HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-2-20, Page 8WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20th, 1929.
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Wall Papers
We have a number of Bundle Lots of Wall
Paper—the last of a pattern which we are
clearing out at a VERY LOW PRICE to
make room for our new Spring Stock which will
soon be coring in, They are Bargains and
among them are quantities and patterns suitable
for small rooms, kitchens, pantries. &c.
A few drops of Vapure on handkerchief or
gauat'jsnuffed and inhaled deeply, gives good
results and will often stop an oncoming coed,
Vapure 50c tots.
gig isas6pre sissimieseisccas.tg'.asssasesm xiss s aviaizessurrtgt> smisitPs
A Wonderful Inhalant
for Colds
MossG- 'r^
s Boxes of Chocolates Stuffed Satin Candies in Tins
4 Fine China—Cups and Saucers and many odd pieces
an Boxes of Stationery Correspondence Cards
x Leather Novelties Bridge Pencils Tally Cards
to A
Cutex for the Nails
The new Cutex Polish Kit contaa's Lic_uld Palish Prd
Polish Remover. Price 50c.
Other Cutex Preparations are Cutcx Cuticle Rcn-.cver,
Cutex Nail White and Cutex Paste Polish.
The ;y ds► store
Druggist and Stationer
aissYarurdassszi sssiis isis,..,.s uessist . a,...:nix: assi:sisia=ssors`/!o'.2ta stammaistniaisi 'r
Local News Items
On His Rounds.
Joe Wilton is on his rounds mak-
ing out the Assessment slips for
More Ford Cars.
Couru•iilor Bert McIntyre unload-
ed 5 more new Forel ears last Theese
day. They were shipped here vin C.
N. R.
Fell and Broke His Elbow.
Old friends of Wm. Pope, now of
Ford, will ue sorry to hear, that
while at work at the Ford plant, he
fell 15 feet landing on his arm. The
doctor's had a husv time pickin:r out
small piece, of the bone. The; i'aave
not (bedded yet, if he will have a dis-
abled arm for life.
Miner Locals.
'Zero weather.
February will soon be over.
Women'.: Institute meets on Fri-
day o this week.
- another pest with u: ---the Income
shr•"et:' to fill out.
Shorthorn sale at Wingham on
Thursday of this week.
Palmerston r, certain of one big
day this coining summer. The Glor-
ious 1'welth" will be celebrated in
tad, tt town. It is eight years since a
similar celebration has taken place
Income Tax Reports Ready.
The Income tax reports are now
ready for distribution and may be
secured at the local postofiice.
Held a Handkerchief Shower.
Mrs. E. C. Cunningham entertained
the. "We Want You Class" of the
United C4i),urch Sunday School en
Monday evening, February lath at e
handkerchief shower in honor of Miss
Evelyn Cunningham, who leaves in
the near future to enter Brantford
Training School for Nurses.
Meet on Friday.
! The Women's Institute will meet
on Friday afternoon of this week at
three o'clock in the Public Library.
111 H Thomson is to demonstrate
the making, and baking of Sponge
Cake. Mr,. A. W. Barker is giving,
I a paper on "Things Worth While."
The Roll Call is "The Work 1 Like
1 Best." A cordial invitation is ex-
tended to every lady in the comrnun-
i ity.
Usual Monday Meeting.
Observed in Brussels.
T'h" World Day of Prayer wts oh- l
s+ rvntt last Friday afternoon. The
meeting was held in the Aagu as
( !';,re h nitre a large attendance from
card of the three different con.tr' ti-
ti.,ns. Those taking part in tl:
were: Mrs. Robt, Strachan, alis.
Reit 01'.- •r. Mrs. Parker, r Mrs, 3.1
(;iter•. Ms. (ole -man, if1.. FV;'
Mies Ganunatot and Mrs. N. 1I. Car-
elirf. An esc,,irut ;moor p•eper. d ';y
,ii, -.err tett Ste:csh , o
Wirer. tA.. iin_�larn" was rout; h:
Mrs. Ilatnago. *pa,solo I i,t, E
So ,� n Ierring t
much appreeiated.M r l
Strap ll tel }troyithal. The oil' r n:
th, Vt, l :ttla,rr', Relief fund a
mo racer 'to 52.2.55.
