HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-3-13, Page 831/4 QNB DAY, MARCH 13th, 1929 VeratialtN6104fettetEiglelfatfAsneeteentatteletenetell04110100610Ale( Now Showing The New Wall Papers iqa tq 6 The New Wall Papers are in now and Ready for your inspection sUNWO1tTI1Y WALL I'APERM—•A good many of the better patterns are the Suuworthy kind—beautiful colorings which do not fade---alyd they retain their fresbncss much longer than the ordinary kine(. They ct im- fit nil -trimmed, of Bourse. Patterns snitable for Living 1-ooms, Dining Dooms, Halls, Bedrooms, Kiieheus, t&c. A gond ehelee of patterns of the Varnished Tile Papers whieh give such Hoot( service .ter Iantri(s, K'tchensand \V'at•h Rooms. In the eJa:11ur papers the patterns and e 'oringe ere good and the prices uttteh lower than they have been for a long time. When emu have Pat:eying to do, it will pay yr u to Bet. our stack e they patterns, eoloringe and prices are right and will shunt close comparison. F. R. SMITH 713e je4402Store Druggist and Stationer 3'i eDel7ageeenen nineet2: sD, ler fait petit Mince: =d reDit ; ti2tninnetleniM MDtrent➢tran totMetne l Local News Items Brussels United Church REV. A, W, BARKER, S. D, MINISTER Sunday, Mar. 17th 11 a.m.—Public Worship. Sukj((t: Lett d:.t•:1.e" The 8th sermon in a series on "Nine Spiritual Ships" 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m. Public Worship. Theme: "Moses—The Uncrowned King" 8th Sermon in a Series on "The Makers of History" Monday 8 p. m.—Y. P. S. Wednesday—Prayer Service —Choir rehearsal. aH pp F Ga l 41 16-9. 8 Chunks of Pigs, 6 weeks old, for sale, Harvey McCutcheon, Phone 39-1 iil FOR SALE -10 clunks of good York J peg:, weighs around 100 tbe. Ap- ilply to Wm, Gorsalitz, Lot 29, Con. • 3, Grey, 30-1 1 GOOSE DOWN For Sale. For further particulars, Call Phone 56-14, 39-tf. FARM TO RENT -100 acres, Lot 8 Con. )6, Grey, Plowing done. Immediate possession. Apply to chi 05 ry 3 Alex. Buchanan, Walton P. 0. 3i-:3, • FOR SALE -5 Young Holstein Cows 4 due to freshen March and April; a wheel for a Brantford windmil:. Selwyn I:aker, Phone 43-10. 89-1 ei FOR SALE -1 Heavy Mare in foal: 1 cart rising 1 year old; 1 brooder Move, 1000 capacity; 1 colony A house; 1 horse walking plow. Jack The Two -Cent Boost. That extra two cents which motor- ists will contribute every time they buy a gallon of gasoline this year will mean $2,650,000 additional revenue to the Ontario Government. Arrived Too Late, The Post received an htviteitioi from the Toronto -Brussel, A o a - tion to attc'nd the annual at hone. The invitation came Saturday --bet the At Horne was Friday ni,e --;' we couldn't go. Sold Well. At the Shorthorn Sale at tl, in - ham the other week, Time. Pierce. of Morrie, sold a 13 -month old calf for $160 and O. Turnbull, of Grey, n an 3 month end calf alf forX100. These a price: were highest in their classes. Signs—Mean Nothing. --A 1 elan sign -writer argues that our danger : igns are bested on 'the wrong F y i ole y, Tell a elan, he says to idol), Toni. and h •ten, and he is compelled to do none of the three. So h l ge-ts the following at rail- way t ro : in0 Come ahead You are unimportant." "Try our engin- curs- -th T 01: fy ; "Don't stop No• body w•al plies you." "Take a chancy --You eau get 0 train ride only once, Look et Label. We dont 2 n tke a rule of sending out , n i l suheeriptiou atmounts. 1 a1, address label tell; the d.t, to. which each individual subscriber is paid. Look at your label, and if in are(, . Wo would b,' glad t+, TILL11, n It t m receipt for you. These enurunte are small, hitt when they 't . it in several hundred (fusee the a. rte rat,iai.. `1 consith tabl um to u , ani L t :• hundred dollars would be very ite, eeptable to u.; at tier, plvt;r:nt time. Y. P. S. Meeting. • An interesting meeting was e -her on Monday evening 11115 ? ti, d,r- eetio of Me ,Lupi l'rot•f:r ;t, t- :. lonary convenor. Mrs. '1'. Cotlatitpl,li gave in intereefine reading mid bite„ Ituth Strachan ,nig "My T,t, i . r y sweetly. Miss Helen 13aeke'. sere., a paper on "The Starting of th, Mis- sionary work in China" from v. -the; we all gained a larger 1(no vier .e o+ this work. A couple of (ont •.