HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-2-6, Page 3THE IS SSEI.S POST
By Taking Y T '
a n
g Pink.
ham's Vegetable
Wilton, Ont. --"I am taking Lydia
E. Pntkham's Vegetable Compound
of Life. It helps me
and I eaanotpraise
it too highly, I was
troubled with heat
flashes h and my
limbs were heavy
so 1 could hardly
walk to do my
farm work. I saw
in the h ne'
w spapers
your ad about the
Vegetable Com-
pound and thought
o give it a trial, The lust bottle gave
me relief and I have told others what
t does for no. I am willing for you to
use my letter If you choose." -.Mas.
D. B. PDTGRS, Wilton, Ontario.
Ask Your Neialtbor
&,Arnold Hodson, C.M.G., the goy-
rnor and commander-in-chief of
the Falkland Islands, revealed a
number of interesting facts about
that little-known colony in an inter,
view with a press representative.
Mr. Hodson was recently married
in Aberdeen while home on leave.
"People in this country," said Mr.
Hodson, "have the vaguest ideas a-
bout where the Falkland Islands are,
and about their people, climate, or
"It would come as a surprise to
many here to learn that the Falk-
land Islands and their dependencies
occupy an area of 3,000,000square
miles -an area which represents 1ti5
per cent. of the surface of the globe.
Compare this with the total area of
India, 1,805,000 square miles, and
you will get some idea of the extent
of the colony,' which consists of: -
The Falkland Islands; South Georgia
800 miles ,east -south-east of the
Falkland group; the South Shetlands
South Orkneys, and other islands,
and a part of the South Polar con-
tinent known as Graham's Land.
"The Falklands are the only Bre
Daly colony with a purely white pop-
ulation, The people are mostly of
Scottish extraction, land it need
hardly be said that the country is a
good country, for no Scot would live
In a bad one.
"There is no more loyal colony
in tihe Empire than the Falklands.
You should hear the children cheer
when they see the British flag in 8
cinema show, and you would realize
the sentiments that are instilled into
their minds.
"Rifle shooting is the great hobby
Of the islanders and they are good
shots. This year we sent a team to
]England to compete for the junior
Kolapore Cup, and it gained the
fourth position out of ten compet-
There ain't no nothing mneh no more
There's nothing ain't n
o use to nee
In vain J tread this lonely shore
For I have saw the last of thee,
I seen a ship upon the deep
And signaled this here fond lament
I haven't did a thing but weep
Sinop thou- has went.
Alas, for I ain't one of they
What hasn't got no faith in love
And them fond words or yesterday
Was spoke true. 'By Heaven above.'
Is it all off 'twixt I and you
Will you go wed some, other gent
The things I done I'd fain undo
Since thous has went.
1Oh Love 1 done what I Have did
Without nee thought of no offense
Return, return, I sadly bid
Before my feelings get intense.
I have gave up all wealth and show
I have gave 'up all hope of fame
But oh what joy 'twould be to know
That thou hadtsd came.
ing colonies. The islanders learn
their shooting under treeng condit
ions, as the Falklands are famous
for the constant winds that prevail
It is often said that the winds are
so strong that they ,blow the funnels
out of steamers and fleas off a dogi
The latter saying appears to be true,
for the dogs on the islands have no
"What about wireless entertain-
ments?" Mr. Hodson was asked,
"Every night we get a program
from England," was his reply, "anti
we hear Big Ben strike, although
we are 6,000 milea off.
"Industries? Well, the main in-
dustry carried on in the Falklands is
sheep farming, and wool is the prin-
tapal item of export. Within the
dependencies the whaling field is of
greiiter importance than all the
others in the world combined.
I ought to mention that the Falk-
land Islands occupy an important
strategical position. There is a fine
harbor, and it was from this harbor
that the British warships went out
to defeat the German fleet on De.
cember 8, 1914.
"Travel in the inslands is done on
horseback, and, the islanders, inc]ud-
ing the women, are good riders.
"The colony Is entirely self -sup
porting, and its finances are satis-
factory. The revenue of the Falk-
' land Islands proper was £58,000,
and the expenditure was £60,000.
With the dependencies the revenue
was £220,000 and the expenditure.
