HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-1-9, Page 7What Makes a Town ?
A eresperous rural population which demands a community
centre where may be established business, educational, relig-
ious an(1 entertainment facilities. Where these flourish and
are active it is safe to surmise that the people of that section
realize and appreciate the value to them of such a centre.
What Maintains it ?
The towns are largely maintained by the surrounding (11810112(13
But the organization, the direction, and to a great measure the
tip -keep. of the in:,tieutions in such towns are in the lintels
of the business interests, together with those directly and 121-
direetly -connected therewith. Without the active business tend
professional men to supervise and govern these public nistitue
time. and undertakings nu town could thrive.
'+'ho is tele Aee
Every citizen either in o1 about a town s'hc
in seeing to it that they do their part in cal
cause which may be proneote`ed, either by
support. Only in this way will any town
as it should.
Publicity is Req
old be concerned
rylt0 on any good.
fie:trivial or cti"e
prosper and develop
In promotion work you/ local paper takes the leading part,
It is ever ;.he champion of worthy causes and pltilanthr.lpic
and patriotic 'undertakings. But to function properly, and
fully carry out its natural prerogattives, it must in turn :lave the
financial support of the cotnmuntty it serves. When needing
advertl)ilig or printed matter always first think of
.7' he
ing House
Cream Grading
We are now prepared to Grade year Cream hones*1y,
gather It twice a melt and. deliver at our Oreamery caell day
we lift 1t. Wegather weth covered truck to keep sun off it.
We pay a premium of 1 emit per lb, butter fat fer
Specials over that of No, 1 grade, and 8 cents per lb. but
ter -fur for No 1 grade over that of No. 2 g'r'ade.
Tee basic principle of the improvement in the quality
of Ontario butter is the elimination of second and off grade
cream. This may be aceompliehed by paying the producer
of good intim ee better price per pound of butterfat nous
is paid to the pruducers of poor cream, We solicit your
patronage and co-operation for better market,
m -We will loan you a can.
See our Agent, T. C. McCALL,
or Phone 2310, Brussels,
The Seaforth Creamery
1rYiK. .eine keeeseelie
0T I
Being the Authentic
Yiart..tive of a Treasure
Discovered inathe
Bahama Islande in the
Year 1303—Now First
Given to the 'uhiif:.
copyright by Doubleday, Pogo a company
-Wane up, Tien," 1 canoe, ano, "wane
up, captain!" Meunwhrie, 1 took out
the revolver from my hip pocket, and
held it over the man 1 seemed to
grow more and more sorry for. le
"We've not only got a mutiny
aboard," I told the captain, "hut we've
got treason to the British government.
Do you want to stand for that? Or
shall I put you ashore with the rest?"
Vnrlh111ed as nsttai, he net nothing
to say beyond:
"Ay, ay, sir!"
"Take this cord, then," I ereeeed
him and Tom, "and hind the Minds
and feet of this pock -marked gentle-
man here; nisi) of George, engineer;
and also of Theodore. the deekh,tnd.
it Was Sailor—His Jew... .c .c Mare.; ,
TM oat.
Bind them well. And throw thorn Into
the dingy, with a battle of water
apiece, and n loaf of bread. Ily noun,
we'll bare some wind, and eau make
our way to 1lerbour island, and there
I'll hove a little talk with the com-
nial lhlnt,"
And all kinds of Business
Stationeryprinted at The
Post Publishing House.
We will do a Job that will
do eredit to your business
Look over your stock of
Office Stationery and if it
requlrea replenishing call
us by telephone 81.
The Post Publishing House
,i_, as I ordered, all was sone. Tom
Aird 1 rowed the dingy ashore, with our
three captives bound like three Silly
fowls, and presently threw them
ashore with preclous little ceremony..
Then we got back to the Maggie Dar-
ling, with imprecations in our ears,
and particularly the promises of the
pock -marked rebel, who announced the
certainty of our meeting again.
