HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-1-2, Page 8eEDNg1aDAY, ZAN, 211d, 19213. a EP Cut zilgterttRtalla4 101iu KIMI t4KI 11tINKViIaKe(I llatiat selat4tel itWkl all aK To Relieve these Winter Colds Cherry Bark Cough Syrup is a safe, pleasant and effec- tive remedy in the treat- ment of ordinary Coughs and Colds. 350 and 60c bots. anfleek At 'niter Sprays nose and throat— and any liquid, oil or wat- ery. Has metal parts which are very easily cleaned. Price $2.00 a� .;tc n 'c � y,,nrap� �°�,t.',"3'nt�•.„pwsvt:,t;tit'cAte�;.+w!rte.'»tw'�tk;Sai.,t;Dr,,;�!a'td!�'�t retest Cod iLiver Oil g Vitamin Tested—Builds up the system and prevents r Colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles eir tkeeten.eeele tea a,atatan <, ,...de ata ,a.afWL.irhaalre e idolrei-ttrel holt lb;li3raf Rexall Laxative ?'1eloids I Throat Cold Bromo clear ilia Ease Tablets O:linine Throat Loc and 25c.-- 30C 25C 25C Vapure Relieves Cold in the head 50C HOUSEHOLD GOOD REMEDIES TONICS o PURETEST CASTOR OIL 25 and 40c Bots. d CAMPHORATED OIL 25c and 50c Bots. PURETEST EPSOM SALTS S, Tin Containers 15 and 25c. KASAGRA 25 and 60e LISTERINE 35c and 60c REXALL THROAT GARGLE 25c a Bot. WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER OIL . . ... ...$1 a bot. REXALL TASTELESS PREP COD LIVER OIL WITH CREOSOTE, $1.00 PEPTONA $1,00 REXALL EMULSON COD LIVER OIL $1 P. R. SMITH The L Store t;e F- i73a<ai.>,at.::raioa.a: :o..!'..a:`�:<d.+. ...-._,.... Druggist and Stationer A P r_f. r xra,ri,o,..u..'✓'luwia,siafax'ymlaa`t'-°sl<tz6r Local Arms Items We Can Do It. School Will Reopen Monday. I'.1 The Pn t i,l' :t year t` As far is known at pre: ed, t`te i:.. ,.. nvelopr . , q statments and ^t (le G 1 ,,e t i .I- � Continuation School ;tit! re- count beadim;:. 23; n oa Monday, January 7ch. C.,rs int 11r. on :' t l ie:: car %%1t. ruci. `2,y a.'1 of;.,1. r.•r near the cent t x. d car v.-t.s bane d Ili,ig, .l. Will Meet at Clinton. The '412 al btl::in.--,s '.'.,-•ting fir flu 1I r " i'r�,b;'t+•r'tal 4v. J1. :�. the Nt :til -an church will mce, in 1i is ti _, C1'atan, E•c ;. Je_ ry •th. FL,, nen L t el Aside. J, G. G -v • Wh,si. •,:1,o1*1+• Who Wouldn't Be McCurdy Lowry. 14 len McCurdy urrly L , -ry , red or. ,..w. t 1s day t.'tn ui u•1•„ and t tti •• r, was the caws of ail the boys. The pony is a ,ntruly also. A Quiet Day. New I .,r't Tt.y was a quit day in is n TI:c- mail eour:ers also took 1i,. 11,,11day and no mull was ttnen out. Maly visitors were in town, r nt. r ng was good despite the .,,now storm during the day. tl,• t 1 I , 1 with a le -o- " Moderator Coming East, ldou It t}.:• d n. , nn,u.ly r,r, 1'• 1t •v. John Buchanan, 1To<ler:ntor 1' e td _lit a ,•ei wh•:'n of .22 Presbyterian Church in Can - tat a:lllkoln�n n tae ic rGfhe `i• ._.,, according to a messag.. receiv ell at the church otlr -es in Toronto, Ik ux i s Fair.hc.:• nreover c 4 .,iftr•,encly 1.2 }eav a No Court. El., nc, vital in New 1Veztmini:ater, I'o til r :tr It i•?, and C. It is r:xpectc-d h., will arrive in Att : r e,r Igo?m were in iirn'" unto Saturday to spend Christ- en Ir (h,y to hold court, but tie:"err tt th his family. It will be some young Mail t'1•11111 Gerrie, :did n•,t 3411."'e:•l.id 1 i.v, J. W. MacNamara, rho•n' up, It , now reported 111..1;.i bt•+ori: Irl. I cchinlan will ho able to rircr.im.