HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-8, Page 3oRUSSEL$ POST Wlal)NDSSDA..YI MAY 8th, 1929 proud of . moor bread -- use 24 Relies for Bread is the: Purltl Moue Cook BooSs--over 600 other recipes. Marled for 300, Western LC�a>�? Pions Tnroaro Ills co. 09 Some Features Of Apple Scab Control From repeated and, continuous ob- servations made by the Dominion Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Kentville, N. S., on the seasonal de- velopment. of the scab fungus, it has been possible to find some of the weak points in the application of control measures. All the early in- fection, comes from spores produced by the fungus in the fallen apple leaves. These spores are liberated during rainy weather and require six to twelve, hours in which to geranin- may appear udtil,the end of ,Tune, lit/Aver, after blossoming scab Is spread in the orchard by ,,pores pro• clu ed on seals spots which, have de- veloped on the now growth, s -It is necessary to spray before, the spores are liberated if thoreeigh pro- tection is to be obtained. The first spray at whatis locally called the "delayed dormant" or "green tip" stage gives the first protection none - sexy, Leaf tips are just breaking through ands seldom over one-quarter to one-half inch long at this time. The second "pre -pink" spray is ape plied` when the earliest flower buds show mule but they are separated. The third spray before blossoming should be, the most thorough. It is applied just before the early blos- soms commence to open and when the buds aro separating' in the clus- ters, The "calyx sprav".i a.,, when most of the petals )rave ' fallen, 7 should not be delayed, as this applic- ation,is important for the control of other pests as well as diseases. Later sprays may be applied at 10 to 14 day interv4als as the season demands, Further information may be ob- tained by consulting the spray and dust ealendrtrs available for, each province. BACK TO LONDON SOON : The King is expecteu to move from Craigweil House, where Le has I ern coma e: cing from Castle on May al. '1 he join my will 1 e made by motor car. ate and enter susceptible new growth. Thus in order to successful- ly protect the new growth,sprays: The Car Owner's Scrap -Book should be, applied before wet weath- er 4 q s r t 51' (By the Left Hand Monkey Wrench) � The earliest date spores have, been a * d�x"+ • found to mature coincides with the SHIFT When the shifting of gears be- comes difficult, the trouble is some- times due to rust on the ball of gear- shift lever. The remedy is to clean the ball with a kerosene -soaked cloth and put a drop or two of oil on it. It need'not be taken out. RUST INTERFERES WITH GEAR time the first' green leaf tips appear on, the trees. About the time that the earliest •1' t blossom boils show pink ..... .r. front e of s general ' . charg pores l��`•, ..#;a:-a"�,£•z. ..ti'�M ^: 1 fallen lef•••^is takes place. The heav- iest liberation of, spores during each ON FARM LOAN BOARD of the past four years nes occured A. H. Brown, formerly a young between the 23rd and 28 of May ; i• lawyer of Regina, Sask., who was e., at, the time when the early varlet- recently appolnted Secretary of les are bursting into bloom. Addi- the Farm Loan Board of Canada. He Is a nephew of Chief Justice tonal periods of infection from Hon. A. T, Brown of Saskatche- spores arising from the raiien leaves wan• lane TESTING 01L FILTER I When the engine is warmed is a good time to test the oil filter, If the r oil fails to flow freely replace the cartridge at once. In a season's oper- �t� tc sysss yr sr 2 Ys- z� . .. • KO i anon this (Al filter may collect more �l lZ'.Sa..lZSi�,2S+lZ.SS�ZZ-+•�Z.Sb. .ems 5�. Beautiful Silverware is a t»lodern Necessity Ann what better indication of .1- taste and refinement than a service of celebrated COMMUNITY PLATE Ths Tabkwarr Ds Luxe By reason of oar complete stocks this store is fast becoming kaovm as beadquarters for this delight- ful ware, Prices Most Reasonable J. R. WENDT Jeweler Wroxeter — Ontario than two pounds of foreign matter that would otherwise circulate )through and rack the engine. I CARE OF LACQUER FINISH OF Cracks and chips in the lacquer varnish should be promptly attended CAR li Ito. The composition forms a thin !skin, or envelope, over the metal of the body. If water penetrates this, it will cause rust which will raise the 1 I lacquer, will then flake off in chunks. Having all such spots promptly 1 touched up will save a paint job I later. iATTENTION TO STEARING GEAR New Things Are "News" ricants. Ile sure that nuts are tight Be sure that all'cotter pins and other p y locks are in lace. Play in the steer- ing wheel may be remedied by insert- ing shims. If this fails, then it will be necessary to replace