HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-3-13, Page 2VIDONESDAY, MARCH 13th, 1929
THS l4RUJ.$!t#.:$$ V�
Beautiful Silverware is
a Modern Ntsessity
AN, what better indication ot.
LI. taste and refinement ehao a
service of celekrated
Tho Tablswaro Do Lao
Ry reason of our complete stocks
this store is fast becoming known
as headquarters for this delight-
ful ware:
Prices Most Reasonable
Wroxeter Ontario
'- •
Spy Ai 3a ., .. ...
to make Bread
in the famous purity .
Flour Cook Rook.
Have one in your
kitchen, Sent for 30c,
WesterCanada mous Mine
Toronto - Ont,
The vegetable variety question
is an age old one, and still we find
many of the vegetable growers in
ation regarding the merits of almost
any variety.
To serve as a guide to the growers
a list of standard varieties names has
doubt as to which variety of car- been prepared. In this list will he
• rot, beet or pea to grow. This is found the proper name for each of
mot to be wondered as since there the outstanding varieties. It was de -
has been an enormous effort put anted advisable to do this to enable
forth to intreseece something new the public to know the correct name
in the verity line each year. No for each sort and further to limit as
- doubt it is confusing to growers far as possible the great duplication
when seed buying time comes, for in of varieites under other names, When
some caves the old varieties are new introductions are found, that
eeb a lower hatin:hetnle• vrariety king ens this approved lit,will
after heylhave
the buyer feel that t
le superior. It is true that improve- been teen—el sufficiently and passed
meet is need,rd in many of the ear- upon by the committee of horticult-
feti• s, cid n':rte-triarly eo when ural experts, seed
regional conditions are to be con- Every person interested in
sidercd but there is time enough net. a in ehouId have a
new copy
to eh in r abruptly from the old of this 11A and in i t i. on getting
varieties i n th n a: -net: have the vagi tie under their col e•t ;t''1
been t' ted 'Ind rr u t=d u, on attic- ceepte:d name. Copies of this liet
rally. In every province: throughout can be had by writing to the Public -
the Dominion of Canada there is loe- etion Ilraneli, Dominion Deeartmeent
canal ore or more Experimental of Agriculture•, Ottawa, Ontario.
Farms or Station- weere variety test- If at any titre thse, is a doubt as
ing has been co. elected for a lona; to he value of a vateety for a
period of times aria where the var- than locality telt• ,nbe easilydeet of
reties of recent origin are now mak- by writing to "Iwe
nig it possible for growers in all parts the nearest Detain:on Experimental
of Canada to -get first hind inform- Farm or Station.
IMO For This Week
Foible Thoughts memorized, will prove •
prieelem heritage is after yo
Sir Rabindranath oat and novel-
Indian dramatist, P
ist, who has left Calcutta en route
to Vancouver where be will ad-
dress the National Conference on
SUNDAY. Education in April.
For as many as are led by the
Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
—Romans 8: 14.
The foundation of God tDEN
sure, having this seal, the Lord HOME G A
knoweth them that are his. -2 Tim, n .C9
2; 19.
While attending the British Ern- snd control mettsmust depend he
pire Forest Conferencin e, heldpointed out,
Australia and New Zealand last on the nature of the attack, the ha•
summer, Dr. J. 1I. Swaine, the As- bits of the insects, the recreation of
sociate Dominion Entomologist, the trees to the injury,
and took the opportunity to present a tonal conditions respecting -
paper on forest entomology and its ment of the forest.
development in Canada. Thi: paper The importation and distribution
which has been issued as Pamph- of parasites and the protection of
let No. 97 of the Department of as promising methods for develop -
Agriculture, at Ottawa, gives a very nient. The value of these, Dr.
graphic view of the present forest Swaine states, should be strongly
insect problems and the means that emphasized.
are being taken, to solve them. In In meeting some of the diffieul
looking t o the future of forest pro- ties yet to be solved in insect con-
tection, Dr. Swaine pointed out that trol, investigators in entomology,
an attempt must be made to pro- mycology and silviculture are re -
vide for permanent control of in- commended to co-operate in the
sect conditions through systems of study of these problems so that the
forest managment that will render results of their inveatigettions can
-the forests immune from insect at- be incorporated into plans for for -
tacks. Preventive measures est managment.
Thou, 0 Lord, are a God full of
compassion, and gracious, Iongsuffer-
ing, and plenteous in mercy.—Psa.
