HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-3-7, Page 8'WEDNESDAY, MAUCit Othh, 1929, KtitiOttatEt 41$talalalinalalatiatitatatacRU Every Day '*".'' snatalatasatatiltatataterti cat Household Remedies -"You Should Have CherryJBarh Cough Syrup Stop the cough at once and run no risk of more serious trouble. It will bring re. lief. 35c & 60c hots. Bexall Cold Tablets Taken at the start will break up cold quick - 25c boxes Bexall Orderlies A good Laxa- tive. Work naturally and form no habit. Box of 24 25c Box of 69 50c Pu retest Cod Liver Oil Norwegian As essential as sunshine, is the mo.,t carefully sel- ected high quality 011 we know. Rich in vitamins, 50cand $1..00 bots. Keep Your Hands Smooth and free from cracks with French Balm. A splen- did healing preparation for face or hands. 25c and 5('c bots. [Maids The English Remedy for Throat Irritations. 25c boxes Milk of Magnesia is recommend- ed for the relief of heartburn, sour stomach, indigestion, ex. Also useful as a dentifrice. Pint bot. 50c Puretest Castor Oil Made from freshly harvest- ed beans. It has a sweet, nutty taste and is not hard to take. 25c bots Hapure for Head Colds A few drops gently inhaled, brings quick re- lief. 50c bots. Full Line of Nicholson's Bacterial Serums ..a SMITH stare l)rl1g iet and Stationer fyi ik Brussels united Church REV, A. W. e3 ARKER. a, D. MINISTER Sunday, Mar. 10th 11 a,m,—Public Worship. Subject : "Fr+lend-ship" The 7t11 sermon in a series on "Nine Spiritual Ships" 3 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes, 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Theme: "Samson—A Grant -Shorn" 7th Sermon in n Series nn "The Makers of History" Monday 8 p. m.—Y. P. S. Wednesday—Prayer Service —Choir rehearsal. 2 17 Chunks of Pigs for Sale.... Phone j333-23, Wilson Marks. 37-2 FOR SALE—The Purebred Holstein 4 Cow, Queen Pasch Pauline, calved au _4 ril 26, 1924, due to. calve April Iva • right in every way; also a good sound Percheron mare, 5 years old, a right good type of mare. Cecil Bateman, Ethel, a Phone 85-18. 37-2. rA FOR SALE—Some Mangolds, apply rti to Peter Stewart, Brussels, Phone 4 89. 38-1 GANDER FOR SALE— Apply to Dou,ald ;Strachan, Phone 84-12, 36-1, HOUSE TO RENT, on Lot 4, Con. 9, J. A. Nichol, Phone 42-23 3. FOR SALE—As we are making some changes, we have no further need for a dining room or kitchen cupboard. It is in 2 sections and can be used separately if desired. A bargain for some one, G. A. Deadman, Brussels, 38-1 CUSTOM HATCHING - Any one wanting custom hatching done should place orders at once. Wes. Herr, Phone 51-14. 38.] GANDER FOR SALE, or would ex• change for a goose. Also four chunks pigs, 4 months old. Robt. Geddes, Phone 32-16. Brussels, It R. 5. 38-tf. FARM TO RENT -100 acres, plow- ing done. Good buildings. Im- mediate possession. Apply at Pont 38-2. FOR SALE -1 Mason & Risch piano and one American piano, both have been put in good condition. Easy terms. S. Carter, Brussels. 38-1 FOR SALE—One Young Sow, due to pig, first of April. 7. J. Gorr saute, Phone 55-10. 38-1 FOR SALE—A quantity of Turnips Lot 16, Con. 9, Grey. Phone 3-49 Arthur Ward. 38-1. SEED Oats and a quantity of hay for sale. Apply to George Baker, Phone 524. 