HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-22, Page 2WEANI SDAY, MAY 22nd, 1:929
T ssussEILO
IP 10 T
And the first ship win
convince you it is best.
'Fresh from the gardens'
But Look Wonderfully Well; Hair is
Grayer Has Grown Smaller
Little Sussex Village Proud of
Having His Majesty There,
Aldwick, Sussex, May 13— The
King is a changed man since he came
to Craigweil House, in the little old-
world village of Aldwick en the Sus-
sex ooast,
dr, -
,This is the general opinion of
Sunday SchoolLess0fl villagers here, gathered from
occasional glimpses they have obtain -
BY CHARLES G. TRUMBULL cd of His Majesty. The; atter that a-
(editor of Tho 81,11 aday School Times) part from the general weakness nat-
/1 ural afteer an illness at one time of
f which only the merest wreath sufficed
can come to pass only when they to sway the scales of life and death,
shall have recognized in the despised he appears to be almost as fit as ever
Jesus of Nazareth, whom they cruc- he was•
ified, the eternal son of God, their ' Only those in close and constant
promised Messiah Saviour and King. touch with the King are able to say
Sunday, May 26, --Jeremiah 31 : 1-
40: John 1: Hebrews 3: 7-13,
Golden Text
Thy word I have in mine heart,
that I might not sin against Thee.
Psa. 119 : 11.)
For a quarter of a century Jere-
miah had been speaking burning and
unsparing words to a people that
were very far from havin:t God's law
in their hearts. He has been deliver-
ing God's messages of warning, and
assured judgement, and pleading en -
entreaty to a people chosen of God,
who had such privileges as no other
person on earth have 'e'er known,
yet had shamefully rejected t..eer
privileges and lived as though they
had never known God. God's law.
entrusted to them alone among all
the nations of the earth, had become
a mockery rnd a traverity through
their failure to observe •t. Penisih-
ment and ruin for the nation were
Inevitable. "Behold, the whirlwind
of the Lord goeth forth wan rury. .
'the fierce anger of the Lord shall
not return until He 1 one it, end
until He have performed the intents
of His heart ; in the )atter ciuye ye
shall consider it."
But now there is a sudden change
in the prophet's mr rage. There i.
light in the darlemse. It had appear' o ee, but Grace and truth came by Although the sun was sm g
ed before, as in Chapter 23. The }
Jewish nation must be wre.cited and Jeees Christ." That is, only the Green , brilliantly and the air was warm, his constant visitors at Craigweil. Prig- than compensated by the sat sfac•
scattered, but it was toe,: r :o be eb- of God through Christ Jesus tem en-; winter attire and the thick glass cess Mary is the most frequent, bate tory results obtained.
end of "Though ; mare a full
able any one to keep the law of God.: screens surrounding the ground bore the Prince of Wales comes, if only
end of all nations whither I scatter- Christ died because men had broken 'ample testimony to the fact that for la few minutes, whenever the du- A Guide to
ed thee, yet will it make a full end of the law ; by His death and resurrec- the King is not yet officially conval- ties of state which his father's illness
thee" (30 : 11). And the lessee tion He makes it possible for ell be- escent and that every precaution is rhas put upon him, allow.
stovers to keep the law..being taken to prevent a set -back in I
He wills make of then a new erea- definitely how he has been affected
tion, as He always does of all, Jew 1 by the ravages of pleurisy. And
and Gentile, who behevc m Him. He they must not or will not te:o.
will be the power in their hearts to i A slender, slightly stooping man -
enable them to keep God's law. the King always has been inclined
A minister once startled his people to be round-shouldered-- whose age
by saying in his sermon, that he was ' you would guess to ne about 60.
going to te11 them how to destroy the , That is the impression the United
Jews, He reminded them how many , Press correspondent gained as he
times this had been attempted but' stood on the foreshore before Craig -
always failed yet the way is simple will House and watched the King
d Anywould d walking in the garden a hundred or
Foundation of National culture
Two new Canadians from Roumania demonstrate the art of weaving at Regina.
