HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-15, Page 6MA'Y 15th, 19
For Clear -thinking and Quick•acting
p Q 3'Ji.016, to.PAonCiln+.
T H IIS R U ISS IE L" (nn ahowlt 1 le,
in the land in safety and prosperity
only if they obeyed I•linl, Spout. 1 h' I rrndThre
20.) Jeremiah repeats this promiso
front God ; "Ainend your ways and! (211,,) c
your doings, and I will' muse you to Arthur W. Clutha, Chicago whoa)
' dwell in this place." They did no(` king (s ereeth% a betel la hie na•
and God had to drive thein out. I Live
i111 city
tbof Gael , O tarIo, which
More than once He had to disposewie i will Je °a rate 4 golf sours
lois people from their land sides it, abet pleasure park will be also
was given to Abraham ; but the tante ' pstaliliehed, the whole undertaking
is Minting when they will posseds In volving
an expeaditure of about
that land forever, as they recognize
the Lord Jesus as their Messiah and ; The sumptuous nor Solarium
return to Hint in faith and obedience, 1 lounge Raas t Into
ondive a by the
r Zionism we see the begrnings of
LI Trans -Canada Limited
rear with al! the 1FL1�1-S1 1 lr Z aboard the
bran of the ■ �9lStC =¢c�, t the land in unbuhtf, wnulament
hich • t bring nicknamed the mustard
( heat J�
who e w L1 _ : i return to i f, ; s
f will change later to belief.
"Religion" has always been con••
sp oven -baked shreds of hole wheat --light, nourishing ventiunally popular. Like those who songers with mustard vitiators as it
and strengthening -Delicious with milk for breakfast or go to church regularly, and are Pune- was recently claimed in rna1un3
Banes about certain religious forma il that these were more effective than
This eonten-
„ d, however, and
saes th paper inserts in e ` ' p Lord." And
the trouble Y the ratJway le
1 God said, in comment on this expos- I dazing the end sun room of the
' "'�' t sion. ""Trust ye not in lying words," ear with special vita -glass, wbich
\e' Many centuries later Christ said tate' admits the ultra -violet and most
thing ; "Not every one that
piaster car". It was facetiously
suggested by railway cfficlals that
the company should provide pas^
luncheon. Ready cooked, readyto-eat.
S rich package.
Iffiest: men of Judah said very pious.' uotnawastedlSptove
i 1 the temple of the Lod { h1 taken b
Sunday School Lesson
(editor of The Sunday School TImoel
saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall ea-
ter into the Kingdom of Heaven ;
but he that doeth the will of my
;Father which is in Heaven." (Malt,
i 7 ;21.)
Then Jeremiah tells them bluntly
le -<un what sins they have to give u- p It
The call from God's Temple is a familiar listsellas popular sins
i obedience, of today There is nothing new in
Sunday, May ie. ---Jeremiah 7 ;1-1 Obedient Living means Safe Liv- sin ;the newest sins are the sante old
20 ling. ones. Corruption, graft, Covetous -
i Lelieinn without Right eou.eness is neat, dishonest money -making, gong -
, stealing, false
Bee. •rain
No 1e •s ct ,
e a g
of +* h
Golden Text in„ t help
and r will lie your Sine Must Ile Put Away. tclultry and even murder—Them
Oban, Mye Sin De., crate God's house. were the sins of moss murder—These
God, and 2 shall be My people, (Jar- pin First of all, and at the roott Peo-
ple. 7 ; 23) • The Sere hand of P sobcdicnc'e•
1 God Persistent. Pleading,. it all, was thrix false religion, wor-
a twince r'ul ohms Vern, sl nMr, rasion i declared in shipping other gods. There is prob-
One n th.. m ably more false religion, strange
in the entire Bible s the patience et this eh leLf •'thr,in;:hou•-.<tthe
d of I other
i cotta. and actual idolatory of one
God. U begins m G . nc ir. and it p r' . a,
continues steadily, pens `relit';, pre- What we neet the word that came stat or another in Canada and the
to Jeremiah ia.r from th,. Lord." The � United States and other so-called
t T
vaili , straight
for fano mii]_tr etas and
prophet wa teal to e roe.laire `'this i ('.hristian hinds to -day than ever be-
more, ,traigve throusn for :.rely- ornot merely glee: fore: in the Christian era,
books to Revelation, and then on for word." God tail
m n thought 'd •ns, un -1 When sin and religion are brought
l thousandradiative
year lamer. It ;j - I l r ,tan ling: ; H „ave them the very