-: Iii; r1 cr .' as Moderator. Mrs. warrant has bc., n feeued fur hie ai Buchanan,vsnn ltd; been re..tinx re... I Clifton S rinse, p will 'soma. to 'I'or- Died in London. I onto for C1/ri.;tmrs. 4Ire. (ltrv.) D. N. Mr('arztus. eass.1 •tohn Ferguson Answers the Call. ed away in London, aft'' an it Little did we think last We•!ne,:- of over four months. Deceased was re day when We reported that .Toho o ei-•r of the late Walter Jamieson on P who w:1- a junior pastor on the BrasFerguson one of Brussels best leis circuit of the Methodist chums,; known citizens, was seriously rli, and mother of Miss T3essic 1,14• ' that before The Post was all finlsh- Calrrts, a formai teacher on the 1 ed, that death would take place. Deceased had been in ill -health for school .,tuff here. i many months, but continued to at - Our Thanks. ; tend to business until a couple of The Post wishes to acknowledge, • �'eeke ago. H was born in Trey obligation to its faithful corres• 1 Township, being a son of the late of the pondents, who daring the past ye^r, ! Jecltm cennrlWhen a youMr th he entered the store of A. Strachan, to learn the dry goods business and a few years later with George Halliday, now of Calgary, brought out the Elly goods business of Scarff & Fer- guson, and diseased has been In have sent volumes of news notes from their respective community, thus not only keeping their districts before the public, but also lending tone to 'The Pos'c as a supreme sur- veyor of local news. We hope they may be long spared to continue in nusmess Enver since, with the except the good work for The Post and P community. Lon of a few years when he gave up business on account of his health. Ile was married to Miss Lizzie Me - Rae, daughter of Rev. DvtB. McRae and a family of three sors, Kenneth Mack and. Donald, and one daugh- ter, Miss Jean, survive, to hold in loving memory a good and loving. father. The deceased is also sur- vived by two brothers, Peter Frr. gut.on in Winnipeg, and Robert of Brussels, and two sisters, Mrs, Geo. Best of town and Mrs. Jamieson of Death of Mrs. Parr. , After a severe illness lastin!r a• bout 10 days, Mrs. Mary Parr, who has been house -keeper at the home of W. C. Smith for the past four years, died on Sunday afternoon. Deceased was born at Westport, near Brockville. Her husbeeed predeceai- ecl her some yeere ago. She is sur- vived urvived by four sons: Albert. George. town; Wilfrid and John of Guelph. George of Sandwich; and two dao- Winnipeg. The funeral was held ghters, Mrs. Jno, Armstrong, Ge,rrge on Friday afternoon and the rem - town and Mrs. W. Mahood of gin- vie s were conducted by Rev. F. G. cardine, and also 8 grandehildren, Towler. The funeral was under the She is also survived by two sisters, direction: of St. Johns Lodge' A. F, one living at Westport and the other & A. M. The pallbearers were old in Kingston. The funeral was held friends of the deceaseds- Jho. tal- on Tuesday afternoon and services bradth, J, B. Ballantyne, T. Waller were conducted by Rev. F. G. Fow- ler, pastor of Melville Presbyterian church. Mho pallbearers wers her four sons, her. son-in-law, Mr. Ma- hood and W. C. Smith, Mrs, Parr was a quiet, unassuming lady, who had .many friends in Brussels, who regret her demise. . • Geo. Saints, W. A.L owry and Geo. Muldoon. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. Deceased was a staunch Presbyterian and a Liberal in politics. To the wife and family the sympathy of the community is extended to them in their hour of serrtlw. Brussels United Church REV. A. W. BARKER, E. O. MINISTER Sunday, Jan. 6th New Year Messages 11 a,m.—Public Worship. Subject : "The Perfume Bearers” 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. irlisslonary offering 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Theme: The Call of the Old and the New Wednesday—Prayer Service Thursday ev'g of this week at 8 o'eloek—The Annual Meeting of the Sunday School, T E itti3 PA T Jtthlough .TBE r St St If ?. �t 11 if JC if o JJJrr� IA • (O .f. /1I thing inanity the character the half n,erce has daily transactions. this individuality services peculiarly OF Q THE What We Have to Offer one ()bartered 13anh in Canada