HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-3-7, Page 4WHDNF8UAY, MARCH lith, 1929.
SNS s*U$3EL.$ PO$T
em4eeleg eoe iA0'.$444444p
Ontario ,budget
Given at Glance
Forecast of surplus for 1929,
15198 000
Surplus of $228,000 in ordinary
account 1928.
Revenue of $58,400,000, largest
in history of province.
T. & N. 0. Railway pays its way:
31,300,000 in interest comes to pro-
vincial treasurer.
Installment for 1928 debt retire-
ment of over 33,000,000 paid; 1929
Hon. J. D. Monteith, Provincial
Treaeurrrr f"r Ontario, who last week
in the Legislature reported a surplus
for the province for 11.2'1 and pre-
dicted a favorable: balance for the
current year.
payment to be met as usual.
Assets exceed liabilities. by $33,-
Capita: e;xersed.turr•- ander eon
Net d.,ht of peorinc.' n)W
DIES AT AGE OF NINETY in the Howe of Commons last Fri -
Head and
Pon' tStiffer, Templeton' a wonder-
fail RAZ -MAH Capsules will give yore
relief. No' omeltes, snub, serums
Mr. J. A. Brown, Ifilladale, Ont., who
had frightful Asthma 10 years, says:
"1 hadn't been able to sleep for weeks.
Couldn't eat proper meals . , I took
2 doses of RAZ -MAH and slept all
night. From that day I've n a er cad a
bead attack"
from a 31.00 box or money back. zt
your druggist's.
. .. -
Ottawa, March 1,—The budget to-
day takes another one pet' cent off
the sales tax, bringing it down to
two per cent. This was the most
Important change it contained.
The tax -on the sale and transfer
of stocks is changed from a flat rate
of 3 cents to a graduated scale from
1 cent to 4 cents.
Tax on insurance premiums other
than life and marine of, 1 per cent is
t Tax on railway and steamship tackle
removed. This takes effect- May 1. •
{ Tax of 3 cents on telegrams and
cables is abolished. The total loss
of revenue from reductions in tariff
!and other taxes is estimated at 325,-
The transportation tax which is
1 abolished (section 29 of the epec'•al
I war revenue act) is a tax of five
cents on tickets over 31 and less -than
$5—over 25 for each additional ere
Hon. James A. Robb MiniAe• of
Fin:nic:e, who introduced t :. Iluda"'t
day. in wheal he trimmed down taxes
WAS MEMBER OF PARLAMENT reduced debt and revealed a record
five cents. Steamships 31 when fare
Ottawa, Feb. 17. — Hon. James exceeds $10. but less than $40, then
Colebrooke Patterson, whose political $3 up to 36.5, above that a 25 tax.
career, started more than half .+ Chair car, 10 cents. Sleeping car,
century ago, is emblazoned with his ; 10 per cent.
service as Secretary of State, Min- iThese are abolished from May 14
ister of Milita and Lieutenant -Gov -11929.
ernor of Manitoba, died to -day. BUDGET BRIEFS
The end came at his residence in the Tax reductions of 325,000,000 for
capital. He was ninety years of age. next fiscal year.
Hon. Mr. Patterson was a link in Sales tax reduced from 3 per cent
the small political chain which binds to 2 per cent.
the Canada of to -day with the Canada t Tax on insurance policies (1 per
as it was soon after Confederation cent) is abolished.
and before Sir Wilfrid Laurier form- r Tax on railway and steamship
ed his first ministry. Sir George ticket., and on chair car and sleeping
Foster and Sir+Hugh John Macdonald car tickets abolished.
now remain as the sole, surviving Tax on telegrams and cables abol-
members of the pre -Laurier minis• ished,
tries. 1 Tax on transfer of shares of stock
A son of the late Rev. James I'at revised to follow graded scale, re-
terson, he was born .near, Dublin, duced.
