HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-2-6, Page 1t # +GNP+eltG+s c +anitCtaYawul+etWillette tete/ kilMe +I'3'g+ IMilatrtFr
Town Hall,
��IaQ McQoinn
Musical Entertainment
A Refined Clever Program
VOL. 57 NO, 34 2.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, I929 J. L. ALERR, Proprietor
.n..._._._...9ea._.....`,)". ..>ry.',"„1ih2tr.:`.Yi..,a..•,`i,79atarstntat:.l....rt+..:..^dii°`d-.la't2f`„'3"z:Side.�•r •
Introducing Barsifal Bells, Xylophone, Violins
j o Sketch Artists.
Piano, Comedy Sk t A fi fis.
Special Scenery, Wardrobe, Etc.
Do not class this program with the average travelling
Shows. We guarantee your money back if not satisfied.
Remember the date—Friday, Feb. 8th
25c and 47c plus tax
The Surrounding District
rtYneeliwf+ ' 2TeleFt AKKKoPenel eeee:»eepl+:«tw«F.ok kg8
WROXETER here, where she leaves many friends
The Business Men's Carnival held who deeply regret to learn of her
in the rink Friday evening proved a de h. Wide -spread sympathy is
most interesting event. There was expressed for her husband, the aged
a largo attendance •and the different father, her sister, Miss Mary David -
prizes for costumes and races keerJy+ son of Wroxeter and two brothers,
contested. Gavin, of Oshawa and Walter, of
Much sympathy' is expressed for `Morris. The funeral was held in
Stratford Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs, Sian Herrington visited with
London friends during the week.
James Dodds will move his stock
into the store vacated by J. R. Oult.
P. Metcalf, of \4aterdnwn, visited
bee sister, Mrs. 13. 0. Johnston this
of Miss Mary Pope, Thursday aftec- The annual meeting of Blyth Tele -
noon. There was an attendance of phone System was held in Memorial
20 and Miss Pope presided. At the Hall, Tuesday afternoon, with a gond
conclusion of several business items, attendance. The business of the
Miss A. A1eLeod gave h very fine year was thoroughly gone c ver ai d
paper on the ``Life of Edgar Guest" shows the enmpatsy to be in splendid
illustratinghis character bythe f199fiue Jlatty, 1'tae cnmrnthstnv
for - 10_0 are John 'Baer, G. bI, Chnm•
reading of a number of his poems. bers and J. Fingland.
The roll call was also answered by
reading of his poems or quotations.
Mrs. W. S. McRercher .then gave a
George and Mrs. Seiling in the death
of their little 'son, Allan bricks, aged
five months which occurred at their
home Wednesday, after a few days
illness of pneumonia. The funeral
was held Friday afternoon to the
Wroxeter cemetery, Rev. E. Bolin -
broke officiating.
The Jnuary meeting of the Wom-
en's Institute was held at the home
Residents of Blyth and community
were shocked to le'a'n of the death
of Eerneat Bender which tot k
most instructive talk demonstrating place after a few dttys illness. itir.
an the care of the sick, which was Bender bad been a nterehnnt here
much appreciated. For the past 25 yeare. Born in flay
Jean Davidson wife of George Sic- township, Onunty of Hutou, 66 veare
intosh, died tit her home in Strut sgn, he came to Blyth les a young
ford, Saturday evening after having emu,
been in declining health for twolun
, Ha is sntvived by his wife
o Ives formerly Alberta 3, Carr,
years. She was the second daugh- of Bar a son, Edwin, Soryivingaka a fosterm
ter of John Davidson, of this place, son also
Braker. . him
ttve also sue sister Mrs. B. PFile of
and until ,her marriage, seven years 2arick, it bother Ezra Bender of
ago had spent ,practically all her life Dashwood, sed a half brother Henry
w ti
Lowry's Garage, Brussels, Friday, Feb, 8th
.Famous liumoly short course In operating, acljneting, repair.
ing, design and conetruetion of power farming machinery.
