HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-3-13, Page 1VOL. 57 NO', ;39
702.00 er annum in advance
O,NT4RJO, WEbNESD4Y, M.4RCh 13. 1929
$1.00 DAY
$1000 DAY
St. Patrick's Day Sale
Saturday, March 16th
Will be $1.00 Day at
Spence's West. Ed Grocery
Remember the date ! Come in and see how much
your dollar will buy at Spence's. With each One Dol-
lar purchase we will give FREE one Substantial St.
Patrick Shopping l3ag.
1JHighest prices paid for Farm Produce.
PHONE 2225
New Advoi ttNpntenin
Play -41101W Presbyterian X•P. A,
Dollar Day—W, A $pence
Yellow Dorn -Brussels Vormerte Clab
Baby, hicks hoot, Ty xrrr en
Ontario Hreedlnk Station -J. M. Soots
WnII.Pnper-Ir It. Smith
Auction stale -Geo linker
Auotton:ale-Phtbp James
Auction Sale-Stlnmre. Bros.
Vann to rent -A ler . Buchanan
Auotiou 1,a10 Ne.bit Bandltma
Baking Soln W 0 'P.D.
.:,0.1 hot, wai n ch ow 11.111
Notice to purl core ,site st Amour estate
Notice to t redit,l AnarewPallook estate
Pisa for sole -Win (3or x1112
Down for polo Phone 6014
Pias for Palo Ho vpy MnOuteheon
For ante-Melwyn Baker
For sale -Jack White
from our community we, your
friends and neighbours have assem-
bled this evening to enjoy a social
hour with you and to express our ap•
Iireciation of the services which you
have rendered as neighbours. You
have always been ready to lend a
helping hand whenever the need has
arisen. We have always found you
the best neighbours and shall miss
your cheerful presence in our eom•
munity and our social activities We
hope that you may have many happy
and prosperous years in your new
home on the fourth concession. As
a small token of our esteem and as
reminder of your Moncrieff friends
and their good wishes for you, we
asci you to accept; Mr. and Mrs.
Pratt, this rocker, and Mrs. Forest
Pie Social
in the
Friday Eo'g, Mar. 15v
Under the auspices of the i
Women's Institute
Good Program Plenty of Pio
Keep the date clear
Admission 25e and 10c
Proceeds in aid of Cemetery
Cela E. Coupes - Secretory
L. %. X?R, Proprietor
Miss Helena Pryne, eldest daugh-
ter of Roy and Mrs. Pryne, of Tor-
onto, but former 13niestlttes, who
took the leading role in "Brothers -in- 1
Arms" a Canadian play at Hart !
House Theatre on Friday and Satur
day of last week.
kir teMleigate Ctz'sigidlei2eSs t ti E'E'G":;tete Ff tet+ twWsietgidtete teretes t �tseeteig eetetg4
°'t `' ustrated
A Comedy Drama P r ll
Toronto for a short honeymoon trip,
happy couple left for Guelph and
the bride wearing a black velvet
llrs. 111atk, of Tntnpta, )s visiting dress, trimmed with flange ant a
her parents Jas, •••;•••
end ll,e. Fultoi., ag coat and hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. 1
the plt't oou. Rudd will reside in Cranbrook.
The neighbors held a Wood Bee for ; BELGRAYE
Airs, MV w. Rands nu Tuesday and ( pees rt tw• Fie e„,;e1 nn es
Wednesday of lost. week. ' day evening of eine week :u the For.