Ireland, and came to Canada in Thirty-four minor than':"e in the
1857. He entered the civil service tariff for the purpose of adjust -
at Ottawa, but resigned to devote his nets,
time to the study of law, and the Estimated revenue for 1928-29-
928 ?9 year 1876 marked his enery to t':e 3454.942,000, an increase of 821,-
bar.- Ile practised law at Windsor. 000,000 over 1927-2ss
Ont., and was reeve of Windsor for Reveller: from .;tamp ,.ales, excise
ten years, and warden of Essex Co.. and : ale: tax -howl 381,500,000 de.
The man whose figure was to rise crepes,.
so high in the political world enters Ordinary expenditures estimated
ed the Ontario Legislature as numb- at 55.200.000. - Capital espendi-'
ber for North Essex .in 1874, anti fn tore at $21,150,000 and special, $1,-
1878 first wont to the House of Calm- 987,000.
mons as member for Essex County. Estimated eurpius for 192e-29 is
14e held his Cammone e, at for thin- $(19,782,000.
teen years, hut the general elections An c.timated red'R'tion in the net
of 1891 marked his defeat. *le ee delft of Canada for the present fin -
turned to the House the following anrlal year, which end on March 31,
year as member far West Huron and next, of $60,782,000.
became Secretary of State in the Tran) reduction in the net debt
Abbott Administration, while in the (Nelms the past six years of 8226,-
sueeeeding Thompson and Bowell 708,000,
Administrations he was Minister of The Government will pay the 360, -
Militia. 000,000 loan maturing on Aug. 1,
Hie appointment as Lir:ene Ilse- next, out of surplus revenues there -
Governor of Mantoba was made on by effecting an annual interesting
September 2, 1895, and he served in saving of 33,300,000.
that eapaeity for five years. Later The Canadan National Railways
as a commissioner he investigated in- will show a surplus of abcut 37,000, -
to titles to ownership by Great,Bri- 000 for the railway years 1028, gfter
•rain of lands in the Arctic Seas. paying all charges with the exception
Hon. Mr. Patterson was predecease of interest due the Government.
ell by.hls-wife in 1911. They had ne A favorable trade balance of 31.54
children. 100,000 for ten menths of the fiscal
4 year,
• 'The word, gigmanity, was coined Tariff changes "designed to reduce
'by Carlyle to describe the British taxation and to Lessen the costs of
Philistine idea of respectability. production."
MSc. of
Royal Master
Not one Royal Master
Ina thousand wiU aver
puncture. Not ono in
blowfive 1 '
001 under two
yours of service.
�OMINION Tire Depot own-
ers are masters of the science
of tire care.
They are trained right in the
Dominion. Tire Factory,
They know how a tire is made —
every inch of it. They are kept in
touch with the newest methods
and devices in tire repairing.
The best workmanship is always the
most economical, Have a Dominion
Tire Depot expert give your tires a
thorough inspection—now.
YO u are never fear away from a
BRL'SSELS...E. C. Cunningham
LTH:FL ......................_...... .E. L. Desjardine
WALT;s._.....__.,_........._...._...............,_...__...._......_J. S. L. Cummings
Clerk's Face Burned as
He Mends Gas Lamp
Fordwich, Feb. 28,—While at-
tempting to adjust a faulty genera-
tor on a gas lamp in a local hard -
wart store last night, D. Montgom-
is spending ia'fevf,days with her els- 1 Australia has eight or more spec'•
spending the past rgjns, les of cuckeof but not one has the
ter Mrs, Cloine HIf,
rs, L, O, Gcui•Jy, who has 'been familiar call of the European bird.
few weeks with
Mrs. A, Atr1e1)en, returnl)d Ihome to
Conmmrge7 staff, 2 ] was a ION $ALE
Matheson, AUCTION
SATE George Taylor, of the Banit of
65c.per bus, guest over .Sunday with his cousin,, Valuable Farm
Mrs. Alex. 1Vlowbray,
Robert Musgrove received word to •In the Township of Grey
day that his nephew; J. Musgrove ,
Alf. 13aeker had passed away .at Niagara Falls. j the Pr9perty of the isle Naber. Carr
Ile is a sou of Dr. George Musgrove.
