HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-2-27, Page 3"'40i1s
For phildren's bronchial and chest
(a/rnents,no finer relief than
yeno's Lightning Cough Syrup—,
Children love it.
anode with the nearest custom's ofe
Nita and express agent for the 1m.
mediate release and delivery of the
bees when they do arrive. It is also
important that all equipment 11,100,3-
=0y icor tihe hiving of the bees, be
ready to receive them, When the
bees nre received ;smear the screen-
ing of the package with thin sugar
syrup or water and then stand than
in a cool shady place until evenine.
When ready to release the bees, take
the package to the apiary and stand
them along -side the hives they ere,
to occupy. Each hive should eon-
tain five or six drawn combs or fell
If package bees are expected to
become producers the first moon,
they should be obtained as soon as
sheets of foundation. Now remove
he feeder can from the first pack -
d then take out the small queen
PACKAGE BEES at!: cage, n
e4, remove the covering from the
• candy hole of this etree and mete s
email opening through the candy to
poSsible after the third week in the compartment containing ilie
April. Before the bees are oxPected queen and her attendnnts. Hang HIP
to arrive, Arrangements should be queen cage between the frames in
the hive and shake a few bees from
Beautiful Silverware is
a Modern Necessio
Ax taste, and e
whatberttefirneminendi:atrihoz a
L. service of celebrated
The Tabletaare,De Luxe
By reason of our complete stocks
this store is fast becoming known
as headquarters for this delight-
ful ware.
Prices Most Reasonable
Wroxeter Ontario
the package onto the frames, Now
place the package upside down in
the hive alongside the frames, nese
Mg one end of the ;packesre on a
small block of wood so the be may
escape from it easily. Cover tis'
hive and reduce its entrance to a•
bout one inch. Fallow this proem]
ure until all the bees are rein:teed
The empty cages may be removed
from the hives the following day and
replaced with combs or foundation,
but do not disturb the bees for ni
least a week. Rememuer that pack
age bees will require feeding aspen
ially if they are released on founde•
tion only. If combs of honey aro
not available, sugar syrup should bo
used liberally,
Sunday School Lesson
Rheumatism? Neuralgia
thiov't ;triter with Sciatica, Mrs. E.
Thompson of Hilladale, Ont., was nearly
frantic with it. Then T-IteC's made
her well. "Before I finished the Bait
box/' she writes "I had the greatest
qu go own me pan,
T -R -C's are equally good for Itheuma-
tism, lieundgui, Neuritis, Lumbago.
Quirk, Safe. No harmful drugs. 600
and SIM at your druggist's. :es
T -R -Ce %maw
Of the Department of Justice, Ot-
tawa, who was elected Chairman
of the Advisory Council of the
Civil Service Superannuation, The
functions of the Council will be to
act in an advisory capacity in con-
nection with the Administration of
the Civil Service Superannuation
The wedding ring was first se!
in a Christian marriage in 800.
1 elI5V;v0.•tie•';'!"' '.i'6'i
Sponsored by
Competent Staff of Instructors in Attendance
Talks Illustrated by L atm] Slides
We'would like to have You with us !
Opera House, Brussels
10 R. m. and 1 p. m.
11 (4dItor of Th9 Sunday Ochool nmes)
Sunday, March 2—Matthew 16: 18
-20; IViark 4: 20-82; Romans 12: 4-8
Ephesians 1: 16-28, 2: 13-22; 4:4-6;
11-10; 5: 22-27; I. Timothy 8:15,
Golden Text
So we, being many, are one body
in Christ (Romans 12:5.)
Men make organizations; only God
can make an orgeniem. It has oft .n
been pointed out that Vie true Church
is not an organisation, but an organ -
It is made, not by men, but by
- -Everything- that God maim is
good", "And God saw everything
that HO had made, and, behold it was
very good." (Gen. 1:31). It be-
comes evil only as it is corrupted by
others. And, we may say it revee-
ently and suripturally, the Church is
the most glorious thing that God has
eves tnade or ever will make, for it
is the body of His Son. T -1,e glories
and beauties of the true Church,
when all imperfections and dross ars
purged away, are beyond our earth-
ly comprehension.
Only Cater the disctstee through
their epokesman, Simon Peter, had
seen and- confessed the deity of
Christ did our Lord make the fist
revelation of the Church, 'When
Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the
Son of the living God," the Lord
showed him that no human beine
' could discover this, but it was re-
vealed by no Father; then He de.
ciared: "Upon this rock I will build
My MUM]."
What was this rock? It was cer.
tainly not Peter. It was not Peter's
confession of faith. It was Christ
Himself. Other Scriptures make this
plain. "For other foundation can no
man lay thant that is laid, which is
Jesus Christ" (I. Cor. 3:11). Re.
peatedly throughout the Scriptures
Christ is called the rock—"that Rock
was Christ" (I. Cor. 10:4); (see eon-
cordance for many Old and New
Testament references),
The Church is never identified wile,
the Kingdom in the New Testament,
and we -should be careful to here
them distinct; therefore the passage
included in this lesson from Mark 1:
20-32 had better be omitted, as it
does not bear on the Church, except
that "the Kingdom of God is univer-
sal, including all moral intelligence
WiUinglysubject to the will of God.
whether angels, the Church, or eel:etc
of past or future dispensations."
