HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-2-27, Page 8WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27th, 1929,
lAetetectea etee!elel!text¢ eel!eletliK#lettle 4eNeW itL,tEKueeteleelK+Cel[
Every Day --"P'
Household Remedies
--""'You Should Have
Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup
Stop the cough
at once and run
no risk of more
serious trouble..
it will bring re-
35c & 60c bots.
Cold Tablets
Taken at the
start will break
y a cold quick -
25c boxes
A good Laxa-
tive. Work
naturally and
form no habit.
Box of 24 25c
Box of 6't 50c
Pu retest
Cad liver DB
As essential as sunshine,
is the most carefully sel-
ected high quality Oil we
know. Rich in vitamins,
50c and $L00 bots.
Keep Your
Hands Smooth
and free from cracks with
French Balm. A splen-
did healing preparation
for face or hands.
25c and 5( c hots.
The English Remedy for
Throat Irritations,
25c boxes
Miall of
is recommend-
ed for the relief
of heartburn,
sour stomach,
indigestion, &c.
Also useful as
a dentifrice.
Pint bot. 50c
Castor Oil
Made from
freshly harvest•
ed beans. It
has a sweet,
nutty taste and
is not hard to
25c bots
Vapure orf
Head Colds
A few drops
gently inhaled,
brings quick re-
lief. 5i'c bots.
Full Line
of Nicholson's Bacterial
7.t€' , Stare
Brussels United Church
Sunday, Mar. 3rd
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
Subject: "Partner -ship"
The 6th sermon in a series on
"Nine Spiritual Ships"
3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible
Missionary Program and Offering,
7 p.m. Public Worship.
"Enoch—Walking with God"
6th Sermon in a Series on
"The Makers of History"
Monday 8 p. m.—Y. P. S.
Wednesday—Prayer Service
—Choir rehearsal.
SEED Oats and a quantity of hay
for sale. Apply to George Baker,
lleen, I Phone 524, 36-2
rA" 17 Chunks of Pigs for Sale.... Phone
g33-23. 37-1
• 9 Pigs for Sale, 7 weeks old; also 5
3 chucks, weighing about 80 lbs.
quantity of cedar posts, fit for
anchor posts and small posts. Robt.
is Bird, Phone 45-5. 37-1
t- FOR SALE—Registered Jersey Cow
fresh (.2nd calf). Larger milker
a and fine udder. Can return with
next ea1f, if not satisfactory. G.
A. Deadman. 37-1
FOR .SALE -7 Oxfords and 3 Lei-
reater Breeding Ewes. Apply to
Harold Sellers, Phone 82-7 37-1
ABOUT 300 Bags of first-class Po-
tatoes for sale- hand picked, Alex
Yuill, R.R. 1, Ethey, Phone 21-12.
- c3
Druggist and Stationer "
eteeneelear lleareLearte:es nealezlase "<`1 :eiet2tleaettee etateaeleaele::Pateetiee `aieteeetere1efee
cal News Items
Get Your, License.
It is absolutely essential that a}
operators of motor vehicles rene
their lir:ver lin' nasus before usin
their care,
Engine Broke Down.
idle ergine on the noon pa sene;er
train broke down about a mile out of
Atwood on Tuesday, and was Into
gettin�t to town.
Card Party and Dance.
A Euchre, and %,00 party and dance
under the an',ice., of the Women's
Institute will be held in theTowe
Hall nn Thursday evening, Feb.28th
comin'•ncing at 1 o'elock shat;,. Se
advt. In this issue.
Practice and Sleigh Ride.
1 on Friday evening, March 1st, St.
w John's Choir is holding it:, weekly
g practice at the home of tilt. and Mrs
Harvey Bryans. A sleigh will on
%eat tie members, and all are asked
to congregate nt the Rectory at 7.35
Supreme Court Session Was Brief.
There Wnar. a session of the Sup-
reme Court at ti C Court Hence on
Tu . d v last with Mr. Justice Mc-
Evoy preeiding. The seeeien was
very brief, no ewe; beinet tried out,
the cases entered being either put
over to the non -jury sittings of the
court next mont'i or settled out of
court. This was the jury sittings but
no jury was called.
Passed Away in Oregon.
Word wne to eteved in Brussels
last week informing friends of the
death of Mrs, George Cardiff, which
orr'urred :tt the }lame of her niece,
with whom she had been living for
tau pet live years.Der ma,d. who
wa. Ut i year, was the widow
of ( mare C rdi1f, a member of one
of the ultl•rst famthc ,; of this locality,
who prerlonPlaattall her by eight years.
