HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-5-1, Page 8WIMNEiSDAY, MAY let, 1929,
15 PUS'S'
werep.r.w q r igr tea.tettirctautreie+irawiE+calrEaCwc+ ac '
Elise - coma. -Time
1eltataratateleteleareiRe.e. a t
Marcy of the Requirements can be purchased here
floor Wax
Fidler Paste or
Shell Paper
12c & 15c pkgs.
Powd. Borax
Red Cedar Flakes
Prevents moths from de-
stroying, Furs, Clothing,
Woolens, &c. 25c pkgs.
Moth Garment Bags
With new side opening
Also Moth Balis
Gum Camphor
Oil of Cedar, etc.
Dolly Cream
For tinting
Curtains 15c
Sunset Dye
or Rit
15c pkgs.
New Wail roper Crystal.
'Brightens up the Horne flair D>l
or lishi
A good selection of papers floors pino eum
suitable for Living Rooms, or wood work.
Halls, Dining Rooms and 25c pint
For Kitchens and places
which need renewing often Caod Whisks
we have an especially large
line of low priced patterns
this season. at 25c each
See the new patterns of
Varnished Tile Papers in chamois
brighter colors.
Bon Ami
Household Li-
quid Ammonia,
Powd. Ammon-
ia in pkgs.
Chloride of
15c & 25c pkgs. for
— Formaldehyde' Polishing
Liquid Veneer
O'Cedar iloli5h I lb. and i lb. bots.
Kills smut on grain. From 20c each
to 81.75 each
7ixe Store
Druggist and Stationer
[_____Local News Items
Look. Hydro Off. •
At your label. Is your subscrip- Hydro power will be off all day
tion due yet? Renew it now! Thursday of this week.
Cattle Out on Grass Dress Display.
Geo. Muldoon and 0. H. Walker J. Ferguson & Co., will have a
were busy on Saturday putting their dress display on Tuesday, May 7th.
cattle out on grass.r See advt. in this issue.
Tax Dropped. Played in Lucknow.
The special war revenue tax on The Brussels Dramatic Club pre -
cables, telegrams, railway and steam rented "An Old Fashioned Mother"
ship tickets was removed on May 1. at I:ucknow on Tuesday night.
There will be a considerable saving Making Improvements
to business finite and to tourists and C. Pope has been busying fixing up
travelers. his drive -way at his gasoline station,
Getting Ground in Shape. corner of Mill and Turnberry streets.
The proposed new park, on the Cadet Inspection.
river bank, west of the bowling The Brussels Continuation School
green, has been ploughed up and get -
Cadets will have their annual in -
ting levelled, The small boys and ttion on Monday,
girls will have a busy summer when :el
May '27th. The
Boys are brushing up their drills, etc.
a swimming beach is made for them
there, Synod at London May 13th.
Organist and Choir Leader. l The annual meeting of the Synod
Garfield Bender, of Listowel, has of the Diocese of Huron will be held
been appointed temporarily as or- in St. Paul's cathedral, London, on
ganist and choir leader of Brussels , :Monday, May 13th.
'United church;, commencing on Sun- Change in C. N. R. Timetable.
day, May 5th. Mr. Bender has pre- t A change in the Canadian Nation-
eided as organist of Listowel Evan- al Railways timetable became effect-
gelical church and •a graduate of Mr, ive on April 28. The early morning
Hoadley, of Listowel. !train now arrives at 7 o'clock instead
St. John's Church I of 7.00. All other trains are due to
It was announced on Sunday that arrive at usual time,
Holy Communion would be posponed 1. 0. O. F. Service.
till the second Sunday in May, as Sunday evening_ the annual sermon
there would be a number of baptisms was preached by Rev. F. G. Fowler,
on the first Sunday.—This was a
at at Melville church, to members of
mistake and the baptisms will be on Melville
Star Lodge, 1.0.0.I., and
May 12th (Mother's Day) and the other vieitin;; brethren. The rain
regular celebration of Holy Com- hada tendency to keep ninny of the
reunion will be held on the first Sun- visiting lodges away.
day—May 5th.