Phone 5 Brussels Mack Black, who underwent a
at W:nghanm Hos- '
serious operation0 re, seen, Auctioneer, has been instrunt•
1181 a con lof weeks ago,retulin- ed to RelIbv Publlu Anatl en at aha 4918121'
Vital p(MW ricVi'I2 ARUB tItLB, n TntiRyOAX.
stood they will amp the power plant ed home and Is making favourable MIAROB 28th at a o'o)eok, thetenowingprt
progress, orty, oonls)ing Of 100 nares of land, being
i.and link up Oarga' with the other Mre, Sanderson and O11Y Moffatt
forty, r8. edandbGraytownahtp, c0 nares are
towns and villages ou their power alerted and belanoo bosh, peed brlolt home,
linos, ente[+tained the Euchre Club at the 1sneto. k barn with illibe cement
tea tortenieneubdrive to abed,
Tito shareholders of ChB Pluton home of their father, C. B. Moffatt ;sloe bid. Terme-l0 per Dent or purebreds
and liiulose' Telephone System on 1Friday evening. The first part prloe to be pa)dat time of ante and the haL-
held their annual meeting in the Twp, of the evening was spent in playing 0000 in 00 „atIre• A, G. BIABGP,
Hall on Thursday. afternoon. The cards and after the host and hostess Auctioneer, FIG,, .
"al tors repoet showed that. the Dom'- • served refreshments all enjoyed
puny had a very prosperous year, the dancing for a couple of hours. MORTGAGE SALE
surplus on hand Is $1611.75 Allteter The Woman's Institute will meet
th home '
Hughes succeeds W. D, Bradley as
oomlulOSiaoer, The other officers
were re-elected.
Pictures Coming to the Grand. ,
Following are a few of the Oct-
ane billed vat the Grand Theatre for
8— 9—Beware of Bachelors.
15-16—Take Me Home.
18-19—Flight Commander,
22-23—Beau Sabeau.
25 -26 --Girl of Gay Paree.
29-30—Moran of the Marines.
Thursday, March 14th at a Mortgage Sale of farm arroperty un«
of Mrs. Alex Mowbray. A. good' r der and by virtue of the Powers of
Ipaper is expected on "Ilte.League of Sale oontaleed is a .certain MortgnNe
I which will be produced at the time of
sale there will be offered for sato by
Public Auatlon at the Queen's Hotel
in the Village of Brussels to the
County of Huron on Saturdny, March
Ord, 0000, at thehour of two o'clock
,in the namel ufterneon, the following pro -
All and Singular that aertatn parcel
or tract of land and promises situate
lying and being In the Townshlp of
Morris, In the County of Huron and.
Province of Ontario, containing one
hundred acres be the same more or
less and being composed oft he north
half of farm lot Number Ninteen CO)
In the Eighth Concession of the. said
Towpstltp of Morris,
Of this property there is reputed to
be a good frame house and barn and
also a hardwood bush.
d M Wheatley The property win be sold subject to
Wheatley died in February, 1926. , money by
•Nations" and a pager on "Schoo
Trustees ---Haw elected and their
duties" will he given by Miss Cora
Jewitt. Roll Oail—"A Display of
handwork". Ladies of the Commun-
ity are always welcome.
Another pioneer resident in the
wiido v of ofthle rlate JJoseP Whosepth eatley
passed away at her late residence on
Friday morning. Mrs. Wheatley had
been in 'poor health for the past year.
