HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-2-27, Page 1VOL, 57 NO, 37
2.0o fie* annum in advance
i+*e :♦`' ! :*'at;' 0,,.+e4A't!•t*''.t*,!'$`++4s4'triett ++i'*itii's*,!'',,'*t.+,e� Sete+ +it r* 0.1 fi! .ti*elelt!rfy
At Bargain Prices
In order to make room for our Spring stock of
Boys' Clothing we offer our entire stock at
Bargain Prices,
Lot No. 1
10 Suits sizes 28 to 35, dark
and light tweeds, regular
to $13.50
Lot No. 3
3 Suits, sizes 27 -28, all dark
tweeds, regular to $10.00
Lot No. 2
8 Suits, sizes 26 - 29, single
and double breasted styles,
blue cheviots and light
tweeds. regular to $12.50
Lot No. 4
2 only Suits, sizes 30 and 31
regular to $7.95
«F I
5.69 $3. "75 f.
Phone 24 Prices always the Lowest
Mostly all Suits have two pairs Bloomers
qpy J. fi F r uson & Co.
New Aclvertlreweptn
Farm for sale -John Jihad{ estate
Notice to Creditors -John Mack estate
Pigs for ante -Cordon Knight
Potatoes for Bill v. -A ler, Xni I1
Dow for sale -G; A. sandman
Fills for eats -Phone 58
For sale -George Baker
For sate Robert Bird
Cow for vale -Venn Wittman
Auction Sale --Is eubtt Hamilton
Mortiago ,Snle-Lown,, Cowan pray
King'e February Rale -Klug tiros:
Walt Paper -Aliens Drug More
HAI. of rnrtwear-D. A C.inmmas°
Hoye' UlottdnuB-J. Fursust.n & !ro,
Card Party-ernsuets Wo713e11'1.1nstitute
Baking Hale -Melville: Ladles' Aid
Oyster Sup er-Belgrave Farmers' Club
Euchre and ),1 e—Belgrave L. T. B,
Ice Carnival at Ethel
City Dairy Mei/ream-W. A. Grswar
Tractor School-,Johtl Oliver
Householdrentedles-ir. B. Smith
Plano tuning -.t O. Blackstone
For sale -Harold Sellers
Jahn D4WCelthur, of Blyth, called
on his parents on -Thursday after-, Af
1 Miss Della McGavin spent the week,
end with Miss Flora Harris ot the 17th
concession of Grey.
Bliss Anble Mr.d'aggar t. hes rot UPI!.
ed home after spending a very pleas
era holiday with relatives near Loud-
Mrs. John Dennis, of the 14th
e, nceesion of McJtilIop, is cantly.,
ed to her bed with an attack of.pneu-
nMiss Viola Carter, who has been in
Iittmiltnn for solue time is at present i
visiting her parents Joseph and Airs. I
iss Eoelyn Cunningham has 1e•
tinned to her tame in Brussels. Af-
ter spending a few days at the home
of Mrs. AV, J. Woods,
Thames H. Ileekwell who spent the
pest month with his brother, Dr, D.
M. Hack well, of Holland arrived borne
on Tbiasday evening.
PLAY. -"An Old Fashioned Moth-
er" in the A. 0. U. W. Hall on Tues-
day, March 55th. This is a Melodrama
with a moral. Don't miss it. See the
Mise Mai garet. Love, R. N. spent a
f+w days in Totem to the latter part of
lest week She also attended the
wedding of her eisteewhith took place
on Saturday.
1fr.Rt,Er-LOVE.-Aquiet but pret-
ty wedding was solemnized on 'Satur-
t ghat tdraleigiCiguelguAlgt61{tete,
Surrounding District
_ gibe[»'r_i3ettlettet,3+0041 4elet alt+ »I .,t .14.* tiF : .4i k•:
Lits[ S.tnday evening the Y. P.
meeting was capably token by Alex.