�� a� _ TravelTalkV ac�
Will be presented by the Y
Church in the
friday Ev'g, Mar, 22nd
P. S. of Ethel Presbyterian
IA .At 8 O'clock.
spent 5 months abroad, will
Q give an Illustrated Travel Talk
in the
Brussels United Church
Thursday Ev'g, Mar, 1 4
Commencing at 8 o'eleek
Achnlssion Sae and 25e.
if it Hurts You to tRI h Pool Come
y� ,..L..,._,.4. n ^.,try n n - •.;`_',..0:`s-r3:�
MORRIS est rt s Hall ui.drr the ausp;ces,•f Lite
Womet's ifetiilute
ETHELM.Xav, this pedestal, and Foust this Many windmills anti barn doors' The 1ml)wt,• will hold its regular
6 stnlw lust meeting 0,l the
4A �1 + 'fiC K V
smoker, and may you long be spared were damaged by the b,
hrrtne 0,f 2110. 241. A.
to enjoy the use of them. You shall week, , Y W ht:.ler 4.n 1'71 •.day at t, rondo Mlu•r11
1 always find many friends at Mon- Robert and Mrs. Wallace. who have 111th. The '1opie •'LIt a aster Build -
eats ha Detroit ' iu " aver he riven 2[rs. Vuuainnp.
241"` a^4t 4'rnicp'#:fgd*,.xrr.- •y.. __... .. • .
�._ -- and true friendship m your new are taking up
friends me pleased to hove them a4,de
munity: Melvin Cummings, Blyton turn to the community. ETHEL
_ .-,__------ 1' Alive' Harrison Lawrence
ae tan. r. McKay press our sincere thanks to our neigh. drama ova,' Farm" which will Ise
able reply, thanking them all and in- boars u«d friends foe their kind deeds 1 y
,resented by the. Y. P. 5., of Ethel
viting them to come and see them. Land words du, mg the [lines and ; l
efet;gst.4•444/44F.H.tetete4rt44+4.4.4.u«w.3.4.4 I4414 `,:d:3:A• 2»y i«i«t»1M «W The company then sang 'Tor they d g Presbyterian church in the Township
ertefl and May you make many warm sport: the past t y , I g R by
it t k .i fermi g again all the . All ladles ate invited to the eat et
.home. Signed on behalf of the cone- 8th conceseiou of Morris. Their many ; it=g.
+erg•, ova nerison an CAun or Telexes -We Iviob to ex-) Don't forget to see the comedy-
l1T 1 M gave a suit i
th of our little son; St shall never
are jolly good fellows" be f,i ottr0, Hall on Friday evening, March 22nd.
Pir Et q n mils, CHARLES DRAPER }i} Read advt. in this issue.
'en f Alonzo and Mrs.Heath announce
The Surrounding District fi M�arde
aIpI196k31C�+a'E��! •k`e�f. �I��rs; i�'!t�3`�."+
Lloyd McMichael has zone to Tor-
onto where he has secured a position,
Miss Evelyn Hislop, of Listowel,
was a week end visitor at her home
Wm. Hart, of Listowel, spent
Sunday at the home of Ben and Mrs.
The P. K. Mills, Listowel, is call-
ing a lot of our boys and girls off
the farm.
Stuart Sanderson, London, is visit
ing his parents, D. D. and Mrs.
Mrs. John Wray accompanied
her daughter, Miss J. Wray, on her
return to Toronto and will spepd a
few weeks in the city.
Mrs. E. Bolingbroke was one of
the speakers at the Mother and dau-
ghter banquet held in Fordiwch.
United church last Wednesday even-
Tony and Mrs. Meahan were call-
ed to Wingham last week, owing to
the illness and death of the former's
mother, Mrs, Anthony Meehan, a
former respected resident of Turn -
Wm. Gallaher attended the'funer-
al of a former neighbor, Jos. Yeo,
u mcvnu,c;, �, ,.••..• •••
Mtulituha has been visiting at the the engagmentof their only daugn-
. tegiet.'+ i`treseeeettese..teete`este seseseels* home 4)i' his brother, Newton NcCtull-'ter, t'ialet Adella .Mier. to John Lcrho
Council met at Ethel on Saturday, e , 5th line for the past three werks. 1 Meehan son of Andrew and Mrs. who was killed in London. Tho ! Miss 4)7, t st Monkton. The mar- 1
h kill d L d R Mon •roeff Spent the
funeral was held Sundayafternoon week end at the home of 0. and He left on )80 theay last. far Lel010 lg Meehan of MeeTl
from the home of hisbrotherin Mrs. Turnbull. . visit his sister there before retutnieg!riage to take place tie ly in March.