86: 15.
4 •: +e •
Thy name, 0 Lord, endureth for
ever; and thy memorial, 0 Lord,
throughout all generations.—Psa,
135: 13.
Nor trust in uncertain riches, but
in the living God, who giveth us rich
ly all things to enjoy -1 Tine 6:17
For I know that my Itedeeme
liveth.-0-Job 19: 25.
Open thou mine eyes, that I ma
hundred yards from the buildings,
and should protect thein on the west,
SHELTER BELT north and east. In making the first
planting, it is advisable to use native
spruce set about eight feet apart,
Winter is the season when plans placing the trees six feet apart in the
d for1 ting a shelter darranging them so that each
that time the benefits of shelter ap the space between each two trees of
peal to us most strongly, when warm the front row. Small trees
days of spring and summer come ;.,bout six inches or one foot in
and the work of planting trees for height are most easily transplanted,
shelter should be done, we forget and should be dug up with a square
the howling snowstorms, the days of hod attached. If two furrows are
i f the 1 with h plough were the
There are four classes of roses
widely grown in gardens ofAmerica.
IFirst, the American and Asiatic
!wild rose types which are grown as
shrubs and which are perfectly
I hardy wiehout protection ; second,
Ithe hybrid perpetuate, often called
June roses and cabbage roses,
which blossom once in June and
one in the fall, and are quite hardy,
1 but need some protection in North-
ern states; third, the hybrid teas,
called monthly or everlasting roses,
which are not hardy where the win-
ters are at all severe, and need per -
feat protection in the winters in the
• Northern states ; and fourth, the
hardy climbers, including multiflora
r and polyantha, bunch -flowering
types, and the hybrid wichuraianas.
This is a rough classification and
does not purport to include every.
y thing, but it is sufficient to guide you
behold wonderous things out of thy in getting a start with rose„
law—Psa. 119: 18.
6 14,000,000 TREES FOR
DISPOSAL IN 1929 in your shrubbery -border and some
of the hybrid perpetauls may be
Tothere if you do riot wish to
The first thing to decide, as in the
ease with flowers you may buy.
is where you will put them in your
garden. The rose shrubs will grow
You'11 �� prowl
•of the Ch�sler x`75,•
--na matter wJ�ere you go
-�.---w---' CSiRYSLER o`75" Royal Sadat, $1985
THERE'S an air of con-
summate quality and dis-
tinction in the Chrysler "75"
that no experienced motorist
can fail to appreciate.
In style, the Chrysler "75"
stands out as the fashion -plate
of its field. It sparkles with
an original and authentic type
of (beauty that is irresistible.
And in performance, the
Chrysler "75" has a vigor and
virility of action that place it
as far ahead today as the orig-
inal Chrysler was four years
ago. And no car in all the
world is easier to handle --
with pivotalsteering—balanced
front wheels—and the easy,
positive action of weather-
proof four-wheel hydraulic
brakes, the safest brakes ever
developed by engineers.
You will be proud of a
Chrysler "75" anywhere you
you'll be be complimented
for owning one. And' mingled
with your enjoyment will be
the solid satisfaction of get-
ting so much value• for your
New Cbrrder "73"--
7e• _
Niot body *k+ 11985
to $1050. New &tyilu'
"65••—Six h ss./rs,
$1325 to $1461), New
Chrysler Imperial—A've
custom body ttyki, $3515
to $4603. 411 price)
f. o.b. IViardser, OMarie,
including standard fat -
tory egarpmnrt (freight
and taxes extra),
E. Co Cunningham
Dealer BRUSSELS Ontario,
_ ---- ...•-.•..-•---- - ••• Frequent checks of breadlights are
•""�� �!�* j necessary to Insure proper focus.