Mao,,. Ferg. McNaught gave tt epien-
diti paper nn "The Lord is My Shep-
ai d". Special male was given by a
male choir led by F. A. Harrison,
J. NV. Bernie event the week -end at
his home in Li -toss el.
Jolt uWatt was in 1'otnntnnvet, t he
week -end disposing of a car load of :
Annie McTaggart. is visiting her I
e. usin, A]te. Leu, Wyatt, of Mullett,
:hie week.
('}eoege and Mee. AloTeggatt and ,
.Ii•s Annie visited Mrs. AleTaggart's
We are sorry to lose our popular
young stnrekeepet'. B s.:.
Mee. Will Patish visited last week
with friends in Blyth.
Mies Velma Robinson is home af-
ter visiting tar some time with her
friend, Isabel McLean.
These fine moonlight nights makes
it good for hunting and many lecke
and cotton -tails are meeting their
Master Steel Livingston is able to
be back to sehnol again after having
bad the misfortune to fall and break
nn arra.
B•. Henry AltKav returned to
liarrietan on '1'ueedev after spending
the week with his sister, Mrs. Huf-
Forest, and Mrs. McKay are pre -
pitting to ,nue at an early date to
Mr. Pratt's farm on the 2tici conces-
sion. We will be sorry to lose
day February 10th, at the China In -
Toronto, by Be!. Mr,
Brownie, assistant pastor of the
Jarvis street Baptist shuteh. when
Adeline Victoria second youngeste
dal tee of Jaseph and Mrs. Love,
' was united;in marriage to Stephan W,
Kerley, of Toronto,son of Rev, Steph-
1 en Kerley and the late Mrs. Kerley
I of Gloucester, England. The bride
looked charming in a gown of French
blue georgette, with silver trimmings
and hat of blue moire straw. The
young couple were attended by the
bl ides sister, Miss Amy Love and Dr.
1 .
sister, Mts. oVettie, of Hullett
Township t eeentiy
Dire L. Spelten and Mies Hazel
Spetran of the loth (ton cession of
(ilaey, wele tweet vi,itere at the
heme of Gem ge and Alrs. McTag-
gax t.
a 1
Shoes andI
March 2
March 1h
Women's Patent Slippers from 2.25 to 3.25
Women's Patent Oxfords from 8.00
Women's Hid Oxfords from 2 75 to 8.50
Women's ]donde Slippers 2.95
Women' Black and Brown Ties 3.50
Woman's House Slippers from 1.10 to 1.40 .
Women's Do.ngola Shoes 1,75
Growing Girls' Black or Brown Ties 8.50
Misses' Slippers 1.75 to 2.00
Children's Slippers 1.10 to 1.75
Children's Brown Sandals 4 to 7A 1.00
Children's Brawn Sandals 8 to 10, 1.20
Children's Black Oxfords 4 to 73 1 50
Children's Black Oxfords 8 to 14 1.80
Girls' Laced 13oots 8 to 10 j 1,00
Women's Overshoes, all colors
Women's Rubber Pullovers
1\Iisses' Rubber Pullovers
Children's Rubber Pullovers
100 pairs of Men's Oxfords
2 25
900 to 475
I41eii's Laced Fine Shoes 4.25
Men's Work Shoes, Black or 13r. 2.95 to 8.50
Boys' Pine and Heavy Shoes from 2.50
Boys' Oxfords, sizes 1 to 5i 2.50
Men's and Boys' Rubbers reduced in price
E. A. Cannan e
Under auspices of
Will be held In the
Tuesday, March 5th
Mr. of
M. Benson the Head
Office, Toronto, and others
will address the meeting.
Musical numbers will be
given by local talent.
SuPee Served r to S
r d fr om 6
Admission 50 cents
R. C. Coultes, Abraham Procter,
`t.F.' tat,:[.. y' 'tGG' ,,.3tiot .ta&,* t•;'.GtE;k',tata
Dance - Lunch u
1 1 �i
60 1
• h ,z
DMarch 1t
Thursday, .e
Esu nS
Mrd Party
[Euchre and 5004
Under the auspices of the
Women's Institute
Thursday Ev'cij, feht 28
at 8 o'clock sharp
Cr 0 0
Colne and help along
a Worthy Cause A
{ 4' o
Admission 50 cents
Mies E. A. Downing, President.