Turnberry, interment being made in Andrew Sloan has been visiting to his hoose in the est 1 The Woman's institute will meet
En ax 13Anntrstt. MAN :- Aiex. ; Th rade • afternoon, March 2i:t
AlcLau0hlin received word that his I at 2,80 in the Institute room. There
the Bluevale cemetery. old friends In Goderich Twp during D1 on u y
O the past week.
brother, Thomas 1410Lnuc111111 had pas- `twill be an Irish program in charge
,MONCRIEFF ' Orders were left for repairs for sed away at his home iu Hard)i'11. ' of Mrs. Antes. Roll Call will be an -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, of 15 windmills after the big storm on bean„lastThursday, Ni otherpar- lsavored'by exchange Potato n-
Moncrieff, wishes to announce the ; Wednesday night of last week. Man., last,
have come of death and only j eweie Lunch will served. Au
engagement of their daughter, Misr' Alelville Jacklin is spending some ,a couple of weeks before Sir, 51c.11ipes.adies of Lunch
community beey are cordial.
Marjorie Weir Smith to Albert Lyn• time at the the home of Andrew La- Lauchlin received a letter stating he ;1 invited.
ton Quipp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Talent, helping out with the spring thought he would 04)048 Best en a y
b t Q' f h h of Dl work visit Deceased was horn in Morris 1
.. 1
orutpp, o t e 14t con. Elma
the wedding will take place late tel I Andy and Mrs. Jacklin entertain- Twp 00 years Aga and since 13116 spent ; BLUEVALE
March. • ed a number of their friends at a the past 8`5 years i", the West' His Mrs, Boyds, of Waterloo, and Miss
brithday art for Mrs. Stevenson, ,y�ltepredeceased bin, seven years ago 1 Belle Kirton, of Turnberry, :pent
Presentat)on.,:_A crowd assembled r Y p Y i and )s survived lay two daughters and .ids with Mrs. F. B. Scott,
last Wednesday evening at the home March 0th, in honor of the hostess' j -
of her. and Mrs. Forrest McKay, who mother. All report a good time. thiee sobs, all grown up. 130iial was A1rs, tL. Elliot attended the funeral
g made )u the West. He is also surv)v lof the Iate Airs. Meehan at w Ingham
moved recently 240 the 4th COriCe3• 1 John Oliver has retul'iled home ell by two brotlreos, Alex , of Morrie, ; 031 Friday afternoon.
Sion of Grey and surprised them by atter holidaying around Stretford and Duncan in;SV'n .ipe". and three A.td Coombs is having his house.
presenting them 'with a pedestal and anis Shakespeare. At present his sisters, Mts. Grant of Sit atftad.ltirs
Belly, of Dal.ota, and Miss Jessie, oft wired for hydro. Mr. Gibson, of
Pratt, the who have will soon enjoy Sarnia. Mote particulars will be giv. ; Fordwieh is doing the work.
en later, 1 Mrs. 1;. B Jenkins of the Wing -
was spent is m rancho and Passes Away :—Death removed . ham Boundary, spent Monday with
evening 1 g Don't forget to see the comedy :her sister, Mrs. C. H. Germs.
thesda! genies till when
small hours e- drama "Valley Farm" which will be one of the most highly respecter} Citi- I James Munroe, of Saskatoon, Sns3i
amorning,he when the crowd by presented by 'the Y. P. S., of Ethel zens of Wiarton, in the person of
The address was lead by Presbyterian church in the Township Samuel Ramsay who passed away at a student at Knox College, 000 pied
Alex. Mann s. is d follows:— and Ball on Friday evening, March 22nd. his home on Frank street on Wednes- ; the pulpit in the Presbyterian c bur:.0
To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pratt; and Read advt. in this issue, day last, He had been ill far several ! on Sunday.
