HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-2-27, Page 6NESDAY, FEE. With, 1929,
Having been appointed Distributor for the
W( offer- Cars at $695.oa and up, including
six diffvrcnt rrod('ll;, viz : Plymouth q. ; De
Si to .6 ; Chrysler 64.6 ; Cllryslt r 65 6 ;
Chrysler X5.6 ; and ChrysIvr 8o 6 All with
the Tong, :;t wheel base of any small car, also
hydraulic 4 -wheel brakes.
Coma in and look them over.
Eo O a CU 'lf N I N Y ■AM
Phone 9X
,� �
The plant disease investigation
conducted by th c.Dominir'n P'';
Pathology Laboratories 1n British
Columbia have focused l upo Vie
normal plant and its environment.
The relation of soil mei-alias tc
drought spot, corky core and other
apple tissue diseases ases ,ins been clean'.
ly demonstrated by Mr. alcLitrty in
the Okanagan. The apple c,ToWci3
are now hopeful that 11• .1•n , of
soil and irrigation ineigesement war;
be envolved that will «sore•. • t the
soil conditions indirectly rea•,onsqd
for the • breakdjown in apples. 111:;
experiments have demonstrated tied'
an unfavourable environment ma!
not he expr'tssed immediately by 0;,,.
ease symptoms. After the opt. v..
vorable, soil moisture ronditicna
brought about root killing, no ere].
ence was obtained of the wrill known
apple -tissue diseases until thefollow-
ing season.
These ,experiments illustrate that
a !wealthy tree grow.; on a normal
soil, so we are attempting to learn
what a tree dislikes. The sensitive
parts of a tree's anatomy are tau
rale white feeding roots. They ex
press their dislike to soil econdit:on:
by turning brown. These roots for-
tunately speak before the real t'i
uble, the breakdown of apples oece.'
We appeal to the froit growers 'o
study their trees from the nureer'
to the full bearing stage, so tail
they will be able to detect the heel -
thy trees. Healthy trees grow only
upon normal soils, so attempt to
create a moisture supply under year
abnormal trees that is similar to that
beneath your normal trees. Your
soil is different from that of your
neighbor so your re.i;;hnoes practice
may not suit you. The 1ive_tack man
says that stunted calf is likely to be-
come. an unthrifty cow. Ina simi-
lar way, the stunted young tree le
likely to beeenie 0 diseased mature
Pathologists find that preventives
are usually leis costly than cures.
But a preventive fence has little e1' -
feet if the disease is inside, so we
are attempting to learn. the symptom.;
of health as well as disease. In po-
tatoes we find an almost infinite num-
ber of virus disease symptoms. An
explanation has been found for the'
existence of so many forms, for
potatoes may become infected .vitt
combinations of - distinct virus- IL -
eases. Furthermore, the symptoms
are different on every soil and unaar
every distinct climatic condition.
The farmer is wise who avoids the
confusion of symptom complexity by
s removing as "rogues" all plants that
t do not conform to a high standard of
i A control measure bared into:'
knowledge of health has been ap-
plied recently to control a beret ills-
, I
li a -
ease. In the past, losses have been
very severe from a beet root -rot and t
wilt that attacks the young plants.
There are only slight differences be
tweet diseased and healthy plant;s„in
their very early stages, but the farm-
ers saved their Crops, who learned to
'?,.ter't healthy young plants at the
time when blocking and thinnheg
w ;Lae. e. When healthy plants only
lwr_71 .iiowed to remain, the losses
wore :mall. Time may not permit
}the farmer to study the symptoms
or disease, but if he chooses to in-
crease • his knowledge of heattit
symptoms, he may do a Int to rave
his crops from disastrous disesses.
1 ,
Commission••r Edward J. Iii ^_.ins,
Enol:.n 1, who was elect,s1 by the
Salvation Army Illuh Council to
head?lett . ai -anizatinn in puce of
Lranvvr11 Flnoth. deposed.
Moro than - 1,500 people have
written biographies of Lincoln.
People of the United Kingdom •ate
more than $2.10,000,000 worth of inn
ported butter in the past year.
South Afrna army or radio fans
Ls increasing with the 01110111(' of a
large broadcasting station at Johan.
ne '.hl rah•. '
A ring worth .440.000 recently
stolen from 0 hotel cloakroom in
Ill:rlin, t.: -many, v:l,•trt a titl'dl
Englishwoman had left it on 0 WW1
Amid, was found later in a gutter.
ti..'utVIY t....tr t
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Cream. 1 cent per Iii. Butter Fat
extra paid for all Cream delivered
at our Creamery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Brussels Creamery Co.
