HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-15, Page 8'WEDNESDAY, MAY 18th, 1920. THE RRUS$$L5 POST ICOZAK-the Auto Dry Wash Cloth -Will do every- thing the manufacturers claim for it. A dirty, mud - splashed auto can be matte to look like new in a very short time with the use of Kozak Auto Dry Wash. No sponge, bucket or hose is noee`sary and each cloth will give at least 25 dry tcashinga. Price $1.50 Still a Big Choice in Wall Papers Although there has been big selling, our stock is being constantly replenishea, and there is a goud variety to shouse from whether the papers be for KITCHE1T BE DRO ):11 DINING ROOM or LIVING ROOM Patterns and Colorings are more than ordinarily attrac- tive this Reason and prices are very reasonable. A May Special A package of Five Gil- lette Razor B1adiR and a large package of Klen- zo Shaving (�l'eoio Combination t•1i•r-L„fli for the very fat Price of.,.... Pictorial Review SummerQuarterly Is now on Rale, Price 2»e. Von net• Neth to f111tt the pat- tern yon are looking for in, this Look or in the large Pic• torin1 Review Catalogue. We etorte Pictorial lleview Patterns, F. - R. SMITH be ‘1"c1Wii,c,Ctleo Store Druggist and Stationer Brussels United Church REV, A, W, BARKER. B. D. MINISTER Sunday, May 19th 11 a.m,-Public Worship, Subject : `The Unbound Word' 3 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 ppm. -Public Worship. Theme: "Golden Shields" Monday 8 p. m. -Y. P. S. Wednesday Prayer Service Friday -Choir Rehearsal June 2 -Conference Sunday Morning service conducted by W.M,S, , Evening service conducted by Y.P.S. S A PURSE FOUND, containing a sum of r5 Money. Apply at The Post. 48-1 ou ' 9 York Pigs, 6 weeks old for sale. Walter Broadfoot, Lot 2, Con, 15, l Grey, Phone 27-10, 48-1 es PARTIES requiring Custom Hatch - ca g ing done should apply to James Ilryans, Phone 12-19, 48-1 t FOR SALE -A Happy Thought is Range in good repair, Apply to aA Walter ' iibee, Brussels, Phone O. 77-10. 48-2 g ' GOOD Cobbler Seed Potatoes for Av sale. 90c a bag. John Huether, g Phone 25-10. 48-tt A FOR SALE -Barred Rock Baby A Chicks from Johnston strain, Mao Fs ford, eight year's winners in the 4 Laying Contest at Ottawa. 3. 111 Harvey Bryans, ;'hone 12-8. 148-i1 ei .e.eareini2ateiZelee' inner:.`=e1StreeltereeetaiSeere;2eSeeteletzt tnrnenteelief;91 eteiezfail Local News Items 'Will Pay at Clerk's Office. All hydro bills are now to be paid at the Town Clerk's Office. Some Good Catches. Some •of our local fishermen are having good luck at the trout streams. No Boat Trip this Summer. The "Greyhound" will not make its usual trip from Goderieh to De- troit this season. Lack of patronage is the cause given. Ons New Story. This week The Post continencesI its new serial "The Indian Drum' written by William MacHarg and Edwin Helmer. 13esure and get started with this new story, which will be found on page 7 of this is- I sue. Taking a Chance. In spite of the cold 'unpromising weather all the trees and shrubs are putting on their lovely green foilage and the early spring dowels such as tulips crocuses, daffodils, etc., are poking out their bright 1 tt, heads and are seemingly not it bit afraid of getting nipped by old 'Jack Frost,' The King's Birthday, The King's birthday, June 3, falls on Monday this year. Tho',tgh not observed generally as a business holi- day on account of its nearness to Victoria Day, an excellent suggestion is made that the occasion be marked by services held in the churches on the Sunday preceding, when thanks may be expressed for the happy re- covery of Isis Majesty. Should Have a Winner Now, Kincardine Review -Reporter: -- Messrs Robert Irwin and John Adams went to llrusseis last