Mrs. G. H. Sams, Convener.
- ed' Mrs Meadows, L Miss Lament,
1`317%'^-1131''r3t�?a7°,.x2i�t'rain`•Y)'Y.�7r`}7r7f�aizit-a`tt9i�,�`3w�fr`d°- 1�''
`•toontalaztateteicimC'(statA.,im tglciew asetv.
t A Sale of Home-made Baking
will be held under the
Y, auspices of the
in the "''
Public Library
Saturday, March god d
at 3 o'clock o -I
Prowett of Toronto. Immediately
after the ceremony the bride and
brtdegt man left for Bulfelo where
they will spend their honeymoon.
Harnld and Mts. Griegg and little
daughter, who have been visiting Mre.
Griegg's mother, Abs. Albert God kin,
of the 10th concession of McKillop
and tither relatives in this vicinity ,
left for their home in Blouse Jaw,
Sask. on Wednesday,
Airs. Robert J. Naylor, of Rochester
and New York. were here over the
weekend to see Mrs. Nt;ylor's mother,
Mrs. William Hankwell, who has been
in poor health for some time, They.
returned to their home on Monday,
Congratulations are due Mn, An-
deew Simpson, an old resident of this
locality who on March let will celeb-
ratebis 01st birthday. His bearing is
very distinct and he cart a' read the
he daily I, Globe w' out his glasses.
Ala Simpson
. S so is one of those strong
Scottish characters who never lost Ilia
native tongue and every one felt the
better of meeting such a man as Mn.
Miss 0. Evans spent the week end
w:th Mrs. D. Stephens,
Miss Eva Savage visited Miss Marg.
at et Hayden last week,
Roy Hall has put in a supply of
stood for the United church.
Miss Doreen Eckmire, Jamestown,
visited Miss Mayme Hansuld.
Miss Rhea McLelland spent a few
days a week ago at her home here,
Miss Lenora Patterson spent the
week end with Mrs. limey Speiean.
Mrs. Davidson, of Bruisers, isepend•
Mg a few weeks with Mrs. Brem-
A1rs.W,Brentner is spending a while
with her daughter Airs. Albert Oard-
Miss Elizabeth Corbett isspending a
while with Mts. 0, Hutchinson, Con.
Nurse Leibnld, of Lisrnwel, has been
in attendance with T, Feick during
Ilii ilineas.
Mrs, Barton, of Atwood, spent the
week -end at the house of Hugh and
Airs, McKay.
Mrs E. Vipond, of Donegal, spent a
few days with her ,u thee, Mrs. R.
Pearson,eon, 4.
Mrs.Weir, of Walkerton, is spettd-
Ing a while at the house of Dr, and
Mrs. AleMlaatee.
The Young People's Society will
meet on Friday evening at 8 o'clock
imsl:sad of Thursday.
Mr, Wm, Bray is under the Doctor's
care at the time of willing. We hope
to ser him better 80011.
Ben. L. Hayden, of Ethel, combined
business and pleasure in a Dip to
H, ussel's on Friday ot last week e, x,
'There was a gond crowd itt the Un-
ited church on Sttnday last. dial C.
Evans sang a solo which was much
Palmer Some[ vitt' enjoyed a week's
vat•atina, 010*•ne Thunli took charge
of the hake shop dining his holidays.
On Wednesday last several teams
v r i ltu v b, it' *ht • the hnueeh ski of
facts at' N• Hay�donFand fancily to the
village and moving A. 8, Bain and
fitmily over to their home on lances•
ci,,n Z.
l.'hestork, the wise old bird, did not
fur -get to tall in our conttnuuity when
leaving Valentines thisyear heeau e
Q^ io '
3aq Under auspices of o
P rig
ke "An Old-fashioned Mothers'
y In Three Acts
Good Music Lunch Served H
Dance Afterwards
Watch for Blils
ot)tileattotitl ienota azotint9,tgaialaizisg.
ihthome of Albert and Mrs. Cardiff
was visited on 1 1 -tit and_ a fide
tt 1 the 4 a boy
nriived. r'._•r"--1
On Wednesday of last week a lug.
eessful opetatinn was 1)01'm4uted nn
Theodore Felek fel appendicitis. Dee.