Of course we laughed at such
threats. but I confess that, as I went
dawn to my cabin and pk'ked up the
"manifesto," which had been forgotten
111 all the turmoil, 1 could not escape
a eertalu thrill as 1 read the seem-
lure—for It was: "henry I'. To-
bias, Jr,"
That night we made Harbour island,
and met that welcome that can only be
met at the lonely ends of the earth.
The commandant and the clergyman
took rue under their wings 011 the cant,
and, though there Wits a gond hotel,
eonmrludant didn't .consider it
good enough for me.
I lilted the attitude they (m i toward
( Inv adventure. Their comments on
"Henry 1'. Tobias, Jr." nn11 the
I'a ,•^
t had withme, were specially C•Illghl•
e black men themselves," they
both ugreed, "are all right, except, of
Bourse, here and there. It's renews
tltte this precious Tobias, real white
blush—the negroes' name for them la
apt enot.gb—that are the danger far
the friendship of both races, Anal It's
the vein of a sort of a literary ideal-
1sra1 in n fellow like Tobias that makes
aim the more dangerous. He's not all
to the bad—"
"I couldn't help thineeng that too,"
I interrupted.
"Olt, no," they said, "but he's a bit
ntnd, too. That's lits trouble, lie's
gOt a personal, as well as an abstract,
ga91dg' again..^..t the British govern-
"Treasure?" I lnughed.
"How did you know?" they asked,
"Never 01111(1; I somehow got the
idea." 1
"Taste a word of advice. Have n
tew guns with you, for you're liable to
need thein."
"I agree," 1 remarked. "I'11 take
the guns all right. but I'm afraid I'll
need some more crew. I mean I'll
want an engineer, and another deck -
And, Just as'I eald this, there conte
up some one post-haste from the v11-
lege; seine one, too, that wanted the
clergyman, as well as me, for my cap-
tain was 711, and et the point of death.
"What on earth can be the trouble?"
I said, but, the three of us, including
the cOtummldant went.
We found the captain iytng do his
berth, writhing with cramps,
chat on earth have you been doing
with yourself, Cap?" I asked.
"I (lid nothing, sir, but eat my din-
ner. and drink that claret you were
kind enough to give me."
"The half -bottle of claret?"
"Yes, sir, the very same."
"Well, there was 00t1111'g to hurt
yeti In that," I said. "Did you take It
half and half with water, 118 I told
"I die] Indeed, sir."
"ICs very funny," I said. And then
art 11:' llcwa11 10 writhe and stiffen, 1
1'011,11 out to Tom: "(lei some runt
'1'1'1)1, and make it boiling 1111i, 42,!..4-
q'1;ek 1 N1 t must ,got 31101 into a 017001.
Very s0m) we clic:. Then I r I'd to
"nal da you make oat oe thtc eaten
that's coshing franc him, Tout:"
"Kerosene, ser" said Turn.
"1 thought the vet:•y sahu, 1 sole.
Tont htekoned me to go with Wm to
the galley, and showed me several
(1(0111 bottles of water Mending, en a
'ewe of these were kerosene," he
gall "and 1 suppose Cap made a mis'
take;" for one looked as clear as the
Then T took one of them back to the
tato MD.
"WKS It a bottle like this you mixed
with the claret?" I asked.
"Sure It was, air," he answered,
writhing hard with the 'cramps,
"But man I" I suit(, "Couldn't yon
1e11 the difference bet.ots 0101 and
wai ter?"
"I thought It tasted runny, boss, but
I wasn't used to claret"
And then We had to laugh again, and
thought old Tom would die.
"A nigger's htomaoh and 108 heed,"
said the commandant; "aro about the
same. I really don't know Willett Is
the Atronear"
DAY, J.4N, 9th, 192f0.
4 e
Iii; ilrsk Market price o
epclid for your Feathers 4-
a YoIfle
...,..y.i,a�.y ep y. d'7•'tY'1^W,Y' e••I•'4+M �"i'O4•�'1 •+Mb
The cuplain didn't tile, though he
0111110 pretty near to It, Iu tact, he
toots so long getting on Itis feet, that
we couldn't wait for 1111)1; so we 1111,1
practically to loch out for n new crew.
w1111 the exception of Tom, and Salm..