like the radiance of a beautiful. 3, is }} a eertnin hrarenn, 5s is seen
,e"rrt• in which Hie truths and pr's -1 which is shocking. These wor-
throughout this. lesson chapter, h{ppc.ra costae and stood before God
But the patience of God ne r Iris r were to be declared. I s
means that weak, eharact rle+modem
0 c n I i Lord's house had been built.: in His house with their abominations,
(toning of ins from that mod , n we ceding to God's direction, 08 a and the prophet says ; "Is this house,
philosophers and sometime; relie£eus vi -:hie dwr;lliac place for God among I which is called my name, become a
teachers would offer a With Gee's His chosen people. The prophet was 1donhi of robbers in your -eyes?" The
patience there was, and is, and cel- told to ,tand in the gate of the Lord's i Lord Jesus said the same thing
ways will be, His right•en•ta intol••r- house and declare His message to Ju -1 (:,teat. 21 ;13) ; "My house of pray-
anee of sin. Because II knows, P., deli. This intensified the reality of er ; but ye have made it a den of
no man can know. the :n.,ralci:bie the fact that God was actually speak -thieve_:'
and deadly character of sin He van- ing to His people. were lav 1 Why did not Godblot such a peo-
•Ivva - Tic must con- The land in which they.i pleout from His sight? His amazing
not condone et u Y people 'patience is the answer. I seeks
demo it utterly, Hie ri hteoue jut]• ing had been promised to this eo le pato you, risingtheonly answ and speak- o[ me seen
gement of sine rum t• .angle tt ie 1,500 years earlier, in God'' coven•'the harbour rail system, carried
chapter also. ant with Abraham. But God had ing but ye. heard not ; and I called the governor-Generalrmiand many
Here are outstanding; points in the plainly told them that they could live but ye answered not." One thinks of distinguished w terners.
beneficial rays of the sun, was
Officials of the C. P R. In - the
east can nay speak to their con-
freres in the west—as in connec-
tion with the recent improvement
and extension of the railways tele-
were also throwcarrier system n telephone
The community of globe trotters
who made a circuit o the globe
Suring the winter ahoy e the Can-
adian Pacific liner Empress of
Australia eoutributed a series of
remarkable items to the social
a newspapers
of the
York p
,-• vessel terminated her
when the':
voyage tom,• An engagement, a
marriath of five
children to andaJapaneeer passenger
hint n ofre tCapta n nLatte,icommang in n-
lr•r of the cruise ship, somet'.bfn
hitherto unrecorded in seafaring
annals. The five Japnese babies
were appropriately named the "Ein-
Prose of Australia," "Empress of
See -timid," "Empress of Prance,"
'Empress of Canada,' and 'Em-
press of Russia," after the giants
of the Canadian Pacific fleet. 'fhe
babies were canaries.
D. C. Coleman, vire-president of
western lines of the Canadian Pa-
cific Railway, has been elected a
director of the Metropolitan Life
insurance Company of New Tore,
The only other Panadian director
Is of Ithe Province ofhQuebeereamc Premier
A tunnel built at a cost of $250.-
000 makes it now possible for
trains from North Vancouver to
connect with the Canadian Pacific
Trantainsmaking nnee of teas new conl system The -
necting link that else makes use
n • narrows bridge and
Dlscovertes'1'lirow New Light on Can,
dltione 14 Mamie
of Prelt)atoele Cave-Pwellens,
llelnttrkab1e discoveries, throwing
new light in the temditfous of life in
I3rItain in Roman times are reported
froth various parts of the country.
They include, says au article in the
London Daily C1i1•nutolt, relied of the
Cave -dwellers of 12 0e0 yecu'u ago
discovered in Gough's Cave, tawdrier;
a section of a fossilized submarine
forest dlsciosed at 13 Ude; ituntan
Sacrificial Altar and dungeon un-
earthed at Caetlean,
The discoveries et Cheddar reveal
that a cultured, artietie people live(!
in Fough's gave, and ran a factory
Inc tasking lively -worked lmple-
meuts, at a time when lluglaud is
supposed to have been overrun by
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Cream. 1 cent per lb. Butter Fat
extra paid for all Cream delivered
at our Creamery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Brussels Creamery Co.
