HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-3-7, Page 161 tit •' 14 i`;C'&tt;w t.;rzt ! t.. t� n!.?Ifr<.rW.!-N, r � G3 G.�l�1dt-. ejIh1t1stted Travel Talk RP VOL, 57 NO. 38 2.00 Per annum in advance aiiUSSELS. UN? 4J'1U. WEDNESDAY, MARCih 7, 1929 144. ! gletet 1 e i egeeti i'teye'r'1"igea etege+Tr tettfe ti teeter f e +!ai i i t,leen gl?.}i 9 , oys t` Clothin t}, .t. 1t Mostly all • At Bargain Prices -43iroaaatrortn",t3w In order to make room for our Spring stock of Boys' Clothing we offer our entire stock at Bargain Prices, Lot No. 1 10 Suits sizes 28 to 35, dark and light tweeds, regular to 813.50 17.95 Lot No. 3 3 Suits, sizes 27 -28, all dark tweeds, regular to $1U.00 $5.69 Lot No. 2 8 Suits, sizes 26 - 29, single and double breasted styles, blue cheviots and light tweeds. regular to $12.50 $5.75 Lot No. 4 2 only Suits, sizes 30 and 31 regular to $7.95 $3.75 Suits have two pairs Bloomers L` New. Advertleewe.tq Property for sale IOe Zte,.ler Auction pct,-•r;obtri a art emote Play a ranhrook Ath et o Ataometion Onto for nolo-Ali Bonner eyor of o nl lobo Oiol)nun d Nol tort, Cr, niters-hca nae henna ,,tett, Nntie b, rye. (tors-- M,ee Iinet,h.,aneel et, N'or nolo--U A Deer) lone AloopuiciN enl ao'ortwn•t Gondar for saln I)oat:ald •4tre than Honee to rent -4, A ,: ieeol Custom heiohlna Wet,• 1{err For sole Roht,Qeaden Form to rent -Ting Pass' For trio -s r•n,' e,• Sow for sole -J.3 Gorsnlltt Turnips for sole -Arthur Ward previous meeting. ;T1ie principle feature of the afternoon's program was a debate "Resolved that the dress, of 50 years ago is more desired than the modern dress", The affirmative speakers were Miss M. Pope and Mrs. J. It Wendt, while Miss E. Me - Ewen and Mrs. J. Lovell, upheld the negative .view. Both sides of the de- bate advanced strong arguments in support of their views but after a careful summoning up of the argu- ments the judges, Mrs. Thomas Gib- son and Mrs, Bolingbroke decided ti hat the negative speakers wore in the lead by a narrow margin of two 3tt School Report. -The following is points. While the judges were malt- report of S. S, No. '7, for January ing their decision, light refreshments • and February. Examined in Geog„ were served by the hostess, The .. Hist., Spell. Arith Wr,, Gram„ meeting was closed by singing "Auld ygiene, Sr. Lang Syne". 3. IV Ma17(147.3'11j dwyn Williams 85; George 3 Fischer 74. J id .. 92; Dorothy Pride 78; her ;% heaing, Cop., anti' H r. IV -Mary McDona liHuether 87; Gertie mo G Milton le Osborn, 40. r +f 73. .Tr.1II-Ma ETHEL ameron 48; r ton Miss Elizabeth Corbett spent Sen- , III -Alice Locking day in Ethel. ry Huether 92; M•ur- , John McKee is a welcome visitor B iel McDonald -78 Glen Huether 76; in our Burg, 3 1 Will' 7 ' ] t Maleohn :McTntos1 72; re Zerg er Dr E. A, AlcMaster was in Toron- 67; Jim Cameron - tifaurdce Cant- to an Saturday last. Bron 4p. II Class -Doris Long 3p; Miss Beryl Gill spent the past Alae Fischer 79; Edith Osborn 76; week -end at her home here. 3; Stanley Campbell '75; Vida Cameron •Cloyn Michel is learning the bak- e., • 66. lot Class -Harold Huether 82; Ing business in Lake's Bakery, • Kenneth McDonald 73; Velma Fisch- • Mrs. Rev. D. M. Guest andljimmy er 70;3ertram Demerling 41. Prim are spending a week in Kincardine. _. er-Excellent-Jack Gordon'Charlie Nora , Miss Lydia Steiss ,spent a week at Demerling Qvor Williams, Ch il' , the home of her sister Mrs. .1 I a.1C • ae Fischer. .Miss Alice J. Forrest, , Wilson. tee