Phone 22 Limited
Irish God
� Ornaments
11500 B.C.
Iran inferior Much Imupressed by th
Deflection to Be 1$een In the Na.
tional Museum, Dublin— Sts 1'at-
sick's Bell.
The first time 1 visited the Na
tional Museum of Selouce and Art a
Dublin, writes Gracie V. Kelly in ill
Cleveland Mtn Dealer I was so
much impressed by ,he collection 0
ancient Ir•ieh gold Gleams -Ms that
concentrated my atleutiun do them
to the exclusion of everytbin: x1sc.
These ormunl'nl11. 1nadc mitt worn
th • bronze a wen hidden li
begs, caves and graves, nn 11 some
accident or another brought teem to
light again.
The gold was found la Wicklow
and the first known use of It W !1
trade In 1500 B.C., when the gold
collars known as lunulae were worn
by the kings and the great warriors.
The lunulas are half moons 1f
gold, beaten very thin, and they must
have been the lovely things around
kingly necks, They are the lovely
things now, displayed in cases in the
gold room at the museum. For til
collection Is so important and it se
far outranks any other gold collectloi
in western Europe that It has a ands,
to itself. In fact it outranks all the
prehistoric gold collections in western
Europe put to p htr
I've b n tot,' tht. these amount to
30 pound, in nil, Irbil., the Irish col-
lection has 301; of gold. Thirty -nim
lnnnhn• ' 111 ' remained to the' Irish,
while , h
r tow t I1d t0 the 13r0.1,1;!
and other must -11m.
aft••r the 1,s1 1 1 came the gor-
gets, c, '.meet nll,.1, d, and collars e1a-
boratete tooled anti 0e•cursted, Five
o, .hese ,gorgets are in the museum
collection, and o:here are 10 P'r'ivate
col' ••clihe.
'I hese . ornaments seem to have
0e•en pec'ullar to Ireland, for their
like' ha been wend in no ether place.
The nl.j etc vv'•re round singly or in
gr at nds, such as (1te0t clave Find
u 1§,;4. This find contained the
lace, st number of ::old ornaments of
t, I re1nz Age discovered in Ireland
c r iv all wes.crn Burma. and Is very
r n arltabl,; and important
'Ther, • laborers who were digging
fore railway at Ilallykilty, County
accidently turned up the treas-
ure with their spad'•s and sold it im-
(0 0at•ly for whatever they could get.
So it became scattered through pri-
vate 11(11'etions, and thirteen rings
from it. are In the British Museum.
But Ireland was lucky afar a11, for
thirteen of the most important pieces
found their way to the National
Mos um,
Gorgets and bracelets are in the
collec',tou at the museum, and cup -
ended haulm- of various sizes anal
great lugols of pure gold.
Another kind of ornament, featur-
ed l4(„ly in th-' ,ntd collection, w•. -s
the beton.. This :was a twisted rib -
lien _sol1 whim was worn t:l)o::
tl. - 1.:t T1,,:, a"1'.t--. men, !
1' knee
to r(1V be,•11 worn in many 1-112e!nit
Mat ;to .,'sr au-set in IK ea,
111..:•. , of 1;1,•
01 -• w -I•'• ltequitr"d [h!-t�h 150.
15;.,... :,in 11... '.' .ee 1 .%.r.-
t- 01:ill •.1.11,4 .111 50155a..
. l i55111, -
f..l. r . ri51• . 'z'.(5ie.:5. ,1i. a'
• ,di• A.
'11 ai '•11 ,
tr t.,.d_� ii,•
1.11 551 , r
At lh ;:, s.• ail. :1..1 •
Roy D. Kerby, General Manager
Durant Motors of Canada, Limited,
wlho has been elected a Director of
Durant Motors Inc, Mr. Kerby has
been the directing head of the Clan-
' adian Company during the past three
years, in which periodthe Canadian
dealer organization has increased
$1.5 per cent., domestic sales 38.8 per
cent., export business 42 per cent.
with very substantial increases in
the truck division. Production of
Durant cars in Canasta as almost
doubled since 1926. The cash pos-
ition of the company has also
materially increased, in conjunction
with the general advancement of the
company as shown by the following
figures: "The cash position in Dec-
ember 1925 ws $280,000, while in
December 1928 it was over $2,000,-
1 • 1'! 'r . d ,.
i! a. ,•ati. t,:.1!„. e
a, 1:s 14 x }• .
