HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-2-20, Page 4WEPNESDAY, FJfl3,•20th, 1029, H SRU3$£L3 P037 Z ly rusiari3 Foot WEDNESDAY, FI B, 20th, 1929, HOWECK MUTUAL ANNUAL MEETING J. A. BRYANS, AN OLD GREY TWP, BOY, NEW PRESIDENT. a of er •� • eau'•1 meeting The fifty-sixth a the Howick Mutual Fire Insurarce Company was held in the Town+hip Hall, Gerrie, on Tuesday of last week.. The attendance: was the largest In the history of the Conif- pany, many being unable to gala ad- mission to the Hall, The 'bueinees of the past year was briefly review- ed and many items of interest were discussed, Alex. McKercher (lctirin!r) and Robert Graham were tasted to the Board of Directors for a three. -year term, and James Wylie, of Turn - berry, for a two-year term to fill vacancy caused •by the death of Jas. Kirton, A. A. Graham and J. }L Wylie were reappointed auditors. At a subsequent meeting of the direct- ors, J, A, Bryans was elected Presi- dent, A. McKercher, Vice-president and W. S. McKercher Sec: Treasurer. The directors for 1929 are: 3, A. Bryans, Alex, McKercher, W. H. Gregg, H. W. Edgar, Robt. Graham and James Wylie. w SON FINDS HIS PARENTS Unexpected Family Reunion in Lon. don Immigration Offire, London, Ont, Feb. 13 - Victor Seymour, 10 yearn old, war's. d into the office: of John Farrell, dieeecic immigration agent, lookin•., for a job. Befere he left the office the spirit of coiee'denee had sat in at the conference. Vieter had spol-t•n t his sister, whore he had not s.e.:7 for two year: and had made contact with finis father • and mother, when be had gave n up as lost. Two years ago the boy came cut from England, under the atrapices of a certain settlement society. 1heneit he ha i written le•tters home hie had received ro reply and gay- up hope. He was disheartened and went:el a job as soon as poei'ble. Over a year ago the immigration agent placed as Englishrmn, his wile and daughter on a Clinton fern. From them h.- had learned of n miss- ing son. Frani the hoys appee.ra and story the agent recognized the lost son and his name confirm;• 1 it. The .boy is now at home with be family, having found bo;a them and a job. -•: NORTH HURON COUNTY LODGE "PINKHAM'S COMPOUND iS WONDERFUL' Read This Letter from a Grateful Woman E. ---"I think Lydia , F • Vanessa, Ont. h Pull hams Vegetable Compound is t: -wonderful, I have had six children of ;; .lvhleh foul are liv- ing arel my > oung- siest is a bonnie baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds. 1 have taken your medi- cine before each of them was born and have certainly re- ceived great benefit from it. I urge my friends to take it as I am sure they w•'11 receive the same help I did." --MRs. MILTON Mc- M1,1,LEN, Vanessa Ontario. SEAFORTH'S CUSTOMS OFFICE TO BE CLOSED GEORGE SPOTTON SPEAKS ON TITLES OF HONOUR From Hinsnd of February 14th we take the speech of Goorgo Spot ton, M. P., for North Huron: Mr. h. S ' 'bt ,>uleer I cord if u 1 :Speaker, s c h. votean this t t t 5 resolution I would take nut even take ten minutes of the time of chi! house, as 1 propose to. do. • however 1 just wish it to he known to this honi:e and to the constituency which I represent that I am not in a posi- tion even to flirt with this matte,. This question was settled by )ny party in • 19.19, and 1 have heard no person in my county or in the pro- vince of Ontario express any de.ire to return to medieval times, The, seems to be an innocent matter when we are asked simply to refer the question to a committee for con- sideration. but there may he leaders of parties who perhaps discern the psychology of the situation. In an old school book there was a verse whit' -h read like this : Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, As to be hated, needs but to be seen ; Order Effective March 1; Council Yet seen too oft, familiar with her Petitions Against Government's Move, Seaforth, Feb. 14-E. D. Reil, Custom's Officer here, has received word from Ottawa that the beet face, We first endure, bhon pity, then embrace. These advocates may think that this session we will endure, next ses- sion pity