<t v ',• much enjoyed at the thee, of the meeting. Next week a St Psi r n 1 social will be held, along v,It a eorne thews of the "Beauty ;i ot; of tee,. adil". Light refreshments will be served. Everyone welcome, Toronto—Brusaelites At -Home. What many voted one of the 'pet Brussels reunionsgeret, wns held Fri- day night, March sth, at the Brown Betty Tea Rooms, Toronto. Tl,er,.. were 118 present. The pro enrr. of many of the young daughters and sons of past and present Brussel- Res, 'Made the occasion especially happy. Bridge and euchre were played, after which a short musical program •was given by Mrs. Wesley Stark - and Mr. Aylmer McDonald. Lunch over, (toss Creme at the piano, played for the merry dancere To Mr. George Thomann and !leis en- thuslaatic executive are due the sin- cere thanks of all who:C. enjoyed the. party, I Concert Postponed, The play "The Old Fashioned Mother" was postponed from last Thursday night until Wednesday night of this week, Blizzard Must Have Affected Lamps. >, of th- 11 1111 etre,t r,lectre• lamps were out of eonrmr sign on Friday neeht. het mo=t of them were replace. ei 1)y Saturday night, Rural Men Had a Holiday. Ov.'44 to the roads heing im ass - able ieet Thursday the rural mail u),0 ,lid not •re out. Anyway they t=,aa l '.;ere only haul a email mail to c rte -as no morning papers arrived until i11 thl' revelling. m Meeting. Women's Instttue , .f cerin g The e Wc' n Inst'tute will hold their regular meeting on Friday Of tats week at a o'cluek in the Public Library. Mr., R. S. Hamilton is to 000. -a panel on "T:re Stranger with- in Our fiat " which will levery intereeting. The Roil (`all 1, to be reepouded to by "A Potato Recipe." Tn.•r -, will he Ir -.h music. .4 cordial imitation ie extended to every lady in the Community, Had Successful Year. Thr: Guderich Sig:ad reporting the annual m -titing of Nurth Street United Church, refers to the work of (ten•. C. le .('larks, e forne'r pastor of litenteele Al+t Hitt. (.hurt : 1'y a 't tit lith r voto, meen p L lie d by Pro- longed appi.,u.i„ an expression of this a1vreciatiuno+_' t congregation wits tendered to Rev. 1', 9'. Clarke nor hi:: watchful care for tits welfare of til.: cielgtegatiots, for Iva leadership in at (i, .tion wo,k, and for the. help- etimelating neeertges given frcea ' t e l :rind on the Sanuatlt. A Wild Storrn. Last ka'e•r±a: as:,y nieh11 or early 1']ntl�;d�r;,• :.,innJeiz, w':)Cron_ t4rtn,1 t' t tti,itiitti old :th r e•i1 l''tt 'i dee', let,: in coming t.'1 it a rots '.,n Drift. t •r. a1' ` r. nil t ,i : blow" vereinuei most of the d These tette lite . about for plettswe w I few anti 1,,r 1.. tw r<ii on T 1 i•: - '1 it 'rho 11,w;ii:,1w ". tta t ork it., overtime trying to keep t., • sidewalk,. open. Half of the flit' glass *hi- de* at the Massey -Harris a he r was broken when ti.•• eige blew clown; emi else two window; in N Chao - man's Store. Tim wind wae melee.; -ill,- for the damage, Died in Toronto. Word vtras received on Wednesday 0'1,1'110011 lit that Mrs. 1 ob. ct Jei.nston had passed away at the 'io onto 9ltst General He;p:tat. The t1 eased was t resident for many year.; in P,1 useels, when her hu;;baad, the late Robert Johnston and II. Cochrane ran the marble works, af- terwards moving to Wingham. De- ceased is survived by one daughter, (Hazel) Mrs. C. M. Bell, of South- ampton, and a son, Ivan E., of Tor- onto, and one sister, Mrs. C. H. Mor- gan, of Chicago. The late Mrs. Johnston was a visitor with Mrs. lel C. Ross last summer. She had been troubled with her heart for some- time, The funeral was held an Fri- day afternoon, interment being made In Mount Pleasant cemetery. White, Cranbrook, Phone 52-26. 