£100,000, 5
Mountainous Kashmir state, In-
dia is spending more than $1,000,000
in improving its steep and winding
'Senghenydd colliery, near Caer-
philly, Wales, in which 439 men
were killed in an explosion in 1913,
has just been closed down.
Brussels, Morris ' & Grey
Municipal Telephone System
Balance from 1927 $ 1411,73
Village of Brussels, 19282249.00
Township of Grey, 19285632.00
Township\ of Morris, 1928 3562.00
Twp. Turnberry, '27-'28182.00
Towne'hip McKillop, 1928 182.00
Twp. E. Wawanosh, 1028. , 226.00
Twp, Hullett, 1928 13.00
•Telephone rentals 1196.80
Extension telephones 68.00
Extension balls 6,00
Lonl; Distance tolls
Receipts, Pay stations . 100.30
Moving telephones 5.00
Sale, wire, batteries, posts 18.62
Total Receipts ... 916873.92
Batteries, wire, line, office
supplies, etc $
Hire of labor
Express, freight, cartage
Lineman's salary
Operators' salaries
Secretary and Treasurer,
Auditors' salaries
Bell Tel. Co. long
Repairs, gasoline,
Livery hire •
Truck licenses .........
Coll. & Clerics, other Muu
Coal and wood
Hydro, light and power .
;Post., stamps, stationery.
McKillop Tel. Sy., tolls ,
Debentures and 'Coupons./
Interest on loans .,•..... ,
Oil„ etc.
Total Expenditure . 913914.03
Balance on hand ,$ 2958.99
Cash on hand $ 2958.99
Stock on hand 3655,55
Unpaid rents and tolls , 2350.50
Valve of System 92500,00
Debentures .. $ 9941.46
Bal. .Assets over Liabilit. 91523.58
$101465.04 , $101465.04
G. H. Samise A. I3, Macdonald, M. Black)
Treasurer. Secretary, N. F: Gerry) Auditors.
Thee Annual Meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on
Tuesday, February, I2th, 1929 at 1.80 pan. when `reports will be
presented, Commissioners elected andother necessary business trans-
acted. A. H. Macdonald,
snako Worship Still I1lourisbce In t1se
feepubllw-rear letemillar Spirit
---l.eig fleet Protec(a.
Yoodism or snake worship still
;lou' it
t ashes I ort an of a Domini-
s til P n.
can flepublic, according to an article
recently published in the New York
Herald Tribune
The recent drowning of a negro in
a stream palled the Arroyo Itonto is
tilted as a proof that the. two -beaded
ecariet serpent, reputed to frequent
the viaLnity again has demanded ate
amulet human victim,
The Arroyo Histo 'flows through
the cane fields of the great American
sugar company known as the Central
Romana, and the section of ]and
wltero the unfottunste laborer met
his death is cultivated by a Domini.
eau who hyIndustry and careful man-
agement lies am•,b;ed a smallfortune.
The majority cf Pape cu tern em-
ployed by haul ate Haytians Of the
pure black Congo type, densely ignor-
ant and thoroughly imbued with the
superstitious and syatent of devil wor-
ship handed down from their 'savage
They say that their employer p09-
sesses a familiar spirit, or "bake,"
which does his bidding and watches
over his interests, and that the ser -
takes vas-•.pur-
am a H,.ytian
pent whose form it
chased yen's ago from
Papa Beauconp, or witch doctor, for
a large sum.
Should a Negro be lax In his tasks
or should he steal from his master
the snake will at once notify hint and
prompt. famishment will be dealt out
to the offender, think the voodooists,
and point, out that the Domipican's
cattle and horses are sleek and fat
while those of certain of his neigh-
bors are lean,
The point where the body of the
drowned Negro was round is marked
by a garden, cultivated by the super-
stitions In the hope of propitiating
the dead man's spirit and procuring
its influence against the future de-
mands of the serpent.
The snake itself is said to appear
near the garden at noon and at mid-
night and the spot is shunned at
these hours. A: other times laun-
dresses and bathers protect them-
selves from the snake with charms
and amulets which they wear sus-
pended around their necks.