and the third session can • brace. custom: office will be discontinued If in my remarks I leave the track, • Your honour will call to order, but after March 1, I remember a New York paper which Closing the office w tai be t nvere before the United States went into loss to the town and the Se•rfortit war was neutral -so •neutral -that Town Council is petitioning III 1)e, it d;d not care who licked Germany. irtmlmt to have it retained. If there are men taking part in this p•disruesion 4cao are so neutrai•i.hnt Mr. Reid has been offered .r ea•1- they do not care who restores these tion in the customs office in Dunn- titles, I must say once for all that 1 vilbr, am (reposed. to any such restoration. I have been in this house only :t Alert time, but I have never seen the HOOVER AT LAST ELECTED 10:n1•r of the administratiee North Huron County Orange Lodge met at Wingham with the largest attendance in its history. and a docket that occupied the brethren until late in the afternoon. Poltow- with aridity upon any :urge. -tion <o'n ne from this aide of the ^olae. Hon. Herbert Hoover he- a' het I have seen the Pr me Minister, it) been clr:eted President of the Unite my own constituency, smile blandly States, Although the elector; rot • n aur; se. i e ly on two men speaking `run tht same' platform at the sanet' first week in November mod.), fee It',•i'.ng, one making a free toad - slow -moving, ram ,licated a... .r)%an ,.p,_cch and the other p)eadirt.r for oonstitstien he was not olhrtally ell.- protection. AA far as I ant coon -ern ed t•1 et•d until Welnesd:y, Ileo- .'d I purpose that my people =hall clan }snow where, I stand, and I will not 7" On that date, °n eo"fc,t7n- b t t ll' th 1 I lowly •• u a par y o pu In: r te,1 U s Sty with the constitution. t''1' mem- oiit of the fire for bels dmini,tta hers of both branches of Congrese tion. In 1919 when men were rendering the greatest service men could reader thc•tr country and their empire, this house did away with titular ditin • ;tion:. areeumably almo.ut areal imously. In my constituency, Mr. Speaker. I have mothers who have given one, two, three, four and five sons for the Em- pire, and I will never vote that they shall bow tae knee amt enll some other woman lady. The mothers, the wives and the daugh- ters in my constituency are all ladies and they never shall be place.; in 11 class lower than that of some other Indy who +:rapper to be married to a man who, for reasons best known to himself and to those who ronf,tr these titles, has received such a di: - tinction. My mother, my wife, my daughter ; the mothers, the wives, the sisters, and the daughters of airy constituency never shall say that I cast my vote to place them in a low- er class than any other woman in this fair Dominion. It may s -)em to ing are the new officers - be an innocent matter to refer this �"� �+ W. M. -Charles Couites, Belgrave I W,<•; •t _,•• w. e question to a committee, but we j have a member of this house bring - D. M. -S. V, Haines, Wingham ing forward another innocent res - Chap. -Rev. A. V. Walden, Bluevalo .essorrlhled in the House of Represent- ;elution to change sae old Union Rec.-Sec.-C.R. Copeland, Wingham atives for the ceremony of oa+lc:idly 1 Sack. Do you think, Mr, Speaker, Treas.-Chas. Stewart, Londn'boro, counting the state elector toga. I could rote for any such reconi- tmendatinn and will still plat* fair Fin -Sec -A. V. Pattison, Belgrave, According to official dispatches, thin I and be honest with the people who C. Marchall-Jos, Taman, Blyth Ceremony was not taken very ser I elected me? In my •constituency 1st Lcct,-Thos. Wheeler, Wingham iously, and members of both Hou•'e they do l:ot take stage fright even 2nd Lect-H, Leishman, Dungannon joined with occupants of !when three, four, or five eabinct A strong resolution was introdtc- leries in roars of laughter as t11 mtnistlo attend a meeting ; in such cases less than fifty people will turn ed and passer;, and forward,•d to electoral vote totals were anrounced out, but when a commoner c0mee Hon, G. H. Ferguson, protesting a- by the tellers. A. "rebel yell" frnm 1 along a few nights later he is gte -t gainet any rhltnge in divi"on of Southern Democrats and applau-•• ,`ell by 300, 400 or 500 people, from the Republican - side of the1i, There h'ra been ohs- •a ings d a d school moneys, between pub;..: wad Igumert about fot•eign king> and separate schools, and more T1a:th,u.