HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-1-30, Page 6DA 'i JAN 80th, 1920.
Bracing Breakfast for flitter Weather
Serve with piping hot milk - Doesn't
overload your stomach-- Makes you
alert arni active - rine for your*seer s
Made by The CAniidian Shredded Wheat .Company. Ltd.
Huron County Council
(Continued from Page 5) 'Huron Plowmen's Association; $100
etitute, —Referred to Educationalto the North Huron Plowmen's Ass--
Committee, 1 1 elation; $25 to each Public Library
lv the County; $750 to each hospltai
The striking committee's report,in the County approved of by the
fixed the membership of the stand•; Government; $25 to the Hensel'
ing committees. This was adopted.• Seed Show; and$100 to the Salva -
At the same session Chairman Dr.tion Army Rescue Home in London.
Milne of the House of Refuge tom- i In considering the report in commit-
mittee, ex -Warden Hays and the tee the grants were all approved and
Clerk reported with reference to the that to the Salvation Army Rescue
installation of the frigidaire at the Home was increased to $150 (the a-
Houseria of Refuge. This had been mount the request asked for), this
carried out and the outfit was a very being on motion of Messrs. Hander
creditable addition to the House of son and Turner.
Refuge equipment. ' A request from County Treasurer
Dr. Milne spoke of the matter of Gordon Young was for a substantial
rebates to urban mpaltites on increase in his salary. Mr. Young
the levy raised for highway work in pointed out that in Bruce County,
such municipalities. His municipal- , with a lower assessment than Huron
ity was looking for a return of a County the treasurer's salary is $2,-
certain proportion of the levy for 700, against the $1,500 at present
work on streets leading to the con paid in Huron. The letter was laid
netting link but had been informed on the table, s
that these moneys were to be re When motions were called for, a
tained to form a fund for future'lot of motions were put in, some of
pavement. The Dr. was instructed which are ear -reaching in their ira-
to take the matter up with the Good penance. The following is the list:
Roads Commission and the Engineer , By Messrs. Hubbard and Wright,
for an explanation, ' that the petitions of the parties in -
The fallowing motions Wee pre-
'eterested in the Wroxeter School
sented: boundary be sent to the Education
By Messrs. Hill and Dodds that Committee to bring in a recommen-
the report of the striking committee dation.—Carried.
he adopted and that the cards be By Messrs. Adams and Beattie
printed with- the telephone number thata grant of $200 be made to the
and address of each member. —Car-
; Agricultural Representative for jun-
ried. for extension work to be held in
By Messrs. Beattie and Kennedy trust by bim for that purpose.—Sent
that a grant of $100 be made each to Executive committee.
agricultural society holding a fait By Messrs. Craigie and Turner
fair.—Referred to Executive Com- i that a grant of $25 be made for the
mittee. upkeep of flower beds around the
By Messrs. Turner and Hander- Court house. — Sent to Executive
son that the members of the Good
Roads Commieeion and the County ; By Messrs. Wright and McKibben
Engineer attend the Good Roads :that Wingham Seed Fair receive a
convention to bkheld in Toronto.— grant of $25.—Sens to Executive.
Carried. 1 By Messrs- Hill and McKibben
By 'ser. Wright and Beattie, that Bylaw No, 16, 1028, be amend-
agrant of $100 be given to ed by inserting in the Childern's
each Agricultural Society holding a Shelter Committee, after the word
spring fair. Sent' to Executive coin -
"council," the words, "of which the
mittee. ' Warden shall be one."—Carried.
By Messrs, Ballantyne mad Swlt- R By Messrs Wright and Collin:,
zer that a grant of $100 be paid the that each school fair receive a grant
South Huron Plowmen's Association- of $25,—Sent to Executive Commit-
-Sent to Executive committee, I ter
By Messrs. Henderson and Stalker ' Hy Messrs. Hill and Collins that,
that a grant of $100 be made to the i owinn to increased motor transpor-
Narth Huron Plowmen's Association. • Cation causing greater destruction
--Sent to Executive Committee.
By Dr. Milne and Mr. Hill that all i th
to alt roads, e Provincial Govern -
lent he requested through the De-
partment of Highways to raise the
gas tax on all gas used by motor
cars and trucks to 5 cents per gal -
taxes due the county by municipali-
ties must be paid on or be Fore Dec.
31st in each year, otherwise 5 per
cent .wit] be charged on the same. lon and that the grants on all roads
This is: to apply to 1929 taxes and of 'be increased to 50 per cent. when
tor. ---Carried. good good read legislation is complied
By '41r Hill and Dr. Milne that the I with, and that the Province, assume
One of the Most Exciting and Invigorating of Swiss Winter Sports --Wouldn't You like to Try it 7
man further behind is also 'being
drawn along. In the other case a
.man is ski ing by the side of Horse.
ion of the transition period and that
the work of definitely fixing Ger-
many's obligations and the manner
in which they are to be met must
now be shifted to the committee
soon to attempt revision of , the
Dawes plan.
