HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-10-21, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST OOT. 21, 1b67. :Eit- R RP F D BIBLES, TJ S t1.nrB1VTS, CHILDREN'S BOOKS stud a largo line of Fancy Goods 1 Snilnble for Wedding, Birthday alld 0fller (TNF{f;, a A. Deadman. Druggist, Bookseller & Fancy Goods Dealer. GRAPiI TRUNK RAILWAY. SOVTlnIlx nxTEx0IOx, W. 0. & Ie you purchase 2 lbs of tea I will give you yowl' choice of a flue fruit bowl or n very nice oup and saucer at Coats' groo- ery. Rev, ben, Bader -teem, M.A., of Walton, will occupy the pulpit iu Melville church next Sabbath in the absolute of the pastor, Dia you give our tea a trial at 85 and 874 cents par ib, with a nice china oup and saucer 7 Tho best value in too County at Coats' grocery. LAnres' gold pun (or brooch) lost on Tuesday. 18th inst., hi Brussels, The finder will greatly oblige by returning it to Tor Poar Publishing House. Is the prize list of the Brussels Fall Show, published last week, Mise Lucretia Oliver should have been oredited with the two red tickets for pencil drawing and water color painting instead of G. A. ,Deadman. Deeresere—On Tuesday of this week John Powley, merehaut of Drayton, died afeer a brief illness, in his 40th year. He will bo greatly missed both in Church slid scouter natters. The funer- al took place on Thursday of this week, the interment being made at Spring Hill Trams leave Mussels Station, north and cemetery. Alex. Brace, of this place, south e.s follows.— was an uncle to the deceased. Going South., (icing oortb• L,tsr Wednesday afternoon the local Mail 7103 a.m. I Mixed ......,.,,.9:80 9.0( Mixed 8:45 p.m. l Express 0,95p.m Express.:. ...111J5 a.m. Mail a60p.m Q;IT� 3. .0:Ura ; tms. A chiel's among ye Lakin' notes An' faith lie'll prent it, BeAirrn at weather. Betels slippers, good, cheap, A. Good. ExrnA value la Pure Piokling Vine- gars at Thomsons. 4 - Olin week from next Tuesday will be the 1st of Norember. Femme Division Court will be held on Thursday of next week, 27th inst, Tun more tea you buy the handsomer present yon get at Coats' grocery. Fou the largest stook and beat value in Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, go to Thomeon's. 50. JAnies LIVINa9TON, M. P., for Waterloo, and Lawyer Miller, of New Hamburg, were in town this week. Toe beautiful weather on Tuesday afternoon wooed some of the orioketere to the Park where as enjoyable time was spent. A mom stock train passed through Brussels last Saturday going east. The amount of business dere in this luso has been very large this year. A tip-top stook of Bill heads, letter and note heads, envelopes, statements, memorandums; tags, eta., kept always in stock at To Pose Publishing House. HAvx you seen the fine display of fancy crockery at Coats' grocery, if not, it is time you had. Come and see whether you purchase or not. We will consider it a favor. 15 rem an acre of land in Brussels, Wm. Norton secured a ton of green feed and over 100 bushels of potatoes. This is surely a good return considering the dry - 11055 of the summer. Emmen; To Wm n1Sits.—M. 15, MoLI- doo, Dry Goods merchant, will pay the return fare of any person in Brussels or locahty buying 55,00 worth of goods from bim. Givo him a call at the new Beaver Block, Wingham. 18-tf Tnn2enew feet barn was raised on Thurs- day of this week. It is 3806 feet. It stands on the site -of the barn recently burned.. Livingstone Bros. purpose build- ing a new flax mill next year on the same farm. P. Thomson has the contract for the barn. Se. Devrn's Careen, Henfryn, is now being repaired and painted, therefore ser- vice will be discontinued for the next two Sabbaths, The church will be re -opened on the first Sunday in November. Ser- vice at 11 o'clock 0. m. and 8:80 p, m. Speakers from a distance expected. Boors .txn Saons,—While thanking the public for their past support I desire to state that I am prepared to manufacture all kinds of Boots and Shoes from the best stook and a fit guaranteed every time. Repairing promptly and neatly attended to. Shop at the Bridge. Jae, McCue ante 12-1f. As will be seen by a report published elsewhere in this issue Brussels curlers are matched against Harriston in the medal competition, wibh H. 13. Morphy, of Listowel, as umpire. Our knights of the stone are plaoed in group 14 along with the clubs of Kincardine, Luakuow, Wingham, Wroxeter and Listowel. Pusnz\o Asstn.