HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-15, Page 4WUDNF.6TzA.Y, MAY 15th, give Vriostio W10DN10owDAY, MAY ,'15th, 19' MAY., 1929 T W ,T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 26 27 28 29 30 31 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ANNUAL MEETING -_ HELD AT WI'NGUAM Mrs, 17 t. Perrie Heads Maitland Presbyterial of W. M. S. For This Year, The fifteenth annual meeting of the Maitland Presbytery of the W. U. S., of the Presbyterian church of Canada, was held in St, Andrew's Presbyterian chore,,, Wingham on Tuesday. Mrs, Rev, D. Perrie, presi- dent of the Presbyterial presided at the sessions which were held morn ing and afternoon. The morning, session opened with singing and de•. votionaI exercises led by Mrs. An- derson and Mrs. Campbell of Bal - grave auxiliary, after Which en- couraging reports front the following departments were given by the sev• eral secretaries. Home Helpers, Glad Tidings, Supply, Library and Literature, Welcome and Welt/ire. Young Women's Mission Band, May Hatched Chicks Barred honks 180 each 9, C. White Legborns 17e each Hatching Biggs from April to July Do each Above pri0es are For eustomers costing to the ftu•m fo'r their purchase. ()bloke are sunt in regular boxes but customers nxuet furnish container for Eggs. a Founts? deed If you are in need of a new 13rooder Stove, Hoppers, eto , let ale quote ]prices on Royal egnip ment, C. G. CAMPBELL Thune 131vtb 10 LI AL'13URN, ONT. rRE **U3$l L,S Pooer timber cuperatraotnre with con- e • BBE THOUGHTS ,,• For This Week • 1 iilolo 1'hogtht6 momorizod w111 props . Pr aol,l.p boding. In. der Y4.f•+, SUNDAY, God is not a man, that he sh lie.—Ntun, 23:19, i-•-1 p, p all my holy mountain; for the cart,, Morris 1. Grey armee- Club C i11r: o Stop, Look and Lipstickin' A traffic light Means "stop". when red; But lips that' are ditto Mean "go ahead." But a lip that's crimson Sometimes smears; Then it's time to slow down And shift your gears, i;1t> A floating item in many papers conveys the interesting information that dresses are now being made of cloth manufactured from banana peelings. Ah, we know—not a dress but a slip, 1 canto "Sixty-five percent suffer from de- fective vision," says an oculist, Shut up. The referee may ne right after all, motor. Insanity is said to be decreasing, ! Maybe it's because so many things ta.4 that used to be considered crazy aren't any more. Q h 9 ache That is, the more the girls lave eletiles in eonjunetion with the W. M, S, of of EdgeWpo(l 5X Shingles leS' The less they wear, 1 Presbyterial, Teeswater. was. repres- corning about May 15th, Get ?ot'o ; —�y My Wile IT:7e Play a 13anj Dolmen to accept Westerrn, Feed 'gats bat Now S110 Picks on Me." Rockwood, rpt Hard to Reconcile, ingjfG�'lrc' S1na thing the present fasltlan les rather ' Tho Spring meeting of the Bruce shows Presbytery, United Church of Cana. Is rte • er queer: Ida, was held at Wiarton on Tuesday entedat the meeting: Rev. W. J. i Taylor has resigned his charge at o ccs t elle llastot'ate our paces, The gvening Hymn. ,r th to arrive about May 25th The just great 'issues across the t1= bolder now consist of the height n m riTorllt, F1' • I Screenings a11Ci some t0 e h er 13a tuna.' may be raised, alit anti Tainlemente--The undersigned ttillZOC on hand. whether Babe Ruth's legs will toil,, auetioneer'lute been instructed to sell at the home of the proprieor,� Turn - berry Street North, nl'uasels, on Fat- urday, May lath, at 2 o'cloelt sharp, the following: 1 team of horses: 1 AUCTION SALE A theb i d 1l AUCTION SAID 0l r 1t MONPAT. r out through the coming baseball sun- '.Chey shall not hurt nae destroy in 1 son, shall be -tun of the knowledge of r phone 46 Jehovah as the waters cover the sea. _Isaiah 11:9, Wingham Junior Mission Band pre- sented a pleasing