' patrolman, $32.55 ; M. McDowell, haul gravel 15.00; Rus. Knight, snow resulting estimates, of total areae, patrolman, $17.30 ; A. G. Vincent, 10.00; Jas. Houston, drag 6.00; sown are based the preliminary, pro-! Patrolman, $17.00 ; G. R. Vincent, Bert Johnston, drag 4.00; Dave Kirk 'visional and financial estimates of i'Patrolman, $43.25 ; J. Vincent. hat- connell, drag 4.00; W. W. Sholdice, yield, which are of sueerme lmpor-: mimeo, $30.00 ; J. Gillispie, Super- drag, 4.00; John. Hislop, 15.50; Geo. tante in connection with the move-', intendant $33.00. Council adjourn- McKay, drag, 8.50; Dan. Huether, anent, fintancing, distribution and ed to meet on Friday, May 314 drag, culvert, etc 32.05; Colwell sale of principal cereals, especially . as a court of revision on the assess_ Speiran, culvert 2.00; Hart Speiran of wheat, of which Canada is now ment roll and ordinary township bus- culvert 5.75; Leslie McDonald, cue. the world's leading exporter. ' ille::s• A. Porterfield, vert 2.75; Percy Ward, haul gravel The present plans for the coAec- 1 Cleric. 1.50; Fergus McNaught, culvert 1.70 August McFarlane, culvert 1,00; S. tion of these Statistics have been fol- I y McFarlane, culvert, drag etc., 3.50; lowed annually since 1917, and the 1 Morris Twp. Council Kenneth 1TcFarlane, culvert 1.92; estimates bused thereon have come' Alex. Mann, culvert 50c; Robt. Mc - to be confidently relied upon by all eelinutes of meeting held in the Taggart, culvert, plank, 11.50; Jas. interested in the product:on and dis- Township Hall, Morris, on Monday, Fulton,posts and oIes 10.00; James tribution of Canadian grain. May 20th, 1929. P Accurate statistics :e indispens_ Members all- present. Minutes o: McTaggart, drag, haul gravel 9,50; able •for a mopes annreciation of the .Iasi meeting read and a; proved. Jas. 11eTnagart, culvert 1.00; Lewis For erect lighting purposes the Frain. heul Graves 17.75; Lewis Frain national progress, and en order to en- assessment on Duncan Jonn ton's Volt; drag 7.00: Robt. Warwick, shovelling. 'sure that the statistics may be as was fixed at $1000 at the Court of 25c; Jos. E, Jaeklin, haul gravel 10; accurate as possible, i. , earnestly Revision on the Assessment Roll. ; hoped that farmers throughout the Dogs were struck off for Robert. Ben McCormick, gravel 1.80; Robt. Dominion will not fail to render the Warwick, Alex, !Murray and John Strachan, gravel 90c; Levi Parr. McDonald. The following changes shovelling 50c; Geo. Turnbull, jr.. small service required by filling. up were made in assessments) lot S ; haul gravel 8.00; Geo. Johnston, and returning the schedule issued, 92, Con. 5, fixed at 42000; lot Ne'.;'; haul gravel, 8.00; Robt, Strachan. If any farmer should not receive Con. 5, reduced $t 00;, lot S fi 27. Con. 9, reduced by amount of barn haul gravel 3.00; Roy Bennett, haul the cardboard schedule by the middle assessment $70.0; Lot NIA, 3 Con. 5 gravel, 12.50; Cliff Ritchie, haul gra- af June he should apply for same reduced 4300; lot Nle 21, Cow 8, vel 24.00; John Ritchie, haul gravel either to the school teacher of the reduced $200. The Court of Revi11- 10.50; John Ritchie, drag 4.60; John nearest local rural school, or to his ion adjourned till next meeting 00 Ritchie, shovelling 7.50; Jos. Carter, ;provincial Department of Atrricult- June 17. sure ; or to the Dominion Statistician The following accounts were paid: gravel 5.30; Mary Smillie, gravel 90e W. Mcliibbon, fumigators, $5; Al Melvyn Gilkinson, haul gravel 13.75; at Ottawa. The aim is to obtain a run's Drug store, fumigators ('28) Mel. Gilkinson, drag 8.75; Percy completed schedule from every farm- $13; 13. 