HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-1-30, Page 1VOL, 57 NO. 33 f'2,00 grey annum in advance T'he Surrounding District r »titltr:S• z •4t999.t tete Mi s s R b uy Young hoegone to Tweed, Ontario, where the hoe seeur- eti a scthool. Her duties for teaching commenced hist week. Thomas B. TlueitP.PO. OP 110 has been to poor health for some time, has gone to Holland to visit his brother, Dr, D. M. Hack well, GODERl.CH The Alexi:ucler and Marine I•Iosp- ital, Goderlehe has received a very substantial ehegne for *10,001) i'rOBI a former resident of Gudericb, Mise L. M.'1'raitrel, of Chuzy, New York, Miss plainer, no doubt busnwarn) spot in her heal t for the old town and het' generosity is very much ap. preciated by the citizen of God- erich. WROXETER Mrs, Dobie, Ohesiey le a visitor at the home tt oneof�A,.Wtr'. 1 e t bang, Miss Katie \Vallee wee home from Ltatowel for the week -end, Friends of John Davidson will re- gret to Isom of his Illness at the. home of his son Gavin, let Oshawa, and hope far a speedy recovery, Mr. Smythe, of Hamilton, bus been appointed manage', of the local Bank here, R. Af, Jadmunon who C in been a barge for the past 'four months left tor Carlyle on Mon- day, v,. WALTON The automobiles are rnnning again between Walton and Seaforth. Mrs, Charles Drager, who has been suffering from plruriey, is recovering nicely, Mrs, Ray Bennett is confined to her bed suffering frorn an attack of influens, Mrs, Isaac Bolton spent a few days visitlrig her daughter, Mrs. Will. Humph vies. Howard Williamson eon of Thom- as and Mrs, Williamson, east, of Walton, is very 111 at present. Russell Marks has moved his household effects 10 bis appartlnents • over the garage building on Main street. 2'be church attendance has been I very small during the month of Jan- uary. owing to the inclement weath- er and.eicknees, Lewrence and Arse. Forsyth, of Toronto are at present visiting with Mrs. Forsyth's parents, R. W. and Mrs. Hoy, Watton. The annual meeting of Duff's United church, Walton. was held on Tues- • day afternoon, January 29, in the 1 school room of the church, Miss Gertrude Miller, who has I spent several weeks with her parents Fred and Mrs. Miller returned to Toronto on Thursday to resume her duties. Mise Jennie Marshall suffered a painful accident on Wednesday while going home from the Post Office She slipped and fell' break- ing a bone in her ankle. r`artirettellettelligientellialielete P N w Alberta Coal gArrived this week J. H. FEAR b' 4 ETHEL le thi`ieteret9rateteleatitrent?:ntri ta,aieees?t4 Stove Coal TO HAND MORRIS Last week's Clinton News Record, had the following obituary which refers to a son of David Eason), who Ives a Minnie resident of the 5th nue ninny years ago ; Neighbors and friends sympathize with David and Mrs Basan in the death of their little sun, John Everett. tvho passed away 00 Sunday at the early nee of six years and ten months, The little lad had not been in in gond health for some time, ow- ing to a fall which nocured a year ago last June, and when he contract- ed flu he could not withstand the decease. He was hi bed only a couple cf days. The funeral took place from the Koine of bis parents 15th conces- sion on Tuesday afternoon to Clinton Cemetery. The services were con- ducted by the Rev, Mr. Herbert of Holmesville, and bearers were : Frank Jones, Carmen Tebutt, Laurie Big- gins, and Mervyn Lobh. There were many very beautiful flowers sent by sympathizing friends, amongst them from hie parents and family from his Sunday School class, school section No. 4 and from other friend. The school children sang at the funeral service, too. Also many friends at- tended the funeral. Besides his sor. rowing parents are a brother, Roy, DANCEI . LONG'S HALL CRANBROOK friday Evtg, Feb, 1st BRUSSELS, USSELS, ONTARIO, : WEDNESDAY, YA N LT I R Y 30, 1g29 New Advertisements .t pal J. A rots Donee aternnbroak s