Sehielle and McMaster and Nn,•se
GI ahnn were in attendance. Alt'.
I''rirk is getting along fine but will lie
unable to attend to his duties regain
for two weeks at least. 6
(4n to church cit Sturdily. Service
in the i'.'nitet clturrh tit 7.10. The
Pastor will continue the special Series
en the general subject, "The sins that
crnoified Jesus: t he subject for next
Sunday will be `Moral Oowatdice."
Everybody welcome, Bring your vis-
A big time is expected on Thursday
niuht when a Masquerade Oarnivel
will be held on the River llink, Ethel,
I-lnrvey McLelland who managed the
carnivals here about fifteen years
ago is boosting it again and he le be-
inghelrrted by an energetleOmu nittee,
Hee advert isweet in th]s paper and
el President. Secretary, .
414-Za,D=PaZ2IMMIXtbez elerZi arlei ez,: R
Mrs. Dave AIe(enteheen has not been
enjuyirfg the best of health of late,
Mins Doreen Rekliner• spent a few ;
day's visiting friends itt Ethel dining
the past week.
Harvey Beirnee and Simpson Me- ,
Call attended the :Short pion[ sale at
Win haul last Thursday,
Mts. Alex Johnston returned home
after spending the past week at the .
parental home 2nd conceasion Grey.
A very enjoyable time was held
Tuesday evening of last week at the'
hone of Elston and Mrs Cardiff when'
an Oyster Supper was held by the soc-
ial eo/nrl3ittee in cnnneetinti with the
Farmer's Club.
Alex. Spier and daughter Miss Blar-
gnret from Swift Current, Sask, who
spent the past two months visiting
his father, Allan Spier, and also his
brothers and sisters in this locality
returned to theirr
h me en Thursday
of last week after spending a meat'
enjoyable time visiting old friends and
scenes of boyhood days. , -
SCHOOL REPORT : Tile following is
the report of S. S. No, 4, Morrie, for
the months of January and I'ehruaty.
Pupils were examined in Geng„ Hist.,
Agric., tromp , Spell., .rith„ Art.,
Ree. aid Daily Wntk, Pupils mark-
ed " missed one exam ieatton, Sr IV -
Days Miller 88. Harriet Smith 85.
ir.IV- Gordon Nichol 78, Jack Pipe
81, Mac Scott 41, Howard Smith tali t 1
Jt'. 111- Adnh Gnashy 78 Sr II -
Clara Smith SO, Mena Nichol 78, `*,lau-
nie Bet'uatd 57, **Bill Iima:an 50,
Sr, I -Jim Davis 02. llleannr 14ieled
87. Frank McCurrheon 85, T.'ot Bern-
ard 81 ,Ir•. I -Ken. Spelt 88, Bruce
Smith 85. Jr P,•.—Jack Spelt, 03,
**`Mona Miller 5 5 56, *"John Harman 65,
*George McOutaheon 31,
WIxwee. A. FRAIN.
Dian A'r D,trmerraR's Home:: There
passed away early on Sundltyutnrll-
ing at the home of her daughter, Mire.
Henry Pierce, 7th line Martis, a form-
er highly esteemed resident, of Blyth,
in the person of Agnes Gray, widnw
of the late John Stewart, aged 72
years and 3 mnnthe. The late Mrs
Stewart was seized wit h a stroke of
paralysis Borne days pt•eviuus from
which she Bever rallied. She tees holm
in Tuekerstnith Tanslaip and in the
year 1880 was married t John Stew-
tH -art who passed away in June. 1017.