39-1. HOUSE TO RENT, on Lot 4, Con, 9, Grey, J. A. Nichol, Phone 42-23 38-1. GANDER FOR SALE, or would ex- change for a goose. Also four chunks pigs, 4 months old. Robt. Geddes, Phone 32-16. Brussels, It R. 5. 38-tf. FOR SALE—One 5 year-old Durham cow, fresh; 1 5 year-old Durham cow due to calve lst of March; 1 'York sow due to farrow 15th of February, and 6 pigs about 100 IUs. Baxter Stevenson, Phone 42-26. 34-tf. Muskrat Hunters. Having received information that there was some violations of the law regarding the trapping of muskrats, the game warden gathered sufficient evidence against one man to secure a conviction and $10.00 fine, in a die- trict not far from Brussels, The Ontario Fisheries Department modi- fied their ruling making an absol- utely utely close season for muskrats this year, and permitted trapping from March 15th to April 15th. They are determined that under the circum- stances the law shall be strictly ob- served. bserved. Books From Library. The following figures show the patronage of books from Public Li- brary in 1928: Classes Adults Children General works 21 28 Philosophy ... Religion ... ... , , 70 10 Sociology ... 39 Natural Science 79 16 useful Arts 15 15 Fine Art. ,. 46 5 Literature 258 20 Histrery ,,,,. 73 Travel .. 87 Blnrrttihy ... 75 15 I'ieton 3935 690 Total . , . ...4659 839 839 (I end Total ...5498 Power Farming Entertainment. if tin attendance and interest d hayed at She Power • Farming 11 ceed it le nihil, John Fridaye Town agent ,1 the = M,Corm ek Deering, is any uh .:tion of the interest the 31ra- i 1 Eimer has in modern farrnieg threle, it rl:ow•:• that power farm- �. gig ie here to stay and is growing rapidly. All who attended the school 1 were very well .atisfied in every re- , ••t. 1'6� ti were gvitn a better idea of Shat power farming really mean.,u to the modern farmer. 'Tin' rienr•e of local tractor owners h insole suNh as to greatly increase -.e,w,-r farming in this community. Tie; .ub it e t da c(lrtairde a timely ems in tk,1 rection of the provino . There err' many new tractor owners •iced niftily old ones who are anxious to 1;,•u their machines in fleet Claes operating Conditions because they realize that only with. the tear ter are they aide to make, the beet use ani Mice the gr(•atest advantage of far. ()mid(' trays. They know that with the tractor they can accomplish three or four timers an much as with ally other kind of power•. They are ahle to get the Crops 0n time and farm them better and obtain greater re- turns than has been done In the past. The projected pictures brought very, favorable eomment from all present as did the general talks on power machinery. THE BRUSSELS POST JG More Fords, Alderman Bert McIntyre unloa ed an(lther car load of Fords la Wednesday. He's all set for th Spring rush. Train Service Badly Disarranged. Thursday's storm put a kink in th C, N. R. system up this line. Th morning train was 50 minutes late The noon train was reported careen ed owing to the fact that it was stuc in a snowbank at Drayton and ou morning train was held at Fergus but it arrived at 7,55.