0. IL -Dr. Stewart, 425; A. Stephenson, shovelling 75c; W. Gor- er, as the more numerous the re- MacEwen, Peter McNabb, W. J. Hen ' salitz, gravel 1.50; John Young, turns, the more trustworthy will be Berson, each $3' A. MacEwen, by avel 40c; John Alcock burycattle the resulting estimates. laws and fees Jermyn Drafn $30; an e John Watson, tile Morris-Hullett bdy. beast 2.50; D. Kirkconnell, plow $22.11; Patrolmen - J. H. Sellers, 7.75; R. R. Rudd & Son, account 523.10; James Noble 23.50; R. D. 14.58; John P. Gaynor, sheep 8.00. Golley, $43.55; Frank Shaw $15.50; J. H. Fear, Clerk. Wm. Craig, $17.15; Lewis Jewitt, $37.26; C. G. Campbell, $40.05; i Frank Berries 15,631' Charles Work- man 51.10 51.10 ;W. C. Thuell $8.25; Wm. Howick Council Brown $7,4.50; S. Procter, $4. Next Council meeting at the Hall on Monday, June 17th, 1929. A. MacEwen, Clerk. THE BRUSSELS POST Mrs. gaufermohil, 530.00 ;. Treas- rarer U. 8, S. No, 14 for School parr- poses '$1,787,95 1 G. 8. Smith, salary as auditor for Wroxeter books 87.- 00 ; G. W. Walker collecting taxes in Wroxeter, 45,00 ; Thos. Inglis, tak- Ing John King to Clinton, 410.00 ; Anderson Inglis, salary as auditor for Wroxeter books, $7,00; J. H. Rogers, postage, 45.00 ; G. A. Wearing, making municipal returns, 42,00 ; A. C, Hutcheson, uncollected Taxes, 192$, 479,58 ; Jatnes King, part. salary as caretaker of Tp. Hall 520.00. It was moved by Leonard. and Gamble that this council do now adjourn to meet again rn ileswither- iclss' Rooms, Fordwicle, on the third Wednesday in June, G. W. Walker, Clerk. At Chesley, June 3rd Eleventh Annual Soldiers' Reunion Celebration, the biggest and best day of sports and amusements. Sports commence at 10 a.m. with n grand parade, and lasting until 10.30 tion of Gordon Elliot and others for gravel 7.00; Vallance Inglis, haul - p.m., ending with a magnificient dis- the construction of a municipal draining gravel 7.O'0; Alex. Speiran, gra- play of fireworks -the best seen in A Baking Expert "For light, fiakey pie crust, nae 2 tablespoons less Per cup of purity , stow a. of ordinary pastry t�•„{ftl{i )'iit+i 11111104.451 r.,�-rte, of soft wheat Roused r lord tablespoop, mom of asoma•. lug. long dry. for exrrarich pia crust use half butter sad half lard." o Parity Flour Seed 3or for 1' ata' Cook Book. Flour Co.D6{sterp Clla, Limited, Termite 95 PUR-ITY FLO;UR In Betty's Home 'Chats and Cooking School over radio station CKNC Betty tells of her baking experiences with Purity our•, Wednesday and Friday mornings be- tween 9 and 10 'o'clock (daylight saving time.) Monday at lots 28 and 29 con, 14. The peti- vel 16.80; Dan Savage, Coates drain this locality. A full day of pleasure for everyone. Horseracing, Ladies' ATWOOD. b 11 T rn ment Men's Softball George and Mrs. Keys, of Toronto, Match, Horseshoe Pitching Contest. Relay foot races among the High Schools of the district and a Band Concert in the evening. The Model Exposition Shows of London, Ont., and the Bruce . Regimental Band on the grounds all day. Attractive prizes in the various contests. Returned men weaving service button admitted to the grounds with- out charge. Come and meet with your friends, they will be here. See large posters. 2t ATTENTION Delegates to General Assembly Pres byterian Church in Canada at Ot• tawa, June 5th. BRUCE CO- BASE BALL Teeswater at Port Elgin, M'ay 30 Paisley at Chesley, May 30 'Hanover at Walkerton, June 1. -Chesley at Kincardine, June 6 Walkerton at Paisley, June fi Hanover at Teeswater, June 6 Chesley at Hanover, June 12 Kincardine at Teeswater, June 13 Port Elgin at Walkerton, June 15 Hanover at Chesley, June 19 Teeswater at Paisley, June 20 Port Elgin at Kincardine, June 22 Walkerton at Port Elgin, June 27 Chesley at Teeswater, June 27 Paisley ,at Hanover, June 27 Teeswater at Walkerton, July 4 Kincardine at Paisley, July 