36-2 FOR SALE—One 5 year-old Durham cow, fresh; 1 5 year-old Durham cow due to calve 1st of March; 1 York sow due to farrow 15th of February, and 6 pigs about 1001 Drs. Baxter Stevenson, Phone 42-26. 3.4-tr. E di yIS arn'traneJ:�eaeaan aaenaa c:.-, . ,,.,renaeaise2iamreaZarxate'sae:ir.aa- aaanaater`att'aaaiaare I Local News Items 1 Had A Quilting Party. Last Thursday a quilting party was held at the Rectory. The ho.,(, els for the afternoon was Mrs. A. 7C. Gammage. 11luetrated Travel Talk. Miss Mabel Zimmer, who has 'pent 5 months; abroad, will give an illi.- trated travel talk in Brussels United Church, on Thur -day evening,; March 14th. See advt. and mark down the date, Successful Sale. A very eint essful sale of biking was held in the Public Library by ! the ladies Aid Society of Melville Presbyterian church on Saturday last. The proceeds amounted to a little over a70. Baking Sale and Hot Supper. The Women's Christian Temper- ance Union will hold a sale of home made baking awl serve a hot .:upper in W. J. Proctor's store on Saturday, Marelh 16th. Everybody interested in the temperance work is invited to contribute. For further particular's see small bills. Passed Her Exams. .Mian Margaret Pringle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pringle, of Toronto, was sucee:. ful in her ele- mentary piano exams recently. The young lassie is also taking up elocu- tion at ties Toronto Con.eervatory of Music. Her father was a former well known Brussels boy. Huron Spring Shows Listed. The Huron district circuit of spring shows 1e as follows: ?'Lteaell, March 26; Seaforth, Marsh 28; Ii s,.all, April 2; Clinton. Aril 1. Sul:ta?8- iai increases have been made in the prize money 1,6',•;e e at each ,how, making it well worth tl.' while r,f exhibitors to :how. Government nt judges will officiate, with a chrimee of jugde:< at ease place. Prize lasts may he had from the secretary of ; each show. Some Excitment, Last Wednesday 'evening about 5 ; o'clock, Francis Duncan \las driving his horse quietly Hast the Pott bioclt —but in a few minutes a fiery steed tame hack up the street, like trrr' ee- lightning, minus the driver, Thn horse took fright across the bridge and turning around, upset the driver. The hose went un to St. Jahns Church corner and slipped aril fell. breaking the harness and a shaft on tell cutter, He still full of pin when Mr. Duncan started to ride hint home on horseback. Huron Old Boys' Association. The Huron Ohl Boys' Association of Toronto, will hold a 'progressive euchre and box social in Hygeia Hall, Elm street, on Friday evening, Marsh 22nd, to which all Huronites are in- vited. All ladies will he admitted free, but each lady will be expected to bring a box of refreshments, Which will be auctioned off to the highet:t bidder. The lucky purchaser will of course, be the lady's partner for the evening. Valuable prizes will be awarded in the euchre and bridgeand for the best decorated box of refreshments. Business was Lively. With the sale of home made ball• ing at the Library, and an auction sole of borne, then, were many in town on Saturday afternoon. Snow is Disappearing. The March thaw and winds over the week end have been reducing the snowbanks Utility man, G. Mc- Dowell has been getting the sewers opened up. Fans Heard Inaugural. Radio nom et noon Monday listen- ed with interest to