and Mrs. roto McKay: Durr ; months, having suffered from a stroke • Mr;; iRoliert Forbes undo W' nt General
Friends:—Prior to your departure A certain young man with a last fall,which reoccured a few days operation at the W.ngha
smoker set, and to sir. and Airs, health is not up to the mark. We
of tl 4th Con.,h hopehe hisusual
already moved, with a rocker. The good health.
Shoes anRubbers
March h2
March 16
Women's Patent flippers from 2.25 to 3.25
Women's Pati-ut Oxfords from 8.00
R•omon's Kid Oxfords from
2.75 to 8.50
Women's Blonde lippere ' 2.95
Woolen' Black and 13rowu Ties 8.50
Women's House Slippers from 1.10 to 1.40
Women's Dongola Shoes 1.75
(Growing (aims' Black or Brown Ties 8.50
Misses' Slippers 1.7i 5 to 2.00
Children's Slippers 1.10 to 1.75
. Children's Brown Sandals 4 to 71 1 00
Children's Prawn Sandals 13 to 101 1 20
Children's Black Oxfords 4 to 71 1 50
Childron's Black Oxfords 8 to 101 1.81)
Girl Laced Loots 8 to 10-1 1 90
Women's Overshoes, all colors
Women's llnbber Pullovers
Misses' liubller Pullovers
Children's Rubber Pullovers
2 25
100 pairs of 111eu's Oxfords 8 00 to 475
Men's faced Fine Shoes 4.25
Men's Work Shoes, Bleck or lir. 9, ;15 to 8.50
Boys' Pine and Heavy Shoes from 2:50
Boys' Oxfords, sizes 1 to 56 2.50
Men's itnd Boys' Tlnbbers reduced in price
popular young lady, whose home is trade in Brussels and moved to What
ort the —th con., left for a cutter
n slippery place and not having his 'rte had charge of the tailoring depart- 1 Mrs. R. borae, has g
• ,horn Hos; }tut to undergo a'.r
TI itltI on Thursday trftarunon ;0,:d
ton 17 years ago. Der) e that time is getting along nicely.
as one to W n '-
sAdmission 25c and 15c
ta011toLrA,`.°f,o,u,.vii3t a..W.144ar 4131DiDatOt t +i'
c ; r,g ed ii. u,ilku:g r guilt for the ntis-
1. 711117 111118 far 1110 epr.ng Mighteen
4, l adzes weir pl etwo L. Aller the meet -
Mg the hostess eetved n dainty
t 101101).
G„ Rev. Allied tlarfaattane.:tl. A , 13. D.
y f
,uauaer pasta t.t the NreobyLuriaat.
d Church, tlirntou, ,1417 last ,week. 4uduo-
eu ,141:0 the T••n,rti,wn suss N nglehtunt
1 Personal Paragraphs 1
Tim \L:A ••4,r, 'f BD, 1ncd 11 visit'
friends in trwi,. _.
MV 0 Smith W110 171 Gnd0110h 00
Tuesday ni,'lill,Ine.s.
\sus Elna Eewardc 10 visiting 10.
Tot onto 11,14 week.
'mos, \Iaapd Forausnn, of Walton, is
the guest of Mrs A. C. Dames this I
W e8k.
11rc Rea11)re Alrnek )0 visiting her
tlunehler, vtrl Thos, Campbell, of
241.0. S'tn R: 0,k"r Want to Tnrnntn
tide week to vnit her daughter, Ill's
\r Yollnek lei -timed from Tot unto
after spending !he past month and a
bait with his family.
24' ohtr H-autiltan attended 1124,10,02•
et al of his enlist' it, the late Cameron
Dlekeen at Atweed on Monday.
