HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-15, Page 2WiWNESPA,Y, MAX 15th, 192Q,
Dorit let tires
/ ke
WHEN you plan that rrip, be sure to plan your tires.
You can't enjoy yourself if you're worrying about
blowouts all the time.
Drive around here and let us equip your car with Do -
Minion Royal Cords or Royal Masters. They are a
sound foundation for a carefree holiday.
We have absolute confidence in these Dominion Tires.
We have watched them in service and we know they
will deliver the mileage.
bominion Royal Cords are the standard by which tires
are judged — Royal Masters are in a class by themselves.
We have Dominion Tires for every car at popular
BRUSSELS....... .. . . a ... , ..,.. O. H. Sproule,
ETHEL ..... ..... ..... ..e„ _ „ . „a._ ..... . .. E L. Desjar
WALTON...a ..... ...... ....... . .,„.. —..... ...J. S. L. Cummings half cup of kerosene into each cylue• mae .
der hhout once ts week, r.rm it is best his country. home town and always went over -to Leo was born in Tiflis„ Georgia, a
--------..-------------------------------. He goes to TOkticio 06 the first Can-
to do this while. the engine is Warm
adian Minister an he will not only borrow his neighbor's paper, One
evening he sent his son over to borrow state of old Russia. At the Hine of
his birth, his father, a graduate of
-'';----'---;"'"---"--;"--;"---"--' - ----------— niter completing a run. The will be given charge over the entire trade
the faculty laws. of Moscow 'Univers-
of Canada with the Far East, inciud- the paper, and while the son was oe
em ---------------""--*"-----*-----`-------e- tend tn nvevent the g,rooves. If the
the way he ram into a large -tend of ity, was Tamatis_aa:
i his profession in
The Car Owner's Scrap -Book to be rebored tam new
mainders hale been scored, they will , ing China, the Malay; 137.31T:u.(100. clitenatii
lino i Iv.n.idtilka,a bpurtobhhenilviii I
aeeve the bronze Or bras§ from W!Ch
USS lig ?03T
the bushings are Mede. at is very
easy to keep these parts in good con. °mist/4'g' 1/1114/6/." 4.4S4" Exitmigle
dliton. Rattles aud melees aee onlyoI VaPlIble Business Matt Give
the minor annoyaeces of neglected log Talents to His Country,
sheekles, When badly wora they al- Searge Waehleaton Stephens, Calle
low the springs to have more of a 1,pd.t4I'sieitylViglietearld4 v3iagin'titIttVis/oLelly,'Itoht,"
eosebound, often being the cause Ontetandieg rxelni)ln among Canadian
eltieene of a suceesafta business Man
broken springs.
The carbon knock is due to a par-
ticle of carbon. becteetag heated
v ititehot by the burning gasee mid
to igniting the ',Won is in tue proPee
position for the ignition. The inform-
ation of carbon is generally due
either to the mixture becoming too
rich or to oil getting past the piston
rings and colluding on top of of the
piston valve hembe etc. The latter
may be due to the rings leaking or to
too much oil being in the. crank ease.
11 the oil used IS tow grade, the
in all these coantrtee. Per laps
anon of carbon will beerapid, as It
Vas reputation as
great heat encountered in a gasoline Jatratopr, that caauseeaa bis ,s're5a . It' 'ft
thk,-,, very high-grade oil to stand the
engine. IA'hen an engine knocks on a the difficult post of chairman 01 the
hill, while the spark le properly re- Soar Commiselan•
leased, there is too much carbon in temporarily at least, from Germany
The Saar Is a little valley taken,
the cylinders, which carmen must be by the Attlee. Its populanon Is Ger-
removed. The only way to remove man and Prench. Stephens found
that all his arts of conciliation were
the carbon is to have it scraped out.
needed to hold the scales evenly be-.
tween them, for although technically
Ise was only the chairmap of the oom-
A bad leak at the piston ring will ,ivnirstsaiaoliyofiathsrm yet,aaaiminemtadet, hoer was
sound in the engine when climbing. other comraissioners, one was Frenche
generally indicate itself by a hissing
a hill. This actually is due to a bro. and the other German and they sel-
dom were known to agree upon any
ken ring, worn rings, the rings stick- celfuetsitileonyaauffeeycting the administration
ing because of Carbon or gummed oil
getting between them and their Five years in the Saar greatly en -
pewees., a se ,.. et -.-sat is, teratelied hanced Sephens' repumtion and, by
the same token, greatly improved the
.—cylinders, due to the enteine be- economicaLosliatilostnerofdthe little valley
coining overheated from lack ot oilStephens arestre-
ordwater, or to slots of the rings gat- turned home to Canadaeto
ting in line. Where the rings are bro • '
ken or worn they must be replaced.
lt at 0 good practice to pour about u
• who is ready and ng
hit time to public service, says ehe
'formate Star Weekly,
Mr. Stephens, perhaps, le beet
known as a Montreal blialnedS Ulan
W110 fur tielreral years was chairman
of the Montreal Harbor Commission.
