HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-2-13, Page 8Remnant!Sale of
Wall Papers
We have a number of Bundle Lots of Wall
Paper—the last of a pattern which we are
clearing out at a VERY LOW PRICE to
crank(: room for our new Spring Stock which will
soon be coming in. They are Bargains and
among them are quantities and p•ltterns suit:.ble
for small rooms; kituhtno, pantries, &c.
A Wonderful Inhalant
for Colds
A few drops of Vapure on handkerchief or
gauz'•,llsnufft-d and inhaled deeply, gives good
results and will often stop an oncoming cold.
Vapure 50c hots.
em£,' teen em ,',+Pi".3'n vcatdtmeGtewet ztetzet t rI'•t"'''r?.`o A ' 'vatztE' N.,t L�
early girl /s s
Boxes of Chocolates Stuffed Satin Candies in Tins
Fine China— Cups and Saucers and many odd pieces
Boxes of Stationery Correspondence Cards
Leather Novelties Bridge Pencils Tally Cards
Cutex for the Nails
The new Cut(x Polish Kit contains I.icuid Polish rrd
Polish Remover. Price 50c.
Other Cutex Preparations are Cutex Cuticle R(mover,
Cutex Nail White and Cutex Paste Polish.
7 4( _ta
Brussels United Church
REV. A. W, BARK,E•R. 8. D.
Sunday, Feb. 17th
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
Subjeet: "Debtor -ship"
The 4th sermon in 0 series on
"Nine Spiritual Ships"
3 p.m.—Sunday SchoolandBible
7 p.m.—Public Worship,
' Theme:
"Jacob and the Late Battle"
4th Sermon in a Series on
"The Makers of History"
Monday 8 p. m.—Y. P. S.
Wednesday—Prayer Service
—Choir rehearsal
Friday of this week -15th
The Union Prayer Service in St. John's
Churls at 3 p. m. All the ladies are
requested to attend this meeting.
PUPS For Sale—D- A. MacDonald,
Phone 2014. 35-1
FOR SALE — Durham Cow due to
calve in May; 2, young sows due
in April; and 2 stacks of hay (first
cut). W, J. Sharpe, Phone 555.
CEDAR POST For Sale.—Cameron
Cochrane, Phone 407. 35-2
LOST—.A Dog -skin Mitt for Right
hand in Brussels on Monday. Find -
Leave ttt The Port, ... ... 35-1
SIX HEAD of Young Cattle, rising
1 and years old; 0 chunks of
pigs about 70 lbs. J. W. Fischer,
Phone 52-12. 35-1
i-1rl.{t,gist and Stationer bilk LOST—A Horse Blanket between
Con. 4, Morris and Chopping Mill
�C6at Brussels' last Thursday.Finder
es-Daiar2.erv,l':T.I'Lta.Z U .2
, ,,...,.,_
.,,.._ .iai7;3t2,n.H1r3a.^.,l a`-lu.,.I,.'2 Fa3 ;.,.n,�•J«:,: iD,OiTe2? please leave at Wilton & Gillespie
Hardware store. 35-1
FOR SALE—One 5 year-old Durham
cow, fresh; 1 5 year-old Durham
cow due to calve 1st of March; 1
York sow due to farrow 16th of
February, and 6 pigs about 100
ib s. Baxter 'Stevenson, Phone
42-26. 34-tf..
Local News Items
Concert Was Called Off. Sale Was a Success.
The concert advertised by the The home-made baking sale by the
MrQuinn sisters for last Friday even- Ladies' Guild of St. Johns Church
ing at the town hall was called off. last Saturday afternoon in the Lib -
W. 1. Will Meet Feb. 22nd. nary, as a good success.
The Women's Institute will not The World Day of Prayer
bold their regular meeting on Fri- on Friday, Feb. 15th.
day. February 22nd. Will the meat -
The World Day of Prayer will
hers kindly keep this change in • be observed in the Anglican church
mind. '. on Friday afternoon of this week at
Annual Sale. 3 o'clnek. This has become one of
The Huron Co. Breeders' Assoeia- the great days in the life of Mission -
tion offers 2.5 Shorthorns to bre sold any Women the world over. A Cor-
by public auction on Thursdag, Feb. ! dial invitation to attend this meet -
21st at Wingham, Ont. See advt. ' ing is given to every woman of this
in this issue. I community. An offering sill be
taken for the Welsh Miner's Relief
Annual Social Evening. Fund.