exercise, after which the closing words were given by Miss A. McCallum of Kincardine and the closing prayer by Mrs. A, Forbes, Teeswater. The ' evening meeting, at which both ladies and gentlemen were pres- ent, was presided over by Rev. lir. Perrie Wingham, and the address was given by Mrs. D. Ritchie of Point Edward, The ladies of the congregation of St Andrew's church, Wingham, eere- Frees, Life Membership and Corre• i sponding Secretary. snowing, pro -1 grecs along every line. The trees nrer's statement was given as fol• 1i lows : in 1927, $4;799..1,•1 was rais- ed ain I Goderich, May 10. ---The by-law ed or $582 over the allocation, In all Ontario. The various counties 1928, the allocation was $4,975 and granting a Heed tiescinerit on the have been grouped for the visit to 1928, the was raised, new million ba.:h�-1 annex to the God- $5,595.25 od- the Royal city and Tuesday, June 13 trick Elevator and Transit Company tl rite for Huron county. The $50D being, a (c;tla: roma Breit. by the rate-• this re e er- directors for the election of officers, J. 1. Hunt was elected president, G. L. Parsons, vice-president and tress urer, and R. G. Sanderson, secretary, It was decided to add two director,, to he named later. The usual quar- terly uaytei'ly dividend, payable July 1, wail passed. The company has already under way a construction program involving an outlay of $360,000, For the financing of this, it is the in- tention to apply the surplus provided from year to year. y . ed dinner and supper in the Sunday FARMERS WEEK AT school room, and much favorable ARM comment upon the excellence of the meals was heard on all sides. June 13 is Alloted to Huron Co ,ELEVATOR BYLAW Splendid Program Has Be DEFEATED BY 15 t---t TUESDAY. But ever follow that which is good both among yourselves, and to all ,nen.—I. Thess. 5:15, WEDNESDAY. For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded. ' --Isa. 50:7, 1 THURSDAY Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for 1. am thy God, —Ise, 41:10. FRIDAY. Behold, the tabernacle of God is 0. A. C. NEXT MONTH with men, „and he will dwell with them.—Rev. 21:3. SATURDAY. Sp en rogram s en He loveth righteousness and judg• Arranged. ment; the earth is full or the good - nese of the Lord,—Pea. 33:5, Farmers week at the Ontario May Be Principal W h '2 to be PERTH COUNTY Goderich Fixed Assessment Pro- - - This Is Your Luck F. Nlekta former Attorney - Fails to Carry— Needed held on June 17, 18, 19 and 20 ac- general of Ontario, is being mention -1 Albert Schmidt, of Milverton, who — Londoner cording to word received by district If you treat Sore Throats, Bronchitis ed at successor to Dr. Bruce Taylor is the owner of several goats,' has Two -Thirds Vote airriaaltural re resentative. The Croup, •Cough, Bronchial Asthma, who has resigned as principal of one that on. Wednesday morning Again President of the Gode-p Head Colds, Catarrh and Tonsil ills Queens University. rich Elevator Company. Farmers' week at the U. C. is an with Mrs Sybiila Spahr's Tonsilitisgave birth to a quartette of kids. P 4,..rieulturai College, Guelph, r. 1 annual oceurence which is looked Good results or money back. Sold w •and to by farnters of practically by F. It, • . 1 Druggist, B le Smrtt, cosec plied, affably. 'Probably my fathe COME AGAIN They were very much in love, but; at length came the day when they g CANDAL , Actions for $10,000 and $600 a- r," gainst George Tune, of Stratford, by Henory Fetter, and George Fetter, Kitchener, and II, J. Sims, K. C. also of, Kitchener, were suddenly called b t f 1; u^ r tt (. off at the Supreme Court, Kitchener, cl( •atop was voted un other rountse in coup a had a bitter -quarrel and parted, each , i Monday afternoon as the plaintiff's gels lady. 1g,,.re itis., 11 ht memh a els of Goderich to -day and was chi,. There are to auxiliaries with a p y' ;> below Halton, Waterloo, Dui;erm, Perth, resolved never to see the other again.. Ponnsvhnnia man who speaks 1A were bringing their case to a close. 