HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-1-9, Page 4WEDNESDAY, JAN, Oth, 1142, REELECTED AGAIN MAYOR OF CLINTON. , CI 1,1' Igrnriatt$ Vfil/gi WEDNUSDAY, JAN, Dth, 1929. Ganged for Opuble Murder Was Convicted of Killing 75.Year , Old Employer and • Daughter Murdered Man Was a Brother of the Late Mrs. 14. Flatt of Brue- sale, Barrie, Jan. 4 ..-George farm-hand, convicted of the murder 1 of his employer, Azor Robertson. and Roberteon'e daughter, Februeev 4 last, was hanged at soven niksvicei after midnight in the pull sif tee k jai here. W. Glen Armstrong was re -e ect- Permiseion to witneee the here - 3 Pi. S11 nnellty lleo. e fel ar: . . ed year i1.-7 Mayor of Clinton. The (heated, Ing was refused newspapermen and York Township, o.. -or L. lieynon by was Commanding Officer of the Referring to the lignite deposits, . others, and the only witness were e mieleey of 519. (Th,,,,, old Premier Ferguson said: jail officials, the man's spiritual 3131- friends around here are glad to eee 101 et, fieron Battalion. i viser and a (lector. him win again. .....„:.........=,...e,..,_,,.e. ---.......------• ' "We are hopeful that the coal up ; there, by a briquetting process, may 1 minutes after the trap was sprung, • -'-'1-1-71---II-1-1-----'-"I. 1.----- tain story books, biographies, poetry . seive a large part of Northern On- 1 O'Neil was pronounced dead 20 and the witnesses said afterwards history, books on religion, travel, in- tarie, but it looks as though trans -1 that he went to his death calmly. vention and science. Among the • W 1 THE ORUSSIK114$ POST ClUSTOM 24 \fears as Head ,,,,, evaporated whole milk weeth $16,' 000,000. Calitornia peodUces ennually %woo SAWING' of toe Mucese Parties desiring Custom Sawing done this \Winter may have the same at- tended to at Thos. Clark's Lot 15, Con. 5,. Morris Sunday Was the Anniversary of Archbishop Williams' Consecration —Was: Memorable Ceremony Prominent Clergy From This and 1 Other Diocese Attended, „,---- , Sunday was the 24th anniversary of the consecration of His Grace Arch -bishop Williams as head of the Diocese of Huron, to succeed the late Rev, Maurice S. Baldwin, le was Epiphany Day, but the year of his grace's consecration the holy. day fell on Thursday. The eonseeratIon ceremony was at- tended by a great number of laity and clergy from 'this and other dio- ceses; and St. Paul's Cathedral was e filled. Arch -bishop Boud, of Mou- - treal, officiated and other bishops talcing part were Sweatman, of Tor- intereet than before upon tests to be made not spring of lignite de- posits in the Far North of the Pro- vinee, in view of the situation pie - tared by the Dominion Fuel Board in n report issued from Ottawa, Premier Ferguson said. Ontario, he said, hopes to eyentu- Col. H. B. Combe who was return- ally work out her own complet economic fuel independence, he in bv aeelametion for a second Col,• Movies to Assist portation costs would prevent its George O'Neil, Tecumseh Town- booke of science those on agrieul- corning very far south in the older ship faxenhand, was convicted of tele ture will have a convenient shelf by portions of Ontario. . . . As .murder of his aged employer, Azor Geography LEsson .cluqnselves, for they are the invisible time goes on we may be able to solve the whole fuel problem." Robertson, '72 -year-old farmer, anti tools that lighten our every task in No Justice McEvoy at the last fall ae- Toronto, Ont, Jan. 4—A boy glt3 of Coa 11-lere a much larger brain than a man. the great worIcship of farm life. n. the laeter's daughter, Mrs. Ruby O ; tar.o Government Is Experiment - Martin, who lived