—The proprietor of the steno grin, mfll has recently added some of the latest improved machinery and is prepared better than ever, to give satisfaction to the mobilo, Flour and feed kept constantly on hand for sale. A largely increased trade is being done this Pall which goes to prove that their dealings with the farmers is as they would desire it. SCOTT ACT.—Last week lee. Fulton, of Winthrop, and Jacob Lamb, of Milburn, were each fined $50.00 and oasts for vio- lating the Canada Temperance Aot. On Tuesdayof this week oases were heard against Wm. Gill, of Ethel ; Edward Mc- Namara, of Leadbury, and Wm Bairns, of Walton. Mr. Gill's case was dismiss- ed and the two others were assessed $50.- 400 and costs, Police Magistrate Will. famepresided. Lawyers Scott and Sin- clair Were in attendance. Mlnxn'nuoy,—Last week, according to announcement, F. C. Rogers' millinery opening for the Fall and Winter season took place, Miss Green had taken no email amount of trouble in arranging the show room and the largo number of lad- ies visiting this department expressed thele pleasure at the handsome and at- tractive display of hats, bonnets, ribbons, pinatas, alt The Noted Cheap Store has made a specialty of millinery and they do a large trade fu this line.—Mrs. Alexander's millinery was also on in- 5509±1on this week and a very neat die- play of goods was exhibited. All the work done le under her constant super. vision and aonsequently general satis- faction to her customers is the result. As wo have Meted before a person is hard to suit if they cannot secure n, tasty and stylish hat or houhet in 13ruseels and . Mrs, Alexander feels assured that all slut needs to eatiefy the pidgin as to be abil- ity to please is a fair trial, sports had some fun on the race course. Thos. Hall made a bet with T. O'Neil that the "Magician" colt owned by the latter could not trot a mile in four minutes. The bet was taken and whet' the trial was made the little mare, 411 her mils easily iu 8:52. A skirmish then took plan° be- tween Gns. Goebel's "Olean Grit" and O'Neil's "Magician" and the spectators say there was lots of flus. Blnte SOCxevx.—The annual meeting of the Brussels Branch of the Bible So- ddy will be held, hi tbo Methodist ohuroh, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 9th, commencing at 7:00 o'clock. The agent, Rev. 3. G. Manly, who delivered such in- teresting addresses in bis two visits, will be present and speak on "Israel and Egypt." A large attendance is. asked for and the local Oommittee is requested to meet the Agent at 7 o'clock in the thumb. Ton POST would like to see an oatmeal mill started in town.—A. new Publio School building erected that would be ' a credit to Brussels.—A Literary and: De- bating Society organized and thus give the young men an opportunity of moon- ing the art of speaking in public.—Every other church take the same interest in their young people that Melville church doss —A great, big union charity concert on the evening of Thanksgiving day in the Town Hall.—Anobber hundred mem- bers added to the roll of the Mechanics' Institute.—The race course purchased by the people of this locality and extempor- aised Into an Agricultural Park, Tare week we came across an old pa- per referring to the organization of the first volunteer Company in Brussels. Jas, Vanstono, now in Missouri, was the first Captain of the Ain- leyville Company of Infantry of Volun- teer Militia. By way of curiosity wo append the names of this body just to show how loyal the old "stagers" were in the days gong by :—James S. Van - stone, Captain ; John Leckie, Lieuten- ant ; Geo. R. Ross, Ensign ; Francis Belly, Uriah Bass, Wm.. A. Fiehleigh, Henry Mooney, Robert Mooney, Simon Grant, Thos. 3. Hingston, Richard Mur- phey, Alexander Moore, John Angus, John R,. Grant, (Lieutenant), David Mollison, George A. Beer, Charles Ain- ley-, W. M. Hale, William Mooney, W. J'. R. Holmes, William. Wright, William Hogg, Thomas Watson, Jonathan Pea- cock, William Docket, Charles Baxter, James Gibson, John Tait. William Ain- ley, Thomas Bernard, Thomas Angus, Donald Ferguison, Donald McNaughton, William Norton, Robert Sheridan, Geo. Manning, Thomas Rice, James McIn- tosh, John Manning, Edward Kirkpat- rick, Alexander Ferguson, Isaacs Pavvson, William Clark, Alex. Maple, Jas. Gib - e011, Adam Reid, Henry Chapman, Alex. McNair, Charles McLellan, Peter Grant, Bishop Ward, Robert Ainley, Henry T. Switzer, James Smith, Henry Cardiff, George dloock, James Roddick, Ben. McDonald. Onre.