The commandant proved a gond friend
to ns in this, choosing three somewhat
characterless men, with good "e1a11'-
miter's "
As we said goodhy, with a gpenking
southwest breeze blowing, I could see
that he was a little anxious about ate.
"Take care of yourself," lie suit,
"for you must remember none of ns
can take care of you. There's no set-
tlement where you're going—nu tele-
graph or wireless; you eOuld be me
dered, and none of us hear of .It for
8 month, er forever. And the fellow.;
you're after are a dangerous lot, take
my word for it. Keep a gond watch on
emir guns, and we'll be on the lookout
for the First news of yrlu, and anything
we can do we'll be there, you bet."
In Which the Sucking Fish Has a
Chance to Show Its Virtue.
The breeze was so strong that we
didn't use our engine that day. Be-
sides, I wanted to take a tittle time
thinking over my plans. I spent most
of the thus studying the charts and
pondering John P. Tobias' narrative,
witch threw very little tight 00 the
situation. There was tittle definite to
go by but his merit of the Compose en-
greven en a 0(0111in rock in a wilder-
ness of rocks; and such rocks as they
were at t11nt.
I looked well to my guns. The com-
man(1a.nt had ntaae me accept the loan
of n particularly expert revolver that
wits, I could see, us the apple of his
eye. Ile must have cared for me' a
great dent to have lent it ine, and it
was right as the things w'e' love.
Then' I called Tont to me: "How
about that sucking Ash, Tom?" I asked.
"It's Suet cured, sar," he said, "I
was going to osier It to you this lunch
time. It's dried out fine; couldn't be
better. I'll bring it to you this min-
ute." And he went and was back again
In a moment. "You must wear It right
over your heart," he said, "and you'll
see there's not a bullet Can get near it.
It's never been known for n bullet to
go through a sucking ash. It's God's
"But, Tom," I said, "how about
'Tye worn one here, sar, for twenty
yea's, end you can see for yourself"—
and he bared the brown 01001 beneath
which beat the heart that Tike nothing
else In the world hes made me believe
In God:'
We awoke to a dawn tdtat was a
retie planted in the sky by the ntys-
terious hand that seems to love to give
the fairest thing the loneliest setting.
But there was no wind, so that day
WP ran on, gasoline. We had some
fifty miles to go to where the narra-
tive pointed, a smaller coy, the cny
known in old days as "Dead Alen's
Shoes"—but since known by another
name which, for various reasons. I do
not deem it polite to divulge—near the
end of the long say down ychich we
were running..
About tivilight we dropped anchor
in another quiet bay, so much 111te that
eP the night before, as all the bays
and eays are along that coast, that you
need to have sailed them from boy-
oyhood to know one from another.
'rite core we were looking for,
known by the cheery mune of Dead
Men's Shoes, proved author off than
we expected, so that we didn't 001111'
to 11 til] toward the middle of the next
afternoon, on afternoon of the most
Innocent gold that has ever thrown its
Fort i'edi:Wets novel' an earth 11:1nllitee
fur the most ]7:11.1 by minions 11:•1
11l'1i itldrel s. We t ot11 fnt1101 that \wv
w rc Mt) tdono lit the (:1(1
I`:,7111.41.11 (.7,7:.( 1 1,
111 e1'',iieev. leeeine : r,...,..7,
:,w 21..11 ,,,,r 000(sb y, 1).,,•t 1..,
11(11 wits now wilt,( as a ,In''''
two. ha atm soot (11(1, : (12•',•!, b,r•,r
1•1)£ :Hill a 102)1 deep. fie
1100 1, nit',,'7u 1-;1'r 1,b,,1
111, 121,' 441;044•1•:71-,.
,1 1.1 ,al+• ;lie neeliee 1'e:tel,'- le 111 tee
weter, h"natliolly (11(0,'.,
them chi t'ko chickens. 112)1 ft was
x2(1(,1 to he evident that more dtugtir-
0110 foes Waited for us uu the ;;,:rte,
Yet there was eeimeteeee nothing
there bait a mile of plug; s, molt a few
block men, The Susan It, had changed
her color, It was true, hat she was n
well-known sponger, and I n+tieed no
one that I recognized.