week and left orders for a special -built racing bike for Hal Boy, Mr. Irwin's pacing won- der. When Hal steps out this "um - num his friends won't knew him, but his competitors will realize that they are going some faster than last season if they keep pace with him. Banquet and District Meeting. • An invitation has ;been extended to the various lodges in this Masonic District to attend a banquet and die- triet meeting to be held in Memorial Hall, Blyth, on the evening of Fri. day, June 7. It is expected that be- sides discussion on various •ubjeett+ pertaining to the district, that the meeting g wt II be addreesed by It Wor. Bro. R B, Dargavel, Deputy Y Grand, Master and Rt. Wor. Bro. W M. Logan, Grand Secretary, Dates For Race Meets. The spring race meet of the Sea - forth Turf Club will be held on Wed- nesday, 4une 18, when three races will be carded, the classes and purse to be announced later. The Seaforth truck has come through the winter in due shape, and is now being used by the horses daily. The race circuit will open at Mitchell on May 24; then Chesley on June 3; Seaforth on Stine 12, and Exeter on June 10. The Goderich Turf,(Club will hold its annual meet on Aytgust :1, followed Seaforth's fall meet on Aug, 14. Maybe Foot Ball Games Will Be Seen Here. The foot ball boys are beginning to get restless and probably a team will be organized for the coming sea- son. If they don't practice any harder than last year's team, it won'; be worth the time the executive would spend trying to get a team together. Will Hold Picnic June 15th. The eleventh annual Toronto -Brun •elite; picnic will be held in Hign Park on Saturday, Juno 15th. The location is the North -half of area number 0, bent; south from the foun thin. Everyone is planning a splen- did afternoon's amusement, consist- ing of games, rases and baseball. Tell your friends and come and join us in the sports. What Will Brussels Bowlers ,Wear? This year the well dressed bowler should wear brown leather .shoes, cream flannel trousers, plain or wide striped, a :due coat and a white felt hat. Shirt Reeves and suspenders v v ,e � t e ' - � will 1 taboo. ult was the d ccs ign of the Dominion Lawn Bowling Association et its annual meeting in Toronto. To Serve Western Church.; '4\einghem Advance: --D. K. Perrie B. A., sun of few. lir, D. Perrie, of Wingham, heft Wednesday for North 11attl. ford, Sask., wl,rn•e he has been invited is preach for a call, On Tues*lay evening in St. Andrew's Church, Mr. Perris received a (Ines - ins* gown from the. choir. Mr. F. J. Hill staking the presentation in plea, in cnngrnutlatory words, to which Mr. Pe'rril• made a feeling reply. The One Horse Weekly. On another eeen this week rk i pub, Belied Bruce P-a,ce's femme story of "Tee On Aor,.'. 'sties;Ly,`, o)' which The Brussels Post is one. This story has been haled a, a ciao. is by Canadian newspaperman, and is of• intense interest to every reader of The Post or any other eommunit'I' paper, portraying as it does with such fine veracity the ,job of getting„ out a weekly newspaper. Warning Given. A warning to patent medicine coin panics against the practice of having sample pills and patent me,l.icine: thrown :at the boors of householdcer 'for advertising purposes was issued by Hon. W. H. Price, attorney-genr- a1. He ordered an inquest into the death o£ Audreytrimmrt Irteh r, r •i. who shed after eathnit pills th it eel been left at her doer, "Com- panies should discontinue this prac- tice," said the attorney -general. Attended, Presbyterial Eighteen ladies from Melville church W. M. S. Auxiliary, attend- ed the annual meeting of Maitland Presbyterial held at Wingham on Tuesday of last week. The outside speaker was Mrs. D. Ritchie, of Point Edward, who gave a very fine ad- dress on "The Ministry of the Wo - mem" Mrs. Ritchie is the wife of Rev, D. Ritchie, who supplied here for a summer during the pastorate of the late Rev. Dr,'Itoes. PIGS and Calves for Sale; 2 litters Yorkshire Pigs ready to wean; and 3 Durham calves, 3 weeks old. .1. P. McIntosh, Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey Phone 55-6. 