The annual concert, dance and e
social evening under the au: pieei of !general.
the Farmers' Club will be lad in ; "Tbe Fleet's In"
the town hall on Thursday evening ; More than 300 extra players ep.
of this aek. A good time ]s always pear in Clara Bow's new etarrine
to he had at this gathering.
picture entitled "The Fleet's In"
Has No. 3 Route. garb d in the uniform of the United
Dune. McKinnon has secured the
States, navy. For the most part. the
coat*net for R. 3, out of red t le ! men elected were ex -naval men HO
and has been in char e since the 1st that authentic h sari reds? 'li Fients
of February. Drac. has had expert- In" i could ea obtained. The at the
ent'e at this work, so is not new at I r d the feature Fatriday
a the
Grand Theatre on Friday sort Sat -
the. game.
SEED PEAS for Sale. Frank Little
Phone 34-16. R. R. 5, Brussels.
NOTICE—I will not hold myself re-
sponsible for a note given by
Peter Barr to Wm. Bennett for
8277.00, as my name was obtained
to that note under false pretences.
Walter Yuill, Morris Twp. 34-3.
20 Pigs ready to wean, for sale; also
a quantity of fresh beef or pore
by the quarter or ib. R. J. Mc-
Lennan, N?•_ Lot 10, Con. 2, Mor
ris. Phone 109,
Minor Locals
Lent is -here,
Only 14 more days in February.
Cars have been going through to
Clara Bow in "The Fleet's In" at
the Grand on Friday and Saturday.
Farmer's Club concert and dance
this Thursday evening in the Town
Y. P. S. of United Church.
Over 50 persons were present at
1 the meeting
Church Y. P. S, meting
on Monday night. The devotional
period was in charge of Miss Lulu
Procter, during which Miss Helen
Backer sang a solo, "More Love to
Thee, 0 Christ. "Some Glimpses of
India" consisting of 88 slides were
thrown on the screen which gave a
very good idea of the life in India.
Mrs. Marker read the story connect-
ed with the slides. A collection was
taken to which there was a hearty
response. The meeting was closed
by singing "We've a Story to tell to
the Nations" and the benediction.
Toronto-Brusselites Association.
The 10th annual "At Horne" of
the Toronto-Brussr'lites Association
will he laid at the Brown Betty Tea gaming 'haired star.
Room 42 Bing Street, East, on
the Rth day of Mauch. Card., Mu.;:.
eal program and dancing. Will all Passed to His Reward
former Brueselites who may not he in His 83rd Year,
reached by invitation kindly join :Neil SL Richardson, formerly of 1
with us. Brun, le, and of Manor Sask., massed
cnra•tly away, at his blare of te,a-
Holding Good. Meetings. thence. Victoria 11. f'„ on Friday, lea,
The Prise'o1+ Continuation Scr:'rol )=t, content that le lot had been a
Literary meetings were held ev'•ry • happy one. Age was the runtrihut-
tern weeke h foo Cbristrov, tett ere ary c.ause of his demise, his imeitlr
held n, ,tenth. Trig ai'.1 ;acuities remaining, good ,nti!
nmetirer wee held an Friday, P=.h, R. the 1 .t. Interment of the d c - a. •d
the r:ro ram was ,,,rand on by the, will take place from the. ft,r, ; L a-
eer•und 'Tnnp of IT Form. It cos• t•h:'e l funeral home. Wieni)eer to
erhvl of na,'tm -ntatls, retaiinzs ;mei 1 lot e a:1 cemetery, Born in At, vl•
wee r acre Scotland i8-16 r t•
a t, lett 1e n th• pen �I T .tar i
mato. A ,or.t,•ot wars held al as tame. to Canada at the r•„r of
which Sandy and peanut, wt,r,, „•r'c- three and at .ix moved with his pav-
ed. The mooting was eloee•d by ants to what wa; Int. -17 • Btu
singing the National sinthem. T1,.• vi,ere he re idea for lilt' year'. 10
meeting's have beer: cap rind 00 %0' 1: 1901 the Wrstr'rn Canaria movement
grat success.' e l ,im •d hint, end with his family he
1 heated at Manor whore he farmed
Met in Clinton, till 1025, tak r movin„ to Vi •tn,•;a.
shot. h of nati , ?unity, he was proud
of h'.: lineage, he was Presbyterian
in r•e•ligion; was keen in a life long
Liberal political leaning, and from
the time of the formation of •the
rhea -Ines until the time of his Lav -
it .r
4. 11
a T r. t (.the
1 of .Peace
et .Manor. TT er a r:d is sur'vive.i by
:Air's, Midland: -ton, who was with him
when death came, a daughter Anna
Stephens, a son Lyle L., of Wilcox,
Sask. A son Dr. Graeme Richardson
of Winnipeg, predeceased him a
number of ,years ago, Brothers and
sisters living are: Donald, of Brus-
sels; John, of Los Angeles, Cal,; Mrs.