Those who have in the past regarded the New Canadians from
Europe as hewers of wood and drawers of water must, after the recent
•demonstrations at the Great West Festival at Regina, admit that these
peoples baye, with their native arts, decidedly enhanced the cultural
wealth of the country of their adoption. J. Murray Gibbon, who
sponsored the festival under the auspices of the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way,,even goes so far as to say that Saskatchewan and the other prairie
provinces have within their borders the foundation of a National culture
finer than that of any other natlon on earth. To this foundation, the
first god for which had been turned at the previous festival at Winntpe>y,
all the races which go to make up the peoples of the west have contr..
buted—Icelanders and Irish with their folk -songs and lore, Swedes and
Slays alike with their folk -crafts and dances. Hardly a race known to.
civilization, old or new,' but contributed to the festival some artistry
which will make for the further development of that culture. which.
being national, will be the means of welding tea still greater.solidarity
those people who are Canada.
That the movement for the attainment of this end is a pop uar one
was demonstrated by the fact that literally thousands were unable to
obtain admission to the exhibits and concerts and. that western cities
are vieing with one another as the site of the next festival
he said. one who e-
stroy the Jews need only pull the so yards away. to get into .Craigweil was a local the sets of one tuber from those ui
w set or more separates'
eh of s lawns took space of two feet or. more separate
gun out of the Heavens and make it It seemed that the monarchs fisherman who, having made a par -space oft o f
stop shining, and remove the moon
and the stars from their position an 1 During the growing season weak
their shining at night, and then the ed with white: His usual rosy tom jester. -
Jews could he de troyed. For he re-' plexion, which with his blue eyes' He was' tactfully told that the and `diseased plants are rogued out,
minded his congregation of the . stamped him as typical English, has King cannot accept presents from along with the remaining members
Word of God that is given in this les-. given place to the pallid hue of an his subjects,- but that His Majesty of the unit in which they occur. In
son : '`Thus saith the Lord, which inc:nlid. Always short in stature, would be delighted tip place an order order to prevent contamination this
the King appeared to have grown supply. plot should be isolated from other
pili>+.h rhe sun for the light of day,'; g PH g with him for a daily
and the ordin:incies of the moon and smaller confirmation of reports that Yet, despite his seclusion, the potatoes.
of the ,tars for a light by night, he had lost many pounds in *eight King does not lack for company, Each hill is dug separately by
which divideth the sea when the wav- , during his illness. ' Queen Mary is rarely from his side, hand, and the most desirable tubers
es thereof roar ; the Lore oe Hosts in 1V•AY GO TO WINDSOR I except when her presence at some are selected from each unit for a'n-
His name : if those ordinancies de- C Apart from these signs, indicative function is necessary, or when she other seed plot. The culls are then
)art from before Me, sa-:r; the Lord, of what he has been through, the King indulges in her only hobby—antique- graded out and the remainder set
them the s •ed of 1sr:rn aro shall looked wonderfully well - as he walk- 'collecting. While she has been in aside for next year's main crop.
cea.e from being a nation '�efore Me ed slowly up and down :awls, dyes- , Aldwick, she has visited every anti- Having once established a disease -
forever." sed in a suit of some dark material, que store for miles around, including free strain the seed -plot may adjoin
The beloved apostle John': G,w ei a heavy topcoat, a women muffler, a 1 those in the castletown of Arundel, the main field.
tells us that "the i;w was given by dark grey felt hat, and gloves. i famed for its antiques. t The amount of work invoked in
'gin ; Members of the King's fancily are the above method is small and more
� . t
When you wish
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J. A. McLEOD, General Manager, Toronto
thick brownish -grey hair and beard titularly fine cat P ,
d were rather more plentifully streak- to Craigweil as a present to His Ma -the next in the row.