National it scope. Eleventh fuccessftil year. Miles of thrill-
ing, interesting, Instructive ,movie A1me,esynohronized with
lectures. Sponsored bgeRumely at Mtge cost, but coming free
to farmers of thls community. We are fortunate indeed in
securing this (teat. A rare opportunity to learn to "linoW
your power farming machinery." Bring the boys and hired
help, too. Come early; stay lato. Three sessions; Morning,
efternoon and evening.
Special:. Movies taken in your own locality will be shown.
Come and Bee your neighbors in the =aloe,
• New Aevertleement■
Auction Sole -Che -ter blatant
Cor et .cool-bum77
hrles S
ore, WaltonPoernr Sale-rn Bros, per tient discount -If. AHuntor
Medio trans-Robeet Petri&
h cnlnn Slaters
r Concert Company
Tender- Wonted-Townektp or trey
Naive -Wolter .a Stov
For Ger wanted titevnnaan
Gander wanted -bred N,nnndon
For onto -Charles r
PI forsale-Von P»e
Seta pens-rrn,k tattle
Turks) o Por solo -phone 824
Car or sareeningtt-W, ID, Redford
Nile Mansell,
very highly respected by the entire
cornmunity. He was u valued
member of Queen Street United
rhmoh, being recordirrg steward
of the Church for some time also
superintendent of the Sabbath school,
He also held many other cruces in
the town. The funeral service was
held from Queen Street United
hunch at 2.80 p, m, on Saturday with
a private service at the house at 2
n, M. Ltterment taking plaee in
Union Cemetery.
W. 3, Hanlon, 51, fm•merly of
Windsor and London, Ont„ died
after a Blunt illness. Me. Hanlon
was horn in Blyth, Ont., afterwards 1
working for some time in London.
Iu 1914 he carie to SVindsor, and
for some years worked as a butcher.
His Wife and four rhildreu, Garfield
of Wetlkerville, Austin, Oail and Mrs,
A. Avis of Detroit, survive, Funeral
services were held Saturday in
Valentine Social will be held. Jilvery-
budy expeets a great time and lots of
t n v' e
At he acralg Sex to next Sun-
day it free.wvill offering will be taken
its aid of the Prince of Walee Fund for
Miners. This is the only chanes far
nolle tic i. i t this c en i vegvtginti c muuty,
-t lease bring a auwc us niferiu r
if unable to attend send sornething to
help others who a"
re in reed, for!t is
More noble to give that/ receive."'
Miss Ward, of Listowel warier visit-
nr lest week with her sister, Mrs, Har,
ry McCutehenn,
Mrs, Wm, visited ea wit her
daughter, Mrs, Frank Stamper, of
Tu,'nbet't•y last week,
Chester Rin tout, 51h Zine is holding
au Auction Sale of (cern stock,
etc , on Friday Feb. 16th. Read the
full list in this week's Pewee
George McDonald of 0oderieh,
spent a few days tvith friends here.
I'. G. Hemphill shipped a carload
of split peas from here to the West
Indies no Tuesday.
The Hydro gang are now install- The Presbyterian Mission Band
eg transformers between here and \,li} meets at the home of Alex. and
\V ingham and (tope' to be ready for
rhe power to go on this line about Mrs. Dunbar on Saturday afternoon
two weeks. at 2,.80 o'clock,
Mrs. (Rev.) R. L. Wilma passed
,away at her home in Toronto regent. GREY
ly, Many friends here extend lc,
Rev, Mr. Wilson and fancily their Grey Connell met at Ethel an S
eincere sympathy. 141x, 'Wilson teas nt•day,
pastor bete in the Methodist chin ch Miss Mary Harris, of Wroxeter. vie -
at few years ago, iced a few days last week with Irene
The annual congtegatinnai meeting Grainger.
was held in United Ohm cb on Wed.. Mise Marie Wesenhurg spent the
ywilt a good a/
tend uce Rev week• td
at the home of het p•e
nts '
Al r. lV,Ideti occupied the chair and 'art the 141h,
Alex. Marl:wen acted as secretary, Thos. Ket t, can. 8, Elaut, is hold- 1
Heim' t el the Misairn Band was lug all Anetinu Sale of horses and
given by Mrs, George Gannett: ; Y. P, -stall -tock on Tuesday of next
S. by Miss Beatrice Thnrntnn; Sun. week.
Mervyn Glrainger secured a hand- F
some prize for,taking the largest nu
her its a sleigh load to the carnival i
\Vroxeter Friday last.