Sister Dies in Chicago. -
tin Monday of hit week k Mr 'th..+
McGregor received a telegram from
Cileatuo stating that her sistor. Mfr.
Louis Kunz, had passed away :7,1 t t
hoe'ital following a short ill , sl •
from pneumonia, although sir, had
been a. sufferer for several eral y' t
from dropsy. Deceased - was the
ve('n lel 1 n t
r l.tu Inter of the 1 W r
Noursome, and was Inn on t : 1.1
con. of Grey
township. Befur, le.n-
ing this locality over 40 ,years ago,
Use was married to Frank Fi.hl,.,r,
who pre -deceased Por several years
ago, and she wits later married to
Louis Runs, of Chicago. J:e idea
her husbandshe, is survived by three
sons and two daughters, vial—Dolt.
phus Fishleigh, Mrs. Maude Holter,
Mrs. Ethel Ohlson, William Fiahtei,h
and Marshall Fishleigh. One dau-
ghter, Miss, -Mabel is deceased. There
are also five sisters and a brother
Mrs, Charles Fishlelgh Mrs, John
Cooper,_, Mrs, Auugst Schulte, ,Mrs.
1l. McGregor and Mrs, A. Stewar5
and• John Newsome. The funeral
-Was held on Wednesday last and in-
• terment was made in Acacia Park
•cemetery, Chicago.
The Y. P. S. of the United Church
met as usual on Monday evening,
the meeting biting in charge of Mr.
G, Hamilton Miss Alice Pop gave
a piano solo which was touch enjoyed
Mr. .1. Edgar gave an instructive
paper on "Alydhol and Life," doahn,
with the different kinds and tvays
of manufacturing it, also the r .f <i
it has on human life. An interest-
ing game was enjoyed after the
benediction was pronounced.
Book of Stamps.
The postal department has issue,'
special .al books of :tamps for the b rues.
Int of hoxholders on rural routes who
(i" not wish to pay 25 cents for 24
cent,.' worth of ,tatnt,s in ti,e hooks
ir,. t , : iv n >d. 'file: n„-,‘.' S,00lc vltrh
72 cont-.' v:rri't tt
•rhto,.n oral _rt stamps, twelaat tvq
cent stamps and six live -cent r pe.
h 1
t l YC. b ! 1 r
lI 1 1 , t bl e' 1'
k •r , tt r
ruled route a our e to or any
r (If tonip required teey h..
•;archased from the new book, wit's•
out purchasing tine entire hook,
The Late Mrs. Duff.
1,e day had the follrwina reformat:
to the bete Mr.r. Duel e baric t DO,
tell -known in lfranttoul a> t` "boy
.ratios" in musle of the 0, S. 11., and
now t 'sitlent in Niagara Falls, Ont.,
has lust suffered a earl bereavement
rs the sudden loss of his wife, who
1,•t -r1 away after a :horn illness -ot,
on<htY night.Mrs,
tNf, formerly
yMi Beulah. Spenrer,
was a musical
>notroloilst of repute, and Was well-
l:uotvn end highly esteemed in this
city. She was 3i years or age, was
horn and educated in Niagara Falls,
and was well known and appreciated
in musical canna's there. A member,
active worker and former chorister
in Lundy's Lane united churrh, She
had a host of friends. In 1912 site
was .the W. C, T. U. silver medal
winoer for elocution, and won the
gold medal the following year. She
is survived by her husband and two
young children, Danny and Carol;
her .mother, Mrs, Rostella Spencer;
and four sisters, Mrs. A. C. Bigger,
Mrs. A. E. Manuel, Mrs, A. E. Cock-
burn and Mrs. W, J. Dobson, all of
Niagara Falis.
Brussels United Church
REV. A. W, BARKER. B. 0.
Sunday, Feb. 24th
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
Subject: "Ambassador -ship”
The 5th sermon in a series on
"Nine Spiritual Ships"
3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
"Joseph—From Pit to Power"
5th Sermon in a Series on
"The Makers of History"
Monday 8 p. m.—Y. P, S.
Wednesday—Prayer Service
' —Choir rehearsal.