Budgetary practices of the Reich
come in for some severe criticism in
the report on the ground of un-
necessary increases in expenditures,
notably for pensions and civil ser-
vants' salaries and for 1B -advised
financial settlements with interior
states and local councils.
The agent general states that a-
part from the Reich budget, which
during the current year, all pay-
ments and contributions to annuity
reached last year their normal level
and included notably for the first
time sums provided for amortization
1 of German railroad and industrial
1 The report testifies that Germany
loyally and punctually paid all sums
due on the reparations account un -
Ski-joring is one of the most ex- with the bar are attached to a breast the first horse astride while friends
citing and invigorating of Swiss win- band, no horse being used. On the are gripping hold of a ski stick,
ret sports. The ropes connecting occasion illustrated, a girl is riding which is acting as a bar. Another
was promised and guaranteed by the
late Sir Adam Beck as head of the
Hydro Power Commission and thus
place the county of Huron in a fair
and equitable way to 'hold its own
from an agricultural, commercial
and industrial standpoint with all
other sections of Ontario.—Carried.
By Messrs. Craigie and Beattie
that, in view of the fact that it is
the intention of the Town of Gode-
rich, as soon as the weather will per-
mit in the spring, to construct con-
crete walks through the Court Houso
Square and a curbing around the
outside of the same, and on the in-
side of the roadway, be it resolved
that the county construct around the
'Court House and its own property,
a sidewalk or pavement to link up
with the town's work and also that
it construct a concrete driveway
from the south and north to connect
with the county property.—Sent to
Good Roads Commission.
By Messrs. Henderson and Stal-
ker that some imRrovement be made
rid the count
to the narrow b ga on
road north of Belgrave so that the
children attending school will not be
forced to cross the 'bridge as it is Hon. Robert Forke, Minister of
very dangerous. — Sent to Good Immigration, has been` mentioned re
Roads Commission. peatedly as a possibility for the posi-
By Messrs. Mole and Mackenzie tion of Lieutenant -Governor of
that the road between Ashfield and Manitoba, but Mr. Forke denies that
Wawanosh from the Oth to the 4th he is thinking of making any change
concessions,. be rebuilt during the at present. /
coming year. --Sent to Good Roads -_
From Messrs. Craigie and Switzerr ally travelled highway between the
that the work of cutting down and United States and Northern Ontario
protecting the bend or turn in the along Lake Huron and Georgian Bay
road on Saltford Hill as recommend- and the upkeep as a county gravel
ed by the commission three years road is therefore exceedingly high
ago be • proceeded with.—Sent to and out of all proportion to other
Good Roads Commission. county roads, be it resolved that we
By Meears. Adams and Baattio petition the Highways Department
that a grant be made to assist in the of the Ontario Government to take
upkeep of street lights in the ham- over as a Provincial. Highway and
Clerk prepare a bylaw enabling the k 00 per cent. of the cost of Provin let of Londesboro on account of the have it paved as soott as the finances
Tre•rsurer to collect back taxes due 1 1 1 H• h th t
The report of S. Praker Gilbert,
Jr., agent general for reparations,
on the operation of the Dawes plan
during its fourth annuity year,
which ended last -September, given
out in Paris last week by the rep-
arations commission, concludes that
Germany is able to pay during the
current year of the plan's operation,
the full normal annuity of 2,500,-
400,000 gold marks (nearly $600,-
000,000) provided by the plan.
The bulky colume of 400 pages,
representing a complete survey of
1 German's economic and financial
position, paints an optimistic pic-
ture of the financial and economic
state of the German republic.
I Mr, Gilbert indicates clearly that
be considers that the task of the
Dawes committee of experts Iles
been accomplished with the conclus-
c a ig ways, a' a copy of this great benefit of such lights to traffic of the Department will permit, and,
previous to the next preceeding 8' resolution he sent to the secretary on the county road.—Sent to Good in the meantime, that we ask it to
Years. --Carried. 1 of the Good Roads Association. — Roads Commission. have Provincial road signs placed
By Messrs. Mackenzie and Mole I Carried, liy Messrs. A. P. Keys and Middle- along the Highway and that the
that the county grant $100 to thel ton that the cast of installation and other countless and also the Blue
Trustees' and Ratepayers'Associa i By Mestere. Turner and Henderson Water Highway As ociation at the.
1 that,whereas the rate charged by maintenance of two lights at Bay- Goode
tion --Sent to executive committee.t field bridge and of one light at each
� the Hydro Power Commission of On.
of Sarnia.—Sent to
Roads Commissipn,
(Continued Next Week.)