proceedings at the Hoover i ;tuguretion at Wash- in.. n. One of the interesting ..1, a el a at noon was, by past presi- dent Coolidge. Had a Pleasant Evening. The caul party in the Town Hall under the at/sprees of the Women's Institut-, ,lrew a good crowd last Thursday evening. Mlrs, G. R. Mul- doon won first prize in the 500 games and Mies Muriel Elliott, first in the eaehtc ,;•urns_. After lunch, a dance followed. Had Snow Fight. Saturday bring a mild day the snow was jut right for making good snowballs and the boys had a great time down on the telephone post, that are pilled up b: Sind the bele- phone office. using •am., for their forte, and r.nt .='to.v ball -tattles took Owe. t was •drieht as long as the combatants didn't get a snow ball in the face. Sleigh Ride and Party. On Tihur, k, 1tt :1 tt•n- choir of 5t. John: Chur h wee t,e•atel to a eleit<h rile to t..• hosee of Harvey and Mrs. l:rytiu,; whey.; ;t nest eerier:Ode even to vete .;,lent. After the ti.ual choir t.` tees of the eves int. was i t , neat game:: er.d afa-r :t ,nneetunua neenal by the hn: t: s ami her daughters. r•s. PM.ylln nal .Sear-. u..rite, to Lot • of thank., was isaeeed for the great kinds_=_-;, Died at Medicine Hat. Word Wag rer,_ivi-,l in l'1u cels last week that Mrs John Cou ley, a former well-known resident had passed awry at the home of Ler sot, Wm. Con -ley in M ,l , ine, Hat, De. r .aced had been living in the Weet fer some years. She i, ; ury Led by nue daughter, Mrs. N. S. McLauehlin in the Wont; and two sons. Wm. ni' Medicine Ilat, and John in Torn,eto. Burial was made in the West. The brreaved have the sympathy of olel friends in their loss, "Backstage". William Collier, Jr., sen idered of the best known of the young lead• ing men of the >;creen and who is the son of William Collier the world - famed stage comedian will be seen in the Tiffany production "Back- stage" which is coming to the Grand Theatre next Monday and Tuesday. "Buster" Collier was brought np in the atmosphere of the stage and When quite a youngster made his first stage appearance under the guid- ance of his father. His likeable and charming personality has made him a favorite with fans the world over. Y. P. S. of United Church. The Young People's Society mel its usual on Monday night with an at- t.ndanoe of 35. The meeting was in charge of Miss Helen Baker who cors Muted the devotional period and in- troduced the speaker of the evening, Mrs. D. Denman, who spoke on "The Kingdom of God" in a very interest - in e and instructive manner. Miss Aiiee Pope gave a piano solo. A. game of French tag proved very exe-iting to both participants and one lookers. The Mis pah benediction cls., ,I the meeting. "Beware of Bachelors" coming Friday "Beware of Bachelors" a Warner Bos.' pix turd, comes to the Grand Theatre on Friday. The cast is head- ed by Audrey Ferris and William Collier, Jr., reepertn.nly, ris flapper bride and philandering do to] bus- ha,trt. Others in the all-star roster ,re Clyde Cook, Andre Deranger, Dave Morrie and Margaret Living, :tom The story is from the facile lam of Mark Cranfield. "Beware of latehelore" is the zippleet eereen vented:: of the year. It tells of the t tt and int nt adopted by a entek du tor':, flapper bride to get 'kelt I with lint for his foraginga in forbid- 1••-t p;ti.ture e. Minor Locals. March, March wind:, Council milt on Monday. Have you seem a robin yet? Much areen wood is coming into town. When will the ice on the dam go out? . The last day of February was an ideal winter's (lay. I. 0. 