Phone 22 Limited
Inter of "The te long-suffering Ceefurour ies Funerals and weddings can :old
Lord is 't•tleation" (2, Pet 3 •15)
faithfully 11
no terrors Inc Captain Frank Mld-
rc dleton, of the Canadian Pacific
But Godwarns y at u y that ship "Alberta," wan has been pre-
, there will come a time when He will seated with no Ices then three lop
have to act in judgment if they hats' As catttain in emeT401 Sault
reject Hint He would not qtr aleeerte P.irt McNllieetl and Fort
Striking revelations of the lives
and habits et the early men of Wes-
sex are expected In the near future,
following scientific examination of
remarkable cave peen remains recent-
ly dlecovered in Gough's Cave,
Sir Arthur Keith, who has examin-
ed some of the remains, states that
the discovery 15 "a very important
Fragmentary skulls I have exam-
ined," he said, "are a period of about
12,000 years ago.
"The remains can be aseoelated
with the Cromaguon people who liv-
ed' in eaves it the south of France at
that time."
Cave was discovered
ly thirty years ago by the Gough bro-
thers, 01 Cheddar, who leased it from
the laudowners and opened it to the
public. It because a famous chew
cave, and the tourist trestle grew to
that it
was a
such an ex
esti a
to widen the entrance,
It wee decided to carry out the
work 01 excavation with scientific
care, and the floor of the vestibule
of the cave VMS stripped off. It con-
sisted of limestone blocks, red earth
and pebbles to a ,lepth of fourteen
Thousands of prehistoric remains
were found, ranging from skull frau-
meats Lo flint flakes.
The most mysterious thing is a
baton, which setae experts connirl,•r
may be the ceremonial wand at a
cave magician.
I; was used, perhaps, to wave a
spell over the wild deer when the
ease man set out to hunt IL
This baton is made front a short
length of smooth reinde•,•1• antler. It
bears marks and ',erloretlons, and is
similar to one found in the case Just
before the war.
The same kind of rad has been
found in Continental caves, and sci-
entists have been mystified by them.
While some associate them with
magic, otaers Udall they were used
for straightening arrows,
Another striking discovery in
Gough's Cave is a few fox's teeth per-
forated for suspension. It is thought
that these, too, are connected with
magic and charms. '•
Other animal remains aro being
examined at the Natural History Mu -
Seoul, South Kr.nsing on. They re-
veal the exi.,tenee of gigantic red
deer and horses, oxc,n, reindeer,
wolves, and possibly Arctic fox.
Over 1.000 filet Implements and
flakes were discovered. Curve of these
display careful workmanship, while
blocks of flint shove that the work-
men got their raw material froze the
shall country. the nearest of which
Is 27 miles from Cheddar••
The remahts also include gravers,
awls, scrapers, finely -worked knives,
ribbon-like blades, and geometrical
More work of excave-1100.1s being
planned for next spring.
e brei time this sea -
Ibe a God of righteousness unless Ilei William for W I tr10 ' at tach
r did. Their sacrifices mean inothing son. oecelne °"
point, he was r -even the tradstentf5
unless he did. Ther obedience ; weirnmhlr addrl•sa arch occasion.
;the fact that His house was at Jer- with a silk hat nn
i eusalern would not protect then any Hier neat
le whiinlee his00 nerp ° tin andit Is
!atore Shilohthan
ell. eel-heaedted
Years to swearlathem ala
Why does God plead with us so
patiently and persistently to aband-
on sin and turn to Him? Because He The feud that existed between La
,'knows that in is our worst enemy, Pour and Charnisay, two of the
land that He is our best friend. French rounders of Andel (now
Nova Scotia) led to one of the Sam-
; Although Scottish are s:•ewer to ons tragedies of history. On April
marry than either Lngfish or Welsh,
of the divorce courts. from his fort, St. John (on the site
1.3, 1015, during La Tour's absence
they have an average, larger
Statisties , prove that for every
three men aged between 75 and 30
there are four women. Tore' every
four then over 85 there are, seven
of St. John N. B.) was attacked by
his enemy, and 10 heroically defend-
ed by Madame La Tour that it was
only captured by treachery. Madame
La Tour died three weeks latex of a
broken heart it is said. ,
75. C. Man Invents ''Plane That can-
not (.rash.