eildressi-We are gathered here Teacher. I Cecil Eekmire has been working couple left on glue afternoon train ` MORRIS ' evening t :'e we ,ave gather - MORRIS • for a.. while with Mr. Smillie at e 1 so often before m a soc,al as COMING ! PLAY A Comedy -Drama in 4 Acts little Miss Jack will be presented In LONG'S HALL CRANBROOK friday Ev'g, Marr 8th By the Yount, People's League of Trowbridge United"Church Under auspices of Cranbrook Athletic Association. Admission 35c and 25e Be in your seats at 8 o'clock if you can get one. Hector L. Knight. jamas Keys, Presnient. Sec.•Treas. Hurrah I FOR THE Pie Social in the FORESTERS' HALL BELGRAVE friday Ev'g, Mar, 15 Under the auspices of the Women's Institute Good Program Plenty of Pie Keep the date clear Admission 25e and 10e Proceeds in aid of Cemetery Fund. Cela E. Coultrs • Secretary J. L. 1 ERR, Froj rielor MISS BABEL ZIMMER, who spent 5 months abroad, will give an Illustrated Travel Talk in the Brussels United Church Thursday Ev'g, Mar. 14 At 8 O'clock, Admission 25e and 15c program was given Mr. and Mrs. Speiran were asked to come to the front and Mrs Speiran was present - eel with a life Membership Pin by the Woman's Missionary Society. the happy couple left for Toronto Mrs. Dougherty the. President read • and Detroit far a short honeymoon. the a<tdtcss and tee presentation ntation was For travailing, the: bride 'donned a ;Wade by Mrs, Vies. Speiran, the iu•asure• of the Socuty M d at t match, Mr.I, it t reply gown of blue satin crepe with hat ; .• 't t made a fitting rr rl thank - and and rs, prMe rot o ic i c ing the Irides for their thoughtful - and 3lrs. Drager yyitl i id,• ri pre,„_ncss and ex;rressing her regrets at ton. I axing them all 'Inc following is w,•11 for a brief honey moon, the bride iii=, 1'I•• n Wilkinson, 4tli line, rt, as n spiritual way, and as we re Mrs. McDonald e membered the 'part you have always John Ad Jr.,of Detroit, s with fur and with hat and shoes to k WROXECER Bluevale. we,arnttg a suite of Mage, trammed a tt• sitoa with IV-ehatn f..eitd thus �= o n ams, r., i r turned to her ttee 3; spending . a few days at his homy home on con. 2 on µMonday after match. After the honeymoon the taken in all the e gatherings ngs we can - here. s pending awhile with her daughter, Duke and Mrs. Jordon are away nut help being sad velem `t,•. remem- dlies, Iiansuld. Young couple will reside 'an the visiting Mr. To den's brothers near bar aha tion time h t' coma when we 3 Wm. S. Sanderson and Richard i tile. and Mrs. Feick, of Kitchener, groom's farm near Stratford. The liitchell teed a sister in Stratford trill lois your presence and help at Griffith have traded their farms in i t 1 f days bride is well known here and their O Sunday it Harry J. FergusonCo. Phone 24 Prices always the Lowest •'_ i'i ,,k.,k,'444.4,' 44 is :.... ... - ..:i4+4,d,✓«t "b.+4, « F ~ t•h The Surrounding District on Friday for thefirst time A f l •t last week at n unc try afternoon, a y E h +'1 the : e 'nth rings. ii'e will miss seen a coup e o Howlett, 'Mrs.GordonYeo, Miss Elda Haile the theme of their son Theodore and a dybeesttewishes xfor dacl long hap- the only son of Charles and Mrs. your a srstgmre in our W. M. S. and Mt•s Feick Draper, pawed away at their Name Ladles' Aid over which you have wood and Miss Betty Hupter are at On Friday, March 1st, the stork py wedded life. F 11 the on the 4th line, after a :bort illnees. presided so long. It is with mingled present on the sick list Miss Ella Brovin had the misfort-,paid a visit to the home of Andrew report of theoEthel o lowin School. He was a very bright little fellow feelings of lay' and sorrow we bid une to fall on the ic. ale lois last and Mrs. Bremner and left a fine a,and beloved by all who knew him. you cod bye to our community, y p baby girl. 