HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-2-20, Page 1VOL. 57 NO, 36
$2.00 per annum in advance
.o ow .v .�ow, AtAttoit-vr Wew AdverUnsu.eptN
Aaotion tale -Harvey Bunter
Ferro tar aaloowin t Mx.
F;erhHxPartomntnt;-Mrt Mnr.dn
•(. � tows for aura-yV:UUur 'rnrn4d11
O Wee Pow ale-tietwati ne fiete
Forsal.,,ona Wall Hptra
{ Huy tar 11"
Fornle—J. W Ff=e+har
Commencing Thursday, February 21st,
we are offering our entire stock at
Wont.o-It lc. Huth
For ono Week -Kinn & nolo
Play-tirus.ete 1, 0 0. jr,
For sole -Tit s Fern)
Moncrieff Store
at Bargain Prices, some of which we
list as follows :-
Listed prices
are some of
the many
Bargains be-
ing offered.
This is a
Clearing- out
thing must
go—and it
will pay you
to take ad-
vantage of
this oppor-
Prints, 25c lines at 19
Prints, 35c lines at 23
Overalls, $2.50 lines at.....,.,, 2.00
Overalls, $2,25 & 2,00 lines 1.75
Smocks, $2,50 lines at 2.00
Smocks, $2,25 & 2.00 lines 1.75
Rubbers, $3 40 lines at,...,2.30
Rubbers, $3.O0 & 2 75 dines 1 .
Women's' Shoe Rubbers
Men's Shoe Rubbers 95
Work Shirts, regular $1 5o 1 .25
Work c,hirts, regular $1.25 1.00
Underwear all fines 25 p. c. of
Flannelettes r( -duce -d per yd 9c
„ „
t �G
Factory Cotton �''a O O
Gins hams tl t' 9c
Towel lin (2' it " 9c
Roberts' Cough Syrup. bot. 27
All lines of 25c Drugs at1 9
work, The meeting closed with
The Young People of the United.
Church held a very successful Valen-
tine 000101 Friday evening with good
attendance and fine piogtarnme It
was opened by singingOnwatd Christ..
Ian Soldiers. After which !fiis, itad
font gave a piano solo. Miss Mary
Ennis. a reading telling the origin of
St, Valentine. A dialogue entitled
"Oora's Callers" given by the "Young
G Peopleprovoked much laughter.
pen k d g
Community singing was lead by Mrs,
Fingland and Mas, Radford. The rest
G of the evening was spent in contests
(5 and games after wbic'h a Valentine
r� 06 lunch was served.
0 Latest reports confit in the news
that the Piesbyterian and Methodist'
Episcopal abut cher in the .United
States have agreed1 to come together
.�' im 0 great United Chin oh, This will
be a great help to theirwotk and is a
step in the tight direction as well as
the successful ending of negotiations
that have been watched with
by churches of ev iy d wmi atiou in
Our Township Counbi1 stet in leg-.
t lnr SessionSessiona week ago and of course
. i 01 across a large docket of business
with a "bang". We understand one
kof the members of the court Almost
DAYS ONLY missed having his urine on the sheet
® and had it not been for the thought -
Eggs taken as cash • fulness and generosity of his fellow
a ,Cli held a (envie of weeks ago we not -
iuembers be might not have known
y, o that the roll teas being called,
, ,
�I R'�a y .. �"� G Lt the minutes of the County Conn-
14 ice 0n item. in reference to the Ap-
e, G } pnintment.. of an high Constable,
aeateleeei«b3ef 3»Iei• ✓r letek'L herd
The Surrounding District
Mrs• Amos Denny and Freddy Den
ny were Fergus and Acton visitors
over the week -end.
R. H. McKee, of the Bank of Com-
merce staff, spent the week end with
friends in Harriston.
Harvey Robinson, of the bank of '
Commerce Staff Harriston,spent the
week -end at the home of Joseph and
Mrs. Davidson.
W. J. Roberts and Wilfred, T. A.
and Mrs. Roberts and Harold were
in Mount Forest Monday, attending
the funeral of a relative.