- .House greeted the annnun'•'m .i. l potentates ,etritemr title.: to •Can- arly in respect to ;)resent eonditionsn governing, school taxes on .:oinpa::y- properties. Cohsiderahu discussion took p.m,. in perfecting details for the b g r• •1: bration in Wieghain on July 13ta, which promises a record attemicutk„ Report.: front the primary io•lc showed a steady and eatiefeetery in• crease in membership, aril a:r is - proved finaneiui pee ition. CREEMORE MINISTER INVITED TO MITCHELL Knox Presbyterian Congree)ttixn Unanimously Extends Call . Mitc'u11, Feb. 14 -At a will- at- tended congregational meetire :n Enox Presbyterian church it vete dc• ratted, without a dissenting vote-•, to give 11", Me. Eerkwood, of C;:re- easiness, where a sew Got•:•i•ine 01 more. a rail to occupy Knox Church and it new Parliament tte,mni.t.!lire• pulpit. Three ministers were cone immediately after the electors r•a-t sidered and Mr. Kerkwood was the their ballots.- 1London 'Free Preec.) third of those heard, He made so favorable en impression that an un- Peter Dickert has purchased the animous call was sent him. He r. a 100 -acre farm, on the 113th con., be - fluent speaker with a strop; voice longing to Henry I•iurhlOW for andleasant expression. Mr. Keck- $6700. This farm was rented to p p wood has been is the ministry about Alehison Wallace, hut Mr. Iluhrow 20 years. It will be some time before had till the first of February to well he arrives to fill 11 10 'vacanei. Radio Fang ! Have you listened in on , The NEW Atwater Kent? Ease of .Operation - Selectivity Quality of Tone Quality Of a standard only obtainable on Iladiola Quality Fsoduots. A trial will convince you, Robt. Patrick DEALER - - BRUSSELS Slightly- used "Ideal" Cabinet Machine to be sold at a Bargain to those ose pioneers and to the men who 1 SCANDAL t A �T (1 A j fought and bled in Flanders and to 1 p� C l� jJ j,a the mothers who spent the sleepless 1 vigils at home, I shall not be a party to granting any titular distinctions Travel is broadening -•wild cross• or creating any caste system in this Ings are flattening. fair Dominion of Canada! Thus far this has been an open EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL winter -open to question. Council met on Feb. 12th wib:1 all a• r,. the members present. During the past three years corset Minutes of last meeting were read sales dropped 50 per cent ---in ronin; and approved. figures. The Engineer's report on the ,;,. •y Thompson -{Lamont drain was read Figures cannot lie; in fact, those and provisionally adopted. of many modern girls are absolute] Court of Revision on the Snell straight. y Drain Bylaw was opened according to notice. No appeals being received t • t' the bylaw in connection therewith Aimee Semple McPherson explains was finally read and passed. her cheque for $2,500, payable to Another bylaw, providing expen- the order of a Los Angeles judge as ditme on the public roads in the a mere love offering. Now that kind township during the present year was also read and passed. of love is worth something. Moved by Mr. Reid, seconders by Mr. Thompson, that the Road surer- Did you hear the story of the intendant, attend the Good Roads scrambled eggs? Well last week 0 meeting in Toronto the last week of February. Carried. young lady was crarying home a The Auditors presented their re- dozen of eggs from a store, when port of receipts and expenditures for she slipped on the ice and fell -eon 1928, the Abstract statement show- the eggs -and the omelette was (1011 ing total receipts of $40,075.47 with t an expenditure of $39,927.68, leav- IMee, ing n balance on hand on Jan. 1st, a of 3147,79 The re;^ort was adopted Without wishing to appear un'duty on motion of Thompson and Camp- Pessimistic, it is our personal opinion