'Senior Room -Examined in History, Murin sympathy is felt for the par- Sorrow, ilernuse you ai aing away Wednesday and fracture her wrist. Alf. King is home again after Grammar, Composition, Art, Writ- ant,, The footer,] was held on Tues and joy because you are not going Wm. Adams, Sr., of Howick, has 'spending a few months in Moncrieff ink Sr. II --Gordon Sleightholm day afternoon and services weer far away and may often s+•e purchased the property known as the where he did a ver cod business in ' 73; Kenneth Kreuter 73; Della Mc- conducted by Rev. lir. Lewin. In- in our midst. We lc you again as you to accept Y y g g ttrmcnt this Life Membership pin of the W. Hamilton farm in Turnberr from Tones 72 Margaret Lawless 68; Jim wasmadein Dru:a,l.< clone- s e r the John R. Gibson estate. the general store Hydro Service; -This village now I A St. Patrick Social and Concert McNeil 65; Alyrle Wilson 61; Tom tory. is equipped with hydro -electric ser -'will be held in the Union United Sanders 59 Jr IV Orm1 Gilt 7t, Lea Allan Wardlaw 68. 411an J:rank- vice, the energy having been turned Tuesday, March 12th f ll. cream`.4•"sattiI»1 et. k eo2':_, tteit tees «I»t_6 Cita 3:2t3eltete,' BELGRAVE Olive May, who wore old rose. The Robt. C. Procter was at Toronto groom was attended by his brother, Earl. This event took place on the last week and took in the Junior's 24th anniversary of the bride's par - Educational Short Course, given to ant's wedding. The young couple 7 young men from 14 Counties un - will reside at 649 Brock Ave., Tor - der the Dept. of Agriculture staged onto, at the Stock Exchange and the def- g• ferent neat packing plants of that i CRANBROOK city. What about a beef ring? Many Babcock -Corbett Wedding: A are anxious to start one again, very quiet but pretty wedding was Mrs. John Wilson and children, solemnized at the Baptist Parsonage, Merle and Stanley, spent the week St. John's Road, West Toronto, by end' with the former's parents, Louis Rev. Dickson A. Burns, on Friday and Mrs. Steles. evening, Feb. `22nd, when Agnes , George Baker has sold Itis farm Mary, eldest daughter of Mrs. Cor- to Wm. Dunn and is holding a clear- bett and the late Wm. Corbett, of rug auction sale on Friday, March Belgrave, Ont., was united in mar- 15. Pull list will be published next riage to Henry Alfred Babcock, old- week. est son of Mr, and Mrs. N. J. Bab- Don't forget the comedy -drama in cock, of Napanee, Ont. The bride 4 acts "Little Miss Jack" in Long's Bab - was dressed in fawn and brown Hall on Friday evening of this week dress, shoes, hat and coat to match, under the auspices of the Cranbrook ,t,c,ee;aat,e,,�ot and was assisted by her sister, Miss Athletic Association. See advt. s Church on ues ay, are ' - GREY lin 67; Doreen Lawless C,7; Stuart . Every M. S. and as you wear it may you often think of the good times we have had together in our church or- ganization. y or McInnes 64; Clair !Michel 53; Lind••; Auction sales are on the program homeation. As you maygGod'so your new { Mrs. Carman Richards of Toronto, say Bain 50;Velma Hamilton 48.Iagain. home in Atwood, richest successful center