with her father..Shortage stupid creature, is now said to have ing Along That Line. ' The porpoise unsally considered a Be was sentenced to hang by Mr. sizes in Barrie. at his desk in school, out his MIM. London's largest public market, The bodies of Robertson and his is not on the geography lesson that Federal Board Gives Result of 5- which cost $10,000,000, is to be daughter were found in the ashes is in progresis. The teacher has just Year Survey—Can Do Without I.J. formally opened by the king and of the Robertson barn, which W:16 been telling the eless about the peeS.—Premier Ferguson Watches queen. razed by fire early on the morning ducts of the British East Indiee, knit1'7 ortbern Otario Lignite Test. Factories for the manufacture of of February 4 last. The accused inetecul of lieteniag to the proleic 1 n — unbreakable glass, the invention of said that he left the old man ill in details of commerce the uoy is f1otet-1 Ottawa—The greet ehange that an Austrian, are to be built at the barn and went to secure help ing a hand of head hunters in the has overtaken 'the anthracite coal Liverpool, England. from Mee. Martin. When he re- tropical junelee of Borneo. Modern ; market iit this country is descr;bed More than 1,000 aged poor in turned, he averred, the building was educators do not frown on this; in- ' in the second progress report of the Capetown, South Africa, have regis- in flames, and Robertson had dieaP- stead they go a step further and Dominion Fuel Board made public tered for old age pensions which pent•ed from the spot where he for- bring the head hunters right Intel Tuesday. become payable beginning next reerle was. - the school through the medium of . January. When discovered in the smolder-, motion pictures. 1 The report covers the period from Covers Five Years. l - - - ing ruins, Robertson's skull was frac ; The Ontario Government hex on ; 1023 to 1928. In 1923 the people tered, and his body bore indications some experimental films along this • of Ontario and .Quebec were worried of violence. The defence attempeed line which it is hoped will give tit:. as to whether they could get enough to establish the theory that the man's children of this province a now eon- ' fuel to keep warm during the winter. head had been crushed by a falling ception of the amazing variety and Now the fuel companies are fighting beam in the fire, or that; the injur-1 interest that is to be found within , for business. ies might have been inflicted by a the Empire. Instead of being noth-1 Disturbing conditions in 1923 row which was stabled close to where ing more than red patches on tho' were due to the extent co which the O'Neil alleged he had left his eiek map, such far-flung places as Egypt. I people of Ontario and Quebec had employer. ; Ceylon and Borneo will have a new I come to depend upon the United 'Edward Bayley, N. C., deputy at- . meaning in term' of their inhabi- States anthracite coal for domestio torney-general of onterio, admitted tants and their strange and ntereet- 1 purposes, the report says. 1 that the crown had failed to estab- - ing eustome. For seven months, T. "In 1928 an altered situation Hell any motive for the crime; 'bit, ' G. Rutherford of the Ontario Motion exists. There is now a superabund- i he maintained, the crown had prov- Picture bureau has been away on a I ance of both foreign and native i ed O'Neil had set fire to the barn; trip that most people would look at fuels for all purposes. Coke, British! after saturating the straw or Mrs. ! with envious eyes. On the yacht 1 anthracite, low volatile coals and ; Martin's body with oil. 1 "Kallisto" loaned by W. W. Near, of fuel oil are strong competitors of ; The second appellate division at ' Toronto, Mr. Rutherford was able to American anthracite in 'che house'' hold fuel trade, and the range of Alberta. and Maritime coals is being I extended through special provisions to Ontario and Quebec. Though atilt using large quantities of Aimee- ., The Farm Library 1 can anthracite, we are no longer en- ' Osgoode Hall last month refused to take pictures in Gibraltar, Egypt, interfere with the sentence and yes- Eden, Ceylon, Sigapore, Borneo and terday a reprieve was refused hy other East Indian points. the Department of Justice at Ot- 1 tawa. Wingham Man Dies From Fall In° tirely dependent on this fuel, the The farm library should provide1 producers of which are now fighting splration, recreation and instruct- here to retain a declining market, as n to meet the growing needs of 'they are in their own country," the report says. Watch Tests. Toronto — The Ontario Govern- ment will look with even greater ; each member of the home. This is Albert Gregory Was Pruning Trees ! a very wide order, as tastes and re - and Fell From Ladder. quirements differ, and change cote- tinually from childhood to maturity. Wingham, Jan. 2—A$ a result of 1 The books that find a permanent injuries sustained last Friday, when place in the farm library should be he fell from a high ladder while eutt I individually owned end tes•aeured be- ing limbs off trees, Albert Gregory,1eause they have supplied some ne•sd son of Mrs, and the late Thomas in the development of the home Gregory, Centre street, died in the ilee, Wingham General .Hospital todey. The home library that ie moet He had linen employed as . spare mark 1 eheriehed is the one that is, slowly by the B:•11 Telephone Company. built up by getting a hook at a time Immediately rushed to the hospi- that really fills a neod in W.!. W,. tal following the mishap, GrecrerV lz!mw plum that a fon' tr•-:::•- regained consiousness, although he1 ured books have 04;J -a in our own had suffered .ever' injuries :Mee. ivies. The c1laro, tors in those form - the head and shoulders. Hop' were ed our dead.; they taught us how held for his recovery, but divine ' • Sunday night comelieetimie ar necessitating an operation. A London speciallet we, le:P.•:1. and the op:ration Wild is•rforult.,1 Sunday morning, He failed t•• mil!, I front its effects. however. Mr. Gro • gory was a member of the 1 0. 0. I V. and of the Wingham 1:ti1t„•d church, where he was an at!, 1 worker. He was very well known. 1 He is survived by his mother, one brother, George, of Windthor t. Snslc,, and two sieters, Mrs, W. Campbell, of Winnipeg, and Mrs. E. 0. Button, of Riverside, Cal. We Found This others heye lived. loved, tilled eteiv••:. olds that foem;n1 honoured not tbe.r do!: 01.001'014M itit ti:, all tit00. Wq' 1,S10W 0-n14 t • III'. 10/1i,!, Or tr),' mon heir - live,: pa!lt. that led 1 o honour :And whn among imoltst can gi‘,. you a great ,1-•ni of ny. friend of them, tell them your requirement:, get th, ni give you the name; and arldre,,,, of reliable booksellers and publishers. not them to :chow you how to make the best use of the great loaning lib- raries, civic, provincial and federal. In this way you can frequently have a chance to read a book before buy- ing it. This is a great aid in choos- ing the right one for the farm lib- rary. Librarians can, as well, sue, gest magazines that contain review of books worth having. Publishers are glad to send their catalogues to interested people; through these you may locate books 'chat are worth while, books that seem like old friends, as you go back to them from time to time. In this way the farm library will grow up with 'che family and con- remedy, Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's Ton- silitis, a good success for Tonsil Troubles, Cough, Bronchitis, Quinsy, Catarrh, Head Colds and Sore Throats. Good .benefits or cash re- turned. For Sale by F. R. Smith, Druggist, Brussels. 