The Brussels Post, 1887-10-28, Page 88 ARRIVED BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, • CTIILDREN',S BOOKS pi1 i? a lttrgo lino of • Fancy Goods 1 Suitable for Wedlling, Birtilday and other (lifts. G. A. Deadman. Drain! iat,13ookeeferdf Fancy (hoods Dealer. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. 0. t% D. Ir. Traineioavo Brussola Station, north and south as follOwa:-- Goirlg South. /1°lug North. afnil 7:02 am,I Mixers 9.10 amI'Ixpross,11:4r, a.m. Ma11..............3:50p.m Mixed 2,10 p.m. 1 Ttxprues 0,35p,m A ohiel's among yo takin' notes An' faith he'll prcut it. Boerne slippers, good, cheap. A. Good. Pon the largest stook and boot value in Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, go to Thomson's. 50. Sovrnu: items of interest are orowdod out this week but we will find room for them in our next issue. I HAVE just opened the contents of two largo hogebeade, 1 crate and 5 cases of s20p10 and fancy crookery. Coate' groo- ory. JADES J000s Inas his new chop arranged in a very neat and attractive manner and is rocoiving.a dandy new stook of watcbbs, clocks, jewelry, dm. A tip-top stock of Bill heads,,letter and note heads, envelopes, statements, methorandums, tags, etc., kept always in stook at Tne POST Publishing House. Fopnxn Division Court was in session on Thursday of this week, Judge Doyle presiding. In addition to the Iooal legal talent Messrs. Mabee and Morphy, of Listowel, were present. Wm. BLASEILL desires to return his best thanks to the people of Bro.ssols and surroundings for their gifts to Mfrs. Jere- miah Blashill. Amy other persons desir- ing to assisttJ.ier in the way of wood, flour, treat of money will be helping a needy person. a Brame Socaerr -The animal meeting of the Brussels Branch of the Bible So- ciety will be held, in the Methodist church, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 0th, commencing at 7:00 o'clock. Tho agent, IIev. 3, G. Manly, who delivered suehin- teresting addresses in his two visits, will be present and speak on "Israel and Egypt." A largo attendance Is asked for and the local Committee is requestocl to Meet the Agent nt 7 o'clock in also church. CEANOE Or ]100IXESa.-This week Miss Ellie floss purchased the fancy goods business of D. A.. Sonde and has taken possession. She has also seatuod tho righb to manufacture and sell the eelo. brated Constitutional corset which has boon brought So prominently before the public dewing the past few years. We Welcome Miss Boss into the business air - 'ale and hope she may find her now oc- cupation pleasant mud prolitablo. Mr. and Mrs. Smile and daughter will re. 11107(3 to Flint, Mich.. where they intend pushing the corset business on a largo sortie. We would rather see people mov- ing in than going out but if they are do- tormined to live in Unole Sam's possess- ions we wish them every 5000108. Dien.. -Dr. T. LoP. Fiigiano, for 40 years an esteemed citieon of Hamilton, died at his residence last Monday. II° was a dentist by profession, and a Music- ian of eonsiderablo excellence -a tasto which all his family havo inherited in a bigh degree. Mrs. Filgiano diocl some years ago. Mr. Filgiano was born in Montreal (14 years ago, and was educated at St. Sulpioe. Apoplexy was the cause of death. HIo was taken very ill when out of the city a week ago, but was seem- ingly in good health since coming home. Monday morning he was found dead, lnieeling (11 prayer. It was a fitting close tooth° life of ono who all his.days was a just and upright man as well cts a whole. milled, genial gentleman in his social side. Bo 79008 au alderman fjor No. 5 ward a Sow years ago, and the city hall flag floated at ltalf•ntast out of respect to his memory. The subject of this notice was quits) well known int Brussels, having made professional visits here for several years. To Brnnnnns om Dame= Honsne.