was given byblessings be poured upon you and 1 of theContinuation School is spending a couple of weeks wits ing. The first part of the program inner, of the village. consisted of choruses, folk dances, I A good time is expected at Roes and exercises, while between acts ; church on Friday evening. A So - there were mouth organ selections. cial evening will be held. Program the pupils 'her parents, George and Mrs. Eck- Sr. III -Edith hreuter '15; Nelson Syrup making has just come round may your patheay�in life be bright in the town hall Wednesday even- ; Sieightholen 70. Jr. III -Annie the corner, ened by that light which shineth Franklin "roi; Marjorie Brown 72; Miss Eva Balfour has been spend- ever more and more unto the perfect Jean McNeil 63; Roger Lasauce 66;ng u few weeks with friends in day. Signed on •behalf of the mem- Lorne Desjardine 63; St0itrt Henry Stratford, bers of the W. M. S. The 'pastorthen Contests Lunch Came. 60; Bryan Ames 59. -Miss E. Fear, l A dance was held at the home of read an address to Mr. and Mrs - A play consisting of four acts and Unless the weatherman sends a - lin teacher. Junior Room -Examined Robt. C. Campbell's 14th con., last Speiran on behalf of the church and entitled "Wanted a Wife" was well long some cold weather pretty soon, in Literature, Geography, Arithmetic Friday night. whole community expressing the presented. Net proceeds were $50. i the big Carnival that was posnoned 'Writing and spelling. Sr. ll ---Bertha Louis and airs. Steles visited a good wishes of every one and the • The 'February meeting of the Wo- ,from last week will have to be held ,Earl 80; Ross Cunniugham 75; Ada welt:, v.;th theirdaughter, Mrs. sense of loss at losing such valuable men's Institute, was held at the home I Wardlaw 72; Stuart Brown 70. Jr O•ear Huehn, at Concstogo. member, of the community. Mr. of Mrs. W. S. 11'IcKetcher, Thursday nexRtenutlatrer' service in the United II -Examined in Literature, Geogra- I We are glad to hear that Mies Ruth and Mrs. Speiran were presented afternoon and ,vas marked by a large church next Sunday at 7.30. The i Why, Arithmetic, Writing and Spell- McLennan, who has been ill for some with a Library Table and Rug and attendance. The President, Miss IVl pastor will conclude the special ser- I •nh Arnold Earl 83; Helen Cuitime with the measles, is recovering the following address: -To Mr. and Pope was in the char. The g las on "Tho sins that crucified 80, Ruby Gill 80; Ruby Gilkinson 79 nicely, Mrs, Harry Speiran;-We are gath- was opened by singing, the Institute Jesus." Everybody welcome. ;Estelle Cunningham 7S; Nora Henry I Don't forget the play "Little Miss- ened here tonight to spend a social ode, (followed by the minutes of the On Saturday last David Milne was '. 67; Dorot'.ly Krautet• 67; Willard Jack" at Long's Hall. Cranbrook on time together as we have so often January meetingotd reading' of eon- receiving the congratulation, of his 1Michel a i3; stall -ley Wilson 44. Jr, I Friday evening of this week. See had the opportunity of ,loin., in the respondence, "When you and Q were many friends on reaching his S3rd I -Examined in Literature, Aritt:met- advt. to this issue, past. As we have associated togeth- young Maggie" was then sung after birthday. ATr. liilne is quite •mart;re, Writing and Spelling -Charlotte Lawrence and Mrs. Q'•trrenoeeser er on such occasione and also in cite which the roll call was responded to and there is every indication that lie : Sanders 77; Helen Desjaidnte 76; and little son, 'Clifford, have return- fellowships in the Sunday sere -Ices, b an exchange of Valentines for Jack Dunbar 74; Betty Dunbar 6,S, ,.,i borne after spending a few days we have all realized how true are the which names had been drawn at a will live to celebrate quite a few SALE sd LI bars from March 2 To March 16 Women's Patent Slippers from 2.26 to 8 25 Women's Patent Oxfords from 3.00 Women's Kid Oxfords from 2 76 to 3.50 Women's l3lorclo Slippers 2.95 Women' Black and .Brown Ties 3.50 Wonleu's House Slippers from 1.10 to 1.40 Women's Dongola Shoes 1.76 Growing Girls' Black or Brown Ties 8,60 lfisses' t lippers 1..,75 to 2.00 Children's Slippers 1.10 to 1.75 Children's Brown Scandals 4 to 71 1 00 Children's Brown Sandals 8 to 101- 1.20 Children's Black Oxfords 4 to 71 1.50 Children's Black Oxfords 8 to 101- 1.80 Girls' Laced Boots 8 to 101- 1.00 Women's Overshoes, all colors 2 26 .80 Pullovers Women's RubberrP Misses' Tubber Pullovers .70 Children's Rubber Pullovers .00 100 pairs of Men's Oxfords 3.00 to 4 76 Men's Laced 'Fine Shoes 4 25 Man's Work Shoes, Black or Bt•. 2.95 to 3.50 Boys' Fine and heavy Shoes from 2.60 Boys' Oxfords, sizes 1 to 51- 2,50 Men's and Boys' Rubbers reduced in price E. A. 'a nnage LuncheP P m Thursday, March 7th TOWN HALL qt 5' BRUSSELS Under auspices of WESTERN STAR LODGE I.0.0. F. "An tx old -Fashioned Mother" In Three Acts Good Music Lunch Served 4t Dance Afterwards Watch for Bills more birthdays. Sr. Pi: -Allan Hamilton. Jr. Pe.-- with friends aed relatives in Strat- words of the hymn;-"Dlest be the The weekly Pea er meetingwas Olive Sanders, Donald McNeil Miss ford. tie that binds our hearts in Christian held last week tit the home of J. and D. Stevens, Teacher. 1 Ba -i1 and Mrs, Struthers are leav- love," Put tonight in the midst of Mrs. Stephenson with over thirty On Monday evening, March 4, a ing shortly for the States, where our enjoyment we would like to members present, 'these meetings are growing in attendance and inter - very enjoyable time was spent in they inte.rvl spending at least a emu pause to exprees tee regret that we the assembly hall of the United before permanently settling on a all feel when we realize that you are este. Everyone !invited to come and church, when the Simper Fidelis farm. soon -to leave our church and our help. class of the Sunday School entertain-; On Monday evening of tele week community. }lawyer we feel that We understand some more real ed the Adult Bible Class and the the ratepayers gathered at S. S. No. while you are leaving the church and estate deals are likely to be put Young Men's Class. The ranipan; 3, and W. H. Stephenson gave his the community where you have been through in our village, George who was scotch for thisoneevening tc1 report of t i F1 ter meing last forclotg valued members,burs you are year of the Trustees and Ratepayers not by an • means vacating the laces p )p Association. Mt Steph, neon was re you have orc'unied in our hearts and elected to attend the convention this lives. We wish therefore to express year at Toronto, 'to you what your friendship has Social. -The Sunday S.•hool of invent to all of us .and what your Roc'. c'hu'rh will hold a social even- lives and influence has meant to our 1eh:• en Feeley. March Sth. A short church and community at large. 