bolts and bushings. If there is no play, how- ever, run back the nut on the wheel bearing" until the wheel revolves freely. PREPARING FOR EXTENDED TOUR If the possibility of trouble is to be reduced to a minimum before starting a long trip, every arrange- ment should be made to have the gasoline tank well supplied in the fuel line and carburetor cleaned, the manifold free from leaks, good corn- pression; all spark plugs functioning, battery well charged, clean timer, no loose wire, spark plugs cleaned, in- terrupter points cleaned and adjust- ed, brushes making good contact and distributor cleaned. REFINISHING TOP OF CAR. When gasoline is not recommend- edfor general use on the fabric top covering of the car, it is satisfactory to clean the surface with the liquid before painting ga'solino will remove the thin, hard film of dirt which has It is well to remember to inspect accumulated, gasoline, naphtha and ' f 11 frequent- h iii be used in clean his long illness, as a cleaning agent preparatory to applying a top dressing, because of the possibility of the soapy water lodging in the cracks and thus pre- venting a good binding between the paint and top material to which it is applied. CLEANING SPARK PLUGS P G When cleaning spark plugs it is not not advisable to take thein apart. Plugs must be compression tight, and the gaskets that are in them gener- ally have been so heated that, when once taken apart, they will not seal the plug when put hack. A hack saw blade, ground down to a fine taper, makes an admirable tool for clean- ing ,plugs without taking them apart. If convenient, let the plags soak in kerosene overnight. It is a goon thing to spread a little graphite and oil on the threads of the plug. This facilitates removing of plug after being, in use for long time. Be careful to keep this mixture away from the electrodes. In the case of plugs that screw down to the shout - tier, it is advisable to replace the gaskets every time they are remov- ed. The ammeter on the car will show whether the silently running engine actually is running,. A tire cover not only helps to pre- serve the spare tire but keeps it clean, pending the necessary Itancl ling to, replace a flat tire. the steering caro u y andkerosene should rotA careless driver is detected by the condition of the fenders of his carr. Never tamper with valves after they have been adjusted ny an ex- pert mechanic. to Windsor Beliefs We Accept Without LEADER WILL RETIRE Arthur Sauvo, having declared. his Intention of retiring from the leadership of the Conservative: party in Quebee, a Conservative. convention will be held in Quebec City July 9 and 10 to choose his successor and adopt a party pro- gramme. 12,. An Scow/mien are penurious. 18. All Chinese smoke opium. 1.4. Lightning never strikea twits in the :utile, place. 13. One hour's sl,-ep before mid- night is worth two after midnight. 16. Women ars, by nature purer. and nobler than mien. 17. A squai • jaw is a sign of will power, ' le. Consri:nc;e .s an unfallibla guider to eonduet. • 10, An exi,eetent mother can fix the character of her child,by fixing her mind on a subject. 20.If your (t burn 's a sign Argument that some one ist tl i' shout you. Each of these .t:itenre'nts, familiar to all of t::., and accepted, at least in "It is batter not to know so much" part,h many of us unqualified declared the sapient Joeh Billings, false, Mr. Mansfield alerted. tthat run "than to knowso many g. ain't so " The "things that ain't so." FOR COMPLEXION believed by the average educated Lemon juice end milk rubbed on p! reon, are legion, we are told by the face and neck before retiring is George Mansfield, writing in The a splendid tonic for the complexion. NOW age illustrated. Here are some Pat it in until absorbed. of them, quoted, he says, from "a young college professor," who gave NEW TINWARE them re.ently a. test to s group of First rub grease over the new tin- ware and keep in a warm place for 1. It is almost fatal to eat lob a few days. Then the utensil is less stkn• and follow it up with ice cream I likly to rust. 1 Red-headed prop) shays;;ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE. have quick tempers. It is important to raise babies and 3. Winters were longer and col children according to a regular der when you were a boy. !schedule, better for them and really 4. Dew falls. 1 the only way a busy mother can get 5. Tan ,bars were cooler for'through her work. If baeles are fed summer wear than black. 