1 Annual Executive Meeting
Y. P. S. Meeting, at Brussels.
A meeting of much interest was The annual T:xeruttvc meeting of
held by the Y. P. S. on Monday even -
the Ea.'. Huron Women Institute
ing in the United Church, After the will nn held in the 1'u;al'c L:brury,
devotional period, presided over by D un els, on Monday, May Oth; at
the President, Mrs. Barker gave a .2 80 o'clock Will all thane interest -
very instructive paper on "Hymn- ed please keep this in rnincl.
ology", giving sketches of the writ-
ers and origin of the Hymns "Abide
Minor Locals.
With Me" "Jesus Lover of My Soul: i The leaves are coning out,
and "Stand -Up, Stand tip for Jesus" Hydro off all clay Thursday.
These hymns were well sung by Miss 1 Daffodils, crocu res, snowdrops,
Lultt Procter, Miss Addie Cardiff awl :hyacinths and tulips are now bloom -
Mr, Will Cardiff and Miss Ruth Stra- ing in the home gardens in town,
than respectively. The book In- 1 The succulent rhubarb from the
nocents Abroad" by Mark Twain was home garden makes the popular rhu
shown by lantern views which were barb pie again a resourceful item on
described by Miss Penfold. The the family bill -of -fare.
Brussels United Church
Sunday, May 5th
11 a.m.--Public Worship.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
3 p.m, --Sunday School and Bible
Missionary Day and Program
7 p.m.—Public Worship,
"The Glory of the Common Place
Monday 8 p. m.—Y. P. S.
Wednesday—Prayer Service
Friday --Choir Rehearsal
Sunday, May 12th—Mothers'
and Fathers' Day Services
10 Young Pigs For Sale. Cecil
Bateman, Phone 85-18. 46-1
FOR SALE—White Blossom Sweet
Clover Seed, 84.00 per bushel; al-
so Durham Calf 4 weeks old. It.
C. Campbell, Phone 43-13. 46-tf
COLLIE 'Pups For Sale. Phone 51-6
FOR SALE -35 Little Pigs, Six
weeks old, 1{inley McNaughton,
Lot 7, Con. 2, Turnberry. 46-1
FOR SALE—Part Holstein and Dur-
ham cow due to freshen May 4;
good stock cow also a good milker.
' Also a choice Yorkshire sow due
May 16. Norman Sanderson, Blyth
Ont. 46-1.
FOR SALT—A new davenport; 2nd
hand Crown Huron cook stove al-
so a good glass cupboard. Bert
Carter, Phone 837., 46-1
HATCHING EGGS from S. C4 White
Leghorns of good breeding mated
with R.O.P. stock cockerels, at
reasonable prices. G. A. Manning,
Brussels„ Phone 101x R5. 46-tf
BABY CHiICKS—Barred Plymouth
Rocks. 0. A. C. strain, May 15c
each. Single Comb White Leg-
horn, Barron strain, May 14c
each; also dry summer 'wood for
sale. Dan. McKinnon, Brussels,
Phone 23-16. 43-tf
LONG and Short Distance Trucking
done at moderate rates. Wilfred
Keifer, Phone 34'7. 45-2
Combe White Leghorns, bred -to -
lay. Alex Perrie, Phone 25-15.
FOR SALE—Renfrew Cream Separ-
ator, 500 lb capacity, used only a
few months; also a good wood
stove for a summer kitchen. Philip
James, Rhone 25-17. 45-2
FOR SALE or Rent —Seven -roomed
house, good barn, and six acres of
land adjoining Brussels. Apply to
George Colvin, 69 Cherry St.