ebr nary sale W U t1ennett Play athel Presbyterian ',safes Peking' ];els—rat. John Church iridles Yal Bragtuns linnet TesIh Smite Wood tor roue 1 1) FraUndiein for anis K:Crtr Pnri, toned yunPosm Auction Sole—Wm. tr Douglas Derbanstration ,1 Mdgor Anomie. Kate—TheeS }r•rr and two sisters, Pearl and tlir•trude, the latter being his twin. Win. E. Douglas Is holding a elem ing auction sale of farm, farm stoc implements, usohdid effects etc. next Tuesd}e0y, Feb, 5th, et N1,� Lo 10, Cou, 7, See full list in this is 5110. On January 1Gth, 1929 there pass ed away at -her home in Redelif Altar, Edna Jones, widow of the late 8, L. Jones, after a short illness She had lived' with her father since the death of her mother five years ago. She was the youngest daugh- ter of Wm. H. and the late Jane Watson, and was born on the 5th line of Morris. She leaves to mourn her loss, her father, three brothers and three sisters. Her funeral was held from her late residence to the beautiful cemetery of Medicine Hat on January 19th. .......„,...,..,.....{7, Homemade f r� Baking Sale Will beheld in the 0 PUBLIC LIBRARY Saturday, Feb. 9th at 2 o'eloek k Under auspices of St, John's Church Ladies' Guild l n - r, lea served from 3 to 6 o'clock MRS, D, WALKER - President to - e toentaienaernie'tneetztetateeetan t i.`-' aaatneentinired ETHEL Mrs, George Eckruier is on the sick list at present. Mr, James McLennan is spending a while 1n Toronto. Rev, and Mrs, Hart and family of Trowbridge visited at the parson- age, The weekly Prayer Meeting of the United Church will be held every Tueeday night at 8 o'clock, Every one in the community is invited to spend an hour at these meetings, Go In church on Sunday. United church service is held at 7,80 and every one is invited to come. Subject next Sunday "The Potter". Sunday School at 2 p, m. The Laughing Cura" a humorous play, will be presented in Dunbar's Hall, Ethel, on Monday evening neat under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Ethel Presbyterian church. See advt. • Palmer Somerville and Cloyne Thuell took a joy ride in Bert Lake's car last Saturday afternoon and came back a little the worse of the ',tip af- ter an exciting upset. The car was damaged sorne and Palmer had a few outs that needed medteal attentinn but it was fortunate that no more serious injury resulted. The young people of the village have made a valuable discovery at Mr. Curries' where they have uncov- ered a gond sized sheet of ice and are making gond use of it, This is o11e thing that ie badly needed in Ethel, a rink and from the enthusiasm that is hown at thisace sheet it is hoped that nine time a bigger rink may be ound, At the meeting of the Y. P. S. of resb terinn chinch eh n n Bar day even_ ng the following officers wet elect - d for the comihe veal',—Pres. Miss !Nulled) Fenn'; Vice Pre..., Rev. Mr. FOUR -PIECE ORCHESTRA ; a Tickets 65 cents f LUNCH SERVED P EVERYBODY YW WELCOME 1+, Michigan and seined at ('mber, San- vertrlmming toad wedding veil c eugh ��.... !•9Vy5• lv'Ml=•'7r�'PoeQ-;A�'r.�• t�''�-lJ'V�•kJ'Rr )J�tiko'�— s L a 9 Jackson ; Treas., Mrs, Wilson ; Ser, ; Della McInnis ; Working Com, Lloyd Dunbar, Glen Eckwier rand Jean +- Oampbeli, A splendid report was given of last year's work. ?fleets; every Sunday night at 7 30. GREY Skating is all the go around here, ]lir. Fred McCutchenn spent Sun day at the home of William Hoy.Oth line. Mies Lida B. Sperling spent the; week -end with Will and Mrs, Mc -1 Lennart Grey boundary. Miss •Jennis McFarlane spent the weekend with her parents, James and Mre, McFarlane 4th line. - bliss Marjnrie,Brown whohas been Mr. confinedFred, F, Wilson,Of wind, to her h home for a fete days and a old Brussels boy,who at th with the flu has returned to schooh n Cecil Granger is the owner of a fine annual meeting of Frederick Steer pair of young Iambs, it seems that & Company of Canada, Limited, e they are