There e w e eo Jamey. Interment ta"ia
place in Oregon.
A PIeasant Evennig.
The Young People of the United
Church ]t ,re t (osir, e. p- ti r it -n
in;; Mo.,day at their r_ 'sl•.r Y.
P. 's neatitie. It tette aeraneed by
the leterery t eta:tete,.with ele. J.
Edgar a, 1 :t r at the de etion
al '''nr " prod, a ehort program
coneisting of the following was
given I'raro ; ala, Mee, l're el t Po1
lard; reading nI Scripture Lateen,
leuettel Farrow; violin 6010, Mee 'tier.
-taco Churchill; readiere, Mise Mar-
garet Downing; duet, SL,. A. Cardiff
and Mrs. I.1, Dean rn paper on
Hymns and Hymn Tunes.; by Mire
May Armstrong; a game cirndur ted
by Mix: Buchanan, and the Ba: edict
Married at St. John's Church.
The nrarirage of Charlotte 0.org-
ina Oakley, only daughter of William
Oakley, to Thomas Arthur Fewstcr,
of Atwood, was eolemnized le St
Pohn's Chur•rh, Bru-•sol rtn Girona.
day, Feb. 6th. Rev. F. Lewin, orf•
elated. The bride was tastefully
dressed in pale pink silk. The couple I
were attended by the bride's father
ant} Mrs, Stanley Wheeler, who act-
ed as bridesmaid. The latter wan
attired in pale blue velvet. After
the ceremony the party drove to
,Mrs. Rands' home on the 12th colt.
of Gre
Y> whore a sumptuous nus we 1•ing breakfast awaited
the guests, m
Toasts to the health of the bride and
groom were.., drunk, and thanks ex-
pressed to the hostess, who replied
fittingly. The' happy couple will re-
side for. the present at the home of
the bride's father on the gravel road,
Toronto-Brusselites Association.
Tire 10th annual "At Home" of
the TorontoI rus.=elit•s Aseociation
will 1'e held et the Brown Betty Tea
Room 12, King Street, East, on
theteth day of .]latch. Cards, musi-
cal program ami dancing. Will all
former Bru elite who may not be
reached by invitation kindly join
with us.
Petition Signed.
Reeve Becker, had a petition cir-
culated around town and it was well
eigned, aelking the Highways Depart-
ment to •'rake the Oth eon., a high-
way to Kitchener, 38 miles away.
On this roars over 18 milt; 1a paved
to St. Clemente and from that village
to Cro:=,;hills the road has been re-
built and ready for paving and a-
round Milverton and Newton the
load have been rebuilt— but the
reit of it will need a lot of road
work. Hemet, laming that the De-
partment aer.e��ete our petition.
The Exeter Titnc 1d:•oratr seetak:;
of former ritiz• n .--Th, l.' et 'r
Chamber of Cerrn] . re held theirsecond anm.a'.i m 1 ting' on r; 1;,y
evening with a very' -unptuous
nhi,ken hanqu e .e,- ,gid t in e 11 ins
room of the Central rtr ' Hotel by ilia,'
$oat Lowry. -rho It forty ,-at down
to ti t:ibl.'.::anal � crt'ro!c of a t',•ry
c 11'1 n::.tce 1 r•et1-tw•+rich irit•]rdr•�l
everything fl ,, ",,.no” to nuts" anti
se tv,.'l in the , la;t,tr t tel -. It ;;ave
an opeol•ter'i5 foeMany of t1
, it 7.1 ' ta.n b n Miter title •d
with Mr. nl vl :. Iutry d +t,.;•
attic who only r ,cent]' tock over cv th.,
Central Iiotrl ]'more pror•
o r l
Ins' to ie.rani' Mr. na
Lowry and their excellent t if' wee.,
brought into the room and tend red
a hearty vote, of thanks for thesplen-
didbanquet provided.
Brother Passes Away.i,,
The follow:me obituary refers to
it brother of Mies Anne 'Taylor, win
was a fernier teacher 011 the B,u:-
ls School t df some year a o --
C. K. Taylor received d word on Thur.e-
d cv last of the death of ilii brother,Robert, at Portage la Prairie, Ilan..
who had sue eumhed to a stroke of
paralysis. The late' Mr. Taylor will
he r' membered by many of the older
re ei'lents of Myth, the having been
hneat hi MorrieTownship on the farm
now occupied by his brother, Ile'
was a sen of the. Rev, J. B. an I
Christena Biline Taylor. He left
here for the West in the year 1882,
but later returned and for a time
worked the farm now owned by Mr.