Mrs. Gentge Semis W1as a visitor in
Toronto over the .weekend and at-
tend,d the Tnrontn R,useliles At
Ii 111 I,t;t Ftidav .vPni,.g
241)4) ('lark, of 8:1'atfnt•d, spent the
we, k end with her 01.asi11, Zits Percy
Ni)irltell and het aunt, \110 Dick-
son, and l[i-0 Tena [)ieksau. Grey.
Mlrs. li J. 241,Lanrhli11 was a visitor
. for f'av ,let • at the home : f her
• sr,h-•r, i)• Gore„ Roc at Wing.
ham, R 1 tirIntnrhlin spent the
week -nal n, \ inghiun,
The Met k on ('r rre,pm:alFta r'f the
M110010,•1, or, hnt1 the f'lluminait0nl
11101 week : -Miss Luella (Thom pion,
r lirn,sols, 1nla t0cn011811 i,nm the
Toronto w"n,te.,ale wh• re she attended
the millinery openings and ha- resum-
at 11. r Prem ). r at Weller S Ilei tget's.
\i is+ ('-11 tin 1-1 )oust lni 104 t) v, d home
f- 1)her d,-Ilghtrul y i) •st 24'1,lurtg-
1.,. Miss 11inastrn +:•y-1,,'}nst
to ere. the Imown, ati.m of Pres-
' ),tent 11,1, 0••r, find was mindful to
th' WaSlaiog;rnn 01,0. nn Mon.
der nlel Te Tac to theRrttsspls Pose..
• 21 a,,1,av's edition teas a spl.•ittl one
r0, a'nrre. it ,+f every I:vtugtar-
artnn of 01, Lt. 8. !'revidoot0,
Git•nd:dr, Cal., Feb. 22nd, 1929.
J. L. herr:
Leer io,lltor:— Replying to your
invitation to all former residents of
Hnass,lo, ending you a letter front
their _ 0. -lent location, I will try and
s a a fess words is reference to this
sunny land, and the climate we 'here
enjoy. This country is developing -
wry rapidly, and to those who are
fortunate in investing in real estate
in the pr•o -t loration,there are won-
derful el res of great returns on
even n , moderate investment, for the
it 01 , are nothing in very fast.
• To gate your readers sense idea .of
this, 1 :nay ay that seven years ago,
this city o Glendale, according to
Government r.,/;ort, consisted of
thirteen thousand and thirty persons,
but today we are near ninety thou-
sand in number. Building . is going
on very fast. The permits for build-
ing issued since January 1st, 11)20
reaches the number of Nine hundred
and eighty thousand, eight hundred
- and fifty one delimits in value- We
' are situated just seven miles from
Los Angels . wh. re a great dcvelop-
anent i; now taking place.
Sufficient .Itaadilgs have been
' erected in the 7,:11' 1428, if placed
side by side, to reach 153 miles.
Speaking. of its Industries, they have
rl ruled the g ••:at number of over
0.000; their 1,.,y roll in the year 1926
reached over Eighteen million dol -
litre, ,:'-" 0,r the past e - ear 14`38,
rco.ha•(1 the scat sur:: a'' $24,000,.