—John Landsboroough, sr., of the 4th concession of Tnokersmith, died on Tuesday, 11±11 inst. Mr. Landsborough has, for several years, beer troubled more or less with an affeotion of the heart but until within the past six months no seri- ous- results were anticipated from it. Since that time, however, he has been very poorly and for six weeks he haabeon confined to bed most of the time. Under these circumstances, therefore, the end was nob expected. loth Mr. Lenclabor- ough and his family were fully prepared for the great ohange, and under such cir- cumstances death is robbed of more than half its sting. Te was a native of Kirk. cndbrightslnre, Scotland, and was the eldest sol of the late Wen, Landsborough. He was in his seventy-fifth year, and came to this country with his parents and other members of his family in the year 1834. He then located the farm on which he continued to reside until his death, his brothers Samuel and James owning and occupying the two adjoining farms, while Robert bas ono abont a mile distant on the same concession. Like the root of the sturdy pioneers who came from the same locality in Scotland and settled in this county, he took his farm when it was en unbroken wilderness and 11e leaves it a fertile and comfortable homestead. He was married after oom- ing to this country, but hie wife died about 19 years ago. He had a family of eight ebildren but only throe survive him, one son and two daughters, He was a ooneistenb member of the Presbyterian church, and for many years was an elder of Mr. Graham's congregation in Eg- tnondville. Lately, however, ho has been eonueoted with Union church,Bruoeflold. In politics he was a firm Liberal, and was to groat admirer of the late Hon. George Brown, Hs was a man of the most m- etalled character, of the strictest integ- rity and Wt's in every sense .a good and, worthy citizen. His remains were inter- red in the Httrpurbey cemetery on'Thurs- flay of last woe'(, and a very large num` her turned out to pay the last tribute of respect to the mortal remains of a moat worthy man. Tho deceased was the father-in-law of Mrs. Ino, Landsborough, formerly Mr,,. Lang, i;ister i.o It, Leath. olaiak', of Brussels. • Loss' on Wednesday a very small gold owes, part of an ear -ring. Finder will please leave at TnE Pose Publishing House. NS= Sabbath Bev, J, 5, Parke, of Blyth, will ofiiointo in St. Jol1n'a chinch and Rev: W. T. Oleg will take his work at Blyth, A ne mm= of the W. 0, T. U. will be held on Saturday afternoon, at 8 o'clock, in the basement of the Methodist church, A fell attendance of members desired, THE Hallelujah Quartette were on hand last Friday evening and gave a song service in the Town Hall. rThe at- tendance was not large. Those who were present had en. enjoyable time. Mne, War, Beaune, and Mrs Veal were solioiling aid for Mrs. Jeremiah Blaehill on Monday of title week. Wo are glad to kuow that they did not meet with many refusals as Mrs. Blashitl ie in needy cir- cumstances. special meeting of this Society was held last Saturday afternoon and was addressed by Miss Cowan, of Seaforth, an energetic worker in the temperance cause. Tho ladies are think- ing of trying to arrange to push tho work with the children of the Public School. DEOEABED.—On Thursday of last week the -wife of Robert Stretton died at her home in Newmarket, at the advanced Iwo of 82 years. The funeral took plaoe on Saturday afternoon, Ino. Mooney and wife and Jas. Stratton and wife at- tended the burial. The old lady was the mother of Mrs. Mooney and Mr. Strut - ton. Their father, who was up here last spring, is over 80 years of ago but has not been having good health this fall, PIMPLE Wr. Mlcow The Durham Re- view says :—Wm. Willis, lately of Brus- sels, has returned to Durham and will assist Mr. Sperling in the egg business for a few weeks. Will is a good head among the "boys," who will be glad to see him again.