rushing the season a little. We are glad ito hear that Mrs, elected managing director succee Alex. McCracken who has been ill ing George E. Rason who has had with the flu for some time is getting retire from active connection wi better. the business owing to continued 1 We bad a good crowd at Roe's church last Sunday and heard a splen. health, did sermon, Church and Sunday School next Sunday at the usual hours. It is hoped tbat the con). brought to a close by singing of "G munity keep up the good work. save the King" and every one we Jno. Hollenbeck and son. Bert. of home feeling that the banquet ba Mimico, were welcome visitors at the been a real Success. home of Robt, and Mrs. Davidson 121b The following is the report S. con., for a few days last week. Jack No. 8, Grey for the month of Januar is an engineer on the 0. N. R. and an Form V—Kenneth 0le0reget 75 8 old Ethel boy. IV— Isabel McTaggart 82 ; Ru To EoLD Ra utts000,—At an enthus• Brown and Elwood hl cTagart (equa iaetie meeting cf the section rate -pay 77; Laura Granger 70 ; Ross Man ers and residents, last Thursday gart71; Willie Mc'L'uggert 70 3 night, S. S. No. 1 Grey, decided to IV—Laurence Jacklin 61. Jt, III have an Old Boys Reunion and fixed Ian McTaggart 73. Jr. II— Mildre July 9 as the date for old boys and Jackliu 68, girls tor g s sicca and rejuvenate amore t J herr ANNIE B;RODIE, youth at the "old red school house", Teacher. Everybody Yb d9 is behind the movement A pretty wedding was eoitluuize to a man and a dozen Cowmittees oil Wednesday, Jamoary 23rd, et th home of William and Alrs. War Ethel. Ont., when their ynungts daughter. Lena Amelia, was united 1 time to dole, marriage to Gordon Alfred HEADS BUSINESS ` ter intn'centaZi t 'c . cearei e ,w, e, Ste -t ar A HUMOROUS PLAY "THE A Cil C J1 LAUGHING I �HI 1 �! `iB 1 � CURE" Fa Will be presented in y j DUNiBAR'S HALL Psi ETHEL Monday v'il Fehr 4th7,1 By the Young People of the { e 2nd Con. of Grey There will also be extra s vi numbers consisting of Short inn r° Dialogues, Music by the Or- c� . chestra, Solos, d_c. v a ,,P ( 6n l ep F' Under auspiees of Ladies' �a Aid of Eti)el Presbyterian t) Church- u; Adtnission 25e. too, it < Everybody Come and rt L Enjoy a Good Laugh i .5s 'i 1 Father Passed A a Th f I L. X1J?R, Protrt"eicr tPersonal Paragraphs Miss. Carrie Ziegler• is an the sick list. Miss Elizabeth zab Ptlt S F it i s visiting p ti) at Dundas, g Jos. Sehwndt111), of 1.'nront;n, is r'ee netvtng rod a(gttniutanres in `town, Aire, M, Yaliock, of Toronto, spenta few days in Blnseeis during the punt week, Dr, and Mrs. Lieekner, of Kitollen. er were visitors for a few days With Mrs, J, Ferguson, 1•lobt. Oliver Ivas in Toronto aver - the seeelt•elitl. SVteare pad to 580 Aiiss Elva is shorting some improve- ment. .Jiss I:yl 13r•utvn, who has been with her sister, Mrs. J. L Kerr, since November, 1 slur ped to her horns in Telmtlto on Mul,dey. St. Mary's Jenreal ::alts. R, J. Mo - Alpine retained home last 'I'hut5day fr1.m a visit hi ft kettle th Toronto, s. teem go Spottv�n, of \Vitlgham, and a former BI ns'elilP, is the presi- dent of the Wiughatn riottleuttural Society, Jou. Purvis, the well known nue. 1ineeer, has beer, vire glen, hot latest 1e;,oits state lo- is• improving, but still is enefined to his bed, Jaek J1'Vaos liar been seriously ill at the Fergus pi 151 With an attack of pneumonia. His leery fl•ieids will hope fes a ep0 )l1' t et•nvet 3'. Miss Margaret tit not, tteentnpauied by Master Billy Adonis, of Blnevale, wet e 0 il'i tors with the la115. 