,t ..0 td„.
1 r', ,. [ 1141 ,
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4.1.5., ,.Lo v - 1, 'I i In i'. n .
1 r , telt ,1 t: t .
ill !i- tl..; Tonin:i and !u 111
, 1L.. .(a , ,
W41 1.,11 1 „T'
stet,. ,- itiee.al it t ;n
at. t, •.,• •,il.,l A
to , t Ana ' a . . ,.
do 5.5,1: A,is
. 'file, r.114:11.,1:. .
n(l I, e• 10nry. an,. , er. , i' nisi
le !1. 1,1::1d1 • 1 ” • r r.
1••5•1 1 ii 1. :•I r ..
ft ir, ' • t:11 , 11
ha :ii1 1 and 0 -0''ta" i., 11 •.
ln.,''! ,' i, ar:•a5 el 1'. i:ie r1.1 -.
and astiees 'nu:uel ate ,tush• a'.
(, J'ilu i oaf 1141, r-arly p•
thre,n: e.'11 N:ar"l,e, r;•lt bra ,",a O rl
0n nr. Moot, and the Ard,0(1 c•ilaileu
Is 110- 01(1 CI -1 110 =a., in extsb nese.
That it Is in a pert, et state ,•f pre-
serVati[t;1 la douurlers 110' to the fact
that guardian angels watell.:rl over It
the, n1g hi
t, centuries, and guided
tile stool-, of the potato digger, when
the time came for its reappearance
on c arth.
St. Patriclt's bell and its shrine to-
gether make a grout, of the greatest
importance in the enlbeMfons. The
bell is a primitive thing of Iron dipped
in bronze. It was taken from the
grave of St. Patrick, by St. Colnmeillo
and placed at Armada where it was
known as "The Boll of the Will."
It was in the eleventh century that.
this simple object hail a shine made
for it, worthy of the reverence in
Which it was held. The Archbishop
of Armah ordered the shrine, with
the proclamation that the bell was
worthy of all respect—secular as well
as religious. And this respect it has
had through all the centuries that.
The Intortaoings are veritable
prayers and the rock crystal settings
ease songs of praisol
Here and There
In 1921 the Canadian Pacific paid
out $2,000,000 from freight revenue
in loss and damage 11ahns. In 1927
it paid. $700,000, a decrease of
$1,300,000, although in the sante
period the gross freight revenue had
increased by $15,000,000. Better
freight handling did it.
The stonework and most of the
partioning of the Royal York Hotel
have been completed, and there
appears every lir:elyhood that the
great building will be open to the
travelling public by June I. This
hotel is the largest and tallest in the
British Empire.
Some idea of the world-wide area
over which the Canadian Pacific
operates may 1 e mattered from the
fact that in mal ng out its 'monthly
balance it is nezetistare to tags.silty-
nine different 10101:0 curse les into
dollars in order to ,et an accurate
result in Canadian u'eney.
Wireless is now being used to aid
in the protection of forests against
fire. The Ontario Provincial govern-
ment planes are a uip,.ed with the
latest apparatus 0(1511 a radius of
400 miles, so that the asealefnarters
may he readily communicated with
and immediate st pe ta1:e0 upon the
discovery of an outbreak.
"The principle of rapid freezing
has such qualifications ti:at there
seems to Le little room for doubt
that it is going to revolutionize the
fishing industry:," stated W. A.
Found, deputy minister of fisheries.
"We intend to make thee xperiment-
al station at Halifax of the utmost
value to the whole industry."
W. J. C. Madden 'of Calgary,. is
making arrangements with the
Canadian Pacific Express Company
for the transportation of whitefish
caught in Great Sieve Lake from
Edmonton to Chicago. It is in-
tended that the distance from the
fishing ground to rad head will be
covered in winter by five -ton trucks
operating upon the thick ice of the
Slave and Athabaska Rivera;, tra-
versing country that would other-
wise he difficult to cross.
A new and etranee form of wilt'.
fowl is (ming imported into Alt:erta
by the Calgary Fish and Gare Aso
elation, which has arra:, eel to 'e -
cure 2,000 Mnn. ol1 1.::n ' (10415.5
ring-necked plea ar.t.. f ;.,r•;a
are to he hl.erate.t this summer
throughout the tot taern Nati o: tram
Ftrovince, where 1`'.',u were place t
last season as part of the Gams
A sociation a plan for re -stocking
Athena's m
s gae t 1r1) PI y Ai'itl
all these. oriental Lint :, loos ( the
;relent Yellow I'et;l sieees 04010
ire:mi tier t.