Fordwieh and Gorrie played a
great game of hockey on the latter's
ice Monday night, Fordwich wincing
by a 3-2 score despite the fact,
that Fritz and Ronalds, two of Listo-
wels O. H. A. Juniors were playing
for Gorrie. •
Misses Rata and Cora Campbell
were visitors with friends in Walton
ort Thursday.
Clete Diekson, of Seafortb, is at
present visiting at the home of Robs.
and MI's. Reid,
Quite a number of the Wsitonites
r:njayed a snow shoe hike on Wed.
nesday evening. They returned at
about ten o'clock to the village
and wet 0 entertained by Flea G. IU i1-
ler. Cards were enjoyed end lunch woe
Mrs. John MrDnnald was in God -
et Hi calling on the daughter of the
late Mrs. James Tait,
Gilbert and Mrs. Griegg, of Moose
Jaw, Sask., are visiting with George
and .Mrs. McArthur of the 91.11 of
The February meeting of the W. M.
Society and Ladies' Aid Society of
Duff's United Church was held in
the school erect of the chervil on
\Vedttesday afternoon. IM's. Edward
Bryson presided and itrrs. Joseph
scripture loess .
Carter gave the
Miss Janet Simpson had charge of
tne "Ourreut Events." Mrs. Leon-
ard Leeming read an interesting let-
ter entitled, "Oneness in Purpnse,"
This was written by Mrs. t�1e614111v-
ray. 51t -s. OolineFingltutd and Mrs.
Radford, had charge of the third
chapter of the study book. "Drums
in the Darkness". Following a
short discussion on the Women's
Missionary %yolk, MI's. Edward
Bryant; closed the meeting with pray•
er, Mrs. Herb Kirkby, president of
the Ladies' Aid Society, presided
over the Ladies' Aid tweeting. Fol.
lowing the opening hymn. Mrs. Rob-
ert Reid led in prayer. The miuutee'
of the previous meeting were read
and approved. The Ladies' Aid So-
ciety have decided that their work
Lhis year will be snaking hospital
supplies and Infants outfits There
wPrs ladies appointed for each
division of Walton to look after the
Thos. Gundry to act as special Officer
to enforce the Liquor Control Act.
We would like to know just what this
means. Does it menu that at last the
people of the County of Huron, the
banner county as far as Temperance
Principles are concerned, is at last to
have some one that can he called on
to do the best to clean up the unsatis-
factory conditions that every one
knows exist under what has been cal-
led Government Sale but iein reality
Sale for the t:enefit of the Govern-
ment and the ruination of our Young
People. Here is wishing the High
Conetehle every successend the whole
hearted supported of every interested
William Maxwell visited friends at
Mr. Joynt, of Lucknow, was in the
village nn business,
Miss Gertie McDonald of Wingham
visited friends bete.
The hydro inspertor• was here and
inspected several more witing
Peter S. and Mr's. efelewen spent.
Sunday at the home of F. 13. and Mrs.
Miss Hazel Blundell is spendit'ga
few days with her cousin Miss Irene
Mundell. at Belmore.
Malttolin Black who underwent a
serious operation at the Wingham
General Hospital on Thursday is get
ting along nicely.
On Thursday eveniee• a Valentine
social was held in the United church
and a very enjoyable social evening
spent. Rev. Me. Walden acted as
chairman and gave a talk on Valen-
tine. Solos were rendered by Mise
Gertrude McDonald and Milton
Smith and )endings by Mrs. Smell and
Russell Barnar 0, Robert Shaw gave
a very interesting eketch of his trip
t.> tt teeter ,rete + +^t^tcuetet ,e,s'eee+1eeeeeeef through the Canadian and American
eH+�era tSte + t tP'�tc v�' to •wv° du West. 51usical selections were
ei given by Fred and Leonard Elliot,
t� also by Misses Pearl Matters and
Et Dorothy Aitken. Lunch was served at
• the close,
d1The annual rotgregational meeting
of Knox Presbyterian Church was
6held in the church and show -
d3ed that the past Year nail been most
satisfttotnry, The !inmate from
i5 the various organizations were ore.