Robt. Newcombe. Returning to Por-
tage la Prairie he resided there until
the timeof
his death ath
He was twice
married, ;his first wife being Sara
McGowan, sister of Messrs. Daniel
and R. McGowan, East Wawanosh.
To this union • was born one daugh-
ter, Mrs; Ed. Mason. Inc second
wife was Eliza Edwards, who sur-
vives with one daughter, Mrs. Allen
13 Pigs, 7 Weeks old, For Sale. Ap-
ply to Gordon Knight, Lot 17, Con
14, Greve Phone 43-25 37-1
FOR SALE—The Purebred Holstein
Cow, Queen Pasch Pauline, calved
A}nil 26, 1924, due to calve April
7th; right in every way; also a
good sound Percheron mare, 5
years old, a right good type of
mare. Cecil Bateman, Ethel.
Phone 85-18. ,. 37-1
WANTED—Hear from owner good
farm for sale. Cash price, parti-
culars. D. F. Busch, Minneapolis,
Minn. 36-2
FOR SALE—One 5 year-old Durham
cow, fresh; 1 5 year-old Durham
cow due to calve 1st of March; 1
York sow due to farrow 15th of
February, and 6 pigs about 100
IUs. Baxter Stevenson, Phone
42-26. 34 -tie
Sherritt, of Keewatin. He is also
survived by one brother, C. K. Tay-
lor, Morris, and sisters—Miss Annie
Mirris; Mrs. Alex. McKellar, Strath-
roy; Mrs. (Dr) Tennant, Canton.
City, Mich.; Mrs. (Dr,) Clary, Accton
and Miss Ena, Toronto. The late
M,r. Taylor visited here about seven
years ago and spent some weeks visit-
ing rehttives and renewing acquaint
ance+s. (Blyth Standard.)
Sister Passes Suddenly,
The Clinton News Record lust
week p'uhliehed the following obi-
tury of a sister of Mrs. Sperling, of
tower:—Consternation and keen re-
gret was felt throughout the town
and vicinity on .Sunday morning
when it became known that Effie
Rathwell, wife of H. P. Plumstcel,
had passed away early that morning
^iter a short illness. Mrs. Pluln.5tecri
had had an attack of influenza, had
recovered sufficiently to be able to
be about again and then took a re-
]alv-e, when other complications set
in, proving too much for her can.
stitution. SI1•s. Plumstcel was the
youngest daughter of the late Sam-
uel and Mrs. Rathwell of the Ilay-
field ling•, Goderic}r tow'ns'hip, where
her girlhood wa emelt. The family
rtt nd:'• 1 the Varna Methodist
fur, }r, where Mice lta'diw Il tools
part in the young people's antivlie r
and eetra in the rholr. For one yea -
before her marriage in 1900 see re.
Ailed in Clinton, beeoning conneeted
with the Ontario etreet church and
O member of the choir. For six ;mare
iter their marriage Mr. I:lulnmt, e 1
lived on a farm on the Loudon road
t Am,. that they have raided in
Clinton, Mre. Plumstcel WW1 ,, re -
reed alai retiring dispn,$itien tut
4.e was a devoted wife and mother,
it home -Maker, who looked well af-
ter the way- -of her ]Tau ,old, and
till found time to take an active in-
teetat in the i e:Il 'n'n org .n iznti011•
• thy' ehurrh, being a m,-mblr of
the W. M. 5, and the I adre,' Aid.
She was also a member of the 1Ioni:
til School Club. She ie survived by
l l husband and rt family of four,
two sone and two daughters : Harry,
Lawrence, Marie and Lonna. Three
sietere •til three brothere nese rur-
vive :Mrs. A, Iii Stephenson, High
Park, London ; Mr.;, Fenwick Stew-
art Stanley ; John Rathwell, Ver-
na ; S. (1, Rathwell, Waterford and
J. B. Ilathwcll, Goderlch township.
funeral ail t
Lace front Tom hex
hate residence on Tuesday afternoon,
the service being in charge of the
Rev, A.E. Doan, assisted by that
Rev. C. J, Moorelhouso, a former!
pastor, Exeter ;j Itev, J. Penrose,
Varna, and the Rev. J. E. Hogg,
Clinton, The pallbearers Were the
A Dollar is Saved
When it is in the Bank
ND the sooner it is deposited
in the Bink the greater the
assurance of its being saved.