—In last week's issue of the Brandon Sun there is a tip-top ant of "Lord Heade," Jno. E. Smith's Clydes- dale stallion. It won the 1st prize, di- ploma and gold medal at the Fall Exhi- bition and has woe. 17 1st prizes, although only 4 years old, Mr. Smith has lost none of his love fora good animal..—Ino, Stanley, of Seaforth, was in town over Sunday. He oamo out on "business," of course.—MTs, Welsh and daughter, of Blyth, were visiting at Mrs. Le Bon's last week. -0. 13. Vanstono was home from Elsinore, Bruce County, for a few days thig week.—G. A. Dewar, of Seaforth, was the guest of Dr. McNaugh- ton for several days last week.—Wm. and - James Hunter were in town this weak visiting their mother. The elder brother contemplates opening up the blacksmith shop formerly managed by his father, W. T. Hunter. We wish him sueosss in hie undertaking.—R. J. Clark and A. Hal- lingby spent last Sunday in Toeswater.— Mrs., J. A. McNaughton has returned from a visit of over four weeks to Sea- forth.—The Misses McGuire epent Sun- day is Wingham.—T. S. Humphries and wife were visiting friends at Londesbora' this week, -James Forsyth is renewing old acquaintances in this locality. He has a good situation, in oonnootion with one of the America* fashionable summer resorts. Since his lust visit here he has toured it through Calilbrnia, Florida and other States.—Mr. and Mrs. Howell, of Maysville, enjoyed a visit with their Bon- in -law and daughter, S. Plum and wife, this week. Co. Qemmissioner Ainsley woe in town on Monday looking after the job el mason work at the iron bridge. W. F. Kelly has the material ready for the wing-wall.—Addie Cormack, who has a situation in the Herald office, in Du- luth, Midh., had the misfortune to lose all his clothing, except what he was wearing, bya lire at his boardinghouse,—We were pleased to receive a letter from our old friend Jas. Wilkinson, now Lieutenant in the Salvation Army at Bowmenville. He is getting along well in his eastern home and to add to his happiness renewed his subscription to Tete Poox.—llrs. Walter Riohardson, who has boon very poorly for a good while, left last Monday for California, where she will epend the Winter, wibh the hope of regaining her health. The best wishes of a large circle of friends go with her in her long journey. W. Hargreaves, brother to our townsman, has purohasod a drug business in To- ronto. 'f.'hs three brothers now own drug stores in Brussels, Paisley and Toronto. —Miss Bella Taylor, of London, went home last Monday after a pleasant visit with the Misses Thomson, of this place. Some of the boys put oil agape.—Mrs. Montgomery, of Walkerton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Vanatone.—J. Robertson was at Montreal for a few days last week. Jno. Boddiok leas been on the sink list for the past week but we hope to see him able to attend to work ere long.—Mr, Goforth, who lectured on the Mission field in Knox Church, Brus- sele, some time ago, was ordained Chia week, at Toronto, and will shortly leave for Ohinia where he goes as a missionary. We wish 11101 abundant suooess.—The Messrs. Sperling were vieiting Mrs, Wat- son Ainley last Sunday.—Robt. Hendel•- son has been quite ill during the past week with a bad attauk of pleurisy. We don't want to lose Bob. yet awhile.—Mies Gatley, of Wingham, was visiting Miss Addie Vanstono last weak. --George Smith, wife and children, who have been visiting in this locality for several weeks, returned -bo Newatk, N. J'., last Wednes- day.—Mrs. Pierce and Miss Cainpbell, of Toronto, spent a few doe in tower last week..—Gue. Gcebel was visiting in Mitch- ell this week. Ile brought a trotter book with him that he says is very speedy. Rev. J. H. Dyke' and bride and Miss Dyke, of Henfryn, wore in town on Tues. day afternool.—Mian Annie M. Ross is Visiting et her uncle's 1n Guelph, where the remainder of the family intend mov Ing in the course of a month.—W. 13. Dickson was in Goderioh last week.