chapter begins : "At the same time, 6
saith the Lord, will I be the God of The lesson passage in Hebrew re- his improvement. The Tuber Unit
all families of Israel, and they shall peats some of Jeremiah's inspired So rapidly has he improved, how -
be my people." By the rePlants native to Canaaa that bear
ords and proclaim again this new ever that it is repeatedly rumored Method of Controlling seed, including wild flowers grasses
Canadian Plants
vision of inspiration Jer .. and Judah. Let us never zorget that
able to look more than year there is a great future ahead for the
down through the ages beyond this Jews here on this earth. In the les -
day and see a time that has not yet son ,chapter and repeatedly through -
come when God was (and is) to re-
store Israel. The whole chapter is a out the OM Testament and the New,
God's pledged word : "Behold the God pledges Himself to restore them,
days come, saith the Lord, that I will as an earthly nation, unser the reign
make a new covenant with the of David's greater Son Jesus Christ,
house of Israel, and wttn the house returning them to actual land pled
of Judah." It was not to be like the ged to Abraham, and making them
covenant made with their fathers the greatest and most blessed nation
when God brought them out of the of the entire earth. God's promises
land of Egypt, for Israel broke that are always literally fulfilled. We
covenant ; Israel will never break must not make the mistake of spirit -
this new covenant when it comes to ualizing His promise to His chosen
pass. What is it to be? Here is God's people, for that destroys many of the
answer : heart -meanings of the Bible. Under
But this. will be the covenant that Zionism the Hebrew language is be -
I will make with the hoes- of Israel ; ing used again as a living language
after those days saith the ord, P will in Abraham's land in this twentieth
put my law in their inward parts, century, and it reminds us of God's
andwrite it in their hearts ; and will Promise in this lesson, "As
be their God, and the; shall be my yet they shall use this
people." speech in the land of Judah
God goes on to say that His people and in the cit8 s thereof, when I
in that new day, will not have to hying again their c•antivitr : the Lord
teach one another about the Lord, bless thee, 0 habitation of justice and
"For they shall not know me, from moantain of holiness,"
the least of them to the greatest of
dictive w -
Soh was covenant that God makes with Israel the convalescent stage is not far off. Potato Mosaic weeds, vines, shrubs, and trees, are
It is said that at the end of May the I brought togethier im Bulletin 78 of
Queen and he will go to Windsor ( - It has been the experience of the Department of Agriculture at Ot
Castle. This has not been possible growers of certified Seed potatoes taws. in the form of a guide as to
before because the air as Windsor is that ordinary field roguing practices their habitat and botanical classifica-
considered to be to "strong" for His do not control mosaic satisfactorily. tion. This work, by John Adams, M.
Majesty. The removal of the court Varying percentages are now show- A., of the Division of Botany of the
from Craigweil to Windsor, would ing in strains which have enjoyed a Experimental Farms, includes all the
therefore indicate that yet another record of freedom from this disease genera of such plants that are indig-
step towards complete recovery badfar many years. In others, are inev enous in this Dominion. The Latin
been taken. italble. This is particularly true of and scientific name of the genus is
It is generally felt that no better Green Mountains. The grower con- given in each case, followed by the
place than Sussex coast could havefronted with this difficulty must de- English name or names in brackets.
been chosen for the purpose of re -tide to continue fighting mosaic or The more important families are also
gaining his strength. So well does it to replace his seed stock with a heal- indicated with the genera included in
suit him, that it is rumored that on thiel strain. The latter course is to each except in those cases where the
his doctor's advice he is considering be recommended if the occurrence of family, includes a single genus or a
purchasing Craigweil house as a mosaic has given muco trouble or number of genera which have com-
shore residence. made certification difficult. How- paratively little in common or whose
VILLAGE BURSTS WITH PRIDEever, where small amounts sr pres- classification, still leaves room for
Meanwhile this little village. with ent it hus been demonstrated 'by the doubt. Besides being classified bot
a population of not more than two or Division of Botany, Experimental anicelly the plants are divided in
three hundred, is .bursting with Farms Branch, that careful seedplot other ways including thote that are
pride• selection by the tuber -unit method aromatic, those that bear winged
Nothing is too much trouble for will effect control of moasic. Those fruit, edible plants, forage plants
the villagers in their desire that His desiring to improve their seed poets• food for wild game, medicinal plants
Majesty shall have every comfort toes n this way should stake a num-. timber, sand binding, and those that
soeeible. But there is not much thather of healthy plants. The crop from are useful for such purposes as that
they can do so complete is the care these in hand dug and set aside fol of tanning leather. Canadian timber
taken of the King by his own stair. tuber -uniting the following yearis divided according to hardness,
Truth to tell, only two of the vis- Bin selection may be resorted to. cleaveability and beating power. The
1snn'ri 1•tve attempted to see the However, this is not to be recon- herded of these are hickory, dog
King at clean rfuaitorn, moi in the mended except where the staking wood, sugar maple, sycamore, and
main they respect his wish for per- was over -looked the previous season hornbeam, followed in order by ash,
feet peace and calk. One of thew The size of the plot will be governed oak, elm, beech, cherry, birch, and
two was William Xing, a 75 -Year-old by the requirements for the next black gum, while softer woods in
naval pensioner, who stirred in H. M. year's seeding. A seed plot of one elude Chesnut, tulip, poplar, Douglas
S. Becchante, in which, in 1879, the acre should provide sufficient mater- fir, fir, yellow pine, larch, hasewood,
them." Their sin will be remember- INTRICATE DETAILS.