has any- greater to atter the business coin. than its contemporaries unless, it be in of the dery Ce iG renders, Doming -century of its life, the Dank of Oom- developed a distinct individuality ined in its the kind of service U n11nt The commel'Clai Repeat of is found in the many unique Ior ishich the Hauls of Commerce is equipped,If CANADIANBANK COMMERCE wit', which ,s atnalyatnutcd STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ,1I ',BRUSSELS COUNCIL IN BY ACCLAMATION NOTICE—The persons who stole the tires and rims off the trucic in Melville church shed, are asked to put them back. The party wee seen and ree known. The names have been put into Constanble W'bitesides hands, but we are giv- ing the people a week before the Constable takes action on tht case. W. Bell.. 29-1 PAIR of Large Buckskin Mits Lost in Brussels. Please leave at the Poscoffice. 29-1 FRESH Cow with Calf at foot, for Sale. Roy Cunningham, Phone 8315 29-1 FOUND—Short overcoat on Gravel Road. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advt. Mrs. Keffer, Phone 847. 29-1. FOR SALE -20 Hogs weighing a- bout 100 lbs,; 1 Grade Bull, fit for service; 1 white heifer, spring er. F. B. Elliotc, Phone 205. 29-1 HOUSE FOR SALE—House and lot on Turnberry street. Apply to _Miss Mary Davidson, Box 33 Brussels, P.O., or on the premises. 27 -ti. Going to Cuba. The Milvcrcon Sun refet,s to a brother of Walter Kerr, C. N. R. agent at- Brussels, who Was also an a »cant here fora •ummer, and ds well-known to a great many in town: ----Melville Kerr of London, spent Christmas in Milverton at his home here. He intends leaving next week for Havana, Cuba, to spend a month operating on one of the railways. He will then leave for Jacksonville, FIa., where he expects to find employment • with oneof the numerous usi lines con- verging - verging on that point. Penny Postage. The two -cent letter rate effective ion postedas Day inaddreeeed to es on -t os edinCanadaGt. Britain, (including Northern Ire- land), Irish Free State, Australia, New Zealand, Union of South Afri- ca, India, Ascension, British Soma- liland, Brunel, 'Ceylon, Cyprus, Egypt, Falkland slands, Fiji Islands, Gambia, Gibraltar, Gilbert and El - 'Ice Islands, Gold Coast Colony, Hong Kong, Kenya, Federated Ma- lay States, Malta, Mauritius, New Hebrides, Nigeria, British North Borneo, Nyasaland Proetectorate, Rhodesia, St. Helena, Sarawak, Sey-. chelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Is- lands, South West Africa, Straits Settlements, Tank anyika, Tonga, Zanzibar. The two -cent letter rate continues to apply to all places in the North Amercan continent as heretofore. George Buchanan Dies Suddenly. The citizens of Brussels were in- deed startled on Sunday when it was learned that G eorge Buchanan, B, A,. and eldest son of Mark Buchan- an, of town, had passed suddenly a- way at his .'home from heart trouble. Deceased had motored nome from Essex where he was teaching, for the Christmas holidays, and was a- bout town every day. On Sunday morning, he complained of a pain in his heart, and after a short rest decided to take a walk to see if he would feel better. He walked down to the railway crossing, but becom- ing worse, he returned home, and a doctor was called, and after giving relief, left to get some medicine and on ,his return, George expired. Be- sides his father, he is survived by two sisters, Mrs. R 7.'