Stratford, Phone 1743 w. 45.3
BARRED ROCK Hatching Eggs for
sale, $3. per 100; 500 per 15; Roy
Sanderson, Con. 1, Turnberry,
Wroxeter Phone 616-16. 43-t£.
acres, being the South half of Lot
5, Con. 8, Morris Township. Ap-
ply to Alex. Smith or, Henry
Sanderson, Blyth, Ont. 44-4,
FARM FOR SALE -100 acres being
Lot 31, Con, 5, Grey. For further
particulars apply to Richard Mills,
R.R. 3, Brussels. 44-tf
FOR SALE—White Blossom Sweet 1st.da and Beene (Thompson, well known
Clover Seed, Government tested, Thursday afternoon is Brussels playwrights, who have provided pre -
ger1. per bus. Tone Bol- Half -holiday. vious Menjou material. They have
48- Con. 8, Morris. Phone 56-14
•i3-tf. Sunday, May 12th will be observed written a story that gives Menjou
as Mother's Day. every opportunity of that type that
FOR SALE—A Quantity of Timothy Palmerston is , talking of holding
and Alsike Seed. Government a Reunion this year.
tested. 90% germination, Groton Send in your news items but don't
on new land and free from nox- forget to sign your name.
ious weeks. Jno. McNabb, Grey. Advertise in The Post, t14 best
Phone 43-11. 42-tf. medium for reaching the coneumei
BARRED ROCK Baby Chicks, John- in your locality. i conquest, and Menjou suffers mole
tan's Strain, for sale. Harvey At first the world was flat. Then • die,: t gerter ., rt,n. encourage-
L'•,yans, Phone 12-8, 42-tf. some men discovered it was round. methin winning the lady fair. liow-
Now it is crooked. I ever, he is spurred on because he has
Seed, Goveriment tested for sale. There is an advertisement in ani really fallen •in love with the young
Apply to Itay Crawford, Lot -18, Ohio paper for a lost black and white woman and his love finally is not to
Con, 14, McKillop, Seaforth phone 1 tomeat. We think he was on the air he denied, but fn the interim many
243-32. 41_tf last night, j laughs and pleasant excitement con-
11 tribute to the entertainment,
FOR SALE—Timothy and Alsike "What a Night" with Bebe Daniels
Mixture. 27% Alsike (i) l0c a Ib ; Bebe Daniels has returned to the Township School Boards.
Pure Timothy Gni $4 a bus.; 'Yellow newspaper for the theme of her 1 Commenting editorially on the al -
Sweet Clover @ $5 per !ripping, thrilling come most unanimous negative vote of the
bus.; White Blossom Sweet Clover 1 erl, latest,What a Nightt" and comes to i Trustees Section of the Ontario Ed -
(le 84.50 a bus. All government !tee Grand theater on friday next ucational Association on the question
graded and tested. Russell Dou- lvoted to be the bent comedy inelodra- of township school boards, the Owen
gherty, Lot 13, Con. 17, Grey, ma that has appeared here in some , Sound Sun remarks it would seem
Phone 27-19. 40-tf. Mime. Excitinent thrills, laughter and ; as though jealousy of personal pees -
love makes up the adventure which ; t!ge is behind the opposition of the
this dashing star evokes in this story ,rural trustees." Further it adds,
T V T11111
that influences
yoin• enquiiies
; Character and
�� Individualityin Ba�iks
course Of development of a banking
policies are formed, habits 111aiU'
aud methods practiced '15hlch-al'e11
find intimately connected with the •
that gave tl3etU birth, It ie tb,eBs51
that give a bank n iv dual ellal'lleter
a man in n aktug his financial
In offering. ours rviees, t' e Kilicit
regarding Dank of L`onlweree•
its aneeting your own busiiess..
which is omnlpamarc4 1I
"Gig;<cv,,..vwckw,n.vomit +q+a ts+la v�f
Wanted !
g young Men or Girls
To learn making Tennis g
s$ Shoes. Pay while learning.