A neighbor of this planter is also
prosperous, and to him is attributed
the possession of a "bake" which
takes the form of a pig. Haytians
say that this pig wears a chain
around its neck, the clanking of
which often can be heard as the ma-
lignant makes its nightly tours of in-
spection through the Negro villages
called bateys which are scattered
about the cane fields.
In the centre of each batey is a
circle of hard beaten ground on which
the Haytians dance on moonlight
nights to the throbbing of great tam-
bos or drums formed from hollow
logs and headed with goatskins.
Here the laborers and their women
indulge in. the wild contortions de-
manded by the priests and priest-
esses of voodooism, and inspired by
rum and superstition prance madly
until they fall exhausted by the glow-
ing embers. Fire walkers and fire
eaters feature largely at such orgies
and are looked upon by their dupes
as being sttpee men and women.
During the harvest season, which
lasts from mid-December untll July,
cane fires are of frequent occurrence
and occasion heavy losses to the
planters. For this season, in addition
to the bre guards paid ,by the sugar
Centrals, the Dominican Government
furnishes patrols of soldiers who ride
about the fields armed to the teeth
and who have small liking for Hay-
tians, "They are devil - wurshippers
-not Chris tan," say the brown
Dominicans of the blade Haytians,
"and this republic will never again
submit to their rule, aa It was Forced
to do for forty years during the last
The Wily Fox.
The wiliness of the fox was ex-
emplified at a recent hunt with. the
Blencatltia Ferhounds In the Thirl-
merer Valley. Mr, Fox eluded the
hunters and found a -safe perch on
an 010051 Inaccessible shelf on the
face of New Crag. The ]rounds in
attempting to reach him slipped into
a rock buttress overhanging a preci-
pice from which they were unable to
extricate themselves. A floeitmaster's
son, named Brewnrigfis, was lowered
on a rope 100 feet long and, though
greatly buffeted by a gale which was
raging, succeeded in reaching the
These ho had to lift singly from
one pitch of ruck to another until
they were out of danger.
Xylotrihyciroxyglntaric Acid! '
Xylotrlhydroxy •lutaricacid!
horrible, bu. tis not nearly 80bad-as
it sounds and you may be drinking it.
soon. In fact, Dr. Warren E. F.mley
of the Bureau of Standards told the
Ainerican Chentieel Society recently
that It makes good lemonade. Xylose,
its drug element, is wood sugar which
is made from peanut shells and cot-
tonseed bran,
IL has al sweet taste and no food
value, and In addition to its possibil-
ities as lemonade, chemists think it
can be utilised its an industrial sub-
stitute for glueoso and as a food for
diabetes suffers.
Tolerate Kissing Films.
Japanese consider kissing a nasty
and unsanitary 512511, and hitherto
kissing scenes In "movies" have been
censored. Accordant; to a new enact-
ment, however, Meiling armee are be-
ing Cemented In Altus ehown tat Se. -
pan, providing such emotional acne
are limited to thirty seconds, declared
'X. Truman, Japanese legislator, for
eeonomio and governmental Ideas.
ripe Toads.
Pima toads, which have recently ar-
rived at the London Zoo from South
America, are so ehhs that one can see
through them. The eggs, numbering
tip to 100, are taken by the male and
deposited in cavities in Lha n`other's
ASTHMA Hand orad
Te alatonr
s Wonderful RAZ -
eis ut clean capsules, No emoke,
snuff or serums
0bT more nniks of fi ht'l for breath
l 1
antil you're black rn the faro, You
can have the aaaao xeliof as Mr. Harry
Roberts, Forest, Ont, He had awfgl
A thma 20 years. He writes: "I have
found RAMAII the hestpossible
treatment" , . Guaranteed relief from
a $1.00 box or money back. At your
druggist's, 120
All But Eighteen of Hunrad Widows
Are Left Dependent
Insurance and Trust Companies
and banks frequently take groups of
average then and work out percent-
ages to guide them in economic
studies. Here is a report on one
group of 100 men who have joined
the great majority:
One hundred men, representing
average group, start out in life at
the age of 25 years -
AT AGE 35-
5 have died.
10 are wealthy.
10 are well-to-do.
40 live o ntheir earnings.
40 live on their earnings. '
AGE AGE 45.-
16 have died.
1,18 wealthy.
3 are well-to-do.
65 live on their earnings.
