HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-4-3, Page 1VOL, 57 NO, 42 ` $a.oO
er annum in advance
j. LA, Ab kh Pro,»ietor
T'he Surrounding District
t -
Mrs. T Davey spent Thursday h
Phillip Durst, Listowel, spent Sun-
day at his home here.
J. R. and Mrs, Wendt -spent
week end at Oshawa. the
Hans Rasmussen, London, was .
guest of •his mother for Easter.
Wm, Booth, of Kitchener, was a
recent visitor at his home here.
Samuel Stirling, Bayfield, was a
recent visitor with Dr, McLeod.
A. Inglis has returned to his work
in the bank after a few weeks' ill-
Miss M. Knox has returned from a
three weeks' visit with Toronto
P g
Samples Have
Just Arrived
Laurie Van Velsor, Oshawa, was
a holiday visitor with his parents.
Cliff White and Mrs. N. White
were holiday visitors at .Port Elgin.
iArchie Gibson, of the Bank of
Commerce, is having a two weeks'
I Miss E. J. Howe is in Toronto this
week attending the annual meeting
I of ,the Ontario Library Association.
Among the teachers home for the
Easter vacation are: W. Rae, Ray-
field; Jack Edgar, Brussels; Misses
13. Howe, Leamington; A. Munro,
St, Catharines; Ruth Stocks, Lon-
don; Elizabeth Sanderson, Markdale.
The Monthly meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute was held at the 'home
of Mrs. Thos. Brown on Thursday
afternoon, the President, Miss M.
Pope, in the chair. At the conclus-
ion of several business items; the roll
call was replied to by Irish wit, Com-
munity singing formed an interest-
ing'part of the afternoon's program.
Mrs. R, Stocks gave an instructive
paper on Japan and the far East, in
which she ably described the coun-
try, peoples and government. This
New Adiertblements
Aervine Stan on- 'nw Carter
,Heed -Pearl -WI eget, r i'pllt Pon mills ,
Ooncert-Hl uevule Pre,.t'yt erten Choirh
No,ntein pen tont-lila eesT
Nor rale-- W Want.
flange I:nl• sale -Ors ,roe WI 31e1d
Cattle for sola. -Alonzo He tbY
01x1 wanted -Lefton & Ziegler
Dag s4rayed-Adntn si nleice
lr,t'm wanted -L.) N Ro•b
PAM for Bole or rant -Donald 6uaftnilan
Plge for Bale-R..n Alocok
Hoose for sale-180xl161,owlett
Auction tole- n,y
P uotIon a
ee0 Barron
Pests for sate-PhoneNg
Rant Colokfor sale -Hervey
Mate for 3 laeon
Peettor mi. -John McNabb
, for eole-(Yaw,nrd Strnohtn
Sprine Or-aloe R op
Anotlnn linin -Andrew Rlmpoon
Pneturo land -Alex. Cloelrry
Clarence McClenaghan spent
week- end with his uncle, Harry
3. and Mrs. Rogers, of Toronto,
spent Easter witli the lady's parents
J. and Mrs. Powney.
Mrs. L. Hayes, of Detroit, spent
the week end with her parents, J. T.
and Mrs. Brydges, of Belgrave.
Miss Blanche Cunningham of the
Stratford' Normal is spending her
vacation et her home near Belgrave.
Charlie Cole, of Seaforth, and his
sister Mary, - of Blyth, were visitors
was followed by an exhibit of art-
Fridaityheir sister Mrs. J. Michie on
cies made from flour sacks. Many i•
dainty and useful articles wore dis-
played. These will be sold at the
April meeting when a tea will also
be served to which the public will
be welcome.
Mc -
Wedding bells are ringing on the
6th con.
Mrs. \V. 14. Hudson and Mins Win•'
nie are guests at the 1101110 of A. and
Mrs. Yuill, 8th con
BELGRA"!E Ben and M rs. Hellen beck and daugh
James Rath, of St. George, was ter, of Palmerston, spent the ,vaek
calling on old friends last week.d with friends in Grey.