'a graud- parents, JtnnPs and MIS. Grant last week, w y e uncia A111. R. A. Main returned to Kit- ; of the late Reuben J. Hart, who Kit - or, pissed away on Tuesday at the 0 )51101 ;net brachy, n11er spending e home of his daughter, Mrs, Carmich• several days 01 h her mother, well ael 10th con. Hullett took lace on D C. Ross who has unt been as well in, p to Thursday from the home of Mrs. a airs, Robe. Oliver was called to vas 'Alonzo Sparring in McKillop. In- 7'oronto last Wednesday owing to her terment was made in the Maitland- daughter, Miss Eire Oliver, being ill to - bank cemetery. The service was with plenro•pneumnnia at Wellesley re, I conducted by Rev. Mr. Smith of I Hospital. Duff's church, McKillop. Mr. Hart luras Gertrude Rose, of 1'nrnntn, Dr. 1- I had been a life-long resident oil' Verr;nn Roesaf London wereweek•end visitors at the parental hone. Dr. a , George Roee of Wingham, was here i Anene Wake, of England, predeeeas• j oil Monday, Winthrop, where he was born 6 years ago. His wife formerly Mb od .ed him sixteen years ago. He is sur l rte ivived by five daughters and three • d 1 sons, Mrs. Alonzo Sperling, McKiI- y:lett+; Mrs. Joseph lson HartexcMcKii111I1; 7' I Mrs, Angus Carmichael, of Grey; Rut 1 Mrs. William Hanna, Seaforth; ll ! Harry of Seaforth; Harold and Wil- e. of Listowel; also 3 brothers E. Edward of Meaford; Henry of Grey Al- Township and John of McKillop. The d , funeral was in charge of the Win- throp L. e0. L. WALTON d John Stafford Deceased--. McI%il- d lop lost one of its oldest residents t early Monday morning in the death of John Stafford, aged 87 years, at f the home of his son, Alfred Stafford 13th con.. Mr. Stafford, helped break two o farms in n th e bush, Ivh n e • h e came e with his s family ,silty years d ago. He was born m the north of t Ireland, a son of the late James and Mrs. Stafford, both of whom died were upnointed to handle the affairs with John Grant as president. More will be heard of this event from OBITUARY. — tt'rotn the Oass City Barry and \ars. Speiran, con 12 Grey Chronicle of Jan.we -takeke theAt O o'clock the bride enteted the liv following :--Thermo' \Vhitfieldae-; lug room on the arm of hey • f t.t he sed to his heavenly rest on Jan.'. where the ceremony was pm•Ifoime l2th, 1929, after a week's illness . by Rev. D. M, Guest, midst et p4511113 He was born in Cartwright, Out, decorated arch of even green and 1 shortly after coming tothe township. - In 1847, during the great plague in lac enmity. ]l" eves 11111.1 pied on Apr, with (natige blos.auls, The brides. t Miss Katherine Livnlgeton, maid, Miss Ethel `laid sis[Pr , f the 1)115 on were born two (laugh. bride, cynic a dress of geo,gette on ' g in infamy. r6 white 611',111 and caviled 1 Whitfield died nn Match 15 1899. Orphe)ia roses The hied h quer A• nu Oct. 17, 1858, and spent his boy- fern. The. bride looked chatting h loud in Cana•ltt. In 188.4, he came to , while satin with gem gear ar.d all 1'I 4i iS910 to M In , 11 ani 1 d 1 b d ,Ethel Couple Celebrate Contiriues � St's me dyn' t 111 d d n „Fleet of Salee �rl er tiVhle dyeld later made its home was satin nand vtvaet (m o in Travers Cit Mich, where he fern. The City, groom was snap ea, by reland, the family* came to Canada, settling at Toronto and later at Nissouri, near St. Marys. For the past year he had been bedfast, and since Christmas an attack of the flu had made his condition worse. To !the last he retained all his faculties, particularly his keen eyesight. One ibrother, Rex, Thomas Stafford, a re - 1 tired Anglican minister, in Cleve- land, and one sister, a Mrs. Pierce, of Chicago, survives and five daugh- iters, Miss Mabel Stafford. of Wrox- eter; Mrs. Harry Worden, Syracuse, 1 N,Y. ; Miss Mary Stafford, Cleveland Mrs, .Arthur Hoy, McGarry; Mrs. R:tssel McArthur, Kerrobert, Sask.; and three sons, William J., of St. Marys; Alfred on the homestead; and Edmund of Seaforth. A ibro- t F!' Ildied at Winnipeg PG ate• a year ago. y His wife, Louisa Pierce,of Grey Township, died in 1595. The fun evil Inas held on Wednesday, Ian. loth to BruesiIs cemetery. v9 CRANBROOK fawn f ,1 ,-, ,i.•. in Long's tl,tii nu letel 1>' , Cr AT THr s: `F a. !S y ?k+ ., We are offering Specilllly Reduced Prices on the following articles. Lay in your supply now. Groceries x . Dry Goods ;r« Post Tosties reg. 150, now,....:.. 