- The after noon train arrived here about 5 p.m and the evening train came in abou 11 o'clock. The snowplow went u) and down the line during the day A TDollar is Saved When it is in the Bank ND the sooner it is deposited 1 1 in the Bank the greater they assurance of its being saved, A Savings Account is a magnet for the. money that ordinarily slips through one's fingers, and an income -paying guarantee for the -future, THE CANAL BANK OF COMMERCE with nmtea mm is aneyaared 'THE STANDARD BANK O7< CANADA of: Estelle Brody, Jahn Stuart, Hum- d- beraton Wright and Alf Goddard, st and you have a film that will bring e you to your toe with excited enth- usiasm. "The dight Commander" will be at the Grand Theatre on Monday and Tuesday at usual prices. • Won Special Prize. . + At the annual bonspiel of the - Brownlee curling, George Dark, only k son of Robt. and. Mrs. Dark, of Brus e sets, with his rink, won the special , prize. Illustrated Travel Talk. tMiss Mabel Zimmer who has spent r 1 months abroad, will give an illus- trated travel talk in Brussels United ✓ Church on Thursday evening of this but the freights were cancelled fo the day. Abey-Bankes Wedding. The marriage of Evelyn May, dau ghtor of Mrs. Bankes and the late George Bankes, Princess avenue, London, to Arthur Ridley Abey, son of Mrs. Abey, and the late Rev. George J. Abey, South London, and formerly of Brussels, was quietly solemnized an Saturday afternoon at St. James' Anglican Church. The rector, Captain, Rev. ,T. G. Wallace, officiated, and the bride and groom were unattended. The bride wore a smart sand costume with hat and shoes to match. After a honeymoon to Eastern points Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abey will reside in London. Old friends in Brussels extend con- gratulations. week. See advt, in this issue. St. Patrlcic's Baking Sale. i The W. C. T. U. will hold their annual sale of home-made baking h.'1 W. J. Procter's restaurant on Satur- day, March 16th A hot supper well also be served, menu will consist of Irish stew, potatoes, bread, cake and pie. Sale opens at 3 o'clock. Sup- per served from 4 to 7. All are in- vited to assist in this worthy cause. DIED JOHNSTON,--At Toronto Haat General Boa kintildxnwlwrlow of the late RoberMarch t Joho atom, formerly of Brussels, in her 64th veer RAMSAY—In Wharton, on Wednesdar. Mar e'h,Samuel Ramsay, formerly of blorrls township, in his nth year. Britain's Biggest Thrill Melodrama. IN MEMORIAM While many diagree as to what eEIRN18s_—In cherished memory of lura makes screen entertainment, there ago, ,larch 18Eh. can be no division of opinion concern 'ng "The Flight Commander," a Bri- tish film affording convincing proof that in this country there is at least one producer who can make imaginer tive use of aerial resources. First of all, there is romance brought up- to-date, for we see the young hero leaving Croydon by 'plane for an Eastern air station. Then we have three rollicking sailor pals, British, French and American, whose inno- cent amusement in the distant village has serious eonsequenees for the white colony and the girl in the case. Later, a fight between wc.cn th g e colony and enraged natives, the hatter's dis- persal by bombs rained from 'a low flying 'plane and their final discom- fiture at the hands of a detachment of bluejackets rushed to the spot by big passenger carrying machines, - makes a very modern denouement Add to this combination of thrills, romance and heroic adventure in picturesque surroundings, the per- sonal appearance in the film of Sir Alan Cobham, K. B. E. (who playa the title role and who supervised the aeronautics), the compelling acting Jane Beirnes. who passed awns one yang Nnt dead to those who loved her, Not soxnrshliven wth hut atmmy And will for evermore. —Sadly missed by her 80N AND DAltOan'r,a. Auction Sale. 1i'RIDAY, MA RUH Ib'ra.—Farm Stock, Ln• plemeat,', Grain, 9•arufture, &e , at Pt Lot 10, Coin 12, Grey Sulu unreserved et 1 p 711, sharp. George Baker, Prop, ; D, 81 Boot:, Auctioneer. SA1URDAY,111AR('H 10-22 young horpep at hillier's Botel stables, Walton Sale et 1 obiaek. Nesbit Hamilton, Prop,;Jas. Taylor, Anal lnneer WEDNESDAY, MARCg 20th —Farm Stock, Implements etc., at Lot 18, Grev,ha1att 1v th n'cioak, Philip James,Yrop , D. 61 Scutt, Au*. THURnDAY, MARCH 28th.