4 Port Elgin at ,Chesley, July 6 Walkeron at Kincardine, July 11 Teeswater at Chesley, July 11 Port Elgin et Hanover, ;arty is Chesley at Walkerton, July r Kincardine at Port Elgin, July 18 Hanover at Paisley, July 18 Hanover at Kincardine, July el. Walkerton at Teeswater, Jniy 25 Port EIgin at Paisley, July 27 Kincardine at Chesley, July 31 Paisley at Port Elgin, August 1 Walkerton at Hanover, Aug, 3 Paisley at Teeswater, August 5 Chesley at Port Elgin, Aug. 5 Kincar(lne at Hanover, Aug, u Paisley at Walkerton, Aug. 15 Teeswater at Kincardine, Aug, 15 a F in Au . 17 Hanover at Port .,le , g Mosley at Paisley, August 22 Kincardine at Walkerton, Aug.22 Port liilgin at Teeswater; Aug. 22 Wialket'ton at Chesley, Aug 27 froeswater at Hanover, Aug. 29 Paisley at Kincardine', Aug. 29 Gorrie, May 15th, 1929 :-Coun- cil met to -day in the Township Hall pursuant to adjournment ; Mem Grey Council bers all present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last regular meet - Minutes of Council meeting held ing were read and on motion of De - on May 11, 1929. puty Reeve Hubbard and Councillor The Minutes of last meeting were Leonard were adopted. It was mov- read and approved on motion of Thos ed by Deputy Reeve Hubbard and Dougherty, seconded by J. F. Collins. Councillor Leonard that Eldon Ber- Moved by R. L. McDonald, second- wick be paid twenty-five dollars for ed by Thos. Dougherty, that the En- damages on account Of a defective ginc.er's report on the Machan Drain culvert, -Carried. Mr. John Renege be referred back for reconsideration, presented a hill for $40 for funeral --Carried. expenses of Mrs. Haufermehil. 1t Moved by 11. L, McDonald, second- was moved by Gamble and Taylor ed by Silas Johnston, that the Coen- that the council pay Mr. Renege the til pay for one street light for the sum of Thirty Dollars as settlement village of Ethel, -Carried. in full. Carried. Tenders were open - Moved by Silas Johnston, second- ed for two culverts and It was mov- ed by J. F. Collins, that Bylaw No. ed by Taylor and Gamble that the 5, be finally passed authorizing the tender of G. Gibson be accepted for 1 -leave and Clerk to have the agree- Culvert on side line 25 con. 2, he to melt executed with the Hydro Elea- do all the work and select all the ma- tric Power Commission, authorizing tenial keep lights and snake the fills the installation of street lights in the Recording to the plans and specific - hamlet of Walton. -.Carried. ations, road to be ready ror traffic by Moved by R. L. McDonald, second- August 15th, 1929. Carried. It was ed by Thos. Dougherty, that the Clerk moved by Hubbard and Gamble that be instructed to notiry the Engineer the council do not build tie culvert to examine the abandoned portion of on concession 4 at Brear's Bridge the Beauchamp Creek Drain with a' but cut down the hill and widen the view to relieve Lot 32, Con, 17 of the road and raise it. Carried. It was ' water brought down by the said moved by Leonard ane; Saylor that drain and to report on tee same un- By -Law No. 9 be read the third time der Sec. 76 of the Municipal Drain- and passed. !Carried. 7t was moved • ago Act. -Carried. by Gamble and Leonard the resolu- aof the Moved by R. L. McDonald, second tion passed at last meeting ed by Silas Johnston, that we do new council appointing Earl Ball to wind - adjc pre to meet on the 8th of June the time clock and service the street ar at the call of the Reeve and that lamps in Wroxeter be rescended and the said date be set as Court of Re- that David Robinson be appointed to vision on the Assessment Roll of the do that work. Carried. It was mov- Township of Grey for 1029, --Car- ed by Hubbard and Taylor that the I EAST WAWANOSH vied• following accounts