Jack Smalldon and wife and chug
ler, Fern Irene also Mr, Snyder r
turned bottle by motor, to Ot•id, 11ic
igan, after spending six weeks wit
hie mother, Mrs. HartySnrilldon, a,
Hugh Lamont, 11th cnn., left o
Wednesday of this week for Kitche
er Hospital where be expects to or
tietge tin operation, Hernia is tit
trouble and hie many ft lends hop
that the treatnent will prove ben
CARD OF TreANKs :—The nuclei erg-
ned wish to thank the neighbor- and
ftiends for the kind wards and deed
during the sickness and death
husband and father•. We appreciat
them all very touch.
Council met on Saturday. line GLAes1RR AND Sox.
J, H. Fear has been unloading Al- A pleasant evening was spent, n
erta coal at this station.•, Wednesday, at the hone of h•:
Miss Olive Cooper R. N , left Mon. and Mrs }Jigging, when tt ounthe
ay for Port Huron in response to a of their friends and neigltb,trs invad
rill. ed the house with a surprise party
Preshyterien Church Ladies held a The evening was spent in card play
very successful play on Monday even. ing and dancing until) the wee sin
Ing hours.
There was a splendid attendance Harvey Wilson, of Tessier, S.tsk
Inst Sunday at the afteennnn set vice, was a visitor for a few days dutiug th
Surely the inti el• is more useful than rest week with I) E. and .\its Sam
the automobile. eta and other old frierde , 0 111- 101
Please reutenbet to hying a getter- cart, Mt. Wilms cattle Bast /till/ th
nus offering next Sunday /afternoon body of his mother, \les, R -n, Wi
in aid of the Prince of \Vales Fund son, who died at the hams- f h
for the Otd Land Here iq n chance daughter, Mrs. Frank Campbell, 1 e
for everybody in the community to Piet, and intetinent was turtle it tit
Nein. Woodstock cemetery, 1) rt nsrd, w h
The Annual Ohm'' ch report of the was ee years of age, was a cut merle
Presbyterian ()Mimi) recycle gond. ev- it}ent of the pith eon. f ( rev alum
ery Society of the Church with a 30 years ago, the family m •rit,g fret
Mance On the right side. It is n splen- here to \Vnedstnclt and Inter Mr,
did sign of leliginns life when the \Vitsmt went 10 live with her Haugh
Church shat es the prospettty of the I ter, Davits sanders, in. it e tr„ and
Celan-trinity. John Strudels, Btusselt, attended the
A good Crowd assembled in Dun- funeral at \Vuodstnrk,
'bar's Hall Ethel, Monday evening. Ott Friday evening, Jan. 31st,
Rev, Mr, Williams acted as chair- ahant nut- lmndled neighbours and
man. A play, of two acts "The
friends gathered at the helot/• of H u -
John and Mrs. Machan are visit-
ing g a at AfclVabght this
Mrs. Thomas Hackwell and son El-
liot are visiting Mrs, Hackwell'a par.
ents, Mr. and Mts. Elliot near Mit-
Lawrence and Mrs. Forsyth who
have been visiting relatives in Wal-
ton returned to Toronto on \Vednes- ,
day,; 11%ra,`.�'71 a 8�`t
Mrs, Fred Rutledge and son Leslie
Wt on Thttisdtty for Grsfton, where
they intend to spend a week visiting
relatives and friends.