1 r of tlr•,i,ated by a margin of 1 ,rears passed, anti they had air -.cost ,tinge:ees leasjust married a woman membership of ,,7L, an increase ,truce and Grey. A settlement .for $2,500 and costs, 26the required two-thirds of the total l'ie' program consists os inspect- forgotten the little love affair, when • who speaks only nine, but we'll het including the three actions, was ar- e noon . N -glen o genet, with vote pollen. The vote sew 'a0 ani, ion of crops, the farm at the col- one day they came face to face at the on tint lady. ;rived at. The aft f 1 200 agttict t, The vote in detail tea, devotional x, rcisee conducted bylegis, and the live stock, besides a . ea said C=—]aft I The following cheese was shipper, Mrs, John Bennett Ind Mrs. R. arc- a follov:.;: — program promoted by code •e ale. from Atwood on Thursday last ; El For Again4 You Understand Auxiliary, rats• y T bought lighter for cigars 'uta 192 bucca , 'Maitland, fib , 1 Jersey cow fresh s weeks, 1 Jersey cow fresh a months; 1 Jersey cow fresh 1 menthe; 1 Jersey heifer le anus, old; 1 Jersey heifer calf 2 months 1 Jersey heifer Balt 11 months; 1 wage. 1 gravel box, 1 light wagon; 1 Bab' wagon nearly new. with box and shelvnlg; 1 cutter; 1 McCormlok..6-foot mower; 1 ptow: 1 disc hari•oW; 1 set team barnees, new; 1 set Slagle har- ness: 1 large ',eater tn'O 5l'{1 2 oll drums; 1 slush :weeper, new; 1 hen house 12x16 feet, either as a whole or in sections; 1 Melotte Cream Separator nearly now; 1 washing machine; 1 sewing machine. Other' artidies too numero50 to mention. Sale unreserved as Proprieer has sold his property. Terms—Sums of 510 and under cash: 'over that amount 4 months credit given on. furnishing approved joint notes- a per cent per annum eft for cash on credit amounts. Land tenors for security. Ja,nee Taylor', Louis Williamson, Auctioneer, Proprietors seaside. The man felt emarrassed, but softly: "Why Mauro?" "Let ale see," she said, calmly, 'was it you or your brother who used to be an old admirer or miner' "I really don't remember," he re- ew- t. Whinney, of Dun ta.nnun s ,1st tart'. j» Oo d 1 1 • , C 40. The Fors, W. J. 1- n !o,' an pr• -ids>nt of 3k 3g, } 7` dud from icl etches the Wingham anile erne in a few i 1I 36 It lighted with a snap at first l cheese was sent to Ingersoll Packing 1 t' d 'i ' Dirt it lights with matches 1 Co , and the price paid 1S r c. $25000 DAMAGE IN CONFLAGRATION To save my s , 1 rt' GO ; Silver Corners well-chosen word;;, we'.+our.., rF, ". , , tt noty legates to Winah.arn and to St. An-' .l Word has been received at List - Pritchard church to which air-. J A. ' t'8li ._ 1 owe, the appeal of rthe case of r; heater that the r convicted of in the Lis - Following of Sl« leswurth replied. Following this the president's ad -1 7 towel police court for _ second of - dress by Mrs, Perrie Was' heard with much pleasure as well as profit. 61 59 44 1.1 Cause of Fire is Unknown; Loss Partly Coved by Insurance Exeter, May 11—The entire plant of the Exeter Salt Works was burn ed down at an early hour this morn- ing and the damage is estimated at $25,000, partially covered by insur- ance. The works are located near the railroad from the residential section of the town and when the fire was first noticed and the alarm turned in at 3.45 o'clock it was well under way. Fortunately the wind was in the right direction blowng the burn- ing fragments and shingles away from the town and the surrounding gas tanks and grain elevators. The cause of the fire is unknown, no one being near the plant. Al- though the plant had been operating night and day it was closed down last night at six o'claek