The Car Owner's Scrap -Book The power of an engine decreases
(By the Left Hand Monkey Wrenchl humidity of the air:
Clean FLOOR FOR PROTECTION behind the wheel if you are going
Keep the floor of a built-in garage to back out), and tie the other end
free front oil and grease, not only of the rope to a spoke. When the
for the sake of appearance, but to wheel turns it has to climb up and
the Editor of the Brussels Post: grown reduce the fire hazarn. on to the plank, where it will get
Dear Sir:—Readers of your paper prune them and try for specimen the necessary grip to move the car.
will be interested in knowing that flowers but desire rather a great LUBRICANT LOSS BY LEAKAGE
the Ontario Government, through the bush with many small blossoms. Check-ups show that when lighter INFERIOR OIL RUINS CAR
Ontario Forestry Branch, is continu- ; But other types of roses do not lubricants are used in the transmis- Proper lubrication is one of the
ing its offer of free trees for all re -like close company ;they object to cion and differential they are more most vital elements in the life and
splant s in the Province who wish to ,the roots of trees and shrubs and prone to be lost through leakage. Performance of automobiles. Chopp
plant up waste areas on their farms,! thrive best in beds by themselves •—
or poor quality of oil will snap ran -
or to establish a windbreak. For Hardy climbers do well climbing (SPARE TIRE CARRIER nccting_ rods, break the crankshaft
some tune now this program has been lattice fences, against building walls When looking for looseness on tr freeze the pistons, ruin the cylinders
carried on with increasing interest and it perpetual borders, where I ear, examine the spare tire carrier, or bring on any number of troubles
an the part of landowners until last they are often grown, but the hY and if the Least amount of play ie that mean hig repair bills, or even
year f nearly 5,000 persons accepted trod teas and the June roses, when found, ' tighten fax repair it, Much dangerous accidents. Inferior oil is
trees from the Government they are to be be pruned and grown damage can be done to the body or bound to cause excessive wear and
moving part.
With the steady increase in appll for specimen flowers, should be in
y if two spare tires are
sarily increased until this year there acteristic of roses is the reason for
chassis by allowing any play here, tear on every
cants the number of trees has neces- t beds by themselves. The char particular]
are 14,000,000 trees available for the garden where roses only ar
the various reforestation projects grown.
I h d n the most sa y- Extreme care should be exercised ,
Branch. factory showing is made by the ]ry when applying oil to the clutch to ,
In reminding your readers of thie brid teas or the everlasting types•
give it silence. Unless sparingly I
work it should be made clear that all They have delicate pointed buds on used the lubricant will get on the. .
such trees are sent out for the two strong stems and brilliant colors, plates, where it will cause severe
purposes mentioned above and an Orphelia, a delicate salmon flesh damage. • If the noise is the Product
not intended for decorative work tint, Radiance, a brilliant red; Mrs. of a lack of alignment it is better to
with increasing h y
Always play safe at railroad cross-
ings by shifting into lower gear. This
will prevent stalling of the engine
on the tracks.
• Sticking brakes are a direct result
of the use of inferior lining, and
they frequently prove costly.
A loose radiator often develops
leaky seams, due to the additional
twisting and pounding. Keep the
radiator tight.
Oil must never come to low in the
crankshaft as not to flow out of the
bottom pet -cock when opened, nor
so. high as to flow out of the top one,
In the rose garden t, OIL CLUTCH TO SILENCE NOISE e;
being carried on by the Forestry!
tthould be made •p ani row an A W d Il w Los Ange es
holt about our farm homes, for at tree in the back rows, is in line with
Each resident of the Province can erin, white tinted white lemon, are
get 4,000 trees each year by paying some of the hybrid teas which have A TIRE TIP,
the express from the nearest Gov- been voted among the best by the Sometimes a tire becomes dumas
cprnmr:nt nursery which are situated American Rose society. ed by striking the curb or some obi
in Norfolk, Sinrcoe, Durham, Prince l If one grows hybrid teas in the jeer breaking the inner wall, haft
Edward and Grenville. counties. Or. Northern states he enlist be• pre- leaving the outer walls intact. It i:•
such as lawn and hedge planting or Aaron
ar , a ye o ' have the unit realigned than to tit
for planting along fences pink shaded with gold, and ICais oil
when the wind blew a : a e from . 'e op' -O' -t wit the p oug r u. .