'and given their naps at exactly the f. fihavi•,n m kke:, tit: h tie t e„(v I same tints each day mother knows ly. Lubricate often with proper lub- ing. Soap 'and water is not very good l LEAGUE 'SECRETARY AT OTTAWA, EN VERY member of every family in thiscnm- ntuuity i5 interested in the news of the day. And 00 items are react with keener relish than auuouueuments of new things to at, to wear sir to enjoy in the home. You have the goods and the desire to sell , them.' The readers of THE POST have the looney and the desire to buy. The connecting link is ADVERTISING. Clive the people the good news of new brings at advantageous prices. They look to you', for this "store news" and still respond to your. messages. Let ud show you that "Ane an Invitation" Advertisement is During a trip through Canada on the Canadian National Rail- ways, ,loseph Avenel, Deputy Secre- tary of the League of Nations, spent a day in Ottawa, where he renewed his acquaintance with the Primo Minister, whom be met at Geneva, Mr, Avenel sends at Mr, King's right, and at the right of the photograph is Jean Knight, the French Minister to the Dominion. The photograph was taken at the main entrance of the House of Commons. -- Canadian National Beltways Photograph. S. Long slender lentis indicate an is how to plan her day and baba; 2s happier and better natured also. artists. nature. 6. Marriage of cousins results in I ALL LABELED children of inferior int it enee j When packing a lunch box it is it. A high for, need insP •atse n nice to fasten the waxed paper as te.elior intelligence. ,round the sandwiches with a gum - 10., The liquid contnin.•d in the med label, on which is written the centre of many golf basis will ettdsa kind of sandwich therein. This is instant, total blindness. I particularly handy when packing a 11. There is something in anteol picnic or a train lunch for the entire ogy. I family. A carburetor out of adjustment can be responsible for more than any other "tart of the car. 1 'Yash the wheels .last when clean- ing the car. Plan to have the car washed as soon as possible atter an extends,) drive_ By following this rule, the finish will always remain bright. t It is important to see that the nuts hnldiny; tit rear wheels totheaxles are drawn tight and fastened with ['otter pins. 3 A 11110 t',`::l itii;, of grease is 121(1 to ..11 ililil• 1-iSi'a d gasket. Nuke in wheel hub:: may be calls - ed by a bearing working loose and grinding up by the revuivin.g motion of the wheels. This will mean a dam- atri•d axle, wheel out of alignment, and unnatural tire wear. THE GUEST'S COMFORT A current magazine or a good book should be in the guest room to entertain in an idle moment. Many of our guest, keep different hours than the family and something to read would be a great comfort. A PLACE FOR NECK TIES My husband keeps his neckties o11 a coat hanger with an extra bar be- low the hanger. The tins hang straight and free from wrinkles and are easily selected in tate morning rush for the office. YOUNG LAMB To know young lamb, loop for a tinge of red in the bones, very white fat and pale pink meat. Fresh Water Tiger 85 pound plucky captured by G. Clark tI Toronto siter an 1out-'s ttli a n;it, t reef and nine pound test line Iishernten differ as to the tight:- yield.: srir,11 and t 1•; in:n th black 1ii1 s, great uorthort ]tike of oitor mous size and piel.eref in abun- dance, as well a, pan Ssh. Not long ago a prominent New York bus,-. nes, than landed, a 55 pound "mashie" after a battle which will probably satisfy his quest fore a thrill for the rest of his life. ing merits of the various species of the finny tribe 1'o be found in North American waters. Some claim that, .inch for inch and pound for pound, the small mouth black bass is the gamest fish that swims; others are equally enthusiastic in praise of the speckled brook trout: while still another fraternity claim that tele salmon prtA up as ?mile a battle for liberty as any game fish extant, An are agreed, however, that the museitlunge, sometimes called the "fresh water tiger" is one of the greatest fighters known to anglers, and that he will put up a battle royal when attached to the business end of a rod. One of the productive mus- t•alun5e streams in North America is. French River, in Ontario, Can- ada, which connects Lake Mills,. sing on the East with Georgian ilay on the West. This tangle of waterways is not only the haunt of the fighting mnsealunge but it French River is two hundred ndlee north ti Porc oto on the: Sudbury Linc'rite French River Bungalow Camp, a series of cozy individual bungalows centering- around a main elute house, provides comfortable accommodations for the angler and his fancily. Jacic Strath(lee, manager of this anglers" ' retreat, is a genial hoist who is glad)!; to give the uninitiated fisherman et. few tilts on how to lure the wily. "ntuskle. " French River Bungalow Camp has as its adjunct Pine, Rapids Camp, some 20 miles up• the river, (:nd located just at the.; spot where the "whoppers" are. likely to lurk,