,las. Crandall, Winnipeg, Man., and
Miss Kate Richardson, of Renfrectt,
Ont. 14Irs. Richardson will reside :for
the with her daughter, Mss.
Stephens, 11147, 88rd Ave, Edmon-
ton, Alta, Old friends in l3rnsseha
extend sympathy to the family in
their ,hour of bereavement,
urday of this week. Clar Bow gives
one of her strongest characterization-
in this picture, according to advance
reports. Critic's have been lavish
with their prase of the work of the'
A meeting of the W. M S. eiseem-
tive of Huron Preehyteri rl ems ';..1,1
in Ontario Vetted Church, Canto',
on Til tiJy, Feb. 5th, with 3Ie .i.
F ITogq, Presiding. Mrs, Lane WWI -
Pd the meeting with prayer, after
which Mas. Greer the Seeretary read
the minutes of the previous meeting.
The members with few exceptions
were )n•eeent. '1he past yeast's work
was: reviewed, and it is a Feat sati5-
fttrtion that the budget was almost
i'sau had, although we do feel we
must more ardently "put our hands
to the plough, and go over the ton
this year. The splendid reports of
the secretaries showed how stren-
uously the individual organizations
had worked the different departments
that the Master's work might prosper
It was decided the W. M. S., Huron
Presbyterial bold their annual con-
ference in James St. Exeter, April
30, 1929.
Died at Kinistino, Sask.
Thc•rr paned peacefully away al
his home near Kinistino on Tuesday
evenln13, Jan. 22nd, an old teside:If
of this district in the person of Har-
vey Beam, nn, at the age of 78 years,
11 m,.the. Mr. Beare spent the
greater part of his life in o ital'io,
' moved west about 16 years
and ',withal north of Kinistino,
where. he farmed until about 1 years
Myo, when he suffered a stroke, of
paralysis from Milli he gradually
grow more h iple,,s until taken to his
bed, nearly seven month;; ago, :and
though h,•in(r deprived of so many
of his faeulttoe, not being able to
talk. ]rad or write or walk, for so
long a time. he was a very patient
...utterer. The he.
Mr. Beam, w110
was •Otte of a family of ten children,
was born at Walpool, Ont., ill the
year l8fr0, and married Hannah
Whittam, of Mount Pleasant, Oat.,
Brantford Township in the year
who I
1872 and 7 as well as a family of
eight son» and slaughters survive him
namely; L. (1., of Los Angeles, Cai.;
T. C., of ldrridiam, Idaho; 13. A. and
H. IL, both of Kinistino, Seek.;
(Sadie) Mrs. Wm, Taylor, of Toren.
to; (Susie) Mrs. J. E. Henderson,
Thamesford, Ont.; {Olive) Mrs, Wm
Badgley, Manor, Sask.; and Margar•
et at home. The eldest daughter.
Clara, Mrs. J. W. Turner, passed n•
way three years ago; also two dau•
ghtcrs died in infancy. Beside hist
life partner and :family, Mr, Beam is
survived by two sisters, and one
brother, Mrs. Wm. Bray, of Ethel,
Mrs. Adams in the United States
and Airban Beam, of Brantford
Our Opportunities Are
Often Found inYour
0TJB local manager is ready to discuss your
fluancial requirements and render any
service compatible with good business practice.
Our opportunities to render financial. Service
can only be restricted by your failure to ap-
proach ne. The Bank of Commerce mtrilanills
a Sta1i' ill your locality which is organized to
especially deal with, the 1i'l)ttneial problems of
your particular commercial community coil
and see the Manager of the Bank of Commerce,
r/, which es' "melpe,afad
The annual business meetingot Mel-
ville Presbytet)a)r chs eh wits held on
T'ltufsday afternoon, Feb'y 7th, the
pastor, Rev, F. G, Fowler, presiding.