dropped below zero, We gorget, too lines are to he era, out, the trees may if a person prefers to do so, he may pared to do one of true t lily — ahvays advisable to have a reliable
the days when we, dashed through the be placed in the furrows and planted I call and get the trees at the nursery. either to treat them as annuals and tiro repair man vulcanize a piece in
drifts to get to the :,tai,lr•-, and that with little trouble. Spruce stand the ( In some cases men are planting buy new plants each year, which is
at once, as delay will cause addition
I more than the free allotment each not expensive, or to give them mor-• al damage to the tire, sill possibly
during those days the street received transplanting best in August, Sep
insufficient water a; they coul-t not tember er October, but the work
be induced to Stay n tee water tui to .to 71utul. Sl.ns.e us aura) aq :tutu
trough to think. In winter the many fall. After the fiat platting hos
discomfort'? du.: to lack of shelter been made, its width may be increase
appear very real to as. W' know ed from year to year by additinnul
that it ie the high relit winds that planting. A few native hardwood i tre•rs from us, who, all told, planted beautiful ween m flower tat
make our winter e:Iiinate -a cii..l',^r-" teeee set out with later planting,: 114.175 . , nes, It is to bell,l that beauti without them seems to be These special tools, furnished by the
eulrle, and that bit can be overcome spruce add nturh to he appearance trhopedmanufacturer, cls, furnished
ae preserved 1
about our house at least, by shelter of the shelter belt, and form a good even more residents of your county larking there le nothing to equal
with tare, because nothing else will
belts.We know idea that uesD 161101- baelteround for the buildings. All I will this year become interested in them for fire arbor and pillar which meet the need quite as well, 'fools
ter would gave much fuel, would rs should be protected from this pleasant and profitable work. make such striking garden accents• heed not take up unnecessary room,
plantings p Information pertaining to refore. Fax abundance of bloom no plant
materially add to err own comfort live, stock, station, either for private plant( is or excels varieties such as Excelsa and but can be packed into a campuet
1 apace provided for them,
and the comfort and hplwelfare of our The present head of the household for municipal work, ns well ne ape Dorothy Perkins, which bear their r_
lien ,tock, and that the planting of may feel that no benefit will r de -
a goner eheiter belt is a paying pro- rived from a young shelter belt in PIlcation forme for trees, may he hod flowers in clusters- , WHEN s-rUCK 114 THE MUD
1rom the Ontario Forestry Branch, Besides these, Pauls scarlet One of the best plans to get a car
gsaaition. riot in spring and summer his day, but trees grow rapidly andclimber, climbing American Beauty
we fereet. Therefore let us plan so on afford considerable shelter. He Parliament Buildings, Toronto, c • out of a mud hole, especially if bads
j yours very truly, and Dr. W. Van Fleet are consid• out 0Wheel1 spin around, is to get a piece i
now to start planting a windbreak should remember too, the fruits of
Arthur Herbert Rlelenel•enn, Bred by the American Rose society of plank about six is t os wide, and
mhss earning season, his effortsnts.may pass on to his des' Forester in charge of Reforestation, to be among our best climbers. e about five or six inches long and It
While a single row o£ trees will eendants. +g
give considerable shelter, the ideal--.4,--It is estimtatcd that more than So large is the annual fatal rev- match it on each side near the mid -1
shelter the helm, judging from experience Stie syrt a recent Duke
gathering of the cin- the notches put theoplat* ndwn length- •
at the Dominion Experimental Sta- pinvens of the I'Suke of Portland at 11,000,000,000 battles of soft deletes ernuv derived from tourists in Cnnadst die. Tle a rope around it at the I
tion at Charlottetown, P. le,, i., Wellheck Abbey, there were 60 Orr• , and non-alcoholic beverages are con- that it Is now exceeded only by
should be at least one hundred feet sons with 40 or more years' service sinned in the United States each yearly value of the wheat exports of wise in front of the Ieheel with the
wide, should be vitiated about ono to their credit.
year. Canada, enol firmly against the tires. (put it
year and for .such work additional feet winter pro tectton,
without chafe smother hole in the tubae,
quantities are supplied at 34.00 pal which tliey are likely to die in the
thousand, cold weather states, IMPORTANCE OF TOOL KIT
It may be of interest to you and ! Climbing roses of the hardy types New ears are always equipped
your readers to know that last year blo:'eom in June and sometimes with a special tool kit, with which i
131 people in your county there -cid again in the fall 1 but they care s0 to meet emergencies that may arise.
New Things
Are "News"
-EZTEii.Y;member of every family it, this coin -
11/ is interested in the news of the
day. And no items are react with keener relish
than announcements of new things to eat, to
wear or to enjoy in the borne.
You have the goods and the desire in Nell,
thein. '1'he readers of TUE POST have the
looney and the desire to buy. The connecting
Halt is ADVE.Y1T151'Nri.
Give the people the good news of new things
at advantageous prices: They look to you for
this "store stews" and will respond to your
messages. Let us show you that
"An Advertisement is an Invitation"