bell. that we shall always have wars -or The Collector returned his roll as long as husbands and wives with all the taxes of 1928 accounted play bridge together. for with the exception of $6.11 on the Nea S1,* Lots 28, Con. 13, ••' Representatives of the Dominion Those ankle -length socks the girls Road Matt -line Co„ and the Sawyer- are wearing are designed for com- Massey Co., waited on the Council fort, not for display. That's wiry regardmg sale of a stone crusher. they are red, green, blue, purple or Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Kerr, that we purchasb a yellow. Sawyer -Massey crusher complete at ' ,• .;.ee $3250 same to be delisrered on or "Killed" the Pink. about first of May. Carried. English paper -"The bride was The following accounts were paid: attired in a dress of pale pink chif- Lower Wingham 33.00; C. A. Jones fon velvet with an overdose of point engineer's fees on the Snell drain, ed silver lace." $119; F. Anderson, salary $120; fin-, Ce g } 4 andel statements, war tax and ex• I The Reason change 335; F. Thompson, auditor, ' Why is it that poor Gladys $l2'; W. H. Campbell, auditor, $12.15 i From the mantel has 'to sup? Sas, Young, sal. salary as Collector, $25; M. McDowell, patrolman, $3; Poor girl, she went out boating W. McGill, patrolman, $3.05; S. Vin- , And a spanking breeze came un. cent, patrolman, $11.. rf titi .,t On motion of Thompson and Here's Your Hat. Campbell, Council adjourned to Go, leave this house! And never meet aagin on Tuesday, March 19th at 1 o'clock. A. Porterfield, Clerk. darken my guest towel again! , V TWO PLANTS IN BRUCE BOUGHT BY HYDRO past 10 years," And you occasion- ally meet a driver over there who NEW STATIONS 'TAKEN OVER acts as if he had personally invested SHOULD ADD 1,100 H. P. the whole $10,000,000,000. Walkerton, Feb. 8,-A great ad- NOTHING could be more regret vance in hydro power development table than the litigation between for this district was made this w'elc g General Bramwell Booth and the County of Huron, share of light in "The American public liar Snve;t• ed 310,000,000,000 in roads in the that Terns, for the first time n it •uUtins. I think that the mutter was in the announcement that the Hy - Ir -tor,' had vetOl Poem}b'i'n'].. fairly dealt v:1th in 19lb, and it ' dro-Electric .Power Commission lard 'purchased, at a cost of about $80,- 000, the power plants of the Canada Cement Company at Hanover and of John Bu•rill at Maple Hill, four miles east of the Walkerton power plant owned by the Foshay intere:a::, }'riot to :hydro entering Hanev.'r, the ;plant of John Burill of Maple. I1111 supplied the electric power to Hanover and also to the village al Neustadt and Carlsruhe, 11 was purchased a couple of years ago oy Mr. Merrill, who has since usn'd it as a chopping and saw mill. tt is claimed that, with additions and im- provements, hydro will be able to de- t,•lc,p some 500 more horse power, and along with 000 at Hanover plant should increase their output by tib- out 1,100 fzorsepower. This will be linked up with the Eugenia, teanitlnis cion line whit hsupplies the power to the Sultan of I art "y wzoli^s to br.. I ceryt•- nig is now in order to 'int -i" ,taw any fitter dr v,r'iLio on en nb-nzbe r .of this Melee he ear hie c M.crclt 1. his reu'ul!a(0 brass and his- tilihlius; The farce at Waehingt0n e mt1:a e • 1:1 :11, pleased with a rattle and J1r• ner•,•ssitV of a Chang • its t1i tickled wise a <tr,tw. If th'y tci he iz= t to wear their little sur past master's t on -.taction, h z is hr 1q • ally !s about their neck,. 1 ha:u rn ' n.. •i••ction, but Sn my constit: c'r.,•y' J;+r•ic is as *null 'tis rn •i, ,, 1 sh11 not 11111 119 nlofe o" th, time of tli a 11(111M`.'fells f :1 nn ion on which 0 ,tudent of it:.,t.r;: might speak for come time, bat i•. Ci nada the have the titles of "IUrr (o rc,• ;act and the crieeer bol wet ou.'eb'c." and I t t Honour'tb e" dealt with by a pie •.,dent and (''bin• 11lit•tr" and ' l .attire," end if r11, (,m, :• tilt,. '.11i11er" t not ]good 'n',u.. et who were retiring, and a = for any elan: h. eon tack over half of. wham• members hail Leet after h:s name. In the mune .!: 'tr, defeated at the polis or wen-, r 0,1 noble hard of m.