The glory of the Church is the
, f
Flashing Eyes
Laughing Eyes
Spirit in a mysterious but Mere
union, just as literally as a branc
is in union with the vine, "So we
fact that it is the body of Christ
That is, every true child of God
born again by fat* in Christ, is art
ually joined to Christ by the Hol
h ; DoEwyensetaei
:rhe prettiest of dimpies—or lisp
or a sigh,
Neer can corn pet e with the
charm of the eyes
being many, are one body in Chrll
and every one members one of an. -
;- The functions or' duties aeeigne,l
by the Head and Creator to the dif-
ferent members are different, but
all are to be fulfilled gladly and
faithfully. What a glorious Church
would he seen here on earth if onlv
all inembere were thus true to their
athtesians is the great 'Church
Epistle, and should be read through
as part of this lesson. The threo
lesson passages from this book are
very rich. God exercises toward
and in the Cbruch the same mighty
power that Ile exercised when Ile
rated Christ from the dead—could
we ask for more?
Jews and Gentiles who believe in
Christ are made nigh by His blood,
and aro made "one DOW man," so
that there is no longer any "middle.
wall of partition." Al! believers ere
thus built up into a gloruus
in a holy 'temple, "Jesus Christ Him-
eeif being the chief t-prner-:itone,"
and all are thus made "an habitation
of God through the Spirit."
God would have perfeet unity in
the Church, though this has hemi
sadly marred by divisions and seetl,
The seven unities are: one body, on,'
Spirit, rum hope of your calling, wit;
Lord, one faith, one baptism, one
God and Father of all.
The true Church. will never be
completed until the last soul on earth
that can be saved has been saved.
and hue thus been added to the body
of Chriet. This is what is meant
the edifying or building up, of tho
body of Christ, "till we all come .
unto a perfect man, unto the mea-
sure of the stature of the fulness of
Christ." It takes many men, many
human beings, to complete the body
of the one Perfect Man who IA
Christ Himself. When that shall
have been completed the Lord will
return for His Church, the Head be•
ing joined visibly to the body, even
as they are already invisibly and
spiritually one.
The marriage relationship is
type of the relationship between
Christ and the Church. Wives are to
submit to their husband:: s unto the
Lord, "for the husband is the heed
of the wife, even as Christ is the
Brown eyes for strength--Bloo
for generosity—Gray eyes for
jealousy—Sparkling eyes indi-
cate beauty, yes, and good
health, too! Do your eyes
sparkle? Are the whites clear
or are they tinged with yellow
—indicating an out•of -sorts
conditio_n— due to constipa-
tion? IF so, you need
1 •
1 I .:rlf':` I707,:V,
fa„q1'"i'Fr;.P,oi t
oory of V ennta bi
improved Product
I Read ahott Character ,r- on 1!, Eyes, in
future Benehon 1,01, r I mt fur a" B 01
1 asseaseseseeseerammezexemaiteeteeiesesseethe
head of the Church," And "husbands;
love your wives, even as Christ also
loved the Church, and gave Himself
' for it." What a wonderful thing
every marriage on earth would be if
it weee true to this pattern and
vitation and command given by
Cit. DIvoreee would be as. im-
possible ne a divorce between the
true Church and Christ Himself.
We must not forget that the vie,-
ible March, including, man-made or-
ganizations of many sects and com-
munione, includes many individuals
who are not true believers, and who
therefore are not members of the
Body of Christ. Within this great
visible Church on earth is the invisi-
ble or true Church, though, of course
tthere may be individuals who are
true believers yet who are not con-
nected with any visible Church.
Every day 10,000 women buy•a
bottle of Lydia E. Piakham's Vege-
table Compound. They know that
there is no better remedy for their
troublesome ailments with their
accompanying nervousness, back-
ache, headache, "blue" spells, and
rundown condition.
New Chrysler "71" Town Sedan, $P140
JPirc wheels extra. Immediate delive:ies.
No nf5 iA Armp
(fi 1.117 <141'7
7,7c "; • TN)
The very name of Chrysler spzils a new
and finer kind of perk:nuance--
ling, dashing, vivid road- behavior that
has eluded the best efforts of.' a whole
dustry to excel. CI No small /1.:rt
ever-growing vops.11arity rysler ears
is due to that singular and tigulfcatit
recognized in the first Chrynler some-
thitig entirely new — oEioletirg the
sluggish, heavy, bulky and cumber -
tk/ 4.0
30111r.." Veg.'. gt:g. CS of oma.
d to ;,c Chr, 4er (.111.11‘
110.5 1102 0I v mait./tahied
eint but hasncztv:.!!), -idencd its mar -
this superiority
or:gioal style and
l"i00t'l' al CF:111'6Ier's own, at prices
wWritnrc conly...red with Chrysler,
yott V411 ilnd it easy to understand
> the uttiVersal demand for ,Chrysler.
New Chrysler "TV— Nine body stytie, Peas to reit/. New Chrysier "65" Six body styles,
$1522 to $1460, rs10w Chey0br 1^nperid —Five eustmn body shies, $3045 10 $4605. All prices
f. o, b. Windsor, Ontario, including standard Actary equipment (freight asd taxes extra).
E. C. Cunningham