I gratifying not nee. The t•.hurch was
ip hntlt in 1027 at it rest mf appraxim•
dr+ ately $1.4,1100 and Om a remains now
r"- a debt of $3,300 with a balance on
hood in the t,rnernl account and
eS building tend of (,VI0 $30(1, The W.
Al 5, exceeded their allocation of
15 31111 and the I.ndina Mil reported
10 3438.11 raised doting the year. Al-
together the ehtn'c'it towed for 8110.
sianat y and benevolent put prises the
'3 sunt of 8818 311. '.Phe membership is
r 124 Mention wits tnttdP of 1110
in spl01di41 work of Mr, (it'ieg, the etu-
dent minister who will roue back tt
° Bluevaleattatitt this summer.
ay A most interesting Woman's In-
stitute meeting was held on Theirs -
fl day, Feb. 14th at the hone of Mrs
R. F. Garniss. The bright day was
a0a temptation and an unusually lama
number of ladles v'nr'n neneent, iii,,
. Oke, wAs privileged in being able t
attend the short course given it
Wingham a few weeks ago and slit
gave a very graphic account of the
lectures, demonstrations, etc. airs
In order to make room for
our Spring Merchandise, I of-
fer a discount of 20 p. c. on
all Winter Goods for the next
two weeks. Come early and
get your choice before lines
get broken.
leseferateelearateeetD'neetateeatheeatenaterte erteatatalateae r eheteraietrerat
ter literature into the hands of the
boys and girls. This made a good
introduction for the following paper
by Mrs, Aitken "Reading for Child-
ren" when she :pointed out the difli-
culty in securing suitable books, and
the benefit derived frvrngood pure
reading. Both talks were most. in-
teresting and should prove instructive
to the local branch of the Inst'tute.
Mrs. T. M. Henderson, Mrs, Roger
Oke and Miss Gertrude McDonald, of
Wingham, were guests at the In-
stitute meeting.
Mr, Webster, of London, occupied
the pulpit in Knox Presbyterian
church on Sunday.
Miss Christeen Isbister, of 'Wing -
ham, was a week end visitor at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Chas. H.
Mrs. Robt. Warwick and Miss
Viola Matlhet's, of Morris and Mies
Ethel Mathers, of Brussels, spent
Sunday at the home of Thos. Math-
Frosty wee ti
A (1131100 05110 held al $tint. 007130in'a
un Tuesday. evening.
Ed, Ann Mrs. Higgins, 14th conces•'
-ion, spent the week -cud at 1VEng
t t.
Tz.(taoeuirl`T,—Mr, and Mrs. John
?rid E., 1211' 0011 , Grey, announce the
engagement of their (taught el. Dor-
othy E., to Al. Eat1 Budd, son of Mr,
and Mrs. R. R, Rudd, of Cranbtcok,
the marl Mgt. to Mice place the latter'
pttt t or I he month, 13 8
PO took place at the
yery pleasant, event c }
Imam of Adann Thomas and Airs, Luc- i
its on \Vednestlay evening, Feb, 13th I
when a latge number of immediate '1
Mends and neighbors gathered at;
th it It0'010 in hagout of their twenty
fifth ailed vereary. The evening was
spent in card playing and dancing. `;
They received many beautiful and
costly gifts. The hostess served a
dainty lunch, Evet y one returned to :,
there respective hones wishing them l
many more years of wedded life tc-
Address and Presentation—A very
enjoyable time was spent at the
home of Nelson and Mrs, Hayden on
Wednesday evening, prior, to their
removal to Ethel. The first part of I
the evening was spent in games and
social entertainment, this was fol-
by a short ,program, Robt. Mc- !
Allister acting as chairman. The
Program consisted of vocal and in -1
strumental music, chiefly by Holt
Bros., and short addresses. This was t
followed by the reading of the fol-
address by Miss Eva Savage.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hayden and
Family :
We, your neighbors and friends
have gathered here this evening to i
spend One more social hour to ether
before you settle in your new home.