-- Notice is hereby given that at rho annual meeting of the Dominion Draught Horsd Brooders' Society, to be held in Clinton on the second Wednesday in December next, a rocomnlendatiou wilt bo presont- edby the Directors to ohauge•tho pfeeent standard of registration to read as fol- lows: -.M1 Imported Stallions of the Clydesdale and of the Shire Breeds whioh travelled in the Doniiuion prior to 1886, having podia oes satisfeotory to tho Council, mayboregistorod freo of char - shall and l c oligiblo for yre iotrf . Withstallions this exception, every application by entry rnust be accompanied by proof that tho anindl sought to be registered is tho pro- duce of a sire registorecl rn oithor oftho Clydesdale or Shiro Stud Books of Groat Brftaia, Canada or the United States, or of an irnportod horse registered in the Stud Book of this Sooioiy, and wt 0007 with at least one Dross of either of the h000clo named. Applications under the present standard of two crosses (efthor or both of which nutq be rogister0(1 will he aacoptod sip till December lot, )Blanks and further information inay bo had by addressing tho Secretary. By or'dor of tbo Direetore. lojjh'.Mclftra,AN, Prod - dont, OOnetnilee, P. 0. JADES MITOMILt., Secretary, 0oderidh, Out. TIME more tea you buy the 'handsomer present you get at Coats' gr000ry. Tim null pond was frozen over last Tuesday night for the first time this fall. WANTED, an apprentice to learn the blaolcnmith business. Apply to W, T. I3nntor, 10 Rats Sofia,. Soxrs will officiate in Mel. ville ehuroh next Sabbath, filling Rev. Mr, Ross' plaoe, Tn] violent wind storm on last Sunday night blow down several signs, levelled fonoos turd caused more or loos damage through this section. ANY quantity Of cordwood will b0 sow - chased at the Brussels Salt Works by F. C. Rogers. It takes a good many cords to run tho blodk a year. ALL of the holol-keepers in town, Cilias. Sage, of Walton, and A. Steward of Bol - grave willappose before Police Magis- trate Williams, next Tuesday afternoon, A. G, DEADn1AN, of Delaware, father 0f our townsman, has over 3,000 bushels of apples in his orchards this yoar. Ho talceo groat delight m this deparbnlout of his work. Lou W001105011.3, while George Henry and sister wore out driving their buggy had a wheel taken off by coming hi con- text with a runaway team attached to a lumber wagon. TEE Canada Gazette contains the fol- lowing announcements :-3Orcl Huron Battalion of Infantry, No. 4 Company, Clinton -To be second lieutenant proms. ionally, Sergt. Edward Coleman, vice Soott, resigned. TEE new barn on duo. McCrao's farm adjoining Brussels was raised last Fri- day. Tho day was rather unpleasant yet a goodly number =opted. of the in- vitation and aided in putting the timbers in their respective places. Mos. BAINES, of Sunshine, had the mis- fortune to lose a buckskin purse, contain- ing about $7.00, in Brussels on Friday forenoon of last week. A suitable reward will be paid the finder if the money is re. turned to Tan POST Publishing House. Alma= evening of next week will be Hallowe'en. It is to he hoped that Con- stable McComb will be on the alert and suppress any of .the boyish pranks that aro sometimes perpetrated. It's high tin10 this otd-fashioned sillmoes 790103 rele- gated to tha bygones. BOOTS AND SEOEs.-While thanking the public for their past support I desire to state that I am prepared to manu£aoture all kinds of Boots and Shoes from tho best stook and alit guaranteed every time. Repairing promptly and neatly attended to. Shop at the Bridge. Poo. Meow. 1777),. 12-tf. MAITLAND SxATixa AND Cimino noo Rxvs.- A. general meeting of the stockholders of Maitland Skating and Gosling Rink Company, for the annual election of of - floors and transaction of other important business, will be held in the Contrail chamber on Monday evening, Nov. 7th, at 8 o'clock. A largo attendance is re- quested. R. GEATOA M, President, J. Hut - (MUTES, Secretary. Tris Seoratary of the Brussels Railway t Committee (1F. S. Scott) received a letter from Mr. Van Horn relative to the exten- sion of the C. P. R, from Guelph to Gode. rich. Ho said little would be gained by an interview as nothing would bo de- cided until their• surveyors had been over the ground between the two points men- tioned above. He hints strongly that an air lino is what they aro after and want to keep as clear of other railIvay lines as possible. P000eri. Wo I(NDW.-Bert. Jackson has recuperated sufficiently to onablo him to resume his old position m the sloop. 100 are pleased to see him about again.