Most encouraging reports of the
year's work were presented by all or-
ganizations. The following is the
summary :—Loose and envelope col-
lections, 38627 40 ; Annivers,ny Spec-
ial, 3454.87 ; Garden Party, $111 00 ;
Oongregtttinnal 3dissinealy giving,,
31054.22; Lord's Day A liailee, 387 00 ;
Y. P. S. 3191 03 •, Women's Mission-
ctry Society, x,1023 75 ; Sabha( h School
3180.50 Mission Band, 3178.84; Boy
` ceute, 35830; Ladies' Aid Society,
8677 32 Total from all sources, 5+7,-
The retiring Managers were James
McFadzeau, George McCall, Alex. Mc
Lauchliu,'Geo. Kett,. Mrs, John Dun•
can, and Mrs. John Oliver. Mr. Kerr,
Mt s. Duncan and Mire, Oliver deelined
re e°ection and F. M. Wilmott, Dr.
Jamieson and John Oliver were ap•
pointed to the Board,
Allan A, Lamont. was re appointed
Treasurer and Miss Grace Stewart,
Assi':tant-TrWIRD Ver. F Bl, Wilmott
and Dr. 0 0. Rummage were appoint-
ed Auditor's. A vole of thanks sons
tendered the 1et)ling auditors, A.
Strachan and M. Black, fm their val-
ued services for the past number of
Words or appreciation of the work
of the variousorganiz:,tinn , the choir.
the officers and the pastor. Rev. F.
G. Fowler, were spoken.
Melville church has a membership
of 866 and should do better work in
1029 than in 1928
The funeral service which was held
at the home of the deceased on Fri-
day, Jan. 25th was conducted by
Rev. H, Moore, of the United church.
and pallbearers were: F. Purdy. J
It. Graham, J. Spencer, H. Shannan,
G. Whillams and R. L. Mitchell. De-
spite the extreme cold weather a
good number were present to pay
their. Last respects. Mr. Bean com-
ing of old Methodist stock, was a
member of the Methodist church be•
fore Union and was a Reformer in
Sister-in-law Passes Suddenly Away.
The Post referred to the death of
a sister-in-law of Mrs. George Ed-
wards, last week and from the Lis-
towel Banner we take the following:
—By the death on Sunday, February
3rd, Listowel lost a highly respected
resident in the person of Hannah
Jane Hill, beloved wife of Alexander
Ferguson, who passed away at the
Listowel Memorial Hospital. She was
taken suddenly i11 on Friday even-
ing with convulsions, and was only
111 24 hours. Previous to this, she
enjoyed good health and did her work
around the house as usual on Friday.
Mrs. Ferguson was born in Creek
Bank, township of Pilkington, county
of Wellington, on November Oth,
1856, and was in her 73rd year. Sh'n
was married December 24th, 50 years
ago at Creek Bank, and they then
moved to Wallance township, taking
up farming on the third concession,
where they Iived for forty years and
wort' highly respected residents of the
community. Ten years age they re-
tired and moved to Listowel Be-
sides her 'husband, who has bee11 an
invalid for several years, one dau-
ghter, Mrs. Bruce PhePherson, of
Detroit, and one grandsee, William
Galbraith, ,
braitlt, who makes Iris home with
grandparents, survive. Two sisters.
Mrs. 1). Walker, of Grand Rapids
and Mrs. Sam Ferguson, of Moose -
min, Sask., also survive. The late
Mrs, Ferguson was of a kind and
loving. disposition. and had a largo
circle of friends who deeply regret
her sudden passing. At the Erne of
her death she was a member of the
United church, Hospital Auxiliary,
I0 annrk, Ll'irele of Jt;nited church,
l,c1 West Branch Women's Institute.
The funeral was held on Wednusdtty
Feb. 6th from her late residence, In-
kernan street, and was Conducted
by her paster, Rev, E. F. Armstrong.
W. W. Krages sang "Beautiful Isle
of Somewhere." Interment was
made in Fairview cemetery. Pall-
bearers were Messrs. Walter John-
ston, William Johnston., J. M. Kin -
carte, A. Murton, Win. Squirea, R.
McMillan. Many beautiful floral tri-
butes were received, Those from a
distance attending the funeral 'were:
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McPherson, De-
troit; Mrs. D. Walker, Grand Rapids,
Mich,; Mrs, Mills, Hanover; Mrs.