Miss Dorothy Deans, of Wingham, 1
enbliss Bervit Cardiff, St Thomas, has
was a visitor with C. H. and Mrs, been visiting at the home of Harold
Coulter.Cardiff during the past week,
Mrs. Bryant, of Blyth, was the •! Mrs, Oliver Smith, 5th con. bas
guest of Mrs. J. A. Brandon during' spent the past couple of weeks visiting
the week. I at the home of her son, Hugh Smith,
Miss Wheatley is spending her I A certain party gave a taffy -pull on
Easter holidays with her parents 1 a recent Sunday evening. We don't
near Seaforth. Inks this kind of thing intruding on
Norman ,Stonehouse, of London, I tbe Sabbath dry.
was an Easter visitor with his par- I Easter venni' t of $. S. No. 10 -Total
ents here. ' 800, Honors 604 Pess 480. Sr. -Pearl
Miss Mildred Scobie spent the Baker. 613 Se. ill-Oturnei Baker
week -end with Mrs. Fox at White- 036. Norma Spt iran 620. Delmer 1)il
church. 1 worth, Vance Baker 2420 II -Total
Miss M. Campbell was a week end 500, Honors 375, Peso 300 Gladys
visitor with her brother, Mr. Hayes Ward 460, Phyllis Ward 428, Muriel
Harkwe11350. Dorothy Dilworth 332
of Detroit. SI.I-Total 800, Honors 225, Pats 180.
Isobel Stewart, of Londesboro, is Edythe Speiran 285, Willis Machan
Be sure new staying with her uncle, J. Stewart 276, Joe Baker 275, Margaret Baker
` £ora few days, 247, Gordon Ward 238, Lawson Wet d
Cloths before buying your Miss L. McBurney, of Stratford, 223.• Jr. 1 -Helen Cox 267, Olive Hack
Spring Suit. INormal Sshool, is spending her vaca- well, Lloyd Spetran 224 Fel gu• Heath.
`tion at her home here. 206, Leona: 0 1V"i 0 161. Primer -
'' Miss Mary' Coultes of Toronto, was Grace Spehaut 277, Aileen Di] wt rill
l Ian Easter visitor wither brother, C. , y
1. Ferqusoo
R. Coultes and family.I
254 L le Et a ns 21U.
Mrs. B. Tasker and children, of ; TEAcaETt
Blyth were visitors with her parents,I Sett oL REPORT—Following is the'
Phone 24 Mr. and MrsJ. McGuire. report of S. S No. 4, Grey Helloes
Always the lowest James Van Camp and daughters S7ellerers 88,3;Pass Christinal781. McFai lane 7lla
Mary and Irene were Easter visitors Wallace Beckett 62. Jr. IV -Lind -ay
One Price Only
with J. T. and Mrs. Coultes. Brill 130- Sr III -Doris McAllister
81 Kenneth Sellers 60Waltet Mc.
Grand Spring Opening
April 4th to 6th inclusive
Showing the Newest Models
of Women's and Misses'
Smart Spring Wearables-
French Kid Gloves
Kayser Silk Hosiery with Gloves
to match. All the new Sun -tan
Parasols to Match
Your Outfit
Gossard and Nemo -flex foundation Garments
Spring Dress Materials
Fine Woolens -so much in demand.
Printed Silks -the big talk from Fashion centres
Plain Silks Crepes Romaines
In fact everything to 'make your Spring Outfit a
Ferlarte 52. Jr. III-Oatl Gr'itunlr-r
60, Earl Glimmer 42, Muttgn Maar-
, lane 40. Sr. II -Margaret Grimmer
85, Gertrude \Villiei69, Laura Savage
63, *Howard McKay Marie Jack -
M Stv-
tin 91,Myrtle Say-
93 DorothyBain 15
age 83 Leslie Holmes 73, Sheldon
Jacklin 40. Claes T -Minty Holmes
81. Primer Doris Mur' 17 stars,
Douglas Bain 17, Mildred Willie 16,
Ross Elliott 15. *Irene Willis 13 stars,
Those mat ked * were absent part.
1 time. Torn McFarlane missed all
tests. Ni'. on roll 25 ; averlige attends
ante 225, B. A. DAvlsov,
Address and Presentation -Friends
and neighbours numbering 125 gath-
ered at the home of John and Mrs.
Staples, on the 17th con, on Wed-
nesday evening, March 27th to
d 1 evening and bid them
etcvomps ,+Al'mt>otat+ 4,1,.1 a tetrtaer
The Play
"An Old
Will be presented
In the
Tuesday Ev'g, Apr, 9
This is a real good Play,
well worth hearing.