edby Gori "no more." For they will A flui'h-beige hailunt. bat with
have God's law not merely in their nide sides, short front and turned up
heads, as so many unbelieving Jews hack has its crown slat seamed over
have to -day and have always had ; matching grossgrain ribbon in a pat -
but in their hearts as the living real- tern of fine leaves. It gives the im-
ity and power of their lives. Thi' pression of quilting.
Beautiful Silverware is
a Modern necessity
AND what better indication of
Ci taste and refinement than a
service of celebrated
The Tablswara De Luxe
By reason of our complete stocks
tbis store is fast becoming known
as headquarters for this delight-
ful watei
Prices Most Reasonable
Bing --then Prince George - tour-
ed the world.
Sailor Icing afterward told of his
talk with King George.
"I felt quite at home after I had
spoken to His Majesty". he said, 1
was naturally nervous at first, but
he shook me warmly by the hand,
and said how phrased he was to re-
new my acquaintance after a lapse
of 50 years.
"They were sailors in those riny',
weren't they, Mi'. i{ing?'he said to
"I renlied, yes, sir : but the food
is a little better than it was then,'
Before leaving both the King and
the Queen shook hands with me ,and
wished me the best of goon luck.
Thu Xing gave me a photograph of
himself in admiral's uniform."
The other villager who attempted
fid for ten acres.
According to the tttber-unit meth
oil, potato weighing from five to
eight ounces are cut lengthwise into
into fou' equal sets. ')'hese are plant •
ed consecutively in a unit of four
bills. To prevent mixing the units, a
Women are saying: "Pinkham's
Compound keeps me fit to do my
work." "I was nervous and all run
down. Now I eat better and sleep
better--•". "It helped my thirteen
year old daughter. "---."I took it be-
fore and after my baby was born."
—"I ani gaining every day."
Lydia " E. •ii>nkhdm's ;_
Vegetable tornplound,,
hemlock, cottonwood, Spruce, white
pine and willow. This publication
issued by the department of Agri-
culture at Ottawa, is a most interest-
ing document for students of botany
and agriculture, and persons con-
cerned with the uses of woods.
or more of the following factors e—
ase of hives that are too small to ac-
commodate the queen, thus prevent-
ing the proper expansion of the
brood nest; the use or poor combs
or sheets of foundation in the brood
chamber, which often act as barriers
to the queen and thus confine the
brood )nest to a smite part of the
brood chamber only , ueereeating
through insufficient ventilation or
lack of shade, which causes the inside
of the hive to become very uncom-
fortable and to remedy the conditon
more bees stay at home to ventilate
the hive, but instead of relieving the
condition, it is intensified ; improper
supering forcing the bees to store
surplus honey in the brood chamber
instead of in supers, us i g
the area required for the rearing of
bees ; unfavourable weather condi-
tions wnten may retard brood 'rear-
ing during the spring, so that at the
commencement of the main Honey
flow, there may be an unbalanced
condition within the hive, and the
young bees may outnumber the
field bees. The same condition may
arise from poor queens that fail to
reach maximum egg production until
too lute inthe season, or from colon-
ies thnt are too week in the spring to
give frill support to a good queen.
For further informatsen on
swarming send for bulletin No. 33 of
the Bee Division, Central Experi-
mental Farm, Ottawa.
Swarming ris the Kees method of
making increase, but the desire to
swarm is created by certain .condi-
tions within the hive which give to
the colony a feeling of strength and
prosperity. Swarming is the result of
an overcrowded brood nest and this
may occur in weak as well asin
strong colonies, in fact, it is celestes
of medium strength that usually give '
the most trouble. Congestion of the
brood nest is brought about by ono
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