Mee, William Rack well is not en-
joying very gond health at present, a
Iter many ft lends are sorry to hear,
Mrs. Samuel McPherson is also un-
der the doctor's care at present.
tGaat�t3f!'.,YC'dktF:+rt,'!:Yk°'��zAp.l#�u"�b"n:atG: w"�t''tgt�C�i
Bakin Sale
Will be held
in the
Saturday, d Feb. eb 9th Y�
a o'clock
Under auspices
F Church Ladies' Guild
To served from 3 to 6 aided
style. The other number on the
program: were all well rendered anti
we take this opportunity of thanking
one and all who helped to snake the
evening a success,
clay Sebnol by Mrs. William Peacock ;
W. 141. S., by Mrs. John FPIi t Steve-
a•ds Board by Richard Johnston ;
1'rnstee Board by Alex. Maeiwan ;
Woolen's As Ceratin/ by Mee. Len
Elliot. The W. M. S raised $300 and
the Genetal Fund $2.200 Missions $174.
'he report for Ebenezer eppnint-
Ment Sunday Schonl was given by
Mies Eva Dennis, and the General
nd Mission Fund by Lewis Jewitt.
The same session was it' elected
with the addition of Stanley Gallagh-
r to replace hie father who has
moved to Wroxeter. Ohalles John -
ton was elected to the Board of
tewards and the old ones all elect -
d. After all the reports and busi-
tess were attended to a gond lunch
ivas served,
Miss Winona Frain spent the week- e
end with Miss Edith Corsalitz,
A gond crowd was present at the
dance in Long's Hall on Friday even-
Just to odd a little spice after the
dance feet. Friday evening, the horse
nw,ted by Roy Seiling ran away and
in the mix up brake both harness tt
an 1 shafts.
The Young peoplee Society last ti
Sunday was well attended. Miss Jean e
Noble was the leader. Miss Margaret
McNair read an interesting paper on
Runyan's Pilgrim Progress, and Misq
Marie Long followed with net mile
paper on -Christ's ('hntlenge to the
Young," On Friday February 150h a
Nut Coal
Also Stove Coal
Expected this week
WALTON Laughing Cure was quite humorous 1Y and 11ts• Spt'iran. 1'21, et t,.. to
after a In haneytimon. About In 30
the hvide etnd gtnoru were asa,d to
!Monday afternoon from his late re
sidenee, and services were. conduct-
ed b
Rev. '
R F. G. Fowler, assisted i "
Y s sled b
Rev. „A, W. Barker.Internum was
/Dude In Brussels cemetery. The
pallbearers were Messes. Win. Hem-
ingway, Inc, Grant, Itobt, Miller,
Robt Davidson,
a e r
Zanies Lu and
„es an
Ga.o MCNieitoi. Relatives from a
i'• 'tuner- t:tl•,mdni';• the funeral wer„
Mrs, Albert Wylde, Noyth Malden;
Wm. and Mrs. Glassier, Neustadt;
Mrs. Emma Schmidt, London, and
S iv
I er Corners.
Glen Gamins, of Wingltam, spent
Sunday at his home here.
Etched and Mrs. Nichol were Sun-
day visitors at the home of Jas. and
Mrs Nichol,
Jno and Mrs, Mundell were Sun-
day visitors i t the home of Walter
and \Ii,s. Smillie.
Miss Louise Thompson, of Wing -
ham, spent Sunday at the home o1'
I, H. and Mrs. Garniss.
Ml.. .1, Wesley Leggatt was a
',reek end y sitor with her brother,
Alex. and .Mrs. Mowbray.