•1: 10111 women in 30 from public life. '11:, Amer;, an (021 -tiro nc y, tlu• de:.ernc] tat. nr tip• real makere of Canada, the deco•. nd• Constitution is in the stage -.Poch i arta of i.lto:e woody pioneers wino period as compared with tl t :,r t-' foug}rt the great b:itt!tt of the fo:.,;t rli..n and Ilritieh method of doing• --- _ :cent,. Mr }i.00v 0' as president. on ' 'ole1. Now the pte..'1101 da,; not tike• (lira• until »is moth .. 1':. tuts and a ;so4:ibly It n '+ ail c o ire,•-- and Government tit c c.,t.. „e: to f inet:on, tinelr ilnt!ortant u1:r.- t,•r,, far instance., as th. 1 •'In ,... Tho v'orthv ue 75 1'10 bore The (lay's,firnt heat, their tc:l's, ar, o'er. Iludt• fathers of a rising land. Theon was a mission truly psaml, 11,'inc pe,;rsnnrs, by the Father trod Sent to roolahlr the suhhm•n soil, Weil they performed their and won Altar and hearth for the weed inin'e sol; -- I can only say that 'until test env eminent of Canada raises mr'mrlrinle Tecswuter Lucknow and Kincardine, The Foshay interests acquired the power plant from W. D. Cargill in the village of Cargill during the past week, and contemplate run- ing their power lines throughout the high council of the Salvation Army over the decision of the council re• moving tete world leader of that great evangelistic body front office. No matter which side is eventually suc- cessful, painful wounds have been caused. It is a sad thing indeed that General Booth, who has clone wall for the organization his iliustri)us father founded, should find himself in his, old lige at odds with nearly every one of the ,higher officers who served with him, and supported only by part of his own family. The. only issue at stalce is whether the general shall choose lois own succes- sor, o1• whether the high council shall have the final word. But that is a great issue apparently. • Many arrests for betting hay( been made in Ireland recently, CANADA WILL AUCTION S,ALK MARK SITE OF AIIm l un ss, (i p, pallidal . STOOK, Imlalum9nts, Grain, Ota. D. M. Scott Auctioneer, luta been lnst('UOted to son at Lot 14, Con. 10, Grey, on Thursday, pT O T E D F0 1 tb. .8111 nit 1 12'10 ve aharlt, the Pol- 1>� to+l,. 1111 hu1 xa yowls old: 1 mato do years 01(1; 1 .driving horse 8 years old: 1 driving mare 10 years old; s cows supposed bi calf, ('0 duo at Elmo of LOUISBOURG W'[LL BE MADE A saute; x liolatehr bolter aupirOsetl to I,O 5011 reale a 1 C - a ( zu in cute: t 8I CRF 5 A T APA -RIC -32S NA ION L 1 vee rlxinb 1 veal 1 cit i 3Y -TS: aus old; BOUGHT FEW REMAINING s Mire about loo ins, 10 Whlto i o.alsorn RUINS OF FORTIFICATIONS TO 1',uyu sr, I r i;ocl4 pulk'ks,.2 1001 Ii hats 1 yowl•and,;. A.and.•r; 1 BE PRESERVED. set team harness; I set dttv!ii barn - OM 3; 1 wagon; 1 set sloop elel„hn; 1 u. tt nrowm•• 1 rah,: x )eti 111 1 stool 1 b h a e index 1 • It s' and 1100d t(,ocl.- flo 11nL Feb, 18 --The siteu Ot tatvvl Po , 3 to Shutt 1e. -.iso drill 1 acun!!je 1 set a- i,ouisbourg on Cape Breton isianil, sad atamnaa barrw•a;,i 'lu•ry w,tHt- Nova Scotia, the scene of 501120 of 1ni;•. plow; 1 gena plow: i cutkur; 1 the most stirring events in the early runlet i Air ti(1ggy?n 1 i,tui ' ureci bion history of Canada, is to be marked buggy;- 160 bunt. 01 mats; 83 bus, and preserved reserved as a national :11Uxla- Vd arley; aoov taus. mlxod mats; 1' iuiy p L'mrl oat• ttntl repo; 1 Hot of sllnit's; 1 meat because of its outstanding his- Panning m1111 0 Buckeye lItOubator, 1;q -eg•br caaol fr x :Buckeye:: Brmodr!r formulated by the Department of Ere act; a Sr;ame ones ox a.' m toric importance, according to plans a50-egailselty; x Buckoya in(ubatur !k 2f h U t reversihiei'2 storage cans, .1 Dirtily the Interior. ; churn;. 