-A11- drow Payne and brido, of Princeton, were visiting at Robt. Wilson's last week. Mr. Payne and Mrs. Wilson are cousins. - Mrs. H. Metcalf, of Gnolph, is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. L. Kerr. -Moses Armstrong, who has been working in Arnott Bros'. factory for some time, has gond to Woodbridge where ho will learn the tinsmithing.--Lincoln Pelton, of Bushland, Illinois, is spending a week with hie brother Ryall. -Last week Adam Good tins more than pleased by receiv- ing a cabinet photo of his parents, who reside is the, Emerald Isle. It is 16 yours since 14Ir. Good Saw them. Tho "old fouls" are over 70 year's of age, re- spectively, yet they talk some of coining to Canada to neo the "boys." -Mies Et - tie Ward has boon enjoying a holiday with Ina cousin fIt Clinton this week. - Chas. W. Jackson, third son of Walter Jackson, left this Week for Toronto where he oxpeots to take a situation. It is not flattery to say that ho is a model youth and wo boliove ho has a bright prospoet fol' a prosperous life. Brusools Oen ill afford to part with him.-Robt. G. Wilson was at Woodstook on business conncotod with his farm in that locality. -W. II. ECM, who hoe been in Algoma for several months, arrived in Brussols on Tuesday of this week. Ho had. a rough passage down as they met the storm of last Sunday. Mr, Hill has been bothorad with fever but will pull up now that he has got home. -'!'hos. Ross, who has boon 1001:1120(1 tlio tailoring with his brothore, has, gone to Toronto this week when he will take a situation in one of rho Queen's city establishment. His re- moval breaks up "No, 4" and the boys aro casting about to find is substitute. We wish Tom success. --W. R. Hamilton of Toeswater, spent last Sunday with his son-in.law, Walter Coats. -Tho Mitchell Advertiser says :--Gus Goebel visited his Mitchell friends this week and gave us a friendly call. Gus loolce well, consider- ing he residos in a Scott Act county, whero he cannot oven got lager. Mr. Goebel takes home with shim the lino stopper, known as Mand Jones. Sonlo. think that this fast trottor will yet rival Maud S. Sho has 1116 appe0ranae of being fast, so that sho and her driver aro mated. -Geo. Love and ivife worn at Listowel last Wednesday attending tho wedding of their noieo,-Mies Ilttnter, of Milverton, ws,s visiting frionde in town last woek.--Miss Annie Corbett, of Toron- to, 7vas rho pooh of A. Bruce this ween, -Thos. McGillicuddy, of Toronto, 7930 in town oil Tlutrsday eollooting informa- tion =looming the salt industry of this section for Goo 13urmoo of Ind0St'ios. Ho lilioe his now position well. -W. A. 17(•0- 1(179011 and bride will loam Bruosols for Owen Sound on Friday, whore tboy will 200(02170 steamer for Thoosalon. Mr. Mc. Wants to scoop posted on rho doings of 13runeols so hat subscribed for Tan Poor. TH __ .. ':OT. 28, 1887. E BRUSSELS EOST._.M...., �• Exxon vitluo io Puro 1'iolcling Vine- gars at Thomsons. 4- Tnla Golunlbne FVato)1 is a good, rolia• ble time keeper. For aalo at T,Fnnx0nEn's. A 00NTL0nIAN writing from Atwood says :-I oonsklor Tint Pus'r a No. 1 local journal. I know of no paper, in it town such ae yours, is to equal it. EXCURSION To W1No0At1,-M, H, MoIn- doo, Dry Goods morohant, will pay the return fare of any person in Brussels oc locality buying $5.00 worth of goods from sum. Givo him a cell at the new Boavor Blank, Wiogltain. 13.2f Tin. Orangemen of this locality intend celebrating the anniversary of tho Gun. powder Plot by holding an entortttinment 10 their Hall on Monday evening, Nov, 7th. Alter refreshments have been serv- ed a musical and literary program will be in order. MEnar Manrn/ire.--The Forestors of Brusools havo secured the eervie00 of tho talented young Canadian ventriloquist, W. B. Burgess, to give an entertainment in the Town Hall on Friday evening of nextweok, The press giros him a good send off whorovor ho has 'appeared, Mr. Bar- gees will be assisted by local talent, Keep the dato before yon aucl go and enjoy a night's fun. T2 u'B.EAN0E.