s tight fell cl meat of Wm. Symon and Sons. lie -- --- ria the +egreet I buildings .i.'r eom
I Her friend.; hone 21,0 ,le•t,•d in 1'l t` year would protide
ride on Sunday night, the horse bit
skates on, or g n • rein, a an a about 25 years ago to tion. - er many Tient
shaft was broken besides same of was married
•will progies tI i:ctorily. WALTON 1-
the harness was also broken. The Miss Elizabeth Thompson, who sac housing for wee. one hundred o t}ion-
neig'hboes say the young lady never viVeS him, with one daughter, Beat- 1 ,Hits. Vernon H gin . rewrite(' to i en e,,, ,a, .r I• ,ia a vie)E8d fri0uds „incl inhabitants. 111,• total of res)-
home m T
o 71st
11 24(2
10 t \M t , r„ri ,
.het ,0r a ,t t t e
con >t t iu thelast
dental but
ld c n
' 'n in the
Wood- 1
- -rt1
• rice, ,
i 11 :r
t 1. /upheld ,
,lit ,1 Ml 0,c 1 ltrh td IIcy
' w 1 , - ail r
aid a word. visit with R t
s stock Hospital. He is Also survived - t,.0, tri totided accommodation
Bert Johnston when returning by two brothers, Allan Ramsey, of ]the Cloin Higems a, aoanp 4,,1 her „„„e„,,,1 t 1,,,,e1„,1 e n 1 uesday' for t to liinur; d 1 twenty-one
i visit theel meml t fete raga
Anglican Church. He was a lover vtr.ltrd ut1', bet sister, 'Mrs. P MeTag-
G luck to stray into the farm plat Aunt as in' • VIAL u ,1 04!
Aieclical aid lavas sunnnnnecl at once al 0 m tuber of Walkerton Lodge, of ~tl>e P h t 1' } i. grtwi•te tel ser hems
e ttfur real ,1 T11:1 t • of ,1 t lti ir•he city. .
night cult a 4,y • - '
home from a party last Thursday Chaslav, and Devic] Ramsey- who i or a v sr m , l,u ,au -uv spent n 0 ease
thousand fve i t -ere,] .0,d sixty-
= lost h11 way m the fttib)c tea old homestead m Morris Mr.l Thl. young 1 1 of the Fr, shy. v) 'i' f i MM'«1 e, ehh; week. nine s finalities, n „ltnut seven bun
atoxm which eves raging. After n b f T tt tettnn church 1 dr •d an' 01i. ,t- , , n thousand, six
t malr,•,1 ud roma .ght persons.
Y d f e member ate , •niltNesbit
I 1'I' 1l This nearly it •,c1 01111=id, with the sir
and by dinner time Bert had recce-
also O fr t'1 w r " t, t 1 l i t to a t, ,1 it n
d] season hit trr d .t ,. t,, u l t. Thisdecks and the fingers of one ''),111a: situated
11 r lJe9n , n, , ..
Ori i a go to Win rihanr v0, 111 o tI r••••u et
1),,i,„11, ,_ ,e,,, Itti V-
great deal of wand,ring he happen Ramsay was ah4,r o I u of tering, :Staab 1 1't to, pr ,0,t the
music c or many years a e Miss Aso .; . its est. tee las •
Homo of T Nolan, a neighbour, f the hon of the church He was a • i cif St Andrew'sI dies Aid 1+24 l t h r rl , t n t,0,, ci, t f t nnpt i.. „ of the city.
F. A service was held at the 1L1 o a } 1'11,nk uaal \t, s,•1.,111 t,•n, p1 win.
hu 1) : 4 til "Peel r "'. 012 0,59',
err his exhausted condition, e.tn), family residence on Wednesday even , h,,;1, nn,i t)' nt ht.a It, t0,, s• 0,c `u,. tnrl , • 1st t- a l' tae, come
ing luckily with only two frozen tv s onduet0d b his rt,tor, h i 11 T 1 n d at �' t
hand. u1g ar d a. c y [ • •, } t i t •1
day 01i11..1the 101 :tits. Soh.it , r 17• ,dc.. of 111 no:r of Los Angeles,
ertd 0, 11,.1 wee:, t. , 1 , own , n. th of (,1,3"-d
1 - -
taken b , N. bt on Ifs some roof: and small hu l'an: dor •ttis> 51 ait,411`1 Ells,.,". of :til thi ,,, 3' d t'l,i:r,, t
Y ..,n,-
that •rt city receives
seve,ti tL'tt were` tetmese -e iesee...tmara
nerlihp, where ittterment will
be made aged. ahnttiz tw 71st In has ill un the Birk est i. • l w r••k et '
v b\ i11,,Vnrim, von tt,•n 1 i rlak, ,;enc- the h, too pf het anal MI R ti } 2 t• ^t t t.. u1,f ) 1W overflow*
to -day.
ltnr Mf :dae:,iny night we1,0 unahl., 'nn, evldtm,,
10. ..: ins - tit, to 70.1, n :rax there. And the
•to cern e back, : u they bail to '< ave
day i., not s • :11,1 -.et v: hen the two
ttiaeAnnn•M1cT,lrRutti=itdrlelaM ,t1, n11 a •t.