Clipping as 111111 ;1 •aa .r, l .115 and
a half off her 41,CK1.e 013111,
and half an hour Ise teoiael,t1 a
Trans canards Limited, ;ascii ayer
of the Cam & an f r,:.(•
r;nni0:5 between Moctreal, Toron-
to, and Vanrnuver, will be further
remarkable this sunnier by reason
of a "solarium" ear, containing,
Laths and a epe4181 sun -room, that
will be included in her luxurious
equipment. The Mountaineer, an-
other speedy summer train, running
between Vancouver and Chicago
will also have "solarium" cars, and
run on faster tirie°.1 The Trans
Canada makes its first run on May
1,2, and The Mountaineer on June
10. The former train maises 140
trips during the summer 000400
covering a distance e(imtl to about
Meet/ and a halt time:; ground the
If a tenth is broken out of the dif-
ferential gear, there Will be a 'knock-
ing, which Gomes with °very meta -
Von of the wheole,.
as Woo an Illustrious Mee In the
J'lonuutce of ((hilllrittl;-
1 i110 war Ser's'leee
Those taut and atou; little craft
whlSb tow out groat shills 10 1111101y
ni1111 help to keep our big liarbots
'clear and 0fii01ont have won al, illus.
talons plane In the rot:Ounce of shlp-
ping, and yet their story has been
overlooked alt's Kaye Char.eilon to
the (,apo Argus
ibis is the treater pity because
British tugs have dobe mad) le mark-
able things is the pont, and it is a
branch of ahl,ibullding which is show -
11,11 111141lied vitality, 10011 In these
amnewhat depressed ,hues,
This year alone British yards will
complete tors for at hast five (0tflt-
tries. The popular Idea that these
lively but powerful little boats are
solely concerned u'l.li the prune is task
of towing 111 quite 0 mistake. 11 that
were so, there would, of PO11 MO, he an
anaw01' to the 01p -owner, and.an ex-
cuse for the failure of our authors to
w'r'ite a book about them,
Some years ago, a venturesome;
captain took Ills tug a voyage of more
than eleven thousand miles, from.
New York to Panama, through the
Straits of Magellan, It was a brilliant
Journey. The boat had to be boarded
up fore and aft to prevent the heavy
;matt from flooding her, but she got
through her task in no more than
fifty-three drays actual running.
Not a few British tugs made extra-
ordinary journeys during the war,
and one towed a cargo of sores 0
distance of ever 1,200 miles often
through mine - infested seas and
reached her destfuation without a
Tug skippers are v1'tltnresom ' by
nature. So many of their maser. ,i.tr-
e 1p
aril ••
and most pruiitable Suss hey..
to do with salvage work, When by
miracles of doing and eugh15—ring
the great Italian battleship Lto01(111',
da Vinci was raised to ale surfs ',
though still lying up.4de down 1511 she
had sunk, Out problem of gt
safely into dry dock was one a1 the
most hazard- us aeivetiturc s ever ,-
trusted to the "fussy 11,i:le
It had been said that a stranger
spectacle than the t'Aini of th1: up-
side down ha.tlestilp wits never before:
seen on the seas. The toga manaa••d
to keep the caP ,ro-d Ieviathan right.
in the centre of the channel and by
nightfall the vessel was at the: en-
trance ;o the dry dock, and cleverly
manoeuvred inside. On that occasion
the tug skippers Justly came in fur tl
share of the public help -worship,
When the West_aelafaud, with a
cargo worth three million pounds,
was torpedoed near St. Bees Bead on
tet• way to Liverpool, salvage se'( (1
hopeless, yet it was accomplished 173
rid -winter, and the tugs "mothered"
he vessel to safety through terr'fic
Cas. A strange experience, too, was
hat of the tug skipp' rs who towed
half of the liner Milwaukee from the
ocks near Aberdeen, where sir had
gone ashore to the Tyne, where an-
ther bow was made for her ro that
he could take the teas again.