It was with deep regret that we I
learned that you were to leave our 1
midst. You have lived here so long
tthingfor us
that it seen
tl ,t
to think of the community without
you. We are glad to know that your
new field of work does not taste you
very far away from us. We know
you will make many true friend^, in
Ethel as you have done here. Your
home was ever open for conm,un:ty
activities and gatherings. We hope
it will not be all lose for us, as you
will be able to come back and take
your place in the church and differ-
ent societies. Words cannot express
how greatly you will be missed by
us. To show in a tangible way the
high etseem in which you are held
we ask you to accept these chairs.
Not for their intrinsic value, but as
a slight token of our good will to-
ward you. We trust as you look at,
and use these in the years to come
you will remember with pleasure the
many friends and, good times on.the
Second of Grey. We wish you every
happiness and prosperity in your
new home. Signed on behalf of the
Community: Robert McAllister, F.
Balfour, W. Savage. The 'preeanta-
tio,o was made by Clifford McAllister
and Wnt, Balfour. bit, Heal t'u
made a short but suitable reply.
Lunch was served, and as the pone t.
left for their separate hones, they
wished the Hayden fancily many
happy years in their new home in
, Reunion Notes for s. S. N. 1—
The following letter his beets re-
ceived from Uriah McFadden, K.C„
who says: --In compliance with your
regaeot in your letter of J Amery
211th, I enclose you httrwith sotx' of
my recollections of early ichor.l
days in Section No, 1. I trust yo.0
are meeting with good success in lo-
cating former pupils. I attended
Shots Soltool front 1877 to }'•.;84
and during that period I can renege..
ber six teachers, namely:--- W. B.
t. Dickson, Young (I have forgotten his
first name, his nickname was "Brig-
ham"), James Dickson, Mtleolin
Black, William Knight and John Me-
. Intosh. I well remember when the
trees on the west side of the school
grounds were saplings, and when
ea, :Huth pa et of th,• ground: wee
rough and knolly, with a stump or
1 two on it. I ata looking' forward to
the reunion. Some other tntereet-
ing notes have been sent in :-- Dc
you remember long, long ago, when
Oke had intended giving n paper on
"Local Itorovernents in our Corn
' nunity" until requested to give al
A account of the short course, and a
the close of her talk touched on the
subject by' way of. an illustration o
where young people were petmtitte
to read books and magizines of
very light nature and suggested th,
Institute making an effort to pat be
the soiled) at "Shines' Corner" was
- I a kindergarten for ambitious young
l ttthlf.tcs? When a twenty pound
11shot for the older boys and a ten
t !pound shot for the young boys,
t '--dmnbelis - a real caber—a throw-
!beg hammer—horizontal bar --vault
a , leg poles, and a measuring tape con-
e ' stituted some of the sporting pare-
- phernalia on the sehoo,Lgrounds? .
Dance - Lunch
"An Q!d-fashioned MotherSl
In Three Acts da
Goad Music Lunch Served ;;a
Dance Afterwards
,Watch for Sills
Thursday, March lth
Under auspices of
1, 0, 0, F.
itaY , t t11t rdi13 tEaria.:.?,^Fa`:•:+?.dleF2tn.3r3;
What changes since then, in owe
tins that one. I alio vorkc 1it
When the boys were well posted on Bcn 33.13 t 003-1 at waggon making.athletic events and records; when it r,•nine the trade. he Br ,ssels
rot m,ti
excel rn )n • u
ability torunning, J t >. Post was :ot ro}n;r long then Aad 1
valuting, tossing the caber, throwing often went to .ane then printin'r the week ng,.. Hope to h ar of her au -
the hammer mei putting the shot palter with the old hand press. movement in the *war Cul url',
were considered of paramount in:- IIad it very cold the last half of M's, Jas. Cal diff is able to be not
portanee? , . When the hard leather January, Z:; low as 44 below tern, ..fier he vine another rib nrarked,
covered baseball replaced the yen but not n cold this month. Will ,'I'h;s is the ors time to the past ten
ball that bounced? . When the air r•}use oislting you health and pro.- years Just five times ton many for
inflated football took the plat's of erity rnrnforr, 0033 tvouAl say.
the yarn and rags covered with i p + I rt,main, yours truly, Mrs Gen Spelling went to Clinton
leather by Jimmie Calder? .When Monday to her sisters funeral, Mrs.