—Mrs, W, R. Hamilton, of 'Teeswater, is visiting her daughter, Mee, Walter Coats. -Chas.' J. Passmore, of Holyi.'ood, spent a fow daye in town this week,—Gordon Moon- ey and wife have gond to Elaine/eswhore they expect to put in the winter, --A Lot- ter lies beet received from Geo.1'laycrofb giving an account of his safo 'arrival in California, ---Jamas Goldie, of Guelph, arrived. Home 'from Sdotland tho other evening and lli3i employees 'lock Myatt- pimento, 09., on lot 10, con. 0, Grey. ago of the occasion to present him with a Sale to comet= at 12 o'clock, noon. oonplimontlury madmen, Janice Wilson, David MttoGuiro, prop„ A,, Delgatty, of Brunie, was tem of tho company. an0t. I nave just opened the conteu15 of two large hogsheads, 1 orate and 5 cases of staple and fancy °rookery. Coats' groo- ery. "opening" at ddant Good's atone, last Saturday, was n snocose fu every Benne of the wore. The youngsters were there in full force and the "oldsters" as well• 9,'115 services conduotcd by the Rev. Mr. McLellan in Ituox Ohuroh, last Sab• bath, were both pleasing and profitable. He tvi11 occupy the pulpit for the two following Sundays. A wsusnto is on the tapir for next Tuesday evening, in too Molltodist ohuroh. W. llfoEwau and Miss Frame Nora Oliver are the contracting parties, "For goodness sake don't say that I told you., THOMAS BALL,VYTTRs, an old resident Of t Brussels, has purohasod the house and lot on Thomas street from Robe Ross, the price being $500. It was a bargain. We believe Mr. Ross and family will re- move to Guelph before long, leis reported that Vanetone Bros. have purchased the planing mill and furniture faotory plant belonging to Ieaae Roger- son, of Sunshine, There should be, and is, a first-class opening for a furniture manufactory in Brussels and we hope, if the pnrohase is completed, that Messrs. Vanstono will see their way clear to move the maohinory to town. "Wet Peen NA Poo."—Tho following sketch is from n Toronto correspondent t0 the Goderioh Signal and refers to our old friend Lion Alexander :—Huron men have been crowding into Toronto during the past year or two, and among the best known of them is John Alexander, yolopb "The Lion," formerly of Brassols. 'The Lion," as his old Huron cronies still Call him, has several hobbies, one of which is reciting stirring Scotch pootry, which he delivers with a rising ono falling inflec- tion of voice, that gives a awing to the rythm and a music to the cadence of the poen'. Ile also dips into verse occasion: ally on Ibis own account ; and if his Peg- aseus does limp here and there, the auth- or's animated elocution covers many of the defoots of the feet of the lines. Mr. Alexander baste third accomplishment He is a jack-knife wood engraver. The local newspaper (Tun Pose) in Brussels, has had many a;work of net from his trust)' pocket-knife—wood outs used to ornament the various lines of geode sold in his store. The monster thistle out, whioh ornamented the posters sent out by the Brussels Caledonian Society to advertise their annual games, was also the product of his knife, or hatchet, as the case maybe. He is a great artist tin wood and original poetry ; but his wood outs and poetry are generally turned to n practical a000unt; they are used for advertising purposes. Mr. Alexander is now engaged by the St. Leon mineral water company, and his poebry and ar- tistic fattoy gives life and attractiveness to the advertisements. This water is said to have excellent qualities as a speci- fic for indigestion and dyspepsia, and llir. Alexander's verses sound the praises of the fluid in oatohing rhyme. Aout made up of bottles of St. Leon in the shape of a man danoiug with joy over his care is the oonception of the artistic fancy of "The Lion," and attracts much attention in the shop windows, for nearly every grocery and drug store wile St. Leon. The wells are in Quobeo, and there is au immense demand for the water all over the county. Geo. Good, of Seaforth, is agent for the comity of Huron, and al- ready a considerable quantity has been disposed of in your county. T81o.c0' 2s7'- .Betz.—InFresno, Cal., on Sept. 24th, tho wife of Mr. Thomas Ball, bf a daugh- ter. Lnrlco.—In Listowol, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. Peter Lillioo, banker, of a daughter. D.tmc—Fox.—At the residence of the bride's parents, on the 13th inst., by Rev. W. T, Cleft, of Brussels, Mr. George Dark to Miss Adeline, daugh- ter of Mr, Michml Fox, of Groy. Dxissc—BALL.