'Canada's national delence includes a permanent force of 3500 of all reeks, 1500 in the Royal Canadian Navy an dNaval 'Volunteer Reserve. There are nearly a thousand mem- bers of the Royal Canadian Mounted 444/1Mt.4.4•44444.444.444,4•44.......... CLINTON'S REEVE Flashing Eyes Laughing Eye$ DowncastEyes Eyes tell - • , — Your Character crown eyes for strength—Blue f or generosity ----Gray eyes for jealousy—Sparkling eyes in- clicate beauty, yes, and good ‚.health, too 1 Do your eyes sparkle? Are the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow —indicating an out•ot.sorts condition — due to constipa- tion? If so, you need. Try a regular daily course far a short period. YoureyeSwill .4 Vegetable tell the story.' Product az, Read about Character from the Eyes in John, Beecham Advertisements. Sal.” Agents: Harold F, Ritchie & Co., Limited, Toronto HURON CO. COUNCI' Following will comprise the Huron County Council for 1929. The second name in any munici- pality, is the Deputy reeve. Ashfield—John A. McKenzie; T. Archbishop Williams J. Anderson onto; Dumordin, of Niagara (Hata- Colborne—H, H. Hill ilton) ; Mills of Ontario (Kings'con), Goderich Twp—J. R. Middleton and Carmichael. All these are now Stanley—A. P. Keyes dead, Hay—L. Rader Dr. Williams had been elected Stephen—Alex. Neeb. bishop in November after three bal- Usborne—James Ballantyne lots of the clergy and laity had been Tuckersmith—R. Kennedy, taken. He received the majori'cy McKillop --John Dodds of the lay vote on the first ballot, Hu'llett--Ernes'c Adams but three ballots were required be- 1 Grey—H. A. Keys; Frank Collins fore a majority of 'she clergy was Morris—W. J. Henderson given. Three names were voted on , East Wawanosh—F. J. Stalker Dr. Williams, Dean Davis, then West Wawanosh—Wm. Mole. rector of St. James', South London,' Howick—Thos. Ingles; Geo. Hub - and Canon Farthing, of Woodstock, bard. now Bishop of Montreal , Turnberry—I Wright Archbishop Williams is enjoying Goderich—Robt. E. Turner; J. W. the best of health, Craigie. •Clinton—N. W. Trewartha PERTH COUNTY Wingham—J. W. McKibbon Mayor J. A. Andrew was returned Seaforth—J. W. Beattie by acclamation et the civic notnin- Exeter—C. B. Snell teeing in Stratford.Brussels—A. C. Baeker Slot ;ui qnt" machinee are taboo it: Stratford and Chief of Police Blyth—Dr. Milne Broadly says that they have got to Hensall—Robt. Higgins go or the owners will stiffer perse- elation. These machines are a gamb- ling device built to pay out only sPERTH CO.. perce ntage of what has been placed in. Much rilluble Cue he Caused by allowing batteries to stand in a discharged condition, We have installed an up-to- el;ite. eeBattery Charger and will charge them at a moderate VLI D'eslarchne ETHEL ++++++++++++++++++.101.45.4•+++ ÷ •'.• •i• .