Proceeds goes towards Park
• at Bowling Green.
e VCICt etC4ICatetetat EICIer0CtEMteut
"The Bashful
Mr. Bobbs"
By Kincardine Young People
under the auspices of
C. G. 1 T. f Brussels United
Town Hall, Brussels
Friday, 12th
Y� P
V Admission 35 and 25 cents
...,gra. ID.Milrarar5rtea r u+=rbt)M Otntioh,
Misses Lam a and Verna McCutch•
eon, of Toronto, rue visiting at the
R parental home.
Scnoon REPORT -Following is the
report of $ M No. 4, Mot Os, for the
month of March. Pupils were exam-
ined in Dautp , Spell., Lit., Isec„ Ag -
tic., Arith,, Geog. and hist. Total
100 per cent ; Prise. 60. Pupils rnatked
P -Div
missed o ram.: . t. 1V
ole n x
Harriet Smith 88 Jr. IV
Miller 90, Haut 4 rth
-Got den Nichol 86, Howard Smith 76
,s hotntrtPila:sr5 ;t,; ;g:;aJMInarand *Jack Pipe 67, Mar Scott 43. Jr, III
-Adak Grasby 81. Sr- II - Clara
_ Smith 85. (41rnn Nichol 80, `Janie Bet'- , in
Hogg, Mrs. L.Murray, Mrs. T. Stap- mull O8. ^Bill Herman 62 Jr. II- Who
ver successful and nis urn un
les and Marie Weisenberg as accom- Jim Davit' 95, :'Meaner Nichol 93, y
panist on the piano. Following is the
48-aiak.. 1 B, dire Suxil it 92,**Ket"'�'h teservice
nroau atf 3 n clas urkttin the d LUnited
address read: - Dear Mr. and Mrs. ,ypeir 70. Ji. Pr-*Jask Speir 78, afternoon
when the rays cnttgtegati
Staples:-We are all very much the Montt Mille, 88, •"•John Harman 68, of the village united (11 an impressive
creatures of circumstances and George Ml INONA eon 40 religious service. Rev D. M. Guest
changing events, have come around V Ixoi;A A. FIIAIN, Teacher, Cook charge of the opening part. and
and so you are about to leave us. • called on Rev. Mr. Jackson 10 t+ffer
Now we have come here tonight to prayer, Rev. Mr, Williams then de -
show our appreciation of your so- livered a fine sermon on au appro-
journ amongst us. We have always
found you pleasant, sociable, kind
and willing to give a helping hand
and we have brought with us a little
present which you can look upon in
the days to come as something tan-
gible from the friends and neighbors
you used to know. While we regret
losing you, we wish you all success
and happiness wherever you may
make your home. Signed by neighbors
and friends.
aa: a;statoscT t t,atct:teia :stc,�
A Concert`
gyp in the forte of sot
i le
' People vs. Single
Forresters' Hall
evt le
Btu a
' 7
friday Eu q, Apr, 5th
Under auspices of Ladies'
Aid of Knox Presbyterian
W Mrs. Coombs Miss M. Garniss
Admission 25c and 15c
131enr1ietseat9:pil SSralt�siae1, Beater holiday.
George Thompson, of Toronto.
Personal Paragraphs
Fraley Semis of Toronto, was here
for the I!)astet holidays.
Alias Olive, Floody agent (,Sued Frig
day with Mis, J. L'.K.err,
Graham Stewart Of Toronto, was an
buster visitor with hie parents.
John Hwtut is visiting a cousin in"
Dent on Tote. n eek or ten days.
1% ill Sit indium 13,A„ Toronto, was
an Easter visitor with his pareate,
Archie Stewart, of Toronto, was an
Easier visitor at the parental borne.
Miss Gerrie t•t•
1 rr a 1170 + ken, of toren-
I to, is home for the Easter vacation.
Miss Jean M s J Messer, ,1
east of to as
f Toronto w
an Easter visitor with her mother,
15 les Louise Rose, who is teaching
fit Mlunroe, is ht me for Easter holt-
Miss Mae Skelton, of Toronto. is
spending the Easter vacation with Iter
Mrs. John {.glassier has returned
home after her visit in London with
her sfstet'.
Sl iss Norma Welsh, of Toronto, was
an Easter visitor witilher sister, Mrs.
Bert McIntyre.