-As has been 'previously anoounoed, a Temporanoo Convention for the East Riding of Huron will be hold in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Tuoeday, Nov. 8111, oommonoing at 1. o'olook. The oleotion of officers, arranging tbo repeal vote campaign and other matters of in1- portance will bo brought before the gath- ering. In the evening, oonnn0uoing at 7:30 o'olook, a public mooting will 11011010 in the Hall, to be addressed by'Rev. W. S. Griffin, D. D., of Guelph, and others. Music will he supplied by Mrs. J. A. Hutchinson ; Rey. d. S. Cook aril Mei. Cook, of Bluevale, and Cl. 13. Harris and children. The public cordially invited. No admission foo charged. Ws MAT EXPECT plenty of poultry on the market until after Christmas. -The evenings to lengthen and people, deoide on amusements for the coming winter. - Paring boos to become 'common in the country. -Oyster suppers to take their innings and bo as popular as oven -The oharity 0o0oert will draw a crowded house onit170 evening of Thanksgiving day. -Early skating if this cool weather continues.- Xmas goods, presents, oto., to ooil1e to the foro.--Brussels pork market to boom. -Blore weddings next month, in town too. -The municipal pot to commence boiling before 1oii .-Sovoral briok strict• urea to be erected next year in town.- Cheap cigars to rise in price as the cab- bage crop is not as good as usual. OntnoE BLosso0s.--Tho Methodist churoh was crowded on Tuesday evening with a very happy looking company, as- sembled to witness the nuptials of Won. A. McEwen, merchant of Thossalon, Algoma, to Miss Nora Oliver, one of B rus • solo highly esteemed young ladies. Shortly after 7 o'clock the wedding mar0li was played by Miss Clara Creighton and before it was finished the bridal party arrived. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. M. Swann, pastor of the ehuroh, according to the Methodist discipline. The handsome bride was very becoming- ly attired in a cream satin dress, with cashmoro drapery bohmd and tho front and sides embroidered in cream silk and pearls, silk tulle veil and wreath of orange blossoms. The travelling dress 7v0s a brown tweed. Tho bridesmaids wore Miss Eliza Oliver and Miss Hambly. Thoy wore piuk satin basques and om- broidored lawn skirts. l.aoh carried a handsome hand boquot, which they pre. seated to the bride. Tho groom was well supported by A. Strachan and A. M. Mc- Kay, bachelor merchants of this town. After the ceremony there was the usual fueiledo of rice and it was distributod So indiscriminately that a good many 1nlo.ro than the bride and groom sharod in it. The guests followed Mr. and Mo. Ma. Ewen 20 the residence of the bride's par. ants, Flora street, where a splendid ro. past was awaiting them. The Brussels Band serenaded Mr. and Ides. MoEwen during tho evening. Congratulations wore tendered the happy couple in pro- fusion and among others telegrams were received from Dr. and Mrs. McLean, of Woodbridge, and. Mr. and Mrs. Folly, of Toronto. Tho happy twain took the night express for a short wedding trip. TEE rove returns thanks for wedding cards and aake, and joins with a largo cirolo of frionds in wishing Mr. and Mrs. MoBwon a great many years of happi- ness. The wedding gifts "wore of a very flnoorder andwere compri8edea follows:- Plush photograph album, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stewart ; silver 1rioldo motet, Mrs, F. 0. Rogers ; pair oil painted placques mounted an plush, Miss Nimbly ; four silver tablespoons, Win. Vanstono and wife ; parlor lamp, W. Noll and wife, Walton ; crystal water pitcher, Miss Tait, Walton ; half dozen silver dinuor knives and forks, D. 0. Schafer, Tor- onto ; oil painted plaequo, Miss Adapts, Toronto ;linen table °loth, Miss Iittmiah Adams, Toronto ; ono dozen silvor tea knives and butter knife, 14Iiss Eliza H. Oliver, ; embroidorod foot rest, Miss Pauline Olivor ; silver napkin ring, Mrs. Swann ; individual silver cruet, A. M. Maxey ; fancy pitcher, Miss Molloy, Cranbrook ; silvor napkin ring, A. R. Smith ; crystal water jug, Wm. Bill ; wicker work basket, Mrs. Grundlor, Tor- onto ; halal palated• china salt and popper' oroot, Mrs. Barter, Toronto ; crystal °ileo plate and mustard pot, Mrs. Maun- ders, Ethel oil painting and painted panel, Miss .Innis Oliver ; silver pieklo cruet, F. S. Scott aindwife ; silver hnttor cooler, J. II. 