A Savings Account is a magnet for the
money, that ordinarily slips through
one's fingers, and an incorne-paying,
guarantee for the future.
with whrch w• .mnlgatnnted
Players, Pianos
Tuned and Repaired
Satisfaction Assured
J. C. Blackstone
Orders taken by
Walker & Black
three brothers, a brother-in-law, F.
Stewart, I. Rathwell, a cousin, and
Elmer Beacom, a nephew. Dr. F.
Thomson sang a solo at the service,
"The City Four Square." Amongst
those who calve from a distance for
the funeral were : Mrs, Stephenson
and Mrs. Livermore, London ; Mrs.
Sperling, Brussels ; Mr. S. C. Rath -
web, Watherford ; Mr. and Mrs. E.
C. Beacom, Goderich ; Miss Mary
Stewart, Crediton ; Mr. L Rathwell,
Grey township and Mr. and Mrs. A.
Broadfoot, Brucefield,
Council Meets Monday.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Town Council will be held on
Monday evening.
Will Give Concert.
On Thursday, March 7th the mem-
bers of Western Star Lodge, I.O.O.
F. will hold a big night in the town
hall. A 3 -act play "The Old Fash-
ioned Mother" will be presented, to
be followed by a lunch and dance.
Watch for bills,
Tried Piano Exams.
Miss Nancy Jane Fowler was in
Stratford, on Monday trying cher
Primary piano exams, before a Tor-
onto Conservatory Music examiner.
She was accompanied by her teacher,
Mrs. Wm, King and her mother, Mrs.
(Rev.) Fowler.
"Forgotten Faces" Is Hailed as ,
With an ell -star east and one
of the most thrilling stories ever
, brought to the motion picture screen
Paramount's "Forgotten Faces" will
1 prove a powerful magnet at the
Grand Theatre. There is nothing
1mysterious about this picture's tre-
mendous drawing power. It hos 1111
of the elements which attract and
not the least of them is the cast
with Clive Brook, Maly Brian, Bac-
:lava, William Powell, Fred Kohler
and Jack Lucien. An elegant crook
returns to Alis hone and is maddened
to murder by .what he finds. Peni-
! tnntiery walk' close about him for
life. Before he gives himself up to
1 the law, however, he leaves his in-
fant daughter on the deoretep of a
wealthy couple. By a clever use of
dissovles, a time lapse of 15 years
is indicated without any slowing up
in tempro. Then comes a desperate
game with the happiness of the con-
vict's daughter et stake. There are
some splendildy realistic penitentiary
scenes, including at attempted prison
1311/551/,510B -In Ethel. on Wednesday. Feh'y
27111,1020, to Mr, and Mrs. James A. Bl em -
11e5, a son -
DURST. -Ir. Wroxeter, on Feb 2510, to Dir.
and Mrs. Irwin Dnrst, a son.
HPEIRAN=-At the Women's Hoapltn], Sag,
inaw, Wei., on Feb. 214t, to Roca end
Edytt a Pride ';neiran. 438 North Secen4
avenue, a daughter-9nlly Ann,
BARRON.-In prey township, on Feb. 25111
1000, Alexander Barron, aged 71 years, 4
months and 20 days.
RINN9Y-In McRillop township, on Feb
25th, 1020 Nancy Rinner. relict of the late
Johnston Etnney,.aged01 years, 2months
and 15 days.
WRAY-In Wroxeter, on February 24th. 1020,
John Wrny.
Auction Sale.
THURSDAY, FES, 28th, -Harm Stook. Im-
elements. Grain, etc„ at Lot 14, ('nn. 18, Grey.
Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook, Harvey Hun-
ter, Prop. • D.111. Scott, Aum.
FRIDAY, MARCH lam, -Farm Stook, Imply
menus, &e, the property of the Inca Audr,nv
Pollock, nt riot 8. Con 1, (trey. Sale unre-
served all o'clock D. A. McDonald and T.
C, Wlleml. Executors • D. hi Scott. Inc.