There was one foolish fellow that
reminded rue of my stlat'kiy dockhand,
whom I had always thought out of lits
mind, standing there 101 Ills ]lend on
the rocks, and waving his legs to at-
tract attention,
"Why''') There's -Stay Theodore,
celled out the captain.
"I'll going ashore," 1 sold.
"1'in going wltb you too," seld the
captain. "but look after your gnus.
There's going to be something doing—
quiet as it Iooke,"
So we rowed ashore, and there was
Theodore capering be front of a pilo
of sponges, but no, other face that I
knew, Bet there were seven of eight
stiffed WiloSe 104k0 took 110 great
liking to.
"Like some fancy sponges to scud
home?" said one of these, a'011dt1g up
10 me, "('021 you Ave times as mach
111 Nassau,"
"Certainly 111 leo it few sponges," I
And then Theodore crone up to .Ise,
looking"as though he had lost lits nitnd.
"Give Mie pati" He Said.
ever the rather fancy silk tie I hap-
pened to be wearing.
"(live me tat!" he said, touchieg it,
like a crazy man.
"I can't afford to give you that,
"I'd die for dat," he declared.
"Take this handkerchief tustead;"
but, meanwhile, )1)v eyes were open-
ing, "Take this instead, Theodore," 1
lel die for dat," be repeated, touch -
.ng the He.
His volce and touch made me sick
and afraid, just as people 1n a lunatic
asylum snake one afraid.
"Look out 1" murmured Tom at my
And just then I noticed hiding 1n
some hushes of seven-year apple trees,
two fates I had good reason to know.
I had barely time to pull out the
commandant's revolver from my
pocket. I knew It was to be either
the pockmarked genius or the engi-
neer. But for the moment 1 was not
to be sure which one I had hit. For,
as my gun went oft', something heavy
came down on my head, and for the
time I was shut off from whatever else
was going on.
"Which did I hit, Tom?" were my
first words as I came back to the
glory of the world; but I didn't say
them for a long time, and, from what
Tom told me, it was a wonder I ever
said them at alt.
"There he Is, sar," said Tom, point-
ing to a long, dark figure stretched
colt near by. "I'm afraid he's not the
man you were looking for."
"Poor fellow i" I said ; it was George,
Ole eag(ueer; "I'm sorry—but I saw
the muzzles of their guns sticking out
of the bush there. It was they or
"That no lie, ear, and if it hadn't
peen for that suckle' fish's shin you
wouldn't be here now"
"It didn't save me from a pretty
*cod one en the head, Tom, did It?"
"No, sur, but that was just It—If
it :hadn't been for that knock on the
MUM, pulling you down just that min-
ute, that Char poektnarked fellow
would have got you. As it was, he
;razed your cheek and got one of his
Twit men !tilled by mistn]te—the very
fellow that hit you. There he is -
100r there,"
"And who's that other, Tont?" T
asked, pointing to another dark figure
a few yards away,
"That's the captain, sur."
"Tho captain? 011, I'm sorry for
that. nod 'Hors I'ut sorry for that"
"yes, Ant', he 01,, one of the tinea
gen 1 1 l n I ever 1111oW',l was tem-
t)1i11 Tomlinson; it heave main and a
,rod Up I;.1ai"r..''ul heed (7(1,')( a NM,
t'�it! ;e can. for a1:en you got
111:11 (rrilk 2,,1 1.h• hold 10 picked up
1•,112 1111:.11.11: n• L1. . 170:2: With
1 •t. ,,!'1 u- 7.,y hove ezp:.•led
1'1•n111 n 1•,dl,:inn:: 122:112. TLP 01h(r0.
11110 0 •L,1 ti•ic•t,1--"
'1'ot,iae from now on,
rem," 1 111 (h'] n •d.