to cool the brine pans which had developed a few min- or leaks which required repairing. A large crowd gathered regardless of the very early hour, no doubt due to the continuous ringing of the fire bell which wits kept up for fifteen minutes. A •rotate 3.6 200 1 Officers Installed r SHAREHOLDERS MEET. The report of the Provincial con . Thu annual general meeting of the vention held two weeks ago at Hamtor and Transit Company, Limited, ilton was given by one of the dole- shareholders of the Goderich Elova gates, Mrs. W. J. Henderson, The was held in Mackay Hall here to -day. report of the nominating committee There was a representative atten- and installation of officers followed. dance in person and very fully by The installation prayer was given by proxy. The usual routine business Mrs. D ,Ritchie of Point Edwarit was dispensed in customary manner, The following are the officers for The same directorate was re-elected, the ensuing year : President, Mrs, the directors being as follows,J. I. A. Rev, D. Perrie. Winuhaat ; 1st vice- 1 Hunt, Charles R. Hunt, of London ; president, Mrs. R. McWhinney, Dun -1 M. McLaughlin, C. Watts, C. S. Band gannon ; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. A. of Toronto ;R. S. Stewart, of lalitch- Strachan„ Brussels ; 3rd vice-presi• ell, and G. L. Pearsons, of Goderich. dent, Mrs. Rev. A. Forbes, Tees- • At a subsequent meeting of the water ; 4th vice-president, Mrs. J. R. ! - McKay, Kincardine ; 5th vice- C president, Mrs. (Dr.) Simpson, Kin-, Look At The Label tail ; treasurer, Miss M. It. MrIKen- On This Paper z}e, Kintail ; recarding-secretary, Mrs. W. J. Morrison, Kincardine ; corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. M. If Your Label Reads Carr, Wingham ; supi 'y secretary, Dec. 29— is+r ear sion Band secretary, Mrs. J. Link- ; and Cm.; gf]tiCt: 15 nr't for you. biter, Teeswater ; Library and Lit -1 There are mart,: of you and erature secretary, Mrs. J. J. Elliott,' we fele: van all. You are the Wingham ; Home -Helpers' secretary, Sall of the earth. M'rs. Thomas Simpson, Molesworth ; if Your Label Reads Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. A. Par - Mrs. C. H. Douglas, Lucknow ; Mis-' Your paper p { f `' terfieid, f1e1grave ; Welcome and Dec- 28 Welfare secretary, Mrs. f1. teGers, fir and 2.00 t, p;ict due, Wingham ; Press secretary, Mrs. It, Davidson, Dungannon ; Young Worn- If Your Label Reads alt's secretary, Miss Dottie Hender- Dec. 27. son, Lucknow ; Life Membership You o've for the last near as secretary, Mrs. J. J. Elliot, Wing' 11.211 els t'h•is—that is 5iton. Thi t'ar',1 pir'r is nnt pail ham. Mrs. Ritchie Was Speaker. The chief feature of the afternoort was an inspiring address delivcre•.l by Mrs. (Rev.) D, ,litems:, of Point Edward. • Mrs. Ritchie who is presi- dent of the Sarnia Auxiliary, chose as her subject, "The Ministry or the Woman of the New Testament," basing her remarks upon the words of Mark in his closing chapter, "Cer- tain woolen stood at the foot of the Cross." The speaker went on to show thnt even women's daily round of tail may bp made a service to the Master if performed in the proper sp}tit. 1Shel also stressed the import- ance of Women's influence over the young men and Young women tm• trusted to their care, showing that from these must come the ministers, missionaries and church workers in the future. She stressed the need of prayer and the aoneecration of our time our talents and our money. An invitation from Whiteehereli to hold the annual meeting' of there was gratefully accepted. The If Your label Reads Dec. 26. You owe for 2 wars In arrears and this year, 56,00 in all. .NOTIC;E—Fifty cents a year must must be added to above for suhtcr:piions in the Uri led Wates, The individual amount due is small: but the az re ate not. If one subscriber