4S-tf. Dv You Deal with Bernie & McLeod Walton? It will pay you. See this list -A car Redpath Sugar just arrived, prices down again, 100 Iles, 3.5.40. 2 cans Corn, Peas or Tomatoes, 25c; 2 lbs Thome son's Seedless Raisins, 25c; Com goleum Rugs at a big cut. Bring us your Eggs, we pay you all we can. A Square deal for everybody Bernie & McLeod, Walton, 48-1 PARTIES Requiring Pasture Should apply to S. W. Barr, Phone 51-8 or 12-12. 47-1. PURE BRED Single Combe White Leghorn baby Chicks for sale. Good laying strain, around 29th of May. Wm. McInnis, Phone 838 FOR SALE -Child's bed with springs • and mattress. Phone 104x. HOUSE and Property for sale. Ap• ply to Miss Ella Woods, Brussels, Phone 22x. 47-t1, LEAVE Your Orders for Flowers and hanging baskets at Mrs. Bal- lentyne's Store where they will have prompt attention by Chas. V. Cooke, Clinton. Orders also taken for Celery and Tomato plants. 47-2. BABY CHICKS -Barred Plymouth Rocks. 0. A. C. strain, May 15c each. Single Comb White Leg- horn, Barron strain, May 14c each; also dry summer wood for sale. Dan. McKinnon, Brussels, Phone 23-16. 4345 -t5 HATCHING EGGS For Sale -Single Combo White Leghorns, bred -to - lay. Alex: Perrie, Phone 25-15. 45-tf. BARRED ROCK Hatching Eggs for sale, $3. per 100; 50c per 15; Roy Sanderson, Con. 1, Turnberry, Wroxeter Phone 616-16. 43-tf. FOR SALE -White Blossom Sweet Clover Seed, Government tested, No, 1. $4.00 per bus. Thos. Bol- ger. Con. 8, Morrie. Picone 56-14 43-tf. YELLOW BLOSSOM Sweet Clover S, -ed, Government tested for sale. Apply to Ray Crawford, Lot 18, Con. 14, McKillop, Seaforth phone 243-32. 41-1:1 FOR SALE -Timothy and Alsike M1lixture, 27% Alsike @ 10c s lb ; Pure Timothy @ $4 a bus.; Yenow Blossom Sweet Clover @"$5 per bus.; White Blossom Sweet Clover 3:4.50 a bus. All government graded and tested. Russell Dou- gherty, Lot 18, Con. 17, Grey. Phone 37-19. 40-41. Another Anne Nichols Play on Screen Here. Another of Anne Nichols' plays has crone to the screen. The famous author of the equally famous "Ab- ei's Irish hose," which ran more than five peen; in New York City, shat- tering ill world rrto ds, has contri- buted d :mother her sparklingklingpla s lo the silvcreheet. The nnv picture is Ju.tMarried," adapted from Mise Nichols' stage farce of the same title. It is to be at the Grand on Monclay and Tnesrlay. "Just Married" is a rollicking farce with most of its act- ion taking place on board a trans- Atlantic liner. Eight principals fig - lire in the plot and they become en- meshed in a net of complications from which there semis to be no possibility of extricating them. It is without question one of the most amusing films _to be shown in many menthe, and one which, ht addition to its humor, has suspense that rivets one's attention on the semen throughout the length of the picture. • 'i .4 �It • • . . . ii L'°a� ` n.,11 Character and . l r l 4 l Individuality as Banks course of development of a banking policies are formed, habits main - and methods practiced which are and intimately connected with the that gave them birth. It is these that give a bank individual ober:toter a man in leaking bis financial In offering our services, e e solicit regarding Bank of Commerce as affecting your own business. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 'r„ waren w amarpamared STANDARD BANK OF CANADA TN TIM business tained peculiarly lnstituttoro things that influences affiliations. your enquiries policies THE THE QUEEN'S HOTEL BRUSSELS Thursday, May 16th . KNIGHT Will display 'tgomplete lint of Ladies' Gents HAIR ;DS Including Patent Str Advice on all Scalp At, : °,nes and the use of Ineeto Rai. See demonstration of uewmy Wave -a -Mould Machine at the Hotel. Phone Hotel for appointment The W.T.Pember Stores Limited 120 YONGE ST., TORONTO ONTARIO To Correspondents. We have several correspondents on our list who we have not heard from for some time. We would ask you if possible to renew your efforts for us as we are desirous of having every locality in this veinity repre- sented in our paper each week. If you are out of supplies drop us a lino and we will be glad to forward same at once. Snappy Titles Describe Latest Backstage Movie. "Mix a beautiful girl with two men -one good, one rich. Add Broadway's gaieties, heartaches and temptations. And you have a ting- ling, refreshing, 1929 -style "Man- hattan Cocktail." This is the way the sparkling backstage melodrama in which Nancy Carroll and Richard Arlen are co-starred is described by the title writers. This is the biggest step upward for these two Paramount players and, according to advanceue information,theyare the biggest things foud in moving pictures 111 a long time. In addition to the two stars, "Manhattan Cocktail; which the Grand theatre will show this Fri- day, has severalsequences in which Marian Morgan's beautiful dancers show off to good advantage. Minor Locals. Caught any trout yet? Read the advertisements. A week from Friday is May 24th. Soft all is the next sport on the programB,, - Ernie Cardiff is having is house reshingled. The music of the lawn mower is with us again. The foot ball has made its appear- ance on Victoria Park. Thursday, June 13, is the day set for Huron Co. at the 0. A. C. It's taking a long time for the leaves to get out this spring. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of Brussel; Women's Institute will be held on Friday afternoon of this week at 3 o'clock in the Public Library. The Financial and all other reports will be given and election of officers held. Mrs. Harold Speir will give a paper on "Women's Opportunities and Re- sponsibilities." Payment of fees for coming year is the Roll Call, All the girls and ladies of the community are eligible for membership and the fee is twenty-five cents, Come one, come all and make next year the banner year of our Institute. Severe Penalty. tccasionally it happens that some one "ens mail from the post office belong.. "s,to someone else which has 1iiadvcrtenf'1r been put into the wrong box. In a "'bulletin issued by the i'ost Office Dep;utnlent, passing a- long information aa. .snnnuncernent, we note that a man at Holland'L '1ti- ing, Ont., was sentenced to 60 days imprisonment for wilfully keeping a post letter which was not his pro, party. In future, if you should get a letter in your mail to which you are not entitled, see that it is re' turned to the postoffice at once. Rin -Tin -Tin Due in "Land of Silver Fox" Life in the bleak atmosphere of a Hudson Bay trading post, the pur- suit of the silver fox through the snowy wilderness, desperate hand- to-hand conflicts, and the thrilling exploits of Rin -Tin -Tin, for the sake of two unfortunate lovers -the: a are a few of the many tense and colorful sequences of "Land of the Silver Fox," which conies to the Grand Theatre, Friday and Saturday, May 24th and 25th. "Land of the Silver Fox" combines the gripping action the romance and tense melodrama for which Rinty's