P ROOK their teems at Mer. MI ntislf ate; , the Ynnng, P,•c phos emeeta re , country
tet ro
tt❑ P 1x1 tad l4 ul > it c
ts1, phi 11111,
fq �Y rg'. zens, but wish them health, wealth Ireatlar ntc t res est,} instead they ,t,R .,,t0,, tarn, at. th, In :a4, , t tile 2 apricots,
rti rote prosperity. were 1 ••id on llnnac, March 111h, :«248 M\",,1ter 1 0,d At,t v ti•catlow, Lae i,, t.. 71114)11 - 7,70118, cur -
n3 -It•tw 0,e+l t o her 11,:11,4) in 24111111171,3 1 111ts. :'t ) b i t'17.,...';',1:1-1: f e 1 n it.ztudn cif •
F t ter :,110:11.- n 1111.11e-... 4l �Ml0tvbla
c, The Women's Christian r •
� ]x=Id in Long's Hail on friday cyan- ry•},, Mir• Pt .111 Mi,O M4'•ut'•t, l;u-.,tli and 21rs C nits «0,d Utile limits, to t,+ I: - t :u^,sus Binds
= Rat,t. S. and Mrs. Scott left for 'tele , train backs Dulf',Iunit„1 el uirh Walton tat[, e.1^ 24 0:771, here :hart the
t�[t ', Ayr toile week where Mn Scott has slats] to-torrny tre.,thrr Ladi,'a to • trtafuiti> .rhonl in 5uutlnrd thi, arrrages
ha i rad a 04tion with a ;ermer 11 , ' I ':' int ' 4,•)'',•1: a' n all i.0, ' 1•ao_ a: tion of
F��1�t there. We are sorry to lose our vitt- I. : h011 11 9 ,y unah f.0, Ir:t) 1 the :t• , 241,4) \14)' hl,, who ha•: b , n st,etaa1 i ,I ' 171 l0,;, f ` fi
4,i Don't forget the Irisin Sosial to be ; .i
• ., 111,V11 s „ w4)
S r0, wit:, hat.•,d0, me
Temperance Union tY ing of this weak under the auspices Smillie nresad„l over the Mi%. lI. S•'tae,=Ls,vtlthMir Coutes u,u,nt� li,ht
n .w of the Ladies Aid of Knox Churcah• nu=. t)n.r and the P, o ram for the
V will holt: their animal Sale John trod Mts. Wortley attended wood Day „f T'r•ay, r was e.o.m. puce\r. I rine ,'4 tts of t,, their t hem.. intile'
of Home-made Baking in tate birthday party Held at Andy and out. Mrs. Peter S. \1 I c<•n rend td :, \Neat.
c (itlt. The , . ti a 0,d Josh"t11 114,nnisen, df 8eafnrt.11,
W, J. Pf:C�CTI;R coating home was a pretty rough Service," The, .April11 t =•' .111 b'`- gem p(urlvas0d the fine farm from
Mrs. Jatkhn on March tort fin, mien. o2 .t wind lel t
RI�'S'I'AtJRAN'i' morning., held home homof lees, Chne. H. eh.,John Nv9„n of the 12th non, of
Rudd Pride Wedding:—A quiet Gar.nise. :isomers Tewnshi 1 has now tapers
E�4,i wedding was solemnized on Wednes- I It was learned with regret on possession nod moved his household
' Saturday
Mar, 16th 10 ian Manse, Cranbro000, Wheel Dora- 'i h were,„; on 111-' C, Nr. R :set. The p1ay''2011 Otd p'nwhinne,l
a? °t thy Elizabeth, second eldest (12710,1- M o, t
kq dy tion tit London was ,truck stud killed 11101,” that 01tcl`' I1r0 e2atrd in Iht
1 lE,•k Hall, Walton. 1 1
day, February 27th at the Presbyter- Thursday aft,"noon that Joseph streets on Tnesday.