rtmlis to send hi= s3.rtn for one Year is matters lithe. But if 400, or 200, or 1o0 err 5n17 :whscrihers do the sani.: for one. two or more years, can you calculaite the lass? No men in husines'.c realizes the troth of the saying ",Many Pickles make a muckle." as much as the publisher cif a newspaper dries. Renew for The Pas Your Holme Paper Look at the Label ALLOT $205000 FOR GODERICH HARBOR Channel East of Elevators to be Widened and Concrete Pier Extended Extensive improvements to God• el•irh Harbor are provided for in the appropriations for harbors and riv- ers in Ontario, passed cast friday night in the House of Commons. The total appropriation is $2,633,300 of which $205,000 has been ciliated to Goderich. Hon. J. C. Elliot, minister of pub lie works agreed with the ssugl:,es tion put forward by Sir George Per - ley (Conservative Argenteuil) that, in the absence of many Ontario members, any item passed last Fri day night might be discussed when the house next sat in committee on estimates. The news that the appropriation for Goderieh has been passed was re- ceived with general satisfaction at the Huron County seat Saturday morning, The money will permit of the widening of the channel east of the elevators from 150 to 250 feet Considerable rock blasting and t dredging must be done. The North and South piers will al so be extended. This work was start 11 ec ast year and consists of replacing WS= "McLaughlin -Buick get- away, power, speed and easy riding surpass any car I have ever driven. I do not think there ever was a more beauti- ful car made." (Name upon request) MEN and women in every community have discovered that this dynamic car provides an advanced standard of motoring --that it out -runs, out -climbs, out -performs any automobile they have ever driven—that it is exactly what McLaughlin -Buick owners say it is; the finest performing automobile ever built! More than twice as many people have purchased McLaughlin-Buicks as any other automobile at or above its price. And additional thousands are getting be- hind the wheel, getting the facts and en- tering orders for McLaughlin-Buicks with each passing week. Matchless style, matchless comfort and, above all, matchless performance, are the reasons. Come, prove these things to your own satisfaction. Take the wheel of this car—test it against any other --and you, too, will join in the countrywide endorsement of McLaughlin-Buick!s 290 cLau Klin s�UL1C Alex. Anderson DEALER ------ --••-- BRUSSELS When BctterAwtomobi1Cs areStillt—Mcl'.au8tdln•?3uiekwilt i3(tilcl'ihem fence, against the L. C. A. and sent- enced to six months in jail, was dis- missed, and thus the case as decided by the police; magistrate here stands. William Eizerman, of Mitchell, has the contract for building a new $13,- 000 Lutheran Church at Monkton. Listowel will hold their municipal elections in December. BRUCE COUNTY. There is no unemployment in Walkerton at the present time, due to the needed repairs caused by the flood, new buildings and highway construction in the neighboring plac- es, Mildmayland, Hanover. Lucknow Horse Shoe pitchers have organized for the season. Dirs. Alex. L. Cherie, of Formosa, who disposed of her household ef- facts by public auction expects to leave early in June to join her hus- band at Alaska, Mr. Oberle went to Alaska last fall, has a good position there and likes the country fairly well, • NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ipthe platter of the.Eetate of 51 Addison Dunbar, lute of the Tr ship of Grey, 10 the County of Ate",,,,, Mi0er, deceased, 'TTad.