This wet hit first public service aaci
he discharged a with such ability
that the Canadian Government has
never permitted hint, place then, to
ratline. to st. lames street, He 18
least known, perhaps, 00 a lIngellet
and student of toreign affairs. yett.
he speaks English, French, German,
Italian and Spanish fluently—Which
to remarkable In a business Mall --
and keeps abreast of public opinion
Makes. 'RecOrd.s.
GoverrporeGeneral, Now
Sings Two SOAP fg:4
treueere, The old eeve took the ed-
vantege of the hole in the fence, got
• Into the cornfield and hilted herself
eating green corn. Hearing the race
ket, the stingy man% wife ran out of
.the house upsetting tour gallon
churn full of ere= into a Itheltet of
kittens, drowning the whole flock.
She slipped on, the cream and fell
downstairs,hreaking her leg and e
$.19 flee set of teeth. The baby a-
lone, crawled into the parlor and
ruined a $•10 carpet. During the ex-
eiternent the ,datighter eloped with
the hired man teling the family sav-
ings bank with them, the calves got
out and the dog broke ep eleven set-
ting vayerhens. Moral—Subserihe for our
I •
Russian Lad Wins
•I Although until six years ago, Leo
Melanie, a atudertt 'o the Walker -
villa Collegiate, did not know a word
of English Wednesday night of last
week was declared oratorical champ -
pion otthe ntovince of Ontario, at
the provincial final in Toronto, where
he spoke with fifteen other dietrlet
champions. Leo's triumph at Toron-
ksORre;; Ae4RQI:EVi to w as not unexpected to his Border
J'riends, for he had already captured
he sting "Drink To Me Only With- the school championship of the West -
Thine Eyes," and "Will Ye No Come ern Ontario Secondary School Aesoc-
Back To Me?" iation, by comfortable margins. It
Before he left the eseudio he was was at the Wossa's representative
able to hear his own voice as it had that he spoke in Toronto last week.
been recorded in wax. He said he This win entitles Leo to speak from
was making the records privately for the provinces, in the near future, to
"a family affair." decide the Dominion ceampion. The
be awarded a free trip to Europe. Canada's oldest Board of Tra4
London, May 8 --Lord Aberdeen,
former governor-general of Canada,
who Is 82 years old, made two gram-
ophone records tet Queens Ball LC'
day. Accompenied by hie owe pian-
ist whom he brought from Scotland,
winner of the Dominion contest is to
"1 have to work in the store and
do my. own housework, too, and 1
got nervous and run-down and was in
ked nearly all summer.The least noise
would make me hervous. I was told
to cake Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege,
table Compound and 1 have taken
seven bottles. It has made me strong.
er and put more color into My face.
I am looking after my store and
housework and my four children
anal am getting along nicely now."
—Mrs. 1. Malin, R. R. No, 5, Barton
St East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
•"kc Pinkliam's
eta IrCompound
.f m 'Med. Co., Lyon. Moss 6.55
Cieleoileg Onteeia, Ceet.ed
BETTER TAKE THE POST Following the European tour, the
perhaps a resutap-ion of us
Dominion orator returns by way of
Premier Iseing, however, had other D. C., to compete with
We once knew a man who was tao Washington'
Plans for hiro and now he is Co en- _
representatives from many countries
ter upon a career of diplomacy which
•I s to stingy to Mire tlee newspaper in his
rreat sere ee
t decid the world's championship.
bees, and in a few minutes nis face
whiach°has frequently Tiflis. His mother, a graduate of the
• looked like a summer squash. Hear -
Commercial College of Kee, had
ing the agonized cries of his son, the h i secondal • schools of Tiffis
father ran to his assistance and iri do- before her marriage.
ing so ran into a barbed' wire fence,
cutting a bandful of flesh from his
anatomy and ruining a $4 pair of semer-LOOK AT YOUR LABEL
id and pi stone .
(By the Left Hand Monkey Wrench!