1u o ••ram will consist of mueical nuns- Your home has been a church hone hors, recitaVens, solos and a sort and a home whore Christian debate Re-olved that a dirty good co has always been a first thought n:tur:•d wife is more to be, desired a:nd as ti result the members of your than a clean cranky y nnr," Followed 1:'.r ih are going out richly blessed by gam,: and cortt..lts. 1.u.,11 will to u;i hones that we feel sure 1n• eerved, 1•'.veitb-.dy we!co,ne and yvii1 be Batt rn'd aft.r th' home in cone and Bove a teal time. wig t their t ly training was re - School 1.,•port. Following is the ,•civ,,h D',' Ince t'-•1, you could al - report for 5. S. No. S. for month of ways he depended u u;:‘on to do your leh"t.t,tv;.- Form 1'•-Kenn,•th Arc- share not only in any work 01 the t,nogo 70. Se. 1V -Laura reran et eleireli bit.ulr, in rnvtln,^ that was 83; Ruth h I2ro,•.-n MO; Isabel Mitt a„- for the w.if:.' or' t, rrnn.+.nity. gm't 74 Ross McTaggart 72; Elwood We malice t}. et your ,,lee,• in the Ile'I•uii' tit 70; Willie M,t. gga:t fill. d,,, 'h will be hard to 011 Ind it is - Jr•. 1V----Laweenee J tc klin O. Jr. one hope that the i.y iltn end de- 111-•- Allan Me 1 t genet 77. Jr.II--- i•ot,ntt whirl. you lmvo &w,-, shown Mill,hrd Jnc•klin 72, Av .ag-• art- to the r' uv,'h will be ne inepiration teatime., for month iI.0. No on roll to your i'amile and t+ many other 10. Mise Annie Brodie, Teacher. young peoyle to carry on in your A,l,lre.,,, and Ptcsent.,tantts:--On plat• and do Ll!lo,rfully the work evening's program whiten was a north of Ulytlt. 11, d: e ,l m n ht 1.l.. tn, a pita- they find to rio. Wilde r:e:eating to rivalry was seen as the different Drager -Snider• ---A quiet wedding sant :oe ial evening spent i,t the loee you fret elm midst. :e wish yon Scotch families vied with one an- was solemnized on Saturday, 31'ulr, 23 gluon United Churee Nyle., about a eortinned 5 t,ti,, hap 'n •e and Go.l's other for the honors of the evening, at the tented Church, Pre: tan, when hundred folks representative of the richest Messmer Ind it is our hope. Ganges'stunts and contests were rt-\1rt, May, only daughter otMr. A. whole ca tngatheredt1 to bidthat e yeti refire fee, the rather jovedand after lunch community Snider and the late ;Vies. Snider, yeas farewell to lit and Mrs. Htrry sot +r ttus tietivelee of the farm, you singing and the National Anthem united in marriage to Ritchie C. Speiran. who are leaving this week tray find .' , acrd ocmtentment in brought the pleasant evening to a Drager, eldest son of Mne Mager for their new home in Atwood, The the tin d life • fo •vh•h you have close. and the late Charles H. Drager, of pastor, Bev. 11, M. Guest acted as been l, ehleg fo•n•nrd anti which we Gloyn - Ilishop -A quiet but Walton. The ceremony was per- chairman and opened the evening's feel you well drset'v'+. As a slight pretty w..,i.1,g wag solemnized on formed by Rev, A. O. Fe em'ur, T•-.• ant iti'n'nent ncit'n ,,, tnn•..ner'y rotten of one "end wishes, we ask. • Speiran of con. 14, Grey is consider- trite divided into four families -the ing bpying the cottage in Ethel now 'MacDonald's, MacC".Tae's, MaeLerens being occupied by Palmer and Mrs. and the MacPherson's, each having Somerville. their Betsy, Flora, Donald and Jock Milton Ptu'r was taken to Toron- In the contests, the families campe.t ed,t all upholding the honour of then to last week by Dr. McMaster where.i g he entered the hospital to have an clans. Splendid talent Was• discov Bred among n the members, telling operation on 'iris ryC, tt will be o i a lob m some time yet