10 = Rt'g. $l,5o Work Shirts for 1.29 Pure Clover Honey per ib 13 .+ Reg. $1.25 Work Shirts for Amber Honey per Ib 11 ? Men's Fleece Lined Underwear Choice Aylmer Corn, Peas or + per suit 1.50 Tomatoes per can. ' 15 •_: \Vomen's Underwear, reg. 1.5o 75 7 calls for 1.00 s Reg. 6oc All -wool Socks for,... 45 Raisins, reg. l7c pkgs. for 15 ._, Reg. $l.00 Heavy Lumber Sox 75 Loose Black Tea, reg. 65c for 59 Flannelette, reg. 350 for 25 Cornstarch, 3 pkgs, for 35 3: 4oc Fl,annelette Shirting for .... 31 White Naptha Snap, 6 Cakes28 f Overalls, large sire, perpair .... 1 5 r 1 Cakes for 50 3s g. Q ; S�.00 All wool Men's Swelters 4.00 Fairy Soap, 9c cake or 3 for25 3 Men's and Boys' Heavy Work Pure'r Castile, reg. Se cake, 6 for ° 25 ,. Rubbers selling at 10 p.c. off 1.144444 S NC!F'..•1.34. 1 ...- 4+44+4.'.41we 1' 4 4, 1 , 14 1}0 i i i -i" - ..«ww «. u F «. See our China and Glassware Counter eleentatee 1.14 Phone 5210 R. Cranbroo was united in marriage to Miss Helen ((115,,,,) .....0 Afte the eee- 0b I Jane Fen toil on Dee, 24, 1907. They tunny ahnnt furry gapers r, jnyed a 1 made 1.heie home there until Mat•�li. buffet lunch served by font girl' 1913, when they moved to the farm in Mends of the bride. Rev. 1) in.b • (3reeuleaf township where Ail, Guest in a short address )n•nppsPd a ▪ Whitfield resided until his death. tenet to the bride and groan and To this 001(111 one daughter ',vas born.. it rents responded to by Fr1u,k Burd. 5 i'Ie is survived e b his wife, 1h a•uom« Y to two i r a, Y w t t the bride i L dn),1 E" g t anti 1 )Pis C Jane n tiC home nId Kath- b1 itlestanid trete white RAO 1 at phis ' eriue Rodgers of Detroit, two . and to the grnttulannnl gold ruff links. 1. grandsons, three brothers, Geo' ge and After tt homey moms spent to 'lot nnU+, ' Albert Whitfield of Brussels, Ont„ ItiAmin ea mai other p.>tuts the happy and Levi 'Whitfield, Blenheim, Ont., (:male will reside at the gronul's and ten sisters Mrs. Win. Rnb• keine ell eon. 12, Grey. insult, of Cumber and Mrs, • Jahn Brother Passes Away, --The CVI' Patterson of Neepawa, Manitoba. ford Express last week had the foi• The funelnt service wits conducted lowing obituary; — The death the h: oo Pupseltty, J, 8 y took place home i: tatihe Rev, L1'ootde of ' the Shahboanna 1 0(1. bE. township 00'Fridat tohis last of Chinrilfstiaatton church of whirl) Mr, Whitfield was a Frederielt 1)emmerling, who had member. beet ailingfor th Some:sexue. Bitxll1'10r; On In e past eight ttur night last a sncreesful Congregation. with kidney trouble and which stn• nl Baa<;uPt leas held in [he 5uudnv illy caused his death Deceased tta.i School 1•nonl of the Unite] church, horn in Howtck township in 1498 Ptettily decorated tables were spread and was the sixth son of Henry and with all delicacies for which the Un- AIrs. Derinmcrling He resided in ii inn house wives arp noted and at7 Ilowiok until 10 years ago, when tin o'clock in spite of unfavourable wealth- family moved to Minto, where de- er, over 100 sat down to supper, the ceased resided until his death. Ili, b pastor, Rev. Ili. Guest explained long illness was born nobly and man - the. .pprpnee of tits gathering. It teas fully, and with great fortitude. Atpointed tint thin elis harilnrt had been the time of his death rue age was '10 b plumed I:.n get 0 l,llge net eentage of years, eight months and 11 days. The the families of the congregation 10• funeral took place on Monday after- ,, a social rims pad al the noon and wus largely attended, Ser - 1 stone lime it was a new (Ppen•tnte iii vices wets held in the home Slit; the way of a11 Annual congregational Howick Lutheran church and inter - meeting T11e, each department was than g;v- meat was mads et to chard each departmeilt hf the r in Itowirlt Lutheran Omni) was represented by the giving of a report of the year's activities. The different nt reinris,w'ere given t r as follows .