•,,, ,I. For Sale Mort() James Carthew, barrister, grandson of Laura Secord, heroine of the war of 1812.14, died at Thornhill), in his 80th year His tnother was sec. ond youngest daughter of Laura 'Se - cord. Mr. Oarthew was a former law partner of H. B. Morphy, It. 0., of Listoweltio had lived at Thorn- bury for the past eight years, . The home of Mrs, Andrew II quh- art and her son, William 'Urquhart of liltillarton about ,two miles from Mit. gest aon °Inept:nes. Mr. IT: quhas•t had Elma—W. A. Dickinson; L. Wile llele was 717actierl by a slid accident the gasoline engine ughb N. W. Trewartha, running and while , I° - Y iFiul bl lbaerit. who was el c t. shee.w;si 11 inebtl nHill,gdownhayhoavy, ifvoer Ftelniebit'- t--"—JoAsepthn"Nclalgle ed Reeve of Clinton by acclamation. who make:: his home with his grand -1 playing itt the barn ' Logan—James C. Douglas Mr. Trewartha is a former Warden „miher, was of the Co., and ex-M.P.P. for South and in some way his swentee got 1 Mornington--John. Fleming Huron. 1 enught It the shafting. Before he Wallace—J. F. McLaughlin w le eels:me 1 his clothes were nearly . Listowel—A. Ringler tern ::ff of him and be was very seriously i idured. The accident hnp• 1 Mitchell—D. C. Hanson pened about eleven - o'clock in the 1 Milverton—P. L. Tye o COUNCI! 4- t 1 2 Bull Calves:I:. .i. ÷ •i• One Red and one Roan. .i. ÷ Browndale breeding. + Extra choke. .1. + + JNO. C. SPEIR . $ Phone 166 .T. .1. 4. •I• •1•4•444•44++++++.6.9,14+45÷4.4•44+4. Blanshard—George Keith Downie—John Armstrong N. Easthope—Conrad Schmidt S. Easthope—Henry Leinweber Ellice—George Kock; D. M. Arbo- WHEN OPPORTUNITY COMES Your savings account will soon give you a fund for business investments, or for an emergency, or it will pro- vide a surplus that will help to keep you in comfort in your old age. The "regular saving" habit is the most profitable one you can form. This Bank invites Your Savings Account. Interest Comtoundea Half Yearly. THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA TISTABLISHED 1812 Capital 410,000,000 Reserve $20000,000 Total Assets over 4260,000,000 1. A. McLEOD, General Manager, Toronto sta illanak----—=====g1521111111.1111 morning and in the afternoon he 1 vette Laken to the General Hospital. ' Lion. Dt. Armstrong the attend- BRUCE CO Stream d in an unconscious condi' Inc physician. At the time of the ac- cident the family were making* pren- smations for ging oat for Christmas ; ditto. r. With many of his friends and rein. Albemarle—E. 13. Ashcroft Amabel—W. B. Aird ARRAN—J. W. Sinclair COUNCI rives from Walkerton, Toionte, Kingeeme Gowan ii to wo and Pelmet to i inn mid front Stratford in attendance, the funeral of /Libor! Joseph 0138800 fol'hilenly Of Strittentcl who Passed Brant—A. Weir; Wm. Johnston at Welke' ism Sunday night , was Bruce—George II. McKay; 3. W. away in Bit,'- County Hospital held quirt) SL. . James' Aogn,,a„ llowe ell'ii I el: W NI n pad Ay afternoon at 20'- Carrick—Matthew Weiler :dock, Otto 011ie? of t li 31 filth, ell i .Culross—DaVid McDonald nontilicted 117ii apt vine, -lit' 51 Muillin Eastnor—E. F. Scott service lining in Clint ge of O. T. Roe Wa ,l,t::.104,1,1;irpe1);iaieksE1deeslie—toertSloane weiem.Gi:1.p:t:il.,1.1tttiGreenock_AbDitaer 3. P1' Ki »»mt, 0. Iirmeywood, and J. Ran ti•ilint 1 ow. A t Avon dile e(1771P. ' Huron—W. J. McKay tory Wilmie ' 111101:1101A sons tnadL171e, dsay—Daniel McDonald the full Meeonie, graveside senViria leinloss--J. W. Oalwell. Wail 1.11- The late 111., Casson, who Saugeen—James C. Lazie for the lest four years hila heel, sta tie :I :igen t at Wallterlon, was Eineardine Tp—Clark MeEinnon brrutiltsi.1fet•tl inri8,alspent St.EctndswD. Si atp s o n iith;im:3nndvouhi1tgoIseiachesie:LBoWrig 0—. ; Hopworth—E. 3. Downs ' City. , • . I Lucknow—D, M. Johnson BRUCE COUNTY . Lions Head—W. Gill -les The ltiply School Board fot• 1029 Mildmay—T. P. Phalen was re.plected by acclamation. Thomas Henry Treleaven, an old Paisley—Hugh McKerracher and respected citizen of Lucknow Port Elgin—Gilbert McLaren passed away after an 'MIMS which Ripley_Donuan Munyi I d seven Yeats' Re w" PraeLl°- ' i ally an invalid. having !mitered a Soutilimmten—Major Tohnie stroke seven years ago front which Tiverlon—M. J. Montgomery he never fully recovered. Tara—Clarence Dopfer 1 Mrs, :lames Donnelly, mother of home of het daughter, Mrs. John Bens tor Donnelly. passed away at the Wal_akertomiC_amopbell Grant Wiarton—D. 3. Byers. 