She was born in Westminster, Mid-
dlesex County, in 1847. After their
marriage Mr. an rs. a reserve d,
per cent arl
moved to Clinton. The late Joseph Terme bi15 of the1 se
cash at the time orpthea saato
WALTON Mrs. Wheatley is survived by four I and the balance In 30 days from the
daughters; Miss Ella Wheatley, at 1
rtfurtheer particulars apply to ;
Stimore Bros. are holding an must- hone, Mrs. J. J. Ward, Elmira, Ont., Jas. Taylor, .wetfoneer, 13elgrave, or
ion sale at Lot 15, con. 14, McKillop Mrs. Geo. McCartney, Woodstock'.
li, 114acdonnld, Brussets, or to
three miles east of Walton on Friday and Mrs. Ambrose Stringham, of ' f.rwthe Mo gngoe, SW An arnia, Onearj'ciltors
March 22n o'clock. Full list
Woodstock, also by one son, Wal- Dated at Sarnia, vabruary `ett0, 1012`-.
d at 1 o c oc t. lace Wheatley, also of Woodstock;
bushed next weak. Jos. Cook Flint
will be pub and a sister, Mrs.
The play put on by the L 0, 0, F. Mich. The funeral was private from
of Brussels 1n the A.O,U.W. halt on her late residence with Interment
Tuesday night was a great success. taking place at Clinton cemetery.
"The Old Fatuiioned Mother" was an Pallbearers were J. J. Ward, A.
• BRUCE COUNTY old time melodrama and each artist Stringham, George McCartney, W.
1Kincardine Uuuueil granted 520 to took the part with realism. There Wheatley, N. Kennedy and. P. Ward.
'. the library board of that town. were many laughs and smiles and i The funeral of the late Christnph-
'The Anglican church at Kincardine more sobs and teats. This 'play is er Beacom took place to Clinton
will crest a new parish Hall this sum- being put on in the Town Hall, Brea • , cemetery Sunday afternoon from hie
icer, at a east of $4,500, .•els on Thursday evening, and any- residence on Albert street north. Mr.
Bobby (.lotSt
v one who mrstd It at Walton failing health
imnt t o i .m or e past number of years. He
a broken collar bone when he fell from
fro Bar -old son of n should Beacom had been in al int
'1` t y 01.01,11111,' f Mi)d ay *costed see it
then f th
ouch at his home. The child i9 in : had been a citizen of Clinton for the
past eight years and before that re
her a serious condition. MONCRIEFF
John R I d of Walkerton has
a til nw ae 1 sided on a farm near Summerhll. In
cry, a sales clerk, was badly burned retired as president of the Walker tate • Report for S. S. No. 9, Grey for religion he was an Anglican and in
about the face. He had lighted the Eh attic Light and power Un. It fs January. and February. Pupils were politics a Conservative. Surviving
,1 39 pears sins Mr. 11."1""a was con- examined in Arithmetic, Georgraphy are: His widow wlho was formerly
lamp and finding it defective thought i fleeted with the business. History, Literature, Art, Reading, illargaret Manning; two sons, Bert
he could remedy it without eating- i J. G. Oarter, ex -reeve of Greenock, Writing. Class V—Lundy McKay of Londeaboro, and William of De -
has leased bis farm on the Durham 75. Jr. IV—�Madalon Speiran 89; troit; and four daughters: Mee Fin -
the generator broke oft allowing the • Ustter will devote his attention to the 78; •Herbie Huffman 77; Jeanie Har- Biggins and Mrs. Holtzhaucr. Mr:
gasoline to spurt out. This immed- jagetfcy of the Farmer's Oeneral ielut- rison 69; Howard McNaugelt 68; Beacons was in his 87th year.
lately took fire, the flames burning uel Insurance Co. and to selling light- Russel Gole 54; Cecil Machan 52.