be paid, John The fotlowing accounts were paid: Dottman, steeplies for Mrs, Fiaberll 'Council met on May 7th, with all Jas. McFarlane, cut weeds 1928, $5; 433,85 ; Eldon Renwlex, drainage 'tire members present, Minutes of the 3. D. Adapts, Toronto, grader blade, caused by defective culvert 425.00 last meeting were rear! and Massed 7,05; Addison Taylor, dragging etc., John ,Renege, funeral expenses fob Canadian National Railways' Spec ial Train will leave Toronto Union Station at 11.58 a.m. standard time, June 5th, and arrive in Ottawa in good One to permit of delegates be- ing present at the opening of the Assembly. Plan to join the "Delo. gates' Special" at Toronto. Full in- formation from nearest Ticket Agent of Canadian National Railways. fair.LOOK AT YOUR LAliEL spent the week end with Mrs. Y. Coulter. • Messrs. Arthur Simpson, Jack God- frey and Earl Switzer were at Brampton on Friday. j - W. J. arid Mrs. Ward, of Hamilton were visitors at the home of J. A. Mcl3ain over Sunday. Rev. Hart of Trowbridge conduct- ed services in the United Chursh on Sunday. Rev. Keine was at Trow- bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and William and Mrs. May, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., spent the week end at the home of Robert May. Bert Forest, Alex McKay, Mrs, Mary Hammond and Mrs. Roy Cle- land, were at Port Carling on Friday attending the funeral of the late Wil- liams Killen. Thursday night tenders were open- ed in the clerk's office for the letting of four cement culverts in the town- ship. Five tenders were in and Mr. Angler of Monkton, received the 4 contracts for $2,100. Friday evening a game of foot ball was played on the school grounds between the married and single men of town. Twenty minutes periods were played and the score ended 3 to 0 for the married men. After a lingering illness, there passed away in Atwood on Friday night, Mrs. John C. Hymers in her 33rd year. The deceased's maiden name was Mary Agnes Barton, and had resided in Elma township nearly all her life. Besides her bereft hus- band she leaves three small sena, also her parents John and Mrs. Barton, of Atwood. The funeral took piece Monday afternoon to Donegal come- tory. BEI,GRAYE P. W. and Mrs, Scott•were recent visitors with their daughter Miss An- nie Scott, R. N., in Sarnia.. Mrs, Seobie attended the mission - cry conference held in 'Chatham dur- ing the 'week, Mrs, John Burk, of !Toronto, spent a few days with J. and ;Mrs. Ander^ son, Morris, L, and Mrs, Hayes of Detroit, and James Brydges spent thol'week end with their parents, J. T, and Mrs. Brydges. t Clifford Stewart, of Windsor at- , tended t-;tended the funeral of his grand rt on Frid . rnother,, 11YIrs. A. Stows aY �Orval and Mrs. Graham of Strat- lord were week -end visitors with re- latives in Belgrave. Rev. "' Me. ISeobie was at Melrose near London where he eonducted an- niversary;serviees. The regular meeting of the W. M. IS. of the United church was held in the basement of the church. Four heralds spoke, telling of the work in the different missions -For- mosa by Mrs. Jos. Miller, Africa by Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, and India by Mrs. Clegg. Roll call was responded by giving the name of a •missionary. Tho •ser• to . ppearance inPer,,� mance ,Inlzaxury .and in Value owhere can'you find its e qu 1 C��1�x�i`e ■t� - �r--• if the test that thousands have al• ready made ! Drive this great 1929 McLaughlin -Buick -uphill, down dale, in traffic or on the straightaway ! Compare it with any other car in the world .. for performance, for comfort, for beauty ! The results will prove to you . . as they have to those other thousands .. that there is literally no other car like McLaughlin - Buick. For