Mil Mary Robertson is spending
a few dry. Ili Bolpzitve, the guest o1
her sister, Mrs, Jno, Geddes,
• The reg•.itar meeting of the Wo -
m to lest:tete will be held on Tilers
day afternoon, Feb. 14th, at the
home of Mrs. R. F. (arniss. The
s;at+jt'ct "Reading, for Children" will
:,e• taken by -lits. Alice Aitken, also
Mrs. Oke will give a paper when
;ra'e s :romise of -being full of in-
t t Ro 1 Call "The ,vUrk I like
it t 1,01,es of the community are
away, w,. ,,
am at i• '•n •
the m .et„ s,
Chitties t mit sltitmetI 1. wit rats
:,t' hogs on Thursday olid a ear of cat.
rte 'it `i.rt,ttday.
The F testers held tt euchre tuid
nut dative in the bai! at Belguwein, Fri -
u day evening. Tile prises were cap -
tared by Miss lsilen i5tnnehmtse and
h John Anderenn• Aft et 1111101 had
e. beet, served, denting tuns el loped.
Jarkentt orchestra supplied the
ht must-,
td Knt.x united c'turch held their an
mull rnngreg,ittonal meeting last
week tvlieat there teas tt very fined at.
tettdattee, nnneidititg the unfevnttt.
1- j able weather. After ttt,ttl}et }tati been
e l set wed the i-usitcss o1' the meeting
P , was dealt with. The vat ion.. reports
e-' weis green and a Abel's were elected
fat the ranting year.
Personal Paragraphs
M. Yollock was a vieltor in Toronto.
over the week -end,
Reeve Backer is in the Go.'town ta..
they on business.
3,'1'. IVond, of 'Georgetown, vitas
visitor lu Atnssels last Week,
Bttrt•lstet' R. Vanetoue, of Wing.
}tarn, WAS its town or, Wednesday,
Alis, J. G. Folliti, of Toronto, is here
on a visit with W. F. and Mr's. Stree-
hire, (i ,
Oen, Rnbertou, of Winton,
a visitor
with dies, Jus, llallnn-
was a Ivieitarr with her sister,Mra.•�A.,
0. Dames.
Mrs, A. Sehinbein, Listewel, was a
visitor last week its towel, calling on.
Mrs, 1), 0. Ross.
Many friend., will he glad to know
that. Mrs. D. C. Ross is showing im-
provement rovement each day.
We are glad to hear that Miss Elva
Oliver is improving Lifter her serious
illness at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto.
We are sorry to eater, that Miss
Kate Dere nets ie still eon lined to her
hoots from the art er•effrrts of the flu.
Mts. L. A. Smith, of London, is ex.
ported tide week and will take charge
of the haute. g
David Jamisson a•as called to St.
Catharines last netk owing to the ill-
ness of his son, lint rigid, who has
hem, confined to his bed for the past
mouth, as the te.utt cf 1 w strokes of
paralysis. Gees blends here hope
for an end), intprc'vernet,t,
Mrs. Geo. h:dwirds «US Palled 10
fa:towe! im Monday swing to the sod-
d o death of bet set e' in-law, :41 re.
Ferguson. A Tnesd ty' prP-s t•ttpnrt
saws :--Oenlh cath soddenly to Mra.
Alex. Fet•gasnn, of 1, krttn+ul street,
-arty on Sunday mat itiug whirl has
east a glnotu over the neighhnehnod,
Site was ability her household duties as
usual on Friday morning rid after.
nonn hitt took r stroke during the
right, and was taken to the Alemnrial
Hospital nn Sat Imlay. whet e, despite
all that medical aid r,•nld do, she pass-
ed peacefully swag flatly on Sunday
Mrs. Earl Anderson went to T"r•rtn-
loon Sm.utsitry to be with her sinter
who is
Airg. Hort Ttsker nntl two children
of Hlyth wele visitors during the
week with her patents, 3, and Mrs,
McQuite, its the village,
s From Trem eaieav Wis. — Recalls
e, lis
n f Old Days and Friends on the Ethel
E, Circuit,
Mr.• ,I. L. herr, -
Brussels, Ont,,
D -to Editor:— d:tor:--• In reading The Post
, I saw how you would welcome a let
ter from old residents living out
e West to publish in your valuable
l paper. Well, I have many pleasant
;ne Dories of Ethel locality. I fee;
e !novo... to. Writ, •1 fess lines for the
sake of old friend,: and Auld Laing
sr. Syne.°•
:1Iy hu -band is the Methodist
e • ; n. to in this town of Trempeal, au.