ning rods. Sr, III—Lindsay McKay 83; Doro- NOTICE TO (iv -paroles face and igniting a ti The Foshay interests of Minnea- thy Mann 82.5; Lillian Harrison 78;
cumber of paint cans on the shelf; polis. strengthened their position in Marshall Harrison 72; Myrtle Gole
Bruce county by on
purchase G4 Cecil Robinson. 61; Leonard
near by. Fortunately, .hero was no of the; Cargill
Electric power Machan 29. Jr. II Louis Harrison
explosion and the blaze was quickly plant and also acquired the water 71.5; Everett Robinson 64. Class I
extinguished without property lass. `system of the village. It is under- Irma Huffman 84• Betty Machan
_ 79; Wilma Harrison 75; Lloyd Mach-
T an 60. Sr. Primer—Isaac Gole;
Charlie Harrison; Steel Livingstone;
Jr. Primer—Lloyd Hood; Sterling
Friday and Saturday - Mar. 8 & 9
WARNER BROS. present
"Beware of Bachelors"
With Audrey Ferris, William Collier, Jr., Clyde Cooke
Audrey Beranger Margaret Livingston
Monday & Tuesday Mar. 11 & 12
The (h1ee I.tri: were linaury-They (list a nice, big friendly
(sih,suff tat• -_-Until ire got the bill -Thea) --
A L'nm •dy 1)rnuia of iwilitetl the stage ;nrtnin.
5Virh a east ilielndine; V/l lion (miler. Jt., Hat law, Had.
rnrd, Alhertn Vaughn, Bittern Feeey, Shirley O'Hara,
(lawns 1Vhitth"u,, J.,e.'t3 11 1JI0, (frim 1Villinma, Jaunty
Harries -it, aced lit inky lle.,ed.et,.
Friday & Saturday - March 15 & 16
Bebe Daniels in
"Take Me Home"
I!LIilfnsa Broadway rho' n0 cube with the ',tar ar the
eh ow n,' her skiing. Hell' I)5n;elu and Neil Band tnn, the
his °ene a" in "lint N'.v," i• I1 then ago) 11, A ,)roue „f
Invr. hebind the rnnll'glilu 1ll)1,•121elrinl; eteppe'ta etntttp
through the Ihrn1)hi„a •agnerreee Vivnciene Liebe lines
Up with the ch',i n•tand cops the lead.
p n 'rRin-Tin Tin" "Flight Commnndnr"
burl I'GiOrious Betsy" "Topsy and Evan
School Report—Following is the
report of S, S. No. 9, Morris for the
months of January and February.
Pupils were examined in Compost-, of their necount5 and rho nature of
tan held by th
le and
eeutrix will proceed to distribute the
assets of the deceased amongst the
parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims of which they shall
then have notice, and the. Bald Execu-
trix will not be liable for the said as-
sets or any part thereot to any person
or persons of Whose claim notice shall
not have been received at the time of
such distribution.
Dated at Wingham this second day
of March. A. 1). 1528,
It. YANSTONfi, WInghttn. Ont.
Solicitor for the Executrix
1,. the matter of the Estate of George
Hach:tuna, late of the Village of
nrnsaelx• In the County of Huron,
Teacher, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to
"The Revised Statutes of Ontario,
Chapter 121• that all creditors and
others having clslms agalntt the es-
tate of the said George Buchanan, Who
died. on or about. the. 30th day of
December, A.D., 192s, are required on
or before the. •5th day of March A. D,
1939, to send by post prepaid or deliver
to Florence Isabella Buohaaaf, Brus-
sels, P. O., Ont.. the Executrix of the
last will and testament of the deceos•
ed, their Christian and surnames, ad-
dresses and descriptions, the full par-
ticulars of their aniline, tate statement
11 the securmtles, if y, om.
tion, Agriculture, History, Arithmet- i 41,5 Further take notice that stunt
d Literature: Sr IV—Tons. such last mentioned date, the said Lx -
Kirkby 74.3. Jr. IV—Clifford Pease
76. Sr. III—Mae Shortreed 86;
Isobel Alcock 80; Beacham Alcock
56. Jr. 111—Addie Bell 74.2. Sr.
HI—Lloyd Alcock 70.6; Walter
Bentley 70.6; Lloyd Pease 64.5. Jr.