Bask, Elmira; Mrs. Sheppard, Elora
Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Speedo,
Creek Bank; George Edwards, Lon-
don; Mrs. Churdnill, Monkton; Mrs.
George .Edwards, Brussels,
Made a Collection Hera.
i The Treasurer of the Muskoka
1 Hospital foo Consumptives desires
gratefully to acknowledge the fol..
lowing contributions received in
Brussels by the Field Secretary .of.
the National Sanitarium Association:
Dr. J. A. McNaughton ...... , 35.00
Dr. T. T, McRae 3 00
Walker & Black 2.00
L. Downing 2.00
F. M. Wilmot 1.00
N. F. Gerry ........ 1.00
R. Bowman 1.00
E. Dobie. 1.00
Miss Buchanan 1.00
Miss McDougall 1,00
, J. T. Ross . , .... 1.00
E. C. Cunningham 1.00
F. A. Hunter 1.00
F. R. Smith 1.00
G. Semis 1.00
J. Wright 1.0(1
RIOHARDSON.—In Victoria,A.1'., on Fri-
day,. Feb. let, 10:9, Neil el. Richardson,
formerly of Brussels, in his 88rd year,
KBERR: In loving memory of our dear moth-
er, Mrs. R D Kerr, who died two years
ago today—Feb. 18th, 1927.0
Dearest mother, then has lett ns,
here thy lose we deeply feel;
But 'tie God that hath bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal. •
Yet again we hope to most thee
When death's gloomy night hath fled, )3
Theca on earth with joy to greet thee,
Where no bitter tears are shed.
—BON, DAN„ AND DAUanmaa.
LONG.—In loving memory of Jacob Long,
who died Febrnery 11th, 1527,
We mourn for one we dearly loved,
For one we could nut save;
Beloved in life and mourned in death,
Remembered In 111 1
Hle loving voice we will i10'er forget
Though reora may pass away;
The foes of him we sada feel
_Aekeeu as that Snit day.
When all is still and silent
And sleep forsakes the eyes,
Our thoughts are in a silent grave
Where our dear father lies,.
—Lovingly remembered by
Tenders Wanted
The Trnateee of S. S. No.10, Grey. are ask
log for tenders for nutting in 10 cordo of hard-
wood, 18 inches long Also B cord(' of cedar•
Tender, to be in by F'e') 18th.
See -Tress.
Board of Health Meeting
A meeting of the Board of Health of the
Township of Grey will be hele. in the Town-
ship Office Ethel, on Friday afternoon, Feb.
15011, at t o'clock Parties buying businessnt
this meeting should govern themorlves ac-
corr,ngly. .7 Bi. 11(AI2, see'y.
Farm for Sale
100 acres, being Lot 18, Con. 14, Grey town
eine, ell eleered, known as the Ziegler Honte-
..tend. Large name hon8e bank barn and
, Iu nw shed on ceamentwall, henhouse, drive.
,ted ane garage. triter 1n stable with to/
inside; windmill nt house and driving it to
barn, and it nprhng et the back of teem run-
ning ail year-round,,, cement trough. Sit -
mated 5 mllen from Ethel Station, 2 miles from
Cranhrook, 7 from Brussels end IV miles from
sol1Uul. Ler further pnggtleu'aro ,, piv to
P7rorle 2211 Ethel.
Tenders wanted
The Cannot] of the Township of Grey oro
II Old ng for tender, for apply of pntvar to run
a usher orthee 9
t un00 to f l ,A 0t,•
u The
eon 9
upulyingttto pourer et, operate bate en•
boar0118 . d c,e lowest
Tendons to doge ratenper
hoar. The I'si, 'n ern Condor not naeet-
Ingilyarch tth. Tendert( opened next meet.
ing, March 9Lh. J. H. FICAIi,
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the Estate of
John Ferguson, tato' of the Vil-
lage of Brussels, In tho County of
Huron, Merchant, Deceased,
Notice la hereby given, pursuant to Section
E0, (!hers 121 of the Revised Statutes of (il.
tarts, that all poronnn having olefins agrtinst
the estate of the sold John Perinsan, who
died es, or about the 28th day of Denem•
ber,1928,nre required tosend by pont, li epald,
or deliver to br: TYT. MOBue. ut l;rwo els,
ODtart°, ono of the ltxecutors of the lest
Will and testament of the said ,teems•
od on or before the Eleventh day of
Marelt, A. D,+1029, their names and
adatras0es with inti partionlare8 In4,11",:.!:
ing of tltelr 01a)ms nail the nature 0f site 80.
eerilireal(ifasy),beldby them duly verified
by. aatn utorg 8daolarntlon,
Andfnrt}am• takenatfao that II ter thio said
11th day of marsh 1029, the sold Itxearttora
will proceed to distribute the 0,14060 of
011 sold esters among the pnrtloe untitled
t)terete.h y Shell only to thaelce, a of
which they 01 11(lten have had notice, and
the enid Exoputoro olmll not be liable for lbs
oatd hoaets or any. part thereof to arty person
of whose claim they shall, not than have ra•
Delved notloe.