15 are no longer self-supporting.
AT AGE 55- -
20 have died.
1 is wealthy.
3 are well-to-do.
46 live on their earnings.
30 are not self-supporting.
AT AGE 65-
36 have died.
1 is wealthy.
4 are well-to-do.
54 live 'on their earnings.
54 are not self-supporting
AT AGE 75-
63 have died
1 is wealthy
2 are well-to-do
34 are dependent
1 leaves wealth.
2 leave comfort.
5 leave from $2,000 to $10,000.
82 leave nothing .
IDOWS-18 live on their incomes.
47 supplement incomes by work-
35 are dependent.
Aviation Progress
Canadian aviation moved forward
at a rapid pace during 1928. On
January 1, 19.29, there were 333
airplanes in operation, or more than
three times the total of 101 on the
same date a year ago.
Of the total, 246 are engaged 'in
commercial pursuits and 87 are be•
ing used in Government services.
Figures were made available re -
Gently at the Department of Nation-
al Defence.
i The increase in the number of air-
ircraft has brought about a corns,
spending development in flying fa-
cilities. There are at present 44 air
harbors in Canada as compared with
25 on the same date last year.
ILicenses held by connnercial pilots
at the first of theoar numbered q
y sed 1 .0
or more than four times the figures
of 40 on the:eoinparative date. •
Activity in the north has been
:largely responsible for the rapid
� progress of aviation in this country,
lair officials point out. tin Canada
the airplane is closely attached i.o
the development of industry. It is
being used not
only for air mail
anti passenger flying, but is an es-
t sential in prospecting and develop -
1 meet work in the rich country to
the North:
Invaluable assistance in the con -
1 straction of the Hudson Bay Rail-
! way and weather observation work
in the Hudson Straits .are also sig-
niflcant examples of the peculiarly
effective role which the airplane is
playing in Canadian progress.
Evidence of the continuing move-
ment forward of aviation is contain•-
! ed in the recent announcement of
!the recent announcement of the De-
partment of National Defence that
70 new machines are being purchas-
ed this spring for eivil government
operations, These Include forestry
!patrol, weather observation duty and
grain dusting. Several will also be
used for training purposes.
w a
More than one million homes have
been built in England since the
1 Armistice.
"Oyster" and "cherry" tints are
replaeing "Sunburned" face powder
.alt Europe.
Cltog to Ohl Deese Itnles Wean
aroucers and Dye tapir,
Hulled be'ween Austria, Jugo-
Invta Mid Albania, with the Adriatic
deo to the west, is the little noun-
's, of Jimmie., formerly
a t •t' to
' Yaaa 1 of A Ih Ila, ]Int 1 W a pat't'af
the kingdom of Serbs, Groes and
ou ones,
normin I's noted tbi A> for ite
sic Orieutel rnpital city, „aTkive ,
tyhi•re th< t a� i'ins of 1hc• Austt'Iltn
Arrlldulce Ferdinand lit the torch
Unit sei Europe ore Are and left hall
11e eontiut uI in ashes, But Bosnia
also Is renlan'ltable Ler the fact that
most 01its women, who are of the
Moslem faith, wear 'rouse r/4, dye
their r'
i .dr and fingernails with henna
and wear black shrouds over their
heads that make them rescuable
When Turkey we., n anglify power
Bosnia was one 01 its outposts and it
fau1111) the women to live in harems,
to dress lu 'balloon" trousers, to
wear deathlike v, its and genially to
make themselves unattractive to nun.
Three eustoms have survived through
the evil piles. Flirtations with Wo-
men, as Americans know the term,
do not exist. Romance, courtship and
fere are almost. unknown. When a
man or a youtl, wants to marry, be
simply goes to the maritet and buys
a wile for so portly dollar's or so many
bushels of wheat,
Among,he wouu'n in this country
shirts, silk stockings, corsets, Pic-
ture hats, lipsticks, bobbed hair and
"styles" are unknown. Even little
girls wear trousers. They also henna
their hail and flr,gernalis and wear
necklaces of huge blue beads .0 keep
off the "evil -eye.:'
Although the women ;ere mostly of
lure Serbian origin for Koran which
they have adopted teaches thele that
they must never expnee their face .o
any man except their fu Cot, husband
or brother. They must also wear
white gloves, leaving no part of their
body uncovered. They epend most of
their lives within the dark. cloistered
walls of their homes. For them the
outside world does not exist. Ac•eord-
ing to Government statistics 99.68 per
cent, of ,hem are illiterate.