"went. win. son 1,),) 1,1:, 11000. Hitt
the others ran for the boats as if the
110"tl Was after them; hitt tate c•ap-
tatn's gnu was glnrker, and cute four
af 111(11 got to ti' ieusnn Ti. new other
two fell on their faces, ns If some-
thing had tripped them up, in n couple
of feet of water. But just then Tobias
hit Ole captain in the heart; all 1 if
only he had one of those skins --but he
always laughed off such things as su-
"`There was only me and Tobias
then, and the dog, for the engineer
boy lfnd gone on his knees to the Su.
Sail B, fellows at. the first creek, and
begged them to take him ewny with
them. There was no one left but To-
bias and the dog and me, and I was
sure my end was not far off, for I was
never much of a abet,
"As God 15 to,' witness, sari I was
ready to die, and there was a (notnent
when I thought that the time hid
conte; bet Tobias suddenly walked
awe, to the top of the Weft and
called out to the Susan Ii,, that wok
just runningher sullh
1 u1 At 1117
i•ail they putout a (foal for 1)1(0 tlnd
'slult lie winter' he 021111 down the 11111
,uWstrl] me and the dog, that Stood
.Prowling over you; and for sure. I
tit u t
t t v1
1l C la the f
z, is i n 1. But be suit •
Till that fellow there that I'm not
tioh1g 10 '1ti11 a defenseless mien. lit
ought have killed )m' once but he
•lidnet. Ws bound to he one of us
.ciule tiny or other. int. deeplee me all
h( Ilkes--I'tti 1101 MUM ,•n 1 'n 115 he
alts rue; and if be any !t 10 lel e11
.t of my any lin willing 07 keep out
bis, Tell hitt when h, e,,'. lip
• .:711 110 long 11411(ltit'1A tip 1/.-.414g ,titer
Ind helongs 10 tihe•--for 11 was my
"ry,ne'•fntber's—he 14 solo, hilt the tads•
0:e he sets lila font or hem! on '111 )
:' u[111e, It's either his the 11r mi):c.
1)d then Ile turned away tuts 0,1»
cuedto the Susan Ll., nod l 1 3 =;Son
th'rl )(Wyly,"
"With the black ling at the pea', e
)ppuse, 'tom," saki I. "wen, (het
wa n
fine speech, quite a dight of or10
'o)'y, and I'm sure I'm obliged to hint
err the 111't' that's ;dill worth having. In
ate of 11)75 ungodly t1''hlng in me'
:eeuie But how sbeut the poor env-
cuin there I Where does all hie el).
Menet. come in there? fie can't call
.t self-defense. They were waiting;
ready to murder us, as you saw. I'm
afraid the captain and the law be.
(o'v'en them are all that Is necessary
•to cook the goos0 of our friend Henry
P. Tobias, Jr., without any help from
me—though, a8 the captain died for
me, I, should prefer they allowed me
to make it a personal matter."
"It's the beginning of the price,"
said Tom•
"The beginning of the price?"
"It's the dead hand," c0u1tnlrrd Tom ;
"I told you, you'll remember, that wher-
ever treasure Is there's a ghost of a dead
man keeping guard and walling till
another dead man comes along to take
up sentry duty so to say. The ghost
is getting busy: And it ulul,es me
think that we're coming pretty near
to the treasure, or we wouldn't have
had all this ihappen. Murk tae, the
treasure's near by—or the ghost
wouldn't be so malicious,"
And then, looking ar0t)nd where the
cremate au(1 the engineer and Silly
Theodore lay, I said:
"The first thing we've got to do is to
bury these poor fellows; but where,"
I added, "are the other two that fe11
In the water?'
"Olt," said Tom, "a couple of sharks
gut them Just before you wuke up."
In Which Tom and 1 Attend Several
When Tom and I came to look over
the ground with a view to finding a
burial place for the dead I rentlze(1
with grim emphasis the truth of
Charlie Webster's remarks—fa those
snuggery nights that seemed so re -
note end far away—on the nature of
the soli which would have to be gone
over in quest of my treasure. No won-
der he had spoken of dynamite.