pictures have come to be, noted. In the supporting cast are Leila Hyams, Carroll Nye, John Milian i ' n and Thomasantachi. How- arda S J Smith adapted "Land of the Sil- ver Fox" from a•Charies Condon story Ray Enright directed. A big added attraction will be a 2 -reel Charlie Chaplin in "Easy Street." Chanlin was at his best in his famous 2-reel- ers and Brussels audience will now have a chance to see his fine work. Dominion DOTO111 ion Dominion 1 otuinion Dominion TIRES S YesSir ! At Your Service Plan your gas and oil needs so you can drive m when near, You will get gasoline with quicker pick -up -greater power and more mileage plus service that is quick and satisfactory. When you buy accessories you can always be assured of of quality plus service, 1130 x 13 Thai Crnds,.......,, , ,,$10 25 30 x 8s Endurance ('t.rdx ..., ..., .., 8 60 30 x 3 Casings $5,(:(1 ; Tul is trek..., ... 1 25 Royal Cord 29 x 440 (nr n41 ......... 10 50 Royal Cord 29 x 440 pubes .................... 2 CO Battet■ C, Volt 11 Plate I3attcrh's ..............$ 10 8 CO10 r les it Volt 11 Ilntr Iliavy 73a,tterits ., ,.. 0 Volt 18 Plate Patierits .......... ... 12 CO Phone 9x 0. H. SPROULE BRUSSELS (10-4 •Afgai PLAY BALI ! Soft Balls Bats Gloves, Etc. New Stock on hand vesemeseitreffarsimilass Regular $1.35 Rq Value for Colonial Club Shay, Cream Toilet Water plan's Talcum fi Save Your Poultry By using Dr, ;fess' Roup Tablets Dr, Hess' Diarrhae Tablets 100 Fifteen Grain Tablets 50c Raw Cod Liver oil An Excellent food for Young and Growing Chi In Bulk Quantities Air 4+ , : ee M`:. o4iM :Y'. telsett le, eettCr' Set «eteeeleeree r« -'4; ,4-3te eeee .feet • 4 Wall Paper An excellent assortment of the newest designs colorings in Wall Papers at very moderate pric Remnants of Wall Paper stock may now be ' See them, .t-:t_eW44-i»4...Wi",it` .:+i-4 :!+',4: i .`..1x1+41444«j..t414 Alien's Drug Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Pens Druggist and Stationer Ranking High, Master Ronald Sinclair, Jr., of Miami, Florida, and a grandson of W. M. and Mrs. Sinclair, of Brussels, is having good success in his exams. In his last three, he took 91, 97 and 98 % in Algebra, Latin and English. Cannot Spear With Light. Sportsmen are advised the' it is nteary to the Game' and Fisheries Act to sieeer fi5ii with the aid of a light. It has become quite common throughout the country to run an automobile alongside of a stream, turn the lights on the water and catch fish in large quantities. Several prosecutions have taken place of persons guilty of infractions of this law. HGatr EOWARDS.-1n Lonttun. on May 4th, to Mr. and Mra. 1.orge N Edwards, a .on. STADII'ER.-Tn Tnrnberry Township, on. Sat. nrdny, May 4th to Mr, and Dire Frank Stamper,a son (James Wendell.) UIED 6AZLEWOOD.-In Wrosel er, on Tu.esdaT, May 7tit, 15213, Lucinda Johnson, 1n her Bath year BTJOBANAN.-Suddenly, at Wingham, on Thursday, May 0th. Mary. widow of the late Frank Buchanan SucceF SA TT Imp1x O'ol' for to W acres of Lot e8, on th On the premd atone wall and ed end batte,iet stable; AIN° alien sold will be rents 48.11 NO All outstanding ane tba Ethel Store ma}t b otherwise they will be p for collection. ANDR r1% fw A preIDa Friday and Saturday Our Coat Shop offers SFecially Smart Coats Every Coat is new and skilfully tailor- ed from Fashionable spring Fabrics -- Fine Broadcloths Imported Tweeds art Bradford.tf:Tricotines All at Popular Prices 2Ii'f..' l' You'll be delighted with the choice you make from this fine collection. Nouse Cleaning Time A visit to our Curtain and Furnishings De- psrtment will easily solve your worries at this season. Butter'ick Patterns Nemo -Flex Corsets KING BROS. WINGHIAM ONTARIO r