After her watriage she [abided on a
fat m in Hullett 'Township for about
fire years, rooting from there to Blyth
where she s ctuained until the death
of her husband, since then she has
made her home most of the time with
Iher daughter, Airs. Pierce. She was
tt highly estvetited lady and few Pierce.
is much regretted She leaves to
1memo her loss, one Ann, Robert, of
! the Royal 1hi,tk st,'1T'Pm ooti' and
1a 0 daughters, hits. E. It, (iredall
land Mrs. Pierce. Tile funeral
1 wee held nu Tuesday afternoon,
i [vitt set vice al the hens.. lir Rev.
(4,.n, ACeir, followed by tate, tm'r,is iu
Burn', Chet eh Vernetety t'
...lother Pa.:es away. 1h -:e.
past=ed away on February 1.4, in thy.
i Toronto General Hospital, oft� : o
!brief acute illness, Wm. Henry tit,w-
'alt, late of Milton. Born in I41uetale
; he spent the greater part of -h s life
f in the teaching. profession. A (ter
giving up the Prineipalehip of the
` Aeton High and Public. School hi' w -n,
Iappointed local .uperintcndent of
the Children's Aid Society for Peel
and Halton, which position he w'w
;holding at the time of his death. The
late Mr, Stewart was n man of moat
exemplary ctllaractt r and one who
was always deeply interested in ev.
orything that tended to promote
moral well being of the community.
' Shortly before his death he resigned,
his position as Supt. of St. Paitl's
United Church Sunday Se'hnoi which
position he hold for a number of
years . The floral tributes were
very numerous, including many from
nlhureh orgrnizations, Toronto scho-
ols and college., Children's Aid De-
partment ami others attested to the
esteeltl in which the late Mr. Stew-
art was held. The funeral was held
on the afternoon of February •Ith.
After a short service in the homes a
public servieo was hold in the church
conducted by pastor, Rev. Mr. Hurl-
, but, assisted by Rev. David Rogers,
of St. Thomas, an old friend. The
deceased leaves to mourn his loss e
A 3 -Act Melo-Drama
lin Okd.Fis�i vocal
Will be presented in
Tuesday, March 5th
By the Brussels Oddfellows
Dramatic Club
Under auspices of Guild of
St. George's Church
Admission 35e and 25e
"77.77 -
Wife, two sons and two daughters, in
Toronto, a son and daughter at horn;
two Asters, Mrs. Master, of Toronto
and Mrs. A. Procter, 3rd line o1
'Morris, and two brothers, Thomas. of
B u, i alt' and lir. Robt. of Wingham.
1': '1 in Slanitoba:---Word lila' been
received of the death at Cou:tc:r,
Manitoba, on February 5th of Iran
cis Coulter•, at the advanced age of
l.ighty-sive. Mr. Coulter will be r:•
membered by some of the older re•
sidents of these parts, having lived
on the first concession of Morris
Township, moving west about fifty
years ago, and was one of the very
[earliest settlers of that part of the
province. Ho leaves a wife and two
sons, all of Coulter.
Appointed Postmaster—Mr, Mc-
Leod, of the firm of McLeod & Ber-
nie, has been appointed Postmaster
Neal. He N �
to succeed the late An m.
will probably take over -the o ihce the
first of March,
Pioneer Passes Away—Mrs. Nancy
Kinny, relict of the late Johnston
'Coney, passed away at the house of
her son, Thos. Kinney. Lot 27, Con.
12 McKillop on Monday, at the ripe
age of 84 tears. 2 months 'md 15
days. Deceased was born in Dundas
Co„ and when married lived in Me
Killen Township for tits east 48
yeare. Mr. Kinney died in 1005.