0. F. social evening this 'Chnredny nicht in town hall. Many of the anerchants have the ice cleaned off the sidewalks. Did March come in like an ob- streperous Lamb or a milk fed Lion? Brussels Old Boys and Girls hold their At Home in Toronto on Friday evening. ll R l•$ POST Jt n 8 g Vit. .R 4 4 it g f f ll 4 ?I n 11 it II adret A Dollar is Saved "ll W hell, It is ,in the an . ND the sooner its deposited in the Bank the greater the assurance of its being saved. A Savings Account is a magnet for the ' money that ordinarily slips through one's fingers, and an income -paying guarantee for the future. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCEit OF CANADA Q 'THE STAND /ARW. rD esBmANK,O Players, Pianos Organs Tuned and Repaired Satisfaction Assured J. C. Blackstone Orders taken by Walker & Black Brussels Continuation School The following is Hrunsels Continu- ation School Report for the months of January and February; FORA I 1 Nancy Jam Fowler.. 77 1 2 Mauna Hamilton 72 8 Arthur Bewley 71 3 Helen McAllister71- 5 Stuart Bryans 69.6 6 Vera Porter 65 7 7 Marguerite Bryans 61 8 8 Juries Kerr ell 4 9 Wilma Lowe 591 10 Mary McIntosh 57 8 11 Mamie McQuartie 55 2 12 Mary Roe 63 4 13 Rueeel Fix 53 3 14 Scutt Burchell 451 16 Jack McDowell 43.6 16 Melvin Thompson 38 2 FOIRM II 1 Catherine Walker88'4 2 Agnes Davidson— 84.8 3 Leonard Walker 79.6 4 Edna Franklin 75.2 5 Muriel Michel 73 8 Jean Sanders 874 7 Jack Hamilton 67 8 Mabel Bewley 65 9 9 Fred Glassier 64 2 9 Douglas Hemingway, 64 2 11 Viola Fox 50 2 12 Alberta Mr.11urray51 9 18 Allan McCracken61.7 14 Ethel Shaw 50 7 15 BleirmareShaw 464 16 Blair Melntneh 41 6 FORM III 1 Helen Barker 88 2 2 Margaret Smith 67.4 3 ,Margaret Downing 07 4 'Jiro Johnston87 5 Viola Wilson 661. 8 Clara McCall 65 8 7 Doris Gill 042 8 James Turnbull 62 1 9 Helen McNabb 58 5 10 Helen A rmstrong.. , 87 1 11 Dorothy rear 50 7 12 'Defeen Eelttnier 55 8 13 (4enrge Kirkby 546 14 Laura Manning 521 15 Ruth Strachan 59.7 16 Jack Santlers 45 3 17 ,Marie Huethet' 44 6 Brussels Public School ROOM III v SR IV --Examined in Comp., Hiir, :-pellhtg, heading, Writing, Grammar Ari1hinetia, and Geography.— Marguerite Logan 77 Jeeeie Little 74.5 Dean 'Davison 74 Russel Farrow 72 Iitta'el Bryans ... , 70 Rueeel Wilson 68 Frdedn Poll atd 87 Jack Rutledge 66 Leona Gaynor 62 [Merger et, Ruseel 50.5 Phi Iiie 13ryans 59 Catherine Russel 58 W, .1. Rutledge,....... 57 13tewnrt Lowe 56 Mac McDowell 52 _JR. IV li;xamiIIed in Arithmetic, History, Grammar, 0pop apby, Reading and Writing. Edna Davison 77 Donald McRae...., 75 Donald Ferguson 74 Fred I3urchell 71 Lorne Kerr 08 Alice Pope 86 Tom Gatti meat, 68 Stanley Wilon ,., 52 Bill Edwards 48 Sr. III .—.ITxarnintd in Atithmetie, ITisrnry, Geography, Reading, Writ., Spelling, Memory work and Compos. i Lion. Stella Henderson..., . , 74 Irene Riley 78 Aileen Gilman.........., 72 Jean Riley 72 Kathleen fdovier.. 