Mise Muriel Sperling, of Niagara
Falls, is spending T ndiu her n
1 g e baster vacation
a herrn a r'
t home hire.
Robert and Mrs. Anderson return-
ed from Stratford Thursday for the
Mrs. P. N. Currie spent a few days was an Easter visitor with hi6 sister
Guelph lust weep with her sister, hers. Llrve Backer,
ho was seriously ill. Ml t's, A Bit rtes and eon of Tor'arlta,
are Easter vlsi t ors with the foriner's
father', Sam. W ilton.
Nathan Chapman and Miss Evelyn
Chapman wet e Harter visitors ab
Leamington with relatives,
Rus Brown, druggist, Toronto, was
an Easter visitor' with his sister, Mrs.
J.. L. Kerr over Gond Friday.
Russel and Mrs. Zimmer and child-
ren, of Toronto, spent Easter at the
pirate theme which was very helpful home of A. C. and Mfrs. Dames,
to everyone, A united choir of young Miss Lyle Rutledge, of Buffalo,
people led in the singing and every- was an Easter visitor with her par -
one felt that a rich fellowship had eats Alex. and Mrs. Rutledge.
been enjoyed together. H. 11. and Mrs. Sullivan and Mae
ter Billy, of MOutt( Hope, were Easter
visitors with W. E. and Mrs. Willis.
Miss Ida Bremner spent the holidays
at her home.
Howard McKee is working with
Quest Dobson.
N Hayden & Sons have purchased
Miss Elva J. Hemingway is spend-
ing the Easter holidays with her
brother W. 0. Hemingway, of De-
Miss Agns Armsrtrong, Teeswater,
a tine new truek.
Itis. Rnbt.. Bremner spent a couple
of I ' t 1 H 1
days wu: i Muriel s ili sae s. Miss Helen Roy is spending her
Mliss ih lt's1, McNair is ,pending a Easter holidays at is spegrove,
Tor -
few days with Mrrs. W. Ziegler.
Everett !his r(t is able to be out Miss Bernice Speiran, of Tor-
ag+tin after his recent nrcident. ' onto, spent the Easter holidays at
Bill Neabel is working with John her home.
Pearson, con 4, fora few months. Report of S. S. No. 9, Grey, for grandpa! ems. David and Mrs. Wal -
Will. and Mrs. Eckrniet, of Atwood, March. Pupils were examined in
visited with Leslie and Mils. Lake Arith„ Spell., Hist., Read., Geog., Miss Panfold Principal of toe Brus-
Mlisc Ella H'tnsuld, of Birch Cliff, is Writ. V -Lindsay McKay '79. Jr. sels Onntinuatint School is spending
spending the week at her home here. IV-=Madalon Speiran (ab.) 96, Jen- the Barnet holidays at her borne in
Keil. (inrtis, of the 0. N. R, staff at
Milverton, and formerly of Brussels
staff spent the eteek•eud in this town.
Miss Betty Walker of Hamburg, is
an Easter holiday visitor with her
is visiting at the home of W. 3• and Isaac and Mire. Lake are spending McKoy 83, Cynthia Machan 81, "IPlp 1•
Mrs. Hemingway during the Easter their Easter holidays in Hamilton and Barbie Huffman 70, Jeanie Harrison Earl and Mrs, Ament, of Pittsburg.
holidays., Toronto 64, Howard McNaught 63, Russel motored over and spent Beast at the
M1is•es D Stevens and O. Evans are Gole 62, Cecil Machan 41. Sr, III- farmer's parents, P. and Mrs. Alnent.
9 spending the vacation at their homes Lindsay McKay 83, Dorothy Mann Miss Margaret Grant Piaeticai
in Clinton. 77 Marshall Harrison 74, Lillian Har- entre is visiting her brother James
MORRIS. Musses isabel and Kathleen Bthe risen 71, Myrtle Gole 71, Cecil Rob- and 'thy. Giant aver the Easter
Miss Mildred Passmore, teacher at ser, of Ltstuwel, a1 e spending the
week at th •ir h,•rne, inson 54, Leonard' Machan 40. Jr, II holiday.