The into '1lre. Kinney is the last of
her family. She is survived by three
son : Henry of Gilb-rt Plains: Jos-
s •alt, in British Columbia, and Thomas
on the homestead: and one daughter
Mrs. Nesbitt of Elma Township. The
:funeral will h-' held Thursday nfter-
goon at 2 n'r'.ock and service will be
conducted by Rev. Mr. alines. pas -
i for of Duff's curch at 1.30. Inter-
.! men:. will bo made. at Brussels Ceme-
Come to Union Church St. Po-
trick', social an dbc Irish and sot -
liable on the terming of Tuesday,
I March lath. An cxeelle'nt program
1 will be given and luutll served.
Lverybudy conte.
The meetly, o 1 h ' of
• the AA I S
Union c ,uten was•
day at the home of Mis, J. P. ..dc-
Intosh with a tail attendance. ;beet.
in(; opened with hymns, followed by
the Lord's Prayer in utm on. The
Watch Tower covering the mission
( ary rat home and abroad was taken
by four members. is
Roll Call was re
sponded to by 1.'ihtcai vases. It was
decided to hold a St. Patrick's so'•i tl
in the basement of the church, lunch
to be served. A program eo rnt;ttee
and d00z lo,pers were appointed, A
-reading n\- Airs. Dougi,erry followed
'and meeting i os d with prayer.
Alexander Barron A•ns. w 1.'- Call:
i -0n Monday mornin Al. x:utder
Patron answered the call that ecaues
to el'.ory or, , at the rtes of 77 pare
I months and 20 day.;, D . e.. aced
1w4es horn in 3l,Killep Tow rishie end
40 tear; ago was P'17111111 t t Swan
Howlett, who p01?.t ail ;hint four
years ago. After residing 3 or 4
yeare in McRilrop Township after
his main ,.i.e, Mfr. Parrott moved to
the 'tills nen. of Grey where he has
_resided ever .since. For the past 9
• years, deceased ed had been in ,poor
health and was bedfast for the IPtst
two months. Ile 1 .survived by two
sons, George an Il �1"s. at lame;
and one daughter, Mrs, WW'nt. Hurst,
of F
.lma fo ynitll,, A sot Archie,
was killed overseas. Its rased is
also survived by one brother, James
, Barron of Seaforth, Deceased when
able had attended the Al irrrieff
r•c!1 and - i, i T] :.:'.a \"iii e ;,n-
duct se:ywcee on Wednesday after.
noon. Interment will he made in
Brussels cemetery.
Another Pioneer Cone:— Mary
Jane Channon, widow of the late
Hugh II. Wright passed away at her
home on the 8th amt., last. Tuesday
at the ripe age of 84 years, 3 months
and 11 days. Deceased was born in
the Co, of Durham in the Township
of Darlington, and on the 11th of
November 1873 was married to Mr.
Wright and they came up to Lot 17,
Con. 7 to live. 20 years ago Mr.
L. KERR, Proprietor
it£taE,'k lr^atS:PPu9JISCt, red et,irf3'nit';Ci,w"vttw
Don't Forget the
Euchre ad Dake
To be held by the
L. T. B. in the
Pol'y'esters' - Hail
Friday March 84.k
Euchre from 8 to 11 -
Good Music
New and Old Dancing
Wright passed away. She is surviv-
ed by one son, S. James Wright, of
the 8th con„ and ane sister, Mrs. W.
H. Webber, of Howick 'township,
near Clifford, The funeral was held
last Thursday afternoon and services
were conducted by Rev. Mr. Williams
of Ethel Presbyterian church. The
pallbearers were: --S. Dunbar, E.
Bowes, W. Dane, T. Keffer, P. La-
mont and T. Turnbull, 1-
w as made at 1i'ma Centre Cemetery.
The late, Mrs, Wright had been tot-
ing since last spring and 4 days be-
fore her death, suffered a stroke
from which she never rallied, Mr.
and Mrs. S. J. AA cs ht wis;• to thank
their neighbors hbors and friends for their
kirdness d tr'nn illness and death of
the late Mrs. Wright,
Mac Ailan visited his parents here
last week.
The annual congregational meet-
ing of the United Chrueh was held
Friday afternoon.
John and Murdie Edgar and Harry
Allan, Brussels, spent Sunday at
their homes here.