08 Ella Farrow 88 'Vera i7ox 64 Loadlternaghan 88 Billy Palmer 57 Jim Ritchie 40 Jame Eno Alt, !Teacher. CAR OF. Nut Coal TO ARRIVE A'r WALTON THIS WEEK Jno. McDonald 1. Personal Paragraphs J. H. Galbraith is in Sudbury un busiuesa, Mrs. J. D, Warwick has been laid up with an attack of lumbago. Orval Whitfield, of Detroit, spent the weekend wit his mhtheein town. Mrs Blaine, of Kitchener, is visit.it g with her parents, D. C. and Mrs. Ross. Cecil Rhodes was a week -end visitor with his grandparents on the Gtle line of Morris. Mrs, Wilfrid Cameron and Master Jiro returned last Friday after it visit at Paimerston. Miss Mary Walker, who is attend - the Clinton School of Commerce, was home for the week -end. Miss Mildred Pollard, of THE POST staff, was taken il1'nn Friday with the fin and was off duty for a few days We are glad to report that Mrs. D, 0. Ross is able to be up and around her home. The nurse left lust week, George Edwards returned to Strat ford again last week to see his daugh ter, Mrs. Longfoot, who is still rather poorly. Miss Madge Donaldsonof Listowel, ;vasa weekend visitor with Miss Mnt- garet Robitieou and other old ftiende i11 town. Miss Eva McCracken is a visitor in Toroth and will take in the Brussel• Old Boys and Giris party in the Queen's Oity Friday evening, Mrs. Richard Mitchell received a box of oranges and grapefruit frost Florida last week from her sister's family, and they were good ripe ones, They were tt real treat. Mt s. Churchill returned with her brothet"in-law, 1V i1. Baillie, to his home in )Jima for a few days while Mrs. Baillie is in the hospital in Lou dor undetgoing alt operation on her ankle. ROOM II Examined in History, Spelling, Memory Work, Art, Literature, Daily Worst and Dept. Jr. III.— (larl Plum 94 Earl Floors 08 Jack Seeker 92 alcCurdy,Low ry 92 Bowman Galbraith 91 Lewis Russell 90 Mina Bryaue 88 Marie King 88 alae Edwet d• 87 •Norene Rutledge 78 Jack Farrow 70 'Ned Rutledge 73 Elwood 11 cQuart•ie 63 *Tom Sir radian ..... 62 Sr. 1I- 13rune Moore 95 Isabel MoTavieh 92 Margaret. Scott 91 Gerald Gibson 91 Billy Stevenson 90 Margie Riley 89 lr)t.het Fox 88 .Dorothy Bellatttyn, 80 Jack Farrow ,80 Jim Palmer 78 'Joint Fowler, 74 *At chip linhnee 74 Garfield Henderson,;., 73 *Marjory Kerr. ..,,,, , , 70 Everett, Lowrie, , , 00 Jr. IL— Hartley Rutledge 98 Ieura ltdey 87 Billy leek mire 34 Edit 11 Me.TnvIeh 88 *Ton McFadzean 83 Omar (Immingham 83 Billy Icing 82 Betty Beat. 82 "I+lileeu alcQuarrie 78 Freak Rutledge .. 77 Harvey Gtheon 74 •George Gbtlhiaith 67 alta garet I, Dougall, '1'ettcher. PRIMARY ROOM V•--l:xt.rniited in Arleh., Spelling, Read., Wilt„ Dep, and Daily work, Virginia Plinrt 89 Mary Deviern, 85 elihire tl Wliilatird..,84 Rueter utiles 88 Frank Sentt' 80 Mary Seeker 77 Jack Lnwry. 77 Mary Helen Kerr...,,76 Charlie Bry(uts 75 Wall Paper We have just receivi d our Spring Stock of Wall Papers. These contain many new designs, styles and colorings and are mod- erately priced. from 5c upwards. We will be pleased to show them Parke Davis & Co's Standardized Cod Liver Oil Refined and bottled by im- proved methods which con- serve the Vitamins. An exceptionally .fine Cod Liver Oil. Parke Davis & Co's linalgesic Balm Absorbent and healing Parke Oavis & Co's CAPSOLIN Effective and reliable prep- aration preferable to Mus- tard Plasters and Liniment. Moir's Chocolates A Fresh supply just received Allen's Drug Store LN. Exclusive Agent for NyaI and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox r Doris Pawsnn 74 Harold Oampbell 73 'Mac Stevenson 70 III—Examined in same. Hannah Russel 90 Isabel Lowe 85 Gilbert Riley 80 Jinn Lockwood 78 (arab We Werk..... 75 ;Vilma Lowry...