HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-8, Page 4WEDNESDAY, MAY Sth, 1920,
WEDNESDAY, Y, M 4Y 8th, 1929,
M A Y 1029
M T W T P 8
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22. 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
May Hatched Chicks
Barred Bolts 18o each 5. C. White Is .gborns 1?e eagle
]Iatehing Eggs from April to 3'ttly So (gaoli
Above prices are for custorWaa coming to the farm for their
purebase. Chicks etre sold in regular boxes but customers
must furnish container for Eggs.
If yon are in need of at new Weeder Fitt ve, Founts, Feed
Hoppers, eto , let the quote prieee ou Royal t quip-ment.
Flume 'mob 10 2.4 AUBURN, ONT.
Cornell met on Monday evening g�
with Reeve Bauker in the chair and
all the Councillors present.
.Minutes of last meeting were read1.
and adopted On motion of Councillors
On 'motionot,an of Councillors
Huron Old Soy Dead
a (From the Ottawa Journal)
and McIntyre.
and McCall the following accounts One may linger on the public forty-seven years age—ne entered
ordered to be paid:—
Jas, Wilton, Assessor $7 Stage as to become either a political Parliament ; and exactly forty-one
W. Cook, ditching 3.00
nuisance or a national institution, years ago he was, Minister of Fin -
G. McDowell, salary . 75.00 Judging by the widespread express
Council adjourned to meet on Mon stone of regret that have marked.
day, June 3rd, as Court of Revision sir George Foster's promised retir-
ement from the presidency, of the
League of Nations Society that
Retires veteran statesman has certainly es-
caped the, fate of being regarded as
a nuisance.
And Sir George, though his ruddy
cheeks and jaunty air belie it, is an
old man. When he came into the
world, Confederation was not even
Sir Hamar Greenwood, distinguish-
ed native of Whitby, Ontario, and
former Secretary o" State for Ire-
land, in the British Government, who
is retiring from British Rubric life
after a notable career of sarviee,
DUTY PRAISED BY U. S. a dream. The popul:tt:en of th.•
NL 000 ; ..
NEWSPAPER whole of Canada was ,-ut 3,000,-
Lord Elgin was novers:or ; Vic-
toria was in the morning of her
San Francisco Chronicle Recalls Ill- reign ; Gladstone and D1,raeli, were
ness Possibly Originated Armistice but barely head of Av:ay back in
Day—Called "Good King." 1871 --four years after Confedera-
tion, he was professor of classics and
King George's devotion to duty ancient literature in the eniversity
has been made the subject of editor- of New Brunswick ; two years after
Sir George has one record whieh
no man in any British country has
ever equalled ; he has served in the
cabinets of seven Prime Ministers.
He began as Minister of Finance un-
der MacDonald, and remained in that
office with Abbott, Thompson, Row-
ell and . Tupper ; and he was Min-
ister of Trade and Commerce under
Borden and Meighen. Of all the
great figures who sat in parliament
in the eighties, he alone lingers on
the stage.
He was mellowed with the years.
ell theold fire and eloquence of
Service is a comm )dity. Perhaps no other
person in the world needs it or appreciates it
more than the motorist, When you bring your
car to our garage you will find SERVICE our
motto. We sell it and we give it free.
We have taken over the Cunningham Garage
and are now ready for business.
Drive in to -day I
Successor to E. C. Cunningham
Phone 9x
youth are there, all the rich and eessful application to human cases of
spaceous rhetoric, but•gone are. the this disease, particulates when col -
Petite and jeers, the. bitter tauntslapse of the lung occurs.
that flashed and seared like light -1 Animals cairn experimental pneu-
nin„. With the possible exception monia, which otherwise would have
of -Arthur Meighen, Parliament has died in one or three days made come
lied no more rapiered tongue. In the I plete recoveries when they were
old days, indeed, a duel between placed. In an atmosphere of 5 to 7%
Footer and Cartwright was a par icarbon dioxide, the gas that everyone
li:imentary event, and even in later exhale% and that makes soda water
years when Fielding was adding to ; fizz. In essentials this is the same
his record of budgets, , the galleries treatment now used by rescue crews
were always eruwded to hear Fos- i in many cities for saving those over
t' is reply. It was not for nothing come with deadly carbon monoxide,
that Joe Ch:u*,herlain railed him to I which is the product of incomplete
11 . i,rd a.: a cru.ndc, for Tariff' combustion Dr. Henderson and his
I.:ft3.nt. 1associate, Dr. H. W. 'Taggart, de -
The Elder r State pian and Philos veloped this carbon monoxide treat-
eeli •r have. suet w• 1 lbs militant. I ment end other experience led to the
eli'ier:1, 1n the Smelt.? today, end researches on pneumonia.•
emeide of it. they all listen to Fre Diluting the air with the inert and
ter. And, listening they are uplifted
Widely read, widely travelled (he
has visited nearly every country in {I
the world), rich in his experience of
national and international affairs,
the old partisanship has vanished
from his utterances, and in its place
Ts a deeper and more wholesome
philosophy. Therefore, whether as
president of the League Society, or
as a mere private in the ranks of
those who fight'a!er the; league idea,
ial tribute by the San Francisco the Franco-Prussian war he was we can all heartily say, "Long Live
Chronicle- studying in Germany ; in 1R$2— i Sir George."