John E. Hess, a resident of New
Westminster, H.C., is ibe inventor of
a new machine which he claima com-
bines the principles of the airplane
and the helicopter. and will revolu-
tionize aviation, He has securedCana.
tent righ tsian ainete alland
Hess claims, for his machine that it
can rise vertically from the ground,
and descend vcrtleally in a space less
than 30 feet square. Crashes, lie
Saye, will be impossible for tt, and in
addition to It beton able to rise and
descend like a helicopter, he says it
can also tape off and land In the same
manner as an airplane. The inventor
claims that It will lilt about feta,
times ct? much p.1,ei•-e;,e,er as an
airplane, and estimates that a ma-
chine weighing 160 politiesYn tw-
encl vertically at a sp•'
miles a mluute,
Lifting power in furnished by two
prnpelh•rs, made of duralumin, fast-
ened on vertical shafts. The machine
is tailed the "heliroplane,"
It Pays to use
a special product,/ for every purpose- for every surface
kr hardwood
or inferior
Me fietwasl,
able paint
fr lolh
slain for/loars
S. e Davison
First World's Grata Congress.
The first World's Grain (`cingre:•s
to he 'held anywhere at any ;1010 will
loo staged in Regina in 1032, from
August 1st to 73th. This was decid-
ed at a meeting,' of various emit 10-
t• rests held in Toronto the other clay,
inelurlh 10 representatives of the Fed-
eral and Provincial Departments of
Agriculture and presided, over by
Hon. W. 11. Motherwell, Canadian
Minister of Agriculture. Sixty-five
delegates were present at the meet-
ing. It was derided to offer $200,-
200;000 in prices, though it Is quite pos-
that awardser mayrtaide retaeosth t ers of eee
Canada's Potato Crop.
Tho total potato crop in Canada in
1088 is estimated at 04 526,000 hun-
dredweight in a report issued by the
Departmebig increase overt of 1020, when thois tto-
tat was 46,468,000 hundredweight,
Thr 1018 crop le the laIgeat strop bar•
vested since 1024, when the total wail
66,648,000 hUndredwoight.
Turqu0106 miners are generally In
dry and barren regions.
the Master
Sales.,, an
10, the people of the earth do"me homage.
I am the herald of success for men, merchants,
manufacturers, municipalities anis nations.
Igo forth to tell the world the message of
serVice and sound merchandise. And the world
tens when 1 speak,
There was a day long ago, when by sheer
weight of superior merit, a business could rise above
the common level without me, but that day has
passed into oblivion. -
For those who have used me as their servant
I have gathered untold millions into their coffers.
1 Sell More Merchandise .a
per dollar of salary paid me than any other sales�jant 1
man on the face of the earth. The fabled lamp o1• °there
Aladdin never called to the service of its mastienoate a
genii half so rich and powerful as I am, to the t °tldl'ed on
who keeps ale constantly on his payroll.of Star. to
Jae Iohl19tan.
e last wilt
j• addr*eased,esses thesadtr
I Hold the a panic of t er
e01 e[ cur-
. or the secur-
ce that altar
of the seasons in the hallow of my hand, the Execu-
4bate th,, as-
mand the legions of fashion, mold the stylesst til° par-
lead the world whithersaever I go. I drive un"°they 8h r.
cipled business to cover, and sound the death-k~L'0 sa a J
of inferior merchandie. Frauds are afraid of me t,m y—
cause I march in the broad light of day. cyte a
Whoever Makes Me
Their Servant
for life takes no chances.on drawing down dividends
from my untold treasures bestowed with a lavish
I have awakened and inspired nations, set mil-
lions of men to fight the battles of freedom beyond
the seas and raised bjllians of dollars to foot the
bills. Nations and kings pay me homage and the
business world bows at my feet.
1 sow broad fields for you to reap a golden
1 Master Salesman at Your Service
r Avrt tisi
0 --
Waiting Your Command
The ost