t t for of lir, and Mrs. John Price was by the tram that lean es tendon in 'e l nntn's n , en Tuesday
� d Not Supper will also be Served f c
Menu will consist of Irish Stew,
1 Potatoes, 13rcud, Cake 31141 Pie
Sale opens at 3 o'clock C,
Supper seated from 4 to 7
g =ARE Invited to assist
in this worthy cause.
Mrs. . McGuire, Mrs, W. j, Procter,
idt. S cretaY ,
r ,
united in marring slit. ,nalnog a to Mr. Earl Rudd, for Win •ham• He was 11 1s111 11' the Rrnssels O,1d 1,ellows
only son of Mr. and Mrs. IL R. Rudd patroling 11111k mid owing to the •Draritat,r. c,f'31 under the ttusptrls of
of 'Cranbrook. The ceremony lyse severe weather 111)11'1' saw nor heard the (lntld of 86. C911)1,1 s nlnu•rh ryas
performed by Rev, A. Williams. '111,' alto nenmin,r train. Hr. ryas about largely attended nod couch enjoyed
bride was dressed in navy blue gear-, 02 years of rage, and unmarried. by nil, The prnc0nds nuunwtrd to
gctte with shoes and hose to Match. ' FIe is survived by three brothers see ,
Miss Iletin Rudd, sister of the groom here, William, George and Robert, The ofste 10 1g "e „e and ibtus ,.
wits bridesmaid, wearing' a frock of also three sisters, Mrs. • Andrew :Iol- boa their Tenser 11 11111110 tn.eting
sand taffeta. The .groom was assist- me,, lllu,'valr; Mrs. seine. Toronto; at the home 111 Mrs. Jnhn Watt, The
NI by AIvin M. Pride, brother of the and Mrs. J. J. Denman in the West. president, etre. Peter McTaggert,
bride. After the ceremony they re• , A, idohnes and George Yea wont to presided. Following the opening
turned to the brides home were a London and brought the remains exerrfses, Ailss Mary Pollard gave the
daility dinner was served and the ,lionte on Friday evening. mtesiouaty topic. The ladies are en -
as lv,'ll 2 gulin 0,1 Is es, quantities
whirls enters oat ;,n' . s tort market
as 1i., : ,710un'tption,
In referee, .0 tee climate, what
I have to +i es, e''t 'tlenl, having
passed n it I nor ra here, assts
Mrs. I h taiha ics ,0,t two emu -
un«11t s,
t, 11 n • t simmer are the
11)00± pl t 411 0,1 1't 70111 Business
and ;t 10l1 .ltee for home seeneS 1198
melt -0000101 , tiled 01e btu'k to Can-
i . n 11, to 111 n, 00'01i, 11 the not It
to r :want , 01)'51'4711 to of Dint. season,
but es 01111_0. 1.0111 01, nn T :on glad to
arrive In this land t,'harn the do not -
hare to shovel fu,l to keels the furs.
n ce ge10, and whrl•r the sun
shines pearly every clay, and the
temperature 100ttehea during the mid-'
Idle of the day t.o 75 or 80 in the sunt
but about 4 )1.rn, a 1.0)11 breeze thrives
from the 000011 which brings the
temperature down to about, 85 or 4'tT
above zero for the night and the
coolness relna'n5 up to the morning
(Continued on Page 4,)