By Messrs Mole and Aedp rbors ! tarso for eler•trie of the two intersections in the hill
that $25 be granted to each pulrlir, power and energy
throughout the County of Huron is' leading to the bridge from the south
so exeerteive, compared with other be paid from the county road fuml.i.
countiee nearer the source of supply •--Sent to Good Roads Commission.
and whereas the fact precludes the By Messrs. McKibben and Hen-
pgssihility of the farmers of the tle rr'son that the work of improving
county being able to avail themsel- the County Road from Whrgham to
vee of this power in any large mesa- llhrevale be completed as far as
sure by renson of the great distance Bisievale, and that the work he done
from Niagara ,Falls and the cense- as early in the year as possible. --
quant high cost of transmission, and Sent to Good Roads Commission.
whereas the taros and vialge. of the By Collins and Iteys that Road
county cannot offer inducements to No. 18, which was taken off the
manufacthring industries for lora- County road system leading from
tion for the same reason, and the the boundary between Morris and
whole county is ,therefore, suffering Grey cast 6 4s miles to Ethel police
industrially and is generally bands- village, joining road No. 10 and also
capped in providing work for our boundary between Morris and Grey
people, causing our young men and east on the lith and 12th conces•
our young women to seek employ- alone of Grey 3tl�s miles, be put
anent elsewhere, anti whereas the back oar the said system.—Sent to
commission has steadfastly set its Good Roads Commission,
fare against a flat rate for the whole By Messrs. Turner and McKenzie
Province, now, therefore, be it re- that whereas the Blue Water High -
solved, that the County Council of way through the County of Huron
Huron, assembled at this session and other counties, such as Lambton
strongly petition and urge the Com- puce, Grey and Sirncoe, is now a
mission to proceed with the develop-
ment of power on the Maitland river
library in the county. Sent to Exe-
cutive committee.
13y Messrs. Dodds and Beattie that
Highway No. 12 three miles north of
Seaforth be straightened out by cut-
ting off the two cornea's at each enol,
-Sent to Good Beads Commission.
The Clerk was instructed to en-
force the order that all Agricultural
Societies must make the rettir•ne erg
dared by the Council before the
County Council grant is paid.
At the Wednesday afternoon sea•
sion two petitions were preseett•d to
the council in opposition to the one
presented on Tuesday re change in
Wroxeter school section. Three were
signed by 29 interested ratepayers.
The petitions were, sent to the Edu-
cation Committee to be con=sidered
with one presented yesterday.
The first report of the executive
committee was presented on Wed-
nesday afternoon. The following
greets were recommended: $1.00 to
each agricultural society holding a
fall fair; $100 to each Spring Fair
in the County; $100 to the South
Hon. F. C. Biggs, of Glen Camp-
bell Farms, Dundas, Ont., recently
appointed to the National Daley
Council as representative of the
Canadian Ayrshirt Breeders' Mao -
county gravel road, and whereas it --�r
is rapidly hecomtng an internatlon- .LOOK ,AT THE LABEL
Tose Languid Eyes
They quickly relied your health
and physical condidon--•restless
eyes indicate the tesnperemonr of
the stomach,
Watch the eyes . , see that
the whites are clear with a healthy
bluish tingeo The minute a yelt,
low tinge appears it betrays con
seipatlon, sluggish liver or bit-
iousness, yots need a laxative.
Bring back your
Vigour, Vim, Vitality
tciah Beer tont a Pills --the sure way re
tensile(, joyous, bounding
aTry oregular daily
course for abort RVeg'elable
period. Youreyaswill
toll the. story. Froducs
Reed shat Character Irons Mc Eye; in
Myra Beecham Adueriiscmeh(i,
Salve daetuar Harold P. Ritchie & Co,
Limited, Toronto ate
der the Dawes plan. These payments
send transfers totalled 1,789,000,000
gold marks, or in round figures,
$440,000,000. France received a-
bout $250,000,000 of this; and the
United States shared in the annuity
to the amount of about $21,000,000
nearly $14,000,000 of this being
taken in cash transterst for army
costs in arrears. •
Wm. Keith, Ex-M.P.P., of New-
market succeeds to the position of
York County Police Magistrate, left
vacant by the death of Magistrate T.
H. Brunton, according to an an
noucement made by Attorney -Gen-
eral W. H. Price,
What Makes a Town ?
1. 4 erous ruralcommunity
A r asp population which. demands a
aerate where may be established business, educational, rang-
lous and entertainment facilities. Where these flourish and
are act;ve it is safe to surmise that the people of that section
realize and appreciate the value to them of such a centre.
What Maintains it ?
The towns are largely maintained by the surrounding„districts.
B.ut the organization, the direction, and to a great measure the
up -keep. of the in•titutions in such towns are in the hands
of the business interests, together with those directly and ins
directly connected therewith, Without the active business and
professional meat to supervise and govern these public institu-
trona and undertakings no town could thrive.
Who is Mainly Affected?
Every citizen either in or about a town should be concerned
in seeing to it that they do their part in carrying on any good
cause which may be promoted, either by financial or active
support. Only in this way will any town prosper and develop .
as it shoald.
Publicity is Required
Jr. promotion work your local paper takes the leading part.
It is ever the champion of worthy causes and p'hilanthrapic
and patriotic vndertiikings. But to function properly, and
fully carry out its natural prerogatives, it must in turn have the
financial support of the community it serves. When needing
advertiling or printed matter always first think of
The Post
Publishing House