1J—(a) Ruth Alcock 74.2; (b) Jack
Bryans 90.7; Bob Kirkby 75.6;
Stuart McCall 74.5; Waiter Bewley
73.5; Margaret Bell 70.5; Allan
Searle 52.3. Primer—Eric Alcock,
good. Miss J. Isobel Ritchie, Teach-
School Report— The following is
the Report of S. S. No. 8, Morris,
for the months of January and Feb-
ruary, 1929. Pupils examined in
Those Spelling and Geo. T ho marked
(0) missed ane exam.Sr, IV.—Jean
Turkey 75.5 ; Dorothy Goll 75.3 ;
Jean Garniss 65.1 Toni Garniss
64.2. Jr. IV—Willie Black 63.1 ;
Clarence Stewart 25.5. Sr. I1I —
Viola Goll 72 ; Irene Warwick71.5 ;
Elmer Sellers 47.1 ; ***"`Charlie
Mathers, Jr. I1I—Margaret Turvey
65.5 ; Irene Ament 51.5 ; Douglas
Black 45.5 ; *"*Isabel Thynne.
Second .—Ross Turvey 87.1 • Birt -
ie Black 66. Sr. T —Stewart Amc'nt
84.5 ; Clarence Goll 57.
Elva J. Hemingway,
Mrs. Roger Oke, of Wingham, vis'
ited with friends here,
Mrs. W. J. Duff is ill. Her friends
wish her a speedy recovery.
Mrs, Jno. Smith is able to be a.
ronthd again after her recent illness.
MISS Margaret Garniss was a week
end visitor with friends in Wingham.
Min, R. Forbes of Morris, is visit-
ing with her brother, James +Kerney.
James Masters visited friends at
John Stacey is home again after
undergoing an operation at the
Wingham Hospital.
Millar Proctor and William Rob-
ertson path received and delivered a
car of fertilizer.
Flemming Jilaek rereive8 a car of
serceninirs and also shl}rped three
ears of live stark,.
Wm. 1„ and Mrs. Spear, of Morris,
spent Saturday at the home of Peter
D rine) MTs. Ring.
Mrs, Vernon Higgins, of Toronto,
In the Matter of the Estate of Alnrgeret
t•,r inn, Int t• of the Township of
(:rel', in tilt' County et ingon, de-
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the Estate of
John Ferguson, late of tho Vil-
lage of erusaols, In the County of
Huron, Merchant, Deceased.
Notice is herehv given, pnrlunnt to Section
00, Mae 121, of the Revised Statutes of On-
tario, that alt portfolio having claim. ngnlnat
the estate of the paid John Ferguson, who
dice ah or shoot the 08th day of Deorm•
ber,1018. ere required to amid by post, prepaid,
or deliver to Dr. T. T. Menne, at tlrus'els.
Ontario, ere of the Exertuters of the last
will end testnmont et the cele devotee
ed-oe or before the Eleventh day of
March, A. D. 1029, their names arid
addresses with full perttonlnre in writ•
lag of their alleles and the nature of these.
centime, (If Imy), held by thin, duly verified
by a statutory, deeiarntlon.
And farther take notice that after the said
lith day of 11nrch, 1020. the quid Executors
will proceed to di,trtbute the n005(4 of
the said estate among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard ably to 010 ohdms of
which they tibial then have bad notice, and
the said Execntors shall not be liable for the
Reid nsael0 or any part thereof to any person
of whose claim they shall_ not then have re.
calved notice.
Dated et Wingham, the 12th day of Febru-
ary, A.D. 1020,
whtghatn, Ontario.
Solicitor f .r theEseottttrs.
For Sale
B Cafes
id herebe�luno r
ur ua
tt to
the Revised Statutes of
Ontario, Chap-
ter 1.e, that ai1 creditors and nlbera
having claims against the estate of
the maid Margaret Buchanan, who died
on or about the Fifteenth day of
February, A La 192, are required on
or before th,:nth dry of Marc'lt, to
4rmd by poet prepaid or deliver In
John 8. Ruchnnun, 0Caltnn, P. O.. or to
A. II Jilttrdonuld, lirus,eels, 37, U..
the lexoeutnrs '.1 item hart wit!
and testament of the deceased, their
Chrlstlan and Surnames, addresses Alla
descriptions, the fun particulars of
their claims, the statement of their
accounts and the nature of the never -
Hies, tf any, held by then..