—In St. Georges' Church, Goderioh, Oat. 5th, by the Rev. John A. Ball, assisted by Rev. W. A. Young, Rev. Jabez Harry Dyke, of Henfryn, to bliss Mary Jane, young- est daughter of Mr. Stephen Ball. Tonneeos•—Gnnmu.—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 12th inst., by Rev. W. Torranoe, brother t0 the groom, assisted by Rev. 0. Hamilton, Mn Andrew Torrance, P. S. T., of Mornington, to Miss Maggie R•. Grimm, of Flout. . ash- Srnsrrox.-0n the 18111 inst., at New- market, Mrs. Robb.. Stratton, aged 82 years. Pownoe,--In Drayton, on Oct. 18th, John Powley, aged 45 years, 1 month 12 days, LAnnenonouou.—In Tuokersnlith, on the 10th lost„ John Landsborough, aged 74 years and 6 months. 001t1e0T.ab 0Aaevt7LLt Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas,, , Butter, tubs and rolls Flourper dozen our per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton, .... . . Hides per Ib Salt per bbl., wholesale Sheep skins, each,..., Wool, per lb. 070109 were. 75 80 45 5806 27 80 • 58 54 20 00 17 00 4 50 00 50 00 8 00 9 00 61) 80 50 1 00 20 28 .L:.•r7•CT5.0 ' 20.& ,20 . FnmAr, 00r, 28Th.—harm stook, lot 25, ooh 4, Morris, Salo 0onmlenoes et 1 o'clock p, m• Cines. B. 1Iarris, prop., Geo. Kirkby, auo. Feiner,' OCT, 2Ben.--•Farm stools -and implements, on lot 18, eon. 18, Grey. Sale to commence at 1o'clock, p. 111. John 'V. Steiss, prop., A. Reymann, auct. Motteee,,OCT. 31sT.• -Farm stock, in1- MoonAr, Ocie 24Th.—Farm, farm stook and implements, on lot 211, oon. 5, Grey. Salo to commence at 1 °Weeli p. n1. sharp. Wm. Spence, Executor, A. Raymann, duet. Tnunenax, OCT, 20Tu, --Farm, farm stook and implements, on east half lob 2, con. 2, Grey. Sole to oommento at 12 o'clock, noon. Thos. Wright, prop., Capt. Strebton, noel, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. t..QTRAYBD ON THE 1?R1;MIS- t'a of the nn lernlgurd, lot a non, 12, Grey, on or about 5,01. 1211,, au aged nun. 7'he 01811100 IS rnrpnOxUad to prune properly. Inn, ,,hn'10s and toga 111in away, 1A1,0840 Sl ITO PILI',, Brume/ s P. 0, 13 STOVES, 2W0 WOOD AND ono 00(18, the latter of now 010e312,, w1111 open ,(rate n ad alekel 1005 a bugs, all suitable for heating perp0500. Any or al for sale at a groat bargain, Good no Corp. ;leap a goal 0I wenn. otovu.• Army 08 toe Ynst ow,. 13 DAY UP.—ALL PERSONS IN- ,lebtod to the bate Oita of 1'•rayorolt Bros, are requested to call and settle the same AT 09550. The books maybe found nt the store of Alesers, liayoroft & Turnbull. 8.ff YOUN J. G. BKIONIO,G. 1 nxeooxons. f QTRAYED FROM LOT 15, 00N. 5,00 or about, Sepbombor 09th, a far- row cow, dark rod in Dolor with white star on 1100 Pace, is 9 years old. Any information that will load to her recovery will bo thankfully received by Whi. FAILQU1IAIt- SON,c1t11o1P.0. i13-tf BANKING. aINTQSII 5c MOTAGGARTI BANKERS :. BRUSSELS Transact ca Genera/ Bayilcony Easiness. od Nntos Laband, dlsoountod, Xeterestallowod on dstloeits repayable on denla prompt attention given to eollootione. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. rADE & SINCLAIII, BARRIS- alma, PCO. Office in Lookio s bleak, Brussels. Moneyto Loan, NAT B. DIOIKSON, (LATE WITH P V o (,}arrow &Proudfoot Goderioh) So- licitor, 0onvoyanoor, &o. °moo, Grant's block, Brussels. Money to loan, ALEX. HUNTER, CLERK OF the Fourth Divielen 0onrt, 00. Huron, Ooaveyaneer, 'Notary Pubilo, Land, Loan and Xlsuranoe Agent. Funds invested and to loan. 00155tione made. Ofll5o in Gra- hum's Bloc)c, Bresse's, s,0'05- CUNN:NGyq�Y FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. QTRAYED ON THE PREMTS• • ns of the undersigned, lot 0, con. 10, Grey, on or about tat of Poly, it yearling steer,red hl eol0r. Tho owner in requested to prove property. pay expenses and take it away. GEO. FOREST. 13- QALE NOTES.--NOTIOE IS hereby given that the sale notes rooaiv- edfrom ' the anotion sale of David Purvis, M orris, tall dud on Ootober20th and persons interested are requested to settle them at anon. Notes will he found with Alox. Nioh- 01, of Morris township. A prompt settle- ment.- desired.- 11.9 REAL ESTATE. flOMFORTABLE DWELLING MVV von SALE at a bargain. Lor fell par- ticulars se to onion,l1°o5tiou,1 oto„ amply to W. B. DICKSON, 8-tf CHOICII FARMS FOR SALE.