—Palpable farm, the property of the lata Rcbert Carr, at the Ames -Jean gotel, Rroeoela Salo at 2 o'clock A. G. Bishop, Executor; D. 8e. Seott, Ane, NOTICE The Donnell of the Township of Grey are aalting for tertlera Inc hauling gravel whir, motor trnekp from: m'usher. Tend ere to eta(e price alihrr by day or per yard per mile Tenders to bo spored Marnderth t i o'alocl. tl m. The lowest or any tendo` not necnnnor. try accepted. J. W FEAR, Tow,ahlp Clock, City airy Ice Cream Creations For Bridge, AfternoonTea, Dinner or Evening Party, and as a delightful Re- freshment at all times. Tempting Plain and Fancy Flavors FRESH FRUIT A favorite Creation of plain lee Cream, filled with a select- ion of seasonal fruits, PALERMO A three -layer Brick of fumy Ice Cream. This is a special creation worthy of being serv- ed on most exclusive occasions. W A Grewar 'CONFECTIONER BRUSSELS ATAINTIL Wall Paper We have just rreceivt•d our Spring Stock of Wall Papers, These contain many new designs,'0styles and colorings,and are rood erately priced from 5c upwards, We will be pleased to show . them Parke Davis & Ca's Standardized Cod liver 011 Refined and bottled by im- proved methods which con- serve the Vitamins, An exceptionally fine Cod Liver Oil, - Parke Davis &- Co's Analgesic Balm Absrorbent and healing Parke . Davis & Co's CAPSOLIN Effective and reliable prep- aration preferable to Mus- tard Plasters and Liniment. Moir's Chocolales A Fresh supply just received Alien's Drug Store Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penalar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox 9 The Weekly Press, The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association will hold its neat annual meeting in London on July 5 and 6. 'Phis association represents the hun- dreds of weekly newspapers through out Canada and is one of the most important and most influential ton- ventions which ever met in London. Bebe Daniels Returns. "Take Me home" the latest Bebe Daniels picture which opens at the Grand Theatre on Friday of thin week will turn out to be a delight- ful surprise. A surprise • in the sense that Bebe Daniels has cast off i1 the slapstick type of role for a bet- ter dramatic one, and her character- ization in her new role as a stage actress is exceptionally well done. "Take Me Home" is a comedy drama. and there is a smashing climax to the story. BLUEVALE Mrs. John Smith is improving af- ter her recent illness. Robert McKinnon visited with re- latives at Brussels last week. Mrs. Eck -refer and son, Billy, are visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Walter Smillie, - ra etre Friday & Saturday - March 15 & 16 Bebe Daniels in 66 ke Me H mei With NEIL r1AMILToN 13E1391aea Broad way .1110111m cul ie with the sate of the show n" her vttiug. Hobe l)•u,iek, find N»il Trains toll, 1110 big ad.'"n "in''11ntN•w5," Together again. Ad Patna of love be.ltiud the teethghls. High kielring tit tippet e stomp through the throbbing '.rquenees, Vivncieua Bebe lines up with the ciun'ua (111(r `.ops the lead. Monday & Tuesday - Mar. 18 & 19 i "The Flight0 Miner" Britain's Biggest Thrill Melodrama Feat ri imp i:STF:LLIi I31101)Y, JOFIN STUART and iIUMHI RSON WRIO HT, with (he perfumed ((9pear- none 11111)erns a laulhcnl aaeiattutes cf Sf ALAN I WART, IC. 11 H1 1 . .AN GUW- Friday and Saturday - Mar. 22 & 23 The Answer to "Beau Geste" You've welted for a nompaniol picture to gallant, Neel lat- "Beitu (4eete." Here itis I "Been Sitheeut' 1" Follow the saute darn17 advontures of !.hr' Meech Foreign Leginn throng, another !twitch, glamorous rouatiee. The thrill of the year I "Beau Sclbr -9' sur By the author of "Bean Goa," With Gary Cooper, ,;vel, yn Brent, Noah Beery and W1lhiem Powell. CO"Moran of the Marines" MM' s " Glorious Betsy" "Topsy and Eva" PY