W, M• Hutchinson.
baseball and football were played i . Perry Piumsreel who died snddenlynn
strictly according to the rule,'. , ; I Snuriny of rhe fin". Sympathy is
Where the boys emulated Donald Din' ! xtli'"K to the f oily
nie, Gid. Pirie, Archie Scott, IJ, Ross' AlAsttneu IN HAMILTON :- On Jac ;Vie. Kate Deadman R N„ teas tak
Matt. Armstrong, Chas. Knechtel, nary '.O.J,, ftlru'gnrr•t,01t ,' 1, ctumgesr ! ,.m ra Toronto on a stretcher on Salm.-
Mr.Billie Grewar and other old time daughter u] .)Ir. Aad Alt's. W'tu.'lhuei! I cloy. l stn Denman accompanied
was united !n unto lag! lel \Ielvi;,. her and will spend the weekend with
celebrities. When the old swine.;Johnston, eldest son "t }Ir. at tl J'lrs• i het mother, Mts. Ed. Hrpnne !tiles
equipped ing pool vfth0a diving board and Johnston, of 185 Pcp1ot Plains hoed I Deadmen's many friends will hope to
every boy was an adept at swimming? Tel Huta, 'Pile menietge took Miter ; !,err cite is improving, She has had
Don'tsremember the Friday at All Saints Anglirun church, Ham- • hard pull the pest m•'nth.
you1111.11, Ont.. by Rev, Dr. Judci. I
afternoons:—the singing, recitations, on Wednesday. February 1:3'h, the I
dialogues and the spelline• mtitethe.t ninny friend of Harold nod Mts. Set-!
where every pupil took part, and the lets met at the Inane efIto ht and Airs .'Although thesuprise tat130 wras
boy or girl last "spelled down" re- I Warwick 10 enjoy a ' oetat evening d C°tZ2p1`'"s. Scilers,�Mr. Sellerse-
ceived praise from the teacher and; with the for met hereto they left their
vociferous applause from the other home in Grey. Duttttg the Pceniug Plied very aptly. There was a dainty
pupils? Those were the days! a presentation yeas rnadew Al r. Foul ,lunch s' -rued and the remander of
"'41rs Sellers and theirMumhter, \li the vveniug waw delightfully spent
"dred, lh following 0 g 3
Shaunavon, Sask., Feb. 8, 18211.
Editor of the Brussels Post:
Dear Sir:—As my subscription is
up, I am sending a check for $2.00.
for another year. I like to get the
news around the old home tweet,
It is 73 years coming March that
my parents carne to Grey Township
to the 5th Concession. My parents
came to Canada in 1853 and stayed
at my father's brother In Clark
Township for about two years. Then
they moved up to Frank Fowler's
near Harputhey and after a year
there moved to Grey.
Yes, 1 was then a little lad
about two years when they carte to
Grey, and also my oldest sister.
There were not many houses
where Brussels is then, but woods all
'round, with bears, wolves deers and
00 ilttrast, and have seen a Panther;
1 1 e'
al o saw five live hears a I to e t . .
I was lost in the woods weer, 1
was eight years old, in the fall of
veer for, re ht in the nrnin •
th.3 r, from >; t m
until ten at night, b.-aorc 1 'w
hrot lit home. Oh: that was a t•. r-
t.•t'9h-,> day, ane! one ::et to b:• fur -
gotten tome.
Personal Paragraphs
Hatay Kirkby, of London is in town, '
his 0503310.
J. H. Galbraith wee a vioitar in Sea.
toth.last FtMay,
Mrs, Pt.ttraou left on Saturday toes
herhnine is Prn•t Elgin.
Mrs, A. C, Hooker anti Miss Helen,
were visitors in Winghaut lest Thurs-
Mee, S. Oreille, of lbronto, is the
uest of bee sistet'. Mrs, A. C. Beek.
Miss Hilea Whittat•d, of town, spent
liter weekend with friende in List -
Walter Arid Mee. Wilbee have re.
turned home after visiting with their
fatnily in 13ta•atfordd.