No records of tug voyages have •
pen compiled, but it would be haul. -
slag to have v;••h facti5. 1'erh:;ps
e rne British skipp.1• can chain a
(Inger voyage than Ina of Ih tug
Atlas which, a few years ago, towed a
argo of fifteen 1.11011tql .d r,,"rrels of
11 a distance of 13,9(40 lakes, lka11-
ng the next 1, .'t aclii.0+:51(1-sit of th;,
ugs which towed a dia. flack to the
hilippines from Baltamoee by only
40 milers,
tea ,ad: a t.ar It noel
pr/111us voy$ 1. `:n 1: '1 11 to A.n'-1'-
ea by a. roui.uabout. wt•t: at a time
Then 50e suH:ear:n•° War was at hs
tight, and p'sff..cl 11,.. N -' hese
ane tite 0...i e 1 i..15, ns,:;, er
01' the 1 .ts stI .. .'
!'i s'lre h.;•+
T14011 111.1, d 11.1,5;_'} t 171ion: the
After }eighteen ettattutles.
At Szot'rg n hung" r, a i,ellnen
cemetery, 1,801, eta 110, b,•:n
discovered at a spot. wlo:t' in t1,"
past an important lie.ntan 41510ny ryas
Situated. The d c .:very is flee result
of eight yeas of Limo rrupt,d ,x -
cava (111 by flonttarian . •c h o•ssl sg-
1sts, in . he expense of which the Mln-
1suy of hlduca:inn shared,
Eighty - two tan!,.; c,nlaining the
1.0m 1114" of it>n U,'. of the aristo-
cratic r l ars w o , uirt- v:lv rl and in-
side w.-,'' f , 11111 Ili -Orin; of huhu,
bronze micro ,,Arses of pe rls,
other valuable jt•w, is and naedle5,1 lu-
at1•unents, lta se- sarcophagi of
whit'. marble cad . chI wr re retaler'•d
fermi their 2 enp-ye r -old r' ties;
place and true 11' ('1(1 to the 80'.g, d;u
Boost for Ilii,ndes,
An A nesesiii magnate record?'
mud,. the :1„1-111e115. 11101 he ways
emGl},ai 01 ,:el. ,• tic rl. (1e they pos-
ao ar'1 mor... • II. e, c 111411 their darke1•
818 r ' li -F i e, rally llp-
plied to boil) t, ass, (ur mob, as a
null,, are 0(1(5451(1(1ion :Ily r•5111015'e(1
Willi Kinn' :.t(11: ins pow, 1' than dark
Ones. I•:,ria eras,•'• ((,11-t11y 0eeempan-
les lath hair and blue ry i1--hence,�0
Many succi,•.4111 HO! 11i, I� old snil(i0a
Of this r
t ti '',111 h
ria They r •1
••,r better
witbatand exposure :u1'1 cr 1,1, though
dark lndlvidnal [ wi b their deeper
pigmentation, are credited with it
greater imperviousness to heat,
Big Spanish Families.
In. Spain 44 per cent. of t13e women
are married, according to the latest
official statistics. Of these more than
3% per mint. 'lave borne ten or more
0hildren; 103% per cent, seven or
more; 241, nor cent. live or mare,
and 49% per cent. between ono and
four children,
Only 12 per cent. of the total num-
ber of married women had no chil- '
The Wedding Ming.
The custom et a woman wearing a
wedding ring originated In Egypt. In
The early days a woman wore a ring
in her husband's absence, to show
that he had delegated his authority
to her,
the luster
Lo, the people of the earth do me homage.
I asn the herald of success for men, merchants,
manufacturers, municipalities and nations.
1 go forth to tell the world the message of
service and sound merchandise. And the world lis-
tens When 1 speak.
There was a day long ago, when by sheer
weight of superior merit, a business could rise above
the common level without me, but that day has
passed into oblivion,
'Fo'r those who have used me as their servant
I have gathered untold millions into their coffers.
1 Sell More Merchandise
per dollar of salary paid me than any other sales-
man on the face of the earth. The fabled lamp of
Aladdin never called to the service of its master
genii half so rich and powerful as I am, to the man
Who keeps me constantly on his payroll.
1 Mold the, Business
of the seasons in the hollow of my hand, 1 com-
mand the legions of fashion, mold the styles and
lead the tvorld whithersoever 1 go. I drive unprin-
cipled business to cover, and sound the death -knell
of inferior merchandie. Frauds are afrata of me be-
cause 1 march in the broad light of day,
Whoever Makes Me
Their Servant
for life takes no chances on drawing down dividends
from my untold treasures bestowed with a lavish
I have awakened and inspired nations, set mil-
lion's of men to fight the battles 'of freedom beyond
the seas and raised billions of dollars to foot the
bills. Nations 'and k'ings pay me homage and the
business world bows at my feet.
1 sow broad fields for you to reap a golden
1 Am Master Salesman at Your Service
Wailing Your Command