— A few splendid, improved farms for sirloin the township of Grey, Morris and MolDllep. Apply to A. DIsLGATTY, Oo. Auctioneer,Brussols P. 0, TARM TO BENT. --A GOOD Form near Unloads to rent, 00 pores cleared, 00 nares under gross, Milano° under' tillage, Apply to Brussels 0. 0, or to the. undersigned at Ronald's Doundry, Brussels, Out. 5 I JOHN B1i.OAD1 OOT, T UILDING AND CORNER • STONE POR 9 udar;;iguod hos leased. how it's. Wm, $hive, a Stolle Quarry, for it 110.5011er of y0000, 0.5,1 13 ,ww 1.100ps red to furnish any quantity. or Sni ICI alit Corder Stout, at r, remount,:., rite. I' Or - 010.0 :nteudiug in baled sboald remember Hiss I can 0upidy all lee Stone, 1n addaiou to doing lbs Penson Work. W. P, SIOLLY, 8.90( Jiruesols, 1 'VALUABLE FARM IN GREY TOw,i'611 Ir ran 4AL1,:.-'rba eni,SCTjhrr oMira 1113 crotoloot 119 rero farm, ' 'ng Int 10, e•.a.:0, N soy, for sal,. T.,ore nor al aures 8te,red 011.1 eider 01' , the tut 4n00 t,aurae ed5 ill n 0:'d arnod. f tiara is ae tau r dwi•M•ig hum0, 1,1. in barn uu lat:,ido.,gond orohnr J, Lwn 710, x .tn•l a 'tho mane+'td, 0.0.:1V0nto:,a- 00 mi 1811 phwa, She Carol ja 1011tte,1 1 1.:, fru,u 64° pauriahi,3 vi1n40 01 Bnts- h,'0. 1',n fort:,,.: mmra;c Oars us to prien, v, rw•-,,lu' , apply, 00 190 prouner:l, to July 1 \ l' II \'1.', ('r,pr:etar, nrueoelo 1'. Il. 10.9* LTIA IMFOR SALL.—T TIE 5UlB- A seurnen offers hie V0.10.01d13 103 anro farm, beiuglot 3, con. 1:3, 0rev Township, Huron Co.. for sale, There ere about 75 acres cleared and In good heart, Mare Is a log house, good frank hare, beetle; arousal, and all tun no550a2ry 000y0nienm•.a o0 the premises, icor further part unbars, ne to Pref., terms, Oto„ apply t., too 1'r•,01:a8a,', '0 HOS, 111500 I', Clare P. 0., N, W.1.`„ or to 2.0 11001,48,0 B x18100(77 (3o,sole ARM IN GREY TOWNSHIP non 6Ar.E.—B0111V 10t 14, eon, 10, con- taining 100norms. is is partly cleared. the ba.auoo wail timbered. A never failing creek crosses the place an 3 it is well adapt- ed for al thor fanning or 50051.19. C n1 3 Ilse - Cao sell 4000005, bulla east pert of lot ,ll, eon, la, nearly all °leered and inn gond state of cultivation. A good irr"ne barn with a goad stone stable underneath and a ower failing wall l0 also 00 the phtoo. For in,ther partienlarn appy s0 150 prop r1010r nu the 01aenr This lot is snipes; to tu0 nth - 00, ,3{7015(17 AV15R r, Proprlel"r, 1.05 Li1AR51 FOR SALE. —THE SUB. 100. -0110(0 his acce'.l+ut is -.0 sono forma 1, 'Otto. Itis eitnato 100 •rnn, Grev, being let 8 and west part of lot ti, ;Nero is abonh 10081x00 cleared. The buildings aro good. Two bares 1v3111 stone stabling, pleas. ere Cis i2 foot and 81x61• feet rospectivoly. There arc two frame dwelling Muncie, young Orahant sI1;1 notes, and all the 00,veufmr cel. 1.110ro Ca ,t 11ever-failing1,+ 0priug ernes On 030 glom. Possession could be given its any t'1ne, Tho form le 413 miles free 13 reseals and is 10. a oplondid loanlity, moat to tho school, °heron, ,to, For prime, terms, eta„ npVly 10the Proprietor r55-1JUtN t.X11, Ppleml. 2(� AIME FARM FOR SALE. •g./l,J --A first -°lase farm for sale in the Township of *nods to the Cut lily of it anon, being south half of north half lots 20 h 20 and sputa half of:?1 in fit h con„ °0ntaluing Sad nems more or loss, 121 /taros mostly clear of sl.tiulpe nut in a good state of oulti. vet' on. Wore is n young bearing 0rouorri,a good hoose and hauls barn 06 x 00 feet with steno stable underneath, !'Ito farm 10 situ- ated within a mils of 0.1)e Village of 13ruaseis ODA Is a good farm for grata or stock rnio- illg ia4It to Watered with the river Maitland and never failing spring (Ironic, Possession will be given at any time, For further MIT- tleubtrs apply on too premises 01 to A,lt. HOB 131.t'p9UN, Brussels, P. O. 6.12 • Farm von lbs«Ll(y, The0abseil 00ro (fora for ealo his valuable Farm in the Towoohip of Groy, oomprioing lots 0 and 7, eon 1111 said township. This farms °anteing 900acros and is within 12 miles from thethrivingvillage 04 Brustiolit, with geodgravol road loading thol'eto. About 100 aeras 1500 o15±re4, free 0020 9221111,5 and In a High state of onitivatiou, ''Titolie-lance Is pully wooded. Thin farm is paraieularly well fenosd,aoarlythe whole of the formes Indus Straight and basing been oroeted. in 1805 end .50, 011 the prom ioostl3erois item - /pliable log dwelling house and age°deramo halm with stone stablingunderneath in which therm is a 731,11 With an abundant imp - ply of ex°011em Water. There lb likewise it now frame l)nplontout louse, 40x20, tv011 0loore t,aliovo'anil 1,01070, •cud neat/ 'shied line. painted, Pon particulars npuly to the Proprietor, 707±1802 USCItBON', itoelctrer,Ourpu Oo., 1119- Oollo•lolt MEDICAL CARDS. R. HUTCFI•INSON HAS RE moved his °moo to J. Hargreaves' Drug Store. 