Our Opportunities Are
Often Found inYour
OUlt local manager is ready to discuss your
��✓✓ iinaneial requirements and render troy
service coinpalibie with good business practice,
Our opportunities to render linaneiei service
can only be restricted by your failure to ap.
proach us. The liana( of Commerce maintains
tt staff in your locality which is organized to
especially des] with the financial problems of
your particular commercial community ; call
and see the Manager of the Bank of Commerce.
with which ,s amat9amated
• •j• • Pictures Coming to the Grand.
•n ar a th ice•
Following a few of
NEWSYLETTERS ores billed at the Grand:
la�� HT I February.
WANTED—Rear from owner good
farm for sale. Cash price, parti-
culars. D. F. Busch, Minneapolis,
Minn, 86-2
FOR SALE -6 Pigs about 90 lbs;
young cow 5 years old dun to
freshen 1st of A)11•11. J. W. Fisch-
er, Cranbrook, Phone 52-12. 36-1
HAY For Sale. Apply to George
Baker, Phone 524. 36-1
FOR SALE -12 Head of choice Dur-
ham steers, rising 2 years old; 2
general purpose colts, rising 2
Stars. Culvell Speigan, Phone
26-16. 36-1
FOR SALE—Pure Bred Jersey Cow
a years old, calf at foot. Phone
59-16. 36-1
THREE Young York Sows due to
pig early in March. Wilbur Turn-
bull, Phone 28-19. 36-1
FOR SALE — Two Uphosttered
wicker chairs, one a rocker, pra-
ctically new. Information appy
at Post. 36-1
FOR SALE — Durham Cow due to
calve in May; 2 young sows due
in April; and 2 stacks of hay (first
cut). W. J. Sharpe, Phone 555.
CEDAR POST For Sale: Cameron
Cochrane, Phone 407. 35-2
FOR SALE—One 5 year-old Durham
cow, fresh; 1 5 year-old Durham
cow due to calve 1st of March; 1
York sow due to farrow 15th of
February, and 0 pigs about 100
lbs. Baxter Stevenson, Phone
42-26. 34-tf.
NOTICE—I will not hold myself re.
sponsible for a note given by
Peter Barr to Wm. Bennett for
$277.00, as my name was obtained
•to that note under false pretences.
Walter Yuill, Morris Twp. 34-3.
20 Pigs ready to wean, for sale; also
a quantity of fresh beef or pork
by the quarter or lb. R. J. Mc•
Lerman, N?aa Lot 19, Con. 9, Mor
pis. Phone 109.
Toronto-Brusselites Association,
The 10th annual "At Home" of
the Toronto-Brusselites Association
will be hold at the Brown Betty Tea
Room 42 King Street, East, on
the 8th day of March. Cards, Masi -
cal program and dancing. Wilt all
former Brusselites who may not be
reached by invitation kindly join
with us.
What The Star Says.
The Toronto Star Monday had
the following item which refer; to a
p eture coining to the Grand Theatre
March 1 and 2:—George Bancroft,
swaggering: gas. the great stevedore
who cones ashore at the port of New
York, to dente and flirt with the
girls of thea. dock dives, achieves his
finest dramatic role in a realistic
drama, "Thee Docks of Now York"
which will have its local ptemere at.
law ;thentre today. This is a
to pieg, la ':ing, rollicking yarn of
th 9T' •tt the water's edgo in a groat
city, and Bancroft is merrily at hone
a., 19' nh landerer of the sea. B:ie-
1 ! rte is beautiful its one of the
‘etreps and Betty Contp on f i r
c h te lure r1l r! 1
ly des), rt -a 110
til0 lit Cit flaming urchin whn .ipti
t i t.., sailer man The who':, at•
oltort, of that picture is ahvo and
n•ort, aro 1 n,,,• mettt-.ntd watch ret -
t ,ul,rrb dir.,etion,
rorty -Six Years Old, -
hn F, bt! 1 iy 2n4, .1583, the Per -
ed free Pt' which hall been 'pub
l! h d by An'l r.;on & McLr:,tt was
t! t r d b4 h,atypieee & Auld and
Duob. first i ssuo of the. paper w.at e>t,
I ,tat y Xth of that year, jos:: 15
r e t
xo i r r r c-
ulttion of th
r r s<
t a then -
ren .150,and a c it a ti r,
lw ! 1.
e• i eo the h1'tor•ie• William It,,u l:4fac
Lr vet's hand )cress which is still in
•.1 „ in the oifiee. Five years later
Mr. Pettypiece ll"tief:tt out his part
nem interest in the business and has
since then conducted its continuous
publication. in those early days
thr'r. were Sixteen papers published
in Larnbton County and today there
are only six.- The decrease is mainly
due to the increased cost of publlea-
tion since the great war. That the.