'Young and wife ; savor Cruet stand and silver spoon holder, Alias Mary Oliver ; terra oorta flower vase, Miss Creighton ; choose dish, T. McMwon and wile ; silver bnttor,000los, Miss Lu- cretia Oliver ; silver salt dish and spoon, Alex. Strachan ; hand pained foot stool, Mrs. Hardy, Toronto ; ladies oonnpan- ion, A. M. Kay, Gado:Soh ; linen tablo ol otl nr M ts,fannillio n . two fanit p1atos, Mrs, Martin , half dozen tablo napkins incl silk hiudlcerdhfo'f, Mom. 1I011 ; set of crystal, A, Bruce and wife ; pair feathor pillows, J. Wholpton and wilts Ethel ; embroidered Sofa pillow on plush, Aliso Thompson, Brantford; silvor salt and pepper eruct, Jas. Buyers mod 7vifo ; carving knife and fork, 13. Gerry and wife ; lair of gilt Dictums frames, R. 1,oatherdalo 0110 wifo two Celery, dithers, ltaevo McCracken and wife, Ws koop in stook a full supply of all grades of Aruorioan watches at reasonable pr1000. Guaranteed. T. I runs ulbt, Jow• eller, Most you soon the fine display of Moray crockery at Coats' gr000ry, if not, It is tlmo you 1mc1. Como and see whether you purchase or not. We will consider it a favor, 15 AT Tun DeroT.--Superintendent Stop. henson, of Montreal, and Assistaut.Sup- erintomleni Tiffin paid an oflloiai visit to Brussels abatiou last Wednesday, Their ol'lieigl car was attached to the noon.. brain,-Ttvocare of Manitoba wheat worn I roeoivod for the roller mills this wook,- The earpent a gang of tho G. T. 11. have boon re -shingling the station house. They peep "batch" in tln0ir own car instead of boarding out. -Operator Richardson left for a now position on Thursday and Mr. Mollghary lofts resumed work, having re- commit from his r00011t illness, -Seven loadoll freight cars were run on tho mid- day eXproso last Wednesday to get Uhr00911 the rush of froight,--Oto Wed- nesday of last week J. A. Creighton, our station agent, arrived moire from is visit of two molts to Ifoutroal, Portland 1300 - ton and other places of note. He gives an interestingacoouut of alto "Hub" and the scenery around Portland, TnE anniversary soevices of the Water- loo atroot church, Stratford, wore 0017• elided Monday ovoning by tt 900y SucOOS- 1nl tea-meoting, followed by addresses and music, The attondanoe was good, and the edibles excellent. In the after meeting the pastor, ltev, W. Smyth, oc- cupied tho chair, and interesting address- es ddresses were delivered by Revs. Messrs. Sol- lery, of Lucan ; Ilorridge, of Brampton, and Wright, of Knox ehuroh, intor'spors- od by anthglns and songs by the thous of the church. The evening passod most pleasantly. The prospects of the Cboroli appear bright, the attendance having been growing handsomely under the pros. ant pastorate, It is even contemplated to make extensivo impr'ovemente and ad- ditions to the church next year to 00oom- modate the growing congregation and give room for the development of the cameo in the fine field that exists in that part of the city. All woll.meaning people will be glad to know that the Waterloo- st. church is on the upward move and that the energetic and able pastor is be- ginning so soon to seethe promiso of good fruit in response to his earnest labors. a30RE. . DIOxSON.-In Clinton, on the 21st inst„ the wife of Mr. Chris. Dickson, of a slaughter. WILLors.-Tu Blyth, on the 28rd inst., the wife of 1410. Philip Willows, pump maker, of twins -son and daughter. 12ARRSi7s. Doorman-Sou/mom-At theresidence of tlto bride's parents, Groy, =the 26th inst,'by Rev. W. T. Muff, of Brus- sels, Mr. Jas. Dunfor'd, of Brussels, to !!Miss Emily Small(lon, of Groy township. McEwsN--OLxvinl —In the Methodist church, Brussels, on the 25th inst., by Kev. M. Swann, Mr. Won. A. Me - Ewen, of Thossalon, Algona, to Miss Nora, daughter of Mr. Janes Oliver, • of Erussels. Aualaxuc:rc--KELLY.--At St. Michiel's church, Blyth, on the 17117 inst., by Rev. Father Aloward, Mr. Thos. Armstrong, of East Wawenosh, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. Daniel Kelly, of Morris. 1r=. FlLarsNo.-In Hamilton, at his late resi- dence, 280 James street north, on the 23rd inst., Theo, Le P. Filgiano, in the 041;h year of his ago. C1ocsINs.-In Walkerton, on Friday, the 30211 September, Margaret, tbo be- loved wife of Mr. Alexander Cousins, aged 85 years and 10 months. Win;; hart papers please copy. 4Vo7Tt01,7 FRIDAY, OOT. 28'011. -Farm stock, lot 25, oon. 4, Morris. Salo oom111en000 at 1 o'olocic p. no. Chas, B. Harris, prop., Geo. Kirkby, nuc. Pumtr, OCT. 28m. -Farm stock and implements, on lot 18, oon. 113, Grey. Sale to oomme000 at 1 o'olpok, p. rn, Wolin V. Steiss, prop., A. Reymnann, aunt. MONDAY, OoT. 81sT. -Farm stook, im• plorient0, cbo., on lot 10, con. 6, Grey. Sale to commence at 12 o'olook, noon. David MaoGuiro, prop., A. Dolgotty, aunt. WEDNESDAY, Nov. OTE.