before the final re- Scotch jokes, singing songs, eating sult of the: operation will he known oatcakes, etc. These contests were and until he can cone horno but his judged and at the conclusion of many friends. hope he will be better. the evening, the Ma,Crae'e were dr - Our villin o seems to be in had dared the victors. Mrs. Quest Dob - need of a night watchman or some son, president of the class, conducted kind of official to keep order during . the evening program, in a eery pleas- the hotrs of the might. Sono of the nig and capable manner. l daint young nun apparently were treated lunch was served by the youn•' Indies to too inuclr liquid refreshments on after which a hearty nil song of Saturday night and es a result some familiar Seoteh songs, co,tdueted by folks were eo;Yldorably annoyed.- Cecil Bateman, was enjoyed by all. On Monday night a pleasant So- Mrs. George. Lckmiet is the teacher ci:d Evening w•as spent in the base of this , ntererising class. melt of the. United church when the , ya a n; Young (,adios' ('lass rntertam,d the members of the Bible Class and WALTON .. Sunday ' John c u t School. A 'largo Clime was nu id:ten- ing a c•h i uig auction .alt• on Tues - •r, tr. •c a •, Mull His farm is just Young liens Class of theu i y J 1 11 •� tl ut of 1 1;; tIl, i, hold- 1 donee and a t•vi•rt one enjoyet, ti 1 y 1T lr 1•'th aur^the;tntnr2 1p l3tbi21Sa?R3(3t3tsahihla(5rsy� j •ecteN=•tzwatt:td tw gtmt,', mtct'mtcm.valerA Don't Forget the Euchre and Douce To he held by the 1p L. T. B, in tho Saturday last, March, and, at the bride was charmingly attired In it songs in wheeh every one domed von to •,,•cent ties', »• r-aftsm the hope home of Dr, and Mrs, E. A. McMaster sleeveeless gown of whit(' satin and heartily. 'Phew an interrstng pro- that ;n veer ', nn home tSe 1 may of Fetrresters Haul 4 Ethel, Ont.'; when Plies (hristabcl. Lace, with shoes and hose to match, grant was given ronsi:tine of lustru- len r••mind you 04' the pie .sant assn Bishop, of Stratford, and formerly ,and carried a bocluet of ()phone mental music by Mrs. :ilex, Speiran tMions and •mane friends bre Belgrave of Ethel was united its marriage to roses, Miss Winnifred Drape,sts- and music by the local orchestra„rened en.,chat: of the Church and Donald F, Gloyn, of St, Paul's. The ter of the groom was bridesmaid, consisting of Frank Boyd, Colwell , ('0•nmun-ty. Mr. Speiran replied on Friday, March 8th ,young couple were unattended and wearing a frock of yellow taffeta Speit•an, Clifford Speiran and Leslir}behalf of himself and Mrs. Speiran toll i the ceremony was performed by Rev, with baguet of pink carnations. The McDonald with Mrs. F. Boyd as 01- and thanked every one for remember Euchre from 8 In. M Guest of the United Church. groom wen assisted Iby Mr, Edward eomp,inist:. headings were given by ing them in this way, and invited all Good Music a iThe bride looked charming in a wed- Dillow, of Preston. After the cote- Mrs. John McIntosh and Ales, Thos, the good friends to visit there at thein ding gown of coal georgette. After loony, the wedding party returned to Dougherty, A duet by Misses new home in Atwood. Games and II New and Old Dancing Ater the ceremony, a dainty wedding the brides home whore a dainty Norma and Liebe] Seeman, and n solo crnteets were then enjoyed and teat 'lfeeee ieeeihi t c egoegeesalexemameel'lunchen was served, The (nappy buffet lundheon was served. Later by Miss Marjorie Boyd. After the ladies served lunch,