. Strachan, of Grey Township, and Miss Florence Buchanan at home, and one bro- ther, Dr. Harvey Buchanan, a'c De1- oradne, Man. The late Mr, Buchanan wrrs born at Blyth nearly 50 years ago, and with his family came to 13rueeals seine 30 odd years age, He finished his schooling share and at- tended Seaforth Collegiate, +o be followed by his university course at Victoria College, Toronto. ITe had been teaching at Essex for the hast four years, going there from St. Catharines. The funeral will he held on Thursday afternoon from the United Church at 3' o'clock. Service being held at 2.30, Deceased was. always a popular young man in town and when on his holidays here was always active in getting tennis going in Brussels, as well as taking in the bowling t ournaments. The fainly have the sympa'chy of the . entire community in their sudden bereave- ment, School Board and W. Rose, as Public Utilities Commissioner, Also Re - Elected. This year's Brussels Council will be composed of Reeve, A. C. Baelrer and Councillors, George McCall. Bert McIntyre, W. Little and W. E. Willis.- The latter two were mem- bers last year. Robert Bowman, a member for some years, was nom- inated but re'sires this year. Walter Rose was re-elected to the Tublic Utilities Commission, and will be associated with Reeve Baeker and A. C. Dances, the ocher members. The members of the Schodi 13oard whose term expired were re- elected, namely: M. Black, R. 1+'. Downing and T. Gibson, and the other members oe the Board are Messrs. Archie ivl'.Donald, D. N Mc Tavish and D. C. itoss. Clerk Must Not Have Contracts. The oath of office, according to Robert H. Wilson. a Windsor at'cor- ney, who is conducting the investi- sation for the 'Township of East Sandwich, requires the Clerk of a municipality to swear that he has not "directly or indirectly any con- tract with or on behalf of the said corporation, save and excepting arising our. of my office." The oath must be taken each year as required by statute. A Former Resident Here. . The Blyth Standard last week re- fers to the death of John Weymouth who some year's ago conducted the untie evaporator, at the north end of the town:—It was -with profound regret that citizens learned on Sat arday afternoon that seem Way - mouth had passed away at the hos. pital ni London. He had for Nome months been troubled with stomach trouble but that apparently had not taken acute form until this past fall while he way on a visit to a ':deter in Saskatchewan and he decided to return home immediately, On ar- riving home he underwent mediae, treatment but did not seem to pro- gress toward recovery and on Wed- nesday last decided to have a sur- gical operation performed. This was done in the hospital London, but cancer had made such headway that the best of surgical skill way; of no avail and he passed away. The late John Weymouth was a man of excellent personal character, gener- ous and ever ready %o lend a help- ing (hand to those in need. He was born. on lot 22, eon. 8, Mullett Tp, 63 years ago, 0011 of the late William E. and Ann Weymouth. On coining to manhood the followed the occupa- tion of framer and mamt of the barns throughout this section stand as monuments of his skull. He was married thirty-four years ago to Miss Matilda Cockerline who pewit awe ya couple of years lacer, In 1898 he was married to Miss km Hill and to this union was born a son and daughter, namely, Harry and Bessie both at home. Ti,'tlate deceased as a man of considerable ambition and for some years past bee been engaged as sawyer at Myth saw mill during 'the winter seneon, while in the summer months he op- erated a ditching machine in this section. He served for a couple of years on the. Council board and mare mast satisfactory service. He was a member of Blyth Lodge No. 366, Independen'c Order of Odd Fellows, and the Canadian Order of Foi t- ers. Ile was a member of the Pres- byterian church and a staunch Con- servative in politics. Besides his widow and family he is survived by two brothers and two sisters, namely ---Messrs. Albert's and Charles Way. mouth, }lunett; Mr's. Alfred