SATURDAY, DfAROH 21ao -Onr Iond of
horses, at the American Hotel Stables, Brum
Where Did The Fire Come From. Isla. Sale at 1 o'clock, D. DI. Scott, Anc ;
Within 10 minutes of stopping the NeybltBomilton,Prop.
chopping mill last Friday evening,
smoke was to be seen coming from FARM FOR SALE
around the chopper, but no other
damage was done. Mr. Logan, the loo care Term, belr.�¢ x;, riot 22, ('00, s. Mor•
proprietor, aid a u ria, the property 017)15 tote Snhn gh,ek (Send
P , m /lumber of visits agnea farm wIt11 never-fa:lu, s,rill creek
R { R
duringt1 early he night -r n
to see thatFor further nn it n ars a 9 N lank '
e there n r a or
Was no outbreak. Wm Pips, the Exeantnra of the Witte, 87•tf
ticie'eeeteatet '-e elate secteeete'oar',ietetem ttexecatir.eesteceeteit4'+ttogreeetatc : ieetk'it-$tenCl
Ends This Saturday
This week -end we are specializing in Women's
Fur Coats. Every Garment is (narked at a
price to clear our entire stock.
2 Sample Coats
I Persian Lamb, size 38,
regular price $275 0o To
1 Natural 141uskrat Coat,
price $175.00. To clear
First come gets
Half Price
Sable trimmed,
clear $133.00
size 40, regular
them !
-Every Cloth Coat on Sale
Beautiful Garments, all richly trimmed with
Fine Furs. Reduced 20 to 50 p.c.
Come this Week and Share in the Big Savings
King Bros.
7h812/lhbt3lWeh al"h411)10a171:1Bi;»21
Wall Paper
We have just received our Spring Stock of
Wall Papers, These contain many new
designs, styles and colorings and are mod-
erately priced from 5c upwards,
We will be pleased to show there
Parke Davis -& Co's
Cod liver Oil
Refined and bottled by im-
proved methods which con-
serve the Vitamins.
An exceptionally fine Cod
Liver Oil.
Parke ispit & Co's
Analgesic Balm
Absorbent and healing
Parke Davis & Co's
Effective and reliable prep-
aration preferable to Mus-
tard Plasters and Liniment.
limo se :�;
o i is Chocolczles
A Fresh supply just received
Alien's Drug Store
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox
Wigle,trmaleitretet`acta,tu'•6te{E, tt metet€atg
Masquerade - Ice - Garvival
Thursday Ev'g, Feb. 28th, at 8 o'clock
On the River at Ethel
g There will be a Free Masquerade Ice Carnival. All skaters
re are invited to take part in this important event. Grand Par-
ra ade at 8 p. m. sharp. All skaters must be masked.
PFirst Event—Boys Comic Costume, prize donated by S. A. Dunbar
N Second Evearb—•Boy's race under 12 yrs, prize donated by C. HansuId
N Third Event—Girls' race under 16 yrs, prize donated by W.T. Spence
I Fourth Event—Oldest Skates on ice, prize donated by Bert Lake
Dr Fifth Event—Ladies Race, prize donated by Hayden & Sons
17 Sixth Event --Men's Race, prize donated by Dr. E. A. McMaster
re Seventh Event --Potato Race, prize donated by Dr. Wardlaw
11 Eighth Event—Musical Chairs, prize donated by Wm. Ziegler
Nineth Event—Most Graceful •Skator, prize lly E. L. DesJardine
31 Tenth Event—Most Popular Winner of Previous events, prize donat-
ed by W. H. Love.
Mr. J. H. Fear, Mr. John McNeil, Rev, D. M. Guest
a Chairmen—S, A. Dunbar; Miss 0. E. Evans, Miss D. M. Stevens, T.
e'e I. Sinclair and P. A. Currie.
Any further information required'inay be hard by phoning any
`dee member of the Committee,
(Advertisement Donated by George Dunbar
fearememmereeeesineziaierierasethtrrrlttneten:u,met:reeeteze;remaieg ailernet tratat'2eardree
,h; 'eeeeeee
ty.! airy
Ice Cream Creations
For Bridge, Afternoon Tea,
Dinner or Evening Party,
and as a delightful Re-
freshment at all times.
Tempting Plain and Fancy Flavors
A three -1 yor Brick of fancy
Ice Cream. This is a special
creation worthy of being serv-
ed e ice u - asione.
on 1 sivocc
A favorite Creation of plain
Ice Cream, filled with a select-
ion of seasonal fruits.