Over 80,000 tulles of Highways Out-
side of Cities.
The total area of Sweden is almost
as large as that of Germany while
her entire population is barely 6,050,-
000. The country's main highway
falls slightly behind those usually
found in the countries of Western
There are about 80,795 miles of
highways outside of cities in the
country paved as follows: Macadam,
gravel -surfaced and dirt roads, 60,-
783 miles; asphalt, 18 miles; con-
crete, 6 miles; >l•anite blocks, 37
miles; and about 15 miles of brick
roads in various pares of the country.
A National Highway Boards Asso-
ciation was established last fall at a
meeting in Stockholm attended by of-
ficials from forty provincial highway
boards. About sixty-Hve highway
districts have joined the association
and it is believed all local boards will
become members. The purpose of the
association is to promote good roads
An Error Has Been Discovered Ur
Whitaker's Almanaclt.
After sixty years publiea.iun en er-
ror has betel discovered in Whi!::ker's
One of the Zodiacal fleu,es has
been printed wrongly.
In the 1029 vellum -lie, 614._
a -
the editor -in -thief ppts e, :tat
Capricornus now appears ir. ii+a .rue
shape as a marine nionste,--•a sea
(not he) goat.
Tins erroneens drewkn1 on 2210 title
page and in Ale calendar heti 1,11,11111 -
ed undiscovered until a sheet time
before the present edition wt« placed
on the Press.
Considering that this almtnau, as
Is rightly clattned, is edited by tate
-public-cnrre npondents froiu all parts
of the world vugge,tinc and cri ieiz-
ing it every ye yr --it is reurltkable
that the error should not have been
WEDNESDAY, FR/3,6th, 1929,
Bt' leaf tel Salve ppe'.,e is
AND whse better indication
Modem Necesy
Poo end refinement than
� a
ecrui ee of celebrated
r�a'J oTaklaioaraDaDo.'a
By reason of out complete stocks
this store is fast becoming known
as headquarters for this delight -
Jul were.
PriceJa, C MRt easonaDTble oaewW
Wroxeter -- Ontario
i i
m .a,.. m aw a,s .x,i ". .aria VW'
aw w .ac
(By the Left Hand Monkey Wrench)
It is essential to have water, oil
and gas inspected before starting
out on a long tour. Also it is well
to have the air pressure in all of the
tires looked after.
Engine silence has reached so high
a standard that car owners often are
unable to tell whether the motor is
running. The ammeter is the sure
guide. Keep an eye on it. An ir-
regular movement means the engine
is in operatien.
Dust that works its way into the
fabric Is the chief factor in rapid
wear of upholstery. The material
should be brushed with a whisk
broom at least once a month and,
after the brushing, subjected to a
thorough cleansing with a vacuum
cleaner. It means a valuable exten-
sion of upholstery life and much bet-
ter appearance.
About the most destructive thing
that can be done to a cor is to turn
front wheels with the steering wheel
while the car is not in motion. This
puts a severe strain on steering
parts. To get wheels turned, move
the car slightly backward and for-
ward while turning the steering
I Engine lubrication is aided great-
ly by higher violability fuel. Being
more combustible, more of it burns
and less of it remains in the com-
bustion chamber to seep down cylin-
der walls, removing the lubricant as
it goes, and the less that gets down
the cylinder walls, the less dilution
of the lubricant there is.
Front wheels and tires should be
trued up separately. The front
wheels may toe to the proper amount
but the riots may not run true, thus
throwing the tires out of line, Thla
can be determined by revolving the
wheels separately and noting how
true they turn. Any variations may
be due to the wheels being too loose
on the axles or to the rims being
screwed to the wheels unevenly.
1' When an automobile engine nris,:-
es at high speed or in climbing hills
the trouble can often be traced to
the spark plugs, according to engin-
eers. Much of this trouble, they may
is due to the spark plug points being
set too for apart, or because tho
plug's are simply worn out ,having
been used more than 10,000 miles.
discovered until the Gist year.