Peters, Clio, Mich., and Mrs. Henderson in Saskatchewan. The funeral tools place on Wednesday afternoon from Sit. Andrew's United church, the ser vice being conducted by Rev. T. W. Goodwill, pastor of Old St, Andrew's church, assisted by Rev, R. Gracie, of Clinton. The officers and mem- bers of the L O. O. F, performed •the last sad rites to a much esteem- ed brother at his final resting place in the TJnion cemetery, Pictures Coming to the Grand. Jan. 4-5—"Topsy and Eva." " 6-7—"Backstage" " 11-12—"Beau Sabreur" tt 18-19—"Warming Up" " 14-15—"Girl from Gay Paree rt 21-22—"Slanted Ship" i " 25-26—"Rebel Rider" " 28-29—"Streets of Shanghai" Hitting It Right on The Head. The Muskoka Gazette in an mit torial recently, hits hard at the manner of electing municipal coup- oils. Read it and see if you do not agree with the Editor:—"Within the next few days it will be necessary for townships, villages and towns of Ontario to select men as Mayor:, Reeves and Councillors. Far too few take this duty seriously. It seems strange. When you want a man to do for yourself an important work. building, buying, selling, farming. accounimg—anything, you seriously consider, who is the best man avail able. You want the best man for your particular work. You prob- ably have no work comparable in size or difficulty to that of manag- ing your municipality's hu;lin-as. For your own work you do no: earn what may be a man's lodge, nation- ality, sociability or even religion se long as he is the best man to fill the position. Strange to say, when it comes to selecting a man for Mayor Reeve or Councillor, so many de- cide to vote for Soandso because he's ' a 'good fellow' or belongs to 11 cer- tain lodge or church. They forget dhey are selecting men to tl.lnaet important business. Many yi:a • ex- perience has taught me •dhat fre- quently men get good votes BE- CAUSE THEY NEVER DID ANY- THING. If they never did anything, of course, they never did anything. wrong. Your public men should be men who can do things and will." Duncan Sisters in "Topsy and Eva at Grand Theatre on Friday. The Duncan Sisters. Rosetta incl Vician make their screen debut in "Topsy. and Eva," film version or their own musical comedy stage sac eels, at the Grand theatre on Friday of this week. "Topsy and I.va" has heroine widely known tin -meth its engagements in trvcnty-thr•u,, key cities during four years of coutrn- uous stage presentation. A. comedy filmed on a large scale unusual for that typo of picture, "Topsy and Eva" is a black and white study in laughter, possessing that colorft:l handful of characters which Hare riet Beecher, Stowe drew in Cinch Tom's Cabin" but sending those characters through adventures 'chat have never been imprisoned la the covers of a book. In the film little "Eva" doesn't go to heaven for medical science has advanced since. 1852. "Simon Legree" doesn't al- ways have the best of things, even if "the law is on his side." "Topsy" flees over snow, not cadres of ice, and her fiery steed has snow• shoes to boot. Strange hands leap from mouldy mounds in graveyards to clutoh at "Topsy's" ankles and "Uncle Toni" is a lovable fellow, who lets the little ones play "piggy- back" with hien in the parlor, The story of "Topsy and Eva" parallels only in large general terms the "Uncle Toni's Cabin" narrative. Topsy is auctioneed oft' to little Eva for a nickel, Simon Legree is ct money -lender who comes :do fore• close a mortgage on Christmas Eve. Topsy is not chased by bloodhounds but by a nice St. Bernard. Audiences at the Grand theatre will have to de- cide about the film. The moton pic- ture story is virtually the same as that of the play, additions and nut deletions being 'the only changes. f DIED 11UC1ANAN,--In Brussels, on Sunday, Dea• 00113, 1928, George Boatman, aged 40 years 10 months and 18 bays 1110I21U±;0N.