Steady work. Write- or „;
;r; phone stating age, weight ti
and height to
The Elmira Hither factory tt
i,f e
Trout Season is On
The trout season opened this
morning. The maximum catch is 20
fish not over ten pounds in all and
the minimum length is seven inches,
Snow Fell Monday and Tuesday.
This section had a small snow
storm and Tuesday morning a frost
was to be seen, and laterl snowflakes
drifted down, but not for long.
Clever Offering Well Received.
"Eyes of. Love" is the name of a
comedy drama presented in the Town
Hall last Thursday evening by a
group of players from•the New Ham-
burg Anglican church, •under the
auspices of the Ladies' Guild .of St.
Johns Church. A big crowd was in
attendance to enjoy what was prob-
ably the best play ever presented in
the hall and their appreciation was
shown by the generous applause
Pictures Coming to the Grand. which the play and players received.
Following are a few 01 the pret. Considerable experience in the field
ores billed at the Grand Theatre for of drama was shown by the partici
the coming month: pants, to who
perfectiportraon, yedBettheiwreen partsthe al -
May the Lewin family gave musical seloc-
3-4—What a Night (Bebe Daniels) tions.
6-7—Private Life
10-11—Case of Lena Smith Air Mail
13-14—Lion and the Mouse b Permission has been granted the
17-18—Manhattan Cocktail' 1 Western Canada Airways Limited,
20-21—Just Married i operating wenn- weekly air service
24-25—Land of the Silver Fox ? between Prince Albert, Sask., and the
27--28—Caught in the Fog IRottenstone District, Northern Sas-
31—June 1—Carnation Kid i ketehewan, via Waskesiu, Montreal
Lake, and the Lac La Ronge, Sask.,
Reunion off at Wingham I to convey such mail as is offered by
Owing to a lack of necessary co- the public for conveyance by this
operation and willingness to work service provided the senders assume
among the citizens and business men all risk The address side is to be
of Wingham, the proposed serni-cen- [marked "By Air Mail" and stamped
tennial celebration to be held this ' with the usual Canadian postage,
year is not likly to materialize. This : and a special aerial- sticker sold by
will doubtless prove very disappoint- I the company representing . a charge
ing to the old boys and girls living at, of ten cents an ounce must be placed
a distance, who were contemplating on the reverse side in payment of
an enjoyable time in their former the specialcharge fixed by the cora-
haunts this corning summer. pang A complete schedule of air
mail service in the United States,
both domestic and international, has
been received by the post office, ,and
information contained therein may
be secured upon request.
Heed• the Stop Signals
Car drivers will please remember
that tthe stop signs on our streets
exactly what they spell, STOP.
Nothnerely to slow up ; bring your
car to a full stop even though the
through street may be Clear of traffic,
This will greatly assist in making our
thoroughfares safe for the public,
will prevent accidents and will save
money needlessly contributed toward
the payment of fines for infractions
of the law. •
Minor Locals.
Empire Day—May 23rd.
Council meets on Monday.
Toronto is now on daylight saving.
Trout fishing opened today—May
His Private Life
"His Private Life," which opens
at the Grand (cheater, next Monday,
is a typical. Adolphe Menjou success.