The Chronicle, in reproducing a
photograph showing the icing stand- ly One is Bing, the well-known, developed by a committee of the Na-
ing bareheaded before the cenotaph
in Whitehall says : much -honored Ring George and the tional Tuberclosis Association, of
This shows kin George on last "'unknown soldier" will b e alike in which Dr. William C. White of the
g rank, united 'States hygienic laboratory is
head hi bitter cold, paying a tribute Q chairman. Dr, Sabin's results would
Armistice Day, standing with bared
to the "unknown" dead British soh- CHEMICAL COMPOSITION have been impossible without the
r work of Prof. T. B. Johnston and Dr.
OF l UBE'RCULOSIS GERM R. J. Anderson, of Yale University,
>i who took many pounds of tuberclosis
HAS BEEN DISCOVERED germs and for the first time in his-
tory discovered their chemical com-
position. These components of the
Causative Chemicals in T -B Have microbes as isolated and identified
Been Analyzed and Synthetically were turned over to Dr. Sabin and
Reproduced •_ Cancer May Yield her associates, Drs. Charles A. Doan
—Entirely New Principle in Bilo, and C. T. Ferkner, who tested their
gical Research Reported to the efforts on normal animals. Even lit -
Academy of Sciences. tie children, who at Christmas tine.
bought tubereu'osis Christmas seals,
Washington--••Charart'•rietic effort ran claim a share in the research
of disense produced by a mere chem- triumph for some of the int stiga-
iial substance, absolute-•ly frets from tions were supported by •seal sale
any germ, was the latest medical re- funds.
search wonder presented to the Na- Prof. Johnston and Dr. Anderson
tional Academy of Sciences at the presented papers explaining their
nneeing emesi0n of its enn0al mne'ing worlc of tearing the microbes apart
herr: by Dr. Florence R. Sabin of the to discover their composition and
Rockefeller institute for Medlc•al Re- why they are so deadly. Develop-
eearrh. nu'nt of an artificial chemical food,
Tuberculosis was the disease to replace the customary organic dirt
whose effects were intrndueet•cl by supporting the growing masses of
repeated injc•r'tions hitherto 1111- germs, was an'important rector.
known chemical, an OA containing' In the ordinary course of tuber-
The king, not in good health, com-
ing from his residence near by, stood
with his head uncovered for a con-
siderable length of time during relig-
ious and other ceremonies at the
dead soldier's tomb.
His doctors vainly urged him not
to expose himself, and he-
lieve that the exposure was
the beginning of the pleurisy and ill-
ness that attacked him after Armist-
ice Day.
You read sincere reverence in tete
King's expreeeion as he looks dewy
on the grave. typifina the sacririre to
duty and country of so many brave
lives. •
He thought how the unknown man
among so many had foug; It and died
to make his country safe. His heart
was depressed with sorrow and re-
gret, Such depressiono unfortunate-
ly opens wide the door to any attack-
ing disease.
When King George leaves this
earths—may it he many years hence
—to join kings that reigned before ehosphoroue, similar in composition culosis, the germ invade the living
him, and to meet the Ring that in camman fists in fond. But +.hie cells and multiply. Aa a result of
reigns over all, will Ring Groriu' ehenicai, called phasphnted, that eubctanees excreted by the germs or
meet the "unknown" soldier" and caused the information of clumps; of in their bodies, the body cells enlarge
will he know him'' You might imag- changed eons, the tubercles, was nb• ami clump together, forming the
Inc him saying, at the gate of heav- trained through a large scat anal• cheesy masses called tuberculosis.
en : "First after beholding the divine vcis of millions of tube/Thiele The researches in progress promlxe
glory, 1 should like to see that Brit- germto show just what are the causative
ish boy beside whose grave I stood This is undoubtedly a real sten to- chemicals,
before 1: came here." ward a better understanding of tu- Even cancer may eventually yield
Would the King meet
from h tl
ssa.Perhaps it is a
toward u
its secrets as a result of this
cold Canada, from. Australia, on the. he euro. But all human ills other than attack. Cancers are composed of
other side of the world, a fighting the great white plague will benefit calls growing wild and the similarity
Briton from South Africa, or some from new biological technique de- between teberculosis and cancer may
cheerful, smiling "Tommy' from the veloped in the. research. It is a novel give fruitful caggestiona, despite the
east end of London? end promising method in the study present unkknoWn cense of cancer.