on the hie, is holidaying at her home E. and Mt s. Other, of Tnronto, for- Louis Harrison '72, Everett Robinson Wilfred and MIrs. Cameron and son
on the 5th line. met tesfdents of Ethel, renewed old 54. I -Bettie Meehan 82, Irma Huf- Jini,spent Good Ftiday at the home
Miss Mary Reid, of Parkhill, was a ascinntatances here this week. furan 81, Wilma Harrison 74, Lloyd of Dr. and 4lts. W. J. Oarneral'. at•
visitor with her sister, Mrs. Frank Andrew and Mrs, MlcSee, of At- Machan 47r. Pr. -Isaac ,ole, Charlie Putttiytetnl'•
Martin, Sunshine. woad, nrH spsndutg n few dove at the Harrison, Steel Livingston. Mrs. R. J. M1eLaughlin left Mat Fri -
.Miss Mary B. Cole, of Blyth, Is Moneta David and MIS 91
spending the week with her sister, We are sorry to learn that Mrs A1.
bert Carter is under the doctor's care
but hope to see her better soon.
Rev, E W and Mrs. Hart, Trow-
bridge, visited last week with Rev.
and Mrrs, Guest at the Parsonage.
,'k is
George Mi Lelland of Ne
G c
fn while is home
,e dm aath
Jos. MI
with his father, , n
David Milne s at present under the
Horror's CAP having taken 111 last
Friday, We hope he will soon be
11 Ile.
Helen J. Roy
Mrs. Jas. Michie.
Sam. Yuill, Toronto, is spending a
few days at the home of his parents
W. and Mrs. Yuill.
and Mrs.g
h Mich -
town, were visitors among the
during Easter.
families d
ie g
Will Bowman, Toronto, is a visitor
t the hone of his brother, John
Bowman, and also his sister, Mrs,
day to visit her sister, Mts. Gifford
Swart man at, Sioux Lookout and will
also visit at Winnipeg.
WALTON R. C. and Mrs, Rothwell and fancily,
Wedding bells are ringing on the of St, %ttu'y's, Mtiss Mildred Soatling,
13th.• Loudol and 0. W. Collett, Niagara
\V. J. Bernie spent (3 end Ft iday at Falls. were Easter visitors with Mrs.
S ail
y h 1•
'e , 111 Li
111 home -. nvP nl-
, o• Hanover, r, C
Bodies., i
v recent-
e nt-
led on friends in thisvillage Ce
Miss Ruby Yt nngnf Atcinolite, Ona
a t I Services WPM held int St. George's is at. plesetit visiting her patents,
Jim. Y111lh better. Anglican Church on Once, Friday af- Thomas and Mrs. Y'ntng.
Miss Flosence Eckmierd teacher, Mrs, Davidson has returned to her ternnoI. Leonard and Alts. Bolton and sots,
is spending her Easter vacation at hnme in Brussels aftst spending a Clarence and Mts. 3''hnst. ne and David, and Miss Millie Duggan, of
the home of her parents, L and Mrs. couple of weeks with ML's. (Dr.) E. A. I#t.tle daughter, Iona, vL lied with Cel- :ten foo th, visit, d with relatives in this
Eckmier, McMaster in and Mfrs, Fingleend tare, tiv. viRnkv on Gond Friday.