-h'arm Stook and inlplononte, on south half lot . 28, con. 7, !!Morris. Sale to 00mmeuoe at 1 o'clock p. in. Geo. Readman, prop., A. Delgatty, anat. FMm:4Y, OcT. 28211. -Valuable stook and implements,' on lot 3, eon. 12, Groy. Salo to 001111)1 Once at 1 o'clock p. m. U. MoFadden, prop., A. Delgatty, Guo. Pamir?, Nov.. deo.--Sawmill, logs, lumber, farm stook and implements and timber for cordwood, on lot 18, con. 11, Grey. Sale commences at 12 o'clock. To bo without ' reserve. Rayinann tlO Stratton, Auctioneers. Hiram Whito, 'Proprietor. 00111rx0'riln OA11EmULLt EYEln: 771EIC. Fall Wheat 75 80 Spring Whoat 70 80 Barloy 45 55 Oats 27 80 Peas ,.. 53 54 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 18 20 Eggs per dozer- 17 00 Flour per barrel '4 50 00 Potatooe .,, 50 55 Hoy peg ton .. 8 00 0 00 Hideo por lb 4' 0 Saltee bbl., wholesale.... 00 80 Sheep skins, oath. 50 1 00 Wool, per lb. 20 28 Pork 5 500 0 00 01.07.01T1079 MLa-Zoo1.iiMii,'ii. COMMUTED OARNMILLY B91i117 WEER.. Fall Wheat 75 80 Spring Whoat 70 78 Gats , 28. 80 Pons 58 55 I3arloy 50 50" Potatoes 00 05 flutter, pox lb ..... 20 00 Eggs, dozer.........: 10 00 Apples, per bushel .. , , 40 00 • THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. T.0011 SALE.—A I/A1t0i±; QIYA.N• • T1Tr of good hay.' Also two first -01605 Omelet rains, 0(sy eau bn dollvorod any dim o. Apply to T1IOS, PEPPER, lot 8, m0. ooselon 0 pray, Brit Imola P.O. 10.4 ��. twTRAYED ON THE' PRLJ'MIS• 1J 1>15 of aha 00,1005 fined, lot 6, eon. 13, Gray, on or about Sept. lath, an amid ram. Tim owner la roquo8tod to prove property, pay obarjon and talcs trim away. JAMBS MITCHELL. Bruner; P. O, 13 3 STOVES, TWO WOOL) AND ono Goal, the lett or of now design, with op0n grate mud Woke mein sum all suitable fur hooting p0100es. Any or all for Oslo at ofga groat bargain, ss,Apply at the now. Post Wilco bo13 DAY UP.—ALL PERSON:-! IN - ;tabled to the Into firm of }layered Bros. are requoeted to mail and settle rho same AT exalt, The books may bo found at Om store 0010cssrm, Hoyo oft ,o Turnbull. J. G. SIiENN, 1. pxuconon0, 13.00 J, II• Yol'iNG. f LiTRAYED FROM LOT 15, OUN. 5, on or about Soptamber 29th, a far- row cow, dark rod in color with white star on her Moe, is 3 your; old. Any information that will load to hor rocavoryy will bo thankfully reooivod by W.M. FAI3QUHAII. SON, Ethel P.O. 13-tf t ALE NOTES. --NOTICE IS L) horoby gluon that the solo nates reooly- ed from tho auction 0alo of David Purvis, Morris, 1511000 on October 10th and jl0000ns interosted aro reryo0stod to aottle thorn at 0noe. Notos twill be found with Alex, Nich- ol, of Morris township. A prompt settle• moat desired. 12.0 REAL ESTATE. l'CAIIORTABL'E DWELLING • Iron S.IMI at a bargain. I'or full par- ticulars as to Orion„location,' etc., apply to W..11. DICKSON,8.11 HOIOE FARMS FOR SALE.— A few splondkl, improved farms for Aldo in the township of Groy, Morris and Mo0illop. Apply to A. DLLGATTY, Co. Auotlonoor,Sruesols P. O. DUILDING AND CORNER S Tann Non SAnn,-Tho undersigned has loaned, from Mrs. Wm. Shine, a Stone Quarry, for a 0umbor of yenta, and is now proper od to 01101sh any gl7anblby of Building and Corner Storm at a roaeonab la rate. Per- sons intending to build should remember that 1 can supply nil the Stone in addition to doing the Mason Work. W. P. KELLY, VALUABLE FARM IN GREY Towxsnrr mon assn. -The subscriber offers his excellent 100 acre farm, being lot 12, eon, 30, Groy, for sale. Tiler° are 80 awns olearod and under Drop, rho balance timber - oil with hardwood. Tnoro is a s ton s availing house, frame barn andatable. , good orchard, two volts and all the n000090y conveniono- os on the piece. The farm is located 3 miles from rho flourishing village of Brus- sels. Por further particulars at to price, terms. &o, apply, on the promises, to JOHN VINCENT, Proprietor, Brussels P. C. 10-30 t1AR3I FOR SALE.—THE SUB- Banlnitn ol0ors his valuable 100 ooze farm, beinglot3, eon. 13, Grqy Township Huron Co., 100 sale. There are about 75 norms olearod end In good boort. Thorn is a log house, good hank barn, bearing orchard, and all the necessary oonyouienaos on the promis08. Por f0rthe' particulars, as to prl00,to1'me, oto„ ripply to rho Proprietor, '!'HOS. HISLOP Clamp 0., N.W.T.. or to 3-tf DOUG ALD ST11AO0I.1N, Brusools t(ARM IN GREY TOWNSHIP iron 0A7n.