No one on this ear willofmany e
h earth
ever dis ares
know. fo smel
Other Researches
e individual le to no cred , Inhalent of carbon dioxide will
In any case, the King would meet iced with this nceomplishment. Tt i$ save many lives threatened, by poen-
a gnarl man, dead for his country. one of the results Of a thorough at. monia if the experiments en Flogs, ye.
And the dead soldier would meet a tnrk on teberclosis by many wren- ported to he the academy by Dr.
good Ring. And ,up there, where on- ticts working under a general plan Yandcll 1lenderson of Yale, find suc-
carbon dioxide causes the
patient to breathe deeply and thus
expand the lung put out of -.omis-
sion by collapse.
Dusting of large airplane areas
of Ontario forest by airplane will be
carried out under the direction of
the Department of National Defence
this year, and for this purpose the
department has Ordered a new ford
tri -motor hydroplane. The ravages of
the spruce budworm having been
checked to a material extent by this
process in Nova Scotia, the zone of
operation will be extended to On-
"In power, ease of driving,
and flexibility, the new
McLaughlin -Buick out-
performs any car I have
ever driven."
(name on request)
THE owner quoted above has been
driving automobiles for 15 yearn,
and has an intimate knowledge of motor
l e
car Performa:-ce and value. Yet en-
thusiastic comment merely typifies that
of thousands who have turned to
McLaughlin -Buick after making their
own exacting tests.
Not only have motorists in all parts of the
country accepted Mcl.aughlin - Buick's
invitation to get behind the wheel and
get the facts about McLaughlin -Buick
performance ... but they have entered
orders for more than twice as many
McLaughlin-Buicks as any other car at
or above its price.
Be sure to drive a McLaughlin -Buick!
Try it in traffic—on the straightaway—
up the steepest hills. The more thorough,
your tests, the more careful your com-
parisons—the more inevitably will they
lead you to McLaughlin -Buick 1 IIA -s -sec
Alex. Anderson
When Better Attarnobilee Ate Built—McLaughlin-Buick Will Build Them
Sir William Otter, former inspec-
tor -general of Canadian militia, who
died Monday night' at Toronto at
the age of 85. Sir William was a
native of Huron County, having been
born on the farm where the Co.
House of Refuge, near Clinton, is
now situated.
Answering questions in the Brit-
ish House of Commons, Rt. Zion. L.
C. Amery, Secretary for the Domin-
ions stated that during 1928, 27,523
persons proceeded to British North
America with fdnancial aasistanae
under the Frm.pire Settlement Act.
This compared with 20,619 to Aust-
ralia, and 2,175 to New Zealand. In-
formation was not available regard-
ing the number of assistant. migrants
who returned to the United Kingdom
in the same period, he said.
Tagore Warns
Wingham Seaforth
Hanover Clinton
Godorich Blyth
Listowel Chesley'
Palmerston St, Marys
Brussels Teeswater
Ripley Luoknow,
Kincardine Walkerton
Never take chances with cut glass,
such es rinsing it under the nunnin'g
faucet. Breakage is due to sudden
changes ` in temperature and care
must be taken that the hot water is
neither too hot ortoo cold. Tepid
water and ammonia bring the best
results. Dry with a turkish towel so
all crevices can be reached and pol-
Whether the sun is shining bright-
ly or. not affect the temperature of
the air high above the earth.
Within a few generations the hu-
man race will be akin to animals
living only for comfort and pleasure,
declares Sir Rabindranieth Tagore,
Indian poet -philosopher. We are
living too fast, he says, living in the
past rather than creating.
More than 18,00 bath tubes valued
at $600,000, were shipped to 60 for-
eign countries in 1028.
Paper Nagging
The undersigned wishes to an-
nounce that he is prepared to
handle all kinds of jobs in the
above lines, and will endeavor
to give the best of satisfaction.
Prices Reasonable
work promptly attended to
Alex. Coleman
Phone 641 t Brussels
• For Sale
+Bull Gaives
One Red and one Roan.
• Brnwndale breeding,
Extra choice,
Phone 166
••4• +++.1.440++++++.14++++++++,
In the Matter of the Estate oI Lloyd
Addison Dnnber, late of the Town-
shin of Grey, in the County of Huron
11i111er, deceased.