no other car, at any price, can give you the astonishing combination of quality features offered by the 1929 Mc. Laughlin•Buick such as Valve-in•head en• gine, triple sealed . . exclusive system of synchronized springs and Lovejoy Shock Absorbers .. torque -tube drive sealed chassis. That is why' MoLaughlin•Buick sales are more than double those of the closest competitor, at or above its price. Come in ! See and drive this car which has revolutionized performance and beauty standards. M le.s.aoc McLau hlin -Buie Alex. Anderson DEALER- - BRUSSELS •-- McLaughlin . Butch Wet Build Tin re reading was taken by Mrs. !las. Anderson, who also 'had charge of the topic, "The Needle's Eye." Interesting reports were given by Mrs. Scobie and Mrs. Michie. The death occurred on Wednes- day afternoon of Mrs. Alex. Stew- art, of Belgrave. Mrs. Stewart, who had attained the age Of seventy-nine years, was a highly respected citizen. Mrs. Stewart had not been able to lead an active Life for a number of years, she will also be greatly missed by her aged partner in life, She is also survived by three sons, Alex. of I John of Stratford, Thomas, of Guelph ; and Belgrave. The funeral which was held on Friday afternoon from 1 her late residence, was largely at - I tended. The service was taken by Rev. Mr. Scobie, assisted by Rev. Mr Davidson, of Wingham, and a for- , mer pastor in Belgrave.. The pall- bearers were: J. A. Brandon, J. Ruddy, J. A. Geddes, C. B. Wilkin- son, R. E. McKenzie, B. Bradburn, R. Stonehouse and Dr. Kirkby. In- terment took place in Brandon ceme- tery. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the family in their time of sorrow. - tower School Report Brussels Continuation School POWER FIGHT ARMISTICE SEEN Toronto, May 17. -An armistice between tip Ontario hydro Power ,Commission and Foshay power in- terests of Minnesota in the latter's fight to invade power development in Ontario is forcast by a visit to -day of W. B, Foshay, to Ron. O. Howard Ferguson, prime minister. Mr. Foshay was aeconspanied by his counsel, H. H. Davis, 011(1 had a lengthy conference with the prime ' minister. In ,view o£ recent hydro victory in Southampton, and the coming right in Walkerton, where invading, 1 the Foshay interests are 1 va g, the,conferenee was significant, Mr: 'Foshay declined to discuss his visit. G. A. McGrath, chairman of the Hydro Power Commission, and Hon, 3. R. Cooke; conferred with the pre. FORM I 1 Nancy Jane Fowler 79.5 % 2 Stuart Bryans ..... ,,73.7 3 Helen McAllister 71.6 4 Mauna Hamilton 70.6 5 Wilma Lowe 68.8 6 Arthur Bewley 65.1 7 Marguerite Bryans 62.2 8 Vera Porter 61.7 9 James Kerr 68.8 10 Mary McIntosh 58.7 11 Mamie McQuarrie 56.5 12 Mary Roe 56. 13 Russel Fox 54.5 14 Scott Burchill 51. 15 Norene Churchill 47.6 16 Jack McDowell 41.4 FORM II 1 Agnes Davidson 81.2 % 2 Catharine Walker 81. 3 Leonard Walker 77.6 4 Edna Franklin 75.2 5 Muriel Michel..... . 68.5 6 Mabel Bewley .... ,67.7 7 Jean Sanders 67.5 8 Jack Hamilton 67.4 9 Viola Fox 57.4 10 Ethel Shaw 56. 11 Blairnrore Shaw 56.1 12 Alan McCracken 55.8 13 Blair McIntosh 39.6 14 Douglas Hemingway (5) 15 Fred Glassier (*) 16 Alberta McMurray (5) (5) -Here only part time. Bessie G. Penfold, Principal Eugene Ie. Dobie. Asst. Prin. AINTING r AND Paper Hanging The undersigned wishes to an- nounce that he is prepared to handle all kinds of jobs in the above lines, and Will endeavor to give the best of satisfaction. Prices Reasonable and work promptly attended to Alex. Coleman Phone 6411 Brussels 1 For Sale if 4. 