> NOTICE is hereby given purse:tion "'rho Revised Statutes of 0,. , Chapter 121, that all creditors, had others having claims againet 01 tint tate of the said Lloyd A. Dunbar, died, on or absatue dame. Marek, A. D., nrequired ui. or before the lath day of May, A 1025, to send by post prepaid or delrad to 051•, a the Stanleyrl Dunbar, l ldlnin tstrator ef the d der ed, their Christian and surnames, The dresses and descriptions, the full 1. [leviers of their claims, the statern:aluz-. of their accounts and. the nature fes the securities, if any, held by them, And further take notice that •(ttrbu such lust mentioned dote, the said ells nitnistrator will proceed to distrlhurOA assets of the deceased amongst th, 0P parties entitled thereto, having regar,; only to the claims of 33•h1011 ite shaltit` then hive notice. and the said Admin • - Islrator will: not be liable for said as- sets o. :arty part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not haze been received at the time of su,•h distribution. Dated at Wingham, this 31lh days of April, A. 11., 1:,. it. 1'nx5Toxix, Wingham, Ont. 500, 1tnr for the Administrator, f AINTING P AND Paper Hanging The undersigned wishes to an- nounce that he is prepared to handle all kinds of jobs in the above lines, and will endeavor to give the best of satisfaction. Prices Reasonable and work promptly attended to Alex. Coleman Phone 6441 Brussels x, • For Sale. ik NOTICE 790 CREDITORS In the latter et tate ,::state of Mood,- 1 oodsl wail, tate of the Tmrash fp Of (trey, hi the County of unrest, de- ,'ensed. NOTICE Is hereby given. pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chap- ter lee, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Moody Holland, who died on or about the Thirteenth day of April, A. D, 1925, are required on or before the 11515 day of May, to Louis Williamson or 'Silas Johnston. .� the Executors of the last will and testament of the deceaaed, tholr Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the buil particulars of their claims, the statement of their secur- ities, ifs any, held by them the And further take notice that atter such last mentioned date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the deceased, amongst the par- ties entitled thereto, having roger, only to the claims of which they sin then have notice and the said Exe tors will not be Mahle for the said, sets, or any part thereof to any son or portions, of whose claim .._,. shall not have been received b,t at the time of such dlstrlbutlk Dated at Breese's title 22rd . April, A. D., 1039. M. SIN('LAIR, lirttssels, Solicitor for the Lir(; Roll of the Township of Morrie, will be in the Tow:whip Pell. on Mondey. Ably h,c et 10 o'olook a m. A 11 parties interested will,' Sleeve le, billy li129 Court of Revisio: 11 Court of Revision VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS The Court of Revtalnn on the Aoeeeenient Roller the VI•loge of tiross•la will beheld lin the tloltncli Chamher, on Ai +nday Jnne srd, et gn'elock J. in All p,rdes tutere+tad wt.l oardingly. not A. H.MACDONAI L 0 ark Mny ash. 1020 Hog for Service The nndoroigned will keep for service at Lot 21, Con. 0, Morris toWnoh,p, n Roglstered Tamworth Bog. GILBERT bfoOAMUM , 44.4 Proprietor. Ethel Delco Lighting System for Sale 1260 watts ; 110Volts, Almost now, with polos, wire end ell equipment Per further portleulars apply to DR. 0, 11. AIoMABT1Cf0, geeretery Visage Trustee Nerd, Bthel * Farm for Sale •1 _ + `._._..._. r R�■ ,.,,,,,,.;,,,,,,,,,,,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"8",„,,s,,,,, ✓ ■0� � ��� If YM + 1 within It,ltie 00 iltIbeletations,,,�X erne to Ethl } 4.. Vtilag°. Will be vetoed rehooenhty for quick q, + Hain, For further par tleulBrit. nppply on y One Red and one Roan, ., p1em10ae 00 J. E. POW LA Brnwndale breeding. «. Farm for Sale * Extra choke. ,. i' 4.1N0. G. 5PE 1 R Avory deHlrnUta Hteok furls at 160 ascus, 3G tmile from Brussels. Geed holldinge and t Phone 188 Per further pntion,lHr,eaApODtN Ar,D, 'LdF4MH4.144+++M4 druseete, +4+4.44