I. \t . hi n about fou years. Trent -
eel 1 is a French and Indian
' Dan., --ate ;mitt • mountain with water
alt around it. There is Trem, steam
.\lottntain in mitltlle of the Ttstss-
;nni River, So 1 might say we are
located "where. the Mi si-sippi waih-
es round tilt oily southern sho'•e."
And the it' m boat t cmc, a pa trf ng
ro;intl the bend."
A good many yt-ers ago T learned
how to chord on the organ and sing
the abm, song, that wee in the dart,
when a hutch of young people who
were neighbors the Runpr, Kay
nr r i \Ie C'i ca I .sir d Sh.trpo ant
1•'}Batt ,e.d to mea i,t' end have
n milt l eery vii:••/ of two during
the' aatdt'r. \\e spent the e't-n,tcr
▪ inter utd playing know foo We
id t t r i:ty van's). Then we -,oma
tamene'tt 'nr sleigh ride over to
\1c,•1 la it•.r. \\e, teal fine rim
I might add n few swords il, ,t/} -
Ira of our locality. This is a sum-
mer t ort town, noted for its
1 e tt tut si ne y. Atrose the river
11ie i i.,. its Minnesota, the i 1n nr.
tail stretch in a broken out!in .i -
lone the sky lilt The river is a•
bout a toile wide. Then there is tt
chador of matuatains or 1;,:,l; jitei
;v, -t of our town, 'Each peak le a•
l�,tnt 500 or 000 feet high. Then
the have a National Park, vaned
Perrot Park. It is called after the
Froth Governor. Perrot, who Mint
a fort here and spent t collide of
winter's le:re bout 00 tears a'o,
when this entre try was under French
rule, • We have t tablet erected its
his memory on the site of the ell
fort. There are also htuulreds of
Tndian mounds along the river. Sawn
peoplo 51117 thtc moamds were built by
the Mound linilders. During the
past grimmer the Milwaukee ITtstori-
;•1 i11 - sant ':'r 11:.
work. They, after .1 ;ria
aennission, opened many of tin
mounds. Cine mound was fifty feet
}sigh (and seventy-five feat in ilia -
meter. They found it was the bury-
ing place of a Chief and Ins family.
There was a covering or roof of
bark over the bodies which were well
preserved and which they didn't dis-
turb, But the relics they found in
the greve were taken to the Museum.
They were eonsidered very valuable
consisting of beads, copper 101-
plefnents, hatchets and knives. 01
courser we had to all go to View the
everyone doing their ,part in good welcome Ootdnn and his imide twine
#2 alaali lea edeateeptht9zailieraila gearntehet
a bt2e
be seated in the diuiog loom trhere
w'gt5:ty!azgtC* :„tyts'tyt„w.aTtgtvtetgtate-4 AZIC4iler a4M1 they were plesentea with a fibre
In order to make room for
our Spring Merchandise, I of-
fer, a discount of 20 p. c. on
all Winter Goods for the next
two weeks. Come early and
get your choice before lines
get broken.
,o settee and rocket. `;tanley 'p!OOII
.t and Melvin Oat nonan /orale the pre-
a' setttntioll anti 1 P lie Il,,tl.,nnld lend
the following addle
Slit Dear - Friend. - -eve, ye•nt f, ii tt tc
al and neighbors have gathered hors
• this evening 1, bestow on you cur
>rj heantietil rut, i it ulat'nns rind itr.,t
• wishes for Ir long wedded life, NV,
tisk you to arrept this as tt tekrta t f
• out• fiend -lip \Vishir g y, n vont y
success to your elide:w nts amine
rfj the years In conte Sigurd net Mimic
IA of Neigithnte and Friends,
° },1751.117 MtDovnr.tt.