Doted n1 Winglam, the 12th day of Fabrn-
cry, A.D. )029, R VANRgaONIDr
winghnm, Ontario,
Solicitor for the t3xeoutore
For Nose and 'Chest Colds.
A drop or two quickly re-
lieves the discomfort of
nose, head and chest colds.
Price 50c.
A palatable and stable Em-
ulsion of Mineral Oil with
Magnesia. f
Price 50c and $1.00
of an Extract of Cod Liver
Oil. Enriches the blood
and strengthens the system,
Price 31.00
Wa m p rl 1 e's
Milk of
For the treatment of Acid-
ity of the Stomach, Indiges-
tion and Dyspepsia.
Price 50c and $1.00 as
`i,.,w,a.± «+ •»ww os w«* w« «»«* , w wa' » .»to ww r
� !? i •n.. ♦ � +x`:7._...4 ..s ' .. ..4+` t ... 4" ... �':d: i„i":!'._... ♦. _:
With a $1.00 package of
4 Charme Caressant Face Powder F
3' re.
3. We give you a :t:
50c Vial of
A.tCharme Caressant Perfumett
Allen's Drug Store
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox
Rev. A. W. Barker , , ........ 1,00
Baeker Bros. 1.00
T. Ritchie 1.00
East Huron Produce .... , ,.. , , 1.00
J. Logan es .., .. 1,00
Dr. Jamieson ... . ............ 1.00
Dr. Hamilton 1.00
S. Wilton 1.00
W. E. Willis 1.00
W. Burgess s , . • 1.00
A. H. Macdonald .. ,•......... 1.00
G. R. Muldoon
J. H. Galbraith 1.00
American Hotel 1.00
Sundry Contributions , ,,1.00
Auction Sala.
FRIDAY, FEB. 151h.—Administrator's Sale
of farm, fansstook,lleplements and hones-
hold effects.. et Lot 25, Con. 18, McKillop (2
miles from Walton,) Sale at 1 o'clock sharp.
Full yartioulars next week. Deo. E. Elliott,
Auctioneer; O. H, Swallow, Adminietrator.
FRIDAY ESB, Mrs.—Farm Stock, Imple•
m en to, Grain, &o , at N;§ Lot 28, Con, 5, Mor-
ris. Sete istl o'cloak.sharp Chester Rlntoul,
Prop ; D.51. Scott, Auctioneer.
TUESDAY, FBS ]Orn.—Farm Stook, Hay
and Greta. at 8t,%, Lots 52 & 58, Con.1, Morrie.
Sale unreserved at 100100k. James H. Van-
camp. Prom ; Jae. Taylor, Ano
MONDAY, FEB. 18tH.—Farm Stock, Om•
pleeute, &o , nt hall, Con.1, Grey. Sale
unreservedw,.1Dowd.Aea at 1 o'clock, John Snell, Prop.;
TBIIRSDAY,. VER. 28th —Farm Snook, Im-
tilemon6s, Grain, eta., at Lot U. Con. 15, Grey,
ante unreserved at o'elook. Harvey Hon-
ter,Prop -; D, a,. Scott, Mac.
Friday & Saturday - Feb. 15 & 16
Clara Bow "
s In"
And a man in every port -bole. Smilin' gaiters condo' home.
You'll have 10 wait `till "The Fleet'. In 1" berm a landing
the best laugh in pure life. \Vhon 'The Flee! 's In 1" there's
fun enough for eveiy body. Snt)lin' wiles, Laughiu'
ladies. The "ft" girl hien with another "WOW."
Monday & Tuesday Feb. 18 & 19
Friday and Saturday - Feb. 22 & 23
k/D a• ::...
owingr e "Rin-Tin-Tid" "Flight Commander"
"Glorious GibrtbUS setsY"Tin s a Eva"
"Topsy and