—Boine lot 14, eon. 10, 00u- taiohlg 100 mores. It is partly cleared, rho beano° Wold timbered. A novas falling crook crosses tho plow and it is well adapt- ed for tftbor farming or grazing. I will like- w ise soli 40 mires, being east part 0f lot 14, con.10, noarly 011 eloorod and in a good state of cultivation. A good frame barn with a good stoeo stable undoruaath and a never failing wolf isalsoon the pinoo. For further partiauinre apply to the proprietor on they lana. This lot is 'onpooito too oth- or. GEORGE AVERY, .Proprietor, 1.21 �i lAI1M FOR SALE. —THE SUB • 8010011115 offers his excoile:A 125 ELM farm for sale.. Itis situated 011 con. 0, Grey, beingg 1011 8 and wild part of lot ti, There le about 100 aoros olearod. The buildings are good. Two barns with stole stabling, meas. • tiro 05x40 foot and 3(1100000 feet respectively. There aro two frame riwoning pensee, young orchard of 12 acres, and 111 tide Conreilien- cos, T11ore10 a 10701.1011100 spring 0re0a on rho p11100. P00 800101> oonld be given at any time. Tho farm is di miles from Drosses and isiin a splendid locality. loan to the sohooi aburoh, &o. Por price, 2000>8, oto., apply to the Propriotor on the prom Ism 0=tf JOHN SNI(1030, Proprietor. )Aro AORE FARM FOR SALE. Adlrst-olasolartn for solo in tho Township of Morita in the Oounty of Huron, boi1g south half of north hall Iota 33 & 01 and south half OP 20 1n 5t11 eon., 0ontaiuing 200 soros more or loss, 120 nem mostly clan. of stumps and in a good stato of culti- vation, Mono is a young mooring orohard,a good llouso and hank barn 10 x 56 foot with steno stable -underneath. The farm is situ. atod within a inllo of the Piling° of Brussola and is a good farm for grain or stools rais- ing as lloowaterel with tho river Maitland and novor failing spring oreok. Possession will bo given at any tIIpe. Por father par- ticulars applyy on the Promises or to A..lt, ROBENTsON, Drosses, P. 0. Golf Executor's Notice. All partial having claims against tbo E0 - tato of the Tato RonE0T Ross, of 1110 Town- ship o1 Groy, in tho1County of 0uro1 who ()ten on or nbont the 2nd clay of Jane A. r',, 1887, aro, on or bolero rho 1st day of Januar 1880, to son . by post (propaid) to tho under=- stgnod thole 01ris2213 and onrnam55, ad- dress and description, with fu11 particulars O 1 their claims, a statemont of their 00. Donuts nod nature of their seouritioo, if any, ]fold by tho.n, and in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from partial- g ating iu the said estote. A11 persons in- dobtgd to tho deceased whothor oy book account or otltarwiso, aro reg050te1 to pay Eno Memo to Wm. Spoece, on or before tho abovo mentioned date, 10.8m WIUI. 81'EN030, Executor. Dated in Grey this sod clay of Oct, '87. Vols. -sea teiesio, ' Tho subsarl uoreforefor psis 111s valuable Varna la the Township of Groy, o0mprising lots and 7, 0ou.11 in said township. This farm contains 200aorosandio within 11 miles from$ho thriving village of Brusools, with goodgrave.lroadlaading thoroto. About 160 aero axoolaarad t e troo from stumps and i high state of. cultivation •. Tho bl11aIIC0 is flatly v001106, This Maim 10 partioltleily wolllonood,noarlytho tupelo 0t tho fouoon 'born({ straight mud having boon orootot in 1885 and '86. On tlioprem.isootharoie tt oom• fortablolog dwolliug house 1711;1 it goo dfr0mo barn with steno orotund underneath sin whi0htlle:o IS a wolf with an abuulant sup. ply of oxo0110112 water. Thorn is 111rowtso a DOW frame Lap mount hotls0, 4(1x20,-77011 iloorod, above 71,1 bolowand nuat,y stand.ern paintod. Par partlet, lain aunty to the Propriotor, JA1,1ES DICKSON, Itngletr,r, H11von tin„ 1213• SOdorlah, ' BANKING. MoINT0S11 & 1"IoTAGGART, BANKERS :- BRUSSELS Transact a General Banking Business, 240200 to hand dleoouo tod. Intorsetallowed on deposits ropayabloon 110,uand, Prompt 008011 lou gluon to 0o1l00tlone, LEGAL AND CONVEYAENCiNG. ADE & SINOLAIR, BARRIS • Tuna de, 01110o in Leckie's b10ok, Bruosele, Money to Loan, B DICKSON, (LATE WITH V 79 • Oarrow & Proucifoot, (20,10 leh) (in- lleltor, Convoyamoor, &0, (11100, Grant's block, Brusools. Money to loan, ALEX.. HUNTER, otER1{ OF Um Fourth Division Court,Co,-Huron, Convoyanoor, Notary Public, Lancs, Loon antllosuranco Agent. Funds inveetod 4101 to loan. Oo,loctiono male. 0ifico in Grn- haln'0 Blnok,Bruseols. vpsecT CUNNIN0/144 01100110Nc'O, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH• MEDICAL CARDS. R. HUTC.IHINSON HAS RE- -g--• moved his olllco to J. Hargreaves' Drug Store. Itesldonoo on Mllt Strout A. MaNAUGHTON, M. D., 0. 