Here again we see Menje•u cast as
the sophisticated Parisan boulevar-
dier ; (character which lifted hint to
the pinnacle of screen fame. Men-
joa's return to the screen after a
well earned vacation, which inci-
dentally narked the' marriage of the
star to his leading lady, Kathryn
Carver is celebrated by paramount
by giving film fans two hours of
solid, pleasing entertainanent. The
story is from the pen of Earnest Vaj-
fans delight in seeing him in. Ae
stated before, Menjou essays the
role of round -the -town man. Tae tells
a friend that he is through with
woolen, but :promptly falls for the
first one he sena. , It proves a hard
Brussels Well Represented at of newspaper life and newspaper do- 1 "when it is considered that there are
meeting was closed by Mr. Banter, Stratford Music Festival. ings. Crooked politicians, gang ' 900 school sections in Ontario with
pronouncing the benediction. Pioneer Passes. Brussels will be web represented leaders, reporters and Bebe, herself, less than ten pupils, many of them
The Port Albeini News, B.C., hat at Stratford Music Festival : Mira make up characters, It is the tale of ,with only one or two, the opposition
W. C. T. tr. the following obibaar I Lulu Procter is sin n to a change to eliminate such ineffi-
The regular meeting of the Wo- tz Y of a sister of ! gi g at Stratford a "big scoop" which the newtrpaper 1 dent methods is hard to understand,
inn's 'Christian •'temperance Union Mlss Belle Walker, of town: --Mrs. , City Hall next Monday afternoon in tries unsuccessfully to break unto. With method methods to understancommunicd-
was held at the home of 1VIrs. A. Mc- Margaret Wilkinson, age 67 years ,competition with singers from three Mise Daniels blundering efforts as a
Guii'e on Friday last, with a fair at died at the West Coast Genera) Hos ' counties t —Perth, Bruce and Huron, reporter uncovers the necessary data, :'tion two or throe of these sections,
tt'ndan e. Devotional service was pital on the 18th day of March, .1929 I MissMuriel Michel is playing in the William Austin has an important or: even more could be consolidate
token by Mesdames Procter, 1VIcKin Born in Ontario, Mrs. Wilkinson , open piano class, also in the girl's part and is as funny as ever as a, under a township board, with the
non and Skelton: Business session, atrie to Alberni 32 years ago. She i class under. 17 which is open to all male: society editor. Neil Hamilton one school costing slightly more than
was conducted by the President, leaves to mourn her loss, her bus- piano players within a radius of 75 has the leading nate role and the each of those it replaced. Even if all
Mrs, McGuire. The Treasurer, Mrs, band, and one daughter, Miss Jean, I mties. Mise Helen Backer is compet• laugh -provoking Charles ISellon has the schools of a township are retain -
,Denman, reported the proceeds of both of Albeini, also two sister, Miss . ing
gder in1the
'hcabove classor girls un- • are • rngt role
ofchhis, tatlents.
n e 'od, the
qpurchasing of ke supplies
the halting sale and supper held re- MIsabella Nelson Walker, of Brussels, and I trained by P. F. Hoadley, of List- swift and surprising, the aspens° omit of consolidated management
worny to be 051. Sams of mane( The. neral Bricker, of Michigan. ! owel, Dr. Pricker, conductor of the ' is well sustained and the laughter would be obtained, Other countries
Fwere voted to Provincial Budget The funeral was from the United i .hZendelethan choir with the judge of ripples unceasingly throughout the 'have long abandoned the idea of a
inter ting educational uiaoAll Clas fh, the c at. MacLean and Mr•' vocal classes, and Mr. Kennedy, of , absorbing melodrama. "What a board for each sschool, elected usual-
ihe pros igemeraprogram of bearersaresrw officiating, while the pard, I Toronto Conservatory of' Musie, will Night 1" is one of those rare pictures ly at an open mooting. England,
usual -
the present temperance theeuatron was were n,Messrs.. John Radford, be the piano judge. Festival will be ! which gives an audience everythingnoted for clinging to the old ways,
taken reeding
n se all t members. John n Thomson, T bo.Care, e lent s held from ,Saturday, May 4th to Pri- ' in a shrt space . of time andgives has progressed beyond even the town
The meoting closed in the usual man- Forman and M. Teho, Interment t Was , day,p ship plan, electro count school
,ater. shade in the Alberni temetent. ( May 10, 1 everything entertainingly well. g Y
X 4 :4 1a;. t ares i ai,i44.4 iso itr0r: *cal to `+
. Formaldehyde
Fresh Supplyon hand.