And further take entice that atter
Ruch. 1,100 mentioned claim the Execu-
tors will prncoud to distribute the as-
sets of the deceased, arnongot the par-
ties entitled thereto, havneg regard
only to the clam., of whish they span
Hien hare notice and the said Deem, -
tors w111 not be liable for 11,' sold as-
sets, or any part thereof to any her-
eon or persona, of whoa* claim not(oe
Minn not have heeu received by them
at the time of such distribution.
Dated at 13tuasels title 4th day of
Marchi A. U 1129.
JOIIN nI CIIA0 tNA, 11, Mose-
DON 1,1). Exeter era.
NOTICE TO en norro its
-NOTICE 111 III:1tbMnY GIVEN .thatall
peranlhs having alnlmn ngnlnat rho 00 -
Otte of Jahn 12ladlt, Into of the 'l'owrt-
shlp of Morrie In the 1'atinty of 1luron.
reamer, who died on or about the lath
day of January, 1019, aro Tormented to
forward their claims to the under -
Signed on or before the Mit dn.y of
April, 11111,
that .Ifter thegeld date Executors w111
peeeeod to dtstrlhtkte the estate,, huv-
ing regard only to such. claims its they
shell then have had nntfee.
fAT1,1) at Ole Vllltga of Brussels
in the County or Huron tills 21011 dlty
et I•'ebruary, 1220.
)Ilnlrolm Blank and William ripe.
Executors, Brussels, Ont.
▪ One Red and one Roan,
1: 8rowndale.. breeding. $
•+r Extra choice. k
4 -Phone 166
Farm for Sale
010 acres of lend. being composed of S E y, of
Lot 28. on the Oth Con. of Morris township.
On the;prenllee• le a good fauns bones on
eta ne wall and cellar; also born double board-
ed and battened. Good cattle and 110105
,axile; slue about 12 ecru, good. broth. If not
Hold will be rented for pasture.
Tenders wanted
The Coulson of the 'Township of Geer ere
asking for Emden' for supply of power to run
the brusher for the summer of 1020, The per.
son supulyhrg the power to operate both 00-
glnrrand Crusher. renders to stats rate per
hem Th 'eat n nn tender not tames -
s)irlly aacauted. Tenders opened rant moot-
ing. blareb 00).. J. H. FEAR,
Farm for Sale
Meares, being Lot 18, Con, 1• , Grey town
MOP, all olaared,,j,lo�iowu tie the Ziegler Bonne
stead. l.nrge theme litmus hunk burn and
NO ow shed on cement wall• hospitalise, drive.
shed and enrage. Water In stable with 0,1, 11
Inside;'windmill at house and driving It to
bare, anti it silting at the hetet of farm r uet-
nhev all year round In cement t-neeph. 81t•
tutted. 4 cep's fr*n, Ethel Station, 2,.tree from
('renhrook, 7 Penn Brussels end 11/4,miss front
Rollout, Nor further particulars nrripiv to
Phone2211 Ethel,
Ethel Delco Lighting
System for Sale
1200 Wotte 1 110 Volta. .Almost new, with
poles, wire and all equipment Far further
pertloalnrs "1)ply to DR. A. 11. blebiABTEIt,
i(eoretary Village Trustee Board, Ethel
Farm for Sale
Yuma known as the Dilworth Perm, nom
prising 1011 Beret meetly 1111 cleared and hi a
gond.,trots of ettlflentlon, iota of ,voter odd
wltkin 1m110 et )Ether' tea n, ii,�4 Wille to Ethel
gale.. Will be drier) tantlars,ly for'.qulon
sale. Far further, partieuhirs, appply on
protnises to 3. E, BOW GA ND.
Farm for Sale
Avory demirahle stook term of 100 Berne,
mild Irotn Brttosels, Good bnlldingo oro
ogltfpmetits, 11007 terms to oaltplirohita0r
Per further partloulore spilly to