Free Press has continued its sucress-
ful publication. and reached a circuli•
tion of 1700 is largely due to the
work of the energetic editor. He
today turns out one of the most read'
able weeklies. May he long continue
to be the guiding hand of this jour-
nal and continue to serve good read•
22 23—Some one to Love."
-S26 26—"Nameless Men"
The Post is very glad to re- ••
• ceive letters during the past
• two weeks from former resi- ••
O dents of Brussels and vicinity
• which recalls old days, and
• giving description of their - •0
4• travels. We hope our mail •
' will contain one of these in-
• teresting letters every day
• and we promise to publish '*
. them all in due course. Just ••
• start one today and let us ••
4, hear from you.
The Editor,
ing to the public. Mr. Pettypiece wtas
an intimate friend of the late Editor
of the Post when the latter was teach
ing school near Amherstburg and Mr.
Auld mentioned above was partner
with the late W. H. Kerr, as owners
of the Post after it was purchased
from tihe McGillicuddy Bros.
New Teller,
F. L. McLauchlin, of Sutton West
is the new teller at the Bank of Nitva
Scotia. Mr. Jago, who has been re-
lieving for the past couple of months
left for his home in St. Catharines.
Supreme Court Sittings.
Mr. Justice McEvoy is presiding at
the sittings of the Supreme Court of
Ontario ,which opened in Goderich
on Tuesday. There are three civil
cases on the docket.
Will Give Concert.
On Thursday, March 7th the mem-
bers of Western Star Lodge, 1.0.0.
F. will hold a big night in the town
hall. A 3 -act play "The Old Fash-
ioned Mother" will be presented to
he followed by a lunch and a dance
Watch for bills.
Baking Sale.
A sale of home-made baking will
be held under the auspices of the
Ladies Aid of Melville Presbyterian
church in the Public Library on
Saturday afternoon, March 2nd at 3
o'clock. Afternoon tea will he
Had a Big Crowd.
The annual concert and dance of
tire. -Farmers' Club drew a big crowd
last Thursday night at the Town hall
E. L. Cardiff was chairman for the
concert and solos were given by Mass
Ruth Strachan, Miss Carol Evans and
George Evans. Reading's by Mrs.
Parker and Miss Helen Baeker, Mts.
Ring gave a fine piano solo and a
piano duet was given by Misses Marie
Ring and Ileen Gibson. A dialogue
was also given by the Elliott Broth-
ers. After lunch a dance was held.
Exciting Scenes in "Nameless Men."
One of the big and exciting occnes
embodied in the Tiffany Stahl pro-
duction "Nameless men" which will
be the feature picture attraction' coin
ing to the Grand theatre next Mon-
day for a 2 day run is an exeit'ng
elm,: m.,e by a fast motor ship after a
wilt yacht. This chasot was filmed
by Director tGl ^
Cabanne night
> Antonio I4inrenn malt>ng a dar-
r>:tr leap from the swiftly moi nth
speed hoot to the deck of the vessel.
Another sensational seentr fs the stag
ing of a realiatie hank robbery in the
heart of Los Antgles. In the east
Claire Windsor, Eddie Grihbem,
Ray Hallo• and Charles Clary in the
principal roles.
Sinter -in-law Passes Away.
The following obituary refer to a
sister-in-law of Mrs. T. C. Davidson,
wife of William G. Rupp, who gas
been a conductor on the i44I.C.R, for
last 40 years. The
press ren
from St. Thomas says:—Mrs, Emma
Rupp, wife of William G. Rupp, M.