(1. H, and AA•. Wilmot, of Martin -
town, (3lettgnry (I(t are the guests of
1c and Mrs. Wilmot.
Hugh and Airs. Campbell have re-
I°Neal home atter a connle of weeks
away visiting its Hutlett Twp.
Mrs N Mittel and Mrs. Elton Roz.
en, of Olir,ten were greets 'f Miss.
Hobs, Philo over'the week•elyd.
y .
Mrs 7 -lb, mnh who has seen vis-
iting at (. hr.ley for the past mnt.ih,
to now visiting in Detroit at 8351 Col-
Iiugwond ave.
Nis, 5piti'!tllgt'enelvetl t!tesad news
nn huadaY of t he' d,'ath of iter sister,
$its. Privy Phunswol lit Clinton, who
Iran been ill with the flu.
51rs Lavinia ('hurchillitnd daughter
N0 1.4 -41.V P
t0a.e at back in :ow for e
town afew
tmonth' with (he (1ttnet•s parents Geo.
ae d Aft Edward., Mill St.
Ales, Richard -Mitchell he the tnts-
t tt i e n (perk one of is
t i t C k her til a
The regular meeting of the W.
14I. S. was held at the home of M -'s.
Scobie with a alrge attendance.
The meeting was oeiened by singing
hymn 30 "Glory to God for His Sun-
shine is free" followed by Mrs, J. A.
Geddes reading, the Scripture lesson
taken front I. Cor. 3-9. Mrs. J.
Coultes read devotional leaflet "The
Partnership" after which the Presi-
dent, Mrs. Anderson, lead in prayer..
The Secretary and Treasurer's re-
ports were read and adopted. The
roll call 0waa answered by namin..s a
•\Tis: ionary of /India. Mrs. Scobie
gave a splendid talk on the work of
the W, M. S. and Associate Helper.
Hymn No. 91 was then sung after
which Mrs. Wilkinson c10se;1 the
meeting with prayer. A social time
was then enjoyed, the thostess serving
The nl nwin address was b • all la mus}c. and dancing.
read :--"1h•. and Mrs.. Sellers And '1'
daughter Whited --1VP v, nt £fiends gathBRUCE COUNTY.
and ueighbo . hhaveers ed }tete this
eceuiug io expt0'. MU' regrets that
you nip lett ring nor to ,'s a',d also to 3. H. rlrnwrt, warden of truce, lies
to you nu boa, wishes for your i y been appointed as Vire Treeident of
and sucress to your new horn,, Yum the Store Coauty H„spiral
e • ,e were
will be greatly missed in "ti” ' Two children froth Kvt_ntdn
t'etninunily buInc feel that brought to Walkeetio, recently and
Whitt is cur ioss will he made wards 04 the Ohibleen's Aid
anntite•r's •Dain. We are. confident 3 otiiety, as were likewise three chiid-
li'at you will make many velua!t'e reit float (:heeley The ballet:: in both
furnd, and trust, in your new en- cases are tetutnyd :nem
vita,: rent you will not forget your l The annual meeting of the Stmtb
old a^:ends. As a slight token of I Bn"•
re Hills! Telephone Ootupany,
our . t,''m we ask you, Helda and ! i'titnterl, was belie with a full attend -
Harold, to accept these wicker chairs ! a'r'e of sharettetde3 s The finanei 31
and fern stand, and you, Mildred, to 10e1"a•t. Lir the year wits snti.ra0tory,
s""wwg a sph>n.i0d su' 1t us The cam-
aec>•pt this walnut writing (133•;0 and i petty ;met excbar,gesat 13 'Wor'e,
foundtain pen. We !tope as you live e
Ira 14IeLean and Leslie Douglas
were week end visitors in Listowel
John Wray suffered a second par-
alytic stroke at Itis home hero last
Thursday night and is in a seram0
The February meeting of the
Women's institute will be held at the
home of Mr. W. S. McKee her on
Thursday afternoon, Feb. 28th.
There will be a debate "Resolved tient
the dress of 50 yens ago i mere to
be cheered titan the modern dress,"
in which four members will take
• part. The roll call will bl t ss:�t•r'
ed by an 33x0 h tnge> of Valentines.