-1a aruesels, on Wednesday. necembor, 20th, 1828. John 9'ergnson. e'1a1so.-10 ilonl,ton, on Sa"day, December 28rd, 1028, Fnnnan Berg, rn his nth yens. if612G —L, elonkton, on Monday, December 2401, 1928, etre. B'nunnn Nerg, 113 her 80111 y ear. MOCIo.—At the family residence, to.. eon, on Monday, December 241h, 1028, Catherine Slecamue, wife at (San 1), N, Sla(lsmns, NI(DecembIn Grey township, on Victor, MD/lacy, December 81st, 1028, WilliamNichol, or, h,• 0003 eon 01 8. A. and Sirs. Niohol, aged 24 &nye. PAlllir-Ls Brussels on Sunday, December 801h, 1028, Mary Pnrr. Farm for Sale 100 norm being 1854 bot 20, Con. 0, Morris, 114 miles from araoee e. Large brick hane0, bank born, driving shed, drilled well, with engine to outline/liter; 10 acres of bosh : 18 thorpnrllnulnraapp2y10roeofhay. Por fur• U>118muB W, nirlro(1r„ Phone 8218 n, n 4, 1lrusels Alien's Drug. Store Fortifify your system and guard against the ravages of Influenza by using Parke Davis Shcer-Cod Lauer Oil Refined and bottled by improved methods which conserve the vitamins. This is an especially fine Standardized Oil. ya1 Strengthening Tonic For those who are run down, weak or nervous. Helps build upVim, Vigor and Vitality. Regular $1.35 value for 8Ac Colonial Club Toilet Set Get yours while they last Nyall Pinot Expectorant :;Gives prompt relief for Coughs Colds and Bronchitis Glauber Salts 6 lbs. for 25c A fresh supply just received. Allen's Drug Store Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Pensla; Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox Trouble in Store. Some person or persons are going to get into a peck of 'trouble. "Bid" Bell has been storing his truck in the Presbyterian church shed, discover- ed that the two hind tires and rims are now missing. Nesbit Hamilton had a parcel stolen out of his rig in the American Hotel barn last week. A stiff sentence by the Magistrate might stop this light fingering a- round town. New Councils to Meet Jan, 14. Members of the 1929 Councils will be sworn in on Monday, January 11, when their first meeting will take place according to statutory regula- tion. The time of the first meet- ing is legally fixed for the second Monday in January at 11 o'clock in the morning. Members of all Coun- cils are required by law to take the oath prior to this session, before any business can he transacted. Grand Theatre 1 Friday and Saturday - Jan. 4 & 5 We're crying out LOUD for you To be LAUGHING out loud at The Duncan Sisters Ifs the Motion Pli':fp,re tTopsy and Eva" If yeti laughed at. 'Topsy and Iiva" on the stage, you'll'. Laugh lodger and louder at the Nuttier screen ve,sion of the same play. All their antics, pep, personality and joy— rolled into reels or rib•tickling meetimeut, Laughs may come and laughs may go—hut the "Topsy and Eva'. laughs go mi fol ever, Monday & Tuesday - Jan. 7 & 8 "BACKSTAGE" THE CHORINES PICKED A "LIVE'.' ONE The three girh wet e hungry—'they met a nine, big friendly Ohauffeur—Until he got the; bill—'L'hen— A Com'uly Dram t or behind the stage Curtain, - With a eget including 1Vidldnni Collier, 11., Hesitate 13ed. ford. Alberta Vaughn, Eileen Per"y, Shirley O'Hara, (Gyne Whitman, Jocelyn Lee, Guinn Williams, Jimmy Harrison and Brooks Benedict, Friday & Saturday - Jan. 11 & 12 T he Answer to "Beau Geste" You've waited for n companion picture to gallant, tascinat- "•Berur Geste," .dere it is I ^,leau Sabretn' i" loollow the same daring adventures of the wrench Ismeign Leginn through t oothur lavish, gltsmoi201 romaiwe, The Until of the year I c,C a te u t5abre ura By the author of "Beau Gest." With Gary Cooper, Ever. yo Brent, Noah Beery nod William Powell,