1(osidonoo on M111 Street T A. MaNAUGHTON, M. D., 5) • M.L.B. 0,P, Bdluburgll, Physician Surgeon and A000ncher. OE ea, Mrs, Bblel's - blonk, Turnborry Street, M. F. CALE, M.D., 0. M. Member oftho College of Physicians and Surgeons ofOntaaioby examination. Omo0 andliosidouo—Mala Bt. Bast, Ethel Ontario. DENTAL. G. L,Ball.L. D. B„ Honor Graduate and M.B. 0. D. B., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered. Prices graded nudes low as good work can bo done for. Oihoc over Johnston's Bsrdwaro Store, Boaforth. 'W, J. Foar,L,1) B. Graduaeo of To- ronto School of Dentistry. All opor- ations guaranteed. Office—Cady's Block, Boaforth. Artfuolalteeth, 1rstquelity, arida guaranteed ftt,for $12.00 nor sot. A, A2 '710, 7r, TO S„ Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dentl inistrToronto. n0xtnGAo administered for for them,gexra- tion of teeth. OFFICE.—•G,u•nald Bloch, BRUSSELS AUCTIONEERS. 340110 P Ii1BK13Y, L1OEN- t.A srn .luotieneer. Salon conduct o.1 on Tonna/labia 100110, farms 0.1111 farm stook a nocolalty, Ordw's left at Tan Pao,' P,1Mlisli- Sag henna, It rnsanln, or sent to Welton post °luoo vr11! rewire prompt attention. A LEX. DELGAT'SY,AtJCTION- .c� EMI, Is prepared to att0(110 to nr,lue on the ebortext notice. Orders only be loft at 'run Pon Publishing House, or rut are shad to Brus.uln P.O. A RAY3IANN, AUCTIONEER, .C3.o is always ready Ito attend sales of farnls,•ferul stock, &c. Terms ollour fully glvou. Oranbrook P.O. Bales may be ar- ranged at T1113 P 06 Publishing pause Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS, 'cg, l-1. ltc011ACKEN, ISSUER 9' a of ,lAtrrlage Licenses. Otllee et his Gtocery,Turullerry Street. A MoNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR - - ringe Liognsee, by appointment of ',tout, -Governor, Commissioner, &a„ Q. D, Ocnt'oyaaeer nod Agent Fire Luanrenes 00. 011feo at the Oran brookPost OAtoo, W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR • Graduate the Ontario Veterinary dollego has resumed the pr settee of John Nott, V,S„ 011, is prepared to trent 011 dis- eases o1domesticated animals on scientific 41711 a pprr, Cod priusiples, Troatmet t• of del- icate foals 0 5000in117 OMoo two doors North of Bridge, Turnborry street. � _ q aI. BLASIIILL, Butolthanking his many °u0t0eters for their • F. W Itib°r,d ehppe t in the pest 10 wishes t0 Inform thou that at ilia shop In Smalo's block he keeps nothing but first oh,ss mento, all kinds of Poultry the tow ns free. Ptahllpaid for Vat Stook, Hides find sheepskins bought for Cash, ERK8Eil1-E BOALI --THE - nnderalgaed elan a Moro `-bred Berk- shire Boarfor service on lob Moon, 0, Grey. Terni% 70 cents, with privilege of returning if nee08eary, Wtkt. HAli1tlRlf. proprietor. DUNG HORSES FOR SALLA. •-filo ondoreigued will sell 4 illroe-year- old eons, Ono is a driver, pall bleed, and the other 'three aro general purpose ani- mals. Theyw111 be sold either separately or es tannin Its best suite the pur0ba0er. Now is the Gime 10 boy at a eea5onatde.5g- u1.0. J110, 0Ul3(Oli.Etitlol, 1440 OTE LOST. -ALL PERSONS aro cautioned against negotiating 'a, joint note, ,prawn In favor o1 Wm, Pattetsoa, Morris, by Win, and Jahn Ashton, of Morris, for sum of over 9600. as the net° has been lost and payment emptied. The finder of the note will bo rewarded by leaving it at Tian POST Publishing House, b reseals. 14.40' DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. The partnership ltarotoforo existing bo- tween Wm, 0. Smith and Thee,. A. lions, paintsre, doing business under the mune of • Smith & Rose, baa tbio day' boon dissolved by mntual001050nt. Tile a00ounts of the late 110,n '7011110 rooder&i immediately, and oat- Moment mast be maple with' Wm. Smith , who will aontinue the buoiuess and Pay all 1110 tabun, 73atod at liru98nle SW. B1111411, . Witness• NVl Its limn T. A.11,088,