NOTICE le hereby given pursuant to
The Revised Statutes of Ontario.
Chapter 121, that all creditorsand
others having nttalms agatnat the es-
tate Of the said Lloyd A, Dunbar, wisp
died, on or about tae" 20111 day of
March, A, D„ 1024, are required on
or before the Lath day of MnY, A. D.
1920, to -send by pest prepald or deliver
to Earl Stanley Dunbar,. Ethel P. O.•
Ont., the :Administrator of the deceas-
ed, their Christian and surnames, ad-
dresses and descriptions, the tull Par-
ticulars of their claims, the statement
of .thelr accounts and the nature of
the securities, If any, heldbythen,.
And further take notice that after
such last mentioned date, the said Ad-
ministrator will proceed to dlatribute
assets of the deceased amongst the
parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims of which he shall
then have notice, and the said Adtnin-
istrator wilt not be liable for said as-
sets or any part thereof to any person
or persona of whose claim notice shall
not have been received at the time of
such distribution.
Dated at v'ingham, this 10th days
of April, A. D., 1920.
R. VAIN:SIM:M. wingitam, Ont,
Solicitor for the Admhlistrator,
In the ?latter et the estate of Moody
Oland, late of the 'ro'fi$h In of
("trey. in the County of 11uSon, de-
i'mTICE is hereby given, pursuant to
the Revised Statutes or Ontario, Chap-
ter 160, that all creditors and ()there
having claims against the estate of
the said Aloody Holland, who died
on or about the Thirt,enth day" of
Apr31. A. 11. MS, arc required on
or before the 11th day of May, to
Louis 1 'illla n eon or Silas Johnston,
the Executors of the. Last will
and testament of the deceased, their
Christian and Surnames. addresses and
descriptions, the full particulars of
their claims, the statement of their
accounts and the nature of the secur-
ities, if any, held by them.
And further take notice that atter
such last mentioned date the Execu-
tors will proceed to distribute the ns-'
sets of the deceased. amongst the -par-
ties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims of which they shall
then have notice and the said Execu-
tors will not be liable for the said as-
sets, or any part thereof to any per-
son or peraons, of whose claim notice
shall not have been receivedby them
at the time of aueh. dtatrtbutton.
Dated at Brussels this -srd day of
April, A. D 1029.
IV. M. 141\CLAlll, Brussels, Ont.
Solicitor for the Executors.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the Estate of
Janet Gibson, Into of tho Township
of Morris, In the County of Huron,
Widow, Pocaasod.
Notice is hereby given, purshsnt to Section.
51, Chap 160 of the Revised Statutes of On•
torte, that all persons hnvmg claim. ngsinet
the ee'nte of the said Janet Olbson, who
died ou or about the 1015 day of duly,
1028, are required to send by poet,prepaid,
or deli,/ er to Andrew Simpson, deafort It P.O,
(Wlnthronl Ontnrlo,the Executor of the lest
w111 and testament of the sa11 dooms,
ed- on or before the Tenth day of
blas, A. D. 1020, their names and
addresses with full pertlaelers In w.it-
tag of their claims and the nature 0f the ee.
eurlties,(If any) held by them duly verified
by a statutory declaration.
And further take notion that after the said
10th day of May, 1022, the meld Exeoator
will proceed to distribute the 000000 of
the said estate among the .partiesentttled
thereto, having regard only to the (Milne. of
whish he shell then have had notice, and
the Raid Executor shall not lie liable for the
Held (Meta or ens nark, thereof to any person
of whose claim he shell not then have re.
Delved notice.
Dated at Brussels, the 1015 day 0f Anrll,
Hog for Service
The undoreig`ned will keep for Hartnett at
Lot IO, Con 0; Morris township, it Registered
Tamworth Bog.
44.4 Proprietor,
Ethel Delco Lighting
System for Sale
1260 Watts : 110 Vette. Abnost new, with
poles, wire and all equiument Mor farther
partlauloro apply to DR. A. E. A10MA1TER,
Secretary Ville ge Trustee Board, Ethel.
Farm for Sale
Form known AS the Dilworth Perin, oem
prising 100 nares mostly iii elenred end hi a
•good state of cultivation, lots of water and
within linnn of Ethel etatlen, i4 mile to Ethel
Vtlinge. Will be priced reneonhbly for quer
sale. Mor further pertleulnre. appple on
premises to .1, E. RO W LA ND,
'Farm for Sale
A very desirnblei(took feral of 160 mores, 34
mile from AraaseIls. Good buildings end
equipments, golly term. to Suitptrehneer
For further pnrtlouler0app!q to