World's Oldest Newspaper.
Germany's 2431111 that the all..
newspaper cape in existence le an is -
elle of th•a A , tel n 'g Avg *n bran', d
in 1609, has brim elit out a. challenger
in the pecten of J. W. C. B.•stland, of
Glendale, ,'-at.
1 The Car Owner's Scrap -Book
The gap between the points should
not have more than .025 inch clear-
ance, or .020 inch in high compres-
sion engines. As spark plug trouble
is often mistaken for valve or piston
ring trouble, the proper thing to do
before making repairs, the engineers
say, is to have the plugs inspected
which will save unnecessary expense.
Because lubricating oils thicken
and become more viscous as they cool
a lighter grade should be used in the
engine and transmission during the
cold months. Most automobile en-
gines run nearly as hot in winter as
during other seasons, arter they are
thoroughly warmed up. The use of
too light an oil in winter may prove
unsatisfactory when the engiine is
hot, since the oil may become too
thin for proper lubrication. Usual-
ly, however, an engine that requires
a heavy oil in summer may use a
medium grade in winter. An engine
requiring a medium oil in summer
may have a light grade in winter-
' Cold air is also unfavorable to vap-
orization of gasoline. To conspen-
sate for the poor mixing qualities of
cold fuel it is necessary to provide
snore gasoline by opening the gaso-
line adjustment on the carburetor or
by pulling out checker. To ensure
sufficient air for combustion, chok-
ing should not be too continuous.
The same carburetor setting is of-
ten suitable for running at all sea-
sons of the year, though in winter
it may not be working at its greatest
efficiency until after the engine has
been running for some time. To
leave a carburetor opened to an un-
usual degree or to choke it continu-
ously after the engine is warmed up
is poor economy. Under either con-
dition more gasoline is consumed
than is necessary.
' Gages on the dashboard should
be carefully watched when driving.
A new fan belt should be checked
after driving a few hundred miles
and readjusted,
After the ear has passed a night
in a cold garage, care in starting of-
ten will save wear and tear on the
Grea'y rags, used for cleaning the
engine, are a serious fire hazard and
should he burned without delay.
Never leave them lying around the
Oil the springs of a car, but not
to an excess, Too much lubrication
may cause the springs to collapse
when the car strikes a chuck hole,
or an execs amount of spring action
may cause ehimmying.
Mr. Bestland has a copy, which he.�
believes auth use. of the Knells!:
Me rear;v, pttl I1 •bed :tt tt hit r,;,ll
England, Juty 23, 185. It. contains
an itcetamt of the leel,ting el' 11,
Spanish 41`111.11.1a.
Destland will send his cup., to Ger-
many for oxalaillation iv ,,. s He
hopes to lieu e it at 8: el r.n, li,y as
the oldest xlenue acres of a 11e1'5 -
Cat Draws Salary.
An ordinate', brindled 'lam eat is
on the regular pay roll of an Amer-
ican relive*, He er.r215 r'.
91.69 a tunntb. Damage tee , u•:1,
caused bv 12.15, 11111,, luny} 21(2 au-
tumn, and Teta was "hired" when his
ability as an exterminator of rodents
was proved in ei nlpttitinn with a
number of his kind. Tom observes
regular hours and never worries
about overtime
Return to Gold Standard.
During 1925 Ove countries'-.
France, Norway, Greece, Bulgaria„
and Bolivia, returned either partly or
wholly to the gold standard basis.
These make twenty -Ave leading coun-
tries that have sineg, 1929 reverted
to the gold standard, leaving only six
yet to take this step, vis„ Spain,
Japan, Peril, Portugal, Roumania and
The liapnneso Alphabet.
The Japanese alphabet possesses
two sets of oharacters---katanaka for
the use of men, hiranagn for women,
Haring been appointed Distributor for the
We offer Cars at $605,00 and up, including
ix dil-icrent mndtls, vi•z...: Piymouth q ; De
Soto .6 ; Chrysler 62.6 ; Chrysler 65.6
Chrysler 75.6 ; and Chrysler 8o 6. All with
the longest wheel base of any small car, also
hydraulic 4 -wheel brakes,
Come in and look then; over.
P11011e 9X