The followirg is the report of S. S. Miss Rhea 'McLelland, of Water Musses Edfia an0 M.,it tri- 11.4d, ,,: On '1nesdat- tttottlittg Joint Marsh -
No. S, Morris, classes examined in down, and Miss Edna McLelland, New teachers, are spending tle Ensu --1 vii- all's barn Imo uotvly escaped being
Composition, Literature, Memory L,skeard, are spending the vacation ratinu at the Home ,'f tltc rr parents, d, st rayed by fire. The quirk action
'Work, Hygiene, Grammar, Art, Hist at their home het a Robert rink 91 Ilk. 11,41. of the many r''i,,hhnfa told the use of
ory, Spelling, Reading and Arith- On Sunday next at 7.30 O'clock the Mt 4, Alfred 0 Bunrier r.rd ton sr -ns fist' (-xiiaguish( ts. Alen the buckets of
service in the Milted Church will be Reginald and Rune hi, e f Sitietsvilit, canter sieved it. The hit ed man look-
eondnrted by Rev E J. Rntilston, of visited at the hrtne o1 John 3 and out and ;he barn was aflame, 9, veral
10,, McGavis of the 12th con. of SIt.- no ii «un saw 6vi'rre the fire otiginat-
spen a socia 1 mete. Sr. IV. -Jean lurvey 54,1,
farewell before ther departure to Dorothy Goll 74.2, Jean Garniss 68.5, A. keen Every boat' welcome
their new home in Moose Jaw, Sask Tom Garniss 66, Jr. IV- Willie Isaac Lake, 10.i con , is attending Killen. -"'I-,. ed elauned that a tt,i the c
The first part of the evening was Black 60.7, Clarence Stewart 82.1, the Trustees' and Rater) yens' ASSN- Mrs. Peter li. Gni di tier left. Sot,ur• rt,'vet hey nvnr heated. All live stock
spent in dancing and card splaying Sr. I1I-Irene Warwick 77.1, Viola cituinn rnnvel. tinn in Potence as a day to spend the Haslet roti, u n ith . .,sawed 1'110 los is partly covered
until the lunch hour. After lunch Goll 55.0; Elmer Seller 53.5 delegate from:4 S Nn. 10, Grey her sister. Nits. R, •1 N+vlet, Rot•he•• by ti'Ftttntiet Th `farm %vas situated
was served Mr. and Mrs. Staples Tltynnc 55.8,Jr. III -Margaret Douglas a Blackl36.7, Rt sir,icC f Nnrlslrh ti.peftt t the dweek- ML IMiss ter, Nirkwrll k,fuitlollutd hp t,d Nher DY.r. Dncit9 of tit,' Uitithe ltP1 rblitrlon trf t t\tiis,
t just weer
were suit
with an address, two sabel ,
**Irene Ament 20. Second- Ross eta with Wm. and Mrs. Ziegler. Mrs,
travelling suit cases and a purse of Turcey 87.1, Bettie Black 57.5. Leitch. sr acct n,pnnied them home
Haney. The address was read by First -Clarence Goll, S0, Stewart nn Monday •
Barry Bolger and the presentation Roy Dimber, of Timmins, and 0111- Fatally Injured While Sawing Board
Ament 61, y J 1
was made by John Ritchie. r
Staples made a very fitting reply on
behalf of himself and wife, thanking
his many friends for their demon-
stration of their kindly feeling to- the Easter tests. Totals 1150; Hon -
wards them and extending to each the eiricien p clerk hi Wm. Btu's, is
and all a hearty invitation to visit ours 865; Pass 675: -Sr IV -Helen getter al stets f"t' i vel' 14tH years, tet
Ecknliev 709, Gen Eckrniet 765; { si nrd her nsitiot on Sninrda last
them in their new home shouldenough any 2; g hy
of them happen to be near � ani f, t
Elva J, Hemingway, ford 1)nol`it,-, Dell nit, wP1e Balled
Teacher. 1 hwne suddenly nn amount Of the
School Report -Following is the 1 sudden and tragic death of their LLOYD DUNBAR, OF ETHEL, IS
report of S. S. No. 10, Morris, for brother, Lloyd VICTIM AS BOARD SPLITS
Miss Ruh Clsaver, who has been TERRIBLY GASHI N G HIS
George Johnston 711 Donald Robert ; a tt her lu nit, ern, 0.
to do' so. After Mr. Staples had son 705. Jr. IV Howard Vancamp Miss Mat Int Johnston lo spending a
finished his reply, the aassembled 693; Stewart MacLennan 656;*Clin- while with hit- s".101, MIs. F'. Shaw, Seldom has any community re-
peats joined heartily in singing "For tori Irwin IVC Charlie
yJohnstonMustard 683 nfttBR nevelt., after being
t fie heshTome 1 Ceived a greater shock than was felt
three ringing Good
rtgin Fellows" osecs for Joyce Edgar 682. Sr. II to Jr, III Frie�tds lvh, l i s .TPintil l ii i I ibdtt m ey that on Fa tragic ay s when
accidentt hadah, happened
the Staples Tamil after which the Dorothy Wright 639; George Ross at the Ethel mill in which Lloyd
nests time, resumed dancing for Olive
to Sr, II--Isabell 4lustara 540; fn Ceciur l
a loge,
g Edgar 431 Jr.I---,T t t ' Oee#1 std \Iran t'vrktnier me moving Dunbar'swas fatally injured.