- 09 IT hlxeel1ent— Dorothy Armeunit g, Glotitt Cunningham, 'Elizabeth Bae- k.et, Janet Ring, -Louise Stiles. Gnod.—Isabel Stephenson. I—Excellent, Luella Mitchell, Helen Orates, 0nnd.—1{mss AV hiltard, Jack Jamieson, Helen elitehell, Fl.o 1, BUCHANAN, , ,.t,;;... .. Teacher. Jaynes Maaphee, a native of Ash- field Twp, was elected Warden of Lin :oho CouritY. The Bank of Commerce aid the Standard Bank are amalgamating fit (ioderich and the Royal bank bee pm- , based the old Standard Bank Build- ing. BOHN WHITTARD.—In Brussels on wehraary21st, to Dlr. and Mrs, Ben, Whtttard, a eon, DID ('OUSLEY.—Al Medicine Rat, Alberto. Tues- day, Feb. 2001.19M Sarah Cowley. widow of the late John Could er , of Brussels, aged 89 years. DRAPER.—In Morrie township, on Sunday,, Dlareh 3rd, 1029, Harry Enls, only eon er Charles and Mrs. Draper, aged 2 years, 13 months and 22 days. IN MEMORIAM McKENZIE—In fond and loving memory of my. mother, Margaret ,lane, who pnesed away March 5th 1027; also my father, Dun- can, who died Dfnroh 9th, 1910. d,aving thoughts, true and tender, Just to shote we still remember, —Inserted by GmnTItIIDE. AND HARRY, Auction Sala WEDNESDAY, MARCH Rivw.—Implements Ray. and Grain,. at Lot B. (:o,. 9, Elmn. Sala at 1 o'clock. Andrew Laidlaw. Prop.; Alex, Morrison, Ano. FRIDAY, MARCH l5rn.—Farm. Stook, Ln - ;dements, Grain,Fnrntture, ,Fo , at Pt 'Los 19, t'on 12, Grey. Hale unreserved nt 1 p In. sharp George Baker, Prop.; 0.61 Scott, Acetloneer. w EDNE�DAY, MARCH 20th—Farm Stock, Implem sofa, etc., at Lot 10, Ron. 12, Grey. Sale un -Plot ved nt1 o'atook, Phtlip Jemes, Prop.: D. 61 Scott, Auo, THUR'DAY. MARCH 28511 —Valuable form, the property or the late Robert Carr, of the• A merionn Rotel, Rrpaeete. Rale a12- o'olook. A. G. Bishop, Executor; D. M. Acott, Ana. FARM FOR SALE 190 acre farts, being HH Not 22, Con. 5, Mor. ria, the property of the late John Black. Good pram, farm with never -failing Spring creek. For further particulars apply to M. Bleok or Wm. Pipe, the Executors of the estate. 87.tf Property for Sale The underelgned offers for solo her property on .tame. street, Brussels East, known as the Ballantyne home, conrtetln of 2 acres of land, one acre it good garden and orchard with n nice big berry pntob • the other street sore for chicken run, withriver alongside. Atx•roomed one-story cottage, with good two. roomed cellar andstore room; parlor, dining.room, pantry, Molten and bedroom oft kit. Man. Verandah all along front of bourse. A b@ wood and coal abed • worlr•sbop with up- stairs; stable and hen hones Apply on prem- ises, MISS CAIRRIE ZIEGLER, Bttueeela, ty Ice Cream Creations For Bridge, AfternoonTea, Dinner or Evening Party, and as a delightful Re. freshment at all times. Tempting Plain and. Fancy Flavors FRESH FRUIT PALERMO A three -layer Brick of fancy A. favorite Creation of plain • Ice Cream, filled with a select- ion of seasonal fruits. Ice Cream. This is a special creation worthy of being serv- ed on most exclusive occasions. W. A. Grewar CONFECTIONER BRUSSELS 5