4, + .11, Calvcsell + + One Red and one Roan, z Browndale breeding. Extra choice. JNO. G. SPEiR i Phone 188 rider following Mr. Foshay's confer' enee, What the proposed settlement may be is not stated, but an important an- nouncement is. anticipated. The sixth Saskatchewan Legislat- ive Assembly was dissolved on Satur- day. Nominations will be held on Thursday, May 30th, with eleotione Thursday, June 6th. Industrial production in Canada is forging ahead. Statistics show an in- crease of 12 per cent. in 1928 as compared with 1926, while in United States the increase for the same period is only 2 per cent. There is no doubt but that Canada is getting her stride. Enrollment No. 1954. Form I THE STANDARD BRED-SP1P.LLION Knight Music Registered in the Canadian Stan- dard Bred Stud Book as No. 3593. Owned by Thomas T. McRae, of Brussels. Foaled in 1920, has been enrolled under the Ontario Stallion Act. inspected on the 28th day of October, 1926 and passed, The Ontario Stallion Enrollment Board. Robt. McEwen, R. W. Wade, Chairman. Secretary. This handsome Stallion is jet black in color. He is a direct descendent of auctioneer, Binger and Peter the Great, three of the best producers ever lived. Knight Music will stand for service for the season 1929 on the farm of Chester Rintoul, one mile west of Brussels. All mares must be returned to the horse regularly, otherwise they will be charged whether the mare is in foal or not. Accounts collectable March 1st, Chester Rintoul, Manager. Court of, Revision TOWNSHIP OF GREY .The Court of Revision on the Asaee+tnent Roll of the Township of Grey, will beheld 7n the Townehtp Hall, on tiatardny, June 8th, at 10 o'clock a m. All parttee interested will please take notloa and govern tllemeelven no- oordingty J. H. FEAR, were, K,hel, Dray 2061,,1520 Meeting of Huron County Council The Council of the Corooretion of the Coun- ty or Baron will meet in the Council. Chain. bey. Goderlob, at 2 n'oloak in the efteraoon' f Tuesday. the ;t1, env of .tone, 15+0 All or - count, ngntnet the County must be in the bonds of the Clerk not later then Monday preceding the meeting of Connell, ase w. BOLMAN. County Creek. Goderleh, May 20th. 1529. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersign- ed op to ,tune let, next, for the Booth set., Dancing Platform privileges at the Re -union et B. B. NO. 1, Grey, to be held on J of 5th. Tender$ received fur the two combined lied also for each separately- The highest or ally tender not necessarily Fomented. GEO. sVAN8, a. R. 2, Brussels Convener of Corn. ' Farm for Sale 10 sores or hand, being composed of 1'i EN of Lot28, on rho 0th Con, of Morris townshtu On the premises 18 n Root tram$ 1,01,8, - a stone wall and cellar; alae barn double board- ed and battened. Good cattle and horse stable: Mao about 12 notes good bush, Tf not eold will be rottedfor pasture 48-tf JOHN LAMB Court of Revision VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS The Court of Revision on the Assessment • Boll of the Village et Brugeele will be held lin the Colman Chamber, on arsimay. Jane 8rd, nt 8 o•olook 0.m All parties lntore'lted will Maass take notloa end govern themaelvae no. oordingty, A. H. MAC00NAGU,C ark Brneeole. May 014,1020 Ethel Delco Lighting System for Sale 1260 Wafte ;..110Volts, Altnest new, with poles, wire and an equipinant Fer further yertioalnre nnply to. DR, A. B. MOMASTIDR, Secretary Village Trustee Board, Ethel Farmfor Sale • -Ferro known ea Otte Dnworth Farm, aorn-. prisbttate of s mostly nit olanrud ter a a good state of cultivation, iota of water had within 1,0118 of Bibol atntton,,� tulle to tether Vilthgo. wt11 he prfoed renso,tebty tot' gttiok sale. O'at further pnrti^niers, nppply on peomises to J. 16,140 VILA ND, Farm for Sale A very deolrnblo stook farm er 1611 sores, Milo Rein Bruoaels. Good buildings had ,t ni ansate, Batty torula to Stilt purohaeer Foe further pnrtioulars apply to •A. H, hIACDONA LC, Brussels,