io 21vLA•IN ¢'ARxuci1,IN.
t5 S•r.t.t•t•:'1 srPtt,ti
as '• lthough taiten by stiuntise tl.,tel<rn
made a' suited- reply and itishi•ci
d then/ all to have a gond time. The
7,1 evening weer enjoyably spent- tet g,lit,es
ni and dancinf nut.it the wee sn
'alta ,, hors When departed wishl'g
. the bride and groom many yoitts of
tA' Another Piet, er Gone:— An old
• and highly --teemed resident of tine
120 eon„ in the person of J,htt
Glassier, passed away at bit home,
lot 8, on Friday horning in his 74th
year. Deceased had been in poor
health fee scirto t''!;e hat m<rs just
confined to his bed for about two
weeks. He was born on the farm on
which he spent his whole life. Forty
eight years ago he was married to
bis now bereft partner, Matilda Gies
sier, who with one son, Donald, sur
vives. He was a son of the late Join
and tA,nnie. Glassier. Two sisters,.
Mrs. Philip Seel and Iles, John Mo•
Leod, are deceased and one brother
Daniel, of British Columbia survives.
In religion lie \Vasa staunch member
of te Prebyterian church and when
▪ in good ]Health his seat was neva'
aearzrarerererntereanareinreeararerlaieratesea k vacant. The funeral was held on
ltapph i'ss and 1 r,.eerily.
mound when opened. People often
Lind Indian arrow heads and knives
• nd tools of stone in the fields. We
have found several.
We are having the coldest and
stormiest January in the history of
many. It storms every few days.
Ri/t after a storm along conies the
I big County caterpillar snowplow and
clan•.. the roads, so the autos are
able to run.
\\'e are on the airplane route
frees ('id ergo to Minneapolis. As a
rule there are five or six fly over cin•
house every day. There is a re-
volving beacon light tower erected
on ono of the hills one half mile a-
way, as a guide to the airplanes at
nheht. There is a light tower every
ton miles.
Tile cold weather affects our
church s. rw 1 e - some what. Our
Ladies' Aid Society had a chicken
pie supper last meek and did well
even though it was stormy. We
h„tie a LadiesAid Supper every two
weeks. The Aid /mother- are divid-
ed into seven groups with five mem-
bers in each group. On group sera's
at a time.
Of votive we don't feel we like it
better here than in Ontario, but we
have felt the call here. '4\'e realize
it is nee ws ary to hold up the stand -
fled otkeightermsnees and truth.
Our son, Carman, is teaching in
C ak t ills High S,•hncl about six
milee front home, so that is one of
to airy thin •to t t•a•sc. God for
• It toty oltl i nd< read this and
have elf` Ono drop ne a line at
two Intl we tell be delighted also
please • tall in end sea father and
mother with a ward of cheer in my
stead for my sake.
Here c poem containing a little
of nil , ntiments:
An old ;nen eoleg a lone highway
Cance at evening. cold and. gray
To a eI;a,i l vest and wide anti deep
y9, ith \vat or roiling cold and deep,
Th:r old main crossed in the twilight
The sullen stream had no fears Por
But he turned whet/ safe on the
other side,
And befit t. 1,1.41 O to 511em the tide.
'-Old matt' n 0 fellow }tilgrim near
"loft are \t x t nag your strength with
• buliding here
Your journey tt-ill earl with the end-
, ing day,
'Yon never :wain will pass 'lois way.
ti: an'vr• crossrd the chasm, deep and
IWhy build you this bridge at even-
' tale?
The t ',aiiih ] "t•xt iee old arty head;
"Gontl friend, in the p,r.th I have
come,” he said
"There followeth lifter me today
A ,youth whose feet must pass this
The chasm that was as naught to 'me
To that fair youth miry a pitfall be;
Ids, too, must cress in tit- twilight
Good friend, I am building thin
bridge for him!"
Mae. Winifred Raynerd Lucas,
Wis„; U, S. 1A.