Thos Sanderson and family of De-
troit, are spending a few weeks with
the former's parents, D. D. and Mrs.
John Wray died at Ms hone here
Sunday' morning. He suffered a
stroke troke a few years ago from which
he never fully recovered and a
second stroke two weeks ago proved
too much for his weakened condi-
tion, Mr. Wray was a successful
farmer in Turnberry where he held
the respect of all. He moved to the
village Ioss than a year ago. He is
survived by his wife, two sons, Gor-
don, of Turnberry and Alvin, of
Toronto, and a daughter, Joyce also,
of Toronto, to whom the sympathy
of the community goes otit in their
sorrow. A private service will be
held at the home Wednesday after-
noon, followed by a public service
m the United Choral, which will be
under the Orange Order.
Died at Edmonton: ---The funeral,
of Christopher losepth Thornton,
11910, 93rd street. Edmonton, whose
death occurred at the family resi-
dence, January 31, aged 73 years,
was held Saturday afternoon at two
o'clock from Andrews Brothers Par-
lors. Rev, W. A. Smith, of Norwood
United Church, conducted the ser-
vice, and. interment took place in the
Meech mount cemetery. FIoral
tributes were received from the fam-
ily, his Ioving wife and children; M.
and Mrs. Hart; Etta McKIII; G. P. R.
Ladies atuxil' ry
to , , Thos and Mrs.
Hunt; Mr. and Mrs. M,. Cracken and
Jack; Mrs. J. Taylor; Bits. W, Stur-
geon; Mrs. W. Bernard; Mrs. Har-
graves; Mrs, McKill; Mrs. 3. David-
son; Mrs Leslie; Mrs, Joihnson; Mrs.
Morin Mr. Dougias; Mis. Pallet,
Deceased ed lea ee to mourn his loss We
wife, two daughters and three sons,
Mrs. I,. Cr. Be .tuft, Mrs. J. A. Me -
Lean, Harry C. Thor' -ton and Wil-
liam Roy Thornton. of Ethnonten,
and Ir-h:,r A. Thornton, of Vaneou-
ver, 1:.C. --Edmonton Bulletin,---De-
c....,ed woe .a hr.'th't of Wm. Thorn-
ton, of l.inev;le, and was a former
t sid:'at of W n 91:tni before leaving
for Edmonton about ten years age.
'i'ha Von „ f .,qil;, iv ,i f
l t,'x United ehm. t V ti.•;e.
tine S vial tu. 111'' t_.1.. u- s: i The
chnt•eh on Wedo '-d,ty est a g, Shen
it ple 1.aii1. (1,11e iV Is silent
111'1.1 nemesis. The pr", -ran ryas fol•
leweti by lunch.
Th(alas t"••' ,
1 t 1,1 rn .,I g ht. the Ilal..
E t vve seho:,1 f -it, die, ,let ryas ltrlt1.
l,lst. week, Tile nee -tine was itt
charge of Perri. Ali'L.t,n. vice-presi-
(lent, Ate. Pealet sun, ,d Cdiutnn, teas
or, gent and •tellti.syed the meeting
Ms 11:g sevvt ill uggestimis and plates
I'm the enuring yeitt•. 'rhe election
of vtllcets reettltrtl in the fallowing
being re-e.lerted : Plesidenl- C. R.
C, Idles • riee.president Perry McLean
Serretaty-tre'etsote,, Jelin Wightman,
'!''• rein eines of,'srh section were also
The regular meeting oft he Ladies',
Aid Seem .y of Knox Unit, d church
wits held at tate home of Mr's. John
' Cleultes on Wednesday afternoon
at Belgrave and was well 'We idea.
alts. Rintnnl, the 1)17 t. had -
charge of the meeting, Ashnwer
of articles for tlu' bauieat'to be heli
at the school fair was Memel:t its and
more plans rnut1,', Seveyalitemanf
!business were diseussed, 'holt call
' was answered by paynm,nt of fees,
Al the chose of the meeting hunch was
served and a social time was spent.