C. R. conductor, 9 Celestine street,
died in the Memorial Hospital after
an illness of three days from heart
trouble. She was born at Waterford
64 years ago and was a member of
Centre Street Baptist church and
had made a wide circle of friends
in the city. Besides her husband
she, is survived 'bv one son, Audrey,
of the accounting staff GI the Bell
Telephone Company, London, and
four sisters, Mrs, K. J. Mattison, of
Branch, Michigan; Mrs. Walter Gar-
dner, of Brantford, Mrs. P, 0. Sav-
awage, of Waterford, Mrs. J. D., Camp-
bell, St, Thomas, The funeral wits
held from the residence on Monday
of last week to St. Thomas cemetery,
e 1
Not Compulsory.
no Provincial 'Government has
abandoned the plan of forcing On-
tario bakers to wrap their bread.
After a survey of the situation, cf-
liicials of the department of health
and labor have decided it would be
impracticable. It is pointed out it is
necessary for bread to partly cool
before it can be coveredwithpaper
and in small towns where trains have
to be met and employees only work
certain hours of the day this is im-
practicable. It is understood the
government favors city bakers wrap --
ping their bread, but feel legislation,
should not be brought in unless it is
Mrs, Robert Gemmill Passes Away.
Eva Bolt, wife of Robert W. Gem -
mill, prominent young garage owner
at Thamesville, died at Toronto Gen-
eral Hospital following an operation
after an illness of over a year's dura!'
tion. Mrs. Gentmill was in her 24th
year and was a former resident, of
Brussels, being a daughter of How-
ard and Mrs• Bolt now also residents
of Thamesville, and besides her par -
ants and Husband is survived by a
little son, Douglas, two years of age,
'two sisters Mrs. Remick, England;
Mrs. Davidson, Miami, Florida and
three brothers, Nelson, Herbert and
Mervin of Thamesville. Burial was
made at the latter village. The re-
latives have the sympathy of old
friends in town.
Moving From Carlyle.
The Winnipeg Free Press had the
following note of interest which re
fern to former resident of Brussels:
—On Wednesday evening, Jan, 30, a
social and fame]] was tendered Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Williamson, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dyers,
where 58 friends and neighbors gath
ered -and presented to the honored
guests two beautiful leather arm
chairs and two sofa cushions. The
address was read by B. Robinson,
and the presentation made by Wil-
liam Dyer and Alex Cameron. Mr
and Mrs. Williamson will leave here
the middle of February for Simp-
canton, Alta., where they will . en-
gage in ranching and farming on a
large scab. They are pioneers .01
this •district, coming here twenty-
t.irec years ago from Brussels, Ont.
and settling on a homestead a few
miles east of town. They w';11 be
greatly missed in the locality, as they
have been always interested in the•
welfare and advancement of the
community. They are members of
the United church; The evening was
spent In games, contests, story tell-
ing and music. Another news item
from Carlyle, elated Feb 5—Friday
evening a farewell dance was given
in Anderson's hall in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Robertson and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Williamson, where more fain
160 friends and neighbors of Carly-
le and surrounding district gathered
to bid farewell to the honor guests
who leave in ten days to make their
home i,r Alberta. A presentation of
a number of pieces of French china
was given to each family by Messrs.
IS. Dyer and M. Long, while Mayor
A(SAIt In Morris i township.
n t 1
n tit
t n inch
11111, Y
to bfr. and. Hes Kalison A6ar, a
CATb,)IN F.—In Gray township. on tyMnnad ur
lre.b. lath, to at and .ars. Albert Gordo,
a inn.
alotONA I.t).—tn Grey township, or.. Tuesday,
Feb lath. isto, to Mr, and Mrs, James talo•
nomtld, a sun
SPIVI(Y.—ln Morris Town -hip. on Tnosdnv,
February 12th Ma, 0, per and btte a
a'ntveq, a so, (Wilfred sanders.)
sTEV1:NstN —In rirev town 71ip, on Sur.
raw Nab. 1et1, to Mn and Mrs,•lohn N
Brew, , ou, a daughter Muth Isola -11a.1
W A I K1rli --In M, u>s. ls, nn wndue..d)ty, 7f"b
1814,1025, to OLr. and Mrs. bine wortar, n
JOHNSTON — THHIM4f . — At Al] Saints'
Church atuntl >
, on Su turday,.Inn. 211111,
Mass81r Margaret, youngest arek tar of Mr.
and r,M Wm. Thnoll, Morris township.
to Mr. Melville Johnston. oldest son of
Mr. and Mra. Johnston, of Toronto.