0.1 a 001.18,0.1', Edinburgh, Physiotan Surgeon and A000uober. 01floo, Mrs, 8hiol's block,'1'urnborry Street. M. F. CALE, M, D„ 0. M. Mombor of the Collage of Phyeioiaus and Surgeons of Ontaaio by examination. 011lae and Bosidouo-Main St. East, Ethos Ontario. DENTAL. ISM/NT TY kiiGC.E17( G. L. Ball ,L. D.S., honor Graduato and M 11 0 D S , of Toronto. Nitrons Oxide Gas administered. Prloes graded mules low as good work clan bo bone for. OSloo over Johnston's Hardware Store, Seaforth. 113 MN CCIl P. 1. J. Pour, L. i) S. Graduate of To- ronto Sohooi of D00215 l7. All oper- ations guaranteed. 0113 oo-Oady's Block, Seaforth. Arai finial tooth, Drat quality, anda guaraotood flt,ior 912.00 per set. Y3Y+:N'rite 9'- oot A. SC—ARTIST, Mr. Sr, S„ Honor Graduato of the Royal. College of Dental. Surgeons, Toronto, N1T1100 Oxlnn GAS etlministorod for the pelmets oxtrae- tiono1 tooth. d0P79ll:lg.---Q 110'9old Itlomi:, 113117031S1S AUCTIONEERS. . (7.E0RG11 KIRKBY, LIOEN- \..Ai 0En Auotioneer. Sales oonduotod on roaoonablo terms, farms and farm stook a specialty. Orders loft at Tun Pon Publish- ing House, Brasses, or sant to Walton post ogioo will rawly° prompt attention. ALEX. DELGATTY, AUCTION - nun, is prepared to attend to sates on rho shortest rntioo. Orders luny b0 loft at Tan Pos7 Publishing House, or addressed to (Brussels P.O. ARAYMANN, AUCTIONEER, • is always roadylto attoud solos of farms, feria stock, &e. Toms cheerfully won. Oraubrook 1' O. Solos may be ar. rangedBrussels. at Tnie Poem Publishing. Boise BUSINESS CARDS. , . H. MoO tACKEN, !SSU of 010rr10go Lioonsoo. Oillco at his Grocery,Turnborry&troot. ,t 1foNAIR, ISSUER OF 12TAR - .L�.•, riage Lloenaos, by appointmont o1 Limit - Governor, Commi0eioner, &r.., Q. B. Ornyoyanoor and Agent Piro Insurnnoo Co. 081oo at the oranbrookPeat Moo. W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR • Graduato of tho Ontario Veterinary co1lsg0 has 10suntod tbo pr lotto(' of John Nott, V.8„ and is prop0101 to trout all dis• oaths of domesticated animals on o151,11l aldapprnvod principles. Treatmoutofde- feats foals a specialty Office two doors North of Bridgo, Turnborry street. BLASHILL, Butcher, thanking his many an8t0tn01s for thou liberal supnport in the past wishes to inform them that at his ▪ shop in 3maln's block 170 kc0p8 nothing but 11051>olaes meats, all. libido of Poultry and Sausage llfiat Delivered to all parts of En town trio. Cash ' paid for Pat Stools, Hides and sheepskins bought for cash. 2 if'AERKSIIIBE BOAR. —THE .R, Undersigned has a thoro'•brod Bork. shire Boar for sorvio0 on lot 13,80n. 0, Groy, Terme 70 mints, 'with pprrvilo goof returning if nea053ary• WM. 1 0.133111112. Proprietor, -YOUNG HORSES 1'011 SALE. JL --Tho undoreigpod win 0011 0 throo- ear - old colts.. One is a driver, part blood, y and the othertthroo aro general purpose 'ani. wale. They will be Sold olthor s000002ely or teems ns boot spite alto purolinsor. Now istho Mina to buy at 10 raasonnble tlg- uro, JNO. 0003113, Ethel, 14 -IP . OTE LOST,—ALL PERSONS aro cautionacl against negotiating a joint uoto, drawn in favor of Wm. Patterson, Morri0, by Wm. and Jobe Ashton, at Morris, for 0 arm of over 8100, as 1110 110 to has boon lootsld payment stomped. Tho finder of tho nolo will box/Maraca by loavltg it 115 7.nr•.PosTPnbltshlng neo, I 0r Io unools, 14.4y G� (SIOLUTION ul' PAR't'NEI iillf '. mho partnership hor01o10ro existfills be- twoOnWm. O. Snaith .ani Thos, A, Sloss, pointers,d0inghbuoinees under On maim of Smith&f100e, aa. this day boon disoolvod by withal oonsont, Tho 11000uht0 of lam loth Arm win 10reamed immodintolp and set. tlomant moat boinnlo tvvtll 1vin, Smith, who 99111 continuo Vic bus.. ass and pay al' the dolts. Dote' at li n0aols W. SMITH, • Ont,rth 1387. 1T, A, 11085, Wltuoss : W. I.I. Exult, 101 la