—Sunday Mehra)), Alis, Alex, Itat)well ; Stewards and Missionary 1'1 Maintenance report 1,y Thos. Doug. herty, Ladies' Aid by Mrs, John Mae- Intcah and the Woman's Missionary Society byMr6. Fred Cox. An i t,.r. 1 P 1 eatirt and enjoyable J Yable prngrnln was givers by 11)00 talent enneisting of ()r' 1, hetrio 00)11! 118)5 and Union musicians, d Violin 'solos by Mies (tock, Solos by Mise D. Lavery, Donned Walker, EI. sten S e' ira ) p ) , and Willis Panchen, Duke by Norma and Isabel Speiran, Instrumentals by Ruth Brown and elndalen Studien', Instrumentat duet by Pearl Carnoeltan and Isabel Spoke an Mi cif 4vG Piestembgagamme Inb ms's.. �;y+��.�(.�,,y�t•�,�;.y��,;.�.. ��� �s�tLJc74S':JG�a'xCS?,b cemetery. All services were con- ducted by Itev. H. Erdman, pastor of Clifford Lutheran church. 'Be- sides the bereaved parents, de- ceased is survived by eight brother: and five s.sters---J i11, lowt , A.^, - drew, Hnrriston; Henry, Stanmore, Alberta; Daniel Grey Twp.; Nor. man, Fordwich; Ira, Minto; Otto and Herbert; on the homestead; Mrs. Herbert Biekle, Moltke; Mrs. Henry Stroh, Clifford; Mrs. John Heinbeck- er, Waterloo; Mrs. Henry Sehnert, Minto; Mrs. John Selman, Waterloo Another sister Elsie, died when she was 10 weeks old. Among the 'floev- ors of sympathy were s beautiful wreath frorn the family and a bon- Read; Sit by Mrs, 'I. Daugerty, the scholars andns ferns Srom se A. 1Btrodie• rho program ens No. 6, Merrick. A very pleasant event took place 'at L•thel on Tuesday, January 22nd, at the home of 'lir. and Mre. High le lltlhav, when they t,,,ht t<d th,. Gott anniversary of their wedding. At 12.30 onwards of fifty t'uests had arrived and a sumptuous • wethiln0 MR. and MRS. Mete AY dinner was e served with all the mirth and gayety that accompanied the rr trn'o'it• nt•er three 0e01': 3 -cadre a- ) go. On this 000001on the 701 ; -10th• fill bride. mid ;,*room were } acme• in- 1 deed toe able b al le to take their pieces t at a table well -laden with choice 1 delicacies and were in their usual t happy moods. At the table wore seat ed the only tea that remain of thm t who witnessed the tying of the nuptial knot sixty year's ago, They were Mr, George Meliay, of Mon cries]', n brother of Hugh McKay, t and Mis. Wilson McKay, of Listow•• .•1, tt ester of Mrs. H. McKay, both of y;ltonl are quite active and who were athrt delighted tobe • able toa b e share in the Jubilee rl a tF br . Cs tl a on. After the wedding dinner na.i been enjoyed lay every one, Rev. li illitun;, and Rev. Guest gave short addresses in proposing the toasts to the bride and groom and Rev. Wile linins on bt 1ta1f of the sons and dau- I.t r.: real to address which oval trcenep•tni ed by the' presentation of a purse of gold, the presentation be- ing 110411 by Mee. R. Hale, of Car- un'ea. Mrs. McKay evade a suitable reply in w•hicll elle thanked every one for their eery rt at kindness and their family for their thoughtfulness in planning such a peasant gather- ing for the oct t.v_m. 14r. and Mrs. Huge McKay are at the prcaont enjoying the best of health and it is the wi hes of a host of friends that they may cnlitittu to enjoy health mid hnpphi ss together for many Yearn to 00010. - Hugh McKay tun born 01 Suther- landsllirt Scotland.. its the year 1844 ,Ind .`01 tt to C::0ada with his parents when about two years of age. In i thou r• days the tier. across i.he ocean took about six week::. Asa young non he bought a 50 -acre bush farm on f'on. 10, McKillop Twp., where be built his dist haute, a log house. t In the •r ) year ISG„ on Jan. 22nd he aarri111 Alargaret McLeod, a dough - et of Roderick and Christina Me- eeod, who wish her parents had mete t o o Canada from Inverttesslrire, Sentient' and settled in Grey Twp. The wedding ceremony of 60 yeaete ttgo was performed in the Presby erian Manse at Brussels by net'. (Continued ort P- age 5 )