1 30 -gal' mills Cali; 1 Iron kottle; IS MADE PARK 1 crown Col/orator, 000 lbs rivant:t)• oe elm plank; 1 lclteheu stove, coal or Approximately 828 acres of land .wood; 1. teal 'beater; 1 kitolten tnl;l -a surrounding and including the re• ehalrs;'1 COuel,; 1 high Chair; 1 eup- hoard; 1 sideboard; 2 beds 00(0 springs; mains of the famous Franck) fort'fi ' Pdathnc beds; 1 )argu bur auto; e01 oP cations have been acquired by the household scales, wild Humesous other articles, Salo unreserved as rOprie- departmept through its national tar has sold his (arm. TOrnna-Sums parks branch and. the work of Pres- ':mount st months credits given;onitPurn- serving the few remaining traces of. islxing approved Joint notes. Discount the old fort and of makingother ce s ocr cont err for cash on credit fa - the mounts. Land owners Ptir security. !points of historic interest in the vi- n. 51, S(ott, Auct,, Harvey klunter, inity is being proceeded with. A Proprietor. monument in \the form of a tall gran- ite pillar surmounted by a cannon ball was erected b th S t of y e Cele y Colonial Wars of America' in honor of, those who fell at Louisbourgin two famous sieges of that fortress. This monument was later transferr- ed to the Department of the Inter- ior. Two fieldstone monuments each bearing a bronze vabiet, mark the sites of the King's Bastion and the Dauphin's Bastion, while tablets af- fixed to the lighthouse on the other side of the (harbor commemorate. the heroic deeds of the British and French batteries during th engage- ments of 1745 and 1758. The events whch occurred at Louisbourg almost rival in historic interest ,and importance these im- mediately .preceding the capture of. Quebec. At Louisbourg the French had built a massive fortress after the system of Vauban and according to Parkman costing not less Ulan 30,- 000,000 livres, By fortifying Ile Royale (Cape Breton) ^.ley wtended to guard the entrance to the St. Lawrence and conserve their pos,e1s- ions in the New Woric, STARTED IN 1717 In the year 1717 the building of the fort was commenced from the plans of Sieur Verville, the 'ng:naer sent out from France for the pur- pose, and the work was not Snished till 1740. Five years later, in 17.15, the citadel was besieged by the New England forces, led by Colonel Pon. perell with Commander Warren of tale Ring's navy in charge of the naval forces. They were opposed by the French Governor Du Cham - bon and Captains "Corsair" Martian and de Thierry. The siege ended af- ter a struggle which lasted 47 days in the capitulation of the French de- fenders, who had been much weak- ened by semistarvation, mutiny, and lack of ammunition. To the disap- pointment of the New Englanders land -is g tfie fruits of victory were abandoned by the British authorities nit the treaty of Aix-la-Ohappelle, in 1743, and Capte Breton with its magnifi- cent fortress was handed back to the French. an the second and more famous battle of Louisbourg in 1758 the laid forces were under the com- mand of the British General Am= heist and the sea forces under Ad- miral Boscawen nlbile Governor Drucour was in charge ref the fort and Captain Des Gouttes of the French naval forces. The step com- menced on Jure 7 and ended with the capitulation of the Franc;; on July 20, a period of 49 days, during which occurred many stirring episo- des. Two years later the noble c)ia- del was completely destroyed by the British and levelled to the grnun•.l with tl:ia exception of a group et caseinates. The last blast was fired on October 17, 1760. The siege of Louisbourg was followed by the rap- ture of Quebec and the final with- drawal of the French armies frons the continent of America, s Glasgow, Scotland, now claims to have finest docks in the world, Dr. W. Aberhart, of Seaforth, has over the practise of the late Dr. W Hall of Mitchell. • The first savings department of a bank in Mexico has just been open-; FARMS FOR SALE 100 acres, Lot 14, Con, 7, Grey, all cleared; 30 acres seeded out; 00 acres fall plowing done; 8 acres ox fall wheat; 2 acres of bush. Land can't be beat in Grey,. Brick house, bank barn 64x40; driving shed 24 x 40; cement stabling; water through stable; drilled well and windmill; 2 miles from Ethel and 5 miles from Brussels. 