1 Meagher, at Chepstow at ihe rine old age 01 96 YPur''She During a race held recently at was born in Cork, Ireland, arid came peweey, England, women entrants. to Canada when she was 16 years old, and was married to Jas. Donnelly in had to ehange from the sidecars of the year 1858, To them were born motorcycle to baby buggies, which eight children all of whom survive, were then pushed by the male IVII% Dail nen V predeceased his wife in 1912 1 cyclists. + e •I• e : Shorthorn Bull + + + ...,. . + + 0,. + + + + 15 months old, for sale cheap. Others youflger. $ 0, Turnbull & Sun + Lot 10 Con. 15, Grey * • Phone 2814 Brussels rr 2 -1-14•1-5•54.4-5+++++++++++++++++ Brussels Horticultural Society ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Neeting of„Brussels Nortica,• tura! aociety will be hod iln the POW* Lib rary on Monday eveniug, Jan, 101.1E29, at 5 o'olook. Reports will be presented and aB' era eleeted. All Interested. are requested to attend. MISS E. DOWNING, oeortstaty, East Huron Agricultural Society ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of East Huron Alt' cultural Soolety will be held In toe Public. Library, Bruinials. Wednesday, January 1519, & 1029, at 2.80 Mm oak p,„ when the Annual Be port will be presonted and officers cleated for the incoming year. JAS. BURGEug, Preyidont, 0.51. BIAOTAVISR, /Secretary. Debts Collected We Collect Accounts, Notes and Judgments anywhere and every- where. No collection, no charge. Write us today for particulars. Canadian Creditors' Amen Post Office Box 951, Owen Sound 4 t Ethel Delco Lighting System for Sale 1250 Watts •, 110 Volt,. Almost neW. with poles, wire and all equipment leer further pa, timuaes 133.1311. to 011. A. FL oill,teiTER. Secretary Village Trustee Board, Ethel Farm for Sale Good farm for f•ole, being the 144 of Lot 29 and 1134 Lot 20, on the eth tlon, of Grey. 151' Welt watered with a never•follIng opting ; a good gravel bat and it piece or good hardwood Moth. Immediate possession can be given Terms to Halt parehnser. For further Parti,'- Mara apply to 111(5. ALFRED DOLLEN- EVE, Ethel P, 0. Farm for Sale BO nari.i or land, all cleared and well drain. ea. Beat of so1l. for buildings and orehord. Well fanned; 00 11C1.611 osd,cl dat, trOr ter. Sher partionlarm apply to 010. CAMPBELL. IL 11. 4,13ruatele, or on the premiaes, WIC Lot 0,000, 0, Mor,p. is townshi21."8 Farm for Sale West half of Smith half of Lot 12, on the 17111 Concession of Grey, containtog 60 sores, nod the South half of Lot 12, on the 10th Contuse gen or Grey oontaining 00 mires. On the barn and drive shed, orchard 2 well% 12 norm bush, all und Ovando ed ;1 miles from Walton, immediate nossetision. Applv on •he prem. Elem. AL X. NICHOL, R. R. 1, Walton. 1942 . Phone BM Farm for Sale Form known aa the Dilworth Ram 0001 prising Meares madly all °leered and hi it good state of cultivation, lots of water and within Indle of Ethel station, 34 mile to Ethel Village Will be prised renaonnbly for quick vale, For further particulars, appply on prerniaes to .1 it, ROWLAND. Ethel, Farm for Sale A very desirable stook farm of 100 floras, 34 mile trona Brainialts. Good buildings and settlements. sissy Lerma to Milt purohster, For further particulars apply to A.R,MAODOXALD, Brussels.