p I L Mustard 38v' Stewart p
some thine. When some of the Olive gat t. * ala ti week u. told new hemp near
Stokes 277; Goldora Dennis Sr, 1 The accident occurred about 4.15
funds to
rgo a distance were
re- ria r Jean e« Vetlanc# ivheri• Orell has arcs ted a, in the afternoon in the sight of over
Oaring o home, order er, Wes. 55; Ruby Dennis *; Ileen Riley *, 1 pnsitinn on a Innge nolrlt,v farm We half aa dozen men who were assisting
called by the floor -manager, Wes. Sr. Pr. Charles Tewin. Those mark- are sorry tt i„s.• them from aur enm• in the cutting of boards, etc, A
Somers and all joined in ittg eel with an asterisk missed examkna- j tltPruty 111.11 ort hist wishes gn w#th
board splintered, gashing his throat
Auld Lnng Syei.' The remainingtions. 'No on roll 21, average attend terribly and fiarturing his jaw in
nests theft continued to dance allg The Easter alny lit in the united
the new tangled one, two, three and ranee 12.27. Mate MacLeod, teacher. Chnrrh on Sunday last was well as
twosuddenly, places,
one end hitting h� i direct
1,, steps, etc., until the wee small He ltnni, i#tarowr - Fnllnwirig is the , tended it •'nils of los unftworahla ly in thface and the other flying
hours hadgrown to be quite a size report of $ S. No. 1, illnrrie, for Ilse ' weather Th„ nh,+h• is nilried n suit-'
q g 25yards awak against a barn.
}011 11 departed f tl r 'cal
Easter examinations. Names appear able
hem sr,d George srulg an g
w a or their s ,vc 1 i p p Lloyd was taken to the home. of
hones tliankiitg 141i. and 4fv, Staples
L order of merit :«•-9t. i iii' 88 pe, 1 it, b tloresole. ThP astxa snok0
for their kind hospitality and wish- I.ttt, It llr III-1lacy Fear 83 peri ort theanbtect.'+7`hP Magnetism of the M. and Mra. Henry nearby and Dr.
in them all success in then' new rent, Rnhttii(t hamlaw 69. s TII- Ornss ”
Cunningham 68, Doris Roger. 7'he seg g Shreldq of Listowel, hal
Irons. The music for the evening
Whitt monthly McMaster called immediately, Dr.
sen 6 hurried to t
v mot't n. of rhe , the
4. ITA -Jimmie Laidlaw 00.: W Al v olid T,,Aie,, Aid of the tot- scene also, but from the first little
WAS furnished by R. L. Taylor, E, 1113-M /Mei rear 88. Miriam Rngntooli iced Ohntch wilt he held n, ti�'hursday ]rope was held for his life, He was
Sonars, Jas, Rea, Robt. Patterson, 70, Pi Arany Laidlaw 9,t Mary aftar'norw of this Oeek sI • 1 home Of
with C. Lyddiatt on the banjo; Dun- Phalen 87. Marano. on roll 10, Av Mrs, •r4arvev Dnhoon, ai. 2 80 o'clock, taken to the Listo\vel hospital but
canson. Bros., George Weisenherg, It attendtance920 All the ladies of the congregation t 1e .
Dodds land J Bruce with Ars Jas V. J. Montt/son 'Joaeher+ urged to be pt pasta. tassel The lateaway Llabouoyd Dunbar p:mwas among
the best known young leen of the
village and community and was very,
popular with young and old. He was
a young man who was a lover of
clean sport and in every contests
showed too that he was a lovei of
fair play. In soccer and soft ball
he took his place with his compare-
! ions and at hit played the game fur
these contests so he also played well
the greater game of life. He was
a anembcr of the Presbyterian
. church from where the funeral was
held, but a large crowd representst-
tive of every denomination gatherer
oie Holiday afternoon to pay their
last respects to one who had lived
among them as a good citizen and
rriend. •
The service was one of the large
est held in these (parts and was con-
' ;lusted by the deceased young man's
pastor, Rev. Mr. Williams, 'assisted
by Rev. Jackson, Rev. Guest and
Rev. A. W, Barker, of Brusselal
Brian Jackson sang a solo.
• The pallbearers were Chums of tliti
• deceased: Bill Dane, Earl Bowes,/
Joe Cooper, Waffle Kreuter, Lon
Sinclair and Earl Mills. - Interneenti
'WAS made in the Brussels Cemetery.
• The sympathy of the community;
gdenoes out. to the family in ,their such+