"Why, Tom," I said, "there Isn't a
wheelbarrow load of real soli in a
square mile. We couldn't dig a grave
for n dog In stuff like this," and, as I
spoke, the pewterllke rock under my
feet Clanged and echoed with a. metal -
"collie along, Tom. I can't stand any
more of Chis. 11 c''U neve to SPAY(' otic
fuuernIs 1111 tomorrow', told get aboard
for the Melt)" for the Maggie Darling
1 wits still !Petting Mope tiel'enely, as
11),111(,1, nor, (11x1 111011' y lolenea 11(1d 1)a
„sish nee 01, the Aaiun,
"We'd hehc'l (ewer' them lit1, against
1 turkey buzzards," 11 d,.;' ,Ilii Tam, two
of those misntuly birds rising to the
ail' a18 ire 1't'hllIIt'd to the sliOrt!. 1(10
(Nd 11110 to. 1y i1 : 1; we were able with
reeks anti the wreetnlgc of an old
boats strewn en the beach.
I 11,ut't 1141170 2 u num were ever PO
Rhed of the 11407014:g, dri~,tlig hld'ere 11
1111' haunted night. After Itrealll'uet
010. .111'01 111,1111.1211 Was nutuft111y to the
end( and elleagreeable business before
"I lilt yon what I've been thinking,
011"," P2111! T11 11: Il"' we .rowed ashore.
(1-'.; 1 l(7e vee, 41 to 10111 down a turkey
They G'idco Off With Scarce a Splash,
buzzard that rose at our approach--
bapptty our coverings had proved fair.
ly eff'ec'tive—"I've been thinking that
the only one of the three that really
matters is the captain, and we CUE
(Continued Neat Week)
MD; CM; LM £C;
Physician and Surgeon
Office McKelvey BIock, Brussels
Successor to Dr. White
Phone 45.
T. T. M' RAE
M. 8., M, C. P.. el S. O.
Dl. O. 13., Village of Brussels,
Physician, Surgeon, Acoonchear
Moe at residence. opposite Melville Church,
William street.
Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary.
'ollege. DRY and night calls. Office opposite
Tion M1)1, Ethel.
W'' ar. ,Frxezare
Seeforth, Ontario'.
Licensed auctioneer for'countlea
of Huron
Perth, Irl
rangetnents for sale dated Can in
made , by (11111111(2 The host, Brussels,
Charges ileasonaible, Satisfaction
Guaranteed or n0 charge, 16-9.
Licensed ,Auctioneer for the Courtttyy
of Buren. Sales attended to in aY
parts of the county. r$atiefaotioe
Guaranteed, or no pay, Orders Iaf't-
at The Post promptly attended to
Ilelgrave Post Office.
Brussels,15.18. North Huron, 15.629
Auction Sales of all kinds accepted
and conducted. Satisfaction Guar-
anteed and terms reasonable. Phone
Listowel at 121, 88 or 18 at our es
Orders left at this office or wit*
Thos. Miller, Brussels, Phone 16-18
will ensure you best of services ea
ight pnices.
Box 484 LISTOWEL Phone 24t
Licensed Auctioneer
For reference consult any perao1,
whose sale I have officiatd at,
61 Craig Street, LONDON
C. C. RAMAGE, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate Royal College of Dents/
Surgeons and Honor Graduate Md.
versity of Toronto, Dentistry in al}
its branches.
Office Over Standard Bank,
Phones—Office 200, Residence 65-14
Lofton House — Wroxeter
Every Thursday Afternoon
Ethel, Ont.
Conveyance, Commissioner and C. S.
Agent for
The Imperial Life Assurance Co, "•f
Ocean Accident Guarantee Corporin.
tion, Limited
Accident Insurance, Autolnnbile In-
surance, Plate Glass Insurance, eta
Phone. 2225 ' Ethel, Oat
Agent Howlck Mutual fire insurance Campo,
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurauci
Money to Loan for
the Industrial Mortgage & Sarlags Comm;
on First-class Farm Mortgagee
Phone 41 Boz 1 Turnborry Street, Brussels
ie ISi R.d> eNrCJZ'