EUtttt —1n ehl,ngo, on ,Monday, irebraary
latae ,lane Newsome, wife of Louts Krum,
and second dntthter 0t -the late William
Newsome. of renown's.
WRIGHT -],i (ire township on Tuesday,
Fabrnar 10t1r 11020, Mary Jane (lhannon,
widow ofthelate Hugh H. Wright, aged
84 years, 8 months and 11 days:s
Auction Sale,
T19VtIDAY, >rMI3,MIL—Form Block, Ito
Moments, Groan ore„ nt Lott 14, cion. 10, Grey,
$,ttonnrosorrod nth o'alcok, Hervey Nun.
ter, Prop,. D. SI, Scott, Auo.
PLICA If, MARCH lar,—)Yarm Stock, Inaple'
menta, &o., the propertyof the lain dndrrw
Polleok, at Lot 8. Con 1, Carey. sale Barr.'
served nil o'elook D. A. M0Dotnad and 9',
C. W11s0n,Rimesters ; D. M. soott, Ano.
For Nose and Chest Colds.
A drop or two quickly re-
lieves the discomfort of
nose, head and chest colds.
Price 50c. -
A palatable and stable Em-
ulsion of Mineral Oil with
Price 50c and $1.00
of an Extract of Cod Liver
Oil. Enriches the blood
and strengthens the system,
Price $1.,1,0
Wamp,_ le's
Milk of
For the treatment of Acid'
ity of the Stomach, Indiges-
tion and Dyspepsia.
Price 50c and $1.00
With a $1.00 package of
Charme Caressant Face Powder
We give you a
50c Vial of
Charme Caressant Perfume
Allam 's Drug Store
Exclusive Agent for Nyat and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox
Edwards of Carlyle, read the ad-
dress. Music was supplied by the
Manor orchestra.
"Some One to Love",
"Sone one to Love" Charles
(Buddy) Rogers' second starrng pic-
ture for Paramount will open at the
Grand theatre Friday for a two day
run. his picture is winning instant
success wherever it is shown and is
reported to surpass in some respect;
the enjoyable love drama of college
life, "Varsity," which opened Ro-
gers' starring career. Mary Brian,
the leading lady of. "Varsity," plays
opposite the star again in this story
of a music store salesman who falls
in love with a wealthy girl and turns
his talents and attentions to building
up a failing girls' school. His efforts
in this direction meet with success
and he wins the girl as a result. In
"Varsity," the famous comedian.,
Chester Conklin, had an important
part and, in "Sone one to Love,"
Rogers has the support of two other
well-known comedians, Jack Oalcio,
who tion instant success with Clara
Bow in "The Fleet's In!" and Wil-
liam Austin, the great character
Englishman. James Kirkwood, the
dramatic actor, is cast in this pro-
Friday and. Saturday - Feb. 22 & 23
Someone to,ri
i ove
Monday & Tuesday - Feb. 25 & 26
A sister battling against tremendous odds to save
her brother from the vengeance of a Master Crook
Friday & Saturday - March 1 & 2
Gere Bancroft g in
"The ads of Nu Yoi'k"
SEAMEN, alevpdelen, 81.01a 1 All ashore. klhlp'sin.
S(•anu'11 who hnvrnt't Pet f. et nu laird 1'nt' months.
Stevedores sesk Mg their swrethearts, ;.Stokers view- '
ittg Itte suer with surprise. All to l.hie.docks of New York.
A rouser maim testy, George 13a tcrnft, stir of "Phe Show-
clewn"•and "'Che Drag Net," raising it with the best of
Latero. Stir>ing melodrama in 0 new scene.
Playing at ,ocw's T
l�r�]t l TheatreToronto this week
Coming s
"Rin -Tin -Tin "Flight Commander
"Glorious Betsy,Ta s and Eva