Strength and Quality Guaranteed.
I lb. and !b. bottles,
j,.,..., 0.1 M7.. �.O et wa1r .ealrele! e . leree'e ate+a .et+ to aterler:4 1:"
Cleanses the System.
Relieves Rheumatism.
Extract Cod
Liver Oil
The year-round tonic,
An excellent Builder.
.,.....................,..,..:+,....::.,...,...,.4:t, ..
Wall Paper
sAs we have an excellent assortment of Wall Papers S.
ranging in urice from 5c per single roll to the better
. class of Sunworthy Papers, you will find it easy to g
3 obtain Papers suitable for any room. See them. , _
if.,. .14. , .moi i 111: ...144.4 f ..1 4 1 i., H «.HSM:, e— H. ,. .:e iii i t.tvAt
Alien's. Drug Store
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox
boards to look after all the schools
in their counties."
Two.Cent• Postage
A new rate of two -cents' postage
on mail between Canada and France
will go into effect immediately after
the postal convention establishing
the new rate has been signed in Paris
Hon. Philippe Roy, Canadian min-
ister to France, will sign the agree-
ment on be half of Canada.
Empire Day
Empire Day in the local public
school will be fittingly observed, and
celebrated on May 23. Appropriate
exercises of patriotic interest iviil be
part of the general program. Sug-
gestions for the observance of the
day have been sent out by the de-
partment of education at Toronto.
Patriotic songs will be sung in all
the schools.
Synod of Huron.
The program of the 72nd synod of
the diocese of Huron, which includes
Brantford and district was issued
yesterday. The convention will open
with divine service in St. Paul's
Cathedral, London, Ont., on Monday,
May 13, at 8 p.m. Ttt. Rey. 'Taros le.
Sweeny, bishop of Toronto, will be
the special speaker. Several emport-
ant business measures are on the
agenda and hundreds of delegates
are expected to attend.
Nearly) 500 granite mansions are
on strike in Corn -wall for a wage in
crease of 2d. an hour.
Shoe size ) 25 recently made a
school boy in Missouri out of five
square feet of leather. The boy is 6
feet ten inches tall".ane weighs over
240 pounds.
INGrd,—STUSBS: At the Anglican Church.
Bressels, Ont.. by Bev: F. r.. Lewin, on
Wednesday, April -24th, 1929,D1vld logits.
8th line Grey township, to flirt. $thea
Stubbs, of. Manchester, England.
ARoatBauD_—In McEntee township, on
Friday, Aprn 29th, margtret Ireland, wife
of Thsmag Arobibsld, in her 46th year.
CARDIFF—In Fergus Hnapital, on Saturday
Oardi f. of Grey township ' wife of Free.
ielcARNEY: In iderria township, on Wed.
nosday, April 24th, Ellen. McCracken,'wid-
ow of the lute dames Kearney, in her 87th.
MAMMON —At the home of her daughter,
Mre J. f3. Cnn,eron, 866 Defferin avenue,
London. Margaret Leckie, renot of the
late Samuel t lemmon, Oraubrook, In her
92nd year.
WILKINSON WestCoast General Hos-
pits, Albeh,i, B. r., on March 18th, 1888,
Mrs. Margaret Wilkinson, formerly. of
Brnapeit,kited 6? years
IN-I)IIII1011 t&M
DAVIDSON --1n loving memory of Harvey
Algin Dnv'dson, who died one year ago,
ltiay 2nd,
Loving thoughts, true end tender,
Just to /how we still remember,
-PAnue TA, 31,005 ERA ANDSINTE66,
Service is n comm )dity. Perhaps no other
person in'the world needs it or a)preciates it
more than the motorist. When you bring your
car to our garage you will find SERVICE our
motto. We sell it and we give it free,
We have taken over the Cunningham Garage,
and are now ready for business, ,
Drive in to -day
Phone gx
o E. C. Cunningham