Th World Day of Prayer nn Fri-
day was observed 0 e'rl by a service ie. the
United Church in whirrs the women
of the column:ay took part, The
program su 'c,te el by the Inter -
hoard committee of the Women',
:Missionary Society ty was followed.
ousieting of hymns, Scripture yield-
ing and prayers for all bran h:•; of
civil and c•hmeh late. The nen tint,•
2yas condu3 tl�cl..,_lty Ml.Bolinahrokc.
Chester 111O1,1111 had a good seder last
Ft MAN..
A thence waw held xt the lt''1)1e of
tiorntnut ruin w1ts. Speit hint Wed nes-
day e>verning,
A 12SAr, 13nt•rrt1 AY (4n,•'r: Juin
ylpive'v ritlt line, two; two years old on
Fes lOt1t rand e h't''0 1, : th , unwed
the same day to Item reteht'ite.
John and Alts. McNeil, of Dt'tt i13,
have been spending it week at the
latter'. f+ttliet'e, Alex McNeil, 5th line.
Miss Mrt'gtu'et. 51o.Neil, ttt\V,ilkertnn,
was home twee the weekend.
Alex. Dark, of Wit *Intl
hnrne lost. week aft0r helping 101. the
intuit' of Wm. t\tilkiusnn for a week
or levo, while the fat mily wa0 confined
>. with J't b a
in the house 1 ad r Ids.
The young then who have wire
turned the wlnd•uti11 on during
heavy wind storms, are naked to.ettle
with owner before any further action
is taken.
r m • these rementhratt I . 'e,wttter wld Mildmay. 'Che follow.
in your new ho t •ie- I tug . IiicPfs were elected fox 1021)x:
res will recall pleasant mem.t o President, \V• J. M„fief, of '1' e
of Morris. We pray that God's rich- tet ; Vire President, W. Renwirh. of
est blessing will rest on you ell in Seimose; J. 11.
• the years to come- Slatted on behalf Sheftet, of Mil finery; tt.}'e"tars John
1 of your old neighbors and friend... Ireland, (4, 1 t her, Arthur Reso ;
Jack Warwick, Gordon Embury, I suditm's, K tl K •nz r• ..f 'reesocater,
Charles Warwick and Charles South. and George He. w ez. of dildtr:tey
bast Thursday afternoon et. the
Ontario !manse, C, A. 12ohotteoit, the ,
liberal Member for North Huron,
enntz'utulated Foster Moffett tort.
s'rVative Bruce South), n' oviy cl •,'t••
rd, "on the fcarlea.s manner 111 which i
h" had volved has r:ttim nt r..t r ra
hydro. Ho could not siordi 0'i((' -
wise and he true to his prme•inl,°.:,'+
llerardng hydro, he felt- that there •
should be a full and fe'ail s d rcrass-
ion. 'rho House had been tel.!, that
tike. ratos in brute County eareel
from OS to $70 for rural a misuuut-
tion, aril drat the uuderl0 r;• pleat -
tilde of hydro was eo-ape r !tie ,. Thr:
was not Mr. ltobnrtsnn' • enaeeplio t
of co-operation. He undo t ;tool that
for some 10 yt tt til p,•0i 17 of
!trot' had been ovine.• to -.et hydro
i.., etad te3c,•;x.a ten ii._ ea;is
opposition had dovelnp, d. He h0
-licved that at pit vat the .'ople of
Bruce were more. in symlrtthy with
the Foshay interests than with the
Hydro -Electric Power Corttmb,0 ion.
This private. company had nffere.1
lower rates and the felt that op-
phritpeoplehod beenrc good thing for
Onc reason he felt peoitle wote
more in sympathy with the Foshay
people was that they gave lower
rural rotes for hydro. Anoth•:r (;vl-
dence of feeling was when the Bruen
County Council voted by 23 to 9 in
favor of allowing to the private com-
pany rights to construct transmission
Tines. There were many people art
such districts not as s'ntltusiastic no
bout hydro no were those in the ntoro
settled sections.
Ile instanced the town of Goderielt
(Continued on Page - 3), '