50 acre grass farm, N1], Lot 19, Con, 7, a good grass farm. Possession can be given 1st of March if desired. Will sell en block or separate. Further particulars apply to NORMAN LAMONT, R. R, 1., Ethel 38.3 eau, More than 1,000,000 pounds of A movement has been started 9t silk -worm Cocoons were sold in the I(inrieawir, Scotland, tri buy the house in which Sit City of Souffil, Greece,,, in the past Jamos'Bart•ict waw 12 months, ' Many substances insoluble in nr- Binary 95 per rent, alcohol are sole Farm for Sale uble in absolutely 100 per cent, i born, and make it a city attraction, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of John Ferguson, late of the, Vil- lage of Brussels, in rho County of Huron, Merchant, Occoasod. Notice is h,-rens• given. peramnnt to Section te. Chan 121, cf thr Itevlsed statutes of On. tdt•lu, that til 00ree0a having clalut' against the estate of the ,axe John Ferguson, who die,' oa aur Minot the lath day of 1)30 (0• ber,1028. are 1t rouged to rend by pest, prepaid, or. deliver to Or. T.'r• Menne, at bruxsels, Ontann, one of the Executors of the last will and testament of the e'i•1 denote• ed on or before the Eleventhday of ;larch, A. 1), 1019, their names and addresses with fah pnrtf0oln?0 in. writ. ing Of their claims nnrt the nature of the xe- coritles,(if any) held by then. duly verified by a statutory declaration. And further take nntice that after the said 11111day of Moroi', 1920 the said Executors will preeeed to distrllintr the ascots of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the Manes of whichthey shall then Lave had n0tlee,, and the 0015 Executors shall not be liable for the said assets or oily part thereof to any person of W31084 0101111 they shall not then have re• ceived notloe. Dated at W(,1gh,tm, the 12th day of Fehrn- ary, A.D. 1928. R VANSTONE, W 1pghnn. globule. le. Sollotor for the Executors. 4......4.+++++,++4+++++++ For Sale k + 2 Bull calves + -i- + 4. a One Red and one Roan. r + Browndale breeding, t. k Extra choice, k JNO. G. SPEIR + Phone 166 Tenders wanted The council or the Township of Grey ore asking for tenders for supply of power to run the ct•n0her for the summer of 1029, Tho per. 800 sopolybtg the power to operate both en- gine and entailer. Tenders to state rate per hour. The lowest or any tender not mrnrlos- sl$• ih'canted. Tenders ripened next• meet- ing, March 9511. J. H. FEAR, Clerk. Farm for Sale 10000re0, being IAMB, Can, 1.l, Grey town ship, all cleared, lruuwn so ihn Ziegler Heine. stead. Largo triune 11oas0 bank hero and straw shed of cement wall, 11eo•hn,sx, delve - stied and garage Water In stable with t", k inside; windmill at hotreo end driving it to barn, and n spring et the bark of farm too. aim 011 year rotund in cement Vouch. 0415• anted 4 utiles fn,m 001101 Station, 0lniles from diens, oak, 7 from Browses and 1k; miles from soliool. Nor further mlrtl0n'p,s apr.lr to w11,laAM 51101}1,015 Phoue2211 Ethel, Ethel Delco Lighting System for Sale 1200 Watts 110 Volts. Almost pew, 51th polos. wise nod eli equlontent Fm' further particulars imply to DR, A. E. blc'01AiTER, Secretary Village Trustee Board, 1(1(101 Farm for Sale F01m known 00 ihn Dilworth lr'nrnt, Com prtsll 01000010, 1(100017 all Ol 0010,1 nlld iii a good 0(000 oP rultivattot, lots of volar and vlttibi Lnitn of Ethel xtatioh, ,1,,13�1, 110to EthO1 Vnlaga. Will t10 prlund ranxonably far quick prom. Icor htrthsr pnrti^alprs. TIP DIV on premleesto J, E.ROWI ANt), 1 township of Brant. They asked the al(10h(11, privilege of erecting poles end lines over the township highways, Tne ;.rant council adjourned action on this matter until the March meeting. 00 sores of lend. being rnmposnd nP v E j(of A naw rlockylird planned for Sing- p.;(tjh,a p 0(lld'p ti5Ut p0, 1 frame 1,1,00 on spore. Strnits Settlement, will cost ;tont tvsttabd a011nr: 51512 horn doable board• 51 120(0 lintlo,ni,, (500(1 octll0 and -tiarxe nearly 340,000,000 and require '1 sln14e; arwn1hrut 12 acres gond bush. 15 not years for construeti0n. mon n be ranted for pnsttioma 1,410'B Farm for S A very, deelrobl0 stook farm of (00 aoree, mile from 13ru00010. Good bullilhsgs Cid nryul,mmtte, 10nsy farms to smitpnraknser, Fo• firrthor partlotlnrs apniv to A.n, fiMAChONAT,D, Brussels,