CLE • ' NG GEAR o, hard. how.,v•-•, that
}itof meth Favors 30 Days
pride of the Japanese, Chinese and
The running -0,2m' t'..tt ear ear, aee telem met. Tee- likely to !eat
the heavier part of te•• j(1):1 'Li I W'eet's etellitc . b Auto Drivers the natives .ur Italia, and thus sow-
ing the seeds of racial hatred and fu-
ut For Drunken
be eleelial evict eee.eit. Im. eeuee; A II aVt:Itit. , to eeeeee eor .e.ther tle.
ttar,t, w iJ,,. till :at 1' f it,t, With a dr . *— . time wars. It is a task winch will
ed. cloth to reeiove any oil or grease I il a Attorney -General Price Approves require all his talen, and ability, but
It Ls confidently expected in Ottawa
TO GET MAXIMUM POWER ,0•,.:: be til,re. It 16 w,.1.1 to rin,rub“r Stiff Penalty Though Not
that he will meet with the same sue -
much 10/01in. i,, ,a,,,,d if valves CIA, w:'t. `I' it isi... n trn,ket, was‘lio- ?Unending Law.
ease that he has done in the past.
are "ground in" quite often, as los.; or parking, there ,.liould be no elm,
Thirty days in jail for drunken i
of compression, •mene that the en. Theee if let go, may cause ,,erlous
automobile drivers in the majority of
gine is not getting ell the power out damage, each as lose of en rme• or
threatened the peace of the woi
and which has all but defied the
statesmanship of the Entriire.
His grem task is to carry out the
Oriental exclusion policy of this Dom-
! Ion without offending the national
5hould be thorougilly rMsed after the elenereeemn grea., oil S.V:11.2r.
of the fuel. This ..hould lei done water. Burned tearing:4 and needle:a, caseele a proper sentence, aecording Possible to Tell From \\latch Parts
to Hon. W. H. Price, Attorney Gen -
about every 1,000 miles of driving. overheating of the enzine *IF% the reit. .
era). While the Attorney -General le Prof. Brogger, of Oslo University,
FIRE FROM SHORT CIRCUIT in a lecture at Edinburgh University,
vrotnp4. i not contemplating raising the penal -
WHEN CAR RIDES EASY 1thirty-day sentence. commented on the striking fact that
the majority of the place-names in
If fire should occur in the wiring 1ty, he stated he is in accord with the
system, it is some.timee hard to lo- the Shetlands and Orkneys were of
eate„ and the best bet ss to immedi- Springs should have proper care °For a first offence under dm act" Norse charater. A scrutiny of the
ately disconnect. Cala of the cables at to aspire comfortable rennet. Well- old Norse farm names revealed cer-
the battery terminate. These fires lubricated springs last longer. A
are usually due to a short circuit, mixture of graphite and oil is very
and by disconnecting the cable and penetratine and itteting. Spray this
electric current which :emu the fire between the leaves anti ride in cone
is shut off. , fort, ;without the annoyance of the
squeaks. A squeak is annoying, but
GASKET REPLACEMENT it is also a warning for it denotes
'When replacing a gasket of any the lack of lubrication. Heed these
kind be sure the surface is perfectly warnings promptly for tenger spr-
clean. A knife or hacksaw blade inglife. Spring shackles should be
makes a good scraper. Do not scrape oiled or greased regularly to pre-
New Things
Are "News"
vilTERY member or every family in this
munity is interested in the news of the
day. And uo items are read with 'keener relish
than announcements of new things to eat, to
wear or to enjily in the home.
You have the goods N:tiet the desire to sell
them. The readers of THE POST have the
money and the .lesire to Ituy. The connecting
Give the people the good news of new things
at advantageous prices. They look to you for
this "store news" and wilt respond to your
messages. Let us show you that
"An Advertisement is an Invitation"
said Col. Priee. "the penalty is now
from seven to thirty days. In the ma-
jority of cases, it is a matter for the
local magistrate to decide the sever-
ityof the penalty. If I were a mag-
istrate I would not hesitate to give a
man thirty days for being drunk in
tatotypes of names which had been
most used In the shetlands, Orkneys,
Caithness and the Hebrides. Names
in Norway were not only chronolog-
ical, but also indicative of the social
Position held by ,he families in Nor-
way. Further, their geographical
liran was sharply defined, and for
charge of an automobile. Of course that reason it was possible to con -
there are cases where a man may not dude from which parts of Norway
the emigration was greatest.
This proved to have been the
southwestern coasts of Norway (Ag -
der, Rogs.land), and the northwest-
ern (More). In the A.gder coast dis-
tricts in recent years a number of
farm sites which had been examined
Droved to have belonged to an older
Iron Age, and seemed to have been
deserted in the seventh or eigh..h cen-
turies. They were usually situated
In districts which were no longer cul-
tivated In an probability a number
have been reaally intoxicated. He
may have stopped his car at the curb
and then been arrested. A man driv-
ing his car while drunk should real-
ize that he is facing a penalty of
thirty days in jail. It ne gets leas
than that he is lucky"
Hydro Extending
eine were relics of the
Rural Services of these rem
Additional Lines This Year Will
Servo Over 6,000 Consumers
—Cost $2,500,000.
Toronto,. May 8.—Fanners of On-
tario will benefit from nydro rural
distribution once the 1929 plane pro-
posed by the hydro eommission in
rural districts are completed accord
ing to a report issued by the commis-
sion here to -day.
The hydro Commission propose to
build during 1929 over 1,000 miles
of primary lines in addition to the
4,000 miles already construet-
ed, Those additional lines will serve
over 6,000 rural eonsumere, and will
cost approximately $2,500,000.
There are at present over 377
nines of lines constructed, or aholit
to be constructed, which will serve
over 1,100 additional . consumers,
and will cost approximately $88b'
Toronto Only City In 'British Empire
That Has Two Kilted Regiments.
There are probably only a very feV,
people in Canada who know that To-
ronto can boast of a very unique dis-
tinction in its military establishment.
Althougn very often seen by the in-
habitants h will be news to most
people that it Is the only city in the
British Empire that has two separate
kilted regiments, writes Sas. Xinne-
burgh in the Toronto Star.
Not even 111 Scotland can sucb be
Lorsoon tisere :rinstancesseparate that old land
lions of the sante regiment In ane
city yet two separate regiments are
unknown in any one city,
Each regiment Is affiliated with a
home unit, the 48th Highlanders hav-
ing the Gordon Highlanders and the
Toronto Scottish having tbe London
Scottish its the parent entablishment,
Chronic Bronchitis
is quickly and safely relieved by
Templeton's wonderful RAZ -MAH.
Mr. IT. Truemner, Zurich, Ont., got
such relief from a sample of RAZ-
MATI t het he bought a $1.00 box, sold,
as always, under guanaco of relief or
money baek. Now he always uses
RAZ-MAII when he has an attack.
Says: "I usually work the attack off
in a few days. Then may go for a
year or eo without another." RAZ -
MATT, is also wonderful for Asthma.
At your druggist's.
Using the St. LAWrenee.
Ocean staainship patiSengers using
Ihe St. Lawrence route In 1928 num-
bered approximately 30,000 more
than In the year before, with every
clues sbowing a gain. A total If
198,189 Passengers crossed the A'-
lantic last /011.801.1 1NAW Ibis coun-
try and European ports, atwah coutpared
188,688 tar tris 1927 atieseu,
showing an Inereage of 29,606 tor
1928, The weethound figuree tire
mare than Menials tins eastbound l'PV-
ryings, being 136,142, au comeared
with 111.657 Iasi firemen, while item,
outbound num bered 82,046, cum par.
ad with 52,328.
The most popular marriage ace is
England is twenty-tbre for bream
mad twentyetour for bbridegroome.
based on continuous organization
that of Montreal, as it has had
uninterrupted life and contim
minutes in its records ever since
founding on April 11, 1822, ui'
the title of "Committee of ream
the name being eventually change
to that of "Board of Trade". The..
Quebec Board of Trade was organza
ed as a committee of trade a fee'
years earlier in 1803 or 1809, bti1
their minutes, it is said, are not con
tinuoue. The Halifax Board
Trde mightt
perhaps qualify us on.
ol t1'
AN, 11-011
Red Seal Continental Motor
Beadix Four -Wheel Brakes
Morse Silent Timing Chain
Emil Force Feed Lubrication
Passenger Cars
Fours and Sixes
from $675 to $2095
Leaside, Ont.
Standard Factory Equipment
Taxer Extra
8 529
T. i E
‚7 1-111 DURANT''40" boasts of nothing more than the quality
features that accounted for its phenomenal sales records of
1928. While containing additional refinements, it